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Installation Guide for Xian Network Manager Io R2

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Xian Network Manager Io SP2 Requirements and Components

This chapter describes the basic components of the Xian Network Manager Io architecture, the minimum system requirements and an overview of the functionality of each of its components.

Xian Network Manager Io Components

� The Network Manager Server (NMS) is a Windows service that monitors network devices, UNIX servers and other applications. Its function is to collect performance data from the monitored devices and send them to the Data Server to be temporarily stored until collected by the connector. In an advanced installation you may have more than one instance of this service installed.

o Xian Io Plug-ins are installed automatically in the Jalasoft Xian Network Manager Io Server and Task Server. For each supported device type a specific Xian plug-in is required. For example, to monitor Cisco Routers the Xian plug-in for Cisco Routers is required. These plug-ins include a set of rules specifically designed to monitor network devices, UNIX servers and other applications.

� The Data Server (DS) is a Windows service that may be installed on a computer with all other Xian NM components or on a different computer as needed. It is used to provide read/write access to the Xian Database requested by the Network Manager Server, Task Server, Console and the UI controls for OpsMgr 2007.

o The Xian NM Database stores all persistent information required by the application, i.e. information related to plug-ins, available rules, monitored devices, active rules and more. Performance counters and events are only temporarily stored until they are successfully forwarded to Operations Manager

� The Connector for System Center Operations Manager 2007 is a Windows service created to allow the migration of information such as performance counters and alerts from the Xian Database temporary tables to the Xian NM Connector Module.

� Connector Module.- This component allows an OpsMgr 2007 Management Server to receive counters and events from the Xian connector and insert them to the OpsMgr2007 Database.

The Task Server (TS) provides the network scan server and syslog server features. It may be installed on a computer with all other Xian components or on a different computer as needed. Usually no more than one instance of this component is required for most environments.

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Network Scan Server scans a specific IP range or segment for new devices and adds these automatically. These scan tasks can be scheduled to run on specific times. The scan server can also apply preconfigured policy templates to all newly discovered devices.

The Syslog Server listens for any Syslog messages coming from the monitored devices. When the Syslog server receives a message, it processes and filters it and then produces alerts, which can be mapped to a specific severity and forwarded to Operations Manager 2007.

� The Console is the user interface provided by Xian Network Manager Io that provides many functions such as creating and applying policy templates, configuring Network Scan Tasks and discovering devices. It can be installed on a computer with all other Xian components as well as on as many different servers as you wish.

� The User Interface controls for Operations Manager 2007 provides direct access to Xian Io functionality from within the Operations Console of OpsMgr. Devices and Rules can be added, edited and removed directly from the Operations Manager Console.

� The Jalasoft XIAN NM Smart Management Packs (SMPs) for OpsMgr 2007 create and register objects, classes, elements, rules and other elements on OpsMgr 2007 in order to properly process the monitoring information received from Xian NM about the monitored devices and servers. For example, if you do not import the Cisco Management Packs, OpsMgr will not be able to properly process the counters and alerts generated by Cisco Switches.

The general architecture of the Xian Network Manager Io product is described in the following figure.

Xian NM Console OpsMgr Secondary Management Server

Network Manager Server

SDK Service

Data Server

Xian NM Io connector Module



Xian NM Io Server

SQL Server

TCP 8586

TCP 8181

SDK Port

OpsMgr Console

Xian NM UI Components for OpsMgr

Xian NM Database

OpsMgr Database



SNMP Devices

Unix Servers

Virtual Center

Supported Devices and servers









Task Server

Xian NM Io Management


Health Service

OpsMgr RMS

TCP 8181

TCP 8181


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A. System Requirements

The minimum requirements to install all Xian NM Components into a single machine are:

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 or higher

• Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or higher. Your SQL server collation should be configured on CI (Case Insensitive Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 or higher

• Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007

o Could be installed on the same server or on a different one.

• Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 Reporting (not excludable)

• MSMQ v2 or higher (this is a windows component which must be installed)

o Be sure MSMQ was installed with the same user account as Xian NM.

• SNMP, TCP or Web Services connectivity for monitoring depending on device

Note: The account used by the Xian Network Manager Server (NMS), Task Server (TS), Data Server and the Connector Services must have "administrator" privileges. In addition, the account used by the Connector service must be part of the administrative scope of the System Center Operations Manager 2007 environment.

