Comunicação Pública vol.10 nº 18 (2015) Special ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Darren G. Lilleker Interactivity and Political Communication: hypermedia campaigning in the UK ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Aviso O conteúdo deste website está sujeito à legislação francesa sobre a propriedade intelectual e é propriedade exclusiva do editor. Os trabalhos disponibilizados neste website podem ser consultados e reproduzidos em papel ou suporte digital desde que a sua utilização seja estritamente pessoal ou para fins científicos ou pedagógicos, excluindo-se qualquer exploração comercial. A reprodução deverá mencionar obrigatoriamente o editor, o nome da revista, o autor e a referência do documento. Qualquer outra forma de reprodução é interdita salvo se autorizada previamente pelo editor, excepto nos casos previstos pela legislação em vigor em França. Revues.org é um portal de revistas das ciências sociais e humanas desenvolvido pelo CLÉO, Centro para a edição eletrónica aberta (CNRS, EHESS, UP, UAPV - França) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Referência eletrônica Darren G. Lilleker, « Interactivity and Political Communication: hypermedia campaigning in the UK », Comunicação Pública [Online], vol.10 nº 18 | 2015, posto online no dia 15 Outubro 2015, consultado o 18 Abril 2016. URL : http:// cp.revues.org/1038 ; DOI : 10.4000/cp.1038 Editor: Escola de Superior de Comunicação Social http://cp.revues.org http://www.revues.org Documento acessível online em: http://cp.revues.org/1038 Documento gerado automaticamente no dia 18 Abril 2016. A paginação não corresponde à paginação da edição em papel. Comunicação Pública Este trabalho está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional.

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Comunicação Públicavol.10 nº 18  (2015)Special


Darren G. Lilleker

Interactivity and PoliticalCommunication: hypermediacampaigning in the UK................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

AvisoO conteúdo deste website está sujeito à legislação francesa sobre a propriedade intelectual e é propriedade exclusivado editor.Os trabalhos disponibilizados neste website podem ser consultados e reproduzidos em papel ou suporte digitaldesde que a sua utilização seja estritamente pessoal ou para fins científicos ou pedagógicos, excluindo-se qualquerexploração comercial. A reprodução deverá mencionar obrigatoriamente o editor, o nome da revista, o autor e areferência do documento.Qualquer outra forma de reprodução é interdita salvo se autorizada previamente pelo editor, excepto nos casosprevistos pela legislação em vigor em França.

Revues.org é um portal de revistas das ciências sociais e humanas desenvolvido pelo CLÉO, Centro para a ediçãoeletrónica aberta (CNRS, EHESS, UP, UAPV - França)


Referência eletrônicaDarren G. Lilleker, « Interactivity and Political Communication: hypermedia campaigning in the UK  », ComunicaçãoPública [Online], vol.10 nº 18 | 2015, posto online no dia 15 Outubro 2015, consultado o 18 Abril 2016. URL : http://cp.revues.org/1038 ; DOI : 10.4000/cp.1038

Editor: Escola de Superior de Comunicação Socialhttp://cp.revues.orghttp://www.revues.org

Documento acessível online em:http://cp.revues.org/1038Documento gerado automaticamente no dia 18 Abril 2016. A paginação não corresponde à paginação da edição empapel.Comunicação Pública Este trabalho está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição-NãoComercial4.0 Internacional.

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Darren G. Lilleker

Interactivity and Political Communication:hypermedia campaigning in the UK1. Web 2.0: a new communication paradigm?

1 It is commonplace to consider that the internet, as it became a medium used by a critical masswithin western societies, has revolutionised the way in which people communicate with oneanother, and with corporate bodies and political organisations (Macnamara, 2010). Factorsthat once limited communication, such as state boundaries, physical distance, time differencesor access to technology are reducing, greater interaction is facilitated across the boundariesof space and time with the potential to redress social and education inequalities (Youngs,2007). While focus is often at the macro, global level, so discussing the potential impact ofan electronic, global world economy “integrated through information systems and technologyrather than organisational hierarchies” (Kobrin, 1998: 362); lesser attention is paid to theimpact at the level of the individual user. Arguably the current revolution in terms of individualinternet use is facilitated by Web 2.0, the key features of which facilitate greater controlover the way individuals communicate, the means of communication and what information isaccessed, when and where. Tim O’Reilly (2005) argues Web 2.0 has created an “architectureof participation” that facilitates co-production of information, social networking and offersspaces for individuals to interact. The emerging communicative ecosystem offers real potentialfor the creation of interest based public spheres that can interact with one another and socreate the informational democracy Manuel Castells once viewed as only a distant possibility(Castells, 1996: 353).

