IT:NETWORK:MICROSO FT SERVER 1 10-150-165 Instructor: Michael J. Teske

Instructor: Michael J. Teske. Agenda Introductions Course Requirements Course Content Course Goals Course Overview Syllabus Timeline Brief

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Instructor: Michael J. Teske


Introductions Course Requirements Course Content Course Goals Course Overview Syllabus Timeline Brief Microsoft Networking overview


Name Past related work experience (if any) Why Network Specialist Program?

Course Requirements Have you taken Network: Client Operating Systems Do you have experience with Microsoft operating systems

and general networking knowledge. Do you know what an IP address is? Configuring computer TCP/IP settings Peer to peer networking Operating system installations OSI reference model Basic network protocol routing.

If not, you should reconsider your decision to take this course immediately.

If you withdraw today, you can receive a full refund. Tomorrow, only 80%.

Course Goals Technical

Get a fundamental understanding of:○ Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2○ Active Directory Domain Services○ Group Policies○ Domain Name Service (DNS)○ File Sharing and securing file systems○ Data backups○ Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 inherent applications○ Troubleshooting fundamentals

Non-technical Communication Interpersonal

Course Overview Stacked Lecture/Lab format Labs are typically dependent upon each other. Most presentations and labs highlight topics that will be on quizzes Grade is based up:

Formative Assessments○ Several lab exercises○ Quizzes (expect 5-8)

Summative Assessments○ Midterm written○ Final written○ Mid-term lab practical○ Final lab practical


Review (see handout) Please send an email to

[email protected] with the appropriate subject line found in your syllabus.


See website http://network.nwtc.edu/mteske

This is subject to change

General This is course is intended to provide a

fundamental understanding of the Microsoft Server platform and what’s “in the box”.

Most labs are a step-by-step to aid you in completing the exercise and accompanied with some brief “why we do this” explanations.

As you proceed in this program(and industry), you will no longer be able to rely on step-by-step instructions.

Along the way, you will be provided with additional resources to complete certain tasks on your own.


Windows Server 2008 R2

Installation Guidelines Terms Disk Management Security Groups New Technology File System (NTFS) Creating a share

Windows Server 2008 R2

Why network? Meet the needs of your company.

○ Email○ Data redundancy and storage○ Web site○ Business management software

Centralized networking requires server based software Windows Server 2008 R2-Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Small Business Server Essentials Unix/Linux

Types of server applicationsFile serversSharing data (documents, spreadsheets)Print serversCentrally sharing printersEmail serversinteroffice email/Internet emailGroupware serversEmail, calendar sharing etc.Database serversSQL, MySQL, Oracle

Windows Server 2008 R2 System Requirements

Processor64bit processorRAMMin. 512 MB() Max. 32 GB ()

(standard) 2TB (Enterprise, Datacenter, Etc)Disk32GB minimumDVDMonitorKeyboardInternet Access

Windows Server 2008 R2 Installation best practices (short version)

Documentation○ Hostname○ Network information(IP Addresses)○ Installed roles/features○ Any other pertinent information

Perform Windows updates prior to production rollout Rename server (yes, we have to reboot)

○ Role/function/location○ Version○ Etc.

Statically assign IP address(es)


System Requirements/Installation/Upgrade paths:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd



System Reserved PartitionDISKPARTServer MangerRolesFile Services RolesSecurity GroupPermissionRightsUniversal Naming Convention

IT:Network:Microsoft Server 1 Copyright 2010

Disk Management Can be configured using:

User interface (UI)○ Server Manager->Disk

Management Command line interface (CLI)

○ Diskpart Both options allow for complete

configuration of your internal and external volumes (disks)

IT:Network:Microsoft Server 1 Copyright 2010

Security GroupsBuilt-in System Groups INTERACTIVE: anyone using computer locally Network: all users connected over the network to the computer Everyone: All current users, including guests, and users from other

domains System: the operating system Creator Owner: the creator/owner of subdirectories, files, and print

jobs Authenticated users: any user who has been authenticated to the

system. A more secure alternative to Everyone Anonymous Logon: a user who has logged in anonymously, such as

an anonymous FTP user Batch: an account that has logged in as a batch job Service: an account that has logged in as a service Dialup: users who are accessing the system via DUN

IT:Network:Microsoft Server 1 Copyright 2010

New Technology File System (NTFS)

IT:Network:Microsoft Server 1 Copyright 2010

Security groups found on the NTFS Access Control list

Every folder/file on an NTFS formatted volume will have security settings.


Read - Read the file and its ownership and attributes Write - In addition to the Read permissions, the user can

overwrite the file and change its attributes. Read & Execute - In addition to the Read permissions, the user

can run applications. In the folder permissions, this level can also traverse folders and list the folder contents.

Modify - In addition to the Read & Execute and Write permissions, the user can delete the file or folder.

Full Control - This permission is inclusive of previous rights. In addtion, it grants the user/group the right to modify the Access Control List(ACL). This right also allows a user/group to take ownership of files/folders.

List Folder Contents -allows the user to list the folder and subfolder contents.

IT:Network:Microsoft Server 1 Copyright 2010

Creating a SharePermissions Read—Read files and folders and their attributes,

run application files, and change folders that are contained in the shared folder.

Change—Create folders and files. Change data and attributes in files and delete files and folders. The Change permission can also perform the same actions as the Read permission

Full Control—This permission can allow the same rights as READ and CHANGE. In addition, it grants the user/group the right to modify the Access Control List(ACL). Modifying the ACL means changing permissions as well as adding or removing groups/users.

IT:Network:Microsoft Server 1 Copyright 2010

Creating a ShareRequirements

Must install the File Services RoleAdd through Server Manager

Allows you to add supporting Role ServicesAdded automatically through Windows

Explorer when creating a share for the first time

Does not give the option to add supporting Role Services

Must be a member of the Administrators or Power Users groups

IT:Network:Microsoft Server 1 Copyright 2010

Creating a Share

Once share is successfully created, it can be accessed “across the wire” either through:Universal Naming Convention

○ \\servername\sharename\folder\..\○ \\ipaddress\sharename\folder..\

Net command to map a drive○ Net use g: \\servername\common

Or browsing the Network
