Insights Secure – 2014: Questions on Current Events Day – 1 Questions from The Hindu, 30/09/2013 WEEK:1 Front Page 1) Should India and Pakistan talks be held hostage to border skirmishes and terrorist attacks? Comment. (250 Words) or Do you agree to the proposal that a neutral monitoring by a third party such as UN at the border in Kashmir is required to bring peace to the region? Substantiate. (250 Words) Opinion Page 1) “There is a need to revisit India’s entire policy on identification and registration so that the twin objectives of knowing who a citizen is and ensuring effective delivery of services are not undermined.” Examine. (250 Words) 2) “The ‘apolitical’ character of our armed forces and their subordination to the political leadership were deliberately and carefully nurtured in the early years of the republic.” Comment on the statement in the light of recent events. (250 Words) 3) Do you agree with the view that the search for extra-terrestrial life is a futile exercise when man can do so much using the same funds to save the Earth from his own actions? Substantiate your answer. (250 Words) 4)”In the new land acquisition act, Gram Sabha and Basti Sabha don’t have legal right to decide the nature of public purpose.” Critically examine the role of Gram Sabha in ensuring fair acquisition of land by the government.(250 Words) National and International 1) Avahan (50 Words) 2) Frazad – B Gasfields (25 Words) 3) RQ- 170 Sentinel (25 Words) 4) Orbital Sciences Cygnus (50 Words) Business 1) “The new Drug Price Control Order (DPCO) that prescribes a ceiling price on several essential medicines is boon to patients but pain to chemists.” Comment. (200 Words) Insights Secure – 2014: Questions on Current Events Day – 2 Questions from The Hindu, 01/10/2013 Front Page 1. “Crass politicization of institutions of national importance is going on in India undermining their integrity and independence, thereby threatening the smooth functioning of democracy.” Critically analyse the statement in the light of recent events. (250 Words) The Edge 1. Suggest some measures to tackle the problem of power theft in India? (150 Words) 2. Dolby Technology (50 Words) 3. It is said that cloud client computing will replace the outdated computing model of the un-secure, unreliable, un-green and expensive PC. Explain how. (250 Words) Opinion Page 1. Evaluate how far has AU mission to Somalia (AMISOM), established under UNSC resolution and mandated to conduct Peace Support Operations in Somalia, been successful in its mission? (250 Words) 2. Do you think there is a need to replace 1960 Indus Water Treaty to suit the present demands and to address emerging ecological problems? Analyze. (250 Words) 3. Examine the emerging threats and their consequences to the cyber security systems in the developing countries. (200 Words) National 1. “Though the supply of the requisite quantity of food grains for distribution at BPL prices was to come from the Central Pool, the success of TPDS in terms of meeting its stated objectives depended largely on the ability of State Governments in fulfilling certain requirements on their part.” Examine. (250 Words)

Insights on India mission 2014 October questions

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Insights on India mission 2014 October questions

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Insights Secure – 2014: Questions on Current Events Day – 1 Questions from The Hindu, 30/09/2013 WEEK:1 Front Page 1) Should India and Pakistan talks be held hostage to border skirmishes and terrorist attacks? Comment. (250 Words) or Do you agree to the proposal that a neutral monitoring by a third party such as UN at the border in Kashmir is required to bring peace to the region? Substantiate. (250 Words) Opinion Page 1) “There is a need to revisit India’s entire policy on identification and registration so that the twin objectives of knowing who a citizen is and ensuring effective delivery of services are not undermined.” Examine. (250 Words) 2) “The ‘apolitical’ character of our armed forces and their subordination to the political leadership were deliberately and carefully nurtured in the early years of the republic.” Comment on the statement in the light of recent events. (250 Words) 3) Do you agree with the view that the search for extra-terrestrial life is a futile exercise when man can do so much using the same funds to save the Earth from his own actions? Substantiate your answer. (250 Words) 4)”In the new land acquisition act, Gram Sabha and Basti Sabha don’t have legal right to decide the nature of public purpose.” Critically examine the role of Gram Sabha in ensuring fair acquisition of land by the government.(250 Words) National and International 1) Avahan (50 Words) 2) Frazad – B Gasfields (25 Words) 3) RQ- 170 Sentinel (25 Words) 4) Orbital Sciences Cygnus (50 Words) Business 1) “The new Drug Price Control Order (DPCO) that prescribes a ceiling price on several essential medicines is boon to patients but pain to chemists.” Comment. (200 Words) Insights Secure – 2014: Questions on Current Events Day – 2 Questions from The Hindu, 01/10/2013 Front Page 1. “Crass politicization of institutions of national importance is going on in India undermining their integrity and independence, thereby threatening the smooth functioning of democracy.” Critically analyse the statement in the light of recent events. (250 Words) The Edge 1. Suggest some measures to tackle the problem of power theft in India? (150 Words) 2. Dolby Technology (50 Words) 3. It is said that cloud client computing will replace the outdated computing model of the un-secure, unreliable, un-green and expensive PC. Explain how. (250 Words) Opinion Page 1. Evaluate how far has AU mission to Somalia (AMISOM), established under UNSC resolution and mandated to conduct Peace Support Operations in Somalia, been successful in its mission? (250 Words) 2. Do you think there is a need to replace 1960 Indus Water Treaty to suit the present demands and to address emerging ecological problems? Analyze. (250 Words) 3. Examine the emerging threats and their consequences to the cyber security systems in the developing countries. (200 Words) National 1. “Though the supply of the requisite quantity of food grains for distribution at BPL prices was to come from the Central Pool, the success of TPDS in terms of meeting its stated objectives depended largely on the ability of State Governments in fulfilling certain requirements on their part.” Examine. (250 Words)