2 To interact with the participants utilising Web 2.0 architecture, one almost by definition hasto participate. Thus one finds business models and strategies of communication being adaptedto incorporate Web 2.0 tools. However, to participate, an organisation wishing to interact withonline communities must also adapt to the fundamental shift in thinking demanded by Web2.0; as Birdsall notes, “A build it and they will come ethos” a thinking that dominated themove to internet based communication over the decade 1995-2005, “is being replaced by oneof they will come and build it” (Birdsall, 2007). This automatically implies a change in thepower structures reinforcing Birdsall’s conclusion that “The Web is not only a social creation,as Berners-Lee asserts, it is about power and politics”. Thus we find there are two distinctelements at play when considering the social impact of Web 2.0; firstly the concept of anarchitecture of participation creating an informational democracy from below; secondly thedemand for a shift in organisational thinking in terms of wishing to be an equal partner withinthat democratic structure. The question is whether these competing forces can be reconciled.

3 It is perhaps politicians and political strategists who most view Web 2.0 as a challenge, if nota threat, to their ways of working (Jackson, 2003; Lilleker et al, 2010). While big brands areable to build a following offline and online, though their fortunes and popularity can wax andwane, and political issue and pressure groups can find large followings using traditional andsocial media; traditional electoral politics is more likely to inform than embrace interaction(Schneider & Foot, 2006; Lilleker & Jackson, 2011; Koc-Michalska & Lilleker, 2013) and sois often eschewed by the majority of social media users relegating electoral politics to beinga minority activity (Hindman, 2009). Yet, electoral politics may well be the one aspect ofcivic life that should welcome the creation of the architecture of participation and offer thosefundamentals elements O’Reilly (2005) equates to Web 2.0: a rich user experience, harnessingthe wisdom of crowds and trusting users as co-producers. Some political parties and individualpoliticians have been drawn to use social media sites such as MySpace and Facebook, createinteractive websites, post videos to Youtube and develop their own weblog; the HowardDean and Obama campaigns leading the way and influencing subsequent elections (Lilleker& Jackson, 2011). The landmark US campaigns have ushered in hypermedia campaigning

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(Howard, 2006) which incorporates into political communication strategy the notions ofsending, sharing and receiving data. This chapter evaluates hypermedia campaigning bypolitical parties in the UK, a system that borrows and adapts many campaigning conceptsfrom the US (Lees-Marshment & Lilleker, 2012) while retaining many of the constraintsfaced by other European nations in terms of resources available for campaign innovation.The chapter operationalizes the concept of hypermedia campaigning using Sara McMillan’sconcept of information flows and Howard’s core concepts, capturing how UK political partiescommunicate to or with site visitors. The chapter also compares campaigning during the2010 general election and during the permanent campaign, taking May 2012 as a typicalperiod of domestic politics. This allows us to capture whether, and the extent to which, theInternet is impacting upon two elements of political communication, the communication flowsbetween parties and their members, activists and supporters, party reach into online networks,and secondly the extent this might indicate a trajectory towards a political informationaldemocracy. The chapter firstly introduces the concepts related to the use of Web 2.0 tools, inparticular highlighting the differences with Web 1.0; we then move to highlight how Web 2.0has become embedded in the conceptualisation of firstly postmodern and latterly hypermediacampaigning. The methodology section operationalizes hypermedia campaigning allowing usto present data and offer insights into the evolution of European political communication.

2. Conceptualising Web 2.0 as a strategy4 Due to the fast moving nature of technological innovation, every development is greeted with

a fanfare and predictions of its revolutionary potential. This has particularly been the casewith information and communication or digital technology. The shift in use of the Internetfrom being a private tool for communication with the US defence department to a resourceconnecting organisations and individuals across the globe, has led academics and corporate andpolitical strategists to assess its effects and potential. Downes and Mui state in their discussionof how businesses can harness cyberspace: “The goal of developing a digital strategy is to turnanxiety into advantage, by replacing current planning and strategic activities with new onesbetter suited to a business environment populated by killer apps” (Downes & Mui, 2000:11).The search for the killer application (or app) has driven strategists to explore the potentialof every technological development and the ICT industry to continually innovate to matchdemand. It is within this context that Web 2.0 as both a concept and a technologically-drivencommunication revolution was conceived.

5 The definition that has become popularised, if somewhat vague and technological, is offeredby Tim O’Reilly.

6 Web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning all connected devices: Web 2.0 applicationsare those that make the most of intrinsic advantages of that platform: delivering softwareas a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it, consuming andremixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their owndata and services in a form that allows remixing by others, creating network effects throughan ‘architecture of participation’ and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliverrich user experiences (O’Reilly, 2005).

