Inside this Issue Upcoming Events Volume 51, Number 31 Department of Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University September 23, 2016 Rosson’s Roundup Rosson’s Roundup Seminar Active Shooter Presentation Financial Planning New Publication Upcoming Birthdays Thank You Position Announcements September 24th-Southwest Classic Aggies vs Arkansas 29th-COALS Awards Ceremony October 1st-Aggies @ South Carolina 4th-Retiree Coffee 7th-209E-Lab Dedication Financial Planning Quiz Bowl Team Ashley Huckey, Trevor McCarley, Micala Baskin, Anthony Gúzman Congratulations to Luis Ribera who testified before the House Agriculture Committee last week. His testimony was requested and posted by his Alma Mater, the University of Arkansas, on their web site. Great job, Luis! Congratulations to our Financial Planning Team that placed second in the national competition of the Retirement Knowledge Quiz Bowl in Denver (see picture). Ashley Huckey, Trevor MCarley, Micala Baskin, and Anthony Guzman did a great job! Thanks to Nathan Harness who coached the team to such a high level of success. The team from the University of Akron won the competi- tion. Tuesday evening the department held our annual Fall Kick-Off in the Bethancourt Ballroom of the Memorial Student Center (MSC). There were 350 people in attendance for the event which recognized recipients of more than $100,000 in scholarships. Thanks to our donors whose generous support makes those scholarships available to support our students. Thanks are due to the Aggie REPS who organized and hosted the Kick-Off, and to Dusty Menzies who coordinated this activity and mentors the REPS. Thanks also to our Undergraduate Office staff of Donna Adcock, Amy Connolly, Carissa Beamon and Donna Chester who volun- teered their time to help make the event a success. We also had numerous faculty attend so thanks to all who took the time to rec- ognize our students and sponsors. Reynolds & Reynolds had a booth and Cydney Donnell, Director of the Master of Real Estate Program in Mays Business School also attended to promote opportunities for our students. Most of the students stayed after the meal to play Ring Toss, Scissors, Paper, Rock, and yes, stretch their limbs doing Limbo. John Siebert won the faculty round by successfully negotiating himself under the bar! Did I forget to note he was the only one of us brave enough to attempt this feat? He gets a Double Thanks! We have received student enrollment numbers for this fall. The undergraduate program has 864 students enrolled, with 525 in Ag- ricultural Economics and 339 in Agribusiness. We had 768 students last year at this time. Of the 211 new students who enrolled this summer/fall they are evenly split between freshmen and transfers. Thanks to our Advisors and Undergraduate Office staff who worked so hard to get all of the conferences done this past summer. It really paid off! About 75 percent of our students are now transfers from other majors or other institutions. This ratio has been steady for several years. Our graduate enrollment this fall stands at 141, down from 168 last fall. Most of the decline is in masters students, now at 73. We have seven fewer PhD students at 66 and 3 fewer MAB students at 47. Thursday morning we had representatives from PepsiCo Frito-Lay North America in the department to discuss an expanded role in our MAB program. It was a productive session and thanks to Vicky Salin for getting this organized. I expect to see their repre- sentatives more around the department and our classes in the future. Kelli Barnes, MAB ’13 was one of the reps, along with Joe Corrales POSC ’92 and Jim Cleary. All are from the procurement abroad division for Frito-Lay North America. Thursday afternoon I attended the AGLS Career Fair at the MSC. There were more than 80 companies represented at this event and it appeared to be a huge success. I talked to several company representatives and a number of our students who were very pleased with the venue and the turnout, so it looks like this event hit a home run. REMINDERS: Texas A&M AgriLife Awards Ceremony in the AgriLife Center, Thursday, September 29 at 3:00 p.m. We have two faculty who will be recognized for promotion, Rebekka Dudensing and Ariun Ishdorj and Vicky Salin will receive the Associ- ation of Former Students Outstanding Teaching Award. Congratulations to all! Have a great weekend and BTHO Arkansas!

Inside this Issue Upcoming Events

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Inside this Issue Upcoming Events

Volume 51, Number 31 Department of Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University September 23, 2016

Rosson’s Roundup

Rosson’s Roundup


Active Shooter Presentation

Financial Planning

New Publication

Upcoming Birthdays

Thank You

Position Announcements


24th-Southwest Classic

Aggies vs Arkansas

29th-COALS Awards Ceremony


1st-Aggies @ South Carolina

4th-Retiree Coffee

7th-209E-Lab Dedication

Financial Planning Quiz Bowl Team

Ashley Huckey, Trevor McCarley, Micala Baskin, Anthony Gúzman

Congratulations to Luis Ribera who testified before the House Agriculture Committee last week. His testimony was requested and posted by his Alma Mater, the University of Arkansas, on their web site. Great job, Luis!

Congratulations to our Financial Planning Team that placed second in the national competition of the Retirement Knowledge Quiz Bowl in Denver (see picture). Ashley Huckey, Trevor MCarley, Micala Baskin, and Anthony Guzman did a great job! Thanks to Nathan Harness who coached the team to such a high level of success. The team from the University of Akron won the competi-tion.

