In this Issue Intergraf news Intergraf’s 2017 Economic Report is now available! P.2 Consumer insights: Interview with Andy Lima P.2 Intergraf events calendar P.6 Intergraf factsheets P.6 EU news EU launches European Pillar of Social Rights P.3 European industry federaons push for a more manufacturing-friendly EU industry policy P.6 Industry news Apply now to win the European Paper Recycling Awards P.4 FTA Europe meets FTA US in Phoenix, AZ P.4 Event roundup: Future Media Lab P.5 Print circulaon growing in India P.5 I ntergraf warmly wel- comes into its member- ship LISPA, the Associaon of Lithuanian Prinng Industries! LISPA unites advanced and innovave prinng industry companies which are oriented towards quality and smart product development—invesng in new technologies, staff development, ecology and sustainable soluons. LISPA adds a unique and appreci- ated voice to Intergraf’s network. Established 23 years ago aſter the restoraon of independence in Lithuania, LISPA operates with a strong Council, joint decision- making process and a collaborave community of prinng houses, working together to retain and strengthen aracveness and growth in the sector. Just as in many other countries, Lithuania faces challenges in aracng young people to the sector. Similarly, the industry also faces decreasing consumer demand for certain printed products, such as newspa- pers and magazines. Despite these challenges, the prinng industry in Lithuania can be proud. The promoon of book reading is supported at a naonal level, with the President of Lithuania announcing every autumn the “Christmas of Books” campaign, in which the buying, giving and reading of books is encour- aged. LISPA has been an acve partner of this campaign for six years. LISPA also organises the annual ‘Prinng Industry Awards’, which, for the last two years, has taken place in the Government House of the Republic of Lithuania. Over 150 parcipants take part in this event— policians, senior state officials, prinng house reps. and students. In addion to this, LISPA is involved in various other work aiming to improve the image of print. This has included iniang and implemenng projects, organising business mis- sions (most recently to Tokyo), aending interna- onal industry events like Drupa and creang promo- onal videos. LISPA staff and members look forward to cooperang and sharing experience with their European colleagues into the future! flash Avenue Louise 130A, 1050 Brussels www.intergraf.eu [email protected] Introducing Intergraf’s newest member! LISPA June, 2017 Click the icon to follow Intergraf’s live updates

Intergraf newsIntergraf news Intergraf’s 2017 Economic Report is now available! P.2 onsumer insights: Interview with Andy Lima P.2 Intergraf events calendar P.6 Intergraf factsheets

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Page 1: Intergraf newsIntergraf news Intergraf’s 2017 Economic Report is now available! P.2 onsumer insights: Interview with Andy Lima P.2 Intergraf events calendar P.6 Intergraf factsheets

In this Issue

Intergraf news

Intergraf’s 2017 Economic Report is now available!


Consumer insights: Interview with Andy Lima


Intergraf events calendar


Intergraf factsheets


EU news

EU launches European Pillar of Social Rights


European industry federations push for a more manufacturing-friendly EU industry policy


Industry news

Apply now to win the European Paper Recycling Awards


FTA Europe meets FTA US in Phoenix, AZ


Event roundup: Future Media Lab


Print circulation growing in India


I ntergraf warmly wel-comes into its member-

ship LISPA, the Association of Lithuanian Printing Industries! LISPA unites advanced and innovative printing industry companies which are oriented towards quality and smart product development—investing in new technologies, staff development, ecology and sustainable solutions. LISPA adds a unique and appreci-ated voice to Intergraf’s network.

Established 23 years ago after the restoration of independence in Lithuania, LISPA operates with a strong Council, joint decision-making process and a collaborative community of printing houses, working together to retain and strengthen attractiveness

and growth in the sector. Just as in many other

countries, Lithuania faces challenges in attracting young people to the sector. Similarly, the industry also faces decreasing consumer demand for certain printed products, such as newspa-pers and magazines.

Despite these challenges, the printing industry in Lithuania can be proud. The promotion of book reading is supported at a national level, with the President of Lithuania announcing every autumn the “Christmas of Books” campaign, in which the buying, giving and reading of books is encour-aged. LISPA has been an active partner of this campaign for six years.

LISPA also organises the annual ‘Printing Industry

Awards’, which, for the last two years, has taken place in the Government House of the Republic of Lithuania. Over 150 participants take part in this event—politicians, senior state officials, printing house reps. and students.

In addition to this, LISPA is involved in various other work aiming to improve the image of print. This has included initiating and implementing projects, organising business mis-sions (most recently to Tokyo), attending interna-tional industry events like Drupa and creating promo-tional videos.

