Integrated Nexion-Goodx Transactio Select the “Cashregister” Icon www.nexion.co.za Nexion – The Payment Administration Solution

Integrated Nexion-Goodx Transaction Select the Cashregister Icon The Payment Administration Solution

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Select Patient Payments… Patient Payments… – The Payment Administration Solution

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Integrated Nexion-Goodx Transaction Select the Cashregister Icon The Payment Administration Solution Specify cash register to use Select Register Click OK The Payment Administration Solution Select Patient Payments Patient Payments The Payment Administration Solution Select the Doctor to whom the patient belongs Select Doctor Click OK The Payment Administration Solution Select the Patient Select Patient Click OK The Payment Administration Solution Enter the Amount Enter Amount Click Continue The Payment Administration Solution Allocate the Payment.. Select Patient.. Click Done The Payment Administration Solution Select Payment Type i.e. Card Payment.. Click Nexion The Payment Administration Solution Payment Screen The Beneficiary, Amount, Transaction Ref#: & Member Ref#: are pre-populated and Automatically allocated on GoodX. Amount Transaction Ref#: Member Ref#: Click the Process Card Trxn Button The Payment Administration Solution Beneficiary The Selected Beneficiary and transaction will be displayed on the Nexion Reports The Payment Administration Solution Swipe the Card Select Account 1.Savings 2. Cheque 3. Credit 4. Nexion Select Transaction Type The Payment Administration Solution Budget Period 1. No Budget 2. 3 months 3. 6 months 4.12 months months months Select Budget Facility The Payment Administration Solution Confirm Amount R20.00 Press Enter The Payment Administration Solution Confirm.. Transaction approved Receipt printed Patient signs one copy for patient, one for the practice The Payment Administration Solution 0.00 This Payment is Automatically posted to the selected Patient record on Goodx. The Payment Administration Solution