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2. Write a short note on the scope and effectiveness of COTPA 2003. (150 Words) International 1. What are the main concerns raised by UNHRC and Tamil political parties in northern Sri Lanka post 2009 war and what is the response of the Sri Lankan government so far to these concerns? Comment. (200 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions On Current Events Day – 3 Questions from The Hindu, 02/10/2013 Front Page 1. Do you think recent judgement by the Supreme Court removing the immunity for convicted MPs and MLAs will help clean up politics and strengthen democracy in India? Comment. (250 Words) Opinion Page 1. “The best hope for better relations between India and Pakistan lies in the strengthening of democracy in Pakistan.” Analyze. (250 Words) 2. “The new index of backwardness recommended by Raghuram Rajan panel was much needed, but its implementation needs a strong political will.” Comment (250 Words) 3. Do you concur with the argument that the recent ordinance seeking to amend the Representation of the People Act interferes with the exercise of judicial power? Substantiate. (250 Words) 4. Comment on Mahatma Gandhi’s views on his numerous imprisonments and experience in prisons? (250 Words) 5. Explain why Gandhi insisted that the path of true non-violence required much more courage than violence? (200 Words) National 1. “India’s whistle-blower bill fails to define key terms like victimization, allowing plenty of room for interpretation and subsequent misuse of the proposed law.” Comment on the statement in the light of recent complaints of harassment to whistle-blower’s on different occasions. (250 Words) International 1. Do you think that the deepening mistrust between USA and South American countries is making way for other players with global ambition to make inroads into the region? Examine. (250 Words) 2. Compare and contrast the situation of government shutdown in USA when the Congress fails to pass authorization for sufficient funds for government operations with that of India’s budgetary process. (250 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions On Current Events Day – 4 Questions From The Hindu – 03/10/2013 Opinion Page 1. Does terror have a religion? Explain it in the Indian context. (200 Words) 2. “For the establishment of full diplomatic relationship between USA and Iran, apart from their mutual mistrust, there are other external forces within the region which are acting as roadblock.” Comment. (200 Words)3. It is observed that the media and the collective public sentiment are increasingly influencing the outcome of court judgements. Is natural justice a victim here? Does this affect certain class of society? Critically analyze. (250 Words) 4. Short Notes: a) Bilateral Investment Treaties (BIT) (50 Words) b) Investment Treaty Arbitration (ITA) (50 Words) National 5. “Prior sanction from a competent authority is mandatory for a magistrate to take cognisance of a private complaint for ordering a probe or taking cognisance of a charge sheet against a public servant under the Prevention of Corruption Act.” What is the justification behind this judgement? Do you think this will serve its purpose? Analyze. (250 Words) 6. Short Note: India’s Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) (100 Words)

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International 7. Short Note: Tom Clancey (50 Words) 8. Short Note: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (100 Words) Science and Tech 9. Short Note: The Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) (150 Words) 10. Short Note: Plasma Acceleration (100 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions On Current Events Day – 5 Questions From The Hindu – 04/10/2013 Front Page 1. Critically examine the various factors that have led the creation of new states in last 25 years. Explain if the creation of new states has met its objectives. (250 Words) Opinion Page 2. Explain the recent measures taken by the RBI to ensure consumer protection, transparency and accounting integrity in the banking practices in commercial banks. (200 Words) 3. “A relatively modest investment with appropriate policy changes in the coastal shipping industry could bring substantial dividends.” Analyze. (200 Words)4. Check yesterday’s question on Iran -USA relations5. Examine how India without compromising its independent foreign policy, can utilize international foray and groupings to secure its cyber space from external threats. (250 Words) Business 6. “Remittances to developing countries have a positive impact on the global and their own economies.” Explain. (200 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions on Current Events Day – 6 Questions From The Hindu – 05/10/2013 Front Page 1. Why even so called developed states in India have large number of children suffering from malnutrition? Examine the plausible factors behind this anomaly. (150 Words) Opinion Page 2. Critically examine the main concerns of coastal Andhra and Rayalseema people against the formation of Telangana state. (200 Words) 3. What are the main threats to democratic processes in Maldives? Analyze in the light of last two year’s developments in the island nation. (200 Words)4. Do you think the Commonwealth is an anachronistic neocolonial institution with no spine? Comment (200 Words) National 5. Explain how Eurozone crisis affected the Indian economy? What are its aftershocks? (200 Words) International 6. Write a note on the energy relationship between India and Russia. (200 Words) 7. Is Rajya Sabha relevant today? Do you think it should be abolished? Critically comment. (250 Words)8. Constitutional crisis in Nepal is dragging on for many years now. Briefly chronicle the important events and factors that have contributed to this delay. (250 Words) Insights Secure- 2014: Day – 7: No WEEK: 2 Insights Secure – 2014: Questions On Current Events Day – 8 Questions From The Hindu – 08/10/2013 Front Page 1. “Maldives is experiencing a series of political uncertainties in its quest for strong democracy.” Comment.(200 Words) 2. Mukul Mudgal Committee (50 Words)