LISPA staff and members look forward to cooperating and sharing experience with their European colleagues into the future!


Avenue Louise 130A, 1050 Brussels www.intergraf.eu [email protected]

Introducing Intergraf’s newest member! LISPA

June, 2017

Click the icon to follow Intergraf’s live updates

Page 2: Intergraf newsIntergraf news Intergraf’s 2017 Economic Report is now available! P.2 onsumer insights: Interview with Andy Lima P.2 Intergraf events calendar P.6 Intergraf factsheets

Page 2 Newsflash

“In a world of increasing noise and

distraction […] companies must

embrace smart integration and automation to

improve performance”

Andy Lima

P rior to his eagerly-awaited presentation at our upcoming ‘Print Matters for the

Future!’ conference in Copenhagen next week, Intergraf caught up with Andy Lima, digital strategist, lecturer and researcher at Leeds Beckett University, to find out more about consumer perspectives in the printing industry and trends in the media sector as a whole.

Andy provided us with a wealth of very useful and interesting information about himself, about the wider media sector, about print, about consumers and about his upcoming presentation. He noted that “content through compelling storytelling is still the number one priority to be addressed followed by data capabilities leading to better consumer insights.” Andy’s advice for the sector is to “rethink retention and loyalty”, adding that “companies will have to embrace machine learning technologies, big data and behavioural analytics and align these to all-round user-experience design discipline in order to deliver the ultimate customer experience”.

Consumer insights: Interview with Andy Lima

O rder your copy of the exclusive 2017 Intergraf Economic Report now! The report

can be ordered free of charge by printing companies belonging to one of Intergraf’s member associations. For non-members, it costs €290 (hard copy) or €390 (digital copy).

The report is made up of data from various official EU sources, Smithers Pira and Intergraf member federations. It provides extensive and topical economic information on the European graphical industry and related markets, showing historical developments and country comparisons. The 2017 publication features more

graphs than previous versions, with bullet points as explanatory notes as well as short descriptions and overviews of the most notable trends and developments.

For example, in the graph pictured above, the number of graphic companies in the EU is shown to be stabilising following a steep decline after the 2008 financial crisis. Information like this, and much more, is given in the full report.

Participants at Intergraf’s upcoming 2017 General Assembly will receive a printed copy of the report. For those unable to attend, you can download your order form from our website.

Intergraf’s 2017 Economic Report is now available!

* Summary only. Full interview available online.

Page 3: Intergraf newsIntergraf news Intergraf’s 2017 Economic Report is now available! P.2 onsumer insights: Interview with Andy Lima P.2 Intergraf events calendar P.6 Intergraf factsheets

Page 3 June, 2017

“I have been seeking to put social priorities at the heart of Europe’s work, where they belong” Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission

“The use of digital technologies is beginning to have a profound effect on the tasks carried out and the skills required for many jobs outside the traditional office” European Commission

EU launches European Pillar of Social Rights

F ollowing years of relative inactivity on social policy, the EU has launched one of its

flagship initiatives: The European Pillar of Social Rights. The Pillar has been designed for Eurozone countries, although other EU Member States are welcome to join if they wish to participate.

The Pillar has been introduced to reaffirm already existing social rights in Europe, as well as to add to them by taking account of new realities and societal challenges. New challenges include long-term and youth unemployment, gender inequality, the risk of poverty, globalisation, the digital revolution, changing work patterns and demographic change—particularly since the 2008 financial crisis.

Twenty key principles have been identified as making up the Pillar. These have been broken down into three chapters:

1. Equal opportunities and access to the labour market;

2. Fair working conditions; and 3. Social protection and inclusion. In the area of social policy the EU does not have

full competence to legislate. Instead, it shares competence with Member States. This means that in binding legislation it can only support, coordinate or supplement the actions of Member States. In addition to this, the EU can attempt to harmonise Member States’ legislation through, for example, guidelines, scoreboards or best practices. It is in this way that the Commission will monitor the ongoing progress of Member States under the Pillar—using an accompanying ‘Social Scoreboard’ to track trends and performance.

Four ongoing or forthcoming actions (legislative and non-legislative) have been introduced in the first package of measures under the Pillar:

1. Work-life balance: The ‘New Start’ initiative will address the work-life balance challenges faced by working parents and carers. A Directive on Work-Life Balance for Parents and Carers has been proposed, as well as a set of non-legislative measures.

2. Access to social protection: The Commission is starting a consultation of social partners to define possible new rules in this area.

