INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB Internet, Intranet, Cloud, Web 2.0, Ajax, HTML5, PHP All databases Multi-platform CODE: Windows, .Net, Linux, Java, PHP, Internet, Ajax, Android, Windows 10 Mobile- UWP, iOS (iPhone, iPad) ... 5GL development NEW VERSION

INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB Internet, Intranet, ... Location and assignment of equipment via a site. ... Internet, Intranet, Extranet and …

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INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEBInternet, Intranet, Cloud, Web 2.0, Ajax, HTML5, PHP All databasesMulti-platform CODE: Windows, .Net, Linux, Java, PHP, Internet, Ajax, Android, Windows 10 Mobile-UWP, iOS (iPhone, iPad) ...5GL development


Page 2: INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB Internet, Intranet, ... Location and assignment of equipment via a site. ... Internet, Intranet, Extranet and …

Always up-to-date sites, thatsecurely share enterprise data


T o d a y ,Internet andIntranet sites arelinked in real time

to the enterprisedata and they

behave like fullblown applications.

WEBDEV 21 is the bestsolution for creating these


With WEBDEV 21, your teamscreate these sites and applications

10 times faster. You’ll stay withinbudget.

Trust tens of thousands of developers worldwide,like them choose the fastest platform for develo-ping and deploying your Internet and Intranet sitesand applications: WEBDEV 21.

T a b l e o fC o n t e n t s

3 Entire life cycle

4 Questions/Answers

6 Examples

8 Browser compatibility

9 A revolutionary technology

10 IDE: the WYSIWYG environment

13 The “7-tab” tech

14 Templates

15 Responsive Web Design

16 Zoning and HTML editor

18 HTML5 & CSS3

20 Static and dynamic sites

21 Intranet, Internet

22 SSL, Secure payment

23 SEO Natural referencing,Password security

24 Controls adapted to the Web

30 The RTA control

31 Export to Word, Excel, 64 languages

32 The 5GL language

33 Code editor

34 Debugger, unit tests

35 Components, OOP

36 Ajax in 1 click, Dynamic Serving

37 Web services

38 UML modeling

39 All databases

40 HFSQL: free database

42 Visual query editor

43 Report & PDF generator

44 Versioning (SCM)

45 Project management

46 HTML import & WINDEV

47 PHP

48 Native access to Google, SAP, ...

49 SaaS and Cloud

50 Deployment

52 Hosting

54 Administration, Statistics

55 Front Office, Back Office

57 Examples of sites


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4 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster

1 Who is WEBDEV 21 for? It is for any developer or company that wants to create Internet,Intranet, Cloud and SaaS sites and applications.

2 What types of sites and applicationscan be created?

Any types of sites. WEBDEV is especially well suited for dynamic sites,i.e.sites that behave like “regular” applications, and manage data inreal time.

3 What do I have to know?You need to have programmed at least once in your life (or inschool!). In most cases, one week is enough for self-training withthe tutorial provided with the product.

4 Do I need any special Internet skills?No. Your development teams will build robust and efficient sites.All the code (HTML, JavaScript, Server) is generated by WEBDEV21.

5 Can I create Responsive Web Designsites with WEBDEV 21 Yes. It’s very easy.

6 What is the main benefit of WEBDEVcompared to other tools?

There are several, to name a few: total integration, ease of use,development speed, 3 to 10 times faster, or database access. AndWEBDEV is “Full Stack”

7 Does WEBDEV rely on standard tech-nologies?

Yes, like HTML, HTML5, XML, CSS, JavaScript or PHP. But youdon’t need to know these technologies, WEBDEV automaticallygenerates the necessary code.

8 I already have an application. Will I beable to use it with WEBDEV?

Yes. You can suck existing HTML pages. You can also mixWEBDEV pages with an existing site, while keeping your existingcode.

9 I don’t need to know Java, HTML, PHP orJavaScript to create sites?

No, it’s not required. WEBDEV automatically generates theHTML, JavaScript, CSS and PHP code.

10What if I want to enter HTML codedirectly, or use existing JavaScriptcode?

WEBDEV is open. You can enter (or copy) HTML, PHP orJavaScript code directly in the editor, and even an ASP script.

11I’ve read that WEBDEV is compatiblewith WINDEV ; do I need to ownWINDEV?

WEBDEV is a totally independent platform. No other tool isrequired to develop with WEBDEV.

12 What if I already own WINDEV?In this case, for one thing, training will be faster, the other thingis you’ll be able to transform your WINDEV applications into Webapplications...

13 Is the page editor WYSIWYG? Yes, to the pixel!

14 What databases can be used withWEBDEV?

All databases can be used: HFSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, AS/400, SQLServer, DB2, Informix, PostgreSQL, Progress, Access, ... You can alsoaccess Big Data information.

15 Are Ajax, XML, CSS, W3C, JSON,JQuery supported? Yes.

16 Can I develop large and complex siteswith WEBDEV?

Yes, this is where its true value lies: Internet, Intranet and SaaSsites.

17 What Technical Support is available? It’s very simple: WEBDEV Technical Support is free (15 free cus-tom inquiries by e-mail)

18 Who uses WEBDEV?All kinds of professional entities: consulting companies, ISdepartment, lab engineers, government offices, administrations,individual consultants, etc.

19 Can I generate “pure PHP” sites withWEBDEV 21? Yes, this is a standard feature.

20 So WEBDEV is “the” tool for creatingdynamic sites? Yes.

We’regoing to answerthe questionswe’re most oftenasked aboutWEBDEV

You are sureto find answers tosome of yourquestions.

Do you have morequestions? Call us,we’ll gladly answerthem.

Host your site onWindows or onLinux!(and in the Cloud)


www.windev.com • 5

WEBDEV 21manages theentire lifecycle of yoursites


WEBDEV, acomplete and

fully integratedproduct: quick trai-

ning, best technicalsupport (and free).

Dynamic sites are now thenorm for Internet or Intranet

sites. These sites can be easily crea-ted and maintained with WEBDEV 21.

• Modeling• Conception• Analysis and pro-

gram documenta-tion

• Link with existingstatic sites

• Databases• Programming

(5GL, Ajax,Webservice, .NET,J2EE, HTML,HTML5,JavaScript...)

• Ability to re-useexisting code

• Reports (PDF, bar

codes, ...)• Secure payment• Creation and use

of components• Documentation• Tests during

development• Link to the Back

Office• Hosting• SaaS, Cloud

management• Working with Web

designers• Setup at the hos-

ting company

• Regression tests• Performance

tests• Continuous inte-

gration• Maintenance and

evolutions• Traffic statistics• Assisted develop-




Page 4: INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB Internet, Intranet, ... Location and assignment of equipment via a site. ... Internet, Intranet, Extranet and …

REUSABLE AND CUSTOMIZABLE SITESARE PROVIDEDWEBDEV 21 comes with a large number of already develo-ped sites. Both the source code and the pages are provided:you can use these sites directly, modify them, customizethem, resell them...

AN EDUCATIONAL BENEFITYou can also study the analysis and the code of these sitesin order to learn from them.

AMONG THE PROVIDED SITES...Here’s a selection of some of the provided sites:

• Retail site Shelf, basket, payment management.

• Classified adsManagement of multiple selection criteria.

• Shared directoryWith an Intranet, the directory can be shared within the com-pany. On the Internet, the directory can be shared among severalbranches, or by members of an association...

• Management of equipment inventoryLocation and assignment of equipment via a site.

• Real estateSearch for a property according to several criteria.

• CMSContent Management System.

• Management of a document databaseTo archive and find documents using keywords.

• Secure payment(see details page 20)

• Travel agency management Presentation of hotels, availability, selection according toseveral criteria, ...

• News, Forum, Blog, Social media site...... and several additional examples that can be immediatelyused.

ETC.Several additional examples are also supplied as pages, or asobjects in the interactive dictionary.

SAVE TIMEThe provided sites, which can be adapted to your own needs,will save you a lot of time during the development phase.

Reuse theexamples in

your sites









s con


to e












6 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster

SITES BUILT WITH WEBDEVLet’s see some of the thousands of sites built withWEBDEV. See over 1,000 sites onwww.windev.com.


Thousands ofothers sites todiscover atwww.windev.com

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Internet Exploreron Windows

Edge on Windows

Firefox on Linux orWindows

Tablet on Android

Chrome on Windows

Safari on Mac

WEBDEVgenerates sitescompatiblewith the W3Cstandardupon request


All the browsers offerspecific features, thatmay even differ accor-ding to the versions.WEBDEV generatesgeneric code, which isrecognized by almost allthe standard Web brow-sers on the market.Let’s see how the samesite is displayed underdifferent browsers andsystems.





8 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster www.windev.com • 9

WYSIWYG:create visually


PAGE CREATION: A REVOLUTIONARYCONCEPTCreate your site “just with the mouse”,WEBDEV 21 automatically generates theHTML code, the JavaScript code and theServer code needed for the site. And uponrequest, WEBDEV 21 even generates the sitein PHP.

CLICK INSTEAD OF CODEWEBDEV 21 is a complete integrated envi-ronment. The entire development is donein a single environment and a single lan-guage: WLanguage, a very POWERFULand EASY to learn 5GL.

WEBDEV 21 frees you from cumbersome and complexInternet development. Furthermore, the processes are separated from the pages,unlike in traditional programming languages.The pages are easily created by positioning the controls withthe mouse (see the box page 10). Control areas can be created for moving and shifting ablock.

HTML, CSS AND JAVASCRIPTNo need to know HTML, CSS or JavaScript to build beau-tiful and powerful dynamic sites.WEBDEV 21 generates all the necessary code for you.But WEBDEV 21 is OPEN, you can always directly enter (orpaste) low level code if you need to: HTML, CSS, Javascript,JQuery, Bootstrap, Angular JS, ASP scripts , PHP scripts...

With WEBDEV 21, your teams develop 10TIMES FASTER any type of site orapplication, Internet, Intranet, Extranet andSaas.

The WEBDEV editor: visual,create pages and controlswith the mouse!

HTML code you neededto enter

JavaScript code youneeded to enter

The WEBDEV WLanguage: simplify and reduce the code!

Page and control creation aswell as configuration is done inWYSIWYG mode, with themouse. No need to know HTML tocreate sophisticated pages.

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10 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster

The mostintuitivemethod

WEBDEV 21 offers the mostpowerful, the most user-friendly, and the most inte-grated work environmentavailable on the market!Your teams will easily createastonishing sites. No pre-vious knowledge of Internetprogramming is required.The WEBDEV page editor enables youto easily and quickly build incrediblepages.Note that WEBDEV is open: if youwant, you can also include or interactwith other Web technologies (AngularJS. Bootstrap...)

CONTROLS IN PAGESREVOLUTIONARYWYSIWYG!The different controls (edit, static,image, ...) are created and positionedvisually, interactively in the editor.What you see in the editor corres-ponds to what the Web user will seein his browser.Pages (with the controls, their detailedsettings from the 7-tab, and theircode) are stored as reusable ele-ments.This technique is used to simplify theprogramming by managing the pagesas advanced objects. The page editor lets you visuallycreate and modify controls, indepen-dently from the source code.You can also subscribe to the possible

modifications of an object sharedamong several developers (inheri-tance)

With WEBDEV 21, you can use cus-tom code to modify the properties ofa control: target, color, display, ... For example, depending on the profileof the Web user, you can hide or dis-play specific controls, ... Everything isdynamic!

This approach to managing pages andcontrols will save you a lot of timewhen maintaining your sites and willmake them more robust.A simple “GO” lets you instantly testyour site.

PRECISE POSITIONING You choose the type of positioning:streaming or at the pixel level.WEBDEV uses powerful mouse posi-tioning algorithms to position objectsat the pixel level. WEBDEV can also use CSS style sheets. The style sheets are easily created fromthe environment.

If needed positioning tables areavailable.

ANCHORING The anchors define how the content ofa page will behave when the page isenlarged by the user or goes from por-trait to landscape orientation.Managing anchors is very easy inWEBDEV 21.

ALL THE CONTROLS FORINTERNETThe WEBDEV editor allows you to easilycreate and handle all the objects thatwill be required to quickly build outs-tanding interfaces (see pages 24 to 30). The main objects managed by the UI



A revolutionary


Page creation is easy:

drag the controls to

create from the rib-

bon, position them

directly using the


The custom characte-

ristics of the control


defined visually via

the “7-tab” (see page


www.windev.com • 11

editor are:• Text, HTML static, Text area• Edit and rich edit control• Formatted display control• Radio button, check box• List box, combo box, treeview• Text button, graphic button• Web camera• Static, dynamic, generated image • Click area, Map area• Table, Looper control• HTML control• Pager control• Control template, • IFrame, Internal page• SitemapPath, site map, • Chart, calendar• Google Map, Rating, Social Media• Tabs, etc.The HTML 5 input masks are suppor-ted.

LOOPER CONTROL WEBDEV allows you to create multi-column loopers, automatically filled viaa file link of by programming ( see page24).

DEFINING A LINK To define a link from a graphic buttonor from a link control, all you have todo is point the page to display via themini-modifier.

This link can be redefined in your programif necessary.

INTERACTIVE BUSINESSCHARTSA chart designer is supplied withWEBDEV; it enables you to create piecharts, bar charts, financial charts in 2Dor 3D,... in 2D or 3D. The charts areinteractive or static, with or withoutcrosshair.

MULTI-CLICK PREVENTIONBUTTONMultiple clicks on validation buttons areignored by default. A user who clicks 3times the “Validate” button won’treceive 3 orders...

SITE MAPThe site map is built by analyzing theexisting pages according to the fixedand coded links.A “Sitemap” control is automaticallycreated in order to be included in thegenerated site.

TEMPLATES FOR ALL USESWEBDEV 21 comes with a large num-ber of templates (preset pages:Material Design, ...) that let you easilycreate sites for any target.


EASY GOOD-LOOKING PAGES The pages are created easily, visually, and you have severalpowerful controls at your disposal. A WEBDEV “edit control”with all its integrated features, that is dropped in a page by Drag& Drop corresponds to more than 50 JavaScript code lines! Youcan easily imagine the overall number of code lines you’resaving.

