tte sue af Narth E m in to . henrad k flsflars, Um Taxes This. A PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER r’T? .VOTED TO THE UPBUIUHNC OK AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIE*. StateLibmry Comp- BURLIN$K)N, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1915. ■r itr— ^ TO THE HNISB FOR SUPREMACY IN MEXICAN AFFAIRS W#»hin*t«n,S«pt. 8 — Administra- tion o&rials here »r* closelywatehin* tb* military sftas&m in. Central Mexico, where Carranza’s forces are planning a general attack against Villa. * American Co unsub at Torreon, Saltillo, Monclova, Monterey, and Migbboring towns have been asked for all available information regard* ing troop movements. A message re- ceived tonight and dated yesterday from the Consul at Torreon said Villa troops, recently driven from Saltillo by Obregon, began arriving there last night and another important bat- tle is expected soon. Unofficial reports have reached Washington that Villa is planning to evacuate Torreon and to concentrate his forces at Chihuahua for the strug- gle with Obregon and other Carranza generals •whose recent successes have paved the way for an attempt to close in and crush Vilia, The forthcoming tattle, it is; recognized, here, irob*- W y wttl have an important effect on 'Mexico’s political future. Secretary Lansing said today that >luns lor the meeting of the Pan- Amrcican conferees next week had 'hot been completed. Villa arid hit adherents are preparing for a p«*ce bocvention and reports reaching h»rs say he already has chosen his dele- gates. What the conferees will do in view of Carranza’s apparent attitude of defiance, has not y«t been dis- closed, Thc rapid advance, of Carranza’s forces has aroused the optimism of his Washington representatives, who now assert that his complete domination of the situation soon will demonstrate 'his reasons for seeking recognition, and his unwillingness to confere with his military adversaries. L Miss Adelaide Baylor toes From Home For Mail And Doiefc Not Return. (From News & Observer). The mysterious disappearance af) laughter had ho girl friends in the Miss Adelaide Baynor, the 16-year-<d3 daughter of Mrs. N. H. Baynor, frota har home, 1018 Westover avenue, Koa- Mrs. Baynor said last night that her ity, and that there was no basis for i theory that she was at the home of friend. She is very much worried day afternoon, is causing her relatives' about the girl. She said that har and friends gTeat anxiety. Monday daughter had told her about a young was the young lady's birthday. Shuman stopping her on the street a few and her mother have been in thecityldays ago and asking her if she were WHITSETT ITEMS. ‘the law department of Wak© Fom t ----------- (College, and the other to the Univet- C. A, D, Eakes and brother, B, Y.'sity. Eakes, of Oxford, accompanied b y ' Marvin P. Johnson is spending the only two weeks, having come here from Pattersontowu, a smell village in E m W the young lady’s reply in the negative era North Carolina. Monday about noon Mrs, Sayt sent her daughter to the home of Mrs. E. D, Lea, 218 West Bute street, where they had lived immediately b*- fore moving to Westover avenue, W there. The lady went trf Mrs. Lea's home and after inquiring if there was any mail for her mother, stated that she was going down- town to see if. she could secure a position. She said a young man had told her that there 'was a position open with a bakery and hot from Newsport News, and upon 'had carried on a short conversation ,with her, during which he learned that the girl was on the lookout for a posi- tion. He had told Miss Baynor that there w%s an opening for a young lady in a bakery on Granby street. ■I INTENSITY w r n m ! i* i — Russians Trying to Gain the Initiative in the Southern Section. ON WESTERN FRONT Another Day of Heavy ArtiUry Engagements, Ser es of Air Raid and Coast Bombardments. The transfer of Grand Duke more likely the boat ran on a mine. ^Washington, however, still is awaiting see if there was any mail for hwspeither Miss Baynor nor her mother knew the ncmt of the young man who 4iad accosted the girl. The police have been notified of the girl's disappearance, and are work- ing in an effort to locate her. When she left home Monday Miss Baynor wore a white dress with a small pan- Nicholas to the Caucasus and the Rus- sian Emperor’s assumption of com- , ,, ,, , : Germany’s formal statement, mand of all his land and sea forces,) has caused surprise among the Allied ( F ot the first Ume ln several weeks 'Nations, but the opinion is expressed western line there has been in- ■that the Emperor merely is following Gantry fighting, and in it the Germans Russian traditions and that the Rus- jNvere successful in gaining a foothold sian troops will give a better account in some advanced French trenches in bf themselves in the knowledge that jthe western Argonne region. Paris , “the little father” is personally direct- '‘ndmits the gain, but says the new tng their efforts. |TeUton attempt to break the French Hard fighting is in progress along Afront was repulsed. two friends spent a few hours hero ’day at KimesviLle where he thinks on their way to Asheville. Some of teaching the coining year, years ago the Messrs. Eake* were ; Chas. S. Jones and family of Greei»3 - atudents here, «ind they made happy boro have been recent visitors in the **er. talks at Chapel service, on Monday ’ community with relatives, morning, ,. Stwtsnfei eal)wed yeeter<J*y front iohn S. Moore reached here Sat- beth Pitt Mid Guilford comtics, urday from Columbia University in 1 A. P. and F. B. Greeson, and Miss New York City where he had been Maggie Grseaon were among yester- in the summer school. He was on his 'day's visitors to Greensboro. the eastern front ss well as in France. Germany has made another air raid On the Russio-Galicia front, run- ning from Radziwillow the Podkamien on the London district, loss of life j the Russians, according to Viena-i, and material damage resulting. Heavy: hav* been forced to retreat on a line way to Chapei Hill to resume his] The work of the Y. M C. A. has studies. For sbme years he has been ^opened for this year with promise of engaged in teaching a part of his unusually fine results. The member- time. I ship is large nnd the young men take One student from Baltimore, Md., ‘much interest In the work. I and one from South Carolina came i n _______________ . _____ ___ yesterday. The reception to students and friends of the school will be held Sat-: urday evening, September 11th from 8 to 10. Special committees have been appointed from three literary societies, and from the Y. M. C. A. and the Athletic Association to assist in making the occasion pleasant to all who attend. Mrs. W. T. Whitsett and Mr*. R. K. Davenport spent yesterday in Greensboro. The lecture Sunday night on Les- sons from an Old Story was well at- tended. These weekly lectures will be a feature of the school work again this year as last. E. D. Carrie of Scotland county left for the University today after speeding & few days here with his brother who is a student. Messrs. C. G. and J. I. Somers of Route No. 8, Burlington were here Thursday of last week visiting; they both enter at Chapel Hill this week. Bev. W . S. Hales preached on The Life of Righteousness at. his service here this week. Supt. Wm . G. Sneed spent the 'da/p here yesterday with friends. After graduating here in 1905, be went to Wake Forest College. For some years lia has been principal of Eta Street School in High Point, and is now elected for this year Superintendent of the Pomona Graded School. He is making quite a s*ccess in his chosen field of teaching. Among t-Vie young lawyers who pas - sed the examination last week in Ra- leigh were two of fhe Whitsett gradu- ate*— Julius G. Decs o f. tamlico county, and Dal? H. Pegg of Guilford county.. Tbe irst n?med went to UNCLAIMED LETTERS. The following letters remain la the postoffice at Burlington, N. C., un- claimed by the person to whom ad- dressed on September 4, 1S15: Miss Coriness Cooper. Miss Mary Daftiam. Mrs. Jno. Huffines. Miss Florence Hunt, (Special) Mrs. J. F. Harvey. Mrs. Ruth Johnson. Miss Bertha Kirkpatrick. Miss Hosen Moore (2). Mrs. G. G. McCarty. Miss Addie Murry. Miss Beulah Smith, Miss Addie ----------------------- . K. Amore. J, B. Batman. Bill Barnhill. W. A. Barber, W. M. Browning. Mill Clabough. H. C. Holmes. Robert Mills. E. L, Moon, B. Loyd Rudd. W . J. Smith. I,. G. Wadlin. he felt sure she could get the place. W ia hat. She is about five feet, three [fighting has been going on in Gal-j of 56 milee to behind the River Ikwa. That is'Hhe last any of the friends. inches high and weighs about 110 tipoii, the troops on land , being as- The Russians, however, are on the of- of the young lady have seen or heardj pounds. She is slim and her hp.ir is jsisted by the fleet. fensive and giving hard battle to the medium brown. It was n German submarine that Teutons along the Sereth und south of sunk the White Star steamer Arabic '.Tarnopo!, , I PROCEEDINGS OP COUNTY.CDM-V TBE CRYSTAL THEATRE. masgoNERs. Graham, N. C., Sept. 6, li*l». The Board of Commissioners of Alamance County met in the Court- house on the above date with the fol- lowing members present; Geo. T. Williamson, Chairman, W . H. Turrentine, Ches, H. Roney, ^ Chas. F. Cates, :i5. C. McBane, , The following business was trans- acted by the board: t . i Ordered: That the Board' jtllow Buck Capes to peddle goods in Ala- mance county free of license tax, on account of disabilities. ’ Ordered: That M. C. McB&ne and G. AB. Fogleman be appointed a com- mittee to investigate the road asked f!>r by . Mr. Rumblcy near Copper Mine, and that they locate road where they can reach an agreement with parties concerned, and if they cannot reach agreement, locate road to the best of their judgment and report to the Board at their next meeting. Ordered: That W. T. Hunt & Co., be authorized to furnish John Brooks in provisions to the amount of $5.00 per month for one month. Ordered: That S. N. Cook, sheriff, be authorized to summon jury to as- sess damage, if any, caused by road across the land, of Lewis H. Holt. Ordered: That James J. Johnson be permanently relieved of poll tax on account of infirmaties. j Ordered: That the articles of thc Persons calling for any of these let- association “f the People's Fair Asso- tcrs will please say “Advertised” and c'ation, Incorporated, be filed in the give date of advertised list. O. F. CROWSON, Postmaster. ;A press item recites that Limburger cheese is now being made in Wiscon- sin. The next thing we hear somebody will probably be giving it out as news that Persian rugs are being manufac- tured in Paterson, New. Jersey or that French champagne is being produced in California. office of the clerk to the Board of Commissioners of Alamance County and there kept. , The Board adjourned to meet on September 22nd. Rons the best of all programs. Uni- versal. There is where you always see the best in incvies st all times. You will see a Chaplin Comedy every Friday in addition to the regular pro- gram. Manager Coley is giving the people the very best that can be had in the movie line. Any time you have an hour to spare you will enjoy that at the Crystal. Get Universaliz- ed. August 19, with the k** of 39 lives, J In Courland in the region of Frieil- among them two Americana. .'rieirfadt, Uw Gemaiu u'e .making commander of the U-boat resposiMe [progress in the fthtinfr directed tj- for the disaster at last has returned to i ward the capture of Riga. Farther his base and has so reported . He'south, in addition to the capture of declares that while the submarine was ’ Wolkowysk, a railway junction east sinking a freighter, the Arabic swung jof Bialystok, the Teutons on various around and headed toward the scene 'sectors are continuing their gains, ■as if to attack or > the submarine * Germany, in a note to the United and that he fired in self-defense. (States, has acknowledged that the Germany also has spoken officially 'White Star -liner Arabic was sunk by HESPERAN SUNK BY TORPEDO, SAY SHIP’S OFFICERS. State Department Receives Affidavits of Commander Man and Hia Mates — Fragments of Steel Fell About Deck. Strong Odor of High Explosive Also ia Described by Allan Line Men, Who Declare Vessel Carried “Six lush Gun’* Painted Service Gray; No Convoy. London, Sept. 8.— The Americm Consul at Queenstown, according ;o the Daily Mnil, has received inform- tion that a man named Wolff, aged 21 and born in New Jersey, was lost in the sinking of t!:e Hesperian. Concerning the recent sinking of the Allan line steamer Hesperian. In a 'message to Ambassador Bernatorff, ’the German foreign office aiys it ap- - pears improbable that the Hesperian was torpedoed, and that it is much R. F. O. No. 8. a German submarine. The note de- clares seif-defensn was the motive of Ithc submarine commander. Regret is expressed that American lives w$rc lost, and the offer is made to submit question of reparation to The Hague. Miss Neva Parker left test wesk --------- - [for Elon College. J. J. Taylor and daughter, Miss George Wyatt and wife of Mebaua Mary, spent Saturday and Sunday made a flying trip to the city yester- with us. Glad to see the home folks day. Glad to see them. a 8B*n. j W e spent part of our Monday holi- Ira and Claud Somers left this j day in Graham shaking hands with week for Chapel Hill where they w ill 1 some of our good friends. We are enter the University. We wish these always glad of a visit to Graham. clever young men much success, and we are sure they will make good. Our old friend, “Og" Gerringer got married last week. He has been want- The findings of that Georgia grand jury which is unable to discover the identities of the lynchers of Leo Frank furnish fresh illustration of the con- stantly demonstrated fact that the blindest of alt blindness is the blind- ness that does not want to see. EXPECTS WAR TO LAST FROM 5 TO 15 YEARS. St. Louis, Sept, fi,— Dr, Ralph L-. Thompson, of the faculty of St. Louis University, who returned yesterday from France, where he was a psysi- cian in a British hospital, predicted today that the European war would ilaat from five to fifteen years Dr. Thompson said the deadlock in the western theaier seemed unbreak- able and that the permanent nature of the British hospitals and of other British preparation testified to their belief that the struggle would be long. The British have just finished bulid- ifig a $130,000 steam laundry back -jf the battle Kne, he said.- W. A. Lewis still continues right ing to get married for a long time. Hope he is satisfied. Og is one of our best friends and we wish him and his charming wife a long and happy life. Good luck to them every way. Miss Margaret Hayes spent Mon- day with Mrs. Kate Keyon, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sallie Tur- ner. Mrs. Turner is right sick, we re;.Yu; to say. sick. Hope he will soon be able to get out. Mr. Lewis is one of our best friends. Thanks to Mrs. Ann Ross for a buggy full of nice Magnum bonum apples. Also to Miss Grace Somers, and Aunt Esther Gant for nice j melons. j R. L. Foster lost a nice lap robe last Saturday between Trollingev’S and Coble-Bradshaw’s Store. Finder will please notify No. 8 carrier and Mr. Foster will appreciate it. Thanks to John Blanchard, J. C. McCulloch, Mrs. Ed Faucette, Aunt Fannie Fuller ar.d others for fruit and vegetables. People on No. 8 arc very busy cut ting and curing tobacco— getting very good cures on it too. Mrs. Clyde Isley spent part of last week visiting friends at Hillsboro. John Cantrell gave us two line twists of tobacco yesterday. FAREWELL AND PARTY. SURPRISE A large crowd of friends very pleasantly surprised Miss Lyda Spoon Tuesday night at her home on Broad Street, the occasion being a farewsll party, as Miss Spoon left Wednesday for Raleigh to enter Merideth College. The evening was spent in playing progressive rook and hearts. Music was furnished by Misses Celeste Isley and Miriam Williams. Refreshments It was J consisting of cream, cake and mints something good, but nc*t as good as/were served. About 30 young people the kind Waddell keeps, lwere present.

INTENSITY - Alamance County, North Carolinaapps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-09-10.pdfera North Carolina. Monday about noon Mrs, ... in the summer school

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Page 1: INTENSITY - Alamance County, North Carolinaapps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-09-10.pdfera North Carolina. Monday about noon Mrs, ... in the summer school

t t e s u e a f Narth E m in t o . h e n r a d k flsflars, Um Taxes This.



■ r itr — ^ —


W # »h in * t «n ,S «p t . 8 — Adm inistra­

tion o& ria ls here »r * closelywatehin* t b * m ilitary s fta s & m in. C en tra l

M exico, where C arran za ’s forces are

plann ing a general attack against

V illa . *Am erican Co u nsub at Torreon,

Saltillo , Monclova, Monterey, and

M ig b b o r in g towns have been asked

fo r a ll available inform ation regard*

in g troop movements. A m essage re­

ceived tonight and dated yesterday

fro m the Consul a t Torreon said V illa

troops, recently driven fro m Saltillo

b y Obregon , began a rriv in g there

last n ight and another im portant bat­

tle is expected soon.

Unofficial reports have reached

W ashington that V illa is planning to

evacuate Torreon and to concentrate

his forces at Chihuahua fo r the strug­

g le w ith Obregon and other Carranza

genera ls •whose recent successes have

paved the w ay fo r an attem pt to close

in and crush V ilia , The forthcom ing

ta t t le , it i s ; recognized, here, i r o b * -

W y wttl have an important effect on

'M exico’s political future.

Secretary Lansing said today that

>luns lo r the m eeting o f the P an -

Am rcican conferees next week had

'hot been completed. V illa arid hit

adherents a re p reparing fo r a p «*ce

bocvention and reports reaching h »rs

say he already has chosen h is d e l e ­

gates. W h a t the conferees w ill do in

v iew o f Carranza’s apparent attitude

o f defiance, has not y « t been dis­


Thc rapid advance, o f Carranza ’s

forces has aroused the optim ism o f his

W ash ington representatives, who now

assert that his complete domination

o f the situation soon w ill demonstrate

'his reasons fo r seeking recognition,

and his unwillingness to confere with

his m ilitary adversaries.


Miss Adelaide Baylor toes From Home For Mail And Doiefc Not Return.

(F ro m N e w s & O bse rver).

The m ysterious disappearance af) laughter had ho g ir l friends in the

M iss Adelaide Baynor, the 16-year-<d3

daughter o f M rs. N . H . Baynor, frota

har home, 1018 W estover avenue, K o a -

M rs. Baynor said last night that her

ity, and that there w as no basis fo r

i theory that she w as at the home o f

friend. She is very much worried

day afternoon, is causing her relatives' about the g ir l. She said that har

and friends gTeat anxiety. Monday daughter had told her about a young

was the young lady 's birthday. Shuman stopping h er on the street a fe w

and her mother have been in th e c ity ld a y s ago and asking her i f she were

WHITSETT ITEMS. ‘ the la w departm ent o f W ak© F o m t

----------- (College, and the other to the Un ivet-

C . A, D , Eakes and brother, B, Y . 's i t y .

Eakes, o f O xford , accompanied b y ' M arv in P . Johnson is spending the

only two weeks, having come here from

Pattersontowu, a sm ell v illa ge in E m W the young lady’s rep ly in the negative

era N o rth Carolina.

M onday about noon M rs , S ayt

sent h e r daughter to the hom e o f M rs.

E . D , Lea, 218 W est Bute street,

where they had lived im m ediately b * -

fo re m oving to W estover avenue, W

there. The lady went trf M rs. Lea 's

home and a fte r inquiring i f there w a s

any m ail fo r her mother, stated that

she w as go ing down- town to see if.

she could secure a position. She said

a young m an had told her that there

'w as a position open w ith a bakery and

hot from New sport N ew s, and upon

'had carried on a short conversation

,with her, during which he learned that

the g ir l was on the lookout fo r a posi­

tion. H e had told M iss Baynor that

there w%s an opening fo r a young

lady in a bakery on G ranby street.

■ I


! i * i —

Russians Trying to Gain the Initiative in the Southern Section.


Another Day of Heavy ArtiUry Engagements, Ser es of Air Raid and Coast Bombardments.

The transfer o f G rand Duke m ore likely the boat ran on a mine.

^Washington, however, still is aw aiting

see i f there w as any m ail fo r h w sp e ith e r M iss Baynor nor her mother

knew the ncm t o f the young man who

4iad accosted the girl.

