Instruction for the Feast of St. Augustine

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  • 8/4/2019 Instruction for the Feast of St. Augustine


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  • 8/4/2019 Instruction for the Feast of St. Augustine


  • 8/4/2019 Instruction for the Feast of St. Augustine


    Instruction for the Feast

    of St. Augustine, Bishop

    [August ]

    t. Augustine was born in the year ,

    at Tagaste, a small town of Numidia inAfrica. His parents were of good condi-

    tion, yet not very rich; his father was an

    idolater, but by the holy example and pru-

    dent conduct of St. Monica, his wife, he

    at length learned the humility and meek-

    ness of the Christian religion, and was bap-

    tized a little before his death. Augustine went to school first in his

    own town; then his father, who perceived Augustines excellent ge-nius and wonderful disposition for learning, sent him to Madoura,

    a neighboring city, where he studied grammar, rhetoric and poet-

    ry. When he was sixteen years old, his father made him return to

    Tagaste and kept him a whole year at home. During this time the

    young man slighting the advice of his mother, fell into lewd compa-

    ny, being induced to it by idleness. Towards the end of the year

    Augustine was sent to Carthage. There he easily held the foremostplace in the school of rhetoric, and applied himself to his studies

    with so much eagerness and pleasure, that it was with great difficul-

    ty, that he was drawn from them. But his motives were only vanity

    and ambition. When he once desired to read the holy scriptures,

    he was offended with the simplicity of the style, and swelling with

    pride, as if he was endued with a great genius, he could not relish

    their humility, or penetrate their spirit. About his nineteenth year he

    fell into the sect of the Manichees, in which he continued between

    eight and nine years. In his twentieth year, to ease his mother of

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    the charge of his education, his father having already died, St. Au-

    gustine left Carthage, and set up a school of grammar and rhetoricat Tagaste. Here St. Monica employed all efforts, admonitions, en-

    treaties, severity to convert her son, but all were vain. By the loss of

    an intimate friend, who had been for several years the companion

    of his studies, Augustine was afflicted so grievously, that all places

    and things where he had previously enjoyed him, were turned into

    bitter torment. Not being able any longer to bear his native country,

    he removed to Carthage, where time and new connections wore of

    his grief. At Carthage he opened a school of rhetoric, and gained

    great applause in the public disputations. Here St. Augustine met

    the Manichean bishop Faustus, from whom he expected the solution

    of many doubts. But he found, that Faustus was a good speaker, but

    said no more than the rest of the Manichees, only explained him-

    self with greater grace and facility. He now disapproved entirely

    of the Manichean sect, but his prepossessions against the catholic

    faith hindered him from turning his enquiries on that side.

    Being disgusted by the disorderly behaviour of the students at

    Carthage, he resolved to go to Rome. At Rome he lodged with a

    Manichean, merely on account of former acquaintance, and because

    he was not yet resolved to become a member of any other religion.

    His school was soon frequented by the greatest wits of that age,

    and none ever went from it, without being struck with admiration

    at his learning and parts. But finding the scholars there often unjustenough, not to pay their salaries to their masters, he grew weary of

    the place. It happened about this time, that deputies were sent from

    Milan to Symmachus, the prefect of Rome, requiring that he should

    sent thither some able master of rhetoric. Augustine having given

    proofs of his capacity, was selected by Symmachus and according-

    ly sent. At Milan he became acquainted with the holy bishop St.

    Ambrose. Augustine frequently attended his sermons. AlthoughAugustine aimed only at gratifying his ears, and despised the mat-

    ter, which the bishop treated, yet the sermons like a distilling rain

    insensibly made impressions on his heart, and caused the seeds of

    virtue to spring forth therein. In the search of truth he was still per-

    plexed about the origin of evil, and suffered a secret anguish in his

    soul, to which only God was witness. It happened in the mean time,

    that one Potitianus, an African, who had an honorable employment

    in the emperors court, and was a very religious man, came one

    day to pay a visit to Augustine and his friend Alipius: and finding a

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    book of St. Pauls epistles lying on the table, took occasion to speak

    to them of the life of St. Anthony, and was surprised to find that hisname had been to that hour unknown to them. Potitianus also relat-

    ed the example of two friends of his, who by reading the life of St.