3. Written Statement Directive: This Directive gives employees starting a new job the right to be notified in writing of the essential aspects of their employment relationship. It is possible

that the Directive will be extended to people on zero-hours or other casual work contracts. A consultation of the social partners is ongoing.

4. Working Time Directive: The Commission has adopted a clarification of this Directive to help with its implementation and to avoid further infringements.

Social Dialogue Plenary: Last month, Intergraf, alongside the European Commission and the trade union UNI Europa Graphical, organised the annual Social Dialogue Plenary of the graphical sector’s Social Dialogue Committee. This year’s event was a great success, with many vocational education and training providers taking the time to attend and share their expertise alongside regular participants from employers organisations, trade unions and the European Commission. Expert speakers included delegates from Roularta Media Group and Smithers Pira.

Assessing the impact of ICT technology on job quality: In other social policy news, a recent Commission report on the impact of ICT technologies on job quality (due to be published in full at the end of 2017) has found that digital skills are required across all types of work, also for jobs outside of the office. This report follows an interim report, published at the end of 2016, ‘The impact of ICT on job quality: evidence from 12 job profiles’, in which a section is dedicated to the printing industry (“Desktop Publishing”).

Page 4: Intergraf newsIntergraf news Intergraf’s 2017 Economic Report is now available! P.2 onsumer insights: Interview with Andy Lima P.2 Intergraf events calendar P.6 Intergraf factsheets

Page 4 Newsflash

“The awards are open to all entities based in

Europe including schools and

universities, NGOs, national and regional

authorities, companies and



O n Tuesday 2nd May, on the occasion of the FTA US Annual Forum 2017, an official

meeting between representatives of FTA US and a delegation from FTA Europe took place, led by FTA Europe and ATIF President Sante Conselvan. This meeting in Phoenix, Arizona strengthened the already existing collaboration between the two associations in the field of flexography.

Mark Cisternino, President of FTA US, stated that “as the global package printing community strives to elevate the quality and consistency in flexographic print around the world, it is imperative that organisations such as FTA US and FTA Europe maintain a strong collaborative relationship to ensure that our respective member companies gain the benefits achieved

through our open communications”. Sante Conselvan went on to explain that “the

cooperation with the American Association was born in 2015, when President Mark Cisternino and his collaborator Joe Tuccitto warmly accepted to participate in the ATIF Flexo Days on behalf of FTA US. Since then, a fruitful communication channel was firmly established with Italy that has now been reinforced by the creation of a European Flexography Association”.

The European delegation consisted of 30 persons representing the different national member organisations of FTA Europe, as well as some other non-member flexo associations.

Please contact Luca Conti for more information, [email protected].

FTA Europe meets FTA US in Phoenix, AZ

N ow in its 6th edition, the European Paper Recycling Awards recognise innovative

projects enhancing paper recycling in Europe. Submit your innovative project or campaign

that enhances paper recycling in Europe today and enter the competition to win the European Paper Recycling Awards 2017! Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony taking place at the European Parliament in October.

There are two categories: 1. Information and education 2. Innovative technologies and R&D The application deadline is Monday 3rd July

2017. Source: EPRC (formerly ERPC).

Alongside their name change to the European Paper Recycling Council, the EPRC has also launched their new website. It includes more information about the EPRC’s activities and on its plan to meet its new paper recycling rate target of 74% by 2020. “Having already reached an effective recycling rate of 71.5%, the European paper recycling value chain is willing to go a step further with a new 74% target. This elevated rate will play an integral role in boosting the circularity of Europe’s economy”, explains Ulrich Leberle, Secretary of the EPRC and Materials Director at CEPI, the Confederation of European Paper Industries.

Apply now to win the European Paper Recycling Awards

“I am sure there will be several and valuable joint

initiatives in the future bringing benefits to

the entire sector. This first meeting in

Phoenix is the demonstration of such

a partnership and mutual commitment”

Sante Conselvan, President of FTA


Page 5: Intergraf newsIntergraf news Intergraf’s 2017 Economic Report is now available! P.2 onsumer insights: Interview with Andy Lima P.2 Intergraf events calendar P.6 Intergraf factsheets

Page 5 June, 2017

“Media pluralism is facing huge challenges. Misinformation is sadly only one of the many challenges that Europe is facing when it comes to media freedom and pluralism” Paul Nemitz, Principal Advisor, European Commission

P rint circulation in India has grown by 4.8% over the last decade, bucking the global

downward trend, according to global data recently released by the Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC).