The police have been notified o f the

g ir l's disappearance, and are w ork ­

in g in an effort to locate her. W hen

she left home Monday M iss Baynor

wore a white dress with a small pan -

Nicholas to the Caucasus and the Rus­

sian Em peror’s assumption o f com-, ,, , , , : Germ any’s form al statement,

mand o f a ll his land and sea forces,)

has caused surprise am ong the A llied ( Fot the first Ume ln several weeks

'Nations, but the opinion is expressed western line there has been in-

■that the Em peror merely is fo llow ing Gantry fighting, and in it the Germ ans

Russian traditions and that the R us- jNvere successful in ga in ing a foothold

sian troops w ill g ive a better account in some advanced French trenches in

b f themselves in the knowledge that jthe western A rgonne region. P aris ,

“ the little father” is personally direct- '‘ndmits the gain, but says the new

tng their efforts. |TeUton attempt to break the French

H ard fighting is in progress along Afront was repulsed.

two friends spent a fe w hours hero ’day at KimesviLle w here he thinks

on their w ay to Asheville. Some o f teaching the coining year,

years ago the M essrs. E ake* w ere ; Chas. S. Jones and fam ily o f Greei»3-

atudents here, «ind they made happy boro have been recent visitors in the **er.

talks at Chapel service, on M onday ’ community w ith relatives,

m orning, ,. Stwtsnfei eal)w ed yeeter<J*y front

io h n S. M oore reached here Sat- beth P itt M id G u ilfo rd com tics,

urday from Colum bia Un iversity in1 A . P . and F . B . Greeson, and M iss

N e w York C ity w here he had been M a g g ie Grseaon w ere am ong yester-

in the summer school. H e w as on his 'd ay 's visitors to Greensboro.

the eastern front ss well as in France.

Germ any has made another a ir raidOn the Russio-Galicia front, run­

n in g from R adziw illow the Podkam ienon the London district, loss o f life j the Russians, according to Viena-i,

and m aterial dam age resulting. H e a v y : h av* been forced to retreat on a line

w a y to Chapei H ill to resume h is ] The w ork o f the Y . M C . A. has

studies. F o r sbm e years he has been ^opened fo r this year w ith promise o f

en gaged in teaching a part o f h is unusually fine results. The mem ber-

tim e. I ship is la rge nnd the young men take

One student from Baltim ore, Md., ‘much interest In the work.Iand one fro m South Carolina came i n _______________ ._____ ___


The reception to students and

frien ds o f the school w ill be held S at-:

u rday evening, Septem ber 11th from

8 to 10. Special committees have

been appointed fro m three literary

societies, and fro m the Y . M . C . A .

and the Athletic Association to assist

in m aking the occasion pleasant to all

w ho attend.

M rs . W . T . W hitsett and M r* . R .

K . D avenport spent yesterday in


The lecture Sunday night on Les­

sons fro m an O ld Story w as w ell a t ­

tended. These weekly lectures w ill

be a featu re o f the school work again

this year a s last.

E. D . C a rrie o f Scotland county

le ft fo r the Un iversity today a fte r

speeding & f e w days here w ith his

brother who is a student.

M essrs. C . G . and J . I. Som ers of

Route N o . 8, Burlington w ere here

Thursday o f last week visiting; they

both enter a t Chapel H ill this week.

B ev . W . S. H a les preached on The

L ife o f R ighteousness at. his service

here this week.

Supt. W m . G . Sneed spent the 'da/p here yesterday w ith friends. A ft e r

graduating here in 1905, be went to

W a k e Forest College. F o r some years

l ia has been principal o f E t a Street

School in H igh Point, and is now

elected fo r this year Superintendent

o f the Pom ona Graded School. H e

is m aking quite a s*ccess in his chosen

field o f teaching.

A m on g t-Vie young law yers w ho pas­

sed the examination last week in R a ­

leigh were two o f fhe W hitsett g rad u ­

ate*— Julius G . Decs o f . tam lico

county, and Dal? H . P eg g o f G u ilfo rd

county.. T be i r s t n?med w ent to


The fo llow ing letters rem ain la the

postoffice a t Burlington, N . C., un­

claimed by the person to whom ad­

dressed on Septem ber 4, 1S15:

M iss Coriness Cooper.

M iss M ary Daftiam .

M rs. Jno. Huffines.

M iss Florence H unt, (S pec ia l)

M rs . J. F . H arvey .

M rs. Ruth Johnson.

M iss B ertha K irkpatrick .

M iss Hosen M oore (2 ) .

M rs. G . G. M cCarty.

M iss Addie M u rry .

M iss Beulah Smith,

M iss Addie ----------------------- .

K. Am ore.

J, B . Batm an.

Bill Barnhill.

W . A . B arber,

W . M . Browning.

M ill Clabough.

H . C. Holmes.

Robert M ills.

E . L , Moon,

B . Loyd Rudd.

W . J. Smith.

I,. G . W adlin .

he felt sure she could g e t the place. W i a hat. She is about five feet, three [fighting has been going on in G a l- j o f 56 milee to behind the R iver Ikw a.

That is'Hhe last any o f the fr ie n d s . inches high and w eighs about 110 tipoii, the troops on land , being as- The Russians, however, are on the o f-

o f the young lady have seen or h e a rd j pounds. She is slim and her hp.ir is jsisted by the fleet. fensive and giving hard battle to the

medium brown. It w as n Germ an submarine that Teutons along the Sereth und south o f

sunk the W hite Star steamer A rab ic '.Tarnopo!, ,I


Graham , N . C., Sept. 6, l i* l» .

T he B oard o f Com m issioners of

Alam ance County met in the Court­

house on the above date w ith the fo l­

low ing members present;

Geo. T . W illiam son, Chairm an,

W . H . Turrentine,

Ches, H . Roney, ^

Chas. F . Cates,

:i5 . C . McBane, ,

The fo llow ing business w as trans­

acted by the board: t . i O rdered : T hat the Board' jtllow

Buck Capes to peddle goods in A la ­

m ance county free o f license tax, on

account o f disabilities.

’ O rdered : That M . C . McB&ne and

G. A B . Foglem an be appointed a com­

mittee to investigate the road asked

f!>r b y . M r. Rum blcy near Copper

Mine, and that they locate road where

they can reach an agreem ent with

parties concerned, and i f they cannot

reach agreem ent, locate road to the

best o f their judgm ent and report to

the Board at their next meeting.

Ordered : T hat W . T . Hunt & Co.,

be authorized to furn ish John Brooks

in provisions to the amount o f $5.00

per month fo r one month.

O rdered : That S . N . Cook, sheriff,

be authorized to sum m on ju ry to as­

sess dam age, i f any, caused b y road

across the land, o f L ew is H. Holt.

O rdered: That Jam es J. Johnson

b e perm anently relieved o f poll tax

on account o f infirm aties.

j O rdered : That the articles o f thc

Persons calling fo r any o f these let- association “ f the People 's F a ir Asso-

tcrs w ill please say “Advertised” and c ' ation, Incorporated, be filed in the

g ive date o f advertised list.

O . F . C R O W S O N ,

Postm aster.

;A press item recites that Lim burger

cheese is now be in g m ade in W iscon­

sin. The next thing w e hear somebody

w ill probably be g iv in g it out as news

that Persian ru g s are being m anufac­

tured in Paterson, N e w . Jersey o r that

French cham pagne is being produced

in California.

office o f the clerk to the Board o f

Com missioners of A lam ance County

and there kept. ,

The Board adjourned to meet on

Septem ber 22nd.

Rons the best o f all program s. Uni­

versal. There is where you alw ays

see the best in incvies s t a ll times.

Y ou w ill see a Chaplin Comedy every

Friday in addition to the regu lar pro­

g ram . M an ager Coley is g iv in g the

people the very best that can be had

in the movie line. A n y time you

have an hour to spare you w ill enjoy

that a t the Crystal. Get Universaliz­


August 19, with the k** of 39 lives, J In Courland in the region of Frieil- among them two Americana. .'rieirfadt, Uw Gemaiu u'e .makingcommander o f the U -bo a t resposiMe [p rogress in the fthtinfr directed t j -

fo r the disaster a t last has returned to i w ard the capture o f R iga . Farther

his base and has so reported . H e 'so u th , in addition to the capture of

declares that while the submarine w a s ’ Wolkowysk, a ra ilw ay junction east

sinking a freighter, the Arabic sw ung jo f Bialystok, the Teutons on various

around and headed toward the scene 'sectors are continuing their gains,

■as if to attack or > the submarine * Germ any, in a note to the United

and that he fired in self-defense. ( States, has acknowledged that the

Germ any also has spoken officially 'W h ite Star -liner A rab ic w as sunk by

H E S P E R A N S U N K B Y T O R P E D O ,

S A Y S H IP ’S O F F IC E R S .

State Departm ent Receives Affidavits

o f Com m ander M an and H ia M ates

— Fragm ents o f Steel Fell About


S trong Odor o f H igh Explosive A lso

ia Described by A llan Line Men,

W h o Declare Vessel Carried “S ix

lu sh Gun’* Painted Service G ra y ;

N o Convoy.

London, Sept. 8.— The Am ericm

Consul a t Queenstown, according ;o

the D a ily Mnil, has received inform -

tion that a man named W o lff, aged

21 an d born in N ew Jersey, w as lost

in the sinking o f t!:e Hesperian.

Concerning the recent sinking o f the

A llan line steamer Hesperian. In a

'm essage to Am bassador Bernatorff,

’the German foreign office a iy s it ap -

- pears im probable that the Hesperian

w as torpedoed, and that it is much

R. F . O . No . 8.

a Germ an subm arine. The note de­

clares seif-defensn w as the motive o f

Ithc submarine commander. Regret is

expressed that Am erican lives w$rc

lost, and the offer is made to submit

question o f reparation to The Hague.

M iss N eva P ark er le ft test wesk

--------- - [ fo r Elon College.

J. J. Tay lo r and daughter, M iss George W y att and w ife o f Mebaua

M ary , spent Saturday and Sunday made a flying trip to the city yester-

with us. G lad to see the home fo lk s day. G lad to see them.

a8B*n. j W e spent part o f our Monday holi-Ira and Claud Somers le ft this j day in Graham shaking hands with

week for Chapel H ill where they w i l l1 some o f our good friends. W e are

enter the Un iversity . W e w ish these a lw ays g lad o f a visit to Graham .

clever young men much success, and

w e are sure they will make good.O ur old friend, “ O g " G erringer got

married last week. H e has been w ant-

The findings o f that Georgia grand

ju ry which is unable to discover the

identities o f the lynchers o f Leo Frank

furnish fresh illustration o f the con­

stantly demonstrated fact that the

blindest o f alt blindness is the blind­

ness that does not w an t to see.

E X P E C T S W A R T O L A S T F R O M 5

T O 15 Y E A R S .

St. Louis, Sept, fi,— D r, Ralph L-.

Thom pson, o f the faculty of St. Louis

University , who returned yesterday

from France, where he w as a psysi-

cian in a British hospital, predicted

today that the European w a r would

ilaat fro m five to fifteen years

D r. Thompson said the deadlock in

the w estern theaier seemed unbreak­

able and that the permanent nature

o f the B ritish hospitals and of other

British preparation testified to their

belie f that the struggle would be long.

The British have just finished bulid-

ifig a $130,000 steam laundry back -jf

the battle Kne, he said.-

W . A . Lew is still continues r igh t ing to get m arried fo r a long time.

Hope he is satisfied. O g is one of

our best friends and we wish him and

his charm ing w ife a long and happy

life. Good luck to them every w ay .

M iss M argaret H ayes spent Mon­

day w ith M rs. K ate Keyon, who is

visiting her mother, M rs. Sallie Tur­

ner. Mrs. T u rner is right sick, we re;.Yu; to say.

sick. Hope he w ill soon be able to

get out. M r. Lew is is one o f our

best friends.

Thanks to M rs. Ann Ross fo r a

bu ggy full o f nice M agnum bonum

apples. A lso to M iss Grace Som ers,

and Aunt Esther Gant fo r nice

j melons.

j R . L . Foster lost a nice lap robe

last Saturday between T rollingev’S

and Coble -B radshaw ’s Store. F inder

will please notify N o . 8 carrier and

M r. Foster w ill appreciate it.

Thanks to John Blanchard, J. C.

McCulloch, M rs. E d Faucette, Aunt

Fannie F u ller ar.d others fo r fru it

and vegetables.

People on No. 8 a rc very busy cut

ting and curing tobacco— getting very

good cures on it too.

M rs. Clyde Isley spent part o f last

week visiting friends at H illsboro.

John Cantrell gave us two line

tw ists o f tobacco yesterday.


P A R T Y .


A large crow d o f friends very

pleasantly surprised M iss L y d a Spoon

Tuesday night a t her home on Broad

Street, the occasion be in g a fa rew sll

party, as M iss Spoon le ft W ednesday

fo r Raleigh to enter Merideth College.

The evening w as spent in p laying

progressive rook and hearts. M usic

w as furnished b y M isses Celeste Is ley

and M iriam W illiam s. Refreshm ents

It w as J consisting o f cream , cake and mints

som ething good, but nc*t as good as/w ere served. A bou t 30 young people

the kind W addell keeps, lw e re present.

Page 2: INTENSITY - Alamance County, North Carolinaapps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-09-10.pdfera North Carolina. Monday about noon Mrs, ... in the summer school

not t w k x -a -w e w d w t a t c * ; » c * u * e i w , if. c. W M T ,! tM. M L

ONE STEirs ssmr IlfilZMB 10cDO YOU KNOW

that hundreds of publisher* would be Cited to a*nd you a free sample copy c f their Magazine i f they only knew your address. It b <wr bnM M t to furnish Publishers only with the names o f intelligent magazine reader*. I f you will write your full address VERY, plain and send us ONLY 10 cents- (in: Silver) or money order, we will send your name to several hundred pub­lishers within a year, who -will send you FREE sample copies of hundreds (yes several hundreds) of the leading Standard: Magazines, Farm Papers, Poultry . Journals, Story Magazines, Reviews and Weekly Papers, Mail Order and Trade Publications, House­keeping Magazines, Fashion journals, illustrated Magazines and in fact about all kinds o f high-grade interest­ing magazines com ing to you in most every Mail for over a year and all for ONLY 10 cents (in diver.)

W E -D O -A S -W E -S A Y so send a silver dime at once and your nam e w ill go on our next month’s circulating list and you w ill be greatly surprised at the results as w e assure you that you w ill be more than well pleased w ith the sm all investment. A nd you W ILL N E V E R regret > it. A ddress the M agazin e C ircu lating Co., Box 5240, Boston, U . S. A . Circulat­ing D ept C-73. D O N ’T fa il to w rite Y O U R fu ll address E X T R A plain. We have something in store fo r you —^as a real surprise— if you w il! please let u s know in w hat paper you saw this advertisement.


-In the Muui-'

'stopped an English steamer, and in | Anencaa Boy S*y« That tlie U-M >pite of trawlers we managed to put

Gave All a Chance to Eaeap*—Waa j a few holes in her sidt, sink her aad


first and our chase was for nothing. So we ducked.”

S * h Point, Sept, -----------------. .cipal court this morning, Paul John- • » Crwse. fleft before they came » ra,^e. Some-

son, a n<-gro, was sentenced to serve1 " ------- times We ^ ‘*ft- j 0ne time * “ fM *six months on the county roads fo , Capt«*d by the 6 e m * « and Carried Uh.p appeared and we started after

mistrteatin* his: wife. Later, after “ »• »* Trip . to * . But the patrol boat* got their

the prosecuting witness, the defend-J - ' " .ant’s w ife , and the defendant’s c o u J N e w York, S ep t, 4 - C a r F rank sel bad both pleaded fo r the rem oval .^ s t , an American sailor boy, captur- . List says that a fte r a voyage o f

o f the sentence, Kecorder Dalton com- ed by the famous Germ an submarine -hearty 3,000 miles the subm arine U-39

muted the Sentence to one month, « - 39 has written fo r the International

However, he took a firm stand that N ew s & rv ic e ?he first a,,d only nar' the defendant should serve a r o a d > t i v e that has come out o f the w ar


Charlotte, Sept 3.—Agents of the British government have offered the Moffatt Machinery Company here a contact to nuke 1,00<y)00 tefteel shells for $4,000,000, 25 per cent of the money to be advanced before

tcdr.y between the agents ar.d ' the

returned to her base at Heligoland;

inot because she w as out o f fuel or

stores, but because she w as out o f tor­

pedoes. W hen released at Heligoland

List w as penniless and without

clothes except those he wore.


"Sir," said the young man with much respect, “ I know that you are a millionaire and that I am poor. I t fcwms preaumptuous in m* to aspire fid the hand of your daughter. But I br.ve thought the matter ont and with .aome diffidence I have resolved to tnake my request. Love, sir, is notwork is begun.

There will he a further conference Itxiund by .sordid considerations or by/mere social convenience, I have very

i zone telling exactly how twentieth

“A n y person convicted o f w ife beat-1 eenitury " ^ 1 w arfa re is made by

ing," stated the recorder in com m ut.j submarine.ing the sentence, “ will, as long as I i Young List sf.iled from Oregon last

have the authority, serve a ro a d ' s e ^ ! - * P ™ * -»» the Norw eigian vessel C am - -IT IS N 'T Y O U R T O W N - I T S Y O U

tenco and any w ife b ringing such :.b «s Kenneth, loaded . w ith w heat fo r | . , ---------- .

charges, again st her husband w i ll , i f -England. She w as caught in the Ir ish j I f you want to. live in the kind o f aj channel by the Germ an subm arine and ; town

found’gu ilty , be given a road sentence,:

regard less o f any change a fte rw a rd s ,; ' 'U1|'K

in th e -w ife ’s demeanor towards h im .’ i aw■ ’ . ' •' ’ ’ ’ of

Most o f the crew w ere sent j Like the kind o f a town you like,

y in a ' life boat, but L ist, the son ; Y ou needn’t - slip your clothes in a

Germ an-Am erican parents and j g rip

speaking- Germ an, w as taken on board I And start on a long, long hike.Germ any is going to express .Siw;,[he sufcmarine 3nd W2S put. to w o rk !

regrets. H e re ’s hoping that she passing ammunition. H e remained •.You'll only find what you le ft behind,won’t express ’em in a subm arine. -ti,c r { eleven days during which the! For there’s nothing rea lly new,


- T O -


Tuesday, September 14th, 1915.—VIA—

SOUTHERN RAILW AYPremier Carrier of the South

Schedule and low round trip fares, as follows:Lv. Goldsboro,.. : _________6:45 A. M ....................$6.00Lv. Selma,..... .................. 7:40 A. M .................... 5.00Lv. Raleigh,........ ............ .8:52 A. M....... ..............5.00Lv. Durham....___________9:50 A. M .................... 5.00Lv. BURLINGTON.......... ..11:13 A. M....... ....... . 5 00

Low fares in same proportion from ali intermediate point* up to and including Lexington, N. C.

Ticketo good returning on any regular train leaving Asheville up to and including SATURDAY, SEPT. 18th.THE AUTUMN SCENERY IS VERY FINE IN "THE

LAND OFTHE SKY”Don’t miss this last opportunity of visiting Western

North Carolina at very small cost.Use regular train No. 21, Parlor Car service.For detailed information, see large flyers, ask Southern

Railway Agents, or write

O. F. YORKTraveling Passenger Agent


submarine chased fourteen . en em y; It ’s a knock at yourse lf when you

' ships and sunk eleven o f them. A f-1 knock your town,

ter describing the interior o f the s u b -1 It isn’t your town— it’s you!

marine, which he said looked like a i

.long: c igar about 200 fe e t long. L i s t : Real towns are not made by men

describes the chase and sinking o f j a fra id

the enemy ships. H e said in part: j Lest somebody else gets ahead,

| “ Running below the sea in chasej Wh.en everyone w orks and nobody

the captain would keep his eyes glued | shirks' continuously to thc eye piece o f «■»+ ! You can raise a town from the dead,

running toy, the pcrescope, turnir.a i t !

r i jh t and ieft, searching ? o t a v ic t im . ! And you can make your personal stake

The skippers orders w ere relayed by i Your neighbor can m ake one, too,

a messenger through speaking tubes. jYcur town w ill be w h at you want ta

There w as no telephone. The pere- see

scope showed everything plain ly Just it i<r.’t your town— i;‘s you.

