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8/10/2019 Inquisitor Random Generation Rules

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Complaint: Gaping hole as far as the Inquisitor is concerned & a missing

opportunity to use the Inquisitor to help dene players' interests. My Solution:

 This is ho I address the pro!lem" !y adding a step #ero and using this as a

means of creating a foundation for the Cadre" !y communally de$eloping the

Inquisitor to ser$e as a sort of %center% for the group.

Character Creation

Stage ero: our Inquisitor

 our characters ill ser$e an Inquisitor" and it is that Inquisitors interests and

agendas that determines hat (ind of )colytes he recruits" hat types of

endea$ors the Inquisitor assigns to them" and the resources and challenges

they face.

Inquisitor)s such" the Inquisitor is the one !ac(ground element that all the

)colytes ha$e in common and the players ill create the Inquisitor to re*ect

the types of ad$entures that the )colytes ould li(e to e+perience. This gi$es

the GM an idea of hat sort of themes and challenges that players ould li(e

their )colytes to face and creates a common !ond in the past that unites the

players into a cohesi$e group.

Step ,ne: Choose an ,rdo

 The ,rdo you choose ill determine here the Inquisitors primary interests

lie" and thus your on cadre-s interests. y no means are ad$entures going to

focus solely on this" !ut it ser$es as a signpost to hat trou!les and concerns

the Inquisitor and the type of tas(s that he may assign his cadres.

,rdo /ereticus: This Inquisitor is one of the 01itch /unters2 ho roams the

Imperium hunting don all ho threaten the order: psy(ers" mutants" chaoscults" re!els and malcontents" and heretics ithin the Imperial ureaucracy. If 

your group ants to e+plore the dar( heart and mad fringes of the Imperium

ali(e" sitting in 3udgment and carrying out sentencing" this is an ideal ,rdo for

your Inquisitor.

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,rdo Malleus: The Inquisitor hunts don those most dangerous of foes:

daemons and other entities from the 1arp. They purge the otherorldly

corruption and hunt don those ho ould sell their souls and the Imperium

to the 4ar( Gods of the 1arp. If your group ant to loo( straight into the

heart of the a!yss and put their li$es and souls at ris( pursuing the most

terri!le of foes" choose an Inquisitor from ,rdo Malleus.

,rdo 5enos: There are terri!le dangers that challenge humanity from the

fringes of space" aliens and entities of terri!le poer that threaten the might

and integrity of the Imperium. The lying and cra$en 6ldar" the rapacious

 Tyranids" the sa$age ,r(s" the genocidal 7ecrons and others. 1hile the

Imperium has na$ies and armies arrayed against such a foe" the ,rdo 5enos

com!ats the plots and intrigues of these aliens and the human colla!orators

that ser$e them. )ncient slum!ering alien e$ils may aa(en or the seducti$e

ords from alien lips may lead one astray and this is hen an Inquisitor andhis or her )colytes sally forth to cleanse ith prayers and *ames the alien


,ther ,rdo: If the GM or players ha$e inspiration for another ,rdo" this is

plausi!le. )dditional ,rdos are hinted at in the !oo( on page 89.

 The choice you ma(e ill let the GM ha$e an idea of hat interests you" the

)colytes and hat (ind of foes you ould li(e to primarily confront in 4ar(


Step To: 4etermine ;action:

Is the Inquisitor a <uritan" someone ho !elie$es the Imperial 4octrine in its

entirety= ,r a >adical ho questions some of this doctrine and loo(s for the

inspiration from the 6mperor in more than dusty tomes and the proselyti#ing

adages of priests= ,r some point !eteen the to poles= Is your Inquisitor a

rm !elie$er" a quiet man or oman of their con$ictions" or a #ealot= )freethin(ing philosopher?Inquisitor" a orld?eary cynic" or a inspired rogue

Inquisitor tottering on the edge of corruption and madness=

Step Three: 4etermine 4emeanor

/a$ing determined the faction" the methods ill emerge from their outloo(.

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4oes this Inquisitor $alue the Imperial 1ord only or do they see( out other

truths" other ritings" other ideas= 4oes the Inquisitor see in only !lac( and

hite or is e$erything a shade of gray= 4o they turn to ords or sords rst=

)t rst hint of corruption does the Inquisitor e+cise the cancer or atch to see

ho deep the tumor=

In descri!ing the Inquisitor-s Methods" you get an opportunity to gi$e the GM

an idea of ho the Inquisitors themsel$es act and allos the GM to gi$e a

!asis of ho the Inquisitor ill appro$e" or disappro$e" of the )colytes-

methods. ou might !e tempted to create the Inquisitor-s methods to re*ect

your on groups leanings" !ut gi$ing your Inquisitor a di@erent approach

allos for a more comple+ and possi!ly contentious relationship ith the

Inquisitor that can ma(e for a more dramatic and dynamic relationship ith

the Inquisitor.

