Marketing Measuring Approaches 1 Integrated Marketing Strategy By Kathryn Bartosik Iam 's Roy al Canin Pur in a Wis ka 's Euk an uba Non e of the abov e Oth er (please sp ec ify) 0 2 4 6 8 Series1 Series2 Series3 (Bartosik, K., 2013)

Integrated Marketing Management Capstone(course sample)

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Page 1: Integrated Marketing Management Capstone(course sample)

Marketing Measuring Approaches 1

Integrated Marketing StrategyBy Kathryn Bartosik


Royal Can






None of th

e above

Other (plea

se speci




(Bartosik, K., 2013)

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Marketing Measuring Approaches 2

To: Mr. McDaniels, President, and Chief Executive Officer

From: Kathryn Bartosik, Marketing Associate

Regarding: Integrated Marketing Strategy

Date: May 13, 2013

Mr. McDaniels,

My crew and I would like to thank you for the chance to present an integrated marketing strategy to your Company for the manufacturing of Pet Food. I fully recognize from your bid notification that you are experiencing challenging issues with your present loss of the market share and profit margins.

Please find the enclosed envelope and by opening it you will discover that we have a complete integrated marketing strategy that reports where your position in the marketplace is along with the competitive analysis, organizational goals and objectives, all key stakeholder benefits, along with a marketing strategy that contains competitive pricing, product placement, advertising, promotions, and point of sale, public relations and buzz marketing.

In addition we will determine with more than sufficient measuring tools and reporting to confirm that you will have peace of mind in selecting our strategy over any of our contenders. Irrespective of the choice you make on how to move your corporation onward we at KLB Marketing Associates wish you the best in your industry and always have your best interest at heart.

Thank you

Kathryn Bartosik, Marketing Associate

Pet Food Industry Marketing Plan

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Executive Summary

a. Promotional and Media Plan: Our Company has been a direct selling company for

20 years and will continue to grow a direct sales force. As the leading brand cat

food begins to improve you will see us discuss two main approaches for product

placement on television shows and prominent live on-screen events and open

supply handouts at some key performances and large sites to start a buzz for the

product and consumer demand. The publicity and broadcasting segment goes

more into depth within the direct selling dominion that your sales crew has,

ethically mannered, and how we can get around the boundaries of large sporting

events to generate buzz marketing.

b. Measurement: We boast ourselves on proposing results that meets the objectives

and intentions of our consumers, in order to guarantee we meet your objectives

we will engage widespread approaches of measurement procedures. We will

originate at the starting point for measurements of sales, profit margin, market

share, brand awareness, brand enthusiasm and brand loyalty. We will be

measuring these leading points every three months throughout the course of our

annual contract and deliver an all-inclusive written evaluation. If there is need to

change the proposal we will assist focused on the results of these reports. Each

measurement summary is finely detailed in the measurement sector plus a control


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c. Conclusion: Our Company is grateful that your Company is permitting us to

participate in this tremendous opportunity. After your crew has studied this

proposal in its entirety please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any

clarification. I am confident that you will allow us to offer you the precise level of

Integrated Marketing Communications and Strategy to help revolutionize your

brand awareness and increase your sales immediately.

II. Situational Analysis

Your Company is losing the currently market share and profit margins to another leading

brand pet food manufacturer for the past 4 months and is on a continuous decline at 15%

a month that is a 60% market share showing a 60% profit loss. We want to reverse the

current loss your Company is enduring to the leading brand profit increase. This is due to

lower pricing of 70% and we know your Company does not want to continue on this

downward slope. If this continues then your brand pet food will cease to exist.

III. Competitor Analysis

Competitive analysis provides a comprehensive view of the leading brand that is lower in

price compared to your brand. The leading brand is available at mega discount stores like

Walmart and Sam’s Club. This is providing the needed information that relates to

competitive pricing, sales tactics, marketing strategy, and production channels in the

complete competitor analysis section. You might be more interested in the salespersons

incentive plans for your Company that will give more purchasing power towards brand

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loyalty consumer buying from local rescue organizations that bring in a portion of the cuts

on sales and profits. This can prove to be rewarding but legalities might be required.