'like in an opera g lass, and you saw j __________________— .

•the ocean flat before you. The en- R U S S IA W IL L F IG H T T IL L S H E

(g in ee r subm erged the ship and W IN S W A R

brought it to the surface a t the ci-p- ________

tain ’s orders. Behind him tw o men |That W m W hjU n , e C za r Told the

operated the wheels controlling the Confweiiee o f p rem inent M e n -D is -

local company, which w ill be g iv jn rje a l attachment fo r your daughter,

ten days to accept c r reject th i and I p ray that ycu w ill put no ob-

proposition. . Specifications call fo r \ t-.icle in the w ay of our early m&r- steel shells o f from 3.25 to 3.27 inch jr ia^o .”

bore 9.69 inches long, to w eigh j The old m an seemed interested in

14 1-2 pounds. The .shells a re to b e ‘the young fe llow and inclined to

sent to England to be filled with [listen.

lyddite. j “Quite so, ’ said he. “ As you know

■■■ - ... .— --------- - I am not in t;.a habit o f sticking atLOOK OUT! ‘ trifles, providing the main purpose

is straight. But which o f m y g irisV igilance and watchfulness insure tdo you w a n t?

cuss Munitions.horizontal rudders in the bow o f the j

Subm arine and their eyes w ere on the j

•diving gage which registered the ; Petrograd, Sept. 4 - “ R ussia will

depth o f the ship, continue the w ar until a completet "W ith orders both engine* fu ll j v ic to r y h a s Rchj(!vea .”

speed ahead the U -39 passed through j This the sU tem ent 0{ Em peror

th « sea a t top speed in chase o f » Nicholas today, presiding a t the first'sm oke cloud on the horizen just visi­

ble in the pere scope. Then the sub.

’marine leaps to thc surface and the

ci('ht centimeter gut; is cast loose. The

first shot crashes through the a ;r and

rii.k(*s a white splash ahead of the

^m eeting of a special conference o f

Jlussia’s representative men called to

discuss, organize and devise means

fo r continuing the w ar.

“ The questions we a re confront* I

with are o f the sjruvest importance,


T o avoid danger, adopt the safe

course. , ■

M any eyes w ere saved last year by

the w earin g o f gogg les. L e t us save

them all this year.

It is a sa fe proposition that "W e

can’t all be presidents o f these United

States,” but w e can a ll “ boost fo r

ssfe ty .”

Y o u have read the newspapers ad­

vertisement which starts like thia:

“ I am fo r men.” That is the idea of

Ih e safety department. A n d it wants

to include all men too.

Y ou cannot afford to take a chance.

P lay safe.

Acqu ire the safety habit. I t is the

only habit that w ill never injure you.

H aste m akes waste, and m ay cause

an accident.

“ M ost men who are crippled in busi.

The young, m an breathed a sigh o f

(relief, and courteously replied, "O ,

I ’ll leave that to. you, sir.”— G lasgow



“ Them w as nice fo lk you w aited on, 'Mamie, a in ’t th e y ?'1

“ No , no, dear! Appearance is de­

ceitful, They didn’t have no chargs-

account. P a id cash fo r everyth ing."

— Judge.

N o w is the time tc p repare fo r

next y ea r ’s cam paign. This country

needs a protective tariff, and the w ay

jto get a protective tariff is to elect

a Republican President and Congress.



! -------jWire Frame Protects Her H esd From; F e llin g Ham m er.

(Scranton, P a . D ispatch )

A w ire fram e in her hat saved the

A Sunday School teacher had been j

telling her class of little boys about j'

crowns c f g lory and heavenly rew ards- ; , life o f M iss Lillian E . W oehrle , 20 fo r good people.

______________________years old, a stenographer in the re­

in Y ears to Come. carder o f deeds office, when a m a- • 'ch h ist ’s ham m er fe ll fro m a fou t-

“ Scuse me boss, but wou ld ye mind sM,,,y building on W ash ington avenue

giv in ’ a retired naval man the price

c f a g lass o’ grape juice. -L ife .

dim inishes and with th e ! ac(njev<

glasses the name is ascertained. W e

steamer. She slows down, stops but ■ iecland the E m pc,.ort “ Our troops

does not show her nationality. T h c|w.ait 0„ ly fol. arm s and raunitions t0

€ success. The g rea t problem

involved requires the utmost effort on -tell her to g e t her people ir. the boats. jour pa(4> ] t is nflces5ary t0 put it int0There can bc no lingering. A destroy- L ction at once and thc w ay in whichT

;er m ight surprise us. H er lifeboats it OURhl t0 be done wiU be decided on

‘ drop in the w ater and row aw ay. Then our P0,lferer!ce

Ithe .rur, speaks again . A string o f ; „W c ,l;lve a K rea l U s k bcfo,.e „ s

j-whixzing shells, a gap ing hole in th c ,w < sha5) concent,.ate in it a„ thc hu.

, imun effort o f the country. Let usand sinking she rolls over. The a i r ’ , ^ aside fo r the moment every

ibursts through her hatches t r.d shejot]lM. 0, cupati0nf however> grttve, , 0

■BSJU. j . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ , vanishes into the deep, under a cbu d ;long ns jt ^ n£)t eiMnHal]y affeefc

W A R C A U S E S B O O M I N H O R S E [F A C E S A S S A U L T C H A R G E B V : o fsT n ok «- 1 hear no * Ieefui shout-1the present task. Noth ing must dis- A N D M U L E T R A D E . n u - v C T rD n I itz -u t im i 'inirs of bnte Sim nlv ‘w ieder. pinuviy.M

425,000 H ave Been Shipped From the

O W N S T E P -D A U G H T E R . ) m gs of hate. Sim ply ‘w ieder, einweg,’

i‘another out o f the w a y .’tract our thoughts and our victory

j should be now our singie goal, theAsheville, Sept. 3— Charged w ith| “ 1 Rave a hand in taking down t h e jdrivin(t of the enem>. from oar bo, .

de- der. W ith this in view we must makeUn ited States to Europe up to Date. I committing a criminal assault upon ] shells. The submarines

----------- j Sadu> Allison, his eleven-year-old 'stroyed al! o f an enem y but j certain o f rhe complete militavy squi<i-Washinifton, Sept. 2 — To date ! step-daughter, Talm age A llison today "everything o f their own. Whether

end struck her on the head. M iss

Wr.ehrle is a t the State hospital *uf- 'fe r in g from a severe scalp wound.

1'KOOF POSITIVE ‘ ®‘le w“® on ^*r w*y 46 the court-On a Chicago street the fo llow ing (W m 5 when a ™ { vepairer let the

Vonversr.tion w as o?crheavd hclweer. ^ roP* Physicians say the *wire

;v o lissbm en: ' ,n the y °unK wom an’s hat saved her

“ 1 understand, M cGuire, tl-i.t ye w as tm m “ fractured skull and perhaps

i r e . ’ five dollars fo r assaulting Cul- i.istant death.

“ 1 v.-.--.-', a:u! it w as « pi-O'id momi’it

when Oi heard the sentence,”

And w h y ? ”

Bcgorry, O i ’m thinkin’ it showed

which o f us had the best o f the fight,

'didn't i t? "— Youth 's Companion,

• “ Fortune smiled and bade the post

Svrite his wm e upon the scroll o f

n.me.”“ I ’ll dictate it te by stenographer,"

haughtily replied the poet, fo r he was

i. post o f today.— Puck,

425,000 horses and m ules have bean

shipped out o f the United States fo r

the European belligcrants ar.d their

purchase has caused a b ig boom in

the m arket fo r medium class horses,

departm ent o f agriculture officials said

today. Governm ent experts have been

watching the records closely and they

find that very fe w h igh bred horses

have been exported, w ith the result

that prices fo r ord inary equines have


M ost o f the horses have gone to

E n g lan d but m any shipments h are

been m ade to France and some to

Italy . The supply is not being seri­

ously depleted, governm ent officials

estim ating that there are today ap ­

proxim ately 21,000,000 horses and

fo u r m illion m ules in this country.

r.'.e v. o f our present arm y and otherw as held fo r trial at the next session ‘ conveyed or not we would sink ;troops cal!ed to the colors. This lasK

,is now entrusted to you, gentlemen. Ho vi—tc^along, just in a day 's work. I f th e re :. , , ^ne w a s . * I know that you w ill give ail your

o f the Buncombe county superiori ship and sink them ns they c a m e 'ic

court tinder bond o f S2,000.

unable to furnish the am ount c f b a i l .w a i a convey w e would stay b e lo w '

required and went to the county j:iil pass them out a torpedo. For

.heavy w ork , sinking battleships or big

:strength and all your love o f the fa th ­

erland to its accomplishment. Set to

work with the help o f God.”

C E R Y S T O R E S A N D M A R K E T .

from police court.The evidence w as o f a revok ing ?l>ners we had b ig torpedoes, bu: fo r _ ____

nature, indicating that the little g i r L . ^ ^ UtUe ones, less expeusivo; m R K E P T G R O - w as assaulted while her mother, the and W!th 11 sm allar w h ir head. But .

w ife o f the defendant, w as in ja il on v;e none to waste. The supply >

a charjre o f retailing. i"'03 o n !>’ eight in all, two fo r each j _____________________ itube.

S N A K E B IT E S W O M A N . j “ But raost the w ork ' vas 0,1 the ________ surface w ith the guns, and of n eutra l'

W H A T S H E W A N T E D .

R . A . B ass and children have returned the allies w ith contraband. W e held

from Asheville where they w ere called up everything fo r examination and let

two weeks a go on account o f the c r it i- ’ ons Greek, a H ollander and a Spain-

cal condition o f M rs . B a s s ’ m oth er,la rd which had no contraband steam

M rs. Pressly , wh- w as bitten by a on.

Ih e W om an ’s Club of Graham , ac­

cording to previous announcement,

\have reported on the cleanly and sani-

'tary condition o f Groccry stcies and


I The grocery store awarded banner

is that o f A . W . Norwood and those

o f W . P . Smith and W . H , H olt r e ­

ce ived honorable mcniion. W , H . A l ­

brigh t gets banner fo r m arket a,idsnake. M rs. P ressly heard a hen “O ften we would be in plain s ig h t , cackling in the honeysuckles on h e reo f the Irish coast, 'I I hands lo a f in g :^ - receives honorable men-

prem ises and thinking the hen had aiound, te llin g yarns and smoking, tI0n‘

laid an e g g wer.t to look fo r the nest, ^waiting fo r som ething to take up. I* The c‘omlnittce fourH a!I stores vis5'(Lou isv ilie H era ld .) — = „ ------ ------------- -------------- , . . ."A n d now, m adam , hat about pen- * ^ h e n she put h e r hand in the vines A fra id o f t raw le r* w e were not, y o u ; ,n n,ce con ltion’ an,‘ mention the

ciling the b row 3?”

“ I think,” said M rs . Nurich, “ I ’d

like one o f these h ighbrow effects

that I read so m uch about in the


to push them aside a b ig rattlesnake | see. W e could see them on the

fastended its fan gs in h e r finger and horizon before they could see us. W e

-courteous treatm ent received.— The


wou ld not release its hold until it w a s ’ie ft them alone. There w ere too m any

pulled entirely fro m tbe vines. I t w a s land none w orth a torpedo or

killed. ‘ the bother o f w astin g shelis.

‘Ah ! Tkat’s what I*m looking for, GrandmaLeave it to “ Young H opefiil” to know w hat not only tickles h is palate deliciously bu t w hat also satisfies his th irst and refreshes his tired little body. I t ’s Pepsi-Cola.

A God-seftd to ihe thirsty—old young. No wonder it has achieved such pcJpuUrity as * d*Udoas» tttsptmg drink that haa a Joyful tasu in every »p.

At the icmntain* — or carbonated in bottles, at your grocer’s.

jQ yJ U A m w i u b t w ;

P E P JI-C o iam«

W h y should

But w e pies are ripe.

we worry 1 Potato

For A U Thirst*—P*ptti-C^a

Pepsi-Cola Bottling WorksL M. SQUIRES, Proprietor.

Phone 435 BorHsgios, N. C.



Page 3: INTENSITY - Alamance County, North Carolinaapps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-09-10.pdfera North Carolina. Monday about noon Mrs, ... in the summer school


FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER tt. t*U . T H B T W I C C - A - W E E f D fflSPfrATCH; B C R U N G C a N , N . C . ? A G E

G u a rd Y « u r C fc id ra a A g a in st B ow ei T r o u U *

M any children at an early age become coMtipated, and frequently serious consequences result. N ot be in g ab le to realize hi* own con­dition, a child’s bow els should be constantly watched, and . a gentle laxative given when necessary. D r, M iles Laxative Tablets are especially well adapted to wom en and children. T he Sisters o f Christian Charity, S3* Charles S t . 1 Luzerne, Pa., w ho attend m any eases o f sickness say o f them:

“ 8 o » tlm* is o w* becan u>iog D r; KU«s‘ Laxatlv* Tablets and . And that • « ttln then very laustl. Tbctr action to excelttac and w* ar* *r*t»fuJ te r having been m d * acquainted Wttn t t w . W * have kad good rswlta In « n r r can and t(M M m n r r

T h e form and flavor o f any medi­cine is w r y important, no matter who. is to take it. The taste and Appearance are especially important when children are concerned. . A ll parents know how hard it is to give the average child “medicine.” even though the taste is partially dis­guised. In using D r. M iles L a x - •ttve Tablets, however, this diffi­culty is overcome. The shape o f the tablets, their appearance and candy-like taste at once appeal to an y child, w ith the result that they are taken without objection.

The rich chocolate flavor, and absence of other taste, m ike D r. M iles’ Laxative Tablets th* ideal r em e iy for children. s

I f the tirst box fails to benefit, the price is returneJ, Ask your druggist. A b o * o f ?s doses costs only 15 cen t*.' N ever sold in bulk.- MILKS MgOICAk CO.. SIMM*, (n*.


T A K E S W IN G S .

H enry Gehrke’s Pathetic Letter to

W ife DiaeloMd in Divorce Action—

N o Home, Job o r Money.

N e w Y ork , Sept. 5.— A pathetic let­

ter written by a husband to his w ife

■after he bad been accused » f unfaith­

fulness and driven from home w as

disclosed in the Suprem e Court when

it w a s made the basis o f an app lica­

tion by the w ife fo r permission to

serve papers in a divorce action on

her husband b y m ailing them in Chic­

ago , where the letter w as written.

The action is brought by M rs. E lsie

Gehrke, 717 Second avenue, against

H enry Gehrke, who w as a prosperous

carpenter forem an up to a few months

ago. Gehrke left home on M a y 23

and hi3 w ife had no idea where he

could be found until she received a

letter w ritten on A u gu st 13 la «t from

the Hotel P au l E ngel, Chicago. We:?~

selm an & K rause, attorneys fo r M rs,

Gehrke, submitted the letter to Jus­

tice Shcarn in obtaining permission

to mail the papers to Gehrke. The

letter says in part: ,

“ I w rite you a fe w lines to find how

you are setting along. From that

time on w h ea I w as driven from my

home the w orld has been only a dream

to me, and I can see nothing but

ghosts around me. The w orld is dead

to me and everything I gee goes

against me. The wish which you sent

along w ith m e has come true. I Have

searched through eight large cities fo r

w ork, but without success. I f I

should find no w ork here I shall go

on to St. Louis, m y last city, o r to

m y death. I must go on foot, a s all

m y money U gone.

“ Y ou r love fo r me w as gone a fte r

the first yea r o f our m arried life . I

hope yon are living like a little queen

and that you a re enjoying yourself

w ith your friends and relatives, as

you know when the room is w arm no

Are is needed.

“ D ear w ife , I w ish to ask one favor,

aad I hope you w ill not deny it. I

would like to have one picture o f the

fam ily , even i f it is the one you took

yourself, bu t ask that yoa w ill de­

troy all pictures you have o f m e.”

Gehrke also asked his w ife to send

him his plane, saw and gun , saying

che would oniy g ive them to her

friends and he didn’t w ant her to do

so. H e also asked fo r som e worn

clothes and wrote that, although he

wouldn’t have been seen w earing them

in N ew Y ork , no one knows him where

he is ar.d he doesn't care.

“ I have lost 15 pounds already,”

w rote Gehrke in conclusion. “ I cannot

smoke, a s 1 have nothing to smoke,

and I am alw ays hungry. I f w hat 1

write you appears as a joke, let me

know at least how my little daughter

Elizabeth is getting along, and let

her write a fejw lines to me. I hope

you w ill not bring: her up to hate


“ I ara very tru ly your once loved

husband and farther.

1 “ H B N B Y G E H R K E .”

The complaint in the divorce case

states that the couple w ere m arried

in 1901 and accuses Gehrke o f mis­

conduct with one A n n a Ackerm an be­

tween Septem ber 1, 1914, and K ay

30 last.


N O R E H E A D C IT Y S O M E A L ­

A R M .

N e w Bern, Sept. 4.-— Visitors in the

icity from Morehead City tell o f the

excitement being caused there by a

."Peeping Tom ’* w ho is n u k in g almost

,nightly visits to one o r m ore homes

fend who has created so much alarm

that the citizens a re now each night

securely barring and fasten ing all

.doors and w indow*. I t is said that

this man usually picks the dead hours

iof tbe night to ca rry on his work,

f in d in g a door o r w indow open he

removes his shoes and stealthily en-

iters the building and goes fro m room

to room until he finds the one in which

jthe occupants are steeping. Several

ladles have recently been awakened

(to find the m iscreant in their apart­

ment but b e has a lw ays m anaged to

make his escape. A fe w years ago

M orehead C ity w as the sceM ’o f night­

ly visits o f one o f the m arauders aad

drastic measures had to be taken to

put a stop to it, .


N o rfo lk S ift s in Tw eed and Serge— a

W o rd on Sport Clothes.

Vacation 's over. The Pattys and

Julias and Sallys a re coming from

everywhere— mountains, shore and

fa r -a w ay homes, w ith pretty frocks

and bright, a lert brains ready to a b ­

so rb a il the learn ing possible between

now and next sum m er. The time has

come fo r Latin, G reek, geom etry and

incidentally fudge parties, candy pulls

land midnight lunches, not included in

the regu lar curriculum, therefore fa r

m ore fascinating, and, o f course, bas­

ket bait and the various other gym ­

nasium stunts to help out the physical

and mental machinery.

The M orning W a lk .

Our streets a re g a y w ith them in

■the early m orning; these bright faced

happy sckool g irls . They stride by in

/smart, straight-heeled shoes, Norfo lk

suits o f tweed o r serge, set off by

chic velvet tarns, hats o f velour o r a

*o ftly colored fe lt . A s the days are

.still bright and w arm , one often tees

a trim serge . frock with bretelles,

worn with a blouse o f contrasting

crops de Chine, o r one o f the brightly

striped o r dotted voiles. O ur exclu-

o f d a rk blue gabardine, that practical

sister o f u rg e , which w e a n so w e ll

and sheds dust and d irt bo effective'

ty. It had bretelles and a w ide stich

ed belt o f the m aterial o f the sk irt

and was worn with au under-blouse

o f herringbone striped crepe de Chine,

cuffed with the m aterial o f the sk irt

and collared with sheer, crisp organdy.