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Opinion Page 3. “On one hand Pakistan appears to be stabilizing because of stable transition of power in political and military circles, but on the other hand there is an increase in sectarian and terrorist violence undermining the democratic processes.” Reflect on the causes for this growing contradiction in Pakistani society. (250 Words) 4. “A strong policy on early childhood care and education was long overdue because of the poor performance of ICDS in many states.” Critically examine the key provisions of draft National Early Childhood Care and Education policy (ECCE) in the light of the given statement. (200 Words)5. “For meaningful devolution of powers and more autonomy to Tamil regions in North and East Sri Lanka, the solution lies in the constitutional reform and political will from the Sri Lankan government and not in the 13th amendment alone.” Comment. (200 Words) National 6. Is privatization ‘the solution’ to revive sick industries? Explain in the context of demand for Air India’s privatization. (150 Words) 7. Has India’s missile program successfully addressed the nation’s external security threats? Write a critical note on the recent developments in India’s nuclear missile program. (200 Words) International 8. Explain how a a regional war in Syria was averted in the last minute? Who were the key players and what was their role? (250 Words) 9. Ovadia Yosef (50 Words) Business 10. Aggregate Measurement of Support (AMS) commitments to WTO (100 Words) 11. The Peace Clause in Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) (100 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions On Current Events Day – 9 Questions From The Hindu – 09/10/2013 Front Page 1. “The Supreme Court has categorically laid down that bandh/hartal is unconstitutional and the State has the obligation to protect the citizen against it.” Despite SC’s framing guidelines in 2009 to recover costs from bandh organizers, neither the States nor the Central government have taken any action to put in place legislation, or fast track mechanism consistent with the guidelines. Comment on the unconstitutional nature of bandhs and inaction of governments in implementing court order. (200 Words) 2. What is judicial overreach? Does the SC order on Aadhar scheme putting critical restrictions against the use and distribution of UID numbers encroaches upon the executive decision making authority? What is the opinion of SC on the issue of judicial overreach? Explain. (250 Words) Opinion Page 3. “Some of the strategies adopted by USA in combating terrorism might foment further instability in the affected regions and prove counterproductive.” Analyze (200 Words) 4. Comment how far Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1972 has been successful in preventing non-institutional abortions and explain the factors responsible for the rise in such non-institutional abortions. (250 Words)5. “The provision of negative voting would be in the interests of promoting democracy and is a giant step forward in push for more electoral reforms.” Critically analyze. (250 Words)6. “Beneath the chaos in Egypt post Arab Awakening lies a complex power struggle between generals and Islamists.” Analyze. (200 Words)7. Examine how the US government shutdown can have negative effect on US and world economy. (200 Words) National 8. Write a note on security ties between India and Vietnam (150 Words) 9. Keran Operation (50 Words)10. Uran coast (50 Words) International 11. What is nuclear fusion and what are its uses if used as a technology in nuclear reactors? Bring out the difference between ITER’s and NIF’s approach in harnessing nuclear fusion energy. (200 Words)

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Insights Secure – 2014: Questions On Current Events Day – 10 Questions From The Hindu – 10/10/2013 Front Page 1. Explain what import-containment and export boosting measures were taken by the government to reduce Current Account Deficit and stop Rupee depreciation in recent months? (200 Words) Opinion Page 2. “To protect its food security law, India must aim to secure an exemption from AMS (Aggregate Measurement of Support) limits from WTO members without conceding too much ground to the West.” Critically examine why India should do so. (200 Words) 3. Explain the strategy or road map expounded by the WHO in moving towards zero childhood TB deaths. What should be India’s priority in fighting TB in children? (200 Words)4. “The concept of Social Prescribing as a response to mental health issues may work well in a low-resource setting such as India, where the ecosystem could often precipitate stressful living conditions.” Analyze how India can adopt and supplant social prescribing to its existing laws to address mental health issues. (250 Words)5. The Higgs-Englert-Brout (HEB) mechanism (50 Words)6. What are the important areas of cooperation between India and Indonesia? Examine the recent developments in these areas of cooperation. (250 Words) National 7. Explain the importance of providing three percent reservations to disabled persons in government job. (150 Words) International 8. Nuclear cooperation between India and Australia – important issues (150 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions on Current Events Day – 11 Questions From The Hindu – 11/10/2013 Front Page 1. “In spite of the Supreme Court’s ruling that in murder cases awarding of the death penalty is an exception and life sentence is the rule, lower courts are increasingly giving death sentences owing to some unwarranted external factors.” Critically comment. (200 Words)2. Do you think the principle of equity and common but differentiated responsibility (CBDR) put forward by the BASIC countries in climate change negotiations is valid considering their growing contribution to global warmi ng? Critically examine (200 Words)3. Write a note on the role of National Disaster Rapid Action Force (NDRAF) in disaster management. (100 Words) 4. Explain how tropical cyclones are formed? (200 Words) Opinion Page 5. “Notwithstanding recent narrowing of India’s merchandise trade deficit, the external sector still needs a holistic approach to correct its structural issues.” Analyze (150 Words) 6. Apart from the cliché’ that men should change their ‘mindset’, what measures would you suggest to bring gender equality in the society, especially in India? (200 Words)7. What is the principle behind introducing None of the above (NOTA) in the Electronic Voting Machines and ballot papers? Is it enough to radical reforms in the electoral system? Analyze. (250 Words)8. Do you agree with the view that pursuing high environmental standards in the name of sustainable development is inimical to the objective of achieving high GDP growth rate? Comment. (250 Words)9. Short Note – Alice Munro (50 Words) National 10. What is pentavalent vaccine? Why its administration was controversial? What were the committees formed to look into the matter? Explain. (200 Words) 11. Ali Zeidan (25 Words) 12. Sakharov Prize (50 Words) 13. South China Dispute (200 Words)

