CHARTIST HYMNS SUNG TO POPULAR HYMNTUNES Attending church or chapel was the regular practice of most Chartists. The recently rediscovered National Chartist Hymn Book shows that Chartist sympathisers sang the hymn tunes of the day to Chartist lyrics with a spirituality committed to social justice. The words of these passionate and poetic hymns, discovered in the National Chartist Hymn Book are re-printed in the following pages under the heading “Chartist Words” bring to life the poverty and injustices experienced by the Chartists. The Chartist hymnbook was discovered in Calderdale, Lancashire but nevertheless these are rousing and thoughtful songs echoing the sentiments of the Chartist Movement in Wales. Henry Vincent, the charismatic Chartist leader and orator was a firm favourite of the Newport and South Wales Chartists, and was a regular preacher at the Chartist Christian church in Birmingham. It is very likely that the National Chartist Hymnbook was used in services there. Chartists in Hamilton Scotland set up an independent Chartist Church in 1839, boasting regular attendances of 80 to 100 worshippers. Other areas followed and in 1839 James Moir warned that if the churches did not adapt to Chartism, then Chartism may found its own religious denomination. However, Chartism evoked little sympathy within the establishment of the Church of England, and sermons were preached against the Chartism. At St. Paul’s church in Newport the anti-Chartist sermons were resisted by silent sit-ins by the Chartists. In some areas, the Chartists provoked the outright hostility both of the Roman Catholic church and the Methodists. However, the Chartists attracted considerable support among other non-conformist clergy, many of whom lived lives little different to those of the working class men and women to whom they ministered (the Chartists). The following pages contain traditional Welsh hymn tunes which can be sung with Welsh, English or Chartist lyrics. By clicking on the buttons (CTRL + CLICK) an audio of each tune or a pdf of the piano music score can be obtained. Some of the hymn tunes included below were written post 1850 when Chartist activity in Newport and South Wales had largely disappeared. Nevertheless these great Welsh tunes have been included to demonstrate the Chartist practice of adapting popular hymn tunes to promote Chartist sentiment. Garth Hewitt sings the songs found in the Chartist National Hymnbook on a CD published by Kevin Mayhew http://www.kevinmayhew.com/liberty-is-near-cd.html#.VkT_IXbhBTM

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Attending church or chapel was the regular practice of most Chartists. The recently rediscovered National Chartist Hymn Book shows that Chartist sympathisers sang the hymn tunes of the day to Chartist lyrics with a spirituality committed to social justice. The words of these passionate and poetic hymns, discovered in the National Chartist Hymn Book are re-printed in the following pages under the heading “Chartist Words” bring to life the poverty and injustices experienced by the Chartists. The Chartist hymnbook was discovered in Calderdale, Lancashire but nevertheless these are rousing and thoughtful songs echoing the sentiments of the Chartist Movement in Wales. Henry Vincent, the charismatic Chartist leader and orator was a firm favourite of the Newport and South Wales Chartists, and was a regular preacher at the Chartist Christian church in Birmingham. It is very likely that the National Chartist Hymnbook was used in services there. Chartists in Hamilton Scotland set up an independent Chartist Church in 1839, boasting regular attendances of 80 to 100 worshippers. Other areas followed and in 1839 James Moir warned that if the churches did not adapt to Chartism, then Chartism may found its own religious denomination. However, Chartism evoked little sympathy within the establishment of the Church of England, and sermons were preached against the Chartism. At St. Paul’s church in Newport the anti-Chartist sermons were resisted by silent sit-ins by the Chartists. In some areas, the Chartists provoked the outright hostility both of the Roman Catholic church and the Methodists. However, the Chartists attracted considerable support among other non-conformist clergy, many of whom lived lives little different to those of the working class men and women to whom they ministered (the Chartists). The following pages contain traditional Welsh hymn tunes which can be sung with Welsh, English or Chartist lyrics. By clicking on the buttons (CTRL + CLICK) an audio of each tune or a pdf of the piano music score can be obtained. Some of the hymn tunes included below were written post 1850 when Chartist activity in Newport and South Wales had largely disappeared. Nevertheless these great Welsh tunes have been included to demonstrate the Chartist practice of adapting popular hymn tunes to promote Chartist sentiment. Garth Hewitt sings the songs found in the Chartist National Hymnbook on a CD published by Kevin Mayhew http://www.kevinmayhew.com/liberty-is-near-cd.html#.VkT_IXbhBTM

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WELSH WORDS By William Williams (Pantycelin) Cymer, Iesu, fi fel' rydwyf, Fyth ni allaf fod yn well; Dallu di am gwna yn agos, Fewyllys i yw mynd ymhell Yn, dy glwyfau, yn dy glwyfau, |: Bydda'i'n unig fyth yn iach. :|

2. Mi ddiffygiais deithior crastir Dyrys anial wrthyf f''hun Ac mi fethais â choncwerio O'm gelynion lleiaf un Mae dy enw, Mae dy enw, Mae dy enw |: 'N able i beri i'r cryfaf ffoi. :|

3. Gwaed y Groes sy'n codi i fyny, 'Reiddil yn goncwerwr mawr: Gwaed dy Groes sydd yn darostwng, Cewri cedyrn fyrdd i lawr. Gad im deimlo, Gad im deilo, Gad im deimlo |: Awel O Galfaria fryn. :|

4. Ymddiried af yn dy allu,

Mawr yw'r gwaith a wnest erioed;

Ti gest angeu, Ti gest uffern,

Ti gest Satan dan dy droed.