The w earer, who w as a sm art N e w

Y ork day-school g ir l, carried her

bundle o f books nonchalantly over one

shoulder, and wore her velvet tam on

the. back o f her bright b a ir so care ­

lessly that m ore, than I turned fo r a

second look,

T he Second Suit.

O n matinee days and Sundays the

suit is a trifle m ore dressy, o f French

serge, gabardine, broadcloth, o r one o f

the new siatin finished materials, and

is trimmed with a line o r tw o of braid

or a1 band o f fu r . A n attractive hat

o f velvet* or satin and velvet w ith the

soft, drooping brim , now modish, and

ju st a suggestion o f trim m ing, is

m ost becoming to young g irls , The

gracefu l tilt to the b r ip this

feeason is particularly pretty and

youthful. An Attractive, little M iss

f ro m the southland, whose eyes are

u dark s s the oft quoted Spanish

m a'den ’s, w ore a su it o f m idnight blue

velours de laine w ith high m ilitary

co llar o f black silk braid, inset, be­

tween the row s o f braid, w ith scarlet

and go ld ; the scarlet and gold ' w as

Repeated in the carved buttons, which

closed the coat, Russian fashion, on

!the le ft shoulder, in the braided

g ird le , and again heading the hem of

the short, fu ll skirt. W ith thi3 suit,

which w as worn one afternoon a t a

(concert, she wore a ve ry simple b lou3g

o f baby-flesh pink Georgette crepe.

The costume w as simplicity itself, but

/'hie. well thought out simplicity.



Issue, invo lv ing aa OM te, is Between


T ru ll is Electrocuted— M ecklenburg

B oy Goes U nafra id A n d Unassisted

te Cham ber o f Horrors..

W . H . Perry o f A lam ance County

Telia o f Subm arine Scare.

M r. P erry said, “ w hen we heard the

whistle. W e rushed to the deck and

were told that the torpedo w as com ­in g through the w ater. T he boat

turned its course and exposed its nar­

ro w parts. I t could be seen easily

m aking the w ater shoot up slightly.

B ut when It cam e near enough to us

we found that it was- a dead horse

which had been throw n overboard and

had been w ashed put to sea. But it

w as worth something to see the dis­

cipline o f passengers who believed

they were being attacked.”


C O U N T R Y .

It is Addressed to E very Individual

A n d Carries the W o rd * “P ray , P ray

W ithout Ceasing.”

Chicago, Sept. S.— A call to p rayer

addressed to every individual in thc

country and carry ing the words “ pray,

pray without ceasing,” w as sent out

today by the laym en’s m issionary

movement o f the United States and

Canada in preparations fo r a series

o f conventions, the first o f which w ill

be held in Chicago, October 14th to


The movement is designed to be o f

a nation-wide character fo r the spread

o f the gospel during which 75 con­

ventions wit1, be held in various cities

culm inating in a national m issionary

congress in W ashington , D . C ., A p ril 28 to 30, 1916.

T be denominations which have en­

tered into the movement this year

include am ong others, the Baptist con­

vention, (Southern ) Christian church,

Methodist Episcopal church and the

Protestant Episcopal church.

T A K E S H E R P L A C E .

A t the court last week here s fine

exam ple o f fidelity w as set. A col­

ored m an named M orris G raves,

■whose w ife had been sentenced to

ja i l fo r six months upon a conviction

fo r selling liquor, asked leave o f the

court to serve his w ife 's sentence.

Thc court w as touched by the offer.

H e allowed the husband to plead

guilty in a m ade-up case, and sent him

to the roads fo r three months, and

} le t the w ife go. It is a rare thing to

’.see such fidelity; rather one sees

shirking and conniving to escape re ­

gard less o f whom the hardship fa lls

upon. Such exam ples are ra re . M or­

ris G raves is a credit to h is race.—

The Gleaner.

Evidently the G leaner man does not

know M orris.— EO.itor.

Bretelle F rock o f Serge

sive sckool frow n upon an elaborate

w ardrobe no m atter how prosperous

papa may be; m any o f them give out

a list o f clothing l e e r e d , with one

F R E E L E C T l’ R E O N S A N IT A T IO N

And Health by D r. Rankin. S ic .

State Board Health.

D r. W . S. Rankin, Secretary State

th ing upperm ost— simplicity. This [Beard o f Health, has accepted an in­

does not necessarily mean that the

clothing must be ugly . Thc smart lit­

tle suits and dresses o f serge, tweed,

or the attractive checks and novelty

fabrics w ith contrasting collar* and

cuffs, a re sm art and becoming to a

degree. One particularly smart little

drees, worn the other m orning w as

vitation from the W om an ’s Club o f

Graham to deliver a free lecture on

health and sanitation, in the Court

House on M onday night, Septem ber

fI3th, Let everybody, young nnd old,

come out to hear D r . Rankin. H e is

interesting and his subject is one that

'should appeal to a ll.—-The G leaner.

Raleigh, Sept. 8.:— Currituck coun­

ty’s, election contest involving the o f­

fice o f register o f deeds w as finished

in the Suprem e court this m orning

With P. N , B ray , defeated o r counted

as the partisans present it, relator,

against T> W . Baxter, the gentlem an

w ho draw s the salary . .

The issue is between Dem ocrats

w ho have no opposition, in Currituck

and get on bad terms with them-

•sives to experience the biennial thrill

in Novem ber. M r . B ray had held the

offices several term s but ia the elec­

tion l is t year w a s denied the certi­

ficate o f election and T . W . Baxter

w as seated. Judge Justice w as rid ­

ing that district then appointed J.

B urw ell Leigh referee to take the

evidence in the litigation.

The relator, who is M r. B ray , the

appellant, excepts to num erous find­

ings o f M r. Leigh which Judge H . W .

W hedbee accepted as correct when he

heard the conclusion o f the case in

M arch. These exceptions are la rge ly

m atters o f fact. The judges o f the

election threw out fo u r votes in one

.precinct because the tickets had m ore

‘nam es on them than the electors w ere

fallowed to vote for, and the referee

finding three such tickets threw them

out and allowed only one vote to be

counted fo r M r. Bray.

Just Anybody Could Run.

T o this finding the appellant’s a t­

torneys object and say that in the

Novem ber election there w ere no

county officers nominated and that

a ll who wanted to run fo r office had

their names put on the ballots a llow ­

ing those who wished to vote fo r a

candidate to do so and to m$rk out

•the nam es o f those fo r w hom they did

so t W ish to vote.

The relator also contends sharp ly

again st the voting o f one K . D . Doxey,

'who is shown to have tried in one pre­

cinct w h ile voting in the other. The

referee held that he should have voted

it? a certain precinct but it appearing

that D oxey had a lw ays voted where

he la st cast his ballot he should be

allow ed to vote in that precinct and

this challenge w as not sustained. Tha

appellant argues that this w as an il­

legal vote and that it ca&riot be justi

fied b y continued error.

One o f the eastern habits, contract­

ed in the olden days, is charged in

one o f the exceptions, the relator con.

tending that the precinct o i North

Banks showed 30 votes, 21 o f whom

voted fo r Baxter and 3 fo r B ray . But

the registration is that 22 persons

"voted a t North Banks precinct whose

.names w ere not on the registration

books used at the election.” The re­

feree found that the old registration

books fo r this precinct w ere either

lost o r misplaced and could not be


A yd lett and Simpson, W a rd a n i

Thom pson appear fo r M r. B ray and

A . M . Simmons and E ringhaus and

Sm all fo r the incumbent. T h * re­

feree having found with thc register

the b r ie f o f the defendant’s attorneys

is quite short. The election w as very

close and a few votes would decide

it either way.

S tory o f Subm arine Scare.

W . H . P erry , an Alam ance county

boy, w h o recently returned from E n g ­

land on one o f the last trips made by

the A rab ic , tells an interesting story

o f a “subm arine” stare out from

Queenstown a fe w miles.

The Germ ans had been busy and

the captain o f the A rabic told his pas­

sengers that it would be a very good

thing i f they kept their clothes on

fo r the first two o r three days. “W e

are not go ing to blow the fo g hor'\

even in this dense fo g ," he said, “ so

i f you hear the whistle 3'ou m ay know

there is trouble.” The passengers

arm ed themselves with buoys and the

life boats: w ere swung oyer the side3

o f the boa1.

“ W e w ere go ing a lon g a ll r igh t,"

T H E L O O M G IR L .


G I N I A B E L T .

Lynchburg D eale r* Believe Yield W ill

be 1C MUHoa Pounds.

I stand At s loom

In a sitfiing room

Ter. hours a .day;

The wheels w h irr 'round with a m a d '

dening roar,

Five hundred o f them are on our floor,

I w o rk .fo r pay.

Could you blam e me much

' Should I feel the. touch

i T h a t leads to sin,

•If 1 yielded once o r twice o r more?

I need some clothes, w e are aw fu l


M y shoes a re thin. ,

Oh, I ’in h a lf-w ay sick!

I must speed up quick;

The loom is slack,

!God knows m y heart, I w ant to be


And do .what’s r ig h t ; but we need

some food;

I ’m on a rack.

Oh, ye who puss b/,

W ill you heed that cry

O f the tem pted girl?

Lynchburg, Va ., Sept. 2.— The

Lyiichburg tobacco m arket.has open­

ed fo r the sale o f 1915 prim ings, and

the sale has started off w ith prices /

higher than they w ere at last yea r’s

opening, some piles selling fo r $3.10

a hundred. j

Local tobacco men estimate that th i

crop this year w ill aggregate at le a s t1 16,000,COO pounds,. which w ill be 25: 'T is the c ry o f thousands sick aad

per cent la rg e r than -last year. T h e ! worn

crop is in excellent condition, and cool W hoso hearts a re right, but whose

nights and w arm days during the n e x t ) nerves a re torn,

few weeks will mean a very desirable, Caught in the whiifLcrop. Local commission men believe*.— Jam es Riddick Laughton, in the

conditions on the m arket here w ilt be ̂ Tim es-Dispatch.

norm al this year despite the fact that -

the m ajor portion o f the crop sold C U P |D R O U T S B A C H E L O R M A ID Shere eventually finds it* w ay to E u - ________


"W h en you m arried me you prom is­

ed to share m y lot. with m e."

‘I did, but I thought that you

would build a house on it.”— Pitt


“Tajies P r i w r H ire e c f Leading

! Sp irits in M an -H aters ’ C lub.

H E L E T IT G O .

1 (P itm an N . J. D ispatch .)

Cupid is riddling the ranks o f the

Independent O rder o f Bachelor M aids,

’ an organization comprised o f well

'know n young wom en o f this piace,

'a n d within the last year three o f the

11 '.leading m em bers have broken theirFault-finder (in front o f dairy rts-'.solem n pledges to scorn m ere man,

tau ran t)— I notice the w ord da iry o n 1,and have sucumbed to the w iles o f

your new sign is spelled d -i-a -r-y . .the little god.

Proprietor— I know it is, I w a s g o - ’ A further b lo w to the bachelor g ir l’s

ing to have it changed, bat the p a in t- 'c lu b has been the announcement thi3 cr convinced me his Wky o f spelling'.week o f the engagem ent o f M iss Ves-

the w o M w as m ore suggestive. ’.tins Porch, one o f tbe officers, and a

Fault-finder— M ore suggestive? leading spirit in the organization, to

Proprietor— Y e 3; he said it con- H a rry Edw ards, o f Busletton, Pa.

veyed the idea o f putting things down.— Juv’ge,

Blease is io be a candidate again fo r I

governor o f South Carolina, which il­

lustrates tha point that here may he

w orse ills than w ar.


M an Hectares (i ir l Broke Engagem ent

and Refuses to Return Diamond.

(O ran ge N . J. D ispatch ),

fcecause she broke her engagem ent

to be m arried to Frederick L . Galm ,

257 South E ighth street, N ew ark , and

refused to return to him the diamond

engagem ent r in g which he gave her

last A p ril, M iss M ay E . Piche, 808

^Bergen street, N ew ark , w ill have to

app ear in the East O range police

court and explain w hy she insists on

keeping the r in g .-

G alm said their courtship proceed­

ed smoothly until a fe w weeks ago,

when M iss Piche broke off the engage­

ment. H e says he asked fo r the re ­

turn o f the ring , but M iss Piche re­

fu sed to g ive !t back, Galm then be­

gan a replevin suit. 1

They Always

Come Back

AYer.r perbttn uTjti j/.> ,7printing jo b is M tis fa l. % fo'n hf* .'mother printing orffor h<> nt'irr think> o f going elsrw her*.



Drop In and

See Us ~

Carran za hast succeeded iij dem ­

onstrating one thing at least:H e has

the m ost distinguished looking lot o f

whiskers in Mexico.


Reduced In Price, All Twenty- Cent Cakes and Candy now

10c - « - T e n C en ts - - - 10cFresh Roasted Peanuts, full line of Fancy Groceries. When you trade at this store yoa do not have to pay other people’s debts. Nothing delivered, Nothing charged.

Your patronage solicited,

Ralph’s Place“THE LADIES’ STORE.”


PR I NT . *V

■ 4 -V■.*'r L,


Page 4: INTENSITY - Alamance County, North Carolinaapps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-09-10.pdfera North Carolina. Monday about noon Mrs, ... in the summer school

s r a s ?


*tnore w arships a re needed to protectA t T ( t e * - « t e k B b p tc k their ocean washed shores from a fo r - PaM inhed E w r y Tuesday and F riday ei(, n jnva<ier. should the many harbors

By otTfc* State Dispatch Publishing Co.,'-that indent the long coast lineB urttiigton ,N - C . Indiana ternpt some t>nemy to send a

Office, F irst F loor, W alter Building, hostile fleet, charged with tho capture Telephone No . 265. 0i Lafayette, Torre Hftute. und Tom

Subscription, One Dollar ^ r w ! T agga rt, the coast- d e f e n d on the payable in advance, i-aak.5 o f the W abash 'are so foriiudabk©

i~ . I ~ ■!'■ ,•’ • that their -ii-ceatimeter Runs, aided byA H com mimical ions in regard to

either news items or btuinesa m at- a fe w ■submarines, w o u « j iju ick lysen d ( , vV . „tera should be addressed.to The State he Snva<jin<, fleets to D avy Jones’ ! Ing o f cotton so we may know what « « * is -lajm lrar to a ll North Cavo-

- D ispatch Publishing Co., and not to *Any individual .with the pa- locKer.pen . " $iim

A l l news notes and eommumca- ■ . .tions c f importance must, be signed Kitchin feels convinced that- tlie sea upo.i

lets o f one kind, staple and g rad e .. A N E W B O O K B Y M E M B E R O F EX *

2. To develop a reputation and <ji- P E R 1 M E N T S T A T IO N S T A F F ,

marid fo r EdgeWWjhe County cotW n; ’ - — — —to find oat the needs of the m ills !> f' "The Fundam entals o f L ive Stock

the State in d to. furnish them thc cot- Judging and Selection” is. the title

ton which w ill meet their demands, given by Pro fessor S . S. Curtis o f the

3. To co-operate With the Office U A n im al Industry Division, North C ar-

M arkets, U . S. Departm ent o f A g r i - cliiia Experim ent Station, to a book

culture and* the Division o f M arkets, which he has just had issued by Lea

North Carolina Agricu ltura l E xp eri- & Febiger o f N e w York. The w ork cf

ment Station to secure a proper g r o d - . l ’rutessor Curtis a s » judge o f live

!w e are selling: and be in a position.to li 'ir.t.s. .who have had anim als c

Claude sell in the. best markets . Dependence pe'.in* fo r prizes vvrtfci:’. thp show

by the writer. _W e are not responsible fo r opinions

o f the correspondents.

coast of N o rth Carolina is .-is strongly'

the inge.'iiotis 31fone market is contrary to all


iorliiied as the Dardanelles, a::d that; -4. To work ill co-opeiation w ith the

. . . ',,0 insolent' foreigner nevd'ever hope-;<> | depan’n ienvi. named in section .'V ir. Subscribers \yjll take nonce that no • . . ... . . , . , I t - . ^ n I . .■■,,{,■}> wi h

receipt for subscription fo r The State pilot h is .g igan tic super-urea<h.ough..i .cidei to.u ar..d_ kvep «.. » u i iD ispatch will. be honored at^ th is office and -battle -cruisers -into Raleigh- o r .ih o best •nrurkct* .in this and ether

Charlotte. .As fo'r arm y reoi'ganigatito "staves is-d countries.

, Xorl'h Carolina Vir.d’lfcr sisu'i15! To distribute our cotton in suchw iil recognize our. grades

it i t

unless it is ihiinhered with stamped figures.

mart conditions.

Entered as second-class matter '• 1>' 1 ’ . . . . . .,.M ay 10, 190S, at the post office a t fetate o f .Kentucky can. iuritish Co.- .m..in\.tr. a »Burlington, North Carolina, under the ore is j or ^ le “ s !t'eIeton reffinicn»i--'’ !nnJ pay us pries* according to. get;- Act o f Congress o f March 3, 1879, • ‘ . , .'.' , . . . . .!. ,

' - - - - ■ that can bc raised m the b n it e d . era!

W e a re -g lad to learn that tlie cases States. . . . jagaiits: the City have-l'een compromis­

ed, This is

:0UR-ht ct have


■. I .g's o f the fa irs o f the state and ho

i.o,';ts no ir.t'.'ioucticn alor.p; this lino

i-.' v.'-.-i'k.

.A s 'a r e a sv . fo r his'pubUcation Pro-

Curtis says:. “The recent pr.i-

i'fuss o f the teruinng o f Ahinml. Hus-

s.:;:'.i!ry, especially live, stock judging

selection, ccMrnends this division

- :' tho subject to a fu ll modern trcatUe j

o-.aling with all- domestic . animals..!

Rjpiii advancement iii special rietcls !

ii. To p rov ide . warehouse facilities <'-* production and - selection, and the ;of new phases o f aitimal •additionXov; it Would secnt that the H oo sn C jfo r storing our cotton that we m ay It1

it should be and statesnian and his. younger colleague 1;ab!e to assemble it in la rge lots o f a _

eon dene sometime I’rom tfce Turpentine State are -taking, given staple and g rad e , and furnish materia* fo r tiie work.

have furnished much n e w ! (

B. 0, Xo good can corne from such a rather short-sighted v iew o f tho sit- ith e . banks with ih e -p roper

suits and we rejoice they are settled, nation. They overlook -the fact that warehouse receipt-'

X w- ork and Philadelphia, for m-C A S E S E T T L E D .

M r. John K . Vernon, City Attorney. Orleans, Baltim ore, and some other

authorizes us to say that ju rors ant! j-crts o;> the Atlantic seaboard, are

•witnesses in -the case wherein certain not so strongly fortified.against naval

parties a re plaintives and the City of aggression as Indiana and North Curo-

Burlington i i defendant need not a t- ]ina. Consequently these weaker

tend court next week as the casss places are timorously concerned in

h.*ve been compromised. That is the approving the suggested naval pro-

case known as the Sewer case. gram . A s already pointed out in

-------------------------- -— “The P ress” ihe recommendatioti oi

W A S T IN G M O N E Y O N N E W S - fo u r super-dreadn^ughts and tvro

P A P E R . battle cruisers is by no means ex-

— •— — travagant or unprecedented. Even the

You will smile at the “cheek” and “ little navy” advocates favor spending

“ ga ll” displayed in tha fo llow ing let- a s much as * 20,000,000 on submarines,

ter, but the shame and pity o f it is Consequently they cannot object to the

thet is is not exceptional and rare, recommendation o f the General Nava l

T he editor of a Kentucky weekly Board for sixty or seventy submersible

some time ago received this letter: craft.