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Insights Secure-2014: Questions on Current Events Day-12 Questions From The Hindu – 12/10/2013 Front Page 1. What are the different scales of Tropical cyclones and on what basis are they categorized into different scales? Give examples of recent cyclones originating in Bay of Bengal and their scales. (150 Words) 2. Explain the role played by OPCW in defusing the Syria crisis. (150 Words) Opinion Page 3. “The recent controversies involving sports administrative bodies in India calls for integrity and transparency in their decision making process and overall functioning.” Critically comment. (200 Words) 4. Critically examine the impact of Poverty on the Learning Process of Children. What measurements by the state can improve the access of quality education to poor children? Also suggest if any other measure you think are needed to be done by the society and teachers. (250 Words) 5. Contribution of Satyendranath Bose to the world of Physics (100 Words)6. What are the challenges before India in fostering long term goodwill relationship with Myanmar and what should be its strategy to deal with these challenges? Examine. (250 Words) International 8. Sam Adams Award (50 Words) 9. “The International Criminal Court (ICC) has transformed itself into a political instrument targeting Africa and Africans.” Critically comment (150 Words)10. Roman Statute of ICC (50 Words)11. Do you think Malala Yousufzai deserves Nobel Peace Prize or is it too early for her? Comment. (150 Words) 13/10/13: SUNDAY Insights Secure-2014: Questions On Current Events Day – 14 Questions From The Hindu – 14/10/2013 Opinion Page 1. “In India a staggering 30 million cases are said to be pending in the country’s courts today. And to tackle this intimidating problem requires comprehensive judicial reform, more judges of quality and improvement of the judicial infrastructure.” Critically comment on the need for judicial reforms in the context of low conviction rates in serious crimes committed against vulnerable sections of the society. (250 Words) 2. “Rampant encroachment and the misuse and usurpation of wakf assets representing Islam ic religious endowments is the reality across India.” Throw light on different measures taken by the government to bring transparent administration and to stop illegal encroachments of wakf assets. (200 Words) 3. “It is arguably better to be Hindu in Indonesia, than Muslim in India.” Do you agree with the view? Critically comment. (200 Words) 4. “The American foreign policy transition to diluted ’Rebalance to Asia’ from ‘Pivot to Asia’ has helped China to reassert its influence in the Asia-Pacific region.” Comment. (250 Words)5. Do you think the ‘land pooling model’ is a viable and alternative step to rehabilitate slum dwellers and eradicate slums in our cities? Critically comment with suitable examples. (250 Words) National 6. Write a critical note on China’s visa policy on Arunachal Pradesh and India’s response to it. What measure you think India should adopt to deal with China’s ambiguous visa policy with respect to Arunachal Pradesh? (200 Words) 7. Is India’s food security law in violation of WTO norms? Examine with example from around the world. (200 Words) 8. Shivendra Singh Dungarpur (50 Words) Business 9. India’s domestic pharmaceuticals industry must get its act together particularly in compliance systems and must invest more in processes.” Comment (200 Words)

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Insights Secure-2014: Questions on Current Events Day – 15 Questions From The Hindu – 15/10/2013 1. What is Law of the Sea? Explain provisions of UNCLOS in relation to recent developments with respect to India. (200 Words) 2. What is the difference between headline inflation and core inflation? Explain why low inflation is very important for high economic growth. (250 Words) 3. “In spite of recent failures and successes in managing several manmade and natural disasters, India is yet to learn a lot in terms of preparedness and post-disaster management.” Comment. (200 Words) 4. Will burgeoning ‘demographic dividend’ ever transforms into ‘political dividend’ for political parties? Give your opinion. (200 Words) 5. Index Traded Funds (50 Words)6. Should markets be sensitive to political developments and sensational news? Give your views. (150 Words) 7. “Common man needs infrastructure, not freebies.” Examine the statement in the light of increasing tendency of governments to dole out freebies to woo voters. (200 Words) 8. “In India, certain actions of the state and the society continue to legitimize the caste system mocking the rule of law.” Critically comment. (250 Words) 9. “India should capitalize the goodwill it holds in Afghanistan to its strategic inte rest lest its ambitious neighbors fill the void, especially China which takes a long-term view of its interests and pursues them relentlessly.” Analyze. (250 Words) 10. What are the major disagreements between the developed and developing countries in the climate change negotiations? Explain (200 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions On Current Events Day – 16 Questions From The Hindu – 16/10/2013 1. Do you think allowing ‘sustainable’ economic activities in the Ecologically Sensitive Areas would not affect the biodiversity in the region? Comment in the light of the recent recommendations given by Mr. Kasturirangan, committee on Western Ghats. (200 Words) 2. Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters (50 Words) 3. What are the measures taken by the Indian government to bring back black money stashed in foreign countries by its nationals? (200 Words) 4. “The principles of non-discrimination and equality of opportunities should be codified unambiguously and implemented as part of official policy, thereby setting an example for the private sector.” Comment on the statement in the light of recent verdict by the Supreme Court directing the government to bring uniform reservation for the disabled in the government services. (200 Words) 5. “Instead of becoming ‘escorts’ to guide MNCs to set up business in India, Indian companies should insist on technology transfer to the joint venture which will result in creation of intellectual capital within the country.” Comment (200 Words) 6. Do you agree with the view that if Iran develops nuclear bomb, it would bring peace and avert future wars in the region? Critically comment. (200 Words) 7. Chempolis (50 Words) 8. Suppression of Unlawful Activities Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA) – (50 Words) 9. Seaman Guard Ohio (25 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions On Current Events Day-17 Questions From The Hindu – 17/10/2013 1. “While drafting policies for the people, the concerns of citizens should be addressed by the government, not excluded.” Critically examine the statement in the light of West Bengal government’s ban on cycles on certain roads in Kolkatta. Suggest measures to accommodate slow moving vehicles on busy Indian roads. (250 Words)