Discover in the following pages someof the main features offered by theintegrated editor of WEBDEV 21.

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12 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster


INTEGRATED AND INTUITIVE WEB DESIGNENVIRONMENTThe ease-of-use of theWEBDEV WYSIWYG workenvironment is conducive tobetter productivity. Your teams will easily deve-lop the sites you need, andsatisfy your clients andusers.WEBDEV 21 is easy to getstarted with: usually oneweek is all a developerneeds.Everything is in English: it’s easier.

Everything is integrated using the sameoperating mode, everything is visual,everything is included: your teams willdevelop faster!Technical support5 is also included,which provides added comfort andnoticeable savings as well as reduceddevelopment time.Note that the projects can be saved inthe Cloud, which makes team workeasier.WEBDEV 21 is compatible withWINDEV 21.

Chromatic wheel in the environment

A little yellowsquare indicatesthat the control ispart of a template

A context sensitivemenu (right click) isavailable to quicklyaccess the various fea-tures

A context sensitivemenu (right click) is

available to configurethe icon bars.

The panes proposecomponents, controls,code, ... to save time

Pane: it providesa global view ofthe project; adouble click (ora Drag/Drop)performed onan elementopens it imme-diately

Movable ribbon & tool-bar, visible or hidden,

and configurable

Status bar showing thepage’s name, its size ...

The editors’ interface isvery intuitive and very


Note: the Ctrl W

key combination

lets you clear your

workspace by

hiding the panes.

Optional display


The 7-tab methodology used for defining powerfulcontrols is very intuitive: no need to know Internetprogramming, everything is in plain English.The characteristics of each control are defined through an exclu-sive interactive dialog, which is very simple yet very powerful: the“7-tab” window”.Each tab allows you to define the characteristics of the control.These characteristics can be modified by programming if neces-sary.

The content of each tab differs according to the object’s type; let’ssee the details of the 7 tabs for an “Edit” control.

“Link” tab: to link data with pages, ...

“Help” tab: tooltip, help messages...

“Advanced” tab: to enter or copy HTML code

“Details” tab: define the input characteristics

“Style” tab: define the control’s settings: font size, cha-racters forced in uppercase...

“Code” tab: enter the WLanguage, Javascript or PHPcode in the event directly (entry in the control, click on

the control, ...)

The “7-tab” technology allow for efficientpage creation.

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The 7 tabs sim-plify the pagecreations: allyou have to dois click



“General” tab:name, caption,type of control,viewing style...Here proposedmasks








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Starting a new site withWEBDEV 21 is child’s play:choose a template, a skin, acolor palette and your firstpage is created on a solidfoundation!

PAGE TEMPLATES:STRUCTURE YOUR SITEPage templates are key elements forbuilding Web sites.A page template contains the layout“common” to several pages.The page template defines the pagearchitecture: • page header• menu• column• page footer• ad band• … (see the zoning concept, page 16).The common elements are positionedin this page template.A page template can also containimages, controls, code lines, proce-dures, …When creating the site, each pagecreated can inherit from a page tem-plate.Any modifications made to the pagetemplate will be automatically propa-gated to all the pages that use thistemplate.In a page, you have the ability to “over-load” a property of the page templateif necessary.

PRESET PAGE TEMPLATESWEBDEV 21 offers a large number ofpredefined page templates.These templates allow you to save alarge amount of time when creating aweb site.These predefined templates are avai-lable on several skins.

SKIN, TO DEFINE THELOOK OF PAGESA skin defines a set of styles, a colorpalette, illustrations, fonts,…Changing skin allows you to changethe look of the site or page withoutchanging the structure or layout of thepagesA large number of skin templates areprovided with WEBDEV 21.

You can change the skin of a site orgiven page at any time.

THE COLOR PALETTE, TOHARMONIZE COLORSA color palette is a set of harmoniouscolors (complementary colors forexample) used in the styles of pages.A color palette defines for example atext color for a title as well as the cor-responding background color, or thecolor of a button, etc.A large number of ready-to-use colorpalettes are provided.

14 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster


Changing skin on a site. A site during spring... The same site during the winter: the skin has changed(color, styles, ...)

WHAT IS RESPONSIVEWEB DESIGN?Responsive Web Design is a develop-ment method for Web sites.The basis for this method is to allowthe same Web page to automaticallyadapt, during navigation, to the sizeand resolution of the screen where it isdisplayed.The main advantage is to be able totarget a Web page for smartphones,tablets or desktops all in one.The adaptation is done in real time inthe browser. This adaptation also letsyou optimize the portrait and land-scape modes.

A WEBDEV 21 responsive siteon a tablet

The same site displayed on asmartphone

BENEFITS OF RESPONSIVESITES: “MOBILE FRIENDLYAND BETTERREFERENCINGIn its ranking of sites during a search,Google now favors mobile friendlysites, that is the sites whose format isadapted to mobile devices. Thanks to WEBDEV 21 ResponsiveWeb Design, your sites are automati-cally mobile friendly, therefore they getbetter rankings from Google.

CREATING RESPONSIVEPAGES WITH WEBDEV 21:VISUAL!Responsive pages are created visually inthe editor.In edit mode, responsive pages areautomatically displayed with a positio-ning grid.This grid is made of a set of columnsof identical size.The page’s controls are positioned andanchored in width to these columns.When the width of the page varies, thegrid adapts and the controls automati-cally adjust their position and size.As soon as the page is created, directlyin the editor, you can see the result indifferent page widths.

To see the behavior, scan thecode or visitwww.windev.com/21732

RESOLUTION SLICESA responsive page also uses theconcept of “slices”.A slice is defined by a minimal browserwidth and a maximum browser widthand enables the content of the page toadapt to different devices. In a slice, you can adapt the font size,the position and size of the controlscan be modified, etc.

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In this example, with a page displayed in largesize and narrow size, the site designer has deci-ded that:• The font size of the title is larger on the phone

(for better readability)• Th advertising band is not visible because there

is less room• A different image (or an image cropped diffe-

rently) is used

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16 • Develop 10 times faster

EDIT ZONEWEBDEV 21 lets you define edit areasin a page, we call it “zoning”.Areas allow you to define the page’sarchitecture: header, footer, aside ...All you have to do is split the page intological “areas”.An area contains the controls locatedin it.Zoning is usually defined in a pagetemplate and will be common to seve-ral pages of the site (see opposite).Once these edit areas defined, it iseasier to edit the page.

ANCHORSYou can define the anchor for eacharea and controls that are part of thezone.For example, making the browser win-dow larger can stretch an area of thepage to give more room to a textcontrol, while pushing out the adjacentareas.

ZONING AT RUN TIMEYou can also define the behavior of thezones and their content during thenavigation (run time).When the user modifies the browser’ssize, or if the content of an areachanges, the page can reorganize itslayout harmoniously.This is all managed automatically byWEBDEV 21!The search engines recognize thesemantics of areas and they improvethe referencing of the page.


WORKING WITH AZONEIf the area is moved, its controls willautomatically be moved with thearea.This edit mode simplifies the opera-tions for creating and modifyingpages.A “pencil” tool lets you split a pagein a visual way.These zones are materialized and they

can be easily handled in the editor. For example, increasing the height ofthe header area automatically movestowards the bottom areas that arelocated below it: the body area andfooter area.When printing, the relative position ofthe controls found in each zone is res-pected as well as their anchoring.Editing is WYSIWYG.

THE INTEGRATED HTML EDITORFor those who want to modify the HTML code generated byWEBDEV, a visual editor, user-friendly yet powerful is provided.

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18 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster


HTML5 INPUT MASKSThe HTML 5 standard offers masks foredit controls.With this type of mask, the site leavesinput management and checks up tothe browser. It is not the page (the site)that performs the checks, but thebrowser itself. The supported masks are: Email, URL,Date, Time, DateTime, Month, Week,Number, Interval, Search, Phone num-ber, Color, ...In the WEBDEV 21 editor, you have theability to define a native mask or anHTML5. mask.

GPS LOCALIZATIONDIRECTLY IN BROWSERMODEWEBDEV 21 offers a set of browserfunctions that allow you to interactwith the GPS features of the device, ifthe device offers them: location, move-ment, ...

Here a map displayed via an“image” control: the route was

drawn using the drawing functionsin “browser” mode (without going

back to the server)

DRAWING IN BROWSERMODEWEBDEV 21 offers drawing functionsbased on the HTML 5 standard. The well-known family of WLanguagedrawing functions is also available inbrowser code.This is very useful for adding notes toa map or in the field of augmentedreality.

VIDEO WITHOUT PLAYERA site built with WEBDEV 21 and usedby a browser supporting the HTML 5standard doesn’t require any plug-in(Windows Media Player, Quick Time orFlash) to play videos.This allows you to interact with thevideo via WLanguage and to customizethe display.

AUTOMATIC AUTO-COMPLETERecent HTML 5 browsers automaticallyoffer to auto-complete forms in pages.When the user starts entering infor-mation in a form (a delivery address forinstance), all the controls in the pageare filled instantly. This feature is dangerous for confi-dential data. In WEBDEV 21, you can disable thisfeature control by control via the newoption called “Disable autocomplete”.This security is also important for sha-red computers.

HTML5 AND W3CIn WEBDEV 21, you don’t have to writeHTML code, WEBEDV automaticallygenerates it for you!The HTML code generated by WEBDEV21 respects the HTML5 standard andfollows the W3C recommendations.The respect of the HTML 5 standardensures page compatibility on all thecommercial browsers that support thestandard.

HTML5:POWERFULHTML 5 represents animportant evolution ofthe Internet standard.Complex Internet pagesare getting standardizedand new features areintroduced.The HTML5 standard lets you takeadvantage of all the recent browserenhancements and offer advanced fea-tures.

COMPATIBILITYWITH OLDERBROWSERS:TRANSITIONALHTML4To ensure compatibility witholder browser versions (usedon Intranet for instance),

WEBDEV also allows you to supportsites in Transitional HTML4 standard.


USING OFFLINE SITES WEBDEV 21 lets you specify that a siteor a set of pages can work in offlinemode (without Internet connection).In this case, all the resources (pages,images, .js files, .css files, ...) used bythe site or the pages are automaticallyput in the cache on the user’s machineby the browser. Therefore, the site canbe used without having to reconnect tothe Internet.

LOCAL STORAGE WEBDEV 21 lets a site store some infor-mation on the user’s computer.This information is stored in a contextspecific to the browser.

ACCESS IN LOCAL MODETO A DATABASE (SQLITE) WEBDEV 21 allows a site to create andaccess a database created by the brow-ser on the computer of the Web userin browser code. This features allows you, for example,to enter data in offline mode, and thento automatically send it to the server assoon as the connection is established.

MODIFICATION OF THEWEBDEV STYLESDIRECTLY IN CSSThe WEBDEV 21 styles are stored asCSS3 standard style sheets. The generated CSS3 style can be modi-fied if needed directly in the CSS file. This openness is offered in order toallow CSS3 specialists to reuse theirskills in this field. A CSS3 style created by WEBDEV 21and modified outside of WEBDEV is stillrecognized by the editor.The modified style can be applied thesame way as a WEBDEV style on thecontrols or pages.

IMPORTING EXISTINGCSS STYLESExisting CSS3 styles can be imported inWEBDEV 21, from CSS3. style sheets.The import feature allows you to selectthe styles to import, and the ones todisregard.In the WEBDEV 21 environment, theimported styles are offered as well asthe styles created in WEBDEV.

CSS STYLE EDITOR The WEBDEV environment lets you editCSS styles graphically via an editor forCSS style description.

The CSS3 style editor

INCLUDING ANEXTERNAL ANIMATIONIN A CONTROLThe WEBDEV environment offers toautomatically add animation effects tothe controls: blinking, fade in, zoom,rotation, 3D flip,… There are other special effects, avai-lable on the market as CSS animations.For example: pendulum, flotation,explosion... To apply this type of ani-mation to a control, import the CSSstyle sheet containing the descriptionof the animation, and specify in thecontrol style the name of the animationto use, its duration and its repetition.


A “CSS class” can be referenced in anexternal JavaScript or a JQuery script toapply modifications to the control towhich it is attributed.This allows you to dynamically modifycontrol properties and behavior.For example: to be able to move acontrol with the mouse, change itsstyle, make it move in reaction to someevents, make it interact with othercontrols...

www.windev.com • 19

The easiest andmost intuitivemethod




CREATING STYLES: CSSWITHOUT KNOWINGCSS To create a style with WEBDEV 21, thedeveloper or the designer don’t needto know CSS3: WEBDEV 21 generatesthe style created visually using the “7-tab” technology.WEBDEV styles are stored as stylesheets in CSS3 standard.The styles can be modified anytime inthe editor, the modifications are ofcourse applied to all the pages andcontrols that use the modified style.

CSS3POSITIONINGCSS3 is also used byWEBDEV 21 to position ele-ments (to the pixel or instreams) in the pages whilerespecting the “positioning”/ “HTML content” split.

ANIMATIONSAND EFFECTS ONCONTROLSThe WEBDEV 21 environ-ment offers a large numberof effects and animationsbased on CSS3 technology:

fade in, zoom on hover, rotation, 3Dtwirl, etc.These effects are offered on all thecontrols and can be configured (dura-tion, acceleration curve, ...)You don’t need to know CSS3.

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20 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster

Today most companies thathave a static site want totake advantage of dynamicfeatures.

WITH WEBDEV 21, REUSEWHAT YOU ALREADYHAVETo re-use an EXISTING program, youcan choose to:• add dynamic pages to the static site• add static pages to the dynamic site• mix static and dynamic pages• import static pages into the dynamic

site• ...In all cases, you can keep what youhave and improve on it.

MIXING STATIC ANDDYNAMIC PAGESMIXING static and dynamic is the fas-test solution.Often the company already has a sta-tic site. The STATIC SITE is kept, and thedynamic pages are ADDED, or used toreplace some of the static pages.It is also easy to transparently link twosites, a static one and a dynamic one.

