Integrated Performance Assessment Integrated Performance Assessment Integrated Performance Assessment Integrated Performance Assessment Designing Designing Backwards Backwards: From Standards Through Assessment From Standards Through Assessment to Daily Instruction to Daily Instruction P l S d k Paul Sandrock Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction 1

Integrated Performance Assessment€¦ · 05/11/2008  · coco entext fooeac gber teaching be:-- Cognitively engaging Cognitively engaging -- Intrinsically interesting Intrinsically

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  • Integrated Performance AssessmentIntegrated Performance AssessmentIntegrated Performance AssessmentIntegrated Performance AssessmentDesigning Designing BackwardsBackwards::

    From Standards Through AssessmentFrom Standards Through Assessmentto Daily Instructionto Daily Instruction

    P l S d kPaul SandrockWisconsin Department of

    Public Instruction


  • M ti ti St d t L iM ti ti St d t L iMotivating Student LearningMotivating Student Learning

    • Focusing learning and teaching through assessmentg

    • Engaging students through aEngaging students through a meaningful context for learning


  • IPA Project: GoalsIPA Project: GoalsIPA Project: GoalsIPA Project: Goals1. Design a prototype for standards-based

    assessmentassessment• Chart student progress• Link with Performance Guidelines for K-12


    2. Field test the prototype• Effectiveness of measuring student progress • Accuracy of using rubrics for ratings

    3 Use IPA tool as catalyst for reform3. Use IPA tool as catalyst for reform• Connect assessment, curriculum, instruction• Develop samples with student work


    p pexemplars

  • IPA Project: Pilot SitesIPA Project: Pilot SitesIPA Project: Pilot SitesIPA Project: Pilot Sites• Appleton, WI

    • Fairfax County, VA

    • Oregon (consortium of districts)Oregon (consortium of districts)

    • Putnam City, OK

    Springfield MA• Springfield, MA

    • Wallingford-Swarthmore, PA


  • Traditional planning designTraditional planning designTraditional planning design:Traditional planning design:

    1 start with the vocabulary and grammatical 1. start with the vocabulary and grammatical structures

    2. practice

    3. quizq

    4. practice more

    5 culture5. culture

    6. chapter test


  • Designing backwardsDesigning backwardsDesigning backwards:Designing backwards:

    1 start with the ends (performance goals)1. start with the ends (performance goals)

    2. envision activities to lead students to success

    3. select the means (language elements)g g


  • IPA: CharacteristicsIPA: CharacteristicsIPA: CharacteristicsIPA: Characteristics

    • AuthenticAuthentic

    • Performance-based

    B d th 3 d f i ti• Based on the 3 modes of communication

    • Integrated

    • Illustrate developmental progress (according to ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners)

    • Blend with classroom instruction and experiences


  • 8

  • Integrated Performance Assessment CycleIntegrated Performance Assessment Cycleg yg y

    InterpretiveC i i

    PresentationalC i i Communication






  • IPA: Your HealthIPA: Your HealthIPA: Your HealthIPA: Your HealthInterpretive Task

    Read article;Read article; complete comprehension guide

    I t l T kInterpersonal TaskSpontaneous conversation, make comparisons with partnermake comparisons with partner, identify commonalities

    P t ti l T kPresentational TaskWrite letter of application


  • Helena Curtain advises thatHelena Curtain advises that ourourcontextcontext for teaching be:for teaching be:co eco e o eac g beo eac g be-- Cognitively engaging Cognitively engaging

    -- Intrinsically interesting Intrinsically interesting

    Culturally connectedCulturally connected-- Culturally connectedCulturally connected

    Add:Add:Add:Add:-- Communicatively purposefulCommunicatively purposeful


  • Create a Context for Your UnitCreate a Context for Your UnitCreate a Context for Your UnitCreate a Context for Your Unit

    • Identify a topic areaIdentify a topic area

    • Brainstorm content elements

    • Create essential questions

    • Focus for real-life authentic• Focus for real-life, authentic application


  • Fi t f Fi t f Fine tune your performance Fine tune your performance assessment tasks:assessment tasks:assess e as sassess e as s

    What kind of language would students produce by doing what is requested in the performance assessment?performance assessment?

    Am I pulling out of my students the language sample I need to see?


  • Assessing the Interpretive ModeAssessing the Interpretive ModeAssessing the Interpretive ModeAssessing the Interpretive Mode

    Words: Select words that help you pull outWords: Select words that help you pull out the meaning

    Ideas: Predict logical ideasIdeas: Predict logical ideas• Circle the ideas actually in the article• Write the information given

    Context Clues: Use growing sense of meaning to describe new phrases

    Inferences: Use evidence in the article to tell something new


  • Your HealthYour Health-- Presentational ModePresentational ModeNovice Level

    Write a letter to nominate 20 Aim forWrite a letter to nominate yourself as school’s ambassador to your sister school

    20 minutes

    Aim for 100 words

    Intermediate LevelWrite application letter to sports 30

    i tAim for 200camp minutes 200 words

    Pre-Advanced (Int-High) Level( g )Write an article for your sister school’s newspaper describing causes of stress/how to manage

    40 minutes

    Aim for 300 words


    causes of stress/how to manage words

  • Assessing the Interpersonal ModeAssessing the Interpersonal Mode

    How can you capture the spontaneous exchange of information and ideas?exchange of information and ideas?

    H d id t iti fHow do you provide opportunities for students to practice such a performance?


  • Integrated Performance AssessmentIntegrated Performance AssessmentIntegrated Performance AssessmentIntegrated Performance AssessmentElementary Grades: Community Workers

    Interpretive Interpersonal Presentational

    Watch a video; match names and

    Discuss how to make a tourist map for

    Prepare and present a commercial for

    descriptions of businesses

    pimaginary city jobs in the

    imaginary city


  • Integrated Performance AssessmentIntegrated Performance AssessmentIntegrated Performance AssessmentIntegrated Performance AssessmentMiddle School: Interests and Careers

    Interpretive Presentational Interpersonal

    Summarize similarities and differences

    Tell of your life and interests; explain future

    Discuss plans for high school, how courses

    with student in reading; tell how

    pcareer, study, and travel

    will prepare you for future career planshow

    compatible you would be

    career plans


  • Thematic Performance AssessmentThematic Performance AssessmentThematic Performance AssessmentThematic Performance AssessmentSenior High: Preparing for International Careers

    Interpretive Interpersonal Presentational

    Listen to guest speaker; discuss

    Discuss pros and cons of various career

    Write internship applicationdiscuss

    importance of language and

    lt l

    various career choices

    application letter

    cultural understanding in this career


  • Evaluate Your Assessments Tasks Evaluate Your Assessments Tasks Evaluate Your Assessments Tasks Evaluate Your Assessments Tasks and Rubricsand Rubrics

    1. Sufficient language sample2 Motivation and engagement2. Motivation and engagement3. Not dependent on vocabulary or content

    k l dknowledge4. True evaluation of interpretive strategies5. Rubric focuses on quality, not quantity


  • Implications for Your TeachingImplications for Your Teaching

    Share changes to assessment you want to implement in your next teaching unitimplement in your next teaching unit

    Identify one change in your teaching you want to try in your next unitwant to try in your next unit


  • Benefits to using thematic Benefits to using thematic Benefits to using thematic Benefits to using thematic performance assessmentsperformance assessments

    Provides a way to document and show progressprogress

    Creates common goals and expectationsF i t ti t ll l lFocuses instruction at all levelsBuilds in spiral development and continuous

    ( ti l ti )progress (articulation)“Teaching to the test” at its most beneficial


  • Discover Languages

    [email protected]
