Instrumentation for the Energy Frontier Ronald Lipton, Fermilab

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Instrumentation for the Energy Frontier Ronald Lipton, Fermilab. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Instrumentation for the Energy FrontierRonald Lipton, FermilabHigh Energy Physics has had remarkable success at the Frontier culminating with the discovery of the Higgs.

This success was enabled by equally remarkable progress in technology and instrumentation. These lectures will look at past and current work and perhaps offer a glimpse of the futureTrackingLets think about designing a tracker for a collider detectorThey all look pretty genericThe solenoidal field defines the overall geometryTransitions from a barrel to disk geometry tend to be awkwardDisks provide lower mass at high eta, more normal incidenceThe number of hits/area is maximized with disks combined with barrelsR. Lipton 2

D0Designing a Tracker - 1R. Lipton 3First lets decide on the vertex detector Scale set by HQ lifetimesMinimize Rinner/RouterRinner set by occupancy, beam pipe diameterRouter set by cost of pixelated detectorssmeas set by technology, mass of sensorsILC ~ 5 microns at 1.5 cm (slow, rad soft, monolithic) LHC ~ 20 microns at 5 cm (fast, rad hard, hybrid)Length set by luminous region, angular coverage

Tevatron luminous region~25 cm longD0SMTDesigning a Tracker - 2R. Lipton 4Momentum ResolutionResolution proportional to s/BL2For a high momentum track f=f0+kr k=1/ptWe effectively want to measure Df (circumferential distance di)Most important information is at the outer radius and near the originIntermediate layers primarily provide pattern recognition

Alpha estimates the effectof the layer on momentumresolution

Designing a Tracker - 3R. Lipton 5The Forward DirectionAs we move forward the we begin to lose Bdl and momentum resolutionDisks become more cost effective/hit than barrelsWe can recover some momentum resolution with precision disksWe want to measure phi well, r not as well, but this is difficult in a disk geometryIntermediate disks have little effect on resolution

CMS FPIX PlaquetteTiled 3D pixel structure

LHCB VELO R and F sensorsR. Lipton 6

Possible design for CMS Phase 2 tracker with extension to improve acceptance for forward physics (Htt, Higgs self coupling, WW scattering)Doublet strip modulesFor track triggerDoublet pixel/strip modules for track triggerForward pixel diskaFor extended h coverage

Silicon TrackingThis has become the baseline technology for the energy frontier. It is:Precise ~ micron-level resolutionModerate to low mass (depends on density, cooling, electronics)Fast ~ can achieve sub-nanosecond resolutionRadiation hard can be designed to operate to 1016/cm2 fluenceCostly? $10/cm2 for CMS sensors $3/cm2 for CMOS electronicsWe can profit from the huge technical advances and infrastructure in the semiconductor industryR. Lipton 7Signal and NoiseWhat is the thinnest practical silicon tracker?Noise

Increasing gm costs power (gm~Id), minimize Cdet->pixels ~ 10 ff possibleminimal coupling to other electrodesPower assume id=500 na, pitch 25 micronsSignal shoot for 25:1 s/n80 e/h pairs/micronSpeed lets say 5 nsMechanical Can thin to ~10 microns

R. Lipton 8

Silicon DetectorHow we connect the detectors to the electronics, cool them, and mount them is the name of the gameR. Lipton 9SiO2Aln+p+

Hybrid Pixel Interconnect using bump bondshybridAnalogcableSVX4


Detector/Electronics Integration TechnologiesMonolithic active pixels collect charge in a few mm epitaxial layer (STAR, ALICE)Charge coupled device (SLD)DEPFET (Belle II)Silicon on Insulator3D IntegrationR. Lipton 10

p+p+n+rear contactdrainbulksourcepsymmetry axisn+ninternal gatetop gateclearn -n+p+--++++-~1m50 m------MAPSCCDDEPFETSOI3DSolving Problems - MAPSMAPs technology used in cameras using charge collection by diffusion in a thin(~5-15 mm) epitaxial layer Slow-charge collection by diffusionCharge lost to parasitic PMOSThick, high resistivity epitaxial layersFully depleted substrates4 Well process3D assembliesLow S/NThinning and backside processing