IMPORTING STATICPAGESWEBDEV 21 proposes a strong staticpage and template import feature (seepage 46). The existing pages are IMPORTEDinto the environment and they arechanged into WEBDEV 21 pages.

“REAL-TIME”REQUIREMENTA price is updated in the company’scatalog? The site is updated, immedia-tely.A new product reference is created?This product is included in the dynamicsite automatically and immediately.The inventory changes? The customerwho places an order is immediatelyinformed.Without the need to constantly modifyor update pages, a dynamic site alwaysdisplays UP-TO-DATE DATA.

“DYNAMISM” ISREQUIREDToday your sites must behave likeapplications! Your sites must be dyna-mic sites


REMINDER: STATIC SITEA STATIC SITE presents fixed pages,with preset links to other pages.Roughly it’s a set of pages on theInternet that can be consulted.Usually the site offered informationabout the company, the group or theassociation: activity, address, productinformation, sometime prices, acontact page...The limits of static sites soon becameevident: each time a piece of data nee-ded to be modified, it had to be donemanually, and the corresponding pagehad to be reloaded.

In order for product information toremain up-to-date, a static site had tobe modified often.

WHAT IS A DYNAMICSITE?A DYNAMIC SITE creates the pages aWeb surfer sees on the fly, based on thesurfer’s requests and actions and thedata present in the database at the timea page is requested. Let’s use the example of a catalog thatcontains 30,000 items: a static sitecould use 30,000 different static HTMLpages!A dynamic site will require a single

page, intended toreceive the data(the product refe-rences, its photo,...). The server willassemble all thenecessary ele-ments, on the fly.

ALWAYS UP TO DATEThe dynamic site’s data ARE ALWAYSUP TO DATE since they come directlyfrom the enterprise’s database.You display the real inventory, you indi-cate to the Web user the real shippingdate of his order, you manage sche-dules, ...

SITES THAT ARE ACTUALAPPLICATIONSThe other interesting aspect of dynamicsites created with WEBDEV 21 is thatthey behave like REGULAR APPLI-CATIONS. All the know-how of tradi-tional computing is available to you.

EASE OF USEThanks to its powerful complete deve-lopment environment and its rich set offeatures, it is very EASY for any deve-loper, even without any Internet speci-fic skills, to create with WEBDEV 21highly reliable and sophisticatedInternet sites that are fast and easilymodifiable.

WHAT IS A DYNAMIC SITE?WEBDEV 21 IS IDEAL FORCREATING AN INTRANETOR EXTRANETWEBDEV is the ideal tool for creatingIntranet and Extranet sites. An Intranet site is a site private to a setof users: companies, customers, sup-pliers... It can be used within a company, orexternally. The access is performed viaidentification and password, which isautomatically managed by WEBDEV(see page 23).

AUTOMATIC COMPLETESECURITYThe pages of an Intranet site developedin WEBDEV can only be accessed via asingle session. For each user, a sessionis opened and automatically maintai-ned on the server.The site’s security is automatically ensu-red via the notion of session.The page’s address cannot be for ins-tance reused in a cut&paste . The dynamic operation (each page isbuilt dynamically on the server rightbefore being displayed) protects

requests andtheir results,which can beencrypted.

NO LIMITThe richnessof features inWEBDEV letsyou developsites thatbehave likereal applica-tions, you arenot limited:managementof expenses,supplier cata-log with dis-counted prices,taking orders,diffusing confidential information, sub-scription to a paying service, manage-ment of bank accounts, portal...WEBDEV is the ideal tool for creatingIntranet and Extranet sites, and this iswhy thousands of large companieshave created their Intranet with


WEBDEV 21 IS IDEAL FORCREATING AN INTERNETSITEAn Internet site is a site accessiblesimultaneously by a large number ofusers worldwide.An Internet site can be hosted withina company, at a service provider or inthe cloud.A site must be Mobile Friendly, that iswork as well on a desktop as on asmartphone or tablet.For the site owner, an Internet sitemust offer maximum visibility (SEO,natural search engine referencing).WEBDEV 21 offers all these benefits.

AWP TECHNOLOGYWEBDEV 21 offers AWP technology:Active WebDev Page.Thanks to this AWP technology,WEBDEV 21 lets you create indepen-dent dynamic Web pages, the AWP

pages.Each AWP pageof the site runsautonomouslyand withoute x e c u t i o ncontext on theserver.This allows for alow resourceconsumption(CPU, RAM),and therefore alarge numberof concurrentaccesses for thesame amountof resources.Each AWP page is individually referen-ceable by its address (URL).Each page of the site can be referen-ced by search engines.A page’s address can be copied/pased

to be reused.When the site must keep informationbetween page navigation, it can use acontext.

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Secure travel expense management site of a company

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SSL SECURITYSECURITYAs you know security and confidentia-lity are of the utmost importance onthe Internet.By default, when using an Internet site,data traveling between the user’s com-puter and the Web server are not pro-tected: the data can be accessed by anyeavesdropper. The confidentiality and the authenti-cation of the data source are not ensu-red by default.

SECURE SSLCONNECTIONThe most efficient way to protect theuser’s information today is to use asecure SSL (Secure Socket Layer) typeconnection. This SSL connection insures the encryp-tion of the data that travels betweenthe user’s computer and the Web ser-ver that is hosting the site. This protocol also allows the Web userto authenticate the owner of the visi-ted site.

To secure a site or part of a site by SSL,you must buy an SSL certificate from aknown certification authority (forexazmple, Norton VeriSign, Thawte,GeoTrust, etc, …).Once you have an SSL certificate, sim-ply install it on the server that is hos-ting the site. Please note that there are several levelsof certification, from simple encryptionto the “SSL Extended Validation”authentication which allows the displayof a green address bar in some brow-sers.

HTTP, HTTPSThe URL used for the secure connec-tion to the site will start with“https://” instead of “http://”. The web user can also check the pre-sence of a padlock in the browser’s sta-tus bar, proof of thesecure transaction, aswell as the identity ofthe site visited.The bar can even becolored green to stress security!

SECURITY: EASY WITHWEBDEV 21The secure mode is supported by thesites created with WEBDEV 21. Via SSLActive(), you can easily com-bine a non-secure information section(product catalog) with a secure section(customer account, payment). Thesame site can switch between the non-secure mode and the SSL secure mode.

“Client” certificates are also available.

SECURE PAYMENT Online payment by credit card is nowcommon place..Two main methods can be used toreceive the payment by credit card.Directly collect the customer’s paymentinformation (credit card number, expi-ration date, code) and then performthe transaction with the bank. Thismethod can be heavy and it includesrisks regarding the storage of sensitivedata.The most common method consists inswitching to a specialized paymentpage provided by a financial institution(bank,...)Typically, the user fills a basket or a cartand after validating the order, he or sheis redirected to a third-party paymentsite that takes care of the banking tran-saction. In this implementation, there is no pay-ment form to manage, no credit cardnumber to store. Only the payment’sapproval needs to be managed.

FINANCIALINSTITUTIONSYou can directlychoose a bankas an operatorthat will offeryou an onlinepayment service( A t o s ,C y b e r m u t ,C y b e r p l u s ,PPlus, …), withwhich you willinterface. You can also usea multi-bankoperator such asPayBox or PayPal. This method is usedto easily choose and change the bankaccount that will be credited.Implementing this solution is very easywith WEBDEV 21, just use the“PayBox” or “PayPal” component thatis provided with the product.


22 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster www.windev.com • 23

REFERENCE YOUR SITESThis wizard analyzes the compositionof the site pages and indicates the pos-sible improvements for maximizing thepositioning of pages in the searchengines (Google, Yahoo, ...).The wizard also checks that the linksamong pages can be detected and usedby the engines’ spiders.A lot of other rules are also checked.Your sites will get more exposure withsearch engines.

REFERENCE EACHDYNAMIC PAGE (URL REWRITING)Via the “AWP” technology, WEBDEV21 allows you to reference each dyna-mic page. A URL rewriting mode is used todefine several addresses for the samepage according to its content. Thispage and its dynamic content will bebetter referenced by the searchengines. A page can be renamed.

For example, the address of the pagecan include the object name (bike,scooter, oak dresser, etc.), which willallow the page to be referenced better.

TRAFFIC STATISTICSA statistics module is also providedwith WEBDEV so you can find outwhich Web sites your Web users arecoming from (see page 54).



CONTROL ACCESS TO ASITE’S PAGESAccessing sites or some pages in asecure way can be a requirement: Itcomes with WEBDEV 21!The “user groupware” features allowyou to define passwords for people orgroups of people.

Access control is easily defined in theeditor. No programming is needed toensure secured access to your applica-tions, simply activate the “Groupware”option.


Access control enables you to filterthe access to several elementsmenu choices, buttons, controls,groups of controls, pages, reports, ...

The protected elements are inac-tive and either grayed out or hiddenbased on your choice.

THE SUPERVISOR MODEThe supervisor of the delivered

site will be able to set up the userrights at any time. A friendly editorallows you to define and managethese rights.

If you want, the rights of the usersor group of users can be created ormodified by programming.

LDAPIf you want to use an existing

LDAP login database, the accesscontrol will use it.

SAASWEBDEV 21 offers advance fea-

tures for managing SaaS applica-tions (see page 49).

Automatically make yoursites secure, without codinganything!

You’re already familiar withversion 20? There is a 92-page technical document dedi-cated to the 921 new featuresof version 21. Printed versionavailable by simple request;PDF version available onwww.windev.com.

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WEBDEV 21 offers all the types of controlsneeded for building Internet and Intranetpages. Let’s take a closer look at some ofthem.Note that these controls work with Ajax.


The “Rich Text Area” (RTA) control lets you edit its content.This very powerful control is presented in details on page 30.

RICH HTML EDIT CONTROLThis type of control lets you create and lay out texts with richattributes.A toolbar is automatically displayed in front of the control todefine the rich attributes.The data is saved in HTML standard.

EDIT CONTROL (WITH MASK)The WEBDEV 21 edit controls allow you, as the other controlsdo, to define a large number of parameters, visually and intui-tively through the “7-tab” interface or by coding. It is easyto define powerful input masks, without having to type asingle line of code. Formats are shown as soon as the controlis being entered.

When the cursor enters the control, the mask is dis-played: here typing “/” is optional

Among the input masks provided: duration, first letter inuppercase character, file name and path, email address, zipcode...

CUSTOMIZE THE CONTROL EDGEA control can have an edge.A common use for this edge is to highlight the control thathas focus.

It is easy to customize the look of the edge based on theactions on the control: take focus, rollover,...

REPEAT REGIONS ARE A POWERFULCONCEPTA repeat region (looper control) is a set of controls that arerepeated horizontally and/or vertically a set or unset numberof times.The loopers are filled either by programming, or via a directlink to data files, or from queries.

Looper control being defined in the editor

For example, the number of repetitions can be the numberof records in the query, ...Each attribute of each control can be modified for each row.For example:- color of the line- font color (amount in red if negative for instance)- photo of an item...

Looper control at run time

The looper can dynamically adapt the number of elementsto display according to the width of the page.

24 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster

All the Webcontrols,

and muchmore...



A looper can also be just linear.

PAGER CONTROLThe pager used to quickly browse the pages (and its code) isautomatically generated for a looper and for a table.

Automatic pager example

DROP-DOWN & POPUP MENUSWEBDEV lets you create pull-down menus (horizontal andvertical) in WYSIWYG mode as well as “tab” menus and“popup” menus.You can dynamically add (by programming) menu choices,sub-menus...Menus are tactile. They are generated in full CSS mode and

adapt to the Responsive mode.

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Very easy tocreate sophisti-cated controls


The backgroundof the selectionbar can corres-

pond to animage

Columns can beresized

A scrollbar automati-cally replaces thepager

Anchor and automaticscrollbar

Ability to automaticallymanage a cache (partialfetch) that only loads thedata required by the dis-play and by the browse

An hourglass is automa-tically displayed when a

long process is perfor-med.

Table cells can bein edit

Table rows aremulti-selection

Columns can besorted

The search in a tableis made possible viathe magnifier

SERVER, BROWSER AND AJAX TABLESTables are generated by WEBDEV 21. A “regular” table is a server table, which performs queries onthe server to get filled.The Ajax mode is supported with server tables, which preventsneeding to redisplay the entire page every time a table’s ele-ment is modified. A table can also be in “Browser” mode, that is not run anyserver code.The “Browser Table” control is a Table control that is fully

autonomous on the browser.

The Table control offers automatic features:• filter, • search, • move column,• resize column,• column header, column title-header,• container column, • breaks...

•••continues page 26


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TABS The tabs can be easily managed.

Example of a page with tabs.

HIDESHOW CONTROL A HideShow control lets you expand and collapse a displayarea.

On the left, an expanded image. On the right anotherexample, with an expended text

CALENDAR CONTROL AND DATE EDITCONTROL WITH POPUP CALENDARThe calendar control is used to create a control included ina page or to open a “popup” calendar to enter the date(often used in Web sites). A large number of custom options and presentation optionsare provided: frame the current day, cross out dates in thepast, show a date range, highlight holidays, ...The calendar control is handled in Ajax mode to prevent fromrefreshing the entire page when displaying the calendar orwhen choosing a date.

The calendar control is very useful

THUMBNAIL CONTROL (STATIC ORDYNAMIC)A Web site often manages images or photos that are alsoused as thumbnails, for selection purposes for instance.WEBDEV 21 automatically manages the dynamic generationof these thumbnails: they are created based on the initialimage, or set by the web designer.

IMAGE WITH AUTOMATIC ZOOM When the zoom effect is enabled on an image, hovering overthe image with the mouse cursor automatically opens an areanext to the image where the section of the original imagepointed by the cursor is enlarged, which shows the detailsof this section.The size of the zoomed popup can be configured as well asthe zoom ratio (from 1 to 100).This effect can be applied to image or thumbnail controls.There’s nothing to program to benefit from this effect, sim-ply click the “Automatic zoom” choice in the “7-tab” controldescription.