IV. Customer Analysis

Your Company’s brand buyers have been best known in the Midwest as a brand of pet

food that lives up to its name, pets have asked for it by name. The intention to create an

eco-friendly package design that is environmentally safe is in the forefront of the agenda.

The consumer who buys this brand will have the opportunity to enter into a sweepstakes

to win an all-expense paid pet food commercial for their owner as the pet’s consumer

buyer. The customer analysis section is intended to help you to regain the former buyers

and maintain their loyalty to the brand once again. The newer consumer base with

promotional encouragement will increase in the next quarter’s growth in sales and


a. For the pet consumer who prefers grain free, because it is better tasting. The

pet consumer buyers are mostly adult women who are in-store buyers that may

have smartphones.

b. Survey results with questions and charts total of 8 consumer surveyors.

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i. Which of the following brands of pet food have you used? (Select all

that apply.)


Royal Can






None of th

e above

Other (plea

se speci








(Bartosik, K., 2013)

ii. Which of the following brands have you heard of? (Select all that apply.)


Royal Can






None of th

e above

Other (plea

se speci



(Bartosik, K., 2013)

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iii. Have you heard of Eukanuba?

1 20.00%









(Bartosik, K., 2013)

iv. How did you first hear about Eukanuba brand pet food?

News a


Word-of-mouth re


from fri


Online s



Google, Ya

hoo, Bing)

Online f


ussion board


l med

ia (e.

g., Fa

cebook, T


Other (plea

se speci



(Bartosik, K., 2013)

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v. How likely are you to use Eukanuba brand pet food after seeing the commercial at: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?


Extremely likely

Very likely Moderately likely

Slightly likely

Not at all likely









(Bartosik, K., 2013)

vi. In the past 7 days, which of the following activities have you done on Amazon.com? (Select all that apply.)


ed fo

r books

Bought cl


Bought e



Bought fu



None of th

e above

Other (plea

se speci







(Bartosik, K., 2013)

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vii. Optional. What is your first and last name?

answered question skipped question0












(Bartosik, K., 2013)

V. Marketing Plan

a. SWOT Analysis

Our Company has finished a strength, weakness, opportunities and threats analysis

that will be a tool to help make the focal viewpoints of the promotional campaigns.

(Bartosik, K., 2013)

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b. Market Segmentation

Our Company has taken the pet food industry and separated it into four main

segments that relates to creating a purpose and the how for Your Company’s brand

that will satisfy those needs. We will take those segments and apply the main

strengths and opportunities to capitalize on our marketing campaign progresses. The

ultimate outcome of this is to get as targeted as much as possible towards the given

message we want the current and potential buyer to hear.

c. Product Decisions

We will lay out the foundational product changes that are designed to bring in new

buyer opportunities for Your Company. Here is an example, low priced, 100% protein,

and grain free non allergen pet food. It is easier on the pet’s digestion and the

buyers’ pocket book. It is available at Walmart and Sam’s Club along with paper and

digital coupons. The smartphone app will be texting the consumer upcoming sales

promotions to the consumer upon request. The packaging changes will reflect on the

formula’s that are in larger more readable text with the distinction in the new tastes.

d. Pricing Strategy

Just recently Your Company has lowered the prices in effort to discontinue the

product at the local pet supply stores. This is in order to open other doors for

obtaining this brand as a low price leader in dry pet food. We are looking at

maintaining the competitive pricing of Your Company along with the counter partner

Iam’s brand pet food. This will be a challenge because of the cost of better

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ingredients along with maintaining lower prices. This is believed to help our

suggested product changes and strategies to come into play as we are able to restore

the stability of the market. The pricing section will give details about the price

comparison, key points for salespersons and all of Your Company’s stakeholders; and

a detailed strategy on how to communicate within and without the company for

economic growth potential. The media outlet will be the public relations and an

innovative cost approach that is meant to be aggressive. There will be more

information on this in the pricing section along with the press releases.