Pen Calfar-ia, Pen Calfar-ia, Pen


|: Nac aed hwnw byth om cof! :|


Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour, First begotten from the dead, You alone, our strong Defender, Now lift up Your people’s head. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Jesus, true and living Bread! Jesus, true and living Bread! 2 Here our humblest homage pay we, Here in loving reference bow; Here for faith’s discernment pray we, Lest we fail to know You now. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! You are here, we ask not how, You are here, we ask not how. 3 Paschal Lamb, Your offering, finished Once for all when You were slain, In its fullness undiminished Shall forevermore remain. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Cleansing us from every stain. Cleansing us from every stain. 4 Life imparting heavenly Manna, Smitten Rock with streaming side, Heaven and earth with loud hosanna Worship You, the Lamb Who died. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Risen, ascended, glorified! Risen, ascended, glorified!


Source of good, ethereal Essence!

How shall we attempt thy praise,

while, in thy eternal presence

angels falter in their lays? Infinite are thy perfections,

up to thee no thought can soar;

thy omniscient eye's reflections

sparkle all creation o'er.

Thy great power bespeaks the ocean, in each drop thy smile we see; nature's voice awakes devotion, gentle breezes tell of thee Can a being so unholy,

so debased, so vile a thing,

as will cringe to pampered folly,

be of thine own fashioning?

Who but weeps to see the fearful

prevalence of moral ill?

We shall not be always tearful

God will bless thee, Britain, still. Pity, Lord, such degradations, curst effect of cruel laws, join, ye Patriots! Up, O nation, and remove the baleful cause

Bryn Calfaria - Laudamus (William Owen 1814-93)

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WELSH WORDS (traditional)

Huna blentyn ar fy mynwes

Clyd a chynnes ydyw hon;

Breichiau mam sy'n dynn amdanat,

Cariad mam sy dan fy mron;

Ni cha' dim amharu'th gyntun,

Ni wna undyn â thi gam;

Huna'n dawel, annwyl blentyn,

Huna'n fwyn ar fron dy fam.

Huna'n dawel, heno, huna,

Huna'n fwyn, y tlws ei lun;

Pam yr wyt yn awr yn gwenu,

Gwenu'n dirion yn dy hun?

Ai angylion fry sy'n gwenu,

Arnat ti yn gwenu'n llon,

Tithau'n gwenu'n ôl dan huno,

Huno'n dawel ar fy mron?

Paid ag ofni, dim ond deilen

Gura, gura ar y ddôr;

Paid ag ofni, ton fach unig

Sua, sua ar lan y môr;

Huna blentyn, nid oes yma

Ddim i roddi iti fraw;

Gwena'n dawel yn fy mynwes

Ar yr engyl gwynion draw.

ENGLISH WORDS Holy Spirit, gift bestower, Breathe into our hearts today, Flowing water, dove that hovers, Holy Spirit, guide our way. Love inspirer, joy releaser, Spirit take our fears away, Reconciler, peace restorer, Move among us while we pray. Holy Spirit, Christ Proclaimer, Wisdom bringer, light our way, Fire that dances, wind that whispers, Holy Spirit, come today. Ease disturber, confort bearer, Move among us while we pray, Truth revealer, faith confirmer, Rest within our hearts today.

CHARTIST WORDS We ask 'our daily bread', nor do we ask in vain; see year by year, abundance spread o'er every fertile plain. Why starve we then? – Ah? Why! Answer, thou wicked priest, who scarce will give us when we die the burial of a beast. Answer, ye lordlings gay, ye useless, idle few! Doth heaven in solemn thunder say, earth yieldeth but for you? Our right, great God, our right! We ask this and no more! O look down from thy heavenly height and help thy dying poor!

The Charter is our aim;

we claim it as our right;

our ancient sires enjoyed the same

nor feared oppression's might.

Then let us persevere in such a glorious cause; let each demand a Briton's share in making Britain's laws. Fear not the hate of man

God will your guardian be!

If you pursue the glorious plan

of human liberty!

Then let us persevere in such a glorious cause; let each demand a Briton's share in making Britain's laws. Let each demand a Briton's share in making Britain's laws.