When the cursor passes over an image section, this sec-tion is automatically zoomed in and displayed

CAPTCHA CODE“Captcha”, which are security codes the web user must type,are automatically managed. The captcha control automatically calculates and displays thedistorted image corresponding to a text. This text is automatically generated by the control or definedby the application.The distortion changes for each display.

INTERACTIVE CHART CONTROLThe WEBDEV 21 chart control offers a large number of charttypes in 2D and 3D modes, static and interactive modes: lines,bar, semi-circular, pie, ...A menu allows the user to dynamically modify some para-meters: chart type, legend display, etc. A crosshair helps you

26 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster

The easiest andmost intuitive



POWERFUL CONTROLS FOR YOUR PAGEScontinued from page 25•••

read the data precisely. Animation effects are available.

IMAGES, CLICKABLE IMAGESThe image control lets you display images in standard Webformats: Jpeg, Gif, Tiff, PNG, SVG...The images can be clicked to start a process. The “auto scroll”mode lets you automatically display images found in a direc-tory.

EFFECT OF AUTOMATIC IMAGEMOVEMENTThis effect makes your page more lively!The “automatic movement” effect simulates the small move-ment of a camera on an image: without having to programanything, the displayed image comes to life and slightlymoves, slowly and smoothly in its section.3 effects are combined: swipe in random directions, lightzoom, fade-in to sequence these effects.This effect is ideal to automatically highlight product pictures:real estate, luxury goods, ...

“GOOGLE MAP” CONTROLYou can include a Google Maps control in a site. The Mapcontrol of WEBDEV 21 is interactive: the Web user can zoom,move, use different views (map, satellite), switch to “streetview” mode, etc.

CLICK AREA (MAP AREA)The click areas are used to perform hypertext processes:depending where a web user clicks in an image, differentoperations are launched.Defining the click areas is very easy via the geometrical areas.Several areas can be linked.


necessary, you can get the click coordinates, at the pixel level.This can be useful for precision maps, such as geographicalmaps for example, or in the case of medical applications.

“VIDEO” CONTROLThe “Video” control is used to play videos of different for-mats: Flash (Flv), QuickTime (Mov), Microsoft (Wmv), Webm,Mpg, Ogv...The features for read, pause, fast forward, ... are supported.Video display is also managed by HTML 5.

CSS3 EFFECTS ON CONTROLSWEBDEV 21 allows you to easily define CSS3 effects on theimage controls: acceleration, clipping, fading, automaticzoom, fade in, hover zoom, photo effect, panoramic move-ment, blinking, shift, sweep, inclination, rotation, ...

Opacity fade in

Peeling corners are also supported.

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SLIDER & RANGE SLIDER CONTROLSSlider and Range Slider controls are also offered.

RATING CONTROLThis control allows the user to enter a rating, or a site to dis-play a rating.The visual symbol used by default is a star but it can be modi-fied (smiley, hand, heart, ...). The rating can be a decimalnumber.

SCHEDULER & ORGANIZER CONTROLSThe scheduler control is used to manage the schedule formultiple resources. This is an Ajax control.The way this control works is very user friendly; it can behandled just with the mouse for creating, resizing, moving

and deleting tasks and this, regardless of the browser.It automatically links with data (data binding).This control saves weeks of programming.The scheduler control is adapted for touch devices (tablets,smartphones). The operating modes for creating, moving,deleting appointments are compatible with the “multi-touch” environment, and can be performed with one finger.An “Organizer” control is also available.

SITEMAPPATH (NAVIGATION PATH)A “SiteMapPath” is a menu built while the user navigatesinside a site.It makes it easy to go back to the previous page. Generatingthis line is automatic.A site map is also automatically generated.

Easy navigation

THE UPLOAD FUNCTIONThe Upload control lets you upload a file from the browsertoward the server. File picker, drag & drop, multi-selection, pro-gress bar, ... are supported out of the box.

The size of uploaded files is not limited.The upload can be performed in the background or can bescheduled.

AUTOMATIC DDW The DDW (Dim Disabled Window/Page) feature is managedautomatically on pages. The inactive page is grayed out assoon as a dialog box page comes up.

SOCIAL NETWORK CONTROL The “Social Network” control is a toolbar made of icons thatlink to the main social networks on the Web: Facebook,Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn.

POWERFUL CONTROLS FOR YOUR PAGEScontinued from page 27•••

HTML TABLEThe HTML Table enables you to easily create presentationtables in your pages.

FIXED AREA ON THE SCREEN This fixed anchor allows one or more controls to remainvisible when the user scrolls. The area is said to be “pinned”.

Even if the user scrolls the page down, the basket willremain visible at the same position

The elements anchored in such way move with the scrollbarand therefore, they remain visible while the rest of the pagescrolls.

“DASHBOARD” CONTROLSWEBDEV 21 lets you easily create dashboards. A dashboardcontrol is made of widgets.The end user can customize and adapt the dashboard.

IMAGE BUTTON CONTROL As their name suggests, image buttons are based on animage.

A button can be defined by 5 different images maximum,each corresponding to one state of the button: idle, rollover,click, focus, grayed.

Examples of graphic buttons provided with WEBDEV 21

The images for the various states can be located in an imagesheet, automatically managed, with a smooth display. Thebutton can be animated.

CSS3 BUTTON CONTROL This CSS3 button is completely defined based on a CSS style.It doesn’t require any image, but the CSS style itself cancontain (or not) one or more images.A CSS button can offer up to 5 states as well, which are ele-ments of the CSS styles (pseudo-classes).The CSS3 button is automatically adapted according to thebrowser.

COMPLETE CLIPART WITH OVER 10,000IMAGES AND BUTTONSWEBDEV 21 comes with over 10,000 pieces of clipart.You can reference your own images and illustrations to addto the catalog.The clipart content is rich and varied: images, icons, frames,animations, graphic buttons, bands, shapes.

CONTROLS ADAPTED FOR MOBILE USEWhen sites created with WEBDEV 21 are run on a mobile(tablet or smartphone), the behavior of the controls adaptsfor touch screens.

ALL THE WEB CONTROLSWEBDEV 21 also offers Treeview, Webcam, Applet, Iframeand more controls You got it all.(also see the very powerful layout control, “Rich Text Area”or RTA, hereafter)

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The Webcontrols


•••continues page 30

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“RICH TEXT AREA” (RTA) CONTROLWEBDEV 21 offers an extremely powerful type of control: itis the “Rich Text Area” control (abbreviated to RTA).The Rich Text Area control is fundamental for creating staticand dynamic web pages: entering rich text becomes child’splay. The text and its rich attributes are entered like in a word pro-cessor: insert images with legends, insert links, add attributesto text ...Everything is WYSIWYG.In the editor, when entering text, the control expands auto-matically when needed.Like with all the controls, the HTML code is automatically

generated by WEBDEV.

RTA: FORMATTING THE TEXT ITSELFThe RTA control lets you , of course, specify the characteris-tics of each piece of text, to the character level: font, fontsize, bold, color, strikeout, underlined, superscript, subscript,...The text formatting is “logical” in the HTML meaning.For example, a “bold” attribute will automatically be trans-lated by “Strong” in the HTML code, which makes it mucheasier for search engine referencing (Google...)The necessary tags are inserted before and after the text inits HTML format.

For example:Athleticswill be stored as <strong> Athletics </strong>.>>The <strong> tag, which is recognized and interpreted by thebrowser, indicates that it is an “important” word. The browser will usually display the text between the tags inbold, depending on the browser preferences set by the user. The browser recognizes these tags and interprets them.Search engines also use this type of tags for referencingpages. The use of these tags in a text increases its naturalreferencing.

RTA: LOGICAL PARAGRAPHFORMATTINGThe RTA control is used to format the paragraphs: title, sub-title, footer, email address, note, header, bullet ...The formatting is logical: for instance,a title will automaticallybe stored in its HTML format as a <h1> type text.<h1> is an HTML tag that defines a page title. The browser recognizes these tags and interprets them:usually the text will be displayed big and bold!

RTA: PHYSICAL FORMATTING OF APARAGRAPHIn addition to this logical formatting, a physical formattingis also available: paragraph alignment, indentation, color, ...

RTA: INSERTING CONTROLSAnywhere in an RTA text, you can insert a WEBDEV control(of any type): a chart, a table control, ...The control is positioned inline, in relation to the text.The control is “anchored” to the text.

RTA: INSERTING LINKSThere are several ways you can insert a link control in an RTA:• Transforms a text selection into link• Create a link control inside the text• Copy an existing link control.The link control found in a RTA offers the same capabilitiesas a regular link control.The control found in the RTA can be edited using the “7-tab”technology.

RTA: INSERTING IMAGESThe image is positioned in the text, inline. Dress-up parameters are available: left, right, paragraph, inthe text,...

RTA: ACCESS TO THE HTML CODE,SAVE THE RAW HTML MODIFICATIONSYou can access the HTML code of the RTA, and the HTMLcode generated by WEBDEV in the RTA is voluntarily clear andreadable, instead of being compressed.A developer who masters HTML can modify the HTML codegenerated for the RTA control.What has been modified directly in the HTML code will alsobe viewed in the editor.

THE RTA CONTROL: RICH TEXT AREAcontinued from page 29•••

Visualizationof a single“Rich Text

Area” controlof WEBDEV 21

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WEBDEV®AUTOMATICALLY EXPORTTO XML, WORD, EXCELAND OPEN OFFICEWith tables and loopers, an automaticexport menu to XML, Word, Excel andOpen Office is offered to the Web user.

The data found in the table or in thelooper will be automatically exportedto the selected tool and format.When exporting to XML, the XSL stylesheet needed by the browser is alsogenerated.In Intranet use, users can easily buildtheir simulations under Excel!

NOTHING TO CODENo programming is required to bene-fit from this feature.You have the ability to disable this fea-ture if necessary.

TOTAL OPENNESSIf you want to program automaticexport for your sites, programming

commands are available in theWEBDEV 5GL.The HExportXML,TableToXML,XMLFirst commands allow you tocustomize all the processes.


A Web site has a worldwideaudience: any web user inthe world can take a look atit!Therefore, developing multi-lingual sites is often requi-red on the Internet.There are of course coun-tries that use several officiallanguages: Belgium,Switzerland, Luxembourg,Canada...WEBDEV includes an innova-tive and powerful solutionfor supporting foreign lan-guages.

64 LANGUAGES PER SITEUp to 64 different languages are sup-ported in the sites you develop. All youneed to do is pick the languages in theconfiguration screen (these can bemodified at any time, even for an exis-ting site).

Example of a text entered in diffe-rent languages

WEBDEV takes care of everything, allyou need is to enter the labels in thedifferent languages selected (Westernand non-Western character sets: chi-nese, russian, ...).To change the application’s language,simply use the Nation. WLanguagefunction in the project initialization pro-cessNote that even the text of image but-tons will be translated!

PLAN FOR THEFUTUREImagine how much simplerit’ll be to develop multilingualsites (or to make an existingsite multilingual since transla-tions can be added later).

AUTOMATIC TEXTEXTRACTION The WDMSG tool, availableseparately, allows you toextract all the “texts” in a pro-ject and to check them backin after translation. Useful ifyou want your site translatedby a translation agency!


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32 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster

The integrated WEBDEV 5GLlanguage - WLanguage -allows you to describe all the

necessary processes. Yourteams won’t have to

sweat over HTML orJavaScript code.

WLanguage makesp r o g r a m m i n g

Internet andIntranet sites easy.



EASYThe WEBDEV5th generationl a n g u a g e(WLanguage ,already used bytens of thou-sands of pro-g r a m m e r sw o r l d w i d e )brings an extralevel of confi-

dence which makes site developmenta lot faster.

HOW TO PROGRAMWITH WLANGUAGE?There are two types of Internet code:• code that is executed on the host ser-

ver (entered in the yellow band – seeopposite)

• code that is executed on the user’sbrowser (entered in the green band– see above).

RADNote that the code (and pages)can be automatically generatedby the WEBDEV RAD tool and

wizards, from a data description(an “analysis”).

AUTOMATIC HTML ANDJAVASCRIPTGENERATIONBrowsers only understand HTML andJavaScript code.Optimized HTML and JavaScript code isautomatically generated from theWLanguage code targeted for thebrowser. The code is reliable, very concise andeasier to maintain.

AUTOMATIC PHP CODEGENERATIONThe created pages and the enteredcode are automatically converted toPHP code. Without knowing PHP, youeasily create dynamic PHP sites! (seepage 47).

KNOWLEDGE OFJAVASCRIPT AND HTML:NOT NEEDEDYou don’t need to know JavaScript,HTML or PHP to develop with WEBDEV. However, if for any reason you wish towrite or reuse JavaScript, HTML or PHPcode, WEBDEV allows it.

AUTOMATIC AJAXFor a process to be in “Ajax” mode, allyou have to do is click a button (seepage 36)

YOU WON’T GET STUCKThe WEBDEV 5 GL is extremely power-ful. You’ll never be stuck. Furthermore, you can enter HTML,JavaScript or PHP code, CSS3 anima-tions, ASP or JSP code ...

WLANGUAGE:POWERFUL, INTUITIVEEasy to remember English commandsmakes coding intuitive, and mainte-nance easy. WLanguage commands (HReadFirst,HReadNext, SSLActive, HFound, and soon) are easy enough to understandAnd easy to maintain.WLanguage allows for faster program-ming and better code quality.A WLanguage command often corres-ponds to dozens (if not hundreds) oflines of JavaScript code: your teams willdevelop faster.

EXAMPLE: SENDING ANEMAILSending emails is easy.The command is simply calledeMailSendMessage.You can add attachments. The email issent in a background task.

OPTIMAL DATABASEINTEGRATIONWLanguage is optimized to managetable data: it offers a predictive inputfor table names and columns.

POWERFUL STRINGMANAGEMENTWLanguage proposes a very powerfulmanagement of strings! Programming is much faster:• dynamic size automatically managed • concatenation via the “+” operator• automatic conversion from numeric

to text, and conversely• advanced search functions• multiple tests (CASE, SWITCH, ...).