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2. Do you observe any fundamental differences in how elected representatives in India and USA behave in their respective legislatures? Explain with any one recent example from each country. (200 Words) 3. If you were put in charge of rehabilitation and resettlement of the cyclone-affected fishermen in a particular severely affected coastal region, what would be your priorities? Explain. (200 Words) 4. What is distress migration? Explain with examples which factors lead to this type of migration in India. (200 Words) 5. Habitat destruction is the main reason behind vanishing wildlife across the globe. Examine with examples, which regions of India are prone to habitat destruction and its consequences. (200 Words) 6. IUCN Classification of endangered species. (100 Words) 7. Write a note on the importance of Mangrove forests. (150 Words) 8. Biological importance of Nitric Oxide (100 Words) 9. Eleanor Catton (25 Words) 10. Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCMLR) - (50 Words) 11. Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and India (100 Words) 12. Write a note on the importance of Monsoon to Indian agriculture. (150 Words) 13. “Sustainable and equitable urban development is possible only when our cities adequately address the issue of housing the poor.” Critically analyze the problem of housing for the poor in Indian cities. (200 Words) 14. Lavabit (50 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions On Current Events Day-18 Questions From The Hindu (18 October, 2013) 1. “Key to sustaining economic growth and promoting development is good governance and quality decision-making.” Examine the factors that affect good governance and ethical decision making in the higher echelons of government. (200 Words) 2. Sarojini Varadappan (50 Words) 3. How can India allay the fears of nuclear suppliers about India’s nuclear liability law without amending it? (150 Words) 4. Critically comment on the recent assertive and independent foreign policy stance of Russia in its sphere of influence. (200 Words) 5. Marange diamond field (50 Words) 6. What feasible strategies would you suggest for our cities to reduce air pollution? Examine why Indian cities have failed to tackle air pollution effectively. (200 Words) 7. Sein Win (50 Words) 8. Do you think India can afford universal health coverage system? What are the constraints in its implementation? Suggest solutions for its effective implementation. (250 Words) 9. Should Indian press, both print and electronic, be regulated by the government? Analyze the merits and demerits of such a measure. Suggest alternative measures to bring ethics and objectivity in media coverage of events. (250 Words) 10. “As towns grow into cities and cities morph into metropolises, urban ecology seems to be losing ground to urgent demands for improved infrastructure.” Critically evaluate in the Indian context. (250 Words) 11. Write a critical note on the National Green Tribunal as an effective grievances redressal forum. (200 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions On Current Events Day-19 Questions from The Hindu 19/10/2013 1. Do you think Khap panchayats function within the ambit of the Constitution? If not, what measure s have states taken to curb their continued functioning? Critically comment on their unconstitutional nature. (250 Words)

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2. Skull 5 (50 Words) 3. Ravuri Bharadhwaja (50 Words) 4. What are the causes of landslides? What can be done to prevent them. (150 Words) 5. Write a critical note on the need of bioethics in biotechnology research in India citing any recent case study. (200 Words) 6. Write a note on the need for Security Council reforms by giving suitable recent examples. (200 Words)7. Bossi-Fini anti-immigration law (50 Words) 8. Yasukuni Shrine (50 Words)9. Critically evaluate the success of JNNURM in improving the conditions of urban poor with suitable examples. (250 Words) 10. Govind Purushottam Deshpande (50 Words) 11. Scott Carpenter (50 Words) 12. Suggest measures to decouple the world from American’s internal economic and political dynamics. (200 Words) 13. “A landscape approach to conservation is what can save India’s critically endangered wildlife.” Critically examine. (200 Words) 14. What is Biopiracy? Explain with examples from India. (200 Words) 20/10/13: SUNDAY Insights Secure – 2014: Questions on Current Events Day – 20 Questions from The Hindu 21/10/2013 1. Why did India enact a nuclear liability law? What are the concerns of nuclear suppliers regarding this law? Do you think this law adversely affects India’s energy security? Analyze (250 Words) 2. Bnei Menashe tribe (50 Words) 3. Write a critical note on the origin of cross border terrorism in India (150 Words) 4. Do you think the Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010 (CEA) is patient friendly? Examine and suggest how this act can be implemented for the benefit of the patients. (200 Words) 5. “The crisis in Syria is more the result of external factors than internal ones.” Critically comment. (200 Words) 6. Do we need stricter internet governance? Do you thin regulation of World Wide Web restricts personal freedom? Comment. (200 Words) 7. “Poverty is a threat to biodiversity.” Elaborate. (200 Words) 8. Explain with examples how wildfires threaten biodiversity across the globe. What causes wildfire and how can it be prevented? (200 Words) 9. “Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), compliance with Environment Clearance (EC) conditions and the adequacy of the Environmental Management Plans (EMP) are the tools in our armoury to ensure that none of our developmental interventions has unacceptably large or avoidable negative impacts, that the most desirable alternatives are selected and the projects managed efficiently.” Do you think these ‘tools’ are adequately used to meet the expectation expressed in the sentence? What are the shortcomings and what remedial measures would you suggest for their proper implementation? (250 Words) 10. Evaluate the performance of India’s space missions vis-a-vis China’s. (250 Words) 11. “The loss to India’s soft power in South Asia by the alienation of Sri Lanka will neither be negligible nor ephemeral.” Comment. (200 Words) 12. “Nothing can make for a more powerful case to abolish the retributive practice of death sentences than the reformation of individuals convicted of heinous crimes.” Critically evaluate. (250 Words)