Suo-gan (traditional Welsh melody)

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WELSH WORDS by Ieuan Glan Geirionydd Dyrchafer enw Iesu cu Gan seintiau is y nen; A holl aneirif luoedd nef, Coronwch Ef yn ben. Angylion glân, sy'n gwylio'n gylch Oddeutu’i orsedd wen, Gosgorddion ei lywodraeth gref, Coronwch Ef yn ben. Hardd lu’r merthyri, sydd uwchlaw Erlyniaeth, braw, a sen, Â llafar glod ac uchel lef, Coronwch Ef yn ben. Yr holl broffwydi nawr sy'n gweld Y Meichiau mawr heb len, A’i apostolion yn gyd-lef, Coronwch Ef yn ben. Pob Perchen anadl, ym mhob man, Dan gwmpas haul y nen, Ar fôr a thir, mewn gwlad a thref, Coronwch Ef yn ben. Yn uchaf oll bo enw'r hwn Fu farw ar y pren; Drwy'r ddaear faith, ac yn y nef, Coronwch Ef yn ben.


1 All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown him Lord of all. Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown him Lord of all! 2 O seed of Israel's chosen race now ransomed from the fall, hail him who saves you by his grace, and crown him Lord of all. Hail him who saves you by his grace, and crown him Lord of all! 3 Let every tongue and every tribe responsive to his call, to him all majesty ascribe, and crown him Lord of all. To him all majesty ascribe, and crown him Lord of all! 4 Oh, that with all the sacred throng we at his feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song and crown him Lord of all. We'll join the everlasting song and crown him Lord of all.

Edward Perronet

CHARTIST WORDS Assembled 'neath thy broad blue sky to thee, O God, thy children cry! Thy needy creatures on thee call, for thou art great, and good to all. Thy bounty smiles on every side, and no good thing hast thou denied; but men of wealth and men of power like locusts, all thy gifts devour! No longer view yourselves as things made for the use of useless kings! Demand your rights! Let tyrants see you are resolved that you'll be free! Britannia's sons, though slaves ye be, God your Creator made you free; he, life to all, and being gave, but never, never made a slave. He made the sky, with spangles bright, the moon to shine by silent night, the sun, and spread the vast concave, but never, never made a slave. All men are equal in his sight, the bond, the free, the black, the white! He made them all, them freedom gave, he made the man, man made the slave! No longer view yourselves as things made for the use of useless kings! Demand your rights! Let tyrants see you are resolved that you'll be free! You are resolved that you'll be free! You are resolved that you'll be free!

Diadem – All Hail the power - (James Ellor 1819-99)

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WELSH WORDS by Hiraethog 1. Dyma gariad fel y moroedd, Tosturiaethau fel y lli: Twysog bywyd pur yn marw - Marw i brynnu'n bywyd ni. Pwy all beidio â cofio amdano? Pwy all beidio â thraethu'i glod? Dyma gariad nad â'n angof Tra fo nefoedd wen yn bod. 2. Ar Galfaria yr ymrwygodd Holl ffynhonnau'r dyfnder mawr; Torrodd holl argaeau'r nefoedd Oedd yn gyfain hyd yn awr: 3 Gras a chariad megis dilyw Yn ymdywallt ymâ 'nghyd, A chyfiawnder pur â heddwch Yn cusanu euog fyd. V 1 & 2 William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) O ddyfynderoid o ddoethineb! O ddyfynderoid maith o ras! O ddirgelion anchwiliadwy, Bythol uwch eu chwilio i maes! Mae seraffiaied nef yn edrych Gyda syndod bob yr un Ar ddyfynderoid cariad dwyfol Duw yn marw dros y dyn!

V 3. William Williams, Pantycelyn


ENGLISH WORDS Here is love, vast as the ocean, Loving kindness as the flood, When the Prince of life, our Ransom, Shed for us His precious blood. Who His love will not remember? Who can cease to sing His praise? He can never be forgotten Throughout Heav’n’s eternal days. On the mount of crucifixion, Fountains opened deep and wide; Through the floodgates of God’s mercy Flowed a vast and gracious tide. Grace and love, like mighty rivers, Poured incessant from above. And Heav’n’s peace and perfect justice Kissed a guilty world in love.

William Rees (1802-1883


Sons of poverty assemble, ye whose hearts with woe are riven, let the guilty tyrants tremble, who your hearts such pain hath given; we will never, we will never from the shrine of truth be driven. We will never, we will never from the shrine of truth be driven. Must ye faint, ah! How much longer? Better by the sword to die than to die of want and hunger, they heed not your feeble cry; lift your voices, lift your voices, lift your voices to the sky. Lift your voices, lift your voices, lift your voices to the sky. Rouse them from their silken slumbers, trouble them amidst their pride; swell your ranks, augment your numbers, spread the Charter far and wide: rust is with us, trust is with us, God himself is on our side. Trust is with us, trust is with us, God himself is on our side. See the brave, ye spirit-broken, that uphold your righteous cause; who against them hath not spoken? They are, just as Jesus was, persecuted, persecuted by bad men and wicked laws. Persecuted, persecuted by bad men and wicked laws. Dire oppression, heaven decrees it, from our land shall soon be hurled; mark the coming time, and seize it, every banner be unfurled; spread the Charter, spread the Charter, spread the Charter through the world! Spread the Charter, spread the Charter, spread the Charter through the world!