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Importing Management Packs

Your first task before installing Xian Network Manager is to install the Management Packs into Microsoft Operations Manager using the OpsMgr Console. (Figure 2.4)

1) Click on the „Administration� tab

2) Right click on „management packs� tree view option.

3) Select „Import Management Packs�4) Open the „Management Packs� folder located in the folder where you unzipped Xian NM. Import only the management packs that you are going to use. Importing needless management packs consumes system resources and reduces efficiency.

These management packs must be installed in order. For example, if you install the Cisco management packs before installing the base management packs listed below an error message will appear prompting you to install the missing MP. (Figure 2.5) The management packs in the “Reports” folders are optional. Jalasoft.Xian.Data.Source.mp Jalasoft.Xian.Io.MP.mp Jalasoft.Xian.Library.mp Jalasoft.Xian.OpsMgr2007MP.Health.Core.mp Jalasoft.Xian.OpsMgr2007MP.Reports.DataWarehouseScript.mp Jalasoft.Xian.OpsMgr2007MP.Reports.DataWarehouseScript.SP1.mp Jalasoft.Xian.OpsMgr2007MP.Types.Base.mp Jalasoft.Xian.OpsMgr2007MP.Types.Core.mp Jalasoft.Xian.OpsMgr2007MP.Types.Standard.Snmp.Rfc1213.mp Jalasoft.Xian.Server.MS.mp

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Importing Management Packs

Note: To avoid complications it is important to import the management packs for the type of devices you are trying to discover before you attempt todone the devices will be discovered in XianThis can be fixed by the appropriate Management Packs minutes in order to let Xian NM attempt registering the devices.

Installation Scenarios

The first thing that you have to do when installing a fresh Xian Environment is to determine what kind of installation is best suited to your monitoring needs.

A. Small or testing e

B. Distributed environment

C. Distributed environment


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A. Small or testing environment

The first scenario is for small networks of 200 or less devices. This type of installation is usually used for testing purposes or small production environments. All the requirements listed in figure 2.1 can all be installed on to a single machine.

Execute the file “setup.exe” to start with the installation.


l networks of 200 or less devices. This type of installation is poses or small production environments. All the requirements e installed on to a single machine.

Installation Scenario A

to start with the installation.

e of installation is the requirements

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The welcome screen will be displayed, click on next.

Then the Xian NM EULA will show, read carefully and then check the “I agree” box and click on next.

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The next screen shows the three possible scenarios available to a user when installing Xian NM; in this case, we will focus on the first and most simple one: ‘Small or testing environment’, select this option and click next.

The new screen shows all the Xian NM components that will be installed in your server. Note that the Xian NM connector module is in this list (Different from our previous version Xian NM Io SP2, this component is included in the same installer from now on).

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In the local settings screen, you can select the IP address of the server product, you can also specify the port to be used for communicating with the Jalasoft Xian Data Server service (We recommend that you use the default value).

In the “Xian NM Services Account” screen, enter the account that will install the product. It should be part of the local administrators group and also part of the OpsMgr administrators.

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In the “Database configuration” screen select an existing SQL server from a drop down menu to install the Xian database. You can also edit the name for the Xian database (by default the name is “XIAN”). If you check the Create a new database box, a new database will be created and if you leave it unmarked, the installer will look for an existing database with that name. NT authentication is used by default but you can use SQL authentication by selecting the corresponding checkbox and providing SQL account with dbo rights.

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In the “Connector for OpsMgr configuration” screen enter the information for the Xian connector, the IP addresses of the OpsMgr root management server and the management server that will receive data from Xian NM respectively. If you only have a single OpsMgr server, both IP addresses will be the same but if you have a secondary management server, it is recommended to install all the Xian NM components there and then provide its IP address on the corresponding ‘Management Server IP address’ Please note that entering the management server name is optional.

Finally, click on “install” in the “Ready to install” screen. Here you will see a complete list of the components that you will install in your server.

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Click on “Finish” to conclude installation.

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B. Distributed Server Installation

Another scenario available that can be chosen is the “Distributed Environment” installation option. You can choose the mentioned in the following screen. This option allows us to install most of the Xian features on a dedicated server and the communication component on a separate OpsMrg Server to distribute the workload properly.

Installation Scenario B

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In the following screen, you will be able to choose the computer on which you will install the Xian NM components. As a first procedure, the Connector Module should be installed on the OpsMgr Management Server.