7 Therefore the key features of Web 2.0 are the ability to build networks that connect individualsand organisations within a community where information is shared and adapted and updated byall members of the community who choose to participate. From an organisational perspectivethere is talk of the democratisation of information. Whereas within the context of Web 1.0information was made available to a broader audience; “The idea [of Web 2.0] is to free datafrom corporate control and allow anyone to assemble and locate content to meet their ownneeds” (Barsky, 2006a: 7). While Barksy’s first article deals solely with the use of reallysimply syndication, or RSS feeds, which allow users to select the information they access,when it is accessed and from whom, his work progresses to talk of weblogs (online diaries)and podcasting to suggest that: “Web 2.0 is about the more human aspects of interactivityon the Web” (Barsky, 2006b: 33). This builds on a more user focused definition of the keyaspects of Web 2.0 that is: “about conversations, interpersonal networking, personalisation

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and individualism” (Abram, 2005: 44). This definition suggests that those who choose toparticipate can talk to whoever they like and create a network based on any combination ofshared interests while also being whoever they like and presenting themselves as they wouldlike to be perceived by those who interface with them.

8 Web 2.0 communicative innovations, it is suggested, are transforming audiences intoparticipants (for example see Shirky, 2008). New communication cultures are emerging,introducing new networked forms of socialisation and changing attitudes to self-disclosure(Rainee & Wellman, 2012), “rebuild[ing] structures of sociability from the bottomup” (Castells 2001: 131). Such developments also impact on our social and civic engagementas online digital environments potentiate having influence. But, the extent to which thispromise is realised in political terms is a moot point. While ‘Here comes Everybody’ (Shirky,2008) is in itself a nice metaphor, the chances of everybody becoming wired into the Internetseem distant. Digital divides cut across the globe, across nations and across neighbourhoods.Digital divides might also appear to cut across communication contexts. A significant Twitter-fall, (a deluge of loosely linked remarks offered by a range of users of the Twitter platform)connected by a single hashtag (#), appears simultaneously to many high profile events (Bruns& Burgess, 2011). Yet, political events - the attention given to the 2008 US presidentialelection notwithstanding - fail to garner the same levels of attention. Politics is one area whereit is suggested that there is little evidence for democratisation, perhaps ironically given thatsome would argue that the Internet is a force for cultural, social and political democratisationbecause everyone can be heard and so have influence. Hindman (2009) talks of a ‘Mythof Digital Democracy’ suggesting there has been no widening of participation in politicalcommunication; instead a new participatory elite has emerged. Hindman’s captures the lackof a transformation within the context of political communication using the 1/9/90 rule whereone per cent creates content, nine per cent comment on that content while the other ninetyper cent, the majority, remain as passive observers. Arguably this may be a consequence ofonline political communication rather than widespread civic disinterest with all things relatingto electoral politics.

9 Studies of the communication of political organisations within online environments mostlyfind evidence to reinforce the politics as usual thesis. Resnick (1998) predicted the Internetwould have minimal effects as behaviour online is shaped by offline norms. He posited that,firstly, better resourced organisations and individuals, those who earn the greatest mediaattention and so lead the media agenda, and earn the most in donations and sponsorship,will also dominate the communication scene online. Secondly, and more importantly,the cultural barriers to change within political organisations would prevent transitions tomore participatory communication paradigms. Evidence suggests reluctance among politicalorganisations to lose control over the message (Stromer-Galley, 2000), and open up the abilityto comment to the masses (Lilleker et al, 2010). Therefore, online public participation inelectoral politics is limited and where it occurs it is highly controlled (Xenos & Foot, 2005;Kluver et al, 2007; Ward et al, 2008) even in the case of the celebrated openness of theObama campaign (Lilleker & Jackson, 2011). Strategically we suggest there are two pathsopen to political parties. The first retains the traditional model of informing and persuading,using the Internet as a supplementary communication tool alongside the national media withany tools designed for mobilisation relegated, like direct mailshots, to coinciding with thelocal activities that occur during election campaigns. The second path is towards a moreparticipatory information democracy. Parties would have to provide information to visitorsto their websites and online presences, one cannot imagine any party not utilising YouTube,for example, as a free broadcasting service. Additionally, however, parties would engage inmobilising their members, activists and supporters to extend their communicational reach, sousing the sharing tools to gain purchase within social networks. Parties might equally createissue communities within their website or through the use of Facebook or Twitter that allowmore participatory forms of policy development. Strategically the first path is safe; howeverthe second may well create greater levels of interest which might lead to engagement, cognitiveinvolvement and loyalty (Lilleker, 2013). The second path has risks but, long-term, may pay

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dividends in terms of having a support base that can be mobilised to further the aims ofthe political party. Importantly the strategy that follows the second path fits to models ofcampaigning developed from analyses of the most recent innovations.