    Anthony, became so inflamed with the love of God, as immediately

    to embrace the same kind of life. The discourse of Potitianus had a

    powerful influence on the mind of St. Augustine. When Potitianus

    had departed, he withdrew from his friend Alipius, threw himself

    down under a fig-tree, and there gave free vent to a torrent of tears.

    Whilst thus weeping with most bitter contrition of heart for his past

    life, he on a sudden heard as it were the voice of a child singing the

    words: Tolle, lege, Tolle, lege, that is, take up and read, take up

    and read. He interpreted the voice to be nothing less than a divine

    admonition, remembering that St. Anthony was converted from the

    world to a life of retirement, by hearing an oracle of the gospel read.

    He immediately rose up, suppressed his tears, and returned to look

    for the book of St. Pauls epistles. He opened it, and read in silencethe following words on which he first cast his eyes: Not in revel-

    ling and drunkenness: not in impurities, strifes and envy: but put

    ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provisions for the flesh

    in its concupiscences. (Rom. xiii. .) He would read no farther, all

    his former hesitation was dispelled, all his doubts solved. He told

    Alipius what had passed in his soul; they immediately went in, and

    told the good news to St. Monica, who had followed her son into

    Italy, and came to him at Milan.

    The conversion of St. Augustine happened in the year , the

    thirty second of his age. At the same time he determined to quit his

    school and profession of teaching rhetoric. He retired to a country-

    house in the neighborhood of Milan, where he wholly employed

    himself in prayer and study. Here he strenuously labored, by the

    practice of austere penance, by the strictest watchfulness over hisheart and senses, and by most fervent and humble prayer to purify

    his affections, to disengage them perfectly from the inordinate love

    of creatures, and preparing himself for the grace of leading a new

    life in Christ, and becoming in him a new creature. In the beginning

    of the lent of Augustine returned to Milan to prepare himself

    for baptism, which he received from St. Ambrose on Easter-eve of

    the same year. Soon after, desiring to devote himself entirely to the

    divine service in a life of solitude, he resolved to return into Africa.

    On his way thither, he lost his holy mother, St. Monica, who died

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    in the seaport of Ostia. He landed at Carthage about September

    , made only a very short stay, making all possible haste to retireto his house in the country, with certain devout friends. There he

    lived almost three years entirely disengaged from all temporal con-

    cerns, serving God in fasting, prayer, good works, meditating upon

    His law, day and night, and instructing others by his discourses and

    books. In the house all things were common, and were distributed

    according to every ones necessities, no one among them having the

    least thing at his own disposal. The religious order of the hermits

    of St. Augustine dates its foundation from this epoch in . When

    St. Augustine was ordained priest and removed to Hippo, many of

    his religious brethren followed thither, and with the assistance of

    his bishop Valerius, he founded there a new monastery. Valerius,

    who was a Greek and had moreover an impediment in speaking,

    appointed Augustine to preach to the people in his own presence.

    Augustine preached constantly, sometimes every day, and some-

    times twice on the same day. He did not desist even when he was soweak as to be scarce able to speak; but he seemed to gather strength

    in preaching and his ardor for the salvation of souls made him for-

    get the pains of sickness. Valerius finding himself sinking under

    the weight of his years and infirmities, had Augustine chosen as his

    coadjutor. Although the saint protested, he was at length compelled

    to acquiesce in the will of heaven and was consecrated in the year

    . Valerius died the following year.

    In this new dignity the saint was obliged to live in the episcopal

    house; but he engaged all the priests, deacons and subdeacons that

    lived with him, to renounce all property, and to engage themselves

    to embrace the rule, which he established there. The saints clothes

    and furniture were modest. He exercised hospitality, but his table

    was frugal. At table he loved rather reading or literary conferences

    than secular conversation, and to warn his guests to shun detraction,

    he had the following distich written upon his table:

    This board allows no vile detractor place,

    Whose tongue will charge the absent with disgrace.