Technologies - Device-scaling

Rapid initial decrease in costSlower levelingVoltage no longer scaling (P~CV2 f)Analog becomes harder at feature sizes below 65 nmDesigns become very costly8 130 nm - $500k12 65 nm - $1.9MR. Lipton 12

(Deptuch, IF ASIC meeting)Technologies-Bonding Costs and Yields

Current and projected costs and yields for sensor/readout integration technologies

Technologies-Three Dimensional ElectronicsA 3D-IC technology is composed of two or more layers of active electronics or sensors connected with through silicon viasIt enables intimate interconnection between sensors and readout circuitsIt enables unique functionalityDigital/analog/ and data communication tiersMicro/macro pixel designs Correlate information Wafer thinning enables low mass, high resolution sensorsEtching of vias (3D) through silicon bulkBonding technologies enable very fine pitch, high resolution pixelated devicesCommercialization of 3D wafer bonding can reduce costs for large areasUnique circuit/sensor

MIT-LL 3D-IC processFDSOI oxide-oxide bondingFace-FaceBack-FaceZiptronix / licensed to Novati

Xilinx 3D-based FPGA Pixelization-3D InterconnectTechnology based on:Bonding between layersCopper/copperOxide to oxide fusionCopper/tin bondingPolymer/adhesive bondingCu studThrough wafer via formation and metalization8 micron pitch, 50 micron thick oxide bonded imager (Lincoln Labs)

8 micron pitch DBI (oxide-metal) bonded PIN imager (Ziptronix)

Copper bonded two-tier IC (Tezzaron)15

IBM 32 nm 3D technologyPCB InterconnectOpportunities in 3 Dimensions

Handle wafersensortrenchesBuriedoxidereadoutIC and pads200 micron

CMS Level 1 track trigger- Correlate hits in adjacent layersto filter out low momentum tracks

CMS Use stack of 3D tiers to emulatetracker layers for CAM based trackrecognitionUse TSVs to connect each SiPM subpixel to quenching,timing, and control electronicsCombine active edge and 3D electronics to produce tiled sensorscombined with ROICs for large area arrays

Example - Track TriggerIn CMS the L1 trigger will be saturated with multiple interaction backgroundUse tracking information in the L1 triggerSend hits from tracks with Pt>2 off detector for L1Correlate hits from sensors separated by ~ 1 mmCorrelation done on-moduleTo do this we need novel interconnect technology which allows the chip to see signals from top and bottom sensorsThrough-silicon-vias allows single layer of electronics to see bothR. Lipton 17

AnalogsignalsShort (1.25 mm) stripsLong (2.5 cm) stripsCarbon Foam SpacerShort (0.125 cm) stripsFlex JumperROICTSVsVia-Last Module(FNAL design)250m50 x 250 micron through silicon viasBump bonded short strip sensorsAnalog signals through flex jumper2.5 cm long strips (set by chip size)

High Speed siliconTwo techniques to attain ~10 ps resolutionFast parallel plate structure using 3D detector technologyUse amplification to produce a large signal from initial electron arriving at gap structureR. Lipton Higgs Factory Workshop[ 11/16/201218

Fast parallel plate structure(Da Via)Gain-based structure(Sadrozinski)

Use two layers of 3D SiPMs to produce fast, low power, low noise trackers (Lipton)

Radiation Damage in SiliconRadiationElectromagnetic (g, b, x-ray). Ionization, e-hole pair creation.Hadronic (n, p, p). Damage to the bulk material caused by displacement of atoms from lattice sites in addition to ionizationElectronics are affected primarily by ionizationCharge buildup in insulating layersCharge injection into sensitive nodesSensors are affected by bulk damage and ionizationCrystal structure damageIntroduction of trapsIntroduction of mid-band statesR. Lipton 19