LiLift your voices, lift your voices, lift your

voices to the sky. Lift your voices, lift your voices, lift your

voices to the sky.

Dim ond Iesu - Here is Love (Robert Lowery 1826 -1899)

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Tyred, Iesu, i'r anialwch,

at bechadur gwael ei lun,

ganwaith ddrysodd mewn rhyw

rwydau –

rhwydau weithiodd ef ei hun;

llosg fieri sydd o'm cwmpas,

dod fi sefyll ar fy nhraed,

moes dy law, ac arwain drosodd

f’enaid gwan i dir ei wlad.

Manna nefol sy arna'i eisiau,

dwr rhedegog, gloyw, byw

sydd yn tarddu o dan riniog

temel sanctaidd, bur fy Nuw;

golchi'r aflan, cannu’r duaf,

gwneud yr euog brwnt yn lân;

ti gei'r clod ryw fyrdd o oesoedd

wedi i'r ddaear fynd yn dân.

Ar dy allu 'rwy'n ymddiried:

mi anturiaf, doed a ddêl,

dreiddio drwy'r afonydd dyfnion,

mae dy eiriau oll dan sêl;

fyth ni fetha a gredo ynot,

ni bu un erioed yn ôl;

mi â 'mlaen, a doed a ddelo,

graig a thyle, ar dy ôl.

ENGLISH WORDS Love divine, all loves excelling, joy of heaven, to earth come down; fix in us thy humble dwelling; all thy faithful mercies crown! Jesus thou art all compassion, pure, unbounded love thou art; visit us with thy salvation; enter every trembling heart. Breathe, O breathe thy loving Spirit into every troubled breast! Let us all in thee inherit; let us find that second rest. Take away our bent to sinning; Alpha and Omega be; end of faith, as its beginning, set our hearts at liberty. Come, Almighty to deliver, let us all thy life receive; suddenly return and never, nevermore thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing, serve thee as thy hosts above, pray and praise thee without ceasing, glory in thy perfect love. Finish, then, thy new creation; pure and spotless let us be. Let us see thy great salvation perfectly restored in thee; changed from glory into glory, till in heaven we take our place, till we cast our crowns before thee, lost in wonder, love, and praise

CHARTIST WORDS SAME WORDS AS CALON LAN Hark, I hear a joyful sound, freedom's trumpet shakes the ground; freemen hear, and freemen dare, claim your rights, your wrongs declare. See the writing on the wall, 'Tyranny is doomed to fall! ' Sing in joyful melody, Welshmen, Welshmen! shall be free! 'Tyranny is doomed to fall! Tyrants hear, and tremble too; men who feast, but nothing do; useless gilded things, who say you are but of common clay. See the writing on the wall, 'Tyranny is doomed to fall! ' Sing in joyful melody, Welshmen, Welshmen! shall be free! 'Tyranny is doomed to fall! Hoary age and sturdy youth, all imbibe the sacred truth – that your Maker made you free, and demand equality! See the writing on the wall, 'Tyranny is doomed to fall! ' Sing in joyful melody, Welshmen, Welshmen! shall be free! Lord defend the helpless Chartist, and be thou their faithful friend, Shield them with thy mighty hand! Sound the trumpet far and near. Sound, sound the trumpet, far and near till Welsh spirits reappear, Sound the trumpet, sound the trumpet Til’ Welsh spirits reappear.

Blaenwern – LoveDivine (WP Rowlands 1860-1937)

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IESU, FY NGWAREDWR I, Mae dy lygaid hardd fel fflamau tân. Iesu, rhof fy hun i ti; Fe'th ddilynaf di i bob man. 'Does neb drwy'r oesoedd maith sy'n debyg i ti, Mae'r oesoedd a'r blynyddoedd yn dy law. Alffa ac Omega, do fe'm ceraist, Caf rannu tragwyddoldeb maith â thi. 'Does dim hebot ti, Iesu, Mae'r cwbl oll i ti, Er dwyn clod i'th enw pur. Nid er fy mwyn i, Nid wy'n haeddu dim o gwbl; Dim ond ti sydd Dduw, Ac i'th ewyllys plygaf fi.


1 Jesus, lover of my soul,

Let me to Thy bosom fly,

While the nearer waters roll,

While the tempest still is high:

Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,

Till the storm of life is past;

Safe into the haven guide;

O receive my soul at last.

2 Other refuge have I none,

Hangs my helpless soul on Thee;

Leave, oh, leave me not alone,

Still support and comfort me.

All my trust on Thee is stayed,

All my help from Thee I bring;

Cover my defenceless head

With the shadow of Thy wing.

3 Thou, O Christ, art all I want;

More than all in Thee I find;

Raise the fallen, cheer the faint,

Heal the sick and lead the blind.

Just and holy is Thy name,

I am all unrighteousness;

Vile and full of sin I am,

Thou art full of truth and grace.

4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found,

Grace to cover all my sin;

Let the healing streams abound;

Make and keep me pure within.

Thou of life the fountain art,

Freely let me take of Thee;

Spring Thou up within my heart,

Rise to all eternity.