3. Hypermedia for election and permanent campaigning10 Colin Seymour-Ure’s (1977) suggestion that political organizations adapt their

communication to suit the dominant media of the day remains a truism. Adaptation caninvolve a simple re-orientation of communication, as in targeting a new medium, or tosignificant organizational changes. It is argued that leadership communication styles werechanged by television (Scammell, 1995; Jamieson, 1996), for example. Maintaining a focuson the relationship between political organizations and media is useful when consideringhow technological advances in communication lead to adaptations in the form and style ofpolitical communication. In terms of the adaptations of political communication across thelast half century, Norris’ (2003) typology is in this context a useful heuristic tool. While herterminology is much contested, in particular the categorization of eras as pre-modern, modern,and postmodern (Lilleker & Negrine, 2002; Negrine 2008), her schematic places the evolutionof political communication within a historical timeframe that elides with competing studiesthat talk of campaigning ages (Blumler 1990), campaign styles (Gibson and Römmele 2001),strategic orientations (Lees-Marshment 2001), or organizational styles (Katz and Mair 2002).Importantly the model also suggests evolution is driven by media dependency; to benefit mostfrom communication is to reach the right audiences therefore the party must target them usingthe right media. The media dependency aspect of the schematic suggests the Internet shouldbe now playing a vital role in political campaigning.

11 Norris’ pre-modern age, which denotes the period up until the 1950s, saw parties enjoy ease ofaccess to a small number of largely deferent media outlets. Radio and newsreel were the mainways to communicate information to a fairly stable partisan electorate. Election campaignswere local affairs, run by decentralized volunteer groups who relied on party members todeliver a labour-intensive campaign. The major event at this time was the public meeting,when party leaders and local candidates would meet voters in local public buildings anddebate issues. Television ushered in the modern era and fundamentally changed the rulesof engagement. Political communication developed a more national character, the rules ofthe newsreel dominated the interface between politicians and the mass citizenry, and therules of television ramped up the process of professionalization. At the same time massparty membership went into decline, leading election campaigning to focus upon convertingand persuading voters rather than solely getting loyalists out on Election Day. The start ofthe postmodern campaign era, nominally the 1990s, marks the zenith of a further period ofprofessionalization. Political parties appear more market-oriented, pandering to the whims oftarget voters when designing policy priorities and messages (Lees-Marshment, 2001). Targetvoters were engaged on a more permanent basis (Ornstein & Mann, 2001), narrowcast to viadirect channels of communication. In the late 1990s the postmodern campaign was adaptedto digital technologies including websites, email, the short text message service for mobiletelephones (SMS) as well as utilising online forums and intranets for organising their activists(Norris, 2003). One also saw the blending of the centralisation of the television era withthe localism of the 1950s and before; while a central campaign command centre set out thecore messages and strategy, communication was simultaneously the responsibility of localorganizations, in particular the building and maintenance of local email lists, intranets, andforums (Gibson and Römmele 2001; Katz and Mair 2002; Norris 2003). Local and centralparty organizations would also share responsibility using social networking and microbloggingtools to reinforce and make locally relevant national campaign messages. Yet the postmodernera is not fully the age of the Internet, though it is certain parties have adapted to a digitalmedia landscape characterized by “abundance, ubiquity, reach, and celerity” (Blumler andKavanagh 1999 : 213). The Internet shares predominance with mass media, yet it is arguedthat the Internet can play a far more important role.

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12 The strategic adaptation of political communication and campaigning to exploit the potentialof innovations in communication technologies, and meet the citizens in the new digitalplayground is described as hypermedia campaigning (Howard, 2006). Howard (2006) defineshypermedia campaigning as having a number of strategic functions. Firstly he notes theonline environment facilitates the instant transmission of information. Therefore, politicalcommunication has to be simultaneously relayed across a wide range of media outlets,so meeting the demands of 24/7 news, and the global online audience (see also Davis2010). Secondly, electronic communication facilitates tailoring content for multiple formsof consumption and dissemination, meeting the needs of journalists, supporters, activists orweb browsers alike. Targeting must also use a full range of media as each target audiencewill be operating at multiple communication junctions. Thirdly, to inform is insufficient,and a range of interactive actions need to be facilitated. Items created by political partiesmust be easy to share (Boynton 2009), allow comments and expect adaptation due tothe nature of behaviour within the political communication ecosystem. Within the age ofhypermedia campaigning, political parties must allow for and expect the “decompositionand recomposition of messages” (Howard 2006: 2) as these iterative processes permit co-ownership of communication across a wider agora and for reach of messages to be multipliedacross networks. Fourthly, as information is sent out it can also be used to learn about users.The use of visitor counts, cookies and tracking tools, as well as the solicitation of emails,invitations to befriend, or become a fan or follower, all supply data about supporters that canbe highly useful. Supplemented by other information that can be purchased from the big onlinedata harvesters, which would include Google and Facebook, including information aboutinterest communities (what other causes your fans and followers are more likely to endorse),builds a phenomenally useful database that can support an online and offline communicationtargeting strategy.