“ Please send me a few copies o f the Under the circumstance? such tena-

paper containing the obituary o f cious advocates and upholders o f the

m y aunt. A lso publish the enclosed “pork barre l” as Senator Kern and

clipping of the m arriage o f my niece, .Representative Kitchin m ight well sur-

who lives in Lebanon. And if it does render a little o f the appropriations

not cost anything, that I have two fo r alleged “ rivers and harbors” to-

<talves fo r sale. A s my subscription ward enlarging the navy fo r the bei-

is out, please stop paper. Tim as are ter defenses o f those places that are

toe bad to waste money on news- not so fortunately situated as Indi-

p »p ers .” ana and North Carolina. N o doubt

------------------------------- a sim ilar plea would be made on bc-

M'H. S T E E L E P \S S E S Half o f San Francisco, Seattle and

__________ other Pacfic coasts cities. Y e t it is

M r. H . W . Steele, a highly respect- t0 be feared that thc " P ° rk barreI”

ed citizens o f Gihsonville, died T h urs- habit is a hard one to shake off.

day m orning about 2 o'cloc. H e had S enator Kern and Representative

fo rm oi' The volume is nicely illustrated : with one hundred and eighty engrav-1

Our tailor from Baltimore wiil be here on

Next Monday and Tuesday, 13 & 14with an unusually large .ind attractive line of Fail and Win*

■ t'er sfatnptea. COME see them is all we ^k . Also

BIG REDUCTIONon ail Clothing, Shoes afcd Geni’- Furniihings this week.

LOOK OUT for our big fall o^ei*; ir'Wbfch wiil t- ke place soon,..as cur buyer is busy a!) the v.i-iile. selecting-, a most beaatifu! tmd at.tirnct.ing-line at: Clotim Sh<M8 and Gent’s Furr.uhirgs. A line that will please ̂ in tverv respect a.r.d at prices !o xav -than the lowest.

Ycuvs rsspect fully,

j. B. Jones Cio. Co.BurlingtoD, N. C. The Corner Store. |





A complete set of the by -law s ings which m ake a complete and con-J covered today by State and Federal

stance, to say nothing o f Boston, N e w i-dopted at the Tarboro meeting wil! venient reference to breed character-1 autlibrities investigating the r «^ « » tbe m ailed to communities interested i^tics. It is iiitended prim arily forjfaordev outbreak,

in this form of .organization upon ap- students, farm ers and stockmen who j One circular, dated October 1, 1S1-J,

been a sufferer fo r a long time, having Kitchin are expected to have so large

been confined to his bed fo r several a l o w i n g o f other proponents o f

years caused by a stroke of para lysis t ‘̂e P01*^ barrel r.nd little navy

from which he never recovered.

plication to the Division o f M arkets.

R U B - M Y - T IS MWill cure Rheumatism, Neu­ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Bums, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec­zema, etc. Antiseptic A m ^ w , used internally or externally. 25c

H O W T O R U N A P A P E R .

wish to become fam ilia r w ith the (which w as said to have been widely

methods nnd practices in ju dg in g t h e ' distributed in Texas and Mexico, aj>-

pure breeds and the m arket and show ^pealed to Mexicans to “ rise in favo r

cktsses c f live stock. : o f Carranza and independence be-

-------- ---------------------------— cause a t the rate w e are going, we

The stockholders o f thc Newport

Times, having been unexpectedly le f t ;

in charge o f the paper, are not la y in g :

26 A R E L O S T IN S IN K IN G O F , soon w ill be slaves o f the Am ericans.”

■ H E S P E R IA N . The nam es o f the Mexicans who________ ‘t signed the call w ere not made public.

12 Passengers and 13 o f Crew on T o r- j Letters from points in Low er Ca li-

pedoed L iner M issing ; W om an ’s forn ia indicate that plans fo r -upris-

Body Found— Captain is Silent— in g along the border w ere in process

Efforts to Tow Vessel F * i i ; Goes o f form ation fo r m ore than a year,

Down N e a r Scene o f Attack , a lso w ere found today. Buttons en-________ closed in the letters w ere Inscribed Icons, “ what, is the n ew s?”

Queenstown, Sept, 6.— Six second ’’Land and L iberty .” } “Popper’s got a new set o f teeth.

T H E C O N D U C T O R ’S H O P E .

“ I hope,” said the c a r conductor,

pensively, a fter taking the names of

the people who saw the lady lose her

balance, “ that wom en w ill vote, and

that they’ll have a political party

o f their own and a convention and a

platform .”

“And then w h at? ”

“And that they’ll advocate capital

punishment fo r anybody who gets off

the platform backward.”— W ash ington


“W ell. Bobby ,” said the minister

to the sm all son o f one of h is dea-

clanns just how, to knowing a ll there ca)}jn passengerSi s ;s third cabin p a s -1 The situation a lon g the border to- “ Indeed! said the minister, re-

is to know about the newspaper busi- g e n g e r s an(j thirteen o f thc crew o f day w as quiet. A ll im portant to w n s ' strain ing a desire to laugh. “A nd

ness. Perhaps we know better how ^ st6am er Hesperian, torpedoed 150 and railroad brid ges now arc u n d e r 'w h a t w ill be do w ith the old set?” . . . I

O N S IX T O W N S .

not to ran a paper than how to run mjles off Q ueenstown Saturday even- guard o f United States troops, one. I f we w ere asked to lay down jngi ^ una(,eounted fo r tonightf ac. l ------------------------------ ;

a few rules on “how not. to run a ', . . , , ■- cordm g to the revised official figu ies F R E N C H A IR M E N D R O P B O M B S

country paper,” w e would mclude.tho by the AUan L i„ ^ Th is bring3

fo llow ing. ^ the probable death list, including M iss i“ Do not abuse every man who d i f - : CarbeJTyi o l s ,_ j ohn3) • N ew foun d - 1

fers with you about politics. T > » ; tand, b w f r 'U here, up la tw * n - 'other fellow may be r igh t part of the ■ jy_g;v

time, and even if he is w rong all o f j ” e' capta!n of ^ s . Hcken Uner

the time, abusing Will not help him. Iremained bv his ship unti, it sank.

" I f you have occasion to criticise ; He l!w,|i:lod tc cotnment on the dis.

a man, it w ill rare ly be necessary | ^ fw vubU, a tlm , henc<f the o f .

'Oh, I suppose,” replied Bobby1I “ they'ii cut ’em down and make me

\ wear ’em.”

to denounc* him as the most infamous

scoundrel unhung. On looking aroundficial statement as to whether he be­

lieves his ship w as a victim o f a tor-a little you m ay observe several b i g - !l5edo w a mino must come from thj>

ger rascals than he te and some o f iAdm inralit, ( a ithouffh the eaptain i ,

thorn may be close home. |quoted as having told an A lla n Line

j j ;8 : men as to amount to fu lly one-half | *** ^ou c) ;official today that the Hesperian w as

w ife preceeded him and he now goes strength o f the Democratic party

to join her. M r. Steels w a* beloved m ^ onffreSi-by a ll who knew him , and w as the J that case w hatever legislation is

eld fashioned ru gg «d type who would ^nac^e<̂ * ° *nsure an adequate condi-

rather he right than be Pi*esident, national prepare;.ness fo r de-

Before declining: years he w as r.n ac - ^Cp-Se W^1 l,e carried with thc aid of

tive business man engaged ia m er- _ Republican votes. A s against 231

+ chantite pursuits. A t one time he w as ' Dcmoci'ats therfi iire 193 Republicans

superintendent and general m a n a g e r '*11 House o f .Representatives. So

o f the Belmont Cotton M ilk o f thU lhc Administration program should

county and latter moved to Gibson P ^ tty well i f rt corresponds to

ville. M r. Steele w as 71 years o f ' th€ eXpe' tiLtiori o f thft w untry .

age and is survived by two sons, l] ----------------------------•

Ralph and Garland. The funcr;tl w i l l ! M A R K E T IN G ,

be conducted by some well k n o w n ! -----------


W E E K L Y W E A T H E R F O R E C A S T .

jo f a. political opponent, a public man

or business r iva l, you will not

! strengthen your cause by dealing

in petty personalities.

“ In dealing w ith the faults aad j Issued by the U . S. W eather Bureau , 1 shortcomings o f your feiiowm sn con- W ashington. D.

fine yourself within the reasonable 1 lim its of the truth. There is u su a lly !

enough unfavorable truth to tel! about

a man without bem irching him w ith !



8, iS ta .

Paris, Sept. 7. (10:30 P . M . )— An

official communication issued tonight i


“Our artille ry in the region c f

Xieuport has co-operated in the bom­

bardment o f Germ an coast batteries

at Westende by the British fleet.

“ A violent cannonade has occurred

to the north nnd south o f A n v s . A t

several points our batteries have in­

flicted grave dam age on the enemy's


“ A French a ir squadron has drop­

ped bombs on the station and m ili­

tary establishm ents a t F re iburg (B a ­

den ). F ire broke out in the town.

Our aeroplanes likewise bom bard-

C., fo r the W eek e>3 the stations a t Saarburg. Posit-

Wcdnesday, Septem ber FaV£,'Ke' W arneriv ille , T erg nicr and

T w o men w ere standing outside a

show w indow where a vacuum cleaner

w as being demonstrated. Suddenly

one o f them burst out with enthusi­

asm :

“These inventions are the things

that clean up the money! Just think

o f the million that fe liow vacuum

must have made out o f that thing."’

— Everybody 's M agazine.

■ Lens.'

Tom, thc country six-year-old, pre-

)ssu lin g him self one day in even more

than bis usual state o f dust and dis­

order, w as asked by his mother if

he would not iike to be a little city

boyv and a lw ays ke nice and clain ini

w hile suits and shoes and stockings.

Tom answered scornfully: “They

are not children; they’re pets.— Ham­

per's Monthly:

For South Atlantic and E ast G u lf | A Memphis wom an is su ing fo r di­

lies and befouling him with slander. !States: The week w ill be one o f gen- ;v °rce because her husband has bought

Rem em ber that a printed lie is the U ra lly fa ir weather and normal t er n- her only one hat in a year. Possibly

j blackest o f all lies. j'pcrr.tures.

j “ I f your own public record and prt

;vate life a re covered with hideous de- IN V IT A T IO N S A R E O U T ,form ities, concealed by nothing more

Lutheran divine at Macedcna Luther- Kagrcom !«- Cotton Exchange First I fcan traBSOareBcy 0f a g iass !louse>

an Church o f which he has been a - Cotton M arketing Association in th e ]throw ing rocks would not be con- ______________________consistent m jm bcr fo r a number o f < South Form ed at Tarboro. ' v . IT,’ , _ i

iMdered ?.afe and »ane exeici.-e ior B righ t, oa Mebar.e to M r. Jam es H en - ‘years. The funeral and burial w i l l : ' ------------ l ’ I

i l>ou. ;r v Brown, of Greenshcro.take place F riday a t 11 oclock. It is : in a m eeting held a t Tarboro on nt , I ■ • ,, . , , ithe opeu tion ot a countij n<?w»-f The invitations issued read as fo l- l

Invitations have been issjped

thc m arriage o f M iss Bernica Corene i

he didn’t have the money, ̂but o f

■ccurse, that wouldn’t make him any

the less a stingy brute deserving to

:have to spend his life in single.cussed-

f 0. . ; ness.

W h y should

pies are ripe.

w e w orry 1

Little Elizabeth and her mother

w ere having luncheon together, and

the mother, who a lw ays tried to im­

press facts upon her young daughter,

s «id :

“These little sardines, Elizabeth,

are sometimes eaten by the la rge r


E lizabeth gazed at the sardines in

iwonder, and then asked:

Potato j “ But, mother, how do the large fish

j get the cans open?”

paper does

him solf up

entitle a man to s e t ] owssaid tbat no man is so im portan t' A ugast 28, the cotton grow ers of

that the world carr.ot do without h im ,} Edgecombe county decided to incor-

but vvlio.1 men of tho type of M r.jpo ra te an organization to be known asSthe renulin<lcP o f A e hnman fam ily.

Stee:e passes, they will be m issed..the Edgecombe Cotton Exchange. The <.Don>t lio t0(l n)l((,h knocking. Any

Peace to his ashes and love and sym -jfo rm o f by -law s submitted by the D i-

pj’tfcy for the bereaved or.es. j vision o f M arkets o f the North C iro -

---------- --------------------- ljna Experim ent Station w as adopted

R E P U B L IC A N V O T E S F O B N A - j ■with a few slight changes. .Mr. O. R

T IO N ,'.I . D E F E N S E . ■ Bassett, O rgan izer, and M r. O. J. M "-

President W ilson w ill need to rely

on Republican votes in Congress io

ca rry through whatever plans fo r im­

p rov in g the national defense m ay be

submitted at the next session. This

condition 13 indicated in the attitude

assum ed by Senator Kern, the Dem o­

cratic leader in the Senate, and Rep­

resentative Kitchin, the Democratic

'le ad e r in the House.

• Senator K ern declares he has not

fou nd in his .rock-bound State o f

Indiana an y popu lar demand fo r an

en larged navy. H is H oosier constitu-

jM te a r * apparently convinced t b * t no

: Connell, Cotton Grader, both from the

United States Bureau o f Markets, as­

sisted M r. W m . R. Cam p in the work

o f organization.

The purpose o f the exchange is

stated as fo llow s;

1. To co-operatc w ith the Bureau

o f P lant Industry, U . S. Departm ent

o f A gricu lture and the Division o f

Agronom y - S f the ' N o rth Carolina

A gricu ltural Experim ent- Station in

order that our m em bers may select,

jtrow ar.d maintain the variety of cot­

ton beet adajitad to our soil and to

the demands o f the trade, that w e m ay

facilitate ib t gale o f cotton in la rge

s ju dge arid censor of j > fr , a m! M rs. Richard W . B righ t

request the honor o f your presence at

ig. A n y j the m arriage of their daughter

fool can do that. See the good in J Bormce Corene

your town, its people, and its possibi- j *0

lities. | M r. -James H enry Brow n

“Don’t expect to have your w ay I Tuesday afternoon, Septem ber ]-3th

EXCURSIONHillsboro to Graham

S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R U T H

all the time. Com fort yourself with

the thought that no man ever had

everything ju st as he wanted it every


“ Don 't consider competition a curse.

This is a b ig w orld , fu ll o f fo lks

and ideas. There is^room. fo r you and

your little idea i f you have one. Y ou r

personality and plans w ill hardly loom

so la rge a s to cause you to be crowded

fo r lack o f room.— N ew port Times.

at 3:30 o ’clock

F irst Baptist Church

Mebane, North Carolina.

Championship gam e o f the A lam ance B ase Bail League



F IG H T .


D ouble H eader Scheduled

State and Federal Agents G et E v i­

dence o f Plot to Overthrow U . S .


Brownsville, Texas, Sept. 7.— M ore

evidence o f a w idespread conspiracy

among Mexicans on both sides o f the

W e don’t see how Cole Bicase can

hope to be elected governor again

while a ll the convicts he pardoned j R io G rande to overthrow Am erican

are again in prison. j authority » 'o n g the border w as dis-

Leave H illsboro 12:45 P . M. Round T r ip ....................... .................................... .65s

Leave Bfiand 1.00 P . M . Round T r i p , . , ................................................................30c

Leave Mebane 1:15 P. M . Round T r ip ....................................................................

■ Returning, g rah are immediately a fte r gam e.

Com e and go W ith U s


Page 5: INTENSITY - Alamance County, North Carolinaapps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-09-10.pdfera North Carolina. Monday about noon Mrs, ... in the summer school


............................'J. LOG AX, AND PE1RS03ST A.IMrs. S . A . Steele is confined tbis

I week on account o f illness.

M r. W , B . Durham spent part o f

l l a s t week w ith frtenSs a t Raleigh.

M iss Gertrude Is ley has recovered

I from a protracted illness.

4 M r ,, W a lte r Smith le ft first o f th?

| week fo r Chapel H ill to re-enter the

University o f .North Carolina.

M rs. George F . Hunt o f W ilm ing­

ton is the guest o f her parents, M r.

and Mrs. Lafayette H olt,-th is week.

M iss C la ra W b it le y * s f S p i t h f i ^

arrived in the city yesterday to be

the guest o f h er friend, M i^s Lois

W orkm an, fo r a few days.

M isses M anie M alone and Grace

Sutpbin left Monday n ight fo r Phila ­

d e lp h ia . whews they go to prepaid

them selves fo r the profession o f

trained nurse.

M iss M ary M cV ey and M rs. A . H ,

Stuafct, o f Snow Cam p, w ere in Dur­ham last Tuesday v isit ing their bro­

ther who is confined at Wc.tts H os­

pital. '

Cabbage fo r krauting, cheap i t

Merchants Supply Co.

M iss Lottie S tew ard o f South A la ­

mance le ft la st Tuesday f o r r P leasant

Garden to enter school there.

M r.. L . H , M ebane of Danville, V a .,

i w as the guest of h is fa ther, M r. J.

R . Mebane, yesterday.

M iss Beulah Boone went to H ills ­

boro yesterday m orning to visit r i -

latives fo r several days.

M iss O llie W h itley , who is engaged

in teaching inusic a t Greensboro, has

been the guest o f her parents, M r.

and M rs. J. E . W h itley fo r the past

two weeks. She w ill return and re­

sume her work Saturday.

M iss Annie M a y Horne o f Char­

lotte returned to her home first o f

the week a fter spending si fe w days

the guest o f M isses Bertha and A l ­

iens Horne.

Accord ing" to inform ation obtained

by a representative o f the Dispatch,

the Lake Side M ills w ill start opera­

tions again next M onday m orning a f -

M iss Bessie W ilson is back at her tcr being idle fo r nearly three months, post in W h itted ’s Store a fte r a b r is f _______

vacation. jI M iss Loraine Isley , the beautiful and

accomplished daughter o f M r. C. L . Mfc-s. E M . Lo n g went to Roxboro r , .

• • Jsley went to Durham Iasi TuesdayTuesday to visit her parents fo r sev- . , . ..

‘ where she resum es her duties a teral days.

where she resum es

Trin ity College.

M r. Roy R ay, w ho has a position

with the H arrison Prin ting Co., at

Greensboro, is at home this week.

Seed oats and fru it ja r s at M er­

chants Suppiy Co.

M iss C la ra M ontgom ery o f G ra ­

ham left Tuesday fo r Durham lo

enter T rin ity College.

M rs. Ann ie J. Shattcrly, who has

been confined w ith an illness fo r sev­

eral days, 10 im proving slowly.

M rs. G . J. R aper o f Winston-Sakati

visited her father, M r. J. R. Mobane,


M rs. John Q. H o m e o f Spencer, who

has been spending a few dr.ys with

her son, M r. W . J. Horne, has gone to

O range County to visit her sister,

M rs . Elizabeth Hunter , fo r several

days. , ,

P ro f. B lake Isley has returned to

Asheville, N . C., where he resumes

his duties as Principal o f or.e o f the

C ity Graded Schools. Another in­

stance o f a Burlington boy m aking

good! The Burlington pluck is o f

the right kind, a ll you have to do is

to have the g r it and catch the B u r ­

lington spirit. Pluck and presever

ance a lw ays w in .