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Insights Secure – 2014: Questions on Current Events Day-21 Questions From The Hindu 22/10/2013 1. Is there any alternative to the present policy of procurement and distribution of food grains to ensure food security in India? Examine the negatives of present policy and suggest measures to overcome them. (250 Words) 2. Do you think the relations between India and Russia is ‘strategic’ in its true sense? Critically examine. (200 Words) 3. Haryana has one of the lowest sex ratio in the country. What are the factors responsible for this and what implications doe’s low sex ratio has on the society? Critically analyze. (200 Words) 4. What is the difference between cultural and natural landscapes? How does the implementation of Kasturirangan committee’s recommendations affect both landscapes in the Western Ghat? Examine. (250 Words)5. What effect climate change has on the economies of poor and developing countries? Discuss. (250 Words) 6. Synriam™ and Plasmodium falciparum (50 Words) 7. What role can India possibly play in diffusing crises in the Middle East? Comment.(150 Words) 8. “Nuclear reactors are more about commerce and less about energy security.” Critically comment. (200 Words) 9. “Tens of millions of elders have become victims, trapped between governments and families, neither of which have figured out how to protect or provide for them.” Discuss the problems faced by aged people in India and the measures taken by the government to protect them. (250 Words) 10. Is there a difference between caretaker governments of Bangladesh and India? Why there is a controversy in Bangladesh regarding its future caretaker government? Explain. (250 Words) 11. Situation Sthlm and iZettle (50 Words) 12. “In the long term, India’s food security bill does more harm than favour to its poor citizens and farmers.” Do you agree with this view? Critically comment. (250 Words) 13. “Without sufficient absorptive capacity, allocated resources will be misutilised and States will eventually fail to claim funds contingent on performance.” What do you understand by ‘absorptive capacity’? Do you think that Raghuram Rajan committee’s Composite Index of States is adequate in allocating funds for the States? Examine. (250 Words) 15. Critically evaluate the performance of higher education sector in India. (250 Words)16. Should India be worried at Maldive’s constitutional crisis? Explain why. (200 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions on Current Events Day-22 Questions from The Hindu 23/10/2013 1. What is the root cause of border dispute between India and China? Discuss the important measures taken by both countries so far to maintain peace at the border. (200 Words) 2. Cheyyur Ultra Mega Power Project and Udangudi thermal power project (50 Words) 3. Briefly explain the functioning of Voda Voda Energo Reactor. (150 Words) 4. What measures does government usually take to tame rising food inflation? Explain (200 Words) 5. Do you agree with the view that giving more powers to Gram Sabha hinders economic growth in the tribal regions? Comment. (150 Words) 6. Throw light on Tagore’s thoughts on nationalism. (200 Words) 7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power generation? Is the fear of nuclear disaster post-Fukushima disaster justified? Comment. (250 Words) 8. Is Russia forging strong relationships with only Shia majority countries in the Gulf region? Comment. (200 Words) 9. Why Turkey is keen on joining EU? Explain (150 Words) 10. Write a note on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project (100 Words) 11. “Introducing species to areas outside their historical range is a controversial strategy.” Explain why. (150 Words)

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12. What are the advantages of converting adult cells into stem cells, an invented process which won 2012 Nobel prize for Medicine? (150 Words) 13. “The passage of the long-pending Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) Bill confers several benefits to the organised pension sector.” Critically examine. (250 Words) 14. “The right to life and dignity are the most important of all human rights … and this must be demonstrated by the state in everything it does, including the way it punishes criminals.” Do you agree with this view? Comment. (200 Words) 15. “While the response of Brazil, post revelation of NSA espionage activities on foreign governments, is vehement and vocal, and that of India is muted.” Comment. (200 Words) 16. Why the search for the presence of methane on Mars is so important for scientists? What contribution from India’s Mars exploration mission, if it succeeds, is expected? (200 Words) Insights Secure – 2014: Questions On Current Events Questions From The Hindu 24/10/2013 1. “The border is asymmetrical, that what is on their side is different from our side. Each side will approach its security in its own way.” Compare and contrast how China has approached its security along Indo -China border with that of India’s approach. (200 Words) 2. Briefly explain the causes for the demand of Gorkhaland. Do you think formation of a separate state would fulfill the demand of the agitating people? Comment. (200 Words) 3. “As elements constituting a multiparty system which is an inherent part of the basic structure of the Indian Constitution, political parties cannot get away from the duty of transparency as easily as other NGOs.” Comment on the statement in the light of recent order of CIC bringing them under the purview of RTI. (200 Words) 4. “Bringing control of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) from UNFCCC to under the Montreal Protocol would affect the interests of developing countries’.” Comment. (150 Words) 5. “The emphasis of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) Bill should be to ensure that the benefits of surrogacy are most beneficial to those who are weakest in the supply chain – the surrogates.” Elaborate. (250 Words) 6. What are the terms of reference of an expert committee set up by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) to ascertain the impact of hydroelectric power projects (HEP) on environment in Uttarakhand?(150 Words) 7. RV Samudra Ratnakar (100 Words) 8. Should leveraging of private investments be allowed in climate change mitigation? What are the benefits to the developing countries if such leveraging is allowed? Explain. (200 Words) 9. Write a critical note on the role played by OPCW and IAEA in international conflict resolutions with suitable examples. (150 Words) 10. Write a note on recent trends in India-Bangladesh relations. (200 Words) 11. Discuss the recent trends in international migrations. Do you think increased migrations are threat to native cultural identity? Comment. (250 Words) 12. Is Arab Spring a failure? Comment. (250 Words) 13. “The fair play of the functioning of Parliament can be ensured only if the government willingly subjects itself to legislative scrutiny.” Critically analyze. (250 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions On Current Events Questions From The Hindu 25/20/2013 1. Explain briefly how a drone functions and what technology is used in its operation. (150 Words) 2. Should state governments be allowed to influence foreign policy decisions of the union government? Critically comment. (200 Words) 3. “Indigenisation of defence products and their export to friendly nations by India will lead to mini arms race in the region.” Comment. (150 Words)