The new screen shows all the Xian NM components that will be installed in your server. Note that the Xian NM connector module is in this list (Different from our previous version Xian Io SP2, this component is included in the same installer from now on).

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The next step is to enter the credentials for an administrator account in the local computer. This account needs to be part of the OpsMgr administrators group and also to have DBO rights in case that it is required to create and access to the Xian DB.

In the Connector Module configuration screen you need to enter the IP address of the OpsMgr Root Management Server (RMS).

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In case that you are performing the second step of the installation, the rest of the XianNM components need to be installed in the Xian NM Server. For this porpose, it is required to choose the Xian Network Manager Io R2 Server option.

The “Features to be installed” screen shows all the Xian components that will be installed in the Xian NM server. (Note that the Connector Module for OpsMgr 2007 will not be installed this time due to it was already installed in the OpsMgr Server in the previous step of the installation.)

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In the “Local settings screen”, select the Xian NM server IP address and a free port for internal communication that will be used to communicate with the monitored devices.

The next step is to enter the credentials for an administrator account in the local computer. This account needs to be part of the OpsMgr administrators group and also to have DBO rights in case that it is required to create and access to the Xian DB.

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In the “Database configuration” screen select an existing SQL server from a drop down menu to install the Xian database. You can also edit the name for the Xian database (by default the name is “XIAN”). If you check the Create a new database box, a new database will be created and if you leave it unmarked, the installer will look for an existing database with that name. NT authentication is used by default but you can use SQL authentication by selecting the corresponding checkbox and providing a SQL account with dbo rights.

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In the “Connector for OpsMgr configuration” screen enter the information for the Xian connector, the IP addresses of the OpsMgr root management server and the management server that will receive data from Xian NM respectively. If you only have a single OpsMgr server, both IP addresses will be the same but if you have a secondary management server, it is recommended to install all the Xian NM components there and then provide its IP address on the corresponding ‘Management Server IP address’ Please note that entering the management server name is optional.

Finally, click on “install” in the “Ready to install” screen. Here you will see a complete list of the components that you will install in your server.

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Click on “Finish” to conclude installation.

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C. Distributed environment with custom installation

The custom installation allows you to select the components that will be installed on the computer independently. If you require to add additional components such as Console or a NMS this is the correct installation option to follow.

Please remember that this is the Xian NM Io R2 installation dependency order:

1. Xian NM management packs

2. Xian NM connector module

3. Xian NM connector

4. Xian NM data server (and database)

5. Xian NM Network Manager Server

6. Xian NM Task Server

7. Xian NM console

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Which means that if you want to install a network manager server component, a data server component should be installed before (on the same box or on another one) and since the data server depends on the connector, it should be present before and so on?

The Features to be installed screen shows all the Xian components that will be installed in the computer and the path where those features will be installed. You also have a description of the corresponding item in the right side in case that a detail for each one is required.

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The following screens are displayed in case you select to install all components but only the corresponding to your selection components will be displayed.

Enter the credentials for an administrator account in the local computer. This account needs to be part of the OpsMgr administrators group and also to have DBO rights in case that it is required to create and access to the Xian DB.

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In the “Database configuration” screen select an existing SQL server from a drop down menu to install the Xian database. You can also edit the name for the Xian database (by default the name is “XIAN”). If you check the Create a new database box, a new database will be created and if you leave it unmarked, the installer will look for an existing database with that name. NT authentication is used by default but you can use SQL authentication by selecting the corresponding checkbox and providing a SQL account with dbo rights.

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In the “Connector for OpsMgr configuration” screen enter the information for the Xian connector, the IP addresses of the OpsMgr root management server and the management server that will receive data from Xian NM respectively. If you only have a single OpsMgr server, both IP addresses will be the same but if you have a secondary management server, it is recommended to install all the Xian NM components there and then provide its IP address on the corresponding ‘Management Server IP address’ Please note that entering the management server name is optional.

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In the Data Server Configuration screen it is required to enter the Data Server IP address, the Environment name which needs to be unique in case that we are installing more than one Data Server, and a free port number that will used for internal communication.

If you are installing a Network Manager Server component, enter the IP address that will be used by this feature on the local computer and in case the Data Server is located on a different computer, its IP address will be also requested.

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Enter the Task Server IP address which will be used to communicate with the devices to be monitored and to receive syslog messages and in case the Data Server is located on a different computer, its IP address will be also requested.

Finally, click on “install” in the “Ready to install” screen. Here you will see a complete list of the components that you will install in your server.

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