A. Vasilescu (INPE Bucharest) and G. Lindstroem (University of Hamburg), Displacement damage in silicon, on-line compilation

Radiation effects on DetectorsHEP silicon detectors used at the Tevatron and LHC are primarily affected by bulk damage. Associated electronics are affected by primarily by ionization damage.Detectors are uniqueLightly doped siliconThick structuresRegular array of electrodesSeveral different bulk effects:Increase in leakage currentChanges in doping concentrationIncreased charge trappingAll of these depend on time and temperature, sometimes in complex waysR. Lipton 20

electronsholesextrapolated valuesRef 4.Depends on temperatureDesigning Radiation Hard ElectronicsRadiation generates e-hole pairs in insulating oxidesElectrons are mobile and are removed by the gate-substrate fieldHoles are trapped either in the bulk or by deeper traps near the silicon-oxide junctionHoles can recombine with tunneling electrons from the silicon-> thin gate oxides in modern deep submicron electronics are intrinsically radiation hardR. Lipton 21

Gate thickness (nm)TranisistorDV/RadDesigning Radiation Hard DetectorsR. Lipton 22

Leakage current is universalGenerates shot noise, thermal effectsReduce thicknessRun cold to reduce current, avoid thermal runawayTrapping reduces signal mean free pathThin detectorsIncrease internal fieldsRun Cold (~-20 deg C)Freeze-in p-type impuritiesUse 3D detectorsEtch electrodes deep into siliconFull thickness for charge collection, short drift distanceUse Diamond sensors

(Parker, Kenney)

MechanicsThese are complex engineered systemsMechanics has central effects on physics performanceWe sometimes focus too much on physicsey things like radiation damage and give short shrift to mechanicsR. Lipton 23CMSMaterialControlling material is critical to physics performance.That is apparent in vertex detectors and trackers, where multiple scattering limits spatial and momentum resolution.The production of additional particles increases backgrounds and occupancies and complicates track finding, track tracing, and event reconstruction.Stability, deflections, and distortions depend on the weight to be supported, the geometry of structures, environmental changes from fabrication to operation, and material properties.

R. Lipton 24New MaterialsCarbon fiber compositesCarbon derivatives (C-C, Pyrolytic graphite, etc.)BerylliumTitanium alloysCeramicsAdvanced compounds (SiC, BN, SiN, diamond, etc.)Conducting polymers and carbon conductorsFoamsAdhesivesElectrical circuit componentsLiquid / 2-phase cooling tubes

R. Lipton 25

PowerCurrent LHC detectors dissipate more than half their power in the cables. Future, more ambitious detectors will utilize even more power:High speed front end electronicsGHz Waveform digitizersPixelated sensorsHigher readout bandwidthTo address these problems all future experiments are examining power delivery optionsPulsed power (ILC, CLIC)DC-DC conversion (CMS, ILC, CLIC)High efficiency, rad hard high voltage ratio converters capable of operating in a magnetic field.Serial powering (ATLAS, think Xmas tree lights)

R. Lipton 26CoolingAn efficient, low mass cooling scheme should have: Efficient heat transfer (2-phase)CO2 systemsLow massGood thermal contact to electronics and sensorWell engineeredAlmost all hadron collider experiments (except D0) have had serious cooling issues