13 One of the core motivations for political parties to adopt this hypermedia strategy is to gainreach into the online communicative ecosystem, what is termed gaining a network effect forcommunication. Measurement of a network effect has been discussed widely, its value linkedto the number of people within a network (Van Dijk 2006: 78), with the equation of thenumber of members squared referenced as one method of evaluation (Anderson 2007: 21);thus, the more connected members of the emergent polyarchy are, and the more they are ableto disseminate and/or amplify a message, the wider their reach through the network. However,real value is also related to the social capital of the network effect. The amplification ofmessages via a network does not simply increase reach but also adds credibility as individualsact as information hubs to their networks of contacts and friends. These constitute a newinformation elite (Van Dijk 2006, p. 185), which can include established elites such aspoliticians and journalists as well as individual weblog authors (bloggers) or users deemedcredible due to their propensity to share items among their friends and followers. Thus forthe meeting of campaign objectives, the hypermedia campaign strategist must harness theonline and offline information elite simultaneously and create a synergistic communicativeprocess between nodes within the network. Online actions by political actors (a post on Twitterfor example) feed into communication by online and offline communicators (journalists andbloggers), and these draw hits to other online features such as a campaign website whichgenerates further sharing or interaction, which in turn can create broader offline and onlineattention, or resources in the shape of volunteers or donations. The hypermedia campaignis thus the response to the twenty-first century campaign communication environment: itrecognizes that to be successful one must both create and join the communication ecosystem.

4. Analysing online political campaign communication14 McMillan (2002) characterises communication taking four discrete forms which map well

to the above categorization of the hypermedia campaign. Information provision links todownward information flows, disseminated by the party out to all that may be interested;this then fulfils the first two criteria to an extent depending on the methods of dissemination.McMillan separates interactive information flows into asynchronous and synchronous.

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Asynchronous information flows enable a party to both privately gather data on the opinions ofvisitors to their website as well as harvesting data regarding visitors. Synchronous informationflows, in contrast, are public, facilitating conversations and are non-hierarchical but whilefacilitating a network effect also permit the gathering of data. The fourth McMillan categoryrelates to horizontal information flows and the use of hyperlinks; this can be an indicator ofthe network being built around the party and so relate to targeting strategies.

15 The research adopts the traditional method of content analysis, counting features within thewebsites of the six most prominent political parties that stand in a majority of constituenciesacross the nation and are so deemed to represent all areas of the nation (Labour, Conservatives,Liberal Democrats, Green, UK Independence Party and British National Party). The first fourparties have representation in parliament, though in the case of the Green party that is onlyone member. All have representation in the European Parliament. The Conservatives andLiberal Democrats formed a coalition after the 2010 General Election and so are jointly partiesof government; Labour is the official opposition. The parties’ proximity to government andposition in the electoral landscape may impact upon their strategies. The analysis was firstconducted during the final week of the 2010 General Election and, to facilitate the comparisonbetween an election campaign and a permanent campaigning strategy, repeated during thelast week of May 2012; what can be deemed a normal week in politics when parliamentis sitting but there were no specific controversies surrounding any of the parties that maylead to greater or lesser focus on their communication. The features are firstly categorized asper McMillan’s schematic, outlined above, following the categorization strategies employedin a number of recent studies (for example Gibson & Ward, 2000; Lilleker & Jackson,2011). A second categorization strategy aligns the features specifically to indicators for ahypermedia campaign. For each set of categorisations we develop an average performancescore (calculated as a percentage score by dividing the number of features appearing by themaximum possible for each feature category), this is a standard measure which allows directcomparability between parties and across time (Farmer and Fender, 2005; Schweitzer, 2008;Vaccari, 2008; Larsson, 2011). A third measure is based on the network effect. Our measurefocuses on the cumulative number of registered online fans, friends, followers or subscribersthe party has across the major social networks they use, these are Facebook, Twitter andYouTube. Cumulatively we are able to determine the extent to which parties adhere to theprinciples of communication within Web 2.0 environments, utilising the standard McMillanschematic. Secondly, the extent to which they adhere to the core tenets of the hypermediacampaign, utilising an adapted schematic based on Howard’s core descriptors. Thirdly, we canassess the extent to which the parties are harnessing a network effect and the extent of theirpotential reach within the online communication ecosystem, this is completed by generatingpotential reach scores focusing on the number of subscribers they have online. We use here thenumber of fans on Facebook, followers on Twitter and viewers on YouTube; each individualcould potentially share material and, if the calculations of a potential network effect havevalidity, their network reach is the amount of fans, followers or viewers squared. This lattermeasure offers an opportunity to test whether smaller parties are able to gain an equalisationeffect in terms of reach by using the online environment.

