I chose the iPod advert as I like the music they have chosen and how it all fit in with the trailer. Also like it how they betrayed all the new iPods and fitted them into one advert and I think that makes it a little better. How they used the colours is good as it makes us the viewers more interested in the advert and it will make us more interested in the product so overall I think this is a inspirational advert and I think that this advert they have make is very good.

Insperational advert

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I chose the iPod advert as I like the music they have chosen and how it all fit in with the trailer. Also like it how they betrayed all the new iPods and fitted them into one advert and I think that makes it a little better.How they used the colours is good as it makes us the viewers more interested in the advert and it will make us more interested in the product so overall I think this is a inspirational advert and I think that this advert they have make is very good.