R. Lipton 27

Super B, LHCb micromachined channels

DEPFET air cooling thermal testsPower and CoolingData transmission 10-200 pj/bit ~ 5-10 Gbit/secAmplifier/readout ~100 mW/cm2Sensor IL ~ 1ma/100 cm2 x 500 V (high radiation) @ -25 deg CDC-DC converter supplies power at 60-80% efficiency5x10 cm module 7.5 WattsIf our tracker is 100 m2 -> 150 kW !!!R. Lipton 28Pixelated SensorAmplifierReadoutDataTransmissionDC-DC conversionSupport structureCooling pipesWhat do we do?Data transmissionLow power (less rad had?) transmission (10pj/bit)Lower bandwidth (process on detector) (2.5 Gb/sec)Amplifier/readout Low power design limit functionality?Smaller feature size no longer too helpful (Vdd~1V)May be be able to achieve 75 mW/cm2Thin Sensor to 100 microns Vd~T2, lower volume 0.3 ma @ 50VHigh frequency DC-DC converter 90% efficiencyCan get to 85 kW not so different than current CMSR. Lipton 29Data TransmissionIndustry is driving low power, high bandwidth data transmissionLow power optical data transmissionModulators rather than laser diodesMach-Zender interferometer utilizing material with strong electro-optic effectsRadiation hard transceivers

R. Lipton 30

Current driverLaser (VCSEL)ReceiverPIN diodesOptical TxOptical RxElec. TxElec. RxVoltage driverModulatorReceiverPIN diodesOptical TxOptical RxElec. TxElec. RxLaser (CW)Monolithically integrated Silicon photonic deviceMuon Collider - AcceleratorA muon collider would accelerate and cool a beam of muons and bring them into collision for ~1000 turns in a circular collider It is the only lepton collider that can plausibly scale beyond 2-3 TeV with acceptable cost and power Given the lack of new physics at 8 TeV LHC such a capability becomes increasingly interestingPhysics capabilities are similar to e+e- colliders, with additional ability to explore s-channel h and H/A, but worse beam background, lower polarizationIt can provide a phased approach to implementationMove gracefully from n factory to Higgs factory to high energy collider complementing the rare decay and neutrino programsThe phasing and small footprint makes the program affordableBut the Muon beam decays: For 62.5-GeV muon beam of 2x1012, 5x106 dec/m per bunch crossingFor 0.75-TeV muon beam of 2x1012, 4.28x105 dec/m per bunch crossing, or 1.28x1010 dec/m/s for 2 beams; 0.5 kW/m.

R. Lipton 31Ionization CoolingMuons produced by a high intensity target are collected and initially cooled by bunch rotation.Ionization cooling is based on the idea that energy losss occurs in x,y,z but momentum is restored by RF in z only.Cooling is limited by the heating effect of multiple scatteringLow Z absorber in RF cavity with solenoid fieldR. Lipton 32

EmittancechangeEnergy losscooling termMultiple scatteringHeating termAccelerator Challenges Ionization CoolingVery high field (40T) high temp superconducting magnets6 dimensional cooling RF breakdown in magnetic fieldsSeems to be solvedNeutrino radiation ( < 10% x DOE limit at site boundary?)Probably OK at 3 TeV, harder at 6 TeV Must limit length of straight sections (~ meters)Magnet shielding from beam decay heat loadsAre any of these deadly to the Muon Collider concept? subject of MAPRonald Lipton 8/11/201133

Figure of merit: Integrated Luminosity/Wall plug power34J.P.Delahaye @ MIT Workshp; April 10,2013Review of HIGGS Factory technology options TOT / PWTluminosityX 1031 per MW34Evolution of Muon FacilitiesJ.P.DelahayeMAP Collaboration workshop (June 19, 2013)35

0.20.8 GeV0.8 2.8 GeVLinac + 2RLAPX2 (3 GeV, 3 MW)AccumComprProton Driverm Storage RingAccelerationFront EndTarget

PX4(8 GeV, 4 MW)

235m1-3 MW Neutrinofactory4 MW Higgs factory 3-10 TeV Muon Collider

R. Lipton 36

Muon collider Higgs factory beam transport and detectorMuon Collider Background 1.5 TeV37

Non-ionizing background ~ 0.1 x LHCBut crossing interval 10ms/25 ns 400 x Detectors must be rad hardDominated by neutrons smaller radial dependenceMuon Collider DetectorHow do we design a detector for a muon collider?Start with design for physics ILC, CLIC detectorsSiD is the best matchBackground rejection is clearly the dominant issueDesign the machine-detector interface and model bkd Understand the compromises needed to reject backgroundIs it plausible, what are the physics impacts?