For every thing there is a time Which is here allowed below; Time for labour, mirth, for crime, And for wailing or for woe! For the poor factory child to toil and bleed and sweat through summer gay, through winter wild, with scarcely time to eat! For priests and lords and kings to let their passions loose, and heedless of our sufferings, devour what we produce! A time for working bees to drive forth the idle drones! And then - a time for the release of Williams, Frost, and Jones! A time for all to blend their energies and might! For minor differences to end in one grand point of right! For knowledge pure, refined, t'illumine every brow! A time for every one inclined to be a Chartist now!

Aberystwyth - Jesu lover of my soul (Joseph Parry “Pencerdd America” 1841-1903) (also composed Myfanwy)

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Nid wy'n gofyn bywyd moethus, Aur y byd na'i berlau mân: Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, Calon onest, calon lân. Calon lân yn llawn daioni, Tecach yw na'r lili dlos: Dim ond calon lân all ganu Canu'r dydd a chanu'r nos. Pe dymunwn olud bydol, Hedyn buan ganddo sydd; Golud calon lân, rinweddol, Yn dwyn bythol elw fydd. Hwyr a bore fy nymuniad Gwyd i'r nef ar adain cân Ar i Dduw, er mwyn fy Ngheidwad, Roddi i mi galon lân.


I seek not life's ease and pleasures, Earthly riches, pearls nor gold; Give to me a heart made happy, Clean and honest to unfold. A clean heart o'erflow'd with goodness, Fairer than the lily white; A clean heart forever singing, Singing through the day and night. If I cherish earthly treasures, Swift they flee and all is vain; A clean heart enriched with virtues, Brings to me eternal gain. Morn and evening my petition, Wings its flight to heaven in song; In the name of my Redeemer, Make my heart clean, pure and strong. Trans: Rees Harris


Hark, I hear a joyful sound, freedom's trumpet shakes the

ground; freemen hear, and freemen dare, claim your rights, your wrongs


See the writing on the wall, 'Tyranny is doomed to fall!' Sing in joyful melody, Britons, Britons shall be free! Tyrants hear, and tremble too; men who feast, but nothing do; useless gilded things, who say you are but of common clay.

Hoary age and sturdy youth, all imbibe the sacred truth that your Maker made you free, and demand equality!

Calon Lan (late 19th century)

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ENGLISH WORDS Immortal, invisible, God only wise, in light inaccessible hid from our eyes, most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days, almighty, victorious, thy great name we praise. Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light, nor wanting, nor wasting, thou rulest in might; thy justice like mountains high soaring above thy clouds which are fountains of goodness and love. To all, life thou givest, to both great and small; in all life thou livest, the true life of all; we blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree, and wither and perish, but naught changeth thee. Thou reignest in glory; thou dwellest in light; thine angels adore thee, all veiling their sight; all laud we would render: O help us to see 'tis only the splendour of light hideth thee.


Britannia’s the land where fell slavery’s chain Bound fast are its victims in hunger and pain Where no eye would pity when no hand would save Then came forth to break it Zephaniah the Brave. A band of brave fellows whose hearts caught the sound Arose from their slumbers and rallied around Resolved in defiance of fool and of knave For freedom to fight with Zephaniah the Brave.

St Denio – Immortal Invisible

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ENGLISH WORDS Alleluia! sing to Jesus! His the scepter, his the throne. Alleluia! His the triumph, his the victory alone. Hark! the songs of peaceful Zion thunder like a mighty flood. Jesus out of every nation hath redeemed us by his blood. Alleluia! not as orphans are we left in sorrow now; Alleluia! He is near us, faith believes, nor questions how; Though the cloud from sight received him when the forty days were o'er shall our hearts forget his promise, 'I am with you evermore'? Alleluia! bread of heaven, here on earth our food and stay! Alleluia! here the sinful flee to thee from day to day. Intercessor, Friend of sinners, earth's Redeemer, plead for me. Where the songs of all the sinless sweep across the crystal sea. Alleluia! King eternal, thee the Lord of lords we own; Alleluia! born of Mary, earth thy footstool, heaven thy throne. Thou within the veil hast entered, robed in flesh, our great High Priest. Thou on earth both Priest and Victim in the Eucharistic Feast.


For every thing there is a time Which is here allowed below; Time for labour, mirth, for crime, And for wailing or for woe! For the poor factory child to toil and bleed and sweat through summer gay, through winter wild, with scarcely time to eat! For priests and lords and kings to let their passions loose, and heedless of our sufferings, devour what we produce! A time for working bees to drive forth the idle drones! And then - a time for the release of Williams, Frost, and Jones! A time for all to blend their energies and might! For minor differences to end in one grand point of right! For knowledge pure, refined, t'illumine every brow! A time for every one inclined to be a Chartist now!