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4. Why do you want to become an IAS officer? (250 Words) (Seriously, you should write answer to this question, at least after reading the article. And it’s a favourite question in the Personality Test) 5. What are the seven practical principles of engagement as envisioned by India and China between them during the recent visit of India’s PM to China? (100 Words) 6. Analyze how the relationship between Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia has influenced the geopolitics in the Middle East during last 25 years. (250 Words) 7. “The recent internal crises in Arab countries have made it easy for global terrorist outfits to find new havens in these countries post – 2003 Iraq war.” Analyze. (200 Words) 8. What are the codes of ethics a bureaucrat should follow in his discharge of duty? (150 Words) 9. Examine how improved trade relationship between India and Pakistan can help achieve peace together in their relationship. (200 Words) 10. “India-China ties cannot be hostage to the boundary dispute.” Should boundary dispute be sidelined and cooperation in other areas of mutual interests be promoted between India and China? Comment on the importance of border dispute resolution between the two countries. (250 Words) 11. What measures should be taken by urban planners, policy makers and the public to reduce air pollution in our cities? (200 Words) Insights Secure – 2014: Questions On Current Events Questions From The Hindu 26/10/2013 1. Explain the importance of gender equality in politics. (150 Words) 2. How many power grids are there in India? Sometimes they fail. What causes their failure? (200 Words) 3. “13th Amendment is like a vessel with a hole and seems good for nothing,” Comment. (150 Words) 4. Write a critical note on the visa controversy between India and China. (150 Words) 5. Do you think regulation of poll campaign activities of political parties on internet by the Election Commission is a right step? Substantiate. (150 Words) 6. What are the highlights of India’s Whistleblower’s Bill 2011? Analyze its drawbacks and suggest improvements. (200 Words) 7. Write a critical note on the recent rise of religious extremism and terrorism in the African continent. What is its implication on the African economy. (200 Words) 8. Hydra Mission (50 Words) 9. What is ‘junk’ DNA? Explain its significance. (100 Words) 10. Can freedom of speech be absolute? Comment. (150 Words) 11. What are rare earth minerals? Throw light on their importance and distribution pattern across the world. (200 Words) 12. ”Industrialization in developing countries was not the magic of markets that produced the sudden spurt in industrialization. It came from the foundations that were laid in the preceding quarter century.” Critically analyze. (250 Words) 13. “The Constitution (120th Amendment) Bill, 2013 in its present form is a threat to judicial independence.” Critically comment. (250 Words) 14. “Cyberspace is the largest experiment in anarchy in history … the world’s biggest ungoverned space.” Comment (150 Words) 15. “Reform of procurement practices and agricultural marketing is long overdue.” What are the roadblocks in implementing model APMC act? Throw light on the need for reforms in agricultural marketing in India. (200 Words)

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28/10/2013: SUNDAY Insights Secure – 2014: Questions On Current Events Questions From The Hindu, October 28, 2013 1. Why developed countries are reluctant to cut their carbon emissions substantially as demanded by the Developing countries? Comment on the implications of stand taken by Developed countries’ on the poor countries. (200 Words) 2. “I’ve never doubted that apartheid – because it was of itself fundamentally, intrinsically evil – was going to bite the dust eventually.” Comment. (150 Words) 3. Write a note on the contribution of Indian Diaspora in Australia. (150 Words) 4. Is it possible to get early warning of disaster such as landslides? Give example. (100 Words) 5. Write a note on the composition and mandate of at least any three Paramilitary forces. (250 Words) 6. What role can culture play in India’s external relations? Comment. (150 Words) 7. Umbalacherry breed (50 Words) 8. “Democracy is fine in theory, but is not actually improving our lives. If the generals can promise us a greater degree of security and stability, we prefer that instead.” In the light of recent developments post-Arab Spring revolution, do you think democracy as an ideology suffered in the region? Critically analyze. (250 Words) 9. M23 Rebels (50 Words) 10. What strategic interest America has in Africa? Comment. (150 Words) 11. Why did agreement on Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline fail? Examine. (150 Words) 12. Write a critical note on the Five Day War of 2008 between Russia and Georgia. (150 Words) 13. Do you think division of Andhra Pradesh by the Union government wi thout the consent of the concerned state legislature, would make India a more unitary state? Examine the implications of such measure on the federalism. (250 Words) 14. What implications does US withdrawal from Afghanistan has on India-Pakistan relations? Critically analyze. (200 Words) 15. What are the norms set by RBI for issuing new bank licences? Comment on the issues and controversies surrounding this measure. (200 Words) 16. In the Indian context which factors affect the profitability of banks? Explain. (150 Words) Insights Secure – 2014: Questions On Current Events Questions From The Hindu 29/10/2013 1. Do you think linking of rivers is a feasible solution for bringing water security to the water deficient regions? Suggest alternative methods for water conservation and utilization in dry regions. (250 Words) 2. What are the socio-economic constraints faced in the preservation of the Sundarbans ecology? Analyze how the participation of local people is crucial in protection of the Sunderbans ecology. (200 Words) 3. What is the relation between Repo rate and inflation? (50 Words) 4. Throw light on the importance of border roads in national security. (150 Words) 5. Examine how money laundering affects the economic development. (200 Words)6. Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha Yojana (100 Words) 7. If the number of voters opting for NOTA option is more than the number of votes polled by any of the candidates, will the candidate be disqualified? Explain (50 Words) 8. “ Social impact analysis and assessment of environmental effects should be included at the very beginning of the total process of development planning,” Comment. (200 Words) 9. Do you think the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013 is a step in right direction in ensuring fair acquisition of land? Critically examine the important features of the act. (250 Words) 10. How geothermal energy is produced? How can it be used for power generation? (150 Words) 11. Cape Melville (50 Words)