PROFILER: OPTIMIZE THESPEED OF YOUR CODEWEBDEV 21 comes with a profiler,which measures the speed of each ins-truction in your code.


WEBDEV 21 lets you call entry pointsinto the jQuery library. This function isused in browser code, therefore it canbe used in all the sites, including staticsites.

BOOTSTRAP WEBDEV 21 lets you include Bootstrapfeatures.

ANGULAR JS WEBDEV 21 lets you interface withpages created using Angular JS.

JSON WLanguage now interprets JSON nati-vely (serialize and deserialize).

OOP (OBJECT)The Object-OrientedProgramming (OOP) issupported by WEBDEV:multiple inheritance,constructor, destructor,public, private, polymor-phism... The use of OOP is optional andcan be mixed with traditional pro-gramming.

WLanguage brings astructured 5GL to Internetdevelopment. Theproductivity tools are a realasset.


To see the exhaus-tive list of all the5GL commands,check theWEBDEV 21 helpon the PC SOFTsite

www.windev.com • 33

WEBDEV®The code editor is a majorcontributor to WEBDEVpower and efficiency.Coding is intuitive, fast anddone directly in the relevantcontrol.

A REVOLUTIONARYPROGRAMMINGCONCEPTThe unique code editor technologyhelps create quality code and developfaster.

THE WEBDEVDEVELOPMENT METHODThe most common events for a controlare offered by default in the code edi-tor, and shown by a color band. For example, for an “edit” type control,

the default events are: control initializa-tion, data entry in the control, controlloss of focus, do (action) for each modi-fication. You just enter the correspon-ding code in the section you need.The code that will be run in the brow-ser can be entered in WLanguage or inJavaScript, it’s your choice.

SERVER CODE ANDBROWSER CODEAll you have to do is enter your codeunder the corresponding banner. The yellow band indicates that thecode entered is WLanguage code thatwill be executed on the server. The green band indicates that the

code entered is WLanguage code thatwill be executed in the browser.The pink band indicates that the codeentered is PHP code. The blue band indicates that the codeentered is JavaScript code. It is visual and intuitive!

ALL EVENTS ARESUPPORTEDThe less common events are offeredthrough icons displayed at the bottomleft of the screen. All events are supported: click, doubleclick, key down, key pressed, key up,mouse button down, mouse buttonup, mouse out, mouse over, focus lost,focus gained, modification, selection ofcontrol content, call to help, load, sub-mit, ...

SYNTACTIC COLORINGTo make coding easier and more rea-dable, each word is colored accordingto its type.

COLLAPSED/EXPANDEDThe code editor includes a convenientexpand/collapse code feature: you canhide tested code for better readability!

UMLWEBDEV 21 supports UML and auto-matically creates the class diagram by

reverse analysis of the code.Conversely, a UML diagram generatesthe classes’ code.

SOURCE CODEMANAGERWEBDEV 21 comes with a versioningtool, the shared Source Code Manager(SCM, see page 44).

AJAXRegarding AJAX, simply click the“AJAX” button on the line to use thist e c h n o l o g y(see page 36).

AUTOMATICCOMPLETIONWhen typing a command, the type ofparameter expected is offered in a pull-down list. A tooltip also provides infor-mation abouteach parameterof the functionused.

REAL-TIMEERROR CHECKINGIf a syntax error occurs, it is detected inthe code editor, even before the projectis compiled! The errors are flagged byunderlying the function whose syntaxis invalid in red.

The code editor is part ofthe overall user-friendlinessof WEBDEV 21.

Control initialization


Entry in the control (onfocus)Modification on exit (onchange)

Control loses focus (onblur)

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The automated testphase is only one ofthe phases thatensure the high qua-lity of your software,but it is an impor-

tant one. In additionto regression tests,

WEBDEV 21 proposesthe creation of unit tests,

integration tests andstress tests.

UNIT TEST OFPROCEDURES ANDCLASSESThe creation of test suites is totallyintegrated in the environment. Todirectly test a procedure or a class,simply use the popup menu thatoffers to create (and then replay) anew unit test.

APPLICATIONVALIDATION RATEThe testing center displays the listof existing tests, the version of thesite on which each of these tests

has beenrun andthe resultof the test. This infor-mation isalso dis-played insummarymode inthe project


THE TEST SCENARIOEDITORWhen running a test, if an error isfound in the site, clicking thescript’s error positions you directlywhere the error occurred in thecode.

TEST VERIFICATIONDURING CURRENTOPERATIONSEach modified element that has notbeen validated by tests is flagged.The Test Center also flags all theerrors that have not been correctedas well as regressions. A history of the validation rate isautomatically stored, which allowsthe site’s quality to be tracked overits life cycle.This verification is also performedwhen you check in elements in thesource code manager (see p 44).


To fine tune your inter-active Web site, the

debugger lets you runyour site’s code step by

step, and visualize ormodify the contents ofgiven variables.


The debugger is very powerful andoffers advanced features:• step-by-step execution, skip functions,

instantly exit a function, execution upto a given line, ...

• autostop, which stops the executionfor each change to a variable’s value orto a given expression

• automatic visualization (can be turnedoff) of all the variables in the line beingexecuted (watch)

• visualization of expressions that

contain functions• display the value of the variable under

the tooltip• decimal or hexadecimal result• real-time call stack• trace of code run• 32 or 64 bits • ...

REMOTE DEBUGGINGYou can debug a server remotely: youcan debug the server located at your ISPwithout going there.

PHP AND AWPDEBUGGERThe debugger works in “AWP” mode(the mode of semiautomatic contexts). InPHP, you can debug the initial applica-tion.

The debuggersaves you a lotof precioustime when finetuning yourapplication. It’ll soon beindispensable!

The debuggerbrings profes-

sional produc-tivity



34 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster www.windev.com • 35

Don’t keepreinventingthe wheel,reuse!


The concept of componentdrastically simplifies thedevelopment: It is used as ablack box, very easily andsecurely.A component can containsource code, pages, images,classes, an analysis, andeven data tables.

SECURE DEVELOPMENTTHANKS TOCOMPONENTSA component is a “black box”, a buil-ding block ; the developer using it onlyknows the entry points and the natureof the information that may be retur-ned. The ability to create elaborate compo-nents as easily as traditional applica-tions will simplify your development.

SECURE YOURCOMPONENTSThe components that you create aresecure, meaning that nobody can seeor copy their source code, their analy-sis, etc.

MULTI-TARGETCOMPONENTSComponents are compatible betweenWINDEV, WINDEV Mobile andWEBDEV. This allows for even bettercode reuse.

LARGE NUMBER OFREADY-TO-USECOMPONENTSPROVIDEDWEBDEV 21 comes with several com-ponents (as well as their sourcecode), that can be used in your sites: • request for documentation • basket (for ecommerce)• secure payment...

Developing a dynamic site(linked to data, and includingprocesses) requires a pro-gramming phase.WEBDEV 21 is open to alldevelopment methods.

PROCEDURALPROGRAMMING OR OOPProgramming with WEBDEV 21 isdone in WLanguage, the famous5GL, known for its power and intuiti-veness.Developers can choose between pro-cedural programming and ObjectOriented Programming (OOP). Theobject oriented approach allows forcode evolution and makes futuremaintenance easier.

OOPWEBDEV allows for object orientedprogramming if you want it.The classes and the syntax ofWLanguage allow for modern andefficient object-oriented program-ming.

The base method classes can be rede-fined visually from the project explo-rer; virtual methods are automaticallygenerated.Management of the instances’memory is completely automated inmost cases, when allocating as wellas when freeing memory.

ALL THE OOP NOTIONSThe following OOP notions are sup-ported: • Classes• Abstract classes• Inheritance, multiple inheritance• Reflection• Overload (dynamic dispatch)• Abstract and virtual methods (poly-

morphism)• Properties (get and set)• Constructor• Destructor• Data encapsulation: public, private,

protected• Automatic freeing• “is one” operator and downcast• Low reference

• Association• ...

XML, JSON, ...WLanguage is optimized to processXML and JSON documents.The structures of the documents areimported directly in WLanguage.The code editor offers assisted inputon the names of the document ele-ments, syntactic coloring, ...



Page 19: INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB Internet, Intranet, ... Location and assignment of equipment via a site. ... Internet, Intranet, Extranet and …

Web 2.0 technology allowsWeb applications to use UIsthat are close in behavior totraditional Windows appli-cations’ UIs An important element ofWeb 2.0 is “AJAX”, whichallows the browser to onlyrefresh the part of a pagethat has been modified

WITHOUT AJAX...In traditional Web development, when

the application wants to modify a single

element in a displayed page (a price, or

a list of vehicles for instance), the server

needs to resend the entire page to the

user’s computer.

This taxes the server, takes up band-

width, creates a “refresh” effect in the

user’s browser, and display can be slow

when the browser must reinterpret and

redisplay the entire page...

WITH AJAX...With the AJAX technology, essential toWEB 2.0, it is now possible to send tothe user’s machine only the modifieddata, without refreshing the entirepage.There’re plenty of benefits: the serveris less taxed, the amount of informa-tion circulating is smaller, display is ins-tant for the user without any badrepaint effect.

USING AJAX IN AWEBDEV SITE: 1 CLICK!There is nothing to program. You automatically benefit from AJAX.You continue to program in 5GL(WLanguage). WEBDEV takes care ofeverything!An “AJAX” choice appears in the codeeditor’s toolbar. To enable AJAX on theprocess, all you have to do is click... the“AJAX” button.The label changes and becomes “AJAXenabled”.

SECURITYBecause of its architecture, AJAX canstart server procedures and processesfrom a browser call. To secure yoursites, the WEBDEV processes are pro-tected from illegal calls (attempt tohijack a session, ...).

WEBDEV AJAXTECHNOLOGY FORCONTROLSAfter an Ajax page request, all theaffected controls are updated automa-tically based on their value on the ser-ver. There’s nothing to code.

36 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster


ONE URL, 2 PAGESDynamic serving is a technique wherethe same address (URL) leads to 2 dif-ferent pages: a page for PC and a pagefor mobile.Depending on the device (PC ormobile) that accesses the page, theright page will be displayed.This is an alternate solution (evencomplementary) to the responsive webdesign to make a traditional site moremobile friendly.With this method, no need to modifythe existing pages: just add new onesfor mobile.

EXCELLENT GOOGLENATURAL REFERENCINGThis technique provides for great refe-rencing by Google.To associate the PC pages (on largescreen) and the mobile pages, simplyuse a window from the project editor.

At run time, depending on the hard-ware, the WEBDEV 21 application ser-ver decides on the page to use.By programming it is possible to turnoff the automatic routing. This way it

is possible to offer the user with amobile to stay on the desktop site.


Ajaxwithout any additio-nal code.


Computer Mobile

same URLbut different


www.windev.com • 37

Web services atyour service



deploy and host Web services.

EASY CONSUMPTION OFWEB SERVICESIt is very easy to import and use a Webservice with WEBDEV. Based on the WSDL (Web ServicesDescription Language) description ofthe service, WEBDEV automaticallygenerates WLanguage types and func-tions corresponding to the program-ming interface of the Web service. This way the elements from the webservice appear in the project as regularproject elements.

EASY CONSUMPTION OFSOAP WEB SERVICESAdvance use of Web services usingSOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)is possible thanks to a set of SOAPfunctions. These functions allow you to handle thestream of XML data exchanged with theWeb service (headers, authentication,meta information, ...)

EASY CONSUMPTION OFREST WEB SERVICESYou can also query a REST type Webservice thanks to the RESTSend()WLanguage function.


Web services are easily created:simply define the set of proceduresthat make up the Web service inter-face. The WDSL file description is auto-matically generated.

EVERYTHING ISMANAGEDThe management of Web services isvery powerful in WEBDEV; here’s a listof supported features: • Array type results (SoapArray) • Databinding Web services • Inclusion of Web services• Attributes in wsdl• Multiple responses• Multiple headers • Message signature• WS-Addressing• Circular references in schemas• SPNEGO authentications


The Web services are hosted on acomputer that includes a WEBDEVapplication server. The setup procedure is automaticallygenerated. Administration is performed from theWEBDEV administrator like with a“regular” site, all the tools are avai-lable: traffic statistics, etc. ( see siteadministration p 54).


The hosting technology is based onthe robust WEBDEV standard applica-tion server. This technology helps ensure the Webservice availability as well as its speed. Requests are executed simultaneously,in separate processes, which ensuressecurity.The Webservices can be consumed byany type of application, created inWINDEV, WEBDEV or with any otherthird-party language.


Consumming Web services: theWebservices elements appear in theproject, like elements belonging to

the site, to make development easier

Page 20: INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB Internet, Intranet, ... Location and assignment of equipment via a site. ... Internet, Intranet, Extranet and …

When you create a dynamic site from scratch,you need to define the tables that will be used.It’s easy with WINDEV 21.And if you have existing databases, WEBDEVcan use them directly. WEBDEV uses a visual representation to describe how thedata is organized. The UML method is included in the envi-ronment. Note that WEBDEV supports all the analysismethods.

DEFINING A NEW STRUCTURE Say you need to define new tables, let’s take a look at asimple but representative example of the creation of a newfile structure: the definition of the “Products” and “Orders”tables.

1.Let’s create the PRODUCTS table: all you have to do is spe-cify its name and some general information.

2. Let’s create the structure of the table: each column is defi-ned or retrieved from the data dictionary.

3. Then, we create the ORDERS table. The CUSTOMERS place orders. Therefore, these 2 tables must be linked inthe analysis. After clicking the “link” tool inthe icon bar, simply draw a link betweenthese two tables using the mouse.

4. WEBDEV 21 asks simple questions in natural languageto automatically define the type of link between the 2 tables.

The questions are very basic. For example, here: Based on the answers to these simple questions WEBDEV setsthe right cardinality attributes and determines whether a rela-tionship table is needed!