    He employed whatever could be spared of the revenues of his

    church in relieving the poor; he even sometimes melted down part

    of the sacred vessels to redeem captives. He prevailed upon his

    flock to establish the custom of clothing all the poor of each parish

    once a year.

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    Augustine always trembled at the danger of secret complacency,

    or vain glory amidst the praise of others. Sincere humility madehim love, at every turn, to confess his ignorance. Nothing gave him

    greater confusion and mortification than the esteem of others, or

    their opinion of his learning. From this sincere humility the saint

    wrote his Confessions, a book in which he divulges all the sins of

    his youth, and in which he shows the ways, by which the divine

    mercy led him to repentance and conversion.

    Augustine was indefatigable in refuting the heretics, who wereat his time very numerous in the northern part of Africa. Indeed at

    Hippo, the Donatists were before the arrival of the saint so numer-

    ous that the Catholics formed but a small minority. By the learning

    and indefatigable zeal of Augustine, supported by the sanctity of

    his life, the catholics began to gain ground exceedingly. At this the

    Donatists were so much exasperated, that some of them proposed

    to kill him, and made even several attempts at performing their de-

    sire, all of which, however, were foiled. He wrote many works bothagainst these heretics, as also against the Manichees, the Pelagians,

    the Jews and the pagans.

    About the year northern Africa was visited by a terrible

    scourge. The Vandals under Genseric with an army of , men

    sailed from Spain to Africa. Possidius, Bishop of Calama, an eye

    witness, describes the dreadful ravages by which the Vandals filled

    with horror and desolation all those rich provinces. He saw thecities in ruin, the houses in the country razed to the ground, the in-

    habitants either being slain or having fled. Within a short time there

    were only three cities remaining, that were not in ruins: Carthage,

    Hippo and Cirta. About the end of May in the year the Vandals

    appeared before Hippo. The siege continued fourteen months. Au-

    gustine did all in his power to alleviate the miseries of the besieged,

    he consoled the dying, tended the wounded and fed the poor. Hespoke much to his people on resignation to the divine will under all

    the scourges which their sins deserved, and the necessity of avert-

    ing the divine anger by sincere penance. In the third month of the

    siege the saint was seized with a fever and from the first moments

    of his illness doubted not, but that it was a summons of God who

    called him to Himself. He ordered the penitential psalms of David

    to be written out, and hung in tablets upon the wall by his bed; and

    as he there lay sick, he read them with abundance of tears. Not to be

    interrupted in these devotions, he desired about ten days before his

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    death, that no one should come to him, except at those times when

    either the physicians came to visit him, or his food was brought tohim. This was constantly observed, and all the rest of his time was

    spent in prayer. Though the strength of his body daily and hourly

    declined, yet his senses and intellectual faculties continued sound

    to the last. He calmly resigned his spirits into the hands of God,

    on the th of August, . The body of the saint was brought to

    Sardinia, and thence to Pavia, where they now rest in the church

    named after him, St. Augustine.

    PRAYER OF THE CHURCH. Attend to our supplications, O

    Almighty God, and by the intercession of blessed Augustine, Thy

    confessor and bishop, graciously grant the effect of Thy wonted

    mercy to those, to whom Thou grantest confidence to hope for for-

    giveness. Through our Lord.

    EPISTLE. (ii. Tim. iv. .) D : I charge thee

    before God and Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the

    dead, by his coming, and his kingdom: Preach the word: be instantin season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience

    and doctrine. For there shall be a time, when they will not endure

    sound doctrine: but according to their own desires they will heap to

    themselves teachers, having itching ears, and will indeed turn away

    their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables. Be thou

    vigilant, labor in all things, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil thy

    ministry. Be sober. For I am even now ready to be sacrificed: and

    the time of my dissolution is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I

    have finished my course, I have kept the faith. As to the rest, there

    is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord the just judge

    will render to me in that day: and not only to me, but to them also

    that love his coming.

    The Gospel as on the Feast of St. Bernard.