e. Distribution Channels

Our Company has incorporated an alternative to your distribution channels in effort

to provide accommodations for the handling of ingredients for the pet food, and the

preservation for freshness. This means that the manufacturing of the pet food

industry will be situated at another plant manufacturer within the U.S. Our Company

also has enclosed the schedule for the sales volume increases.

f. Promotional and Media Plan

i. Interactive Advertisement

Dr. Whizz is going to be the spokesperson for TV commercials. These are

some more positioning options that will have Dr. Whizz talking in favor of this

brand along with a the new green logo on the bag. He will talk about the new

formulas that are grain free and that make them allergen free. He will discuss

how the grain added formula’s using wheat and corn are known allergens that

are causes of common digestive problems in cats and have shortened their

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nine lives. The formulas main ingredient is venison, lamb, chicken, duck,

pheasant, wild salmon and mercury free tuna. The bags appearance to the

buyer and taste to the cat consumer will draw the adult women buyers into

the pitch during the in-store commercial demos. Coupons will be offered at

this time along with samples to take home. The positioning statement is:

Pricing in terms of other pet food brand pricing comparative to less expensive

pet food with improved taste for $9.99 an 8 lb. bag, and $15.99 a 20 lb. bag.

ii. Press Release

Your Company’s formula will have no allergens, such as wheat and corn that

have been removed from premium high quality cat food. It is making a new

appearance as the first for this brand. Your Company is pleased to announce

the launch of the new pet food that is designed to keep your pets’ nutritional

balance at a peak with the choice of protein meat products that suits their



Dr. Whizz’s, Your Company pet food launch brings an innovative approach to

help pet’s digestive systems with a balanced protein diet. New pet food

formulas have scaled back on unnecessary added grains. It is corn and wheat

free, and better tasting with 100% protein ingredients.

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CORONA, CA (June 1, 2013) – According to a recent survey from Our Company

for buyers of pet food it has been discovered that pets prefer Your Company’s

pet food over other brands. It’s been taste tested by the pet consumer and

their nose knows best what they need when it comes to a balanced diet of

protein. Their carnivore appetite being purely meat eaters don’t need to have

any more upset stomachs with those added fillers. This will improve the

overall health maintenance of the pet and reduce kidney and liver problems as

they get older. The longevity and also their shinier coat and whiter teeth will

speak for itself as the buyer adds this to their daily diet plan.

Veterinarians are reporting more kidney and liver problems due to the added

grains in their food and this turns into a sluggish digestive system for the

overall health of the pet. It will also reduce the obesity that is found in pets

that are too fat due to the wrong type of diet, and this leads to a diabetic

obesity condition in some pets that requires veterinarian assistance. The

protein helps to maintain a lean body mass and will decrease their begging for


Upon the launch, Your Company’s “grain free” and also with Lamb and Rice

will be available in 8 lb., and 15 lb. bags.

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For a complete nutritional approach to the “100% protein” diet the varieties of

meats will be available in venison, duck, pheasant, chicken, turkey, salmon and

tuna. The buyer can visit www.yourcompany.com. (Natural BalanceInc.com,


iii. Promotional Program

The promotional marketing program that I have for Your Company’s Pet Food

and how it matches the adult women customer buying target market and

ways of speaking directly to customers through communication and

engagement and that is: through the consumer blogs such as Facebook,

Twitter, and Your Company Blog (FaceBook, 2013, Twitter, 2013). This makes

a good communication site for the person buying the food for that special pet

consumer. In effort to change Your Company’s slogan for an up to date motto

this one will be found appropriate: This is what a fit and long living pet is made

of Your Company “grain free”. The captivating pet stories capture the pet

people viewers and successfully make the heartfelt pet owners have for their

pets to eat. This slogan or motto will remind the pet person of their special

pet’s duties to care properly for them by maintaining long and healthy pet

lives, Adglitz.com, 2010.

iv. Projected Promotional Budget

The quarterly budget will be as follows: $500,000 is the total budget for the

first quarter. The manufacturing, packaging, advertising, free samples,

coupons, smartphone apps, digital coupons, and spokesperson salary, and the

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demo-table will be the mainstream for the first quarter. The breakdown is

$50,000 for each promotional activity. As the next quarter approaches in

September the budget reviews will determine the needs for continued

promotional advertising. The third quarterly budget analysis and projection

will be determined based on the sales and profits from the last two quarters.