Hyfrydol - Alleluia Sing to Jesus (Rowland Hugh Pritchard 1811-1887)

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ENGLISH (tune also known as “Ton-y-botel”) O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free! Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me! Underneath me, all around me, is the current of thy love-- leading onward, leading homeward, to that glorious rest above! O the deep, deep love of Jesus-- spread his praise from shore to shore! How he loves us, ever loves us, changes never, nevermore! How he watches o'er his loved ones, died to call them all his own; how for them he's interceding, watching o'er them from the throne! O the deep, deep love of Jesus, love of every love the best! 'Tis an ocean vast of blessing, 'tis a haven sweet of rest! O the deep, deep love of Jesus-- 'tis heaven of heavens to me; and it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to thee!


TRUTH is growing—hearts are glowing

With the flame of Liberty:

Light is breaking—Thrones are quaking—

Hark!—the trumpet of the Free!

Long, in lowly whispers breathing.

Freedom wandered drearily—

Still, in faith, her laurel wreathing

For the day when there should be

Freemen shouting—'Victory!'

Now, she seeketh him that speaketh

Fearlessly of lawless might;

And she speedeth him that leadeth

Brethren on to win the Right.

Soon, the slave shall cease to sorrow—

Cease to toil in agony;

Yea, the cry may swell to-morrow

Over land and over sea—

'Brethren, shout—ye all are free!'

Freedom bringeth joy that singeth

All day long and never tires:

No more sadness—all is gladness

In the hearts that she inspires:

For, she breathes a soft compassion

Where the tyrant kindled rage;

And she saith to every nation—

'Brethren, cease wild war to wage:

Earth is your blest heritage.'

Though kings render their defender

Titles, gold, and splendours gay—

Lo, thy glory—warrior gory—

Like a dream shall fade away!

Gentle Peace her balm of healing

On the bleeding world shall pour;

Brethren, love for brethren feeling,

Shall proclaim, from shore to shore—

'Shout—the sword shall slay no more!'

Ebenezer (Thomas John Williams 1890)

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WELSH I bob un sydd ffyddlon Dan Ei faner Ef Mae gan Iesu goron Fry yn nheyrnas nef Lluoedd Duw a Satan Sydd yn cwrdd yn awr: Mae gan blant eu cyfran Yn y rhyfel mawr. I bob un sydd ffyddlon, Dan Ei faner ef Mae gan Iesu goron Fry yn nheyrnas nef. Awn i gwrdd y gelyn, Bawb ag arfau glân; Uffern sydd i’n herbyn A’i phicellau tân. Gwasgwn yn y rhengau, Ac edrychwn fry; Concrwr byd ac angau Acw sydd o’n tu Haleliw, Haleliw haleliwia Moliant iddo bydd. Amen. Haleliwia, haleliw, haleliwia, Moliant iddo bydd. Amen.

Tune: Rachie, 1921 (Caradog Roberts, 1878-1935)

ENGLISH TRANSLATION For everyone who is faithful Beneath his banner Jesus has a crown Above in the kingdom of heaven Hosts of God and satan Are now clashing: The children have their lot In the great war For everyone who is faithful Beneath his banner Jesus has a crown Above in the kingdom of heaven Intoxication like Goliath Challenges man and God; Imprisons myriads and myriads Being so audacious; Brothers and Sisters Are in its castle of sadness: Its fortresses must crumble, All must be set free. Let us go to meet the enemy, Everyone with holy weapons; Hell is opposed to us With it's pikes of fire. Let us press into the ranks, And let us look up; The Conqueror of the world and death Is with us on every side!


Me n of Wales, ye are slaves; bought by tyrants, sold by knaves. Yours the toil, yours the sweat,yours the pain. Theirs the profit, ease, and gain. Beaten by the policemen's staves; If their force ye dare repel Yours will be the felon’s cell 'Tis the nation's voice I hear, Shouting loud, 'Liberty is near!' 'Tis the nation's voice I hear, 'Liberty is near!' Men of Wales, ye are slaves; Hark! The stormy tempest raves. Yours the toil, yours the sweat, yours the pain. Theirs the profit, ease, and gain. Beaten by the policemen's staves; If their force ye dare repel Yours will be the felon’s cell 'Tis the nation's voice I hear, Shouting loud, 'Liberty is near!' 'Tis the nation's voice I hear, 'Liberty is near!

RACHIE (I bob un sy’n ffyddlon) (Caradog Roberts 1878 — 1935) SCORE 1

ENGLISH WORDS Forward! be our watchword, steps and voices joined; Seek the things before us, not a look behind; Burns the fiery pillar at our army’s head; Who shall dream of shrinking, by our Captain led? Forward through the desert, through the toil and fight; Jordan flows before us; Zion beams with light. Forward! When in childhood buds the infant mind; All through youth and manhood not a thought behind; Speed through realms of nature, climb the steps of grace; Faint not, till in glory, gleams our Father’s face. Forward, all the lifetime, climb from height to height, Till the head be hoary, till the eve be light. Forward! flock of Jesus, salt of all the earth, Till each yearning purpose spring to glorious birth: Sick, they ask for healing; blind, they grope for day; Pour upon the nations wisdom’s loving ray. Forward, out of error, leave behind the night; Forward through the darkness, forward into light!