Tuesday evening the department held our annual Fall Kick-Off in the Bethancourt Ballroom of the Memorial Student Center (MSC). There were 350 people in attendance for the event which recognized recipients of more than $100,000 in scholarships. Thanks to our donors whose generous support makes those scholarships available to support our students. Thanks are due to the Aggie REPS who organized and hosted the Kick-Off, and to Dusty Menzies who coordinated this activity and mentors the REPS. Thanks also to our Undergraduate Office staff of Donna Adcock, Amy Connolly, Carissa Beamon and Donna Chester who volun-teered their time to help make the event a success. We also had numerous faculty attend so thanks to all who took the time to rec-ognize our students and sponsors. Reynolds & Reynolds had a booth and Cydney Donnell, Director of the Master of Real Estate Program in Mays Business School also attended to promote opportunities for our students. Most of the students stayed after the meal to play Ring Toss, Scissors, Paper, Rock, and yes, stretch their limbs doing Limbo. John Siebert won the faculty round by successfully negotiating himself under the bar! Did I forget to note he was the only one of us brave enough to attempt this feat? He gets a Double Thanks!

We have received student enrollment numbers for this fall. The undergraduate program has 864 students enrolled, with 525 in Ag-ricultural Economics and 339 in Agribusiness. We had 768 students last year at this time. Of the 211 new students who enrolled this summer/fall they are evenly split between freshmen and transfers. Thanks to our Advisors and Undergraduate Office staff who worked so hard to get all of the conferences done this past summer. It really paid off! About 75 percent of our students are now transfers from other majors or other institutions. This ratio has been steady for several years. Our graduate enrollment this fall stands at 141, down from 168 last fall. Most of the decline is in masters students, now at 73. We have seven fewer PhD students at 66 and 3 fewer MAB students at 47.

Thursday morning we had representatives from PepsiCo Frito-Lay North America in the department to discuss an expanded role in our MAB program. It was a productive session and thanks to Vicky Salin for getting this organized. I expect to see their repre-sentatives more around the department and our classes in the future. Kelli Barnes, MAB ’13 was one of the reps, along with Joe Corrales POSC ’92 and Jim Cleary. All are from the procurement abroad division for Frito-Lay North America.

Thursday afternoon I attended the AGLS Career Fair at the MSC. There were more than 80 companies represented at this event and it appeared to be a huge success. I talked to several company representatives and a number of our students who were very pleased with the venue and the turnout, so it looks like this event hit a home run.

REMINDERS: Texas A&M AgriLife Awards Ceremony in the AgriLife Center, Thursday, September 29 at 3:00 p.m. We have two faculty who will be recognized for promotion, Rebekka Dudensing and Ariun Ishdorj and Vicky Salin will receive the Associ-ation of Former Students Outstanding Teaching Award. Congratulations to all!

Have a great weekend and BTHO Arkansas!

Click here for more position announcements

Faculty, staff, and graduate students are encouraged to submit articles and photos on current events

Deadline for all submissions is noon, Thursday.

Please send your information to valnoyes@tamu,edu

Ed Price 9/24 Dusty Menzies 9/26 Vicky Salin 9/28 James Mjelde 9/29 Rich Woodward 9/29 Craig Wellington 9/29 Roland Smith 9/30

Upcoming Birthdays

Position Announcements

Thank You!

for hosting Friday coffee

Caroline Gleaton, Mark Welch, & Dan Hanselka

Associate Dean and Director of International Programs, College of Agriculture, Purdue University. The Director of International Programs in Agriculture reports to the Dean of Agriculture. The successful candidate will have a broad vision of the international dimensions of a leading 21st century college of agriculture. The candidate must have an earned Doctorate, professional experience in an area related to food, agriculture, or natural resources, and a record of scholarship to merit appointment as a tenured full professor in one of the departments of the College. The candidate must have a proven record in in-ternational program development, strategic planning, administration, project management, and ability and experience to work ef-fectively with individuals and groups from a variety of cultures. Qualified persons are requested to submit a letter of application emphasizing their ability to carry out the responsibilities of the position as described above, a complete curriculum vitae, and names and contact information of five references. Applications, nominations, and inquiries should be addressed to: Dr. Jay Akridge, Dean and Chairman of the International Programs in Agriculture Search Advisory Committee, Purdue University, Office of the Dean of Agriculture, 615 W. State St., West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053. Electronic submission is preferred and should be sent to [email protected] Screening of applicants will begin October 3, 2016. Questions regarding the position may be sent to Jay Akridge at (765) 494-8391 ([email protected])

Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Connecticut. This is a full-time, nine-month, tenure track position with an anticipated start date of August 23, 2017. The successful candidate will be have 50% re-search and 50% teaching responsibilities. Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, Economics, or re-lated field; excellent oral and written communication skills; and excellent training in microeconomics and quantitative methods. For more information and to apply, go to: http://web2.uconn.edu/uconnjobs/faculty/schools_colleges/cahnr.php

Financial Planning student team place second at

the NAGDCA Retirement Knowledge Quiz Bowl

competition in Denver, Colorado this week. The

Retirement Knowledge Quiz Bowl is designed to

promote the profession of financial planning and

advance knowledge in the field of public sector

retirement plans. Congratulations team!!

New Publication Pre-Order

Roger D. Norton, “The Competitiveness of Tropical

Agriculture: A Guide to Competitive Potential with

Case Studies” 1st Edition ISBN-13: 978-

0128053126; ISBN-10: 0128053127. amazon.com