R. Lipton 38


Much of the Background is Soft


And Out of Time(Striganov) g m- m+ e+/- h0 h+- g m- m+ e+/- h0 h+- Timing is clearly crucial to reducebackgroundsBackground Path length in silicon detector vs de/dx40

Detector thicknessAngled tracksMIPBackground Inside a silicon detector:dE/dXPath in detector


ComptonHigh energy conversionssoftconversions


Time of energy deposit with respect to TOF from IP41Tracker ImplementationTracker sufficiently pixelated so background occupancy is acceptable20 micron vertex 100 micron x 1 mm trackerMulti-hit/waveform digitize hits within ~20 ns window with ~0.5 ns resolutionPlausible given signal/noise, power requirements Track fit now includes time of hit to accommodate slower particles from IPProblems are really power and interconnectR. Lipton 42In time pionIn time slow k or pOut of time n, g Pixel waveforms

Simulationof 6 ns peak,100 ps jitter100 x 1 mm pixel 65 nm Front end(J. Kaplon, CERN)ThresholdChan NChan MSiD(ILC)-Like TrackerR. Lipton 43

SiD-like tracker with CMS-like100m x 1 mm strips20 micron pixel Vertex barrel50 micron pixel Vertex disksTungsten absorberconeCalorimeter ImplementationFast timing will lose some information from neutronsBackgrounds form a pedestal in each cell fluctuations determine resolutionSegmented total absorbtion calorimeterMerge PFA and Dual RO conceptsDesign to control neutronsUtilize prompt arrival and EM shower shape to identify photons andelectrons

R. Lipton 44

20 GeV p-No DR correction

20 GeV p-With DR correction

No slow neutron signal:Before Dual Read out correction:Mean: 15.5 GeV (reduced by 13.6 %)s: 1.21+/-0.04 GeVAfter DR correction: Mean: 20.5 GeVs: 0.68+/-0.02 GeV(Wenzel)Event Yields

Based on counting experiment stepping the beam across the Higgs resonanceI expect that detector efficiencies and analysis cuts will reduce yields by 10-20% These results will have to be confirmed with full simulation including backgroundSummary and ConclusionsThis was a glimpse of instrumentation at the energy frontierI gave short shrift to or, neglected many things:Diamond detectorsTriggeringData processingHopefully our Instrumentation Frontier report will provide a more balanced overview.There are many opportunities for young people to get involvedat SnowmassOn LHC upgradesGeneric detector R&D projects

R. Lipton 46

referencesParticle Data Group web siteV. Radeka, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Particle Sci. 38 (1988) 217.F. Sauli (GEM) Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 386 (1997), p. 531Spieler - Hrknen, GSI/FAIR/NUSTAR/S-FRS seminar, Kumpula 6 October 2008Systematic Errors and Alignment for Barrel Detectors, A. Seiden. Mar 1991. 8 pp. SDC-91-021Velo D.E. Hutchcroft, Initial results from the LHCb Vertex Locator, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 648, Supplement 1, 21 August 2011, Pages S49-S50, ISSN 0168-9002, Zhu (CalTech) - Birks, The Theory and Practice of Scintillation Counting, New York, 1964G.F. Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement,New York, 1989 Neuffer Introduction to Muon CoolingR. Lipton 47May 8th 2013Hans Wenzel Effect of dual read out correction: g s from neutron Capture discarded

Before Dual Read out correction:Mean: 15.5 GeV (reduced by 13.6 %)s: 1.21+/-0.04 GeV

After DR correction:Mean: 20.5 GeVs: 0.68+/-0.02 GeV20 GeV p-No DR correction

20 GeV p-With DR correction