M essrs. W . F . W a y o f Liberty,

Route 3, and J. W . W a y o f Swepson­

vilie spent a few hours in town last

Tuesday. ,

M rs. M a rga re t W hitley o f Greens­

boro has come to spend several months

with h er sob , M r. J. R . W hitley, in

W est Burlington.

Rev. E . M . A n drew s and ty(o chil­

dren o f Greensboro spent yesterday

m orning in the city with his mother,

M rs. M . J. Andrew s.

Bev. and M rs. I>. E. Bow ers and

son o f W aughtow n , N . C.., spent yes­

terday with M rs. Bow ers’ father, M r.

J. R. Mebane.

The series o f revival services

that are being conducted at the M eth ­

odist Protestant church have been

la rge ly attended and much interest

tins a lready been shown by the peo-

iple. The pastor. Rev. G. L , C u rry ,

ia delivering rplottdid gospel sermons,

while P ro f. T . O. Pender of Mebane,

who has charge o f the song services,

is directing the singing in a most e x ­

cellent m anner, and is delighting the

congregations with beautiful soloj.

A hearty invitation is extended to ; the

'public, and to members o f other

churches to attend these m eetings.

M r. Jam es Cheek and fam ily spent

la s t Sunday at the home o f M iss

Dixie W a rd . They live near A U -

' manee M ills.


The m any friends o f M rs . A h S te jle ■

w ill regret to learn that she w as |

taken to hospital last night fo r an j

operation. She has been right sick :

fo r several days.

GiHGHESTERSreUd ia m o n d


There w ill be held a R egu lar Com­

munication o f Bula Lodge No , iOi) A , F . & A . M . in cheir hall cn M on-

d ry evening, Septem ber 13th, 1915,

at 7:4.) P . M . A la rge attendance is

earnestly-requested .G E O . W . H A T C H , W . M .

C H A S . V . S H A R P E , Sec’y.

! L A C IE S t, At* f « « » Uruwkt for Crn-CHF.S-TKR S - WAMQJJD PkAN'o PIU.S ia Krfc and,

G i l b toet&l.ic b-v.:es, &c;.i<c<« fciue\ S ib b o u . T a b s . W f r n r ? . ; fT « r ! a»i: i->* fc -! mauoVO 8Ui:«n fortwentr4veresaxdea ui.ist:


T W E N T Y -S IX T H O P E N IN G O F ;

T H E A C .R t C l l . lT l t A L A N D |

M E C H A N IC A L C O L L E G E . I

F U N E R A L O F S ID N E Y L; B O G G S ./ ,

rest beneath the' quiet

Creek ..cemetery.

Long before the appointed

sod in Caiie

W est Eafc-igh,' N . C., Sept. 8* - ' !

Thursday,. September 2, the A g r ic a l- j

tural and ' MevhanicsJ College Opened |

its ■twer.ty-Hixti. kholaStic year.!

“ : f ' .The hoys began arriving- bn 'Tuesday jOn last T h u rsd ay afternoon the r e - '. . , ,d -AVedne*day. and- on W ednesday !

m eins o f Sidney L. B oggs, one o f th e : ,-hervobn some. W h u n d re t i 'w e re ; on1 victim s o f the terrible,- boiler « p l o - . ; the ein.iplr3 foi. W £ istrlrt1on I

sion . near Snow Cam p, w ere b id to Thul.sday !ni!, ninv . A „ lh£! available !

, dorm itory • space ' has been filled and j

num bers o f boys have obtained rbonia!

h °u r -* in' the near vicinity o f the college. ( friends ar.d neighbors began to a a - f About six 'hnpdred ar.d fiftv student* ‘ sembte in order to pay the. last tri- ' a!tcgcthe!; havi? !.een. b ro ile d . A sec- bute. o f respect to that noble youth ^ c f the nev, d3rrakory -' u '

who. w as just in the prim e o f life. ' avEilab!e al)0Ut October 1, when more

The p a l l -b e a m s w ere six o f his old students w ii! ,)C ildmitted

schoolm ates, namely, H arry S » « V . The boys to be in fine,E d . Griffin, E a r l W illiam s, Lonnie spb .;tg- and PSgtl. l0 get back t0 tha

Teague, H a rry Johnson and Lyndon coUege> FootbaiI pract.:ee bcgins

S tu art, The flow er-girls w ere also M ^ d a y morning with D r. John E .

P R I C E $ 2 . 5 0Ti;s is «a>tber cite of oar latest fall maidefs.Tbe Military Gaiter Lee with hw or high heels, Piicni or

Dull Vamps with either black or colored tops.We hive so many new styles to show you that we are uuable

to tell you about the u through tii» columns of The State Dis­patch.' .

It wil! pay you io get i tiiicV with us for your FALL and WINTER SHOES. HOSIERY too

SHOE COLeading Shoe Store

, N . C .

his school-mates. H ega rty , ci-ach, and Captain WinstonW hen the rem ains had been viewed j,, c},a rg e 0f l he squads. The trainer,

b y the tear-stained eyes o f that la rge j Iike 3Iartin> ,viII avrive October 1.sympathetic audience, in spite o f t h e _____________________

hard down-pour o f rain , a crowd, with

bowed heads and sad hcp.rts, followed

to the g rave where the services were

concluded by Rev, O scar Cox who had ■

conducted the funeral. I

The deceased leaves a father, moth-

T H E K E Y TO H E A L T H j E N G L A N D R A ID E D B V TE V T O S is Pure Blood. Get the blootf

F R E N C H U -B O A T S IN K S GL’N -

LA D E .N T R A N S P O R T .

er, one sister and a score o f relatives

and friends. ,

A F R IE N D .

H o w ’ s T h i s ? !

London, ’’Sept. 7.— A n Athens dis­

patch to the Exchange Telegraph

Com pany says a British submarine in

thc sea o f Marm ora has sunk a Turk ­

ish transport which w as carrying 28

centimeter guns from Constantinople

to Gallipoli.

W IL S O N T O B A C C O GOOD*We oCVf Oi.m Humtrcd Doller* ttvvvard fi<r any

c&ftt c.f vat'trrk tbat caattet tx* cum l L<; Hall's CnUrrh Cur**. _r. J. ctlENEV & eu,. toktjo, o.

kwtfrn F,'i*l bint

W ilson , Sept. T.— N ea rly a million

7* pounds o f tobacco hove been sold onim- *thiii city ir.

W*, thc amlmlgut'd, hntp Cheut-y tor tb** 15 j ’vutv.perfectly honorable In ull basimM ir»!>fractum» warthnuso floor inMU flninrJuHy able t« v#rry out iu.y vbligatloMi [ine w» ^ no«se DWir m

bT ”1’ SAT. BASK OF cnstMEKrtc. ‘ ,the P»|rt two days, and while the prices T-jiidg, vpia. are a little off they seem to be satis-

Oats, ocn, hay— cotton seed— meal Rev, J. W . C legg o f G u ilford Col-

and hu lls at Merchants Supply Ctt. lege filled hia regu lar appointm ent at

* — 1------ the E lm ira Presbyterian church last

The Fa irg round Graded School w ill {Sunday night, preaching a ve ry in­

open Monday. September 13th, w ith terestin^ ar.d helpful sermon to a

M iss E lia J. Andrew s as Principal, ‘good-sized congregation. R ev . M r.

Patrons are earnestly requested to C iegg is pastor of that church and

have their ohildran 111 on that day. preaches there twice each month.

pure and all the ills that follow from impoverished or tainted blood, such as indigestion, nerv­ous dyspepsia, gastritis, rheu­matism, eczema, scrofula, etc., will disappear, leaving the body healthy and tfhe mind clear.

Mrs. Joe Person’s Remedy is a real blood “purifier,” accord­ing to hundreds of testimonials from people who have used it successfully during the last for­ty years. It puts the blood righv, then builds the body back into ^health and energy.

“For eight or ten years I was subject to severe attacks of eczema. Mrs. Joe Person’s Remedy made a perfect cure of me,” writes Mrs. J. H. Wilkins, Bessemer City, N. C.

Your druggist should have it. If he hasn’t, send us his name and one dollar for a large bottk*.

Remedy Sales Corporation, Charlotte, N. C.

Mrs. Joe Person’s Wash should The keeping qualities o f the sweet M an>' * Borlinglon Household W ill Jbe used in connection w it h the

potato depend upon the variety g ro w n ,! F8nd Th,"m So- j Remedy for the cure of seresthe type o f soil in which it w as grow n, | 1 <and the i*elief of inflamed andand the methods o f handling a t d i g - ' To have the Pains and aches o f 5 'congested surfaces. It is espe- ging time. C lay soils on which high ly hi,d removed— to be entirely free j clally valuable for women, and nitrogenous fertilizer has been used from Knnoyinff, dangerous urinary d i s - : should always be used for ulcer- will produce rough cracked potatoes. | orders, is enough to make any kidney ations.Such potatoes a re generally p o o r'su ffe rer grate fu l. The follow ing ad-

keepers. A poor sandy soil w ill p r o - jv >“ o f one who has suffered will dace smail, well matured, smooth, u n - . P ^ 'e com forting words to hundreds

cracked potatoes. Such potatoes are Burlington readers,

u su d ly good keepers. | i I rs - E ‘ K 'nS» Broad St.,Too much care can not be spent i n . Burlington, says: “ I had an attack

d igg in g the potato, i f carelessly d u g ' « f lum bago that nearly laid me up.

and handled the potatoes become ^ .back w as so weak that I coudn’t

bruised, hence they very easily rot. ’ anything without suffering aw fu l

W hen d igg in g it is best first to cut _ pain. I fe lt dizzy and when I lay

the vines, p re ferab ly w ith a vine c u i - ’ d<>W!'- ;t seemed as if everything w as

ter, and then run under the potatoes around. I w as very nervous.

Londoi*. Sept. 8.— A Germ an a ir

raid o;i the east coast o f England oc­

curred last night. An official state­

ments says:

‘Hostile air c ra ft revisited the east­

ern counties Tuesday night am) drop­

ped bombs. It is known that there

have been some fires and some cas­

ualties, but particulars are not yet

available. The number o f the cas­

u a lties will be communicated to the

press as soon as they can be obtained."

n«U '« fatcrrh Cure Is tsk?n internally, acting ftfctly ujx>u tbe b|«*.d uj-o inuenu* xurfacwi of

tb« tfjatem. TtMlnsonUls win fr?c. l*rlc« 75ce&ts'por bottle. ty til iiniffictrtB.

T«fce BttU’a FanU^ i’ill* tr>r coustlpatka.

K E E P IN G S W E E T P O T A T O E S .

factory to planters— the bulk o f the

offerings being lugs, Trippte sales

w ere inaugurated this morning.

C O M F O R T IN G W O R D S .


w ith a regu la r sweet potato d igger. I A fter taking a few doses o f Doan’s 1

A MATTER OF ECONOMYIt is more economical to ap­

point this Trust Company as y o u r Executor and Trustee. When an individual buys and sells investments for an estate he charges the estate with brok­ers commissions. When you name us as Executor and Trustee you are charged with no commis­sions either for the purchase or sale of the securities the law re­quires the funds of your Estate to be invested in. May we talk this matter over with you?



The positive statement is made ->y

M r. John Sprunt H ill, a fter research,

that the North Carolina farm er who

buys on time pays 38 per cent fo r

that privilege; some times 40 per

cent, says the Raleigh Times. He

says he knows that this is true be­

cause he has operated a store. It is

a tremiendous drain on the 111,000 - - . tenant farm ers and a lot o f olhers

The d iggers ure sim ilar to a p low but, K ’dr.ey Pills, my back felt much bet- ^ ;n ^ state t0 have to pay such

fcave fingers attached to a short mould I « e d “ veral hoxes in ail and ^ ^ ag ^ an., H m dec,aras

board. A fte r d igg in g , the plants ov the sharp pains :n my back le f t .1.

hills should be lifted and laid care - N o w as soon as my kidneys get out

fu lly in piles, a fte r which they can be order, a few doses c f Dean s K M -

pieked off by hand. This method w ill p i!ls S W : me relief,’' i prevent a lot o f needless handling and Price 50c, at al! dealer^. Don t

bruising . W h en the potatoes are dimply ask for a kidnc-y ivm edj get shaken off in heaps, or are picked and D o an s Kidney P ’.lls the same ,;i-i-

pitched to a heap or into a basket they ^ rs- ^ in g had, tO S T E R -M IL B L R N

are badly bruised and skimmed, and t.'0 .. Props., i!'j!T:i'o, N . \ .

when in this state are in a very favor-

“Do you think college is doing your

son any practical good?”

“Unquestionably. H e ’s a lready

learned to w rite the most com pelling

m oney-getting letters im aginable.”

‘‘Indeed! H e ’s taking a business

course, then ?”

“Oh, nr>; he writes them to me.”

A merchant who had been trave l­

ing some months w as on his return

informed o f the death o f a valued

friend. A few days later he called

upon the bereaved widow to offer ex ­

pressions o f sympathy. During the

visit he rem arked:

“ I was a good friend to your late

husband. Is there something o f Uis

which I could have as a memento of

him ?”

She raised to his her velvety eyes,

\vhich a few moments before were

moist with tears, and said: “ Haw

would I do.”

able condition to rot. B efore being;

placed in storage they should be a l­

lowed to dry out as much as posoiblo.

Thc successful keeping o f sweet po-

tr.toes depends on the fo llow ing prin ­

ciples :


(Boston Transcript.)

“ You ’d better hide somewhere,’’ said

the rooster to the hen. “The boss has

an ax iri h is hand and he’s laying for

it to be a wonder that the farm ers

who are poor can get through at all.

I t costs them in the aggregate , he

further says, nearly S5,000,‘>00 a year

to meet this miserable system oi crop-liens and credit, which has so

cursed the stale a'.tr.cst -Mwe the

Civil W a r ended. The average pro­

perty value in the state per farm er is

SS:;o. where these systems prevail,

while in the W est where such things yet.”

r.re unknown the average is over

?:{,000. M r. H ill sees in the nir-il Sh<

credit societies A e remedy fo r this «ot.

"Cheer up, old boy,” advised the

married man. “You know ’iis better

to have loved nnd lost than never to

have loved at a ll.”

“Yes,” agreed the rejected suitor,

jin g ling a hunch o f keys in his poc­

ket, “ better for the florist, the con­

fectioner, the messenger boy. the

restaurant waiter, the taxieali man.

the theatrical magnate and the je w ­


“The great strategist o f the pre­

sent w ar,” said : '".eon Ford at a

hrnquet in N ew York, “ is Marshal

von Hiniien‘i,urg. Bui Hindeubuvg

him self is nothing to a chap 1 know

in O range.

“This O range chap,11 explained Mr.

Ford, “ got his salary raised a year

ago and his w ife hasn't, found it oat

is from Boston

sort of thing, and he w ants all the He h-.ul spent a harrow ing evening

.building and loan associations, 138 in ,;i!-.<.ussmg auth ors 'o f whom he knew1. H arvest potatoes before they are Joa’ ̂ ̂ ; number, united at R a le igh as a great nothing, and their books, o f which

frosted. i ! W e ll, said B iu ly , resignedly, I ]en(i;ng a q-on fy, and also htm 'heas o f he knew !ess.

2. Don’t bruise them, handle as lit - presume-1 have no lig h t to complain. .cre(jjt sorieties> formed l y the fa r - Presently the maiden asked archly:

tie as possible when d igg ing . .J've been laying for him fo r a good . m ers_ JIr_ Hin thinks very “O f course, you ’ve read ‘Romeo and

3. Throw out all cracked and broken many years .” !itt)e a{ t,;e fcdera, rcs8rve iav,-, so Ju liet?”


•will bear watching.

PR I NT > t . • M -

, . . . .


4 D ry ou t as much as possible be­

fore storing.

5, Keep dry.

S. Keep w s ; « j .

f a r as Lhe poor fa rm er is conccrned, H e floundered helplessly for a reo-

for he term s it “ the rich man’s laws,” ment and then, having a brillian*

----------- which gives no relief whatever to the thought, blurted cut happily :G ladys W h y did you refuse him i f . 111,0GO tenant farm ers in the state. “ I ’ve— I ’ve Romeo,’

you loved him?

Gwen— W ell, you see, he said he

A m an who w ears a w rist vrmt-.-h couldn’t live without me, and it arous­ed my curiosity— Sydney Bulletin.

Page 6: INTENSITY - Alamance County, North Carolinaapps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-09-10.pdfera North Carolina. Monday about noon Mrs, ... in the summer school

A N e w Jersey judge has held, in

substance, that the do llar is not to

be considered where human life is at

stake. T hat is, be has held that a

m an need not take any chances w ith

his life in order to save money fo r

somebody eiso or words to that e f­

fect.It seems that a workm an w as in­

ju red while tn course o f h is duties.

H e w as le ft a permanent cripple, and

brought suit against his em ployer fo r dam ages. The em ployer testified that

i f the -fe llow had undergone an oper­

ation, he would not have been le ft a

cripple, and that he, the em ployer,

had u rged such operation.

The claim ant alleged that he w as

a fra id to undergo the operation, that

he believed it to be dangerous, and

that whereas he m ight have fu lly j

recovered had he undergone t h e 'o f self-reverence,

operation* he also m ight have died | She is happy in girlhood, contended

under it, and he w as not w illin g t o i n wifehood, g lorified in motherhood,

take the chances. The em ployer ask-J She is proud to be a wom an. She

ed to be relieved o f the paym ent o f does not w an t to be a . man.

(B y D r. F rank C rane.)

- The ideal woman is lovable. She

may not be beautiful in face, but she

has charm.

She is attractive to men, not repel­

lent.She is the appeal o f nature. She

draw s men as .the sun draw s planets.

H er pow er is deep, cosmic, as strong

and as mysterious as gravitation,;

She is the embodiment o f love,

which is the most persistent, ever*

green, and irresistible o f hum an mo­

tives. ...

H ow ever fo rce fu l her individuality

she cannot lose her strtn ge draw ing

power. . ,

A l l the cum ulative m orality o f cen­

turies o f conscience centers in her

love. ./

4 BUST INWRECK. . , j ■ --------

W hen I wooed M atilda I used to ad -

NorfeUt and Western Train H its Rock m ire

Slide South o f Beaaok*. The cute little w ay s that she had,. W h y , even to see her eat soup would

Eoanoke, V a ., Sept. 4.— F iv * per- f inspire

sons w ere killed, two trainmen, and A bard to pen rhym es ju st a s bad

three negro trespassers, .an d two A s this. But it is 'n o t niy purpose to

trainmen and two negro tresspassers w rite

were, seriously injured today, when A poem that w ill live when I ’m gone

extra fre igh t train No . 760, of the I m erely rem ark, though I know that

N orfo lk and W estern , W inston-Salem it’s trite

division, w as wrecked, nine miles M atilda had “ w ays a ll her ow n .’

south o f Roanoke, this afternoon by

I f old John Bu ll ever fa jls into

the hands o f those G eo rg ia cotton

grow ers, they w ill lynch him fo r


striking a rock slide- But now that w e ’re m arried, there’s

been a Slight, change,

•Politicians m ight a s w ell make

a mental note o f the fact that the

day o f bum fuzzling the fa rm er has


I f the Russians surrender, w e pre­

sume it w ill be in strict accordance

“ Do you know a ll the latest dance Though I love her the same as o f | w ith the plans outlined ia ld lft , W o a »

stops,. M r. G ayboy ?” asked the debu-. * yore, . Iderful forethought!

tante 'J cannot enthuse; though you m ay -------- ---------— — -think it strange, I *■ “ ■ » subm arines keep

on rem inding E ngla iid that there is“Certain ly.”“ W ill you teach some o f the very O ’e r the w ays that bewitched me be-

She is void o f egotism ; she is f a l l (latest to m e?" fo re , :

dam age* fo r a permanent in jury , and

the woritman asked fo r dam ages for

the permanent injury.