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12. “India’s foreign policy is the prerogative of the Centre, not the State.” Comment. (150 Words) 16. How independent is India’s foreign policy when it comes to managing its relations with its neighbors? Critically evaluate. (200 Words) 17. Comment on the impact of new rules under the new Companies Act 2013 on the companies. Does new rules adequately protect depositors? Examine. (200 Words) 18. “As the country develops economically, its double burden of malnutrition and its health implications will increasingly affect women and those who are socio-economically weak.” Critically analyze in the Indian context. (250 Words) 19. What are the benefits and risks of throwing open the financial sector to foreign banks in India? Explain. (200 Words) Insights Secure-2014: Questions On Current Events Questions From The Hindu, 30/10/2013 1. Discuss the role of RBI in the management of Indian foreign exchange market. (150 Words) 2. Do you think waiving of loans of farmers helps them and the economy in the long term? Comment. (200 Words) 3. How many Ramsar sites are there in India? What are the main threats to them? (200 Words) 4. Trafficking is a serious threat being faced by Indian women from poor and disaster affected regions. What are the steps taken by the government to protect vulnerable women? Throw light on the possible reasons for high incidences of trafficking of women from these regions. (200 Words) 5. Batagur basa (50 Words) 6. Sajnekhali Wildlife Sanctuary (50 Words) 7. Critically comment on the depiction of women in Indian cinema. (250 Words) 8. DTI Carter Initiative (100 Words) 9. Why does India rank low in the ‘ease of doing business’ list? What measures government has taken to speed up the process? (150 Words) 10. Why is India not a signatory to the NPT? Has it affected India’s nuclear ambitions? Evaluate. (200 Words) 11. Air Marshal Arup Raha (25 Words) 12. Write a critical note on Libor scandal. (200 Words) 13. How does illegal mining in the forest region threaten biodiversity? Examine. (150 Words) 14. Komsomol (50 Words) 15. Highlight the sociocultural importance of rural and traditional sports in India. What measures can government take to protect waning traditional sports in India? (200 Words) 16. “The reason for the substantial drop in the number of students is because of the changes in work entitlement rules in the last two years.” Comment on the immigration policy of United Kingdom and its effect on Indian students. (200 Words) 17. Analyze the ethical issues involved in clinical trials involving human volunteers. What is the present status of clinical trial rules in India. Explain in the light of recent Supreme Court verdict. (200 Words) 18. What are retail inflation indexed securities? Why has RBI promised to introduce them in India? Explain. (200 Words) 19. “Security agencies are not high priests of the Spanish Inquisition. They are rather a modern -day cyber-Taliban.” Do you agree with this view? Critically comment. (250 Words) Insights Secure – 2014: Questions On Current Events Questions From The Hindu, 31/10/2013 1. What measures would you suggest to ensure safety of women in workplaces and public spaces? Explain. (200 Words) 2. Analyze the factors that have led to large scale migration of people from Kerala to Middle East countries. (200 Words)

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3. “The war victims suffer from all fronts, and the severe wrath is reserved for women and children.” Comment in the light of recent wars across the world. (200 Words) 4. Would you support the continuation of government subsidy on fuels such as petrol, diesel, LPG and kerosene? Why? (200 Words) 5. Highlight the major achievements of India in its space exploration missions. (150 Words) 6. Explain the importance of GSLV programme for India. (150 Words) 7. How does Bitcoin work? Are they an alternative to traditional currencies? Explain (200 Words) 8. How Apartheid in South Africa was ended and who were the protagonists in anti -Apartheid movement? Explain. (200 Words) 9. “Russia’s threat of gas war against Ukraine is more political than economic.” Comment. (150 Words) 10. Write a critical note on Israel – Palestine relations. (200 Words) 11. Analyze how encouraging the growth of rental housing helps in alleviation of urban housing problems? What measures has government taken in this regard. (200 Words) 12. “I don’t understand the importance of India sending a space mission to Mars when half of its children are undernourished and half of all Indian families have no access to sanitation.” Do you agree with this vi ew? Critically comment. (250 Words)