5. Understanding political communication online16 Firstly we explore the different styles of communication used by UK political parties according

to the McMillan schematic. Figure 1 shows the data for all parties at the 2010 GeneralElection, Figure 2 the comparable data from 2012. During the election we find some disparityin strategies. Labour as the incumbent delivered an above average amount of information,but this was not out of step with their main rivals. However, they were one of the strongestperformers in collecting data from visitors and allowing public, synchronous conversationsto take place. The Conservative party matched them in upward communication flows, hada site which was strongly linked into an online network through lateral or horizontal flowsand performed strongly, if slightly weaker than Labour, for synchronous communication. TheLiberal Democrats, as an overall percentage of their site, clearly encouraged synchronous

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communication, as did the British National Party; the website of which contained a very largeparticipatory community feel. The Green Party website lacked the sophistication of rivals butequally offered a range of communication flows; it was the site of the UK Independence Partythat was anomalous overall. UKIP were heavily linked, provided information in a number offormats, collected some data but offered few options for private, asynchronous communicationand had no features at all that permitted synchronous communication flows. Overall, however,we see election campaign websites offer multiple communication flows; parties inform whilecollecting data, most are strongly networked through hyperlink usage, and most permit bothasynchronous and synchronous to take place via their website or linked presences.Figure 1: Average feature use in 2010 per category in the Macmillan schematic

17 Within the context of the permanent campaign (Figure 2) we find a shift in strategies.Labour, moving from incumbent to opposition retains a focus on permitting asynchronousconversations while also encouraging upward communication which focus on the retentionand mobilisation of their supporters. In contrast the move from opposition to government seesboth partner in the coalition, the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, remove most featuresthat permit synchronous communication. The Green Party retains a low level of sophisticationbut balanced use of features, UKIP did not develop synchronous features and the BritishNational party retain their characteristic use of the website to build a community. Overallthe online presences of all the parties became less complex, with a reduction in feature use.Equally the provision of information in large blocks, documentation or press releases, is muchreduced. The clear focus by all parties was on three activities: getting supporters to volunteerto campaign for the party; donate; and join. Websites act as a recruitment and mobilisationtool; this, despite the fact that there was no election campaign, indicates there is perceivedvalue of an active membership at all times.Figure 2: Average feature use in 2012 per category in the Macmillan schematic

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6. In search of hypermedia campaigning18 Aligning feature use with the core precepts of the Howard hypermedia campaign strategy

we gain a slightly different picture (as shown in Figures 3 and 4). The 2010 general electioncampaign for all parties concentrated on informing, although the websites of Labour, theConservatives, Liberal Democrats and British National Party offered more features as apercentage of the overall number that allowed visitors to interact with one another and, atleast potentially if not in practice, with members of the higher echelons of the party. There islittle evidence that parties had a clear strategy for narrowcasting, suggesting their websites arecatch-all environments. Equally, the parties were similarly disinclined to harvest data usingsophisticated methods with Labour providing most means for collecting data from visitors andthe three minor parties (the Green Party, UKIP and BNP) being least interested. The paucityof data collection may well be a feature of resource imbalances, and that parties do not havethe mechanisms in place to use this data strategically. They therefore use overt means of datacollection, such as signing up to email lists which are easily managed, as opposed to leavingcookies that can collect data about the visitor, their onsite behaviour and their interests basedon offsite browsing or search behaviour. We thus gain an indication of election campaigns inthe UK as mixing informing and interacting though, as we indicated in a more in-depth studyof the use of Web 2.0 technologies at elections, interactivity took place within controlled andoften closed off environments, such as forums where visitors had to sign up and sign in, ratherthan in open spaces on the website (Lilleker & Jackson, 2011). It was only through widespreaduse of social networking sites, particularly Facebook, where interaction was controlled at aminimal level and public conversations (permitting reading and writing by any visitor) couldbe observed.Figure 3: Average feature use in 2010 per category for hypermedia campaigning

19 As with observations based on the McMillan schematic, we find in 2012 for Labour andthe BNP interactive features more widely used, but by the governing coalition partners asignificant reduction. An information provision strategy appears to predominate, targetingbeing abandoned by all but Labour, the Conservatives and UKIP, but data harvesting hasincreased slightly. This reflects the greater use of upward information flows which attemptto involve supporters and convert them into activists and members. What is noticeable forLabour and the BNP is attempts at crowdsourcing, getting visitors to the site to share material.As noted this is a relinquishment of control, as the shared material can be framed positivelyor negatively, but may extend the reach of the parties who use that tactic.

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Figure 4: Average feature use in 2010 per category for hypermedia campaigning

7. UK political parties and the network effect20 Figure 5 compares the reach of parties within social media platforms to gain an indication of

their online popularity and potential reach. As we would perhaps expect, the situation for mostparties is to find their online reach be extended, as for many organisations and individualsfans and followers accumulate over time and there are few instances where fans are lostunless the organisation acts in a way that their supporters find antithetical to the values ofthe organisation or their expectations. That would appear to be the case with the LiberalDemocrats. Although the difference is small the trend is downward and coincides with a dipin popularity following the party joining the Conservatives to form a coalition government.Support for student tuition fees, following them foregrounding their opposition to the policyas a key element of their election manifesto, was one area in particular that angered some oftheir support base, particularly young people who may be more likely to demonstrate theirsupport for parties on social networks. In overall terms, however, support online does notmatch support offline. While the Conservatives were ahead of Labour in the polls going intothe 2010 election campaign, that was soon reversed. There has not been a clear increase insupport for Labour online; rather their online reach has increased at the same rate as their mainopponent in electoral politics. The only other anomaly is the drop in support for the BritishNational Party; this however is a feature of their withdrawal from Twitter and YouTube andlimited use of Facebook.Figure 5: Potential Network effect for each party: in millions