Step ;our: 4etermine )ccessi!ility

 The spotlight is on the )colytes and the Inquisitor ill almost alays !e o@ on

another tas( lea$ing the players to their on de$ices. That said" the Cadre is

not or(ing entirely independently. The Inquisitor ill many times !e

a$aila!le for correspondence or ad$ice" and the Inquisitor-s netor( is

another resource for players to dra upon.

;irst" ho accessi!le is the Inquisitor= Is the Inquisitor immersed in their on

or( and a!hors !eing distracted= 4oes the Inquisitor fa$or this cadre and

assist them ith ad$ice and materials= /as the Inquisitor !egun to dou!t

their a!ility and pro$ide them ith assistants ho are little more than spies=

<erhaps the )colytes are $ieed as little more than disposa!le pans in a

game or as mere tools to !e used and discarded hen no longer needed.

,nce the Inquisitor-s interest in their )colytes has !een ansered" the ne+t

question is ho e+tensi$e is their ,rgani#ation= Is this a ne Inquisitor ithno!ody else !ut one cadre" or is this Inquisitor at the top of a spraling

organi#ation of cadres" informants" safe houses" and control o$er the Sector


If the players ant a desperate game li$ing on the edge than gi$e the

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Inquisitor a small organi#ation" !ut if the players ant a game hea$y in

politics and intrigue and interacting ith other cadres and Inquisitors" gi$e

the Inquisitor a poerful and !y#antine organi#ation.

Step ;i$e: 4etermine >eputation" ;riends and ;oes

1hat (ind of reputation does the Inquisitor ha$e ithin the Imperial

ureaucracy" the Sector and the Inquisition itself. 4iscuss hat the group has

decided a!out the Inquisitor pre$iously and try to sum up his reputation in a

fe orld: de$out" o$er#ealous" cold" calculating" cruel" !rutal" sophisticated"

(noledgea!le" a loose cannon" hypocritical" dedicated" self?ser$ing"

am!itious" or hate$er other ad3ecti$es t in.

,nce the reputation has !een determined" determine ho strong thereputation is and ho ide it has spread. It can range from A to 8A and this is

the reputation that e+tends to the )colytes should the reputation of Inquisitor

!e (non to those they interact ith. This is used as a modier in the game

for interactions: intimidating people" attempting to requisition equipment"

pulling ran(" or in interrogations or inquiries. The modier can !e positi$e or

negati$e depending on ho the interaction is ith. Those ho are friends of

the Inquisitor or dread them typically ill ha$e a positi$e !onus" hile those

ho disli(e the Imperium" authority gures" or the Inquisitor ill turn that

modier into a penalty hen the )colytes (no them.

 ou don-t acquire poer ithout ma(ing friends and enemies along the ay.

;riends are those ho ha$e !enetted from the Inquisitor-s past e@orts. This

can !e any faction ithin the Imperium" such as the Imperial 7a$y" the

Imperial Guard" 4eath Cults" a planetary go$ernor or others. ou can choose

none or a list of people ho oe or ha$e a fa$ora!le disposition toards the

Inquisitor and their )colytes. ,n the other hand" e$eryone ma(es enemies.

6ach Inquisitor has at least one faction resentful of something the Inquisitor

or his )colytes ha$e done. The num!er of enemies must e+ceed the num!er

of friends listed. This can !e any group ho has su@ered at the hands of the

Inquisitor" resented past intrusions or accusations" or ri$als including other


 These friends and enemies of the Inquisitor are the friends and enemies of

your cadre of )colytes" should their loyalties !ecome (non. Bust as the

Inquisitor-s reputation re*ects upon you" your actions may add to the num!er

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of friends or enemies that the Inquisitor acquires o$er time.

Step Si+: 4etermine Training

nless the Inquisitor as desperate and rangled up the cadre as a stop gapmeasure" the Inquisitor or his organi#ation has gi$en the )colytes some

training. /o much training should !e determined !y the group and the GM"

!ut players should !e a!le to choose at least one s(ill from the list !elo" and

more if they are highly trained or ha$e long ser$ed the Inquisitor.

,rdo /ereticus: ;or!idden Dore: /eresy" Mutants" or <sy(ers

,rdo Malleus: ;or!idden Dore: 4aemonology

,rdo 5enos: ;or!idden Dore: 5enos

)ll orders: )areness" Common Dore EanyF" 4ecei$e" ;or!idden Dore:

Inquisition" Inquiry" Interrogation" Intimidate" Scholastic Dore" " Scrutiny"

Secret Tongue: )colyte or other" Security" Shadoing.

Step Se$en: >umors

6$eryone at the ta!le" including the GM" rites one rumor a!out their

Inquisitor. This can !e a !rief alleged episode in the Inquisitor-s past" an errorin 3udgment on the part of the Inquisitor" a terri!le crime committed !y the

Inquisitor" or any other dar( secret or episode that lies !eneath the illusion of

Inquisitorial integrity.

 The GM chooses one at random: that rumor is true. The others are 3ust that"

rumors or hearsay and speculation that distorts the truth. These other rumors

ill !e introduced !y the GM through play" the truth of their Inquisitor the

players ill ha$e to disco$er for themsel$es.