In deciding the case the ju dge held

fo r the plantiff. T hat is, he said a

m * might not to be required to take

chances with h is life, even i f it m ight

have lessened the degree o f the dis-

bility. The m an w as to be consid­

ered before ihe do llar; no risks

should be run w ith life to save

money. A nd the em ployer w as hsld

liable fo r tke amount asked.

W ithout knowing anyth ing about

the nature o f the injury and upon the

fa ce o f the decision only, w e belie fe

the judge w as right. N o man ought

to be asked to take chances w ith his

life to save anybody a do llar o r two

or m any dollars. That feature should

not enter into the thing a t a ll. I f

an operation seems reasonable, and

prom ises to relieve a m an from dis­

ability, he should undergo it, i f the

chances a re not too great, But the

money end o f it should p lay no part.

— D urham Sun.

“ It 's five years ago today and I ’m

going to celebrate m y wouldn’t w ed­


“W ou ldn ’t wedding? W ooden, you


“ N o . W ouldn ’t. Five years today

since 1 asked a girl i f she’d m arry me

and she said she w ou ldn 't."— Phila­

delphia Ledger.

Suitable caption fo r standing use;

“ B ig British Steam ship C arry in g A m ­

munition, H it by a Subm arine and

Sent to Perdition."

She has w isdom . In every crisis

her husband is guided by her instinct.

She is the flow ering rosebush in

times o f p le as -o f her children. She

is the pow er behind each one o f them.

She is the flow ering rose bush in

times o f p leasure. She is a high tower

in times o f trouble.

H er eyes a re fu ll o f understanding

She knows the feeling back o f your


H er sm ile is as the rew ard o f

heaven. I t is worth more than gold .

She is intelligent as no man is in -'


She is brave as no man is brave.

H er vision has that clairvoyance

that is bestowed upon no man.

She is variab le as w a te r ; bu t as

the w ater o f the unfailing spring, o f

the eternal ocean, changing forever,

forever fixed.

She is the best inheritance from the

world that was. She is th* m atrix

o f thc w orld to come.

In proportion as men look up to

her they g ro w unafraid and w ise.

W hen they look down on her, as they

treat her with contempt o r ind if­

ference, they becomc w eak and cruel.

She is not the champion o f re lig i­

ous doctrine; she is the incarnation

o f the religious instinct.

She is the ladder by the brook

where man dream s; she reaches to

heaven; upon the rungs o f her soul

angels ascend and descend.

“W h at I m eant w as that I know 'Sh e still eats her soup in the selfsam e

'em when I see ’em ."— Bingham (A la .) o ld style,Age -H era ld . A n d I ’m passive. B u t here let me

. ' . say

Y O U T H ’S B O D Y S E V E R E D B Y C IR - Though her cute m annerism no longer

C U L A R M IL L S A W .

Maxton, Sept. 4.— John D . Watso.i,

the 17-year-old son o f Jake Watson,

a colored fa rm er, fe ll again st a rap­

idly revolving circular saw at the saw

mill o f T . O . E van s seven miles south­

east from M axton yesterday afternon,

about 5:00 o’clock and w as literally

cut tn two.

Death w as instantaneous. The saw ­

yer Knew nothing o f the accident till

the flesh and blood o f the negro began '.o fly over him.


M atilda now. has her ow n way.

— Philadelphia Public Ledger.

other contraband o f w a r besides A m er­ican cotton.


“ There is back-w ork and hack­

work ,” said the literary m an. “ H u n k

o f w hat I get f a r m ine and w h a t the

Jhackman gets.”— Philadelphia Public



H e — Did yoar mother appear pleas­

ed when you broke the news of our

Engagement ?

She— Y es, indeed, She Said she had

A lw ays wanted to tell you what she

thought o f your habits o f dress and


(W isconsin A w k .)

Adeline (co rd ia lly )— Do come over

to the halt fo r dinner tonight.

I t appears to be the fact that som e^X s I went out ene evening'men cannot be trained by methods in

which discipline is not considered . I f

you fee l that your m an is worth it,

then you m ust discipline him when you

cannot reach him b y other methods.

D iscipline: Don ’t clout that m an

over the head (figu rat ive ly ). The ja w ­

bone o f an ass is ho longer a useful*

w eapon. I f you cannot reach that

tender spot, you ought not to be the

“ man on the job.” Th is is the day o f

hum anitarianism . H ave a heart-to-


“The suffragettes v/iil see T a ft ,"

reads a headline. : They w on 't i f he

sees them first.

to ta aH il Cuili |


Office & Hospita l— H IT W orth Street. OBkt Phone 377. Residence Phone 282.

C. A . Andersom , & D .. Offic* Houbs:


L e a v t D a y t k l k A t


Prom T ipperary town,

I m et a little colleen

Another the heather b t o v s *

“A h ,” says I , “perhaps you ’r e lonely”

She tossed her pretty curl,

“ W e ll, may be I p re fe r it !”

O ch ! th* dear little g ir l.

S ay s I, “Perhaps you’re married.?.’’

Says she, "P e rh aps I ’m n o t!"

jB ay s I, “ I ’ll be your gossoon.”

| Says she, “I ’ll not be caught,”

“ O h ! your eyes are like the ocean.

A n d your heart is like a p e a r l!”

heart talk w it# you r man. D rive

home the use o f that guard . Cite an

accident the result. B rin g the lum p 'Sr.ys she, “ W ell, then, I ’ll keep it !”

to his throat, the tear to his ey e .j 0 eh : the dear , ittle g ir ,

That is the kind o f discipline th a t -

counts.— Safety Engineering.

Lad y— W h at w iil you charge me fo r

Bi'.ys I, “ I ’ve go t a cabin

■ A n d pigs that num ber seven

A n d oh! with you, Mavournccn,

Siender Sally— Thank you, dear, but jthe use o f a horse and bu ggy fo r a I Sure the place wou ld be like heaven.’


l !you know I ’m doing m y best to get fe w hours

f » t . jf L iverym an— It w ill cost you $2.00

.fo r the first hour and $1.00 fo r each

Th is Roosevelt-Garrison incident

shows us what a terrible thing w ar


(Topeka Cap ital.)

You w ill be g lad to learn that two

young Am ericans finally h ave r e ­

sponded to the insistent demand that

’somebody walk around the w orld on


T R A G IC M O M E N T S . >

(L K e . )

The Bridegroom (ju s t before the

cerem ony)— t must take a bracer, bui.

I don’t w an t to overdo it.. H ow orach

ought I to take, old fe llow ?

Best M an— W ell, I would ke*p on

tak ing ’em till 1 didn 't care whether

I w as m arried o r not.

Some men go to the bad because

they do not m arry the g ir! they w ant,

and others go to the bad because

they do.

additional hour.

Lady— W ell, I ’U use it fo r two ad­

ditional hours. I ’v e got some shop­

ping to do and w ill not require it fo r

the first hour.

Bryan and Roosevelt a re back to

the front page again . W h a t h as be­

come o f our sa fe and sane friends, I la r ty T h aw ?

Once again the Colonel breaks

forth in volcanic eruption and inun­

dates Germ any w ith a flood o f mol­

ten lava .

H e r eyes looked up in m ine then.

M y heart w as in a whirl,

<The little p igs had done it!

Och! the dear little girl.

U N C L E E B E N .

“ Dey say dat you can 't g it sump in'

foh nuffin," said U n c le Eben. “ But

de gem m an dat done collecks de tazes

without makin’ im provem ents show s

me dat it kin be done.”

A n d now it is said that the a d -

m inisration is go ing to “ ignore” The­

odore Roosevelt. N o doubt the- ad­

m inistration wishes it could da- so.

But it can’t.

John IL VernonAttorney aad Counsellor i t Law

BUIUHGTON, R. C, OfficeRoora* 7 * 8 . Second Floor of First National Sank Building

-Offic* F in * 337-J. i nilMt PWm, 337-L.


Foster Building BURLINGTON, - - - N. C.

I. C. MOSERAttorney At Lair

f ir s t National Bank BuildingBURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA


$7-28 Fimt National Bank BaHdin#Office Pk*M 365. Res. 3SZJ.

Burlington, - - - • N. C.


Fitting Glasses —A SPEUAUR Office *wr C. F. NEESFS Stan.

Burlington, N. <i

I .Altaroej -at-Law,

Practice in State muI Ferieral Co arts. Graham, N. C

D r. W a lte r E W a lk e iSELLARS BUILDING

(Up Stairs)HOOKS; 8 to 10 A. M. 7 to 8 P. M. Phones: Real. 421-J. Off 80.

70-acre farm, ene mile of the town of Haw River, N. C. ad­joining the lands of J. H. And­erson. D. K. Gant and A. H. Koonce, good lana for t ru c k , grain or to b acco of which 25 acres is open for cultivation. We will sell this farm for $15 per acre.

125-acre farm, 2h miles south of Mebane. located on p u b lic road, about 50 acres in open cultivation, balance in woodland, pine and oak, I of this farm is red soil, balance gray, good 6- room, two story residence, new­ly painted, very good barn, fair­ly good orchard of apples and peaches, well watered with two ever flowing streams, a i s o good well of water on back porch of residence and good Graded School within three-fourths mile of this farm. This is a good farm for grain, grasses, cotton or to­bacco. We seil this farm for $4000.

68-acre farm, l i mile of the town of Haw River. N. C. ad­joining the lands of D. K. Gant Ben McAdams, A. L. King and A. H. Koonce. This is also a good farm for truck, grain or tobacco, of which 25 acres is in open cultivation. We will sell this farm for $17.50 per aere.

55-acre farm, 1 mile south­west of Burlington, on the ma­cadam road leading out to Ala­mance Mills, also on the new sand clay road, 5-room frame residence, large feed and stock barn, good well of water, also p le n ty of running water, 40 acres in open cultivation, balance in woodland. We can sell th.s farni for $4,500.00.

85-ac'e farm 2 miles of the town of Haw River, N. C. ad­joining the lands of Sam Line- berry, W. J. Thompson, Henry Horn, A. L. King and J. M. Crutchfield, about 25 or 30 acres

in open cultivation, good soil for grain, cotton, truck or tobacco, two tobacco barns, one feed and stock barn, one 2 room log house, plenty of good water. We will seli this farm for $20 per acre.

150-acre farm, 12 miles north of Mebane, N. C., near Murray's store, located on the public road, 60 acres in open Cultivation, bal­ance in woodland mostly pine, 4 room residence, log feed barn, three tobacco barns, one pack house. This is one of the best tobacco farms in our County for sale. We can sel! this farm for $4,000.00.

40-acre farm, located on ma­cadam road at Glen Raven, N. C., 15 acres in open cultivation, balance in pasture and woodland, also has running water. We can sell for $1700.

37 -̂acre farm, 2} miles North

of Burlington, adjoining D. D. Glenn’s farm, practically all of the land in open cultivation, 3 room Ing house, good feed and stock barn, good well of water, also running water and good pasture (wire fence). We can sell this farm for $30 per acre.

t0-acre farm, 2 miles West of Mebane, fronting on public road for one-half mile, very good old 6 room residence, good barn, plenty of water, also spring and well, about 50 acres in open cultivation of chocolate loam soil. This is one of the best grain and grass farms in our county for sale, also has good Graded School adjoining it. We will sell this farm for $2500.

45-acre farm, located on sand clay road, 2 miles of Mebane, N.C., 4 room residence, two tobac­co barns, one small store build­ing, and a good farm for grain.

truck or tobacco. We will seil this farm for $1800.

2«e-8cre farm, 8 miles of G » * ham, N. C., located on publ*c road, good 4 room eo'tage nicely, painted and papered, very large feed and stock barn, plenty of running water, also good spring near the house with good spring house, about 125 acres of this farm is in open cultivation aad balance in woodland. The open land is ciear of stumos, rocks and guileys, and is good level soil. In fact, all of this farm is nice level, and there is not more than three acres of waste land on this farm. We have subdi­vided this farm into eight tracts and can sell you 25, 50, 100, 125, 150 or 200 acres, just as you like. We will sell as whole at $5,000 or we will sell any amount at a reasonable price.

CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST COMPANYW. W. m m , Manager mumm, n. c.


Page 7: INTENSITY - Alamance County, North Carolinaapps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-09-10.pdfera North Carolina. Monday about noon Mrs, ... in the summer school


I t Beverea* M n Bm m ii GibUe, Better.

12th Sunday after Trinity (A ii* 22nd) services a* follows:Sunday School— 9:30 A . M. , Morning Prayer and Service—11:00

'clock. ■Evening Prayer and Service—8.00


Public cordially invited. Pews free.


East Davis Street.

Rev. GeorgeL-Curry, Pastor.

Preaching Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. M., and 8:00 P. M.

?rayer Meeting, Wednesday 8:00 P. X.

Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Societie* every Monday afternoon after Firrt Sonday in each month.

Christian Endeavor Society meets at 7:00 Every Sunday Evening.

Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. M. A Goble, Superintendent.

3ood Baraca and Philathea Ciassea If o b are Invited to attend ait these


Oomr Ckndi is< Davis 8t»—ts.

Bev. A. B. Kendall, D. D.. Pastor.

Preaching every Sunday 11:08 A. M.and 8:00 P. M.

Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. John K. Foster, Superintendent.


£afrs(ette Waats ta Keep Peiitical Jeb Is Fajuily.

(Bloomfield, N. J„ Dispatch.). Mrs, Raymond F. Davis, whose hus­

band is town clerk, is so certain wo­man suffrage will truimph at the spe­cial election next October that die is

Senior, Intermediate and Junior En* ‘ Panning to oppose her husband fordeavor Societies meet for worship every Sunday evening at 7:00 P. M..

Mid-Week: Prayer and Social Service, every Wednesday st 8:00 P. M.


“ My husband and myself. are both

suffragists,” she said. “ When, women receive their right to vote, which they

Woman's Home and Foreign Mission- vWitt on October 19, I will run against

ary Society meets on Monday after | my husband for the office of town the-first. Sunday in each month. (clerk so as to keep the position in the

Mrs. Ada A. Teague, Pres.Ladies’ Aid Society meets on Morid-

day after the second Sunday in eacbmont&.at 8:00 P. M. Sellars, Pres.

M rs. W . B .

A cordial invitation extended to all. A Church Home tor Visitors aad lot



Bev. M. W. Buck, Pastor.

Sunday Worship, 11:00 A. M , u i 8:00 P. M.

Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. J. H.' ’Vornon. Superintendent.

Praia* and Prayer Services, Wedae* day at 8:40 P. M.

Christian Culture Class, Sstwrfry s» 8:00 P. M.

Church Conference, Wednesday bs fore First Sunday of each mouth 7:80 P. M.

Observance of Lord’s Supper, H r * Sunday in each mcnth,

Woman's Union, First Monday of Month, 8:30 P. M.

REFORMED c h u r c h .Corner Front and Anderson Street*.

Bev. S>. C. Cox.

Su&day School every Sabbath at 9 .46 A. M. ‘

[Preaching every First and Third Sab- j bath at U :W A. M., aod 8:00 P. M. [Mid-Week Service every Wednesday.

• 8:00 P. M.Everyone Welcome.

Parsonage Comer Front and Trol- liaeer Streets.


K*v. U, H. Tuttie Pastor.

reace to those who enter. . Blessiib;s to those who go.

Preaching every Sunday, 11:00 A.M . and 8:00 P . M .

^Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper with offering for Church charities. First Sunday in each month.

Sunday School, every Sunday, *9:80

A . M . *

P rayer Meeting-, W ednesday, 8.00 P .

M .

Board o f Stewards meet on Monday.

8:00 P . M ., a fte r Fourth Sunday o f

each month.Woman’s M issionary Society meets |-x«:00 P . M.. on Monday, after 1st

and old Sundays.

Parsonage, next door to Church, F ront


Pastor’s Telephone, No. 168.( Binjr—Taiit—Bang Up—“ Busy.’*


Bev. Donald Mclver, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. M

and 8:00 P. M.Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. B. B

Sellars, Superintendent.Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 8:00

P. M.

family.”Mrs, Davis is acting town clerk

white her husband is.confined to his home with injuries to his foot suf­fered accidentally while bathing at

Lake Hopatcong.

Ceier Makes no Difference.Jim -Hayes, colored, was the next

defendant up.“ You ought to feel proud, Jim,”

said the judge, “ to be iii the same box with the white folks, and doing the same thing.”

With this little opening remark the judge began a short address of sarcasm that ended. in a twelve­months sentence for the negro. The sentence was riot to have been but six months,, as the judge explained that he did not put it on to a negro heav­ier th£n a white man, but he found but that Jim bad been sentenced be­fore and consequently upheld the sen­tence of the recorder.


(Houston Post)Dorothy Dix says girls ought to

know what their beaux make. Don't they?

Unless times have changed the girts get three-fourths of it during the courtship and make a clean sweep af­ter the wedding. .


Statesville, Sept. 3.— .Miss Gertrude

Allen o f Alexander county, who is

distinguished ns the youngest Sun­

day School Superintendent in the

county, is to be' given a, college edu­

cation at the expense o f the Men’s

Bible class o f Broad Street Methodist

church, o f Statesville. W hen the

class decided to educate a young lady

at Davenport college M iss A llen w as

selected because of her unusual activ-

in religious work andjuries and I have accepted it as a — ^ She .jg

representative of the State. ! only 15 yea r* old & is superintendent■*1 pity you, Thompson. The l i q u o r ;^ a Sunday Schooi Seejng thfi nefid


“ The liquor business is tbe mean­

est in ihe w orld ," began the judge,

and the m an that defies the law by

selling liquor is the meanest o f crim ­

inals. The blind tigers have thrown

down a challenge to the judges and aj)<J success

Th* Public is cordially invited to ai* services.


Front Street.

Bev. T. S. Brown, Pastor.

They are sending your soul to h e l l ; ^ 01.panized a cjass in her

■End y ° u r b0<,y t0 the roads' . T h e y |own home. Neighbors w ere enlisted don’t care anything about you, but and ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^

have ju st used you to sell horse - rf(|Mcg whic). meet each gun .



Morning Service 11:00 A.Vespers 8:00 P. M.

Services every Sunday except morning of Third Sunday.

Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Prof. J. 3 Robertson, Supt.

Teachers’ Meeting Wednesday 8:00 P. M. (Pastor’s Study).

Woman's Missionary Society, Eijm Thursday, Monthly, S:S0 P . M.

U C. B. Society, Second Thursday Monthly, 8:00 P. M.

T ea o f Peoph’t Meeting, Second Sen day at S P. M


TON, N. C.

Preaching Second and Fourth Sunday ?,

M orning aad N igh t.

P ray er M eeting E very W ednesday

N igh t a l 7:30.

A id Soc-iety Tuesday N ig h t A ft e r

Fourth Sunday, M rs. G. D . Smith,


Sunday School E very Sunday at 9:30

A . M., W . M . W illiam s, Supt.

A most cordial welcome is extended

you to attend all our m eetings. W e

w ant you to feel a t home i:i our ser­


JA S . W . R O S E , Pastor,

Graham , N . C.