Glories upon glories hath our God prepared, By the souls that love Him one day to be shared; Eye hath not beheld them, ear hath never heard; Nor of these hath uttered thought or speech a word; Forward, marching eastward, where the heaven is bright, Till the veil be lifted, till our faith be sight. Far o’er yon horizon rise the city towers Where our God abideth; that fair home is ours: Flash the streets with jasper, shine the gates with gold; Flows the gladdening river shedding joys untold. Thither, onward, thither, in the Spirit’s might; Pilgrims to your country, forward into light! Into God’s high temple, onward as we press, Beauty spreads around us, born of holiness; Arch, and vault, and carving, lights of varied tone, Softened words and holy, prayer and praise alone. Every thought upraising to our city bright, Where the tribes assemble round the throne of light.

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O! Iesu mawr, rho d'anian bur

I eiddil gwan mewn anial dir,

I'w nerthu drwy'r holl rwystrau sy

Ar ddyrys daith i'r Ganaan fry.

Pob gras sydd yn yr Eglwys fawr,

Fry yn y nef, neu ar y llawr,

Caf feddu'n oll, eu meddu'n un,

Wrth feddu d'anian Di dy Hun.

Mi lyna'n dawel wrth dy draed,

Mi ganaf am rinweddau'r gwaed,

Mi garia'r groes, mi nofia'r don,

Ond cael dy anian dan fy mron.

ENGLISH WORDS Lord, speak to me that I may speak In living echoes of Thy tone; As Thou has sought, so let me seek Thine erring children lost and lone. O lead me, Lord, that I may lead The wandering and the wavering feet; O feed me, Lord, that I may feed Thy hungering ones with manna sweet. O strengthen me, that while I stand Firm on the rock, and strong in Thee, I may stretch out a loving hand To wrestlers with the troubled sea. O teach me, Lord, that I may teach The precious things Thou dost impart; And wing my words, that they may reach The hidden depths of many a heart. O use me, Lord, use even me, Just as Thou wilt, and when, and where, Until Thy blessèd face I see, Thy rest, Thy joy, Thy glory share. Frances R. Havergal

CHARTIST WORDS Hail, glorious morn! When Christ arose, and burst the fetters of the tomb, and triumphed o'er his cruel foes who stood amazed, confounded, dumb. While time, and tide, and planets roll, tho' kings, and priests, and tyrants join to crush the burstings of the soul, inspired with truth - pure truth shall shine! Nor fear, nor sword, nor dungeons vile, shall quench the ever-burning spark; although its path may be awhile sunless and cheerless, dreary, dark. It burns, and shall for ever burn, the fire of perfect liberty; all men its principles shall learn, and then we shall, we must be free. But Christ has risen from the dead and gained a glorious victory; then follow him - the Truth - your head, demand your Charter, and be free. Then follow him - the Truth - your head, demand your Charter, and be free.

Llef – O Jesu Mawr - Llef - (G.H. Jones, 1849-1919)

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Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrive! Contre nous de la tyrannie, L'etendard sanglant est leve L'etendard sanglant est leve Entendez-vous dans les campagnes Mugir ces feroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras Egorger vos fils, vos compagnes! Aux armes, citoyens, Formez vos bataillons, Marchons, marchons, Qu'un sang impur Abreu-ve nos sillons


Arise, children of the Fatherland The day of glory has arrived! Against us tyranny's Bloody banner is raised Do you hear, in the countryside The roar of those ferocious soldiers? They're coming right into your arms To cut the throats of your sons, your women! To arms, citizens Form your battalions Let's march, let's march Let's march, let's march Water our furrows


The sons of poverty assemble, whose hearts with woe are riven, let the guilty tyrants tremble, who your hearts such pain hath given; we will never, we will never from the shrine of truth be driven. Must ye faint, ah! How much longer? Better by the sword to die than to die of want and hunger, lift up your voices, lift up your voices to the sky. Spre-ead the Charter Spre-ead the Charter Spread the Charter through the world This dire oppression, heaven decrees it, from our land shall soon be hurled; mark the coming time, and seize it, every banner be unfurled; They are, just as Jesus was, persecuted, persecuted by bad men and wicked laws. Persecuted, persecuted by bad men and wicked laws. spread the Charter, spread the Charter, spread the Charter through the world! Spread the Charter, spread the Charter, Spread the Charter Spread the Charter through the world!

La Marseillaise 1792 by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle

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Text of Frosts letter to the Home Secretary Uphold those bold Comrades, who suffer for you, Who nobly stand foremost, demanding your due, Away with the timid- 'tis treason to fear- To surrender or falter, when danger is near, For now that our leaders disdain to betray 'Tis base to desert them, or succour delay 'Tis time that the victims of labour and care Should for reap what is labour's fair share 'Tis time that these voice in the councils be heard The rather than pay for the law of the sword; All power is ours, with a will of our own We conquer, united divided we groan. Come hail brothers, hail the shrill sound of the horn For ages deep wrongs have been hopelessly borne Despair shall no longer our spirits dismay Nor wither the arms when uprasised for the fray; The conflict for freedom is gathering nigh: We live to secure it, or gloriously die.