5. WEBDEV then requests the rules to apply for deletionsor modifications (referential integrity)

6. That’s it, the tables are linked, your work is doneThe query editor will find the right joins automatically, and

each editor in the development environment will knowhow to work with the data...

A link table is automatically created.

Now, all there is to do, is print the documentation (optional),generate the pages and the code with the RAD tool, or starta new development... It’s that simple.

38 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster

THE TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATIONIN ONE CLICKWEBDEV 21 allows you to edit at any time the full analysis and

programming documentation of the site. The documentationis built by reverse analysis of the site and therefore always upto date. A documentation can have several hundred pages, bepublished in PDF , HTML format, or in a word processor...

Each “product” belongs to at least one “order”: yes o r no?Each “product” can belong to several “o rders”: yes o r no?Etc.

Forbid the deletion o f Product that has an Order: yes o r no?Etc.



DATAIf you already havean analysis or data,you can automati-

cally bring them intothe environment

(import the descrip-tion of the tables,columns and rela-tionships). Simply

drag and drop thestructure into the

data model editor tocreate the structure!

www.windev.com • 39


Description of adata structure inWEBDEV

A dynamic site uses data.WEBDEV 21 can access anydatabase on the market. WEBDEV is an open productthat lets you reuse or includeexisting sites or pieces ofsite.

ALL DATABASES ARESUPPORTED (NON-EXHAUSTIVE LIST)WEBDEV can read and write in anydatabase.Some of the databases supported(please see table opposite).

HFSQL, A POWERFUL SQLDATABASE, INCLUDEDWEBDEV comes with HFSQL, a power-ful client/server SQL database, alreadyused by millions of sites. HFSQL can be freely deployed withyour WEBDEV sites.HFSQL features are detailed page 40.

ACCESS IN NATIVEMODE WEBDEV can natively access MySQL,Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite,AS/400, DB2, Informix, Sybase directly(modules available separately). Installing these native accesses is extre-mely simple ( a small size file). BLOB and Long Raw controls are sup-ported.Access performances are impressive.

NATIVE SUPPORT FOR“AS/400” AND “ISERIES”DATABASESWEBDEV accesses AS/400 databasesdirectly (module available separately),

without any ODBC,OLDB drivers and noActiveX. WEBDEVknows how toimport and exportDDS, run CL com-mands,manage adataqueue, ...It is totally inclu-ded in the envi-ronment, andthe speed is


Ask for the brochure!

BIG DATAWEBDEV can natively access data sto-red in Big Data format.

ALL DATABASES VIAODBC OR OLE DBWEBDEV 21 supports all the databasesthat have an ODBC or OLE DB driver.

SQL SCRIPT = WEBDEVANALYSISAn analysis defined in WEBDEV can beconverted into an SQL script to createnew SQL databases, and any SQLscript can be converted automaticallyinto a WEBDEV analysis to leverageexisting code. This offers total openness.In most cases, the existing structuresare imported by Drag and Drop intothe data model editor.

THE STORED PROCEDURESIf the third-party database supportsstored procedures, these are accessibleby applications written using WEBDEV.

PROGRAMMING ISIDENTICALREGARDLESS OF WHICHDATABASE IS USEDRegardless of the database used, youwill also be able to use SQL commandsor use the 5GL commands of WEBDEV,WLanguage (HReadNext, and so on).This again shows WEBDEV opennessby allowing you to easily switch data-base.

YOU ARE USINGWINDEV...If you use WINDEV, note that you canshare the project and its elements(code, classes, windows, queries,reports, …) between the 2 environ-ments, and export your applications toWEBDEV.

WEBDEV 21 enables you tocreate a new site and itsdata, or create a site linkedto existing data, regardlessof the database.


- MySQL*

- Oracle**

- Informix**

- SQLServer**

- PostgreSQL*

- MariaDB*

- SQLite*

- IBM DB2**

- IBMAS/400**

- Sybase**

- Netware SQL- Ingres- Progress** -XML*

- Bull DPS- Access- xBase*


- Excel*- Etc.

*: standard native connector**: optional native connector

Page 21: INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB Internet, Intranet, ... Location and assignment of equipment via a site. ... Internet, Intranet, Extranet and …

WEBDEV 21 supports all thedatabases on the market.WEBDEV comes with an SQLdatabase, HFSQL, which isvery powerful, very fast andvery reliable.Distribution of the HFSQLengine is free.

WEBDEV SUPPORTS ALLMAJOR DATABASESWEBDEV works with all the databaseson the market (see page 39).

A PROVEN DATABASECOMES WITH THEPRODUCT: HFSQLHFSQL is the new name forHyperFileSQL.HFSQL comes with WEBDEV 21. It is a robust and reliable database,already used on millions of sites world-wide.

329 MILLIONS OFBILLIONS OF ROWS(RECORDS)...HFSQL enables you to work with large

volume of data (up to 329 quadrillionrows). You can plan for the natural datagrowth with peace of mind.

SHARING DATA WITHBACK OFFICESite data can easily be shared with backoffice applications, to process orders,send packing list, create invoices forinstance. WINDEV is the ideal compa-nion to WEBDEV for building solid BackOffice applications.

SITE REPLICATION/BACKOFFICEReplication between the site and theback office is often useful.HFSQL allows for the replication ofdatabases and the replication of ser-vers, unidirectional and bi-directional,scheduled or continuous.Replication can be automated, or fullycustomized.

EXTREMELY FASTThe total command integration and the(automatic) index setup allow for incre-dible access speed. This provides bet-ter response times for your site, be it anInternet or Intranet site.

TOTAL INTEGRATIONThe engine is totally integrated withthe development environment.At any time, in all the editors, you haveimmediate access to all the informationregarding the tables and columns. The interface and database integrationallows for an easier and faster pro-gramming.

CONFIDENTIALITY: 128-BIT ENCRYPTIONOn the Internet, the data will be foundon a server: it must be protectedagainst illegal access; it’s easy withHFSQL. The data and index encryptionis available for better security.

ADVANCED FEATURESHFSQL offers advanced features: clus-ter, integrity, log, transactions, triggers,automatic concurrent access manage-ment, Unicode, hot maintenance(without disconnecting users)...

OPEN TO OTHERPROGRAMSThe native connectors, the ODBC andOLE DB drivers provided with HFSQL letyou read and write from third-partyprograms or applications.



ClassicLocal or network

The Control Center letsyou monitor all the serversand databases installed onyour company’s networkor remote through theInternet. This center also allows youto:• visualize and print data• directly execute queries• manage the user

accounts (groups), rights,list of current connec-tions

• gather accurate statis-

tics on the server use:computers, queries, logs,parameters, …...

• user disconnection• the management of tran-

sactions: view, cancel, ...• backup management

(hot backup)• view the record locks• scheduled tasks• server replication• display the number of

rows processed• cluster management• ...

40 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster


www.windev.com • 41

FEATURES128-bit encryption

Referential integrity






Import Export


Compress/Decompress memoson the fly

TECHNOLOGIESAutomatic maintenance (DDS)

Concurrent access management

Automatic reconnection

No management

Resume automatically afterincident

Automatic deployment

Discover HFSQL withthis 24-page documen-tation availablewww.windev.com

CLUSTER (SERVER FARM)Thanks to the cluster feature, a set of phy-sical servers appears as a single server to theclients.The potential failure of a physical serverdoes not prevent access to the database(high availability, fault tolerance).The read load charge is distributed on all the

servers (load balancing for reading).When a user is connected to a server thatfails, the application won’t be disconnectedbut automatically reconnected to a valid ser-ver (automatic fall over).

SQL AND WLANGUAGEThe data can be accessed via SQL com-mands or via the powerful functions ofWLanguage. You have the ability tomix SQL commands and WLanguagecommands in the same program.

THE CODE CAN BEGENERATED!Programming is very easy, quick andreliable. The code can be generatedautomatically when creating pagesthrough WEB RAD!

SECURITY: “SQLINJECTION” IMPOSSIBLEYou can create configurable queries,which prevents server attacks through“sql injection”.

FULL TEXT SEARCH The “full text” search allows for veryfast string searches inside your data. The index supports rich text (RTF,HTML), ignoring their tags during theindexing process.Results are offered according to a rele-vance order (“ranking”).

HOT BACKUPYou can trigger a database backupwhile the database is being used. There can be read, write and querydatabase accesses happening. Data

integrity of the saved data is insured.The backup can be triggered by pro-gramming (at a certain time for ins-tance) or through an action of theDBA. You can also perform incremental bac-kups.

EASY INSTALLATION ANDCONFIGURATIONHFSQL installs instantly, without requi-ring any operations. Similarly, databaseadministration is performed automati-cally. Changes to the database structures areautomatically managed (SDD techno-logy).

HFSQL DEPLOYMENT:FREEUsing HFSQL can save you hundreds ofthousands of dollars (and even morewhen deploying Intranet sites). A non-negligible benefit.


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The editor enables you to automaticallycreate simple or complex queries on tables.This simplifies programming even more:pages tables, loopers, combo boxes, reports...can be based on queries.

NO NEED TO KNOW SQL TO CREATEPOWERFUL QUERIESThanks to the visual editor, all you need to do is choose thecolumns to include, specify the selection conditions using thewizard, and the query is built.You can, of course, modify the SQL code generated by thequery editor.The queries are run on HFSQL (Classic, Mobile andClient/Server version) and on all the other databases.You can use WLanguage code with queries (hRead* com-mands).

VISUAL QUERIESThe query is also generated in natural language as you makeyour choices in the editor (or in SQL, if you choose so).

The query editor

� The SQL code automatically generated

Once validated, the query is displayed graphically in the deve-lopment environment, which makes it easier to understandwhen you need to make changes.

3 � Once the query is defined, it is represented gra-phically.

OPTIMIZED EXECUTIONWith HFSQL, the choice of the best index will be performedat run time, taking into account the real weight of each indexin the table. If keys are missing, the environment will flagthem automatically through ADD (Aided ApplicationDevelopment).

QUERIES BASED ON QUERIES...The result of a query can be a visualization table, a printedreport, even a HFSQL table. A query can use the result of ano-ther query as its source.

QUERIES BUILT ON ANY DATABASEThe data source for a query can be a HFSQL database or athird-party database: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, DB2,AS/400, Access...

The query editor makes accessing your datamuch easier to program.

42 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster

� The query is built in natural language in front of your eyes


www.windev.com • 43

A report editor solves theproblem of Internet repor-ting. And it makes creating printseasier. It has a double use:• on one hand, for the

Intranet applications• on the other hand, for

dynamically generatingreports that will be sent tothe Web user (PDF invoicefor example).

PDF INCLUDEDReports can be created in PDF format(without any additional charges, or anyadditional module needed).

A PDF report is generated withWEBDEV 21

PDF/A AND SIGNATUREYou can create signed PDF/A (standardISO archive), and signed PDF (RGS).


Choosing the type of report tocreate

A wizard automatically offers to helpcreate high quality reports; it asks ques-

tions so you won’t forget anything! On an Intranet, reports are printed ona printer accessible from the server.On the Internet, the report will be sentto the Web user as: HTML, RTF, PDF...

ANY DATA SOURCEThe data used for a report can comefrom any source: HFSQL, Oracle, Accessand so on, query, text file, memoryzone, page table, ...

SUPPORT FOR PDFBACKGROUND PAGESThe report editor supports the pagebackgrounds and the pre-printed formssuch as tax forms.

INCLUDE IMAGES:AUTOMATICIncluding images - BMP, TIFF, PCX, GIF,JPEG, PNG, and so on - in a report isextremely simple. The image can bepreset (logo, for example), or comefrom your program or from a file (pro-duct photo,...) You can also easily print drawings ori-ginating from your program.

SOURCE CODEWHEREVER YOU WANTWEBDEV allows you to include any exe-cutable source code (WLanguage)anywhere in a report: this enables youto create your most custom reportswithout any problems.


WEBDEV 21 automatically prints bar

codes (horizontally or vertically). The supported formats are: QR Code,UPCA, UPCE, EAN13, EAN8,CODE128, CODE39, CODE93,CODE11, intervaled 2 of 5, CODABAR,BC_MSI, Datamatrix, PDF417...

MAIL REPORTSWith WEBDEV it’s easy to create adynamic report (the invoice for the pro-duct a user just ordered online for ins-tance) and mail it immediately (in PDFformat for example).

FREE DISTRIBUTION OFREPORTSFurthermore, you don’t pay any royaltyto distribute your reports along withyour WEBDEV sites.

With WEBDEV 21,sophisticated reports aremade easy!

A WYSIWYGreport editor,precise to the




A report beingcreated in theenvironment

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THE SOURCE DATABASEWith SCM (Source Code Manager),

the project elements are grouped in adatabase. Before being used an ele-ment is checked out, once it has beenmodified it is checked back in.Therefore team members use up-to-date elements.SCM stores all the project’s elements:procedures, sets of procedures, classes,pages, reports, components, queries,analyses, dependencies (images, ...), ...

TOTALLY INTEGRATEDTotally integrated with the various edi-

tors, the versioning tool (SCM) providesbetter team work, modification andversion history, management forconcurrent versions of an application,and automates the backup of the deve-lopment team’s source code.

The versioning tool brings comfort,flexibility, security and speed. Sized to accommodate teams of 1 to100 developers, SCM facilitates andstandardizes exchanges between deve-lopers without imposing constraints.

POWERFUL FEATURES• SCM is entirely integrated in the envi-

ronment; for example, the SCM pro-poses to check out an elementduring a modification.

• The database supports several pro-jects; if several projects use the sameelement, this one can be shared.

• A history of all the elements (pages,

code, queries, ...)since their creation, isstored in the reposi-tory (a complete orpartial purge is alwayspossible).

• The project is alsofound on all the deve-lopment computers;therefore you can workon an offline machine.

• Branch management iscovered.

• “Diff” (diffe-rences) between 2elements is avai-lable: source,page, ...

• You have the abilityto see the list ofmodifications per-formed between 2versions by yourselfand/or by otherdevelopers or Webmasters...