From 3.91 crore in 2006, the average number of copies circulated per day grew to 6.28 crore, registering a CAGR of 4.87 per cent. Among the four geographic zones, North shows the highest growth at 7.83 per cent while South, West and East showed growth at 4.95 per cent, 2.81 per cent and 2.63 per cent respectively.

Shashi Sinha, board member of ABC and CEO of IPG Media Brands India explained that “among other things, the growth in literacy and education has created substantial headroom for growth of

newspapers. Additionally, they are easily available and are among the cheapest sources of news available to Indians. I think most importantly, the written word still carries more credibility when it comes to India, which [is] a huge positive for print.”

Source: Business Standard. We look forward to welcoming a delegation

from the All India Federation of Master Printers (AIFMP) at our upcoming ‘Print Matters for the Future!’ conference in Copenhagen to hear more about these positive trends. There will also be delegates participating from a variety of other countries, including Korea, China, Japan and North America, as well as many European industry representatives.

Print circulation growing in India

I ntergraf recently supported and attended the annual conference and open forum of the

Future Media Lab: ‘Driving Innovation for Media: Ensuring media pluralism and promoting trusted journalism in democracy’. The event was organised by Future Media Lab alongside the European Commission and this year welcomed over 180 media experts, politicians, start-ups, journalists and other stakeholders in Brussels.

The event programme included various interventions from a large number of expert speakers. Alongside many more, there were speakers and table hosts from Roularta Media Group, Facebook, Global Media Group,

EURACTIV, Spotify and UNESCO — as well as EU representatives.

One of the highlights of the event was the three presentations given by Grzegorz Piechota, Research Fellow at Harvard Business School: (1) Are digital platforms media companies? A test based on what they say and what they do; (2) Pitfalls of user centricity—Fake news, abuses of platforms and algorithms; (3) Content business in the age of platforms. Piechota highlighted the important and increasingly multi-faceted role of social media platforms in the news media environment, noting that 62% of U.S. adults now get their news from social media.

Event roundup: Future Media Lab

“Indian print publications have seen an increase in average daily circulation of 2.37 crore copies during the 2006-2016 period” Business Standard

Page 6: Intergraf newsIntergraf news Intergraf’s 2017 Economic Report is now available! P.2 onsumer insights: Interview with Andy Lima P.2 Intergraf events calendar P.6 Intergraf factsheets

Phone: +32 2 230 86 46 Fax: +32 2 231 14 64


Avenue Louise 130A 1050 Brussels www.intergraf.eu [email protected]


“We ask the European Commission to act and

help the EU remain a competitive global

industrial power playing in a fairer

world market”


I n a meeting on 5th May in Brussels, 90 industry associations discussed follow-

up actions to the European Declaration signed by 128 industry associations two months ago, including Intergraf.

The declaration was well-received and social media helped a great deal with communicating the campaign’s aims. However, it was clear that further action is required if the importance of the manufacturing sector is to be raised at EU political level.

For the Commission, industrial policy remains at a very low priority level. The Digital Single Market is one of their main priorities. It is high time to remind the Commission and national governments of the major importance of European manufacturing industries in terms of their economic power and employment. Also that competition from countries like China and the USA, who deal with industry policy at a high priority level, can have a hugely negative impact if European industries are not promoted and supported in the same way.

In order to get things moving, a push from the heads of national governments is required. A lobby focus on member states is therefore crucial. The Estonian

presidency, which begins in the second half of 2017, is known to support pushing industry policy, so a vison should be ready for them to be promoted before July.

The plan is to create a working group which will formulate more a tangible industry vision focusing on various pillars including:

Research & development

Financial tools (as massive investment transformations are ahead for many manufacturing sectors)

Cost competitiveness (based on cumulative cost assessments made by various sectors)

Skills and Training

Internal Market

Trade and international access

SMEs It was decided that in parallel to that

work, the European Parliament should also be involved, with the aim of them issuing a resolution calling for a European industry policy.

All associations are invited to contribute to the vison and use the arguments in their meetings with national and European authorities.

For more information contact Laetitia Reynaud, [email protected].

European industry federations push for a more manufacturing-friendly EU industry policy

If you have a story for Newsflash let us know! Email: [email protected]

Page 6 Newsflash

June 8-10 Intergraf General Assembly | Print Matters for the Future Conference, Copenhagen

September 4-5 Directors’ Conference, Luxembourg

Events calendar


New European Pillar of Social Rights

To access Factsheets, Intergraf members can log into the Members’ Area of our website, using the login details provided to you. Factsheets are stored in “Folder → Factsheets”. Non-members can contact Alison Grace for more information, [email protected].