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TRUTH is growing—hearts are glowing With the flame of Liberty: Light is breaking—Thrones are quaking— Hark!—the trumpet of the Free! Long, in lowly whispers breathing. Freedom wandered drearily— Still, in faith, her laurel wreathing For the day when there should be Freemen shouting—'Victory!' Now, she seeketh him that speaketh Fearlessly of lawless might; And she speedeth him that leadeth Brethren on to win the Right. Soon, the slave shall cease to sorrow— Cease to toil in agony; Yea, the cry may swell to-morrow Over land and over sea— 'Brethren, shout—ye all are free!' Freedom bringeth joy that singeth All day long and never tires: No more sadness—all is gladness In the hearts that she inspires: For, she breathes a soft compassion

Where the tyrant kindled rage; And she saith to every nation— 'Brethren, cease wild war to wage: Earth is your blest heritage.' Though kings render their defender Titles, gold, and splendours gay— Lo, thy glory—warrior gory— Like a dream shall fade away! Gentle Peace her balm of healing On the bleeding world shall pour; Brethren, love for brethren feeling, Shall proclaim, from shore to shore— 'Shout—the sword shall slay no more!'


CHARTIST SONG. by Thomas cooper

AIR—The Brave Old Oak.

A SONG for the Free—the brave and the free— Who feareth no tyrant's frown: Who scorneth to bow, in obeisance low, To mitre or to crown: Who owneth no lord with crosier or sword, And bendeth to Right alone; Where'er he may dwell, his worth men shall tell,

When a thousand years are gone! For Tyler of old, a heart-chorus bold Let Labour's children sing! For the smith with the soul that disdain'd base control, Nor trembled before a king; For the heart that was brave, though pierced by a knave Ere victory for Right was won— They'll tell his fair fame, and cheer his blythe name, When a thousand years are gone! For the high foe of Wrong, great Hampden, a song— The fearless and the sage! Who, at king-craft's frown, the gauntlet threw down, And dared the tyrant's rage; Who away the scabbard threw, when the battle blade he drew, And with gallant heart led on! How he bravely fell, our children shall tell, When a thousand years are gone! For the mountain child of Scotia wild— For noble Wallace a strain! O'er the Border ground let the chaunt resound:

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It will not be heard in vain. For the Scot will awake, and the theme uptake Of deeds by the patriot done:— They'll hold his name dear, nor refuse it a tear, When a thousand years are gone! An anthem we'll swell for bold William Tell, The peasant of soul so grand! Who fearlessly broke haughty Gesler's yoke, And set free his fatherland: His deeds shall be sung, with blythesome tongue, By maiden, sire, and son, Where the eagles climb o'er the Alps sublime; When a thousand years are gone. For our Charter a song! It tarrieth long— But we will not despair; For, though Death's dark doom upon us all may come Ere we the blessing share,— Our happy children they shall see the happy day When Freedom's boon is won; And our Charter shall be the boast of the Free, When a thousand

years are gone!


CHARTIST SONG. by Thomas Cooper

AIR —Canadian Boat Song.

THE time shall come when Wrong shall end, When peasant to peer no more shall bend— When the lordly Few shall lose their sway, And the Many no more their frown obey. Toil, brothers, toil, till the work is done— Till the struggle is o'er, and the Charter's won! The time shall come when the artisan Shall homage no more the titled man— When the moiling men who delve the mine By Mammon's decree no more shall pine. Toil, brothers, toil, till the work is done— Till the struggle is o'er and the Charter's won! The time shall come when the weavers' band Shall hunger no more, in their fatherland— When the factory child can sleep till day, And smile while it dreams of sport and play. Toil, brothers, toil, till the work is done— Till the struggle is o'er, and the Charter's won!

The time shall come when Man shall hold His brother more dear than sordid gold— When the Negro's stain his freeborn mind Shall sever no more from human-kind. Toil, brothers, toil, till the world is free— Till justice and Love hold jubilee! The time shall come when kingly crown And mitre for toys of the Past are shown— When the Fierce and False alike shall fall, And Mercy and Truth encircle all. Toil, brothers, toil, till the world is free— Till Mercy and Truth hold jubilee! The time shall come when earth shall be A garden of joy, from sea to sea— When the slaughterous sword is drawn no more, And goodness exults from shore to shore. Toil, brothers, toil, till the world is free— Till goodness shall hold high jubilee!

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Chartist Anthem lyrics

A hundred years, a thousand years, we're marching on the road The going isn't easy yet, we've got a heavy load, oh we've got a heavy load The way is blind with blood and sweat, and death sings in our ears But time is marching on our side, we will defeat the years, oh we will defeat the years We men of bone of shrunken shank, our only treasure doth, Women who carry at their breast heirs to the hungry earth, oh heirs to the hungry earth Speak with one voice, we march, we rest, and march again upon the years Sons of our sons are listening to hear the Chartist cheers Oh, to hear the Chartists cheers