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21 In terms of importance of reach, the data suggests that the Conservatives have the potential toreach around two-thirds of the UK population, perhaps close to the entire online populationof the UK as a whole. Of course this is only potential rather than actual reach, howeverhaving 4.5 million supporters online is significant in terms of the ability to be heard. Whetherthis, or the fact that Labour have half the reach, has any significance is questionable. Havingpotential reach is not the same as being heard; for example there is no guarantee that any,never mind all, of the Conservatives’ followers on Twitter see even ten per cent of theirtweets never mind they extend their reach by re-tweeting. With the ever more customisablefeatures offered by Facebook the same may well be true of their amassed supporters on thatplatform. We also cannot assess the extent to which the same people support the party on eachplatform and are also most likely to view their videos, although it is recognised that sharingactivities on each platform may potentially reach different second level followers (followersof followers) so the potential reach may still have a degree of validity. What we suggest isthat the figures give a sense of prominence within the online environment and the degree towhich they have a network who are interested in the announcements of the party and that mightbe willing to extend their reach. The data demonstrates that the online environment favoursparties prominent within politics anyway, who are likely to dominate political news coverageand, therefore, there is little sense of an rebalancing of prominence to be earned by beinghighly proactive communicators online.

8. Online political communication: new communicationtools, new agendas

22 Our data allows us to observe the evolution of election campaigning and politicalcommunication as well as differences between political communication at times of war (anelection) and peace (between elections). We find Internet use during election campaignscharacterised with a balance of informing and permitting interaction, although the latter ison the whole bracketed into specific spaces of a website. The widespread usage of Facebookdoes widen the possibilities for interaction, although the interaction tends to be horizontal,between fans, as opposed to facilitating a vertical connection between fans and the partyhierarchy. It should also be noted that the extent of interactive possibilities differed markedlybetween parties. Apart from UKIP all offered some opportunities, but these ranged from 267opportunities offered by the Greens, through 560 offered by Labour to 2745 offered by theConservatives, 5630 by the Liberal Democrats and then the most interactive site of the BritishNational Party which offered 15,164 opportunities for interaction. The amount of materialavailable to be shared also varied. Only 14 items on Labour’s site invited sharing, the Greensand Liberal Democrats allowed 158 and 308 to be shared respectively; the Conservativesinvited sharing of 2785 items while every single item, a total of 18,345, items on the BritishNational Party website could be shared. Surprisingly, given that targeted communication isargued to be a feature of elections, none of the parties seemed to offer anything but a catch-all environment and there was little interest in harvesting data.

23 One might expect a marked difference to be visible during the permanent campaigningperiod. Clearly there has been for the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, whose sites bothreduced the number of interactive features and the overall quantity, the latter having only oneinteractive space which is protected by a password. Labour have accelerated their adoption ofinteractive features exponentially with their site inviting sharing and commenting on almostevery page. This is matched by the British National Party whose site, although smaller, offers894 opportunities to comment on and share material. A surprisingly large amount of featuresfocus on the mobilisation of supporters, in particular features that recruit members and seekdonations. Parties also want their supporters to extend their reach and join their campaigns.The strategy of extending reach may not be successful for all parties, as this needs a supportbase that is active and willing to visibly show their support. If we assume that network reach isan indication of the online support base, there is clear evidence of equalisation: the parties withthe largest reach are those with greatest prominence. Interestingly, we can see the reductionin support for the Liberal Democrats since they joined government as a coalition partner;

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although the drop is not dramatic it might suggest that friending and unfriending (as a metaphorfor becoming a fan, following or subscribing) is a symbolic act. Finally we can also find a hintof a more strategic usage of the Internet, with a marked increase in the use of features thatovertly and covertly harvest data from visitors to their websites.

24 Overall we build a picture of UK political parties as adapting to Web 2.0, some of the normsof online communication, and so developing a hypermedia campaign model. Resources maywell hinder the embedding of features that harvest data, for example, as if data is harvested itmust subsequently be used in some way. The use of the online media mix suggests the Internetis embedded in political communication, mirroring developments visible in elections acrossthe European Union. The Internet is also a feature of the permanent campaign and having avibrant, frequently updated and interactive web presence is, almost, de rigeur. The corollaryof these developments may be that members feel closer to the party, better connected withother members and perhaps allowed certain privileges; such as access to bespoke information,dedicated members areas and the ability to both offer their thoughts and be part of anycampaigns. However, this would seem to be the preserve of opposition parties rather than thoseof government. While Labour did not eschew interactivity while in government, the closingof spaces where members and supporters could interact by the coalition government partnerssuggest that fears of dealing with hostile comments override the benefits that may be gainedfrom having an active membership. We can thus suggest that parties allow interactivity whenit suits them, not because it matches the demands of their supporters but if it is perceivedto offer more benefits than threats. From a strategic perspective this may appear sensible,but if Abrams’ argument that the Internet “about conversations, interpersonal networking,personalisation and individualism” is true for politics, restricted usage of the Internet may beunwise. Yet, as indicated, the Internet is also about power and politics, power over who hasvoice and who has input into the processes of decision making; there is no indication thatany politician wishes to open such privileges to the masses; it is likely then that the use ofthe Internet will reflect an institutional view of who should have power and who should be‘doing’ politics.