SCM accepts remote connectionsthrough the Internet. This way you canwork on a project from a customer site,without fear of losing your modifica-tions.If you are connected (with DSL for ins-tance), the modifications that you per-form will be immediately available tothe other developers.

SINGLE DEVELOPEREven if you develop by yourself the

versioning tool presents some benefits:it keeps a history of the modificationsfor all the elements and acts as a bac-kup and archiving tool for the versions.The management of branches allowsyou to easily manage several versionsof the same site.

44 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster


Develop at

the office,

on the road

and even at

the beach!

SCM automati-cally managesdependences:files used(images, ...).SCM detectsthem in the pro-ject and savesthem with theproject.


The dashboard provides aglobal vision of the project,its progress and quality. Lights come on when some(configurable) levels are rea-ched: number of bugs, mis-sed deadline... and showwhat optimizations to per-form.


A Control Center is anapplication that monitorsan aspect of the life cycle ofa site.

A Control Center allowsyou to have a global view ofthe corresponding area,either during the develop-ment phase, or at adeployed site, or also formaintenance or applicationevolution.The Control Centers used the most forWeb development are:• Project Monitoring Center• Hosting Control Center.The Control Centers are fully integra-ted in the environment; the informa-tion is shared.

ALM: PROJECTMONITORING CENTERThe center is used to check the sche-dule for each task assigned and per-formed by each team member and alsomonitors the requirements manage-ment and the quality control.

MANAGEMENT OFREQUIREMENTS ANDTASKSThe Project Monitoring Center allowsyou to define and follow the status ofeach requirement for each version ofthe project. A requirement corres-ponds to a feature that must be deve-loped in the software.Each requirement can be linked toseveral tasks (development task, testtask, documentation task, …), bugs,business rules...

QUALITY CONTROLQuality control lets you monitor deve-lopment incidents.

HOSTING CONTROLCENTERThe hosting control center lets youconfigure the hosting profile and main-tain the hosting server. The management of accounts andWeb servers is also performed via thiscenter (see page 50 to 53).

Managing project is madeeasier.

www.windev.com • 45


The project dashboard provides an overall view of a project’s progress.

Manage the schedule of the development team in real time Impact analysis


Drive your pro-jects

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The existing static pages can be retrieved in WEBDEV 21. The cor-responding controls are created.

Here: a window in WINDEV... ... and the result of its import into WEBDEV 21. The source codeis also imported!

Importing, exporting and sharing WINDEV applications and windows save you a lot of time when going from aWindows application to an Internet application and vice versa.


The initial static page... The same page imported in the WEBDEV editor

IMPORTING EXISTING HTML CODEWEBDEV has an interesting feature: sucking in existing HTMLpages.The page is imported into WEBDEV, and each text, image,link and so on is automatically converted into a WEBDEVobject.The overall style of the page is kept.This enables you to easily retrieve existing code.

IMPORTING EXISTING DREAMWEAVERCODEYou have the ability to import Dreamweaver pages, templatesand libraries. When importing a page created withDreamweaver, if a Dreamweaver template is detected, it isautomatically converted into a WEBDEV page template. If thistemplate is detected in another imported page, it will beautomatically substituted with the previously created pagetemplate.

IMPORTING AND SHARING A WINDEVAPPLICATIONWindows created with WINDEV are directly changed intopages. The projects are common. The controls, the code, the

reports are retrieved. Going from Windows to Internet (andfrom Internet to Windows) has never been easier! You canalso share classes, procedures, reports, queries betweenWINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile projects.

Importing pagesis also useful for

creating a stylebook compatiblewith an existingsite, and preser-

ving the site’slook and feel.





46 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster www.windev.com • 47

Open to allstandards

WEBDEV®PHP WITHOUTKNOWING PHP!All the power of WEBDEV (WYSIWYGeditor, data model editor, UML, queryeditor, advanced controls, WLanguage,etc.) is available for creating PHP sitesIf you choose to, the pages and thecode (in WLanguage) are automaticallyconverted to PHP code (you can alsoenter PHP code directly).Without knowing PHP, you easily createdynamic PHP sites!

PHP RADThe WEB RAD method is also availableto generate PHP sites in just a fewclicks. Automatically generate your sites fromthe data model editor.

DIRECT ENTRY OF PHPCODEIn the WEBDEV code editor, you havethe ability to write (or paste) PHP code.

Here, the process in red is apiece of PHP code.

You’re never stuck.You can mix PHP code and WLanguagecode in the same page.

ADVANCED CONTROLSAS WELLIn addition to the standard controls(edit control, static control, etc.) mostWEBDEV 21 advanced types of controlare available in PHP: table with auto-matic scroll bars, looper controls, calen-dar, tab, rich edit control, HTML text,automatic ruler…This allows you to tremendouslystreamline coding and brings greatsecurity to your sites through inputmasks that only allow the entry of datain set formats.

WEB 2.0: AJAX IN PHPA large number of controls and opera-tions are AJAX compatible in PHPmode: you create Web 2.0 PHP siteswith WEBDEV 21! (see page 36)

ADVANCED TYPES In addition to the standard PHP types,WEBDEV 21 allows you to use advan-ced types in your code. Programming is easier and more securethis way. The advanced types are: date, time,duration, data source, associativearrays, structures, numeric...Powerful syntax and operators are alsoavailable: FOR EACH, string operations,optional concatenation, “start with”operator, ...

CODE SHARINGUsing WLanguage allows for sharingcode between pages and PHP sites,WEBDEV standard sites and even withWINDEV applications!This allows you to save a lot of timeand to increase reliability via the reu-sability.

EASY AND AUTOMATICMANAGEMENT OF PHPSESSIONSThe management of PHP sessions(contexts) is automatic. All you have todo is declare the variables that must beretrieved during the next execution ofthe page. There is no serialization process tocode.

PHP 7, 5 & PHP 4COMPATIBILITYWEBDEV 21 generates PHP code com-patible with PHP 7, PHP 5 and PHP 4.

HFSQL ACCESSAccess to HFSQL (Classic, Network andClient/Server) is insured through SQLcommands.

MYSQL, POSTGRESQL,ORACLE ACCESSAccess to MySQL, PostgreSQL andOracle databases is supported.Note that all the databases that pro-pose an ODBC driver are accessible.

AS/400 (IBM I) ACCESSAccess to AS/400 is native (module topurchase separately).

CALLING PHP SCRIPTSYou can call an external .php scriptfrom a PHP page or a standardWEBDEV page via the PHPExecutecommand. You can use either a POSTmethod or a GET method, the result isreturned in a string.

WAMP & LAMPWAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL,PHP) and LAMP (Linux, Apache,MySQL, PHP), acronyms often used forthese technologies based on 4 com-ponents, are supported by WEBDEV21.

EASYPHP: AUTOMATICCONFIGURATION ANDSETUP OF WEBDEVWhen installing the WEBDEV 21 appli-cation server, the Apache Web servers(used notably by EasyPHP) are auto-matically detected and configured.

ACCESS TO FREEHOSTINGGenerating a PHP site allows you(among other things) to access “free”hosting services for your dynamic sites.This option can be useful for sites fromassociations or small companies thatdon’t want to use dedicated hosting.

With WEBDEV 21, PHP iseasy!


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48 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster


ERP tool. A site built usingWEBDEV 21 can access SAP ERPdata natively (through BAPI).The access to the data is directlyperformed by SAP, the tracing ofaccesses is maintained as well asthe management of priorities.

A family of functions enables you toestablish a connection (with authen-tication) and call BAPIs and passthem parameters. A wizard helps import automaticallythe structures used.You don’t need to install the SAP UImodule.All the WEBDEV features are available.

QUERIES BASED ON SAPThe report generator (see p 43) can beused to create queries on data found

in a SAP database.


WEBDEV sites canaccess Lotus Notesin native mode.Access e-mails

found on the Lotus Notes (Domino)mail server, in incoming and outgoingmodes, is standard in native mode.Access to contacts, appointments,tasks and documents found on theserver is easy. This is used to createIntranet sites that are totally integra-ted to the I.S. of the company.The usual security of Lotus Notesis respected, of course, via theLotus certificate.


WEBDEV sites can access Outlook innative mode. Access to Outlook mails,in incoming and outgoing modes, isstandard. Access to contacts, appointments andtasks is easy, in read and write mode. This is used to create Intranet sites thatare totally integrated to the I.S. of thecompany.

NATIVE ACCESS TOGOOGLE APPSAside from the ability to connect toGoogle application through mashup,WEBDEV 21 offers native access to

Google applications’ data: GoogleCalendar, Google Maps, GoogleContacts, Picasa...This allows data to be retrieved andthen displayed in a custom format onthe site.

Let’s see an example of code that liststhe gMail contacts and that displaysthem in a WEBDEV table.


Example of native access to GoogleCalendar, to be used later directly in aWEBDEV 21 page

Connection is gglConnectionConnection.Email=”[email protected]”Connection.Password=”password”GglConnect(Connection)Contacts is array of gglContactContacts=GglContactList(Connection)TableDisplay(TABLE_Contacts)

www.windev.com • 49

SaaS (acronym for “Software as aService”) is a delivery model for soft-ware.Customers don’t pay to buy the soft-ware but to use it. The data is stored on the servers of theapplication provider and not locally inthe company.

EASY SAASVersion 21 of WEBDEV provides theneeded tools for easily delivering SaaSsolutions: market your SaaS sitesthanks to the provided tools.The SaaS administrator lets you des-cribe the use authorizations. Customer account management letsyou define the rules for using the site:authentication, number of authorizedconnections, connection time, etc.This management is done directly fromthe administrator interface or viaWLanguage functions.At run time, the site checks theconnection authorization and theuser’s rights via a set of WLanguagefunctions.

SAAS ADMINISTRATORThe administration software can workwith or without human intervention. Itallows you to create companyaccounts, user accounts according toan initial configuration, without humanintervention.The interface is offered in Web mode.

SAAS ADMINISTRATIONAPIThe WLanguage functions available formanaging accounts are (non exhaus-tive list):• account creation and deletion • account modifications: add users,

time slots, number of users, ...• initialization of a database by cloning

a reference database• defining the connection to the data-


SAAS AUTHENTICATIONAPIAmong the elements to manage in aSaaS site, you will find:• Connecting and disconnecting• Company identifier • Company password• User identifier

• User password• IP address check• Maximum number of connections• Maximum connection time• Authorized connection time, etc.

CUSTOM PRICINGMANAGEMENTPricing management is easily perfor-med via a simple setting.

SaaS, it’s easy withWEBDEV 21!

Easy SaaS



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Once a site is built, it must be installed on theserver.WEBDEV 21 comes with powerful deploymentand installation tool.

INCLUDED IN THE PRODUCTAs with all the other modules, this module comes withWEBDEV.Sites created with WEBDEV can be installed remotely (FTP,HTTP,...) or by providing the service provider a CD, a DVD ora USB key

REMOTE DEPLOYMENT IS FULLYASSISTEDTo deploy a site, all you have to do is answer some questions.The deployment can be performed in a fully secure way byusing the HTTPS and FTPS protocols.

REMOTE DEPLOYMENT OF SITEUPDATESOnce a Web site is installed, it usually evolves. When the sitechanges, only the modified files need to be updated, whichlimits the transfer volume.WEBDEV will compare the files on the live site with the oneson the development computer, and will preselect the filesthat have been modified. The wizard automatically selects the appropriate operationfor each file: copy, update, deletion,…Of course, you can also manually define the files to install,exclude a folder, only deploy a specific language..

SCHEDULED UPDATES: AT NIGHT...It’s usually more convenient to perform site updates duringlow traffic time, like at night. WEBDEV offers the scheduling of a specific date and time foran update. The files to update are transfered to the server instantly, buttheir actual update will only be performed at the date andtime you’ve specified.

DEPLOYMENT BY PHYSICAL MEDIASometimes you may want to provide the content of a site viaa CD, DVD or USB key.This use case can also happens if the hosting server cannotbe accessed via the FTP (or FTPS) protocol for security rea-sons.WEBDEV 21 lets you create a complete “installation pac-kage” for the site to address this scenario.Note that this installation package can be made available viadownload.When the hosting company receives the CD ot the USB Key,it can deploy the site on its server.You can deploy the “WEBDEV application server” with thesite itself. This allows the distribution of free demo versions.

PAGE EXPIRATION DATEWhen creating a page, you now have the ability to specifyan expiration date for this page.For example, if a page is related to a specific event (a trade-show, a promotion), this page must not be displayed any-more after a given date!To prevent forgetting to do it, WEBDEV 21 will notify thedeveloper when opening the project, and/or will send anemail to the given address, with a configurable message.Risks of an oversight are limited this way.

DEPLOYMENT FOR LOAD BALANCINGA site that attracts a lot of traffic may need to be deployedonto several parallel servers.WEBDEV 21 allows you in a single operation to deploy orupdate a site over multiple hosting servers.

50 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster

Easy remotemanagement



www.windev.com • 51

The easiest andmost intuitivemethod

MULTIPLE DEPLOYMENT OF THE SAMESITE ON THE SAME SERVERWEBDEV 21 lets you easily deploy several copies of the samesite on the same server, from a single project.This allows a consultant to offer copies of the same site tomultiple clients.A copy of each site (a site per client) will be hosted on thesame server.To do so, simply specify the name of the sites at deploymenttime, the parameters of each site (timeout, number ofconnections, etc.) are independent.You can also support all the offered sites via a SaaS moduleprovided in WEBDEV (see SaaS p 49).

ARCHIVINGThis feature performs a backup of all the site’s elementsbefore performing a site update.This allows you to preserve different versions of a site.

TESTS: LOAD TESTING, REGRESSIONTESTS...The quality of your site requires a set of appropriate tests.WEBDEV 21 comes with a test tool that will enable you tocheck that the parameters of your server allow the maximumnumber of simultaneous connections you want. The test toolalso lets you execute a set of scenariosto check regressions for instance.

CLOUD DEPLOYMENT IN ONE CLICKDeploying a site in the Cloud is simple.To do so, specify the identifier of the PCSCLOUD account andthe password in the deployment wizard, select the platformwhere you want to deploy the site, and you’re done!