The fourth quarterly budget will analyze and consider any changes based on

the SWOT analysis to judge the next step for the upcoming year.

VI. Measurement

We take pride in offering practical solutions that will meet or exceed your goals and

expectations when it comes to servicing our clients. For us to make sure that we meet

your immediate goals we want to engage the methods of measuring procedures. To

begin with we need the baseline measurements of your quarterly sales, profit margin,

market share, brand awareness, brand enthusiasm and brand loyalty. To measure these

prime indicators every three months within the scope of our annual contract this provides

us with a comprehensive written review this will give us the baseline for a starting point.

If there is the need to change anything in the plan we will use the results of the reports.

Each of the measurements is overviewed as detail written within the measuring section

that includes a control group for reference.

VII. Pricing Strategies

There are two main pricing strategies for this new product: penetration and skimming.

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Penetration comprises of pricing the product at an inexpensive rate with the intentions of

achieving three main objectives: discourage the competitors from entering the market,

acquiring market share, and accumulating flexibility in pricing the product in the future.

We want to discourage competitors when we are standing as the low price leader: This

provides the awareness that profit margins will be small. Similarly, a low price will help

build support for the product and form target market base. In addition, beginning in the

low-price range this increases the flexibility to raise prices when the economic situation

allows it.

Skimming consists of arriving in the marketplace at a high starting price and then selling

to the market's more affluent consumers at higher profit margins. The objectives of

skimming are to recuperate the expenditures of costly product change as quickly as

possible and launch the product as exceptional or exclusive in the awareness of the

buyer, CTUO, 2013.

VIII. Distribution Choices

Distribution choices for your service business are comparable to several of those for a

tangible product sample, financial forecasting facilities may be accessible from printed

material, sold at retailers by consultants and distributed by electronic means, or by

phone, fax or mail. These are the possible distribution channels that include: retail

outlets, wholesale outlets, salespeople, direct mail, telemarketing, internet marketing, TV

and cable. These are valued sources for your business. When examining the

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competitor’s distribution approaches, it is vital that we determine if the leading brand is

the current top brand competitor. Small trade resources will effectively compete on

every front, so we will focus on those competitors from whom you can soundly presume

to take market share, Bizfilings.com, 2012.

IX. Evaluation

The monitoring method that you could use to measure the effectiveness of this IMC

strategy is relationship marketing. This is a Regency-Frequency-Monetary Value (RFM)

model that is used to measure the effectiveness of relationship marketing. Three

indicators are monitored for each consumer. One is the time lapsed since the last

consumption, then the occurrence of placing orders by clients, and the average sum of

money spent by the consumer for each purchase. For every variable, a total of groups

can be defined, as well as the target group, using past experiences together with the

reply rates of different categories, as their base. If the $1 million budget is selected for

the IMC promotions alone, then it is realistic and just to devote the whole budget for that

purpose. Also, the paybacks of the said measures are benefitting on your part. You can

further use the assessment results for other commitments, such as a basis for the

development of their service, as well as to stay competitive in the market business,

Thinking Made Easy, n.d.

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X. Conclusion

We appreciate your business and this opportunity to take the time to services your

marketing needs. When your team at Your Company has covered this proposal in its

entirety please call us, so we can discuss and negotiate any items or concerns that need

to be addressed. You might find us as being very resourceful when it comes to knowing

and how to gage incorporated marketing communications, because we have the strategy

that will change the way buyers perceive this brand and increasing your next quarterly

sales and profit margins.

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