9. Conclusions25 UK parties use the online environment for a range of purposes, and these are illuminated in

different ways through operationalising the McMillan and Howard schematics. In particularwe find that features which permit user interaction are no longer eschewed, and the cautionwhich inhibited allowing co-creation appears to have waned. Undoubtedly the reason for thisis that parties are keen to gather data about and from visitors to the websites and onlineprofiles and allowing them to leave text also leaves information. Hence we find UK partiesattempting to exploit the network effect, extending their reach and harnessing the labour ortheir supporters to further visitors from who the party can glean further information. But, wealso find evidence of parties balancing attempting to realise the potential gains from interactionagainst the dangers that can be caused by unrestricted co-creation. Hence parties in governmenttend to show greater circumspection when designing their web presences and permitting userinteraction. The reasons may be assumed as the inherent cautiousness characteristic of parties,or a lack of resources to monitor and censor user comments; alternatively it may be that thereal perceived value is harvesting data and if the resources are unavailable the value in riskingan interactive communication strategy is diminished.

26 The lessons we thus can learn is that while parties appear to explore the potential of theaffordances of the online environment, there is no clear evolutionary path. Across timeand across parties there is an ebb and flow in innovation and communication style. Moreimportantly, the data suggests that parties exploit communication for political advantage.If there is a perceived value in being more interactive then parties will experiment. If noadvantage is earned they will retrench. As with any other communicative medium, the Internetdoes not offer a magic bullet to aid winning elections, increase supporter loyalty or enhancecitizen representation. Adoption may have an impact within certain campaigns but it is notchanging politics in any more fundamental way.

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10. Questions27 Can you imagine political parties ever fully embracing interactivity; do the cultural constraints

outweigh the potential benefits?28 While embracing hypermedia campaigning, resources hinder data harvesting. Should this be

a priority for political parties?29 Election campaigning online could be argued to be a waste of resources due to the low attention

to official party communication among Internet browsers: discuss the pros and cons of usingthe online environment to win votes.


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Referência eletrónica

Darren G. Lilleker, « Interactivity and Political Communication: hypermedia campaigning in theUK  », Comunicação Pública [Online], vol.10 nº 18 | 2015, posto online no dia 15 Outubro 2015,consultado o 18 Abril 2016. URL : http://cp.revues.org/1038 ; DOI : 10.4000/cp.1038


Darren G. LillekerBournemouth UniversityFern Barrow,Talbot CampusPoole, Dorset BH12 5BB,United KingdomTel. (00) (44) 1202 [email protected]

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Comunicação Pública Este trabalho está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons -Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional.


 Within this article we examine the adherence to the conventions of online communication andhypermedia campaigning techniques among European political parties using UK parties as acase study. Overall we find UK political parties adapting to the norms of online communicationand a hypermedia campaign model. The Internet is also a feature of the permanent campaignand having a vibrant, frequently updated and interactive web presence is, almost, de rigueur,though sophistication is hindered by resources. One corollary may be that members feel closerto the party, though techniques for achieving this are explored to a greater extent by oppositionparties rather than those of government suggesting campaigning norms prevail and there islittle indication parties wish to relinquish any of the power over ‘doing’ politics.

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 Neste artigo pretende-se analisar a adesão às convenções da comunicação on-line e dascampanhas de hipermédia nos partidos políticos europeus, utilizando o Reino Unido comoestudo de caso. No geral encontramos os partidos no Reino Unido a adaptarem-se às normasde comunicação online e a um modelo de campanha hipermédia A internet é também umacaracterística da campanha permanente e ter uma presença vibrante, frequentemente atualizadae interativa na web é, quase, uma obrigação, embora a sofisticação seja prejudicada pelosrecursos. Um corolário pode ser que os membros se sintam mais próximos do partido, emboraas técnicas para o atingir sejam exploradas em maior extensão pelos partidos da oposição emenos pelos do governo, sugerindo prevalecer as normas de campanha. Há pouca indicaçãode que os partidos desejem abrir mão de algum do poder que têm sobre o processo de "fazer"política.

Entradas no índice

Palavras-chave :  Reino Unido, interactividade, comunicação política, campanhahipermédiaKeywords : UK, interactivity, political communication, hypermedia campaign

Notas da redacção

Received: June 23, 2013

Accepted: September 17, 2014