Rev. E. C. Durham, Pastor. ■Preaching every first Sonday *t U :M ; A. M., ar.d 8:0* P. M. Second Sun-' day at 8:00 P. M.Sunday School every 8usday ai 19;$$

A. M.A.M. H. P. Moore, Sapwfartw i—I

{Everybody Welcome.

You Are Judged by the Appear­

ance of Your Letter

If your stationery is up to the minute, with type the proper size and neatly dis­played, your communication will command attention.


That Is the Kind of Stationery That Our J o b O f f ic e Turns Out

W H E R E F E A R L A Y .

Evelyn is very cowardly, and her

farher decided to have a serious talk

with his little daughter.

“ Father,” she said at the close of

Jhis lecture, “ When you see a cow, 'ain ’t you a fi- .id ” ' ’

“N o , certainly not, Evelyn.”

"W h en you see a bumblebee, ain't

you a fra id ? ”

“N o !” w ith recrn: ;

“ A in ’t you afraid when it thunders ?

“N o ,” with laughter, “Oh, you

silly, silly child!”

“Papa ,” said Evelyn, solemnly1,

“ain ’t you; afraid o f nothing in the

w orld but m am m a?”

men have been using you as s tool.!o f a Sunday School in her home com-

The reason the European armias are not talking about Christinas din­ners this year is that there “ ain’t goin’ to be none."

A man who w ears a wrist w a t ;h

will bear watching.


(N e w Y o rk Sun.)

Remarked the hipporpotam us:

“I think I am a lucky cuss; ,

The mule and horse in battle fa ll,

'But no one uses me at all.'’

Sam uel Gompers says that “em­

ployers have some rights. W h at are

they, pray?

There m ay have been doubts be­

fore, but it is certain now thut.the

G crm ats ha vie got the Buff.

’ day a t her home. Then the Sundaystable liquor.”Judge A llen said that some law - i organ i, ation w | perfected and

yers soon a fte r the prohibition la w s js()e wfls ma<Je SSiperlntendent x ) , ,

were passed had stood before Juries lschoo| n (w hag an enrollment of 45 and ridiculed it, but that the time fo r to , 0 an(J doing fine w ork_

fta t has passed. “N o w there are some j Thi8 ,g commendah)e uj;dertak.

lawyers who will not defend a blind . __Editortiger,” he said, “ but- I think that is

Gen. W ood has been instructed to

muzzle Roosevelt, A m oving pic­

ture o f the process wou ld make a

rood scene on the screen.

They used to be called “ limbs,”

when you couldn’t see 'em, but now,

M ie n they’re so anxious to show 'em,

it doesn’t hurt anybody to call ’em

“ legs.”

wrong, a s a man should be defended

on a charge until he is p i oven gu il­


"The blind tiger,” said Judge A l ­

len, “is the w orst crim inal that we

Slave to deal w ith . H e is worse than

the m an who is passion kills another,

.and commits murder. A lso he is

worse than the man that steals or

commits m any other crimes, fo r he

h living in open defiance o f the law .”

Durham H as Reputation.

“ Durham has the reputation over

the state o f having some blind tigers

who have made ten and fifty thou­

sand do llars in th t liquor buslnass,”

continued the judge. “This word has

D uring the week after Columbia

I university had given W a lte r Damro&ch

'th e degree o f M us. Doc., tbe noted

'conductor received a note from A lex ­

ander Lam bert in which the piano

pedagogue remarked:

“ I am so glad you are a doctor o f

music. N o w , when I get sick o f music

I shall know wh<$re to go.”


Covington, La ., Sept. 4. H arry

Frosch w as placed in the Parish

prison here today charged with the

murder a t Mandeville o f his w ife , 20 gone out over the state and I have>years ^ mothf>r o f a fou r.weeks_oldL. ̂ M u J ' A Itn iM tn iKlfi *1 A '

baby. Frosch’s arrest followed the

verdict o f the coroner’s ju ry at Mar,de­

heard it here in Durham . I f this is

true it should not be, and i f it is not

true, then Durham should remove

those charges. I f there are such men

in Durham they ought to bc on the

roads w ith these poor fellows, who

have been used as tools. There w as

once a man In W ilm ington ISke Bu l-

iock, the detective who worked up

these cases, and I sentenced him to

\tli2 roads fo r se lling liquor. H e re­

form ed and is now a deputy sheriff

in that c ity .”

ville that the wom an's death last

[Thursday w as due to peritonistis from

(Wounds inflicted by the husband. A t

the inquest testimony w as given that

a fev.' days before the womar. died,

Frosch beat her and kicked her in the stomach and back. A physician U.-S-

tified these a lleged injuries caused

her death.

N O JO B F O B C1GARET1ST.The judge declared tbat a man who j

.will in open defiance sell liquor w ill ,K a*saa Not to Em ploy Smokers or.

burn barns, steal and commit n e a r l y D r i n k i n g Men.(illy other crime. They will do any- j ________

thing, he said, fo r they are w orse ! (Topeka (K a n s .) D ispatch),

than cowards. Cigarette users as well as drinking

Judge A llen told how the blind are t‘i he barred from state em-

tigcrs w ere w ronging poor women, tpioyment jn K ansas under the rules

crippled persons, and doing pretty promulgated b y the new .^tate civil

near anything else in their effort * ‘ ice commission,

make money and how the liquor deal-1 i „ a prelim inary statement issued

ers w ere now shipping liquor into some ti;Tie aff0 it w a s announced that

this state and burying it in horse 0f intoxicating liquors would be

stables. “ I don t know why they ^ o 1 j ' : c ] t o hold state jobs, but in the

that,” he said, “ but I guess t h a t ’ completed rules issued recently is the

w hat it really is, horse stable liquor." f 0] ;nvv; ng ;

A t this point in his addresst tlie j “The commission m ay refuse to eer-

judge ’s face softened and he spoke o f j tj!fy an application fo r the habitual

jthe w ives and babies o f the m an he f intoxicating beverape or ei£-

w as g o in g to sentence. “ I am truly !arettes.’’

sorry for them,” he said, “ but i f they J __________________can’t make a liv ing they alw ays have I

the county home open to them, and I

w ant to say Durham has one of the \

best county homes in North Carolina, i

e r a -

T18NSan Diego, Cat




■ —vis—


March ! to November SO, 1915. VEBY LIBERAL STOP-OVER PRIV­

ILEGES i The Best Route to theWEST ----- and------ NORTHWEST.

First Class and Mixed Car ISdiets HowMeekers Fares to Msay F ib t sPULLMAN SLEEPEBS— -------

-------— ----- -D IN IN G CABS.4.11 Information opon Applies tics to

W. C SAUNDEBS,General Passenger Agent,

M. F. BRAGG,Traveling Passenger Agent,



at once!

my horse is sick.

When President Wilson’s term of office expires he might make good conducting a correspondence school.

O F C O U R S E S H E D ID .

I f tha children are large enough they|ure jn tj,e r ;gh t sp irit?”

4an be let out to good people, and| “Oh, yes. Just as soon as -she

(Boston Transcript.)

“Did Alice take her husband’s f ail -

may do better than i f they rem ain­

ed at home.”W ith this little w ord to the moth­

ers and children, the judge announc­

ed a sentence o f six months on John

Thompson, whom he spoke of as pos­

sibly the least quilty o f a ll the de­

fendants whom he w as to sentence.

knew he w as going under, she went

out and bought her entire summer


I f this butchery keeps up w e ’ll

have to repopulate Europe by send­

ing some o f ou r Poles to Poland, G - ­

mans to Germ any, etc.

Prom pt attention iii'-idt be g iv ­

en ailing stock so that farm w o rk m ay not be delayed.

Bell Telephone Service on the farm enable* yo u to get tlie veterinary quickly.

It also keeps you in touch w ith the markets and your neighbors.

If there is no telephone o a you r farm w rite to ­day fo r our Free Booklet.


Farmers’ Line Department.


It Always Helpssays Mrs, Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., Jn writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s tonic. She says further: “Before I began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought tlie pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of ray housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, 1 began lo fee! like a new woman, i soon gained 35 pounds, and now, 1 do all my housework, as weli as run a big water mill.

S wish every suffering woman would give

C A R DThe Woman’s Tonic

a triaL 1 still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good.”

Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman­ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, ihe woman’s tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years.

Get a Bottle Today!

PR I NT i *»*-£■- >■*... ^ .,7"

••x, '■r* , -vv '•

Page 8: INTENSITY - Alamance County, North Carolinaapps.alamance-nc.com/acpl/the twice-a-week dispatch/1915-09-10.pdfera North Carolina. Monday about noon Mrs, ... in the summer school


<*?!■. mm#*■y ■ - ’■! ■#


P 8 E & W E N T . -----------■ j (From Everything.)

(C o l. W atterson in Louisville Courier • The Statesville Landm ark w »n t*

J o u rn a l ) ; the preachers to tell the deadbeats

It is observed chiefly in Republ ican j that they w ill have no place beyond

quarte rs ,th a t ‘’the Adm hnstration U j t3if> grates,

preparing: to revive the shipping b ill!

^ S ^ i p i s p # i p p p | i

u fc


Says, A w ord in g to W itness, He Is

Q ltd H e S lew , the G ir l, because o f

. T *l«« -.About Her.,

Just two days a fte r the arraign-C lark thinks the - man who

defeated by the last Congress.” Such 'doesn’t-- pay his debts is the w orst ment o f a boy accused o f the murder

a m easure put fo rw ard by t h e A d - jkind o f a' sinner, and he w ants the o f his brother, G iovanni Avigiione had

.Ministration would be a serious M inister to remind the deadbeat, i t a hearing in Central Station yester-

t&ke. It would split the Democratic any such there m ight be in the c o n -d a y ;charged -with the murder o f hi

ptirty w ide open aB.d go fa i to m ake^Kregation, that if he doesn't pay h e sister, Antoinette,

the re-election even o f W oodrow W i l - : doesn't ride, j W hile witnesses o f the iiuarrel iiTh is is good advice; bat the dead- j which h e -sh ot his sister vei't? dss-son problematical.

N a y , =more than this -and worse . ^ at is a free passenger, a lw ays. H e | scribing the tragedy in derail,. G iov-

than this, it would inevitab ly . bresd |is an artist in his line and he hasym n i stood quieiiy. in the prisoners'

scandal, d ragged first through the ( t*le knowledge. H e comes in with ̂dock. H e heard them tel! how he

corridors o f the Treasury departm ent ® smile and a bluff, and he says he first remonstrated w ith Antoinette,

until finally it m ight-reach to the vory j w ill stan^ to. it.. H e finally is cliastnl then slapped her,-then /kicked her. and

door of the W h ite House, m ore or .0* the prem ises ,-bu t finds. an oth er. finally shot her.,

less to comprom ise the President andjPk '-ce 1'Kht- H e is known to ev e ry j Mrs.. Fitonane Costella, "Maria del his fam ily ; .grocer and every grocer shudders to 'B uono and Antoinette del Buono testi-

The agitation is not only a menace see him come in but the grocer lacks tied. The last g ir l, _ who is only fif-

the nerve t6 take him by the s lack 'teen years old, w as taken in charge

o f the pantaloons and throw him into by a social w orker over night, instead,

the street. o f being put in a cell.

The deadbeat is no more to b la m e ... Giovanni w as held without bail to

thaii the merchant who allow s h im - aw ait the action o f the Coroner,

se lf to be go ld bricked. There are J A ft e r the shooting the aiciised said

deadbeats in a ll communities. They he w as g lad he killed his sister, be-

are. known, and strange as it m ay ap - jcause he had heard “ bad things about

pear, they seem to get a long about ■ her and she w as causing , him dis-

as well as the punctual man— th e 'g ra c e .”

honest man w ho pays the debts o f the

dishonest man.

to Dem ocracy but a. cheek to com­

m ercial enterprise and national pros-

perity. I t is the threatened competi­

tions o f the Government that dis­

courages th? private investment of

capita! in shipping. The sooner the

President a llays this apprehension by

the announcement that there is no

purpose at W ashington to em bark up-

por. such a hair-brained project the

sooner w ill legitim ate sh ipping in­

terests begin to hearten and organize

fo r themselves,

M r, M cAdoo m ay be the ablest o f j

Secretaries and the best o f so n s -in -!

law . The ill-starred shipping scheme \ seems to be his bantling. The Presi-1

I f you get pleasure out o f the oth-

|er fe llo w ’s m isfortunes, then you are


T H E P IT Y O F IT .Berlin, via London, Sept. 7.— The

Adm iralty announced today that the

German submarine U -27 sank a sm all

dent should lay it gently in its little , ... . _ j B ritish cruiser several weeks ago. The ■ | to be pitied m ore than the other fe i-

trundle bed and wheel it cut o f sight, i , . .. .. .. U-27 has not been heard from sincelow, io r there is more the m a tte r !

A s an Adm inistration m easure it w ilw ... , ... , , I A ugust 10, the A dm ira lty also saysi with you than witti him. I f you are ■ 6 * *

surely encounter defeat and perha.;»s: , o t W vol, a jand probably is lost,

humilitation. A s a party m easure i t 1w ill prove Pandora 's box.

Drop it, M r. President, drop it;

I secret satisfaction in the m isfortunes j

, o f another human being, then y o u !S IM P L IC IT Y I N S K IR T S .

.have a disposition that is go ing to

make you very unhappy and cause

■you a lot o f trouble,

j There is m ore o f envy and jealousy

| in the w orld than shows on the sur- Henry F. Swanback, the oldest Odd ' face, perhaps. A nd it is well that all

Fellow in Am erica, lives a t the age j the envy and jeoleusy of the w orid

of 100 at Greenwood, Neb.. M r. does not show itself.

H O W T O L IV E T O B E 100.

(F ro m The Am erican M agazine,I

According to the O ry Goods Econo­

mist, in the sim ple tailored suits the

skirts are made very plair., with more

or less flare around the hem. This is

introduced both in the gored and in

the semicircular model*. A few skirts.

,, . , „ however, are sh irred on at the w aist It m ight turn

Swanbaek w as a boyhood friend o f a lot o f us into pessim ists who now <line‘ pieated sklrtE a !e al?0 H,‘

B ism arck’s. H is grandfather lived | have a little trouble in rem aining-!'clutled m tile 03'de:r*- ,

be 117. Fo llow ing are his rules for optimists. In the dressy suits the skirts are

usuall made cn sim ilar i fries/ thej The next best thing to succeeding (

early and get up you rse lf should be to see som e o n e pta,t*d effeCtS w " » P ° P*jelse succeed. I f you cannot m ake l u lar’ ^ ^ i ^ t a n c e ^ . these dressy

| skirts a re finished off a t the bottom

tacks, bias folds o f the

in T rave ling Com-

Ham lct” tonight, do

living to be 100:

“G o to bed

early .

N e v e r sleep in a heated room. j money, it ought not to be im possible (K eep fresh a ir in the sleeping u> tejoice w ith a friend who can I f >wWh cordings.

|you hear a friend complimented,' u i l |n ateriaI- si.lk braid ° r veWeV ribl,on' Sleep out i,f doors in Sum m er— | him about it; i f you hear him con-

W inter, too, i f it can be arranged . ‘dcmned, stick up fo r him. I f you can

D rink plenty o f fresh water. -do these things you can get much out

U se very little red liquor. I o f life, betause you w ill pus. muchA s old age comes on take each into life,

m orning a swall wine g la ss o f one- j

third glycerine and two-thsrcio goodwhiskey. ; i T O Y O U T H .

Smoke as often as you please, f n : ’ -----------*

do not inhale the .smoke, or blow it f ( W a ite r Savage Lan do r.)

out through the nostrils. j W here a rt thou gone,

I f you are unfortunate enough to . youth?

lose your w ife , get another. I t is not j With w ing at either shoulder,

good fo r man or woman to live alone. A),d smi,e that never thy mouth | on

-Yes, M r. M ontgo-

Leading Man

pany— W e p lay

w e not?Subm a rxtger-

m ery.

Leading M an— Then I must borrow

the sum o f two-pence.

SubRiannger— W hy

Leading M an — I have fou r days’

light-ankled grow th upon m y chin. One cannot

play “ H am let" in a beard!

Submanagjt— Um — sveli— we’ll put


D on ’t w orry over anything. W o rry Until the hours g re w older,

k ills m ore people than disease.

K eep an. even temper a t a ll times. Then som ewhat seemed to whisper

B e cheerful a t ail times. J near,

K eep the feet dry and the head That thou and I must part;c lear. I1 doubted; I fe lt no fear,

Never eat meat. A little chicken, ^T° w e 'gh upon the heart:

w ill not harm one, but must not be I



eaten too often.

T5at plenty of fresh fish.Do not drink coffee.

K eep sw a y from sweet stuff,

ru ins the stomach and kidneys.

T ake plenty o f outdoor exercise.

W a lk a g rea t deal.

F o liow these rules and any nor­

m al man, ba rr in g accidents, can live

to be 100 ■

(F rom the New ark N e w s .)

j The story I s told o f two Trenton

'm en who hired a horse and trap fo r

little outing not long ago. Upon

’.reaching their destination the horse

| w as unharnessed and permitted peace­

f u l l y to gva?.e while the men fished

* fo r an hour o r two.

* W hen they were ready to go home

Ja difficulty at once presented itself, in-

I m ay not call thee back; but thoujasm aeh as neither of the Trentonians

Returnest when the hand jknew how to reharness the horse

O f gentle Sleep w aves o 'e r my brow "Every effort in this direction met w ith

j I f augh t befell it. Love w as by

j A nd rolled it o ff again ;

| So, if there ever w as a sigh.

; t ; T « - a s not a sigfe o f pain.


F R E N C H S H IP T O R P E D O E D .

P aris , Sept. 7.— T he French

steam ship Bordeaux has been tor­

pedoed and sunk twelve miles outside

the mouth o f the GiroiAle off the |

western coast o f France, j

H e r c rew w as taken aboard a pilot


H is poppy-created wand.

Then sm iling eyes bend over mine,

Then lips once pressed invite;

B ut sleep hath giver, a silent sign.

A nd both, a la s : take flight.

G O T T H E B E S T O F IT .

Smith— Be sure and show the collar

“ N o w , tell me,” she said, at the close

o f the ieeson, “ who w ill get the b ig ­

gest crowr.?”

There w as silence fo r a minute or

two, then a br;ght little chap piped

o u t:—

“ H im wot’s got t’ b iggest ’ead.”—

T i t -S l s .

[an d the eyeglasses and don’t fo rge t to

i-fcive the cane the correct pose.

* Photographer— Certain ly not. N o w

?— hold steady. A l l lig h t ; it ’s done,I £


j Sm ith— Done, is it? A n d are you

quite sure you have taken the best

'side o f my head?

Photographer— I-’:n quite sure, sir. I

J took the outside.— Philadelph ia Ree-


tdire fa ilu re and the. w orst problem

|was properly to adjust the bit. The

“horse him self seemed to resent, the

I idea of go ing into harness again,

j Finally one o f the friends in g reaat

Tdisguest sat down in the road. “There

hs only one thing we can do, B i ll ," he


j ' ‘W hat is th a t? " asked B ill.

"W a it fo r the foolish beast to


John Kendrick Bangs w as one day

ailing up his w ife on the telephone.

The maid a t the other end did not

recognize her “m aster’s voice,” and

a fte r B an gs had told her whom he

wanted, the maid asked:

“ Do yoa wish to speak w ith M rs.

B an gs? ”

“No , indeed.” replied the hum orist;

‘•I want to k iss her.”

t w b a t , a e m ww m m u .



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