Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) – Effective Teaching Pedagogy for Year 1 students

Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) – Effective Teaching Pedagogy for Year 1 students

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Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) – Effective Teaching Pedagogy for Year 1 students. In the Beginning…. Students were taught with old fashioned and boring methods – the Blackboard. The Australian Curriculum. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) – Effective Teaching

Pedagogyfor Year 1 students

In the Beginning….Students were taught with old fashioned and boring methods – the Blackboard.

The Australian Curriculum

The Australian Curriculum acknowledges the important role that digital technologies plays in the teaching and learning of students.

Digital TechnologyThe Interactive Whiteboard is a

way in which teachers can

connect to students’ digital


What’s an Interactive Whiteboard?

•An Interactive Whiteboard (IWB)

is a touch-sensitive board that is

connected to a computer and a data-projector.

More about Interactive Whiteboard

The Interactive Whiteboard transforms the teacher’s

computer into a powerful tool for teaching, collaborating and

presenting learning.

How might an Interactive Whiteboard be used?

•An IWB engages learning by using a wide range of web-

based digital teaching resources

in one location.


•Raises students engagement in learning•Supports many different learning styles•Engages interaction and conversation in

classroom•Aids the presentation of knowledge

•Allows visual display of diagrams, webs and pictures


Gerard & Widener (1999) state that, “the Interactive Whiteboard supports interaction and conversation in the classroom; it helps with the presentation of new cultural and linguistic elements.


Solvie (2004) comments that, “The Interactive Whiteboard allows visual display in the forms of diagrams, webs and pictures, as well as use of colours and shapes to highlight text and prompt engagement’..

Interactive Whiteboard promotes student engagement

•Whole class teaching•Structured teacher-focused group interaction•Computer-based learning•Hands on learning with multimedia resources

Interactive Whiteboard and Students with English as a

Second Language

•Innovative support for language development•Promotes oral skills, enhances classroom conversation•Opinions and ideas are easily exchanged

The use of the Interactive Whiteboard holds great promise for engaging students in the learning process, as it is one way of capitalizing on student’s preference for learning with digital technology.