MUTANT MOBS Version 2.0 • Initial Resources: You have 1000 rone Geld to spend on recruiting and arming your warband. You must have a minimum of 3 models. • Hired Guns: Mutant Mob warbands may recruit up to 3 Hired Guns. • Starting Experience & Skills: All fighters start with the following experience point totals. All non-Construct Mutant Mob members gain experience as normal. Mutant Mobs gain Underdog Bonuses as detailed in the Necromunda Community Edition Rulebook. Unit Type NEC eq XP Boss Leader 50+D6 Blaster Heavy 40+D6 Masher Heavy 40+D6 Spook Heavy 20+D6 Dreg Ganger 10+D3 Sub Juve 0 Subversion Rating: 6 Investigation Rating: 4 • Territory & Income: Mutant Mob warbands select territories and collect income exactly as described in the Necromunda rulebook. ey receive the ‘Giant Killer Bonus’ as listed. Additionally, they may cannibalize one of their own or a fighter they have captured who has not been successfully rescued, ransomed or exchanged if they cannot or will not pay the 3 Geld per member to avoid suffering from starvation (see Addendum for starvation/upkeep rules). If so, the warband avoids starvation but immediately be- comes a Radical warband, with all the associated negatives.

Inquisimunda Mutant Mobs

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MUTANT MOBSVersion 2.0

• Initial Resources: You have 1000 Throne Geld to spend on recruiting and arming your warband. You must have a minimum of 3 models.

• Hired Guns: Mutant Mob warbands may recruit up to 3 Hired Guns.

• Starting Experience & Skills: All fighters start with the following experience point totals. All non-Construct Mutant Mob members gain experience as normal. Mutant Mobs gain Underdog Bonuses as detailed in the Necromunda Community Edition Rulebook.

Unit Type NEC eq XPBoss Leader 50+D6Blaster Heavy 40+D6Masher Heavy 40+D6Spook Heavy 20+D6Dreg Ganger 10+D3Sub Juve 0

Subversion Rating: 6Investigation Rating: 4

• Territory & Income: Mutant Mob warbands select territories and collect income exactly as described in the Necromunda rulebook. They receive the ‘Giant Killer Bonus’ as listed.Additionally, they may cannibalize one of their own or a fighter they have captured who has not been successfully rescued, ransomed or exchanged if they cannot or will not pay the 3 Geld per member to avoid suffering from starvation (see Addendum for starvation/upkeep rules). If so, the warband avoids starvation but immediately be-comes a Radical warband, with all the associated negatives.

• Special Rules:

Poorly Equipped: Mutant weaponry is unreliable, old, and of generally low quality. As such, MutantMob members with the rank of Spook, Dreg or Sub must take an Ammo Roll if they roll a natural 1 or 6 on their to Hit roll.

Shallow end of the Gene Pool: All mutations for Mutant Mobs cost -5 Geld each (to a minimum of 5 Geld). (I have left this in for now, let me know if you think we should remove it)

One Foot On The Slippery Slope: Mutant Mobs may use Summoning. If so, they are considered a Radical warband. Mutant Mobs can only ever summon Warp Predators or Daemons of Tzeentch.

Bunch of Animals: Mutants tend to attract various “pets” wherever they go. To represent this, a mutant mob may purchase up to 150pts worth of Beasts. All Beasts selected in this way must be represented by a suitable model (and should probably be controlled with a Beastmaster).

0-2 Mashers Base +40 TG

M WS BS S T W I A Ld- +1 - - - +1 - +1 +2

• Species: Abhuman - Ogryn, or Big Mutie.• Weapons: Mashers may select weapons from the HtH or Grenades & Ammo list.• Equipment: Mashers have access to the Armor and Equipment lists.• Special: Each Masher may select one Special weapon from the following list: -Ripper Gun-Scatter Cannon-Spear GunThis is subject to the normal limitations in their species listing.

0-4 Spooks Base +15 TG

M WS BS S T W I A Ld- +1 - - - - - - +1

• Species: Any non-astartes human, abhuman - squat, abhuman - ratling, or mutant.• Weapons: Spooks may select weapons from the HtH, Pistols, and Grenades list.• Equipment: Spooks may select equipment from the Armor and Equipment lists.• Special: Spooks must purchase a level 1, 2 or 3 Wyrd upgrade on recruitment.

1 Boss Base +90 TG

M WS BS S T W I A Ld- +2 +1 - - - +1 - +2

• Species: Any non-Astartes Human, Wyrd, or Mutant.• Weapons: The Boss may select weapons from the HtH, Pistols, Basic, Special, and Grenades list.• Equipment: The Boss may select any equipment from the Armor, Gunsights, and Equipment lists.• Special: The Boss always counts as having a friend within 2” for the purposes of recovering from pinning. Additionally, friendly models within 6” of the Boss may use the Boss’ Leadership characteristic when taking any Leadership-based test.

0-2 Blasters Base +40 TG

M WS BS S T W I A Ld- +1 - - - +1 - +1 +2

• Species: Human, Abhuman – Squat, or Mutant.• Weapons: Blasters may select weapons from the HtH, Pistols, Special, Heavy, and Grenades list.• Equipment: Blasters may select equipment from the Armor and Equipment lists.


0+ Subs Base TG

M WS BS S T W I A Ld- - - - - - - - -

• Species: Any non-Astartes Human, Abhuman – Squat, Abhuman – Ratling, or Mutant.• Weapons: Subs may select weapons from the HtH, Pistols, and Grenades list.• Equipment: None.

2+ Dregs Base +10 TG

M WS BS S T W I A Ld- - +1 - - - - - -

• Species: Any non-Astartes Human, Abhuman – Squat, Abhuman – Ratling, or Mutant.• Weapons: Dregs may select weapons from the HtH, Pistols, Basic, and Grenades list.• Equipment: Dregs may select any equipment from the Equipment lists.

Weapons & Equipment ListsAll costs are included within the armory

•Hand-to-HandKnifeStilleto, Dirk1

Throwing Knife Sword1 Club, Maul, Bludgeon Chain, Flail Massive Weapon Chainsword2


Man-Catcher2 Electro-Flail3

Force Staff4 (Max. 2)

•PistolsHand Bow Autopistol Stub GunHand Cannon1

Laspistol Hellpistol3

Hand Flamer1

Web Pistol3

Plasma Pistol2

Web Pistol


Bow Musket Scatter Gun Autogun Lasgun Las Carbine Bolt Carbine2 Bolter3 Shotgun (Solid/Scatter) Hunting Rifle


Flamer Autoslugger Grenade Launcher Ripper Gun Scatter Cannon Spear Gun Webber3 Scatter CannonPistol Sword4

WebberNeedle Rifle4


Heavy Stubber RPG LauncherMulti-Laser Heavy Flamer

•Grenade & AmmoFrag Grenades1

Krak Grenades2 Smoke Grenades1 Fire BombTox Bomb Dum-Dums Man-Stoppers Bolt Shell Hotshot Shell Overcharge Cell

•ArmorLight ArmorFlak Armor Medium Armor2 Heavy Armor2

Agility Combat Ferocity Muscle Shooting Stealth TechnoSubs X - X X - - -Dregs X X X X - X -Spooks X X X - - X -Masher - X X X - X XBlaster - X X X - X XBoss X X X X X X -

1. Not available to Subs2. Only available to Heavies & Bosses3. Only available to Bosses4. Only available to Wyrds

•Gun-SightsRed-Dot Laser Telescopic Sight

•EquipmentCharm Clip Harness Control Collar Liquid Courage (One Use) Photo-Contacts/Visor Respirator