Deploying and administering a site: easywith WEBDEV 21!

WEBDEV ApplicationServer Administrator.

HFSQL server administrator

Managing the WebDevaccounts

Hosting Control Center

Setup by physicalmedia

Site deployment fromthe development


Remote administrator ofWEBDEV Application


HFSQL server remote administrator

Monitoring bot (Watchdog)Stress tests


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WEBDEV 21 lets youhost your sites at aservice provider’s,in the cloud or inter-nally.


The PC SOFT site pro-poses a list of hosting

companies (worldwide)supporting the

WEBDEV dynamic sites.You can also contactyour existing hostingcompany.

HOST YOURSITES (FORFREE) ANDTEST THEM IN1 CLICKPC SOFT offers to hostyour test sites. The setup is easilyperformed in 1 clickfrom the environ-ment.

DEDICATED SERVERThe site is hosted on a computer thatyou “rent” from your provider.You’re responsible for administeringthe machine and you’re the only one touse it, it is dedicated to your company.You are the only one who can installsites on this computer. You can admi-nister your sites remotely thanks to thetools provided by WEBDEV.

SHARED SERVERShared hosting consists in hosting yoursite on a computer that is shared withother companies that will be able todeploy their own sites on it. The com-puter resources are shared.On a shared server, you do not admi-nister the system, you can only deployyour sites. Performance also dependson the activities of the other sites, butthe hosting costs are cheaper than ona dedicated server.

CLOUDThe Cloud for PC SOFT applications(www.pcscloud.net) offers pre-confi-gured and optimized operating plat-forms for your WINDEV, WEBDEV orWINDEV Mobile applications.These operating platforms give you theability to host your WEBDEV sites oryour WEBDEV or WINDEV web ser-vices.They also allow you to share yourHFSQL databases from anywhere in theworld, from fixed points or mobile ter-minals, with the ability to replicate yourdata from a proprietary server.

CLOUD PLATFORMA PCSCloud platform is a virtual server.This server is fully dedicated to you,you’re the only one who can deploysites on this server. You can adjust at any time, and verygranularly, the compute power neededfor your platform (CPU, RAM, disk,etc.) and this way reduce the cost tothe bare minimum. You’re freed from the server’s adminis-tration, you can concentrate on thecore competency of your business.

CLOUD BENEFITS The Cloud allows you to free yourselffrom hardware constraints, and allowsyou to easily manage the evolution ofyour resources.Deploying a site in the PCSCloud.netcloud is easy: it only takes one click inthe environment!PCSCloud also allows you to host yourWeb services, your HFSCQL data-bases...

52 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster



INTRANET SITE Usually the site is installed and admi-nistered on a server internal to yourcompany. All the computers connec-ted to the server will have access tothe site.

INTERNET/EXTRANET SITEUsually, Internet or Extranet sites areinstalled at a service provider’s, sepa-rate from the company that createdthe site.

HOSTINGThere are 4 types of hosting: • Internal server• Dedicated server• Shared server• Cloud platform

SITESThere are three main types of sites:• Static site• Intranet site• Internet/Extranet site

www.windev.com • 53

Deploy andadminister yoursites easily.



WEBDEV 21 lets you internallyhost the sites built withWEBDEV, on premises at yourcompany.

THE WEBDEV APPLICATIONSERVERThe WEBDEV application server is nee-ded to run dynamic sites.It is installed on the hosting machine.The WEBDEV Application Server runs onWindows and Linux. The WEBDEV Application Server setupprogram automatically detects the ins-talled Web server.Each Web server must be configured.The configuration of the IIS or ApacheWeb servers is performed automaticallywhen installing the application server.

SUPPORTED WINDOWSVERSIONSAlmost all the Windows Server versionsare aupported: Windows 2012, 2008,2010,… 32 and 64 bits. “Non-Windows” server versions(Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista …) are alsosupported.

SUPPORTED LINUXDISTRIBUTIONSLinux distributions evolve often. Someevolutions are minor, others are major.Version 21 of WEBDEV supports boththe older distributions and the new dis-tributions.At the time this document was created,the following distributions have beentested: Debian 7, OpenSuse 12, Ubuntu

12, Mandriva...Support for higher versions is ensured ifthese distributions are compatible. Donot hesitate to ask PC SOFT to find outabout the latest changes.

FOR HOSTINGPROVIDERS: SILENT SETUPUseful for hosting companies and deve-lopers that manage their own hosting,the automatic host server configurationhas a “silent” mode, i.e. without anymanual intervention. The setup is fully configurable, and itbecomes possible to set servers inbatches (create instances of theWEBDEV application server automati-cally).


If you’re using an Apache Web server,when installing the WEBDEV 21 appli-cation server, the Apache web servers(especially the ones used by EasyPHP)are detected and automatically confi-gured.The Apache Web server lets you use vir-tual sites, which enables you to isolatethe hosting.A WEBDEV account can be defined foreach virtual site.

AUTOMATICALLY MOVE ASITE FROM ONE SERVERTO ANOTHERThe automatic site move feature offeredby WEBDEV 21 will please server admi-nistrators. It is really easy to move a live site fromone machine to another.The move takes care of all the requiredelements for the sites as well as theiroperating configuration: everything isautomatic.

PHP HOSTINGPHP hosting can be done at a “com-mercial” hosting provider (Free, Comcast...)It can also be done internally.The server computer must have a PHPengine and an FTP server.Sites are easily deployed from theWEBDEV environment.

HOSTINGSTATIC-ONLYSITESA static site doesn’t require anyWEBDEV Application Server to run,only a Web server and an FTP serverare needed.A static site can easily be hosted at a“commercial” hosting provider (Free,Comcast ...)


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THE MANAGEMENT:LOCAL OR REMOTEThe WEBDEV application server is sup-plied with an administrator that can beaccessed remotely, allowing you toconfigure the server and to monitor itsactivity.

Several parameters can be specified:maximum number of connectionsauthorized by the server, maximumnumber of connections for a given site,maximum number of instances per Webuser, and so on, ...

Note that the administrator can also beinstalled as a service, without any inter-face, on the server computer.

You also have the ability to specify therights for each user.

SECURE SITE ACCESSThe administrator lets you activate secu-rity options including:• navigation using single IP address (to

prevent session theft)• protection of the AWP context identi-

fier (HTTPOnly cookie).

The remote administrator

MONITORING ROBOTA very sophisticated monitoring engineis provided with WEBDEV 21. It can beused to monitor the availability ofWEBDEV sites, HTTP servers, NMTP ser-vers, SNMP servers, file servers, mail ser-vers, WEBDEV application servers,HFSQL server...Based on your choice, the server sendsa warning by email message, by mes-

sage sent to a specific application (inter-nal messaging application, etc.), to acontrol screen (visual warning and/orsound warning), by starting aWLanguage procedure, to a third-partyprogramming (this third-party programcan send a configurable SMS for ins-tance).You have the ability to choose a combi-nation of these warnings.You can also configure the frequencyand repetition of the tests to perform.

It is very important to haveexact statistics on visits toyour sites.

FINDING OUT THETRAFFIC INFORMATIONFOR A SITEOutside Internet it is fairly easy to figureout how much activity your businessgenerates: mail received, number ofphone calls, people in the store, ...On the Internet how do you know howmany people came to your site, whatpages they looked at, what applica-tions they used, where were theycoming from?This is why you need site statistics.

A CUSTOMIZABLE TOOLIS SUPPLIEDWEBDEV is supplied with a statisticaltool for the dynamic pages. This tool is

ready to use.The statistics can be accessed viaInternet.

STATISTICSAmong the information supplied:• number of pages viewed• number of unique visitors• number of visitors

per page• incoming site of

Web users.• country of origin• browser used• and even a list of

pages that encoun-tered technical pro-blems!

Useful statistics!


54 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster

WEBDEV 21 andWINDEV 21 arecompatible:• project• analysis• tables• components• reports• code• classes• windows, pages• ...

The WEBDEV 21 sites caneasily operate with existingapplications, regardless ofthe tool used to create them.But the compatibility andintegration betweenWEBDEV and WINDEV makethem the ideal package fordeveloping Front and BackOffice applications veryquickly!

FRONT AND BACKOFFICEThe Front Office is the customer-facingpart: usually the interactive Internetsite. In business terms, the Front Officemanages requests for information andorder taking.The Back Office deals with the internalcompany processes: order processing,inventory management, sta-tistics, production orders, ... In short, the Back Office pro-cesses the orders.

IF YOU ARE STARTING AGLOBAL APPLICATION,THE WINDEV 21 &WEBDEV 21 PAIR IS THEIDEAL PLATFORMTo create Internet and Intranet sitesthat manage data (Front Office), PCSOFT offers the WEBDEV 21. integra-ted environmentIt is the only integrated environment(from modeling to setup, including data-base support and maintenance) thatallows you to easily develop robust sitesmanaging data in real-time.

For all internal business applications(Back Office), PC SOFT offers a develo-per’s dream, a professional develop-ment environment and application lifecycle management for Windows:WINDEV.And if you want to use your applica-

tions on mobile devices, just recompilethem using WINDEV Mobile 21.

WINDEV lets you create in record timethe most complete, high-performanceapplications, for local or network envi-ronment. You’ll use the powerful inte-grated database or any database onthe market.WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile andWEBDEV are compatible ; their deve-lopment environment is similar. Theyshare projects, objects, code, classes,reports, analysis...

LEGACY APPLICATIONS?WEBDEV is totally open, which allowsit to interface with any existing data-base, via ODBC, OLE DB or in nativeaccess.

You easily achieve yourobjectives with WEBDEV



OVER 1000 ONLINE EXAMPLESTo test sites developed in WEBDEV, theeasiest is to connect towww.WINDEV.com. In the WEBDEV sec-tion, a page proposes a list of thousandsites developed by WEBDEV users.

ANY FIELD, ANYLANGUAGEThese sites represent all kinds of fields, inall kinds of languages, all built by diffe-rent companies using WEBDEV.

INTRANET SITESFor obvious confidentiality issues,Intranet and Extranet sites cannot be lis-ted. Multinational companies have developedstrategic Intranet and Extranet sites thatare distributed in their branches and sub-sidiaries, with data residing on a centraldatabase.


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The best wayto benefit from

the Internet


YOU’RE A MANAGERYou need a solution that allows your teams to

QUICKLY DEVELOP the powerful Internet andIntranet applications your enterprise needs:

WEBDEV 21 is a must have. WEBDEV 21 ensures that you’ll stay within

budget, have great performance andremain within schedule.

YOU’RE A DEVELOPERYou know how to develop. WithWEBDEV 21 you’ll know how to

create static, semi-dynamic anddynamic sites instantaneously.

WEBDEV 21 allows for anatural, methodical way

of developing, resulting INYOUR PROJECTS’ SUC-



all your problems: use side by side withexisting sites, imported sites, dynamic

sites connected to databases in realtime.

You’ll be able to REUSE your existingWeb developments without limits.


21 is COMPATIBLE with WINDEV andWINDEV Mobile.

Both products are implemented the same way.It is very easy to convert a WINDEV application

into a WEBDEV Internet or Intranet site, and viceversa.


WEBDEV 21 is a COMPLETE DEVELOPMENTPLATFORM that integrates all the modules requi-red for development.This ensures your projects’ success. WEBDEV 21 is known for BEING EASY TOLEARN.

ORDER WEBDEV 21 TODAY!Each day that goes by, you and your team are was-

ting precious time.WEBDEV 21 allows you to become productivequickly when developing HIGH PERFORMANCEINTERACTIVE WEB SITES, which are a require-ment for most companies today.Don’t let your competition beat you; you too take

advantage of the most powerful and easiest pro-fessional development environment for creatingstate-of- the-art Internet and Intranet sites.

WEBDEV 21 is a very complete and power-ful tool, yet very simple to use.The ROI is very quick: you’ll quickly savemoney with WEBDEV 21.


Develop 10 times fasterYou too...

56 • WEBDEV 21: Develop 10 times faster





Wamp, LampHTML5Mobiles


Some examples of sites andapplications that can be easilycreated with WEBDEV (non-exhaustive list).Some sites are Intranet sites,other are Extranet sites andother Internet sites.

• E-commerce site with securepayment

• Bills paid via Internet• Management of orders for your

established customers• General order taking• Consultation by your customers

of the progress status of theirorder (order received, entered,processed, shipped, ...)

• Real-time inventory• Dynamic image creation based

on parameters entered:- virtually try clothes - presentation of a car with the

color and options chosen- customize a T-shirt according

to the image uploaded by thecustomer

• Online definition of a software’soptions, calculation of the pac-kage price, and instant down-load after payment

• Reservation of airplane seat or

boat cabin on an up-to-datemap

• Executive dashboard in realtime, with company revenues,estimated margins, stock inven-tory...

• Shared schedule of a geogra-phically distributed team

• Appointment schedule for tra-veling sales people

• Job schedule of a maintenanceteam

• For a mail-order company, putall the technical documentationof all the products offeredonline

• Natural language search enginefor a text database (FAQ, ...)

• Scanning and archiving all theaccounting documents received(invoice, packing slip, etc.) inorder to be able to view them,even years later (archiving)

• Event reservation: seminar, din-ner, show, etc.

• Management of a shared direc-tory: company directory, stu-dents in a school, alumni, clubmembers, etc.

• Ads: real-estate, cars,auctions...

• Management ofequipment inventory

• Dating site

• Wiki management• B2B portal• Discussion forum• RSS stream• Package tracking• Mailing list management• Management of the “bonus”

points linked to a reward card:current number of points, matu-rity, automatic display of avai-lable rewards, management ofreward’s cashing, etc.

• EDM• Remotely monitor a production

line• Company Intranet Portal

And all the other sites youcan think of!


Discover over 1000 WEBDEV site examples on www.windev.com

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Page 30: INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WEB Internet, Intranet, ... Location and assignment of equipment via a site. ... Internet, Intranet, Extranet and …
