Interim Budget - 2019 An analysis February 1, 2019 Accounting Advisory Tax www.enpointeadwisers.com

Interim Budget - 2019 - En Pointe Adwisers

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Interim Budget - 2019An analysis

February 1, 2019

Accounting Advisory Tax


The Interim Union Budget 2019 being the last budget of the current government focused on all round

economic development.

The Budget identified 10 key focus areas which provide the roadmap for Vision 2030 covering all facets of the

economy including socio-economic areas and providing the target for India.

Further, the government announced with retrospective effect cash support scheme for small farmers and

pension scheme for workers in unorganized sectors

The Budget extended tax incentives to people falling in the lower income slabs and on capital gains arising on

account of house property.

Overall this interim Budget is an attempt to balance the safety of the lower income group of the society and

providing incentive for overall economic growth.



Banking Reforms and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC):

• In 2008-14, outstanding loans of public sector banks rose from 18 lakh crore to52 lakh crore, now 3 lakh crore has already been recovered in favor of banksand creditors.

• Recapitalisation has been done with an investment of Rs 2.6 lakh crore torestore the health of public sector banks.

Steps against corruption:

• Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA) and BenamiTransaction (Prohibition) Act, 1988 helps to bring transparency in real estatesector.

• The Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, 2018 will help confiscate and dispose offthe assets of economic offenders who escape the jurisdiction of the laws inIndia.


Labour and Workers Dignity:

• Expansion of employment opportunities as shown in EPFO membership, whichhas increased by nearly 2 crore in two years reflecting formalisation of theeconomy and job creations.

• Under the New Pension Scheme (NPS), the Government contribution hasincreased by 4% making it 14%.

• Maximum ceiling of the bonus given to the labourers has been increased fromRs. 3,500 pm to Rs. 7,000 pm and the maximum ceiling of the pay has beenincreased from Rs. 10,000 pm to Rs. 21,000 pm.

• Ceiling of payment of gratuity has been enhanced from Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs. 20lakhs.

• Ceiling of ESI's eligibility cover has been increased from Rs. 15,000 pm to Rs.21,000 pm.



Labour and Workers Dignity (cont…):

• Minimum pension for every labourer has been fixed at Rs. 1,000 per month.

• In the event of death of a labourer during service, the amount to be paid byEPFO has been enhanced from Rs. 2.5 lakh to Rs. 6 lakh.

• Under Anganwadi and Asha Yojana, honorarium has been enhanced by about50% for all categories of workers.

Digital India Revolution

• Under Jan Dhan-Aadhaar-Mobile (JAM) and Direct Benefit Transfer scheme; 34crore Jan Dhan bank accounts opened in 5 years.

• Under Make in India Policy, mobile and parts manufacturing companies haveincreased from 2 to more than 268


Poor and Backward Classes:

• Rs.60,000 crores allocated for MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National RuralEmployment Guarantee Act) for FY 2019-20.

• Around 15.80 lakh habitations out of a total of 17.84 lakh habitations havealready been connected with pucca roads under the Pradhan Mantri GramSadak Yojana (PMGSY) policy.

• Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) is being allocated Rs. 19,000crore in BE 2019-20 as against Rs.15,500 crore in BE 2018-19.

• Ayushman Bharat is the world’s largest healthcare program; around 10 lakhpatients have availed this program.

• 22nd AIIMS will be set up in Haryana.


• India achieved 98% rural sanitation coverage and 5.45 lakh villages have beendeclared "Open Defecation Free.“


Defense and National Security:

• Defense Budget will exceed Rs. 3,00,000 crore in 2019-20.

• Rs. 35,000 crore has been disbursed in Implementation of One Rank OnePension (OROP) in contrast to sanction of Rs 500 crore in 2014-15.

Woman’s development and Youth Opportunities:

• Under the Ujjwala Yojana scheme; 6 Crore connections got free LPGconnections out of 8 crore connections.

• Through Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, over 1 crore youth are beingtrained to help them earn a livelihood.

• The government has harnessed youth employment through the MUDRAscheme; around 15.56 crore loans have been disbursed amounting to 7,23,000crore rupees.


Infrastructural Development:

• Under UDAAN Scheme, there are estimated 100 operational airports nationwide with the commissioning of Pakyong airport in Sikkim

• 27 kms of highways being built each day.

• Allocation for the North East’s infrastructural development proposed to be increased by 21% in 2018-19 to Rs. 58,166 crore in 2019-20.

Farmer’s progress and increase in income:

• Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) policy; farmers having land up to 2 hectares will be provided income support at Rs. 6,000 per year

• An estimated 75,000 crore for PM-KISAN will be allocated for FY 2019-20.

10 Dimensions to the vision India 2030

Vision to become a Ten Trillion Dollar Economy

• To provide ease of living.

• To create a Digital India reaching every sector of the economy.

• Make India a pollution free nation with green Mother Earth and blue skies.

• Expanding rural industrialisation using modern digital technologies for massive employment

• Clean rivers providing safe drinking water, efficient use of water in irrigation using micro-irrigation techniques.

• Development and growth of coastline and ocean waters.

• Space programme – Gaganyaan, becoming the launch-pad of satellites for the World and placean Indian astronaut into space by 2022.

• Integrated approach towards agro and food processing, preservation, packaging andmaintenance of the cold chain to make India self-sufficient in food.

• Distress free health care and a functional and comprehensive wellness system by 2030 throughAyushman Bharat scheme.

• Transforming India into a Minimum Government Maximum Governance nation.


Rates of Income Tax

For Individuals, HUF and for companies

• No change in Tax Rates (including heath and education cess) for Individual / HUF/ Co-Operative Societies / Firm / Local Authority / Company (Domestic &Foreign)

• Rebate of Income tax under Section 87A increased to Rs 12,500 from the existinglimit of Rs 2,500 for resident individual for taxable income upto 5 lakhs

• Standard deduction for salaried class increased to Rs 50,000 from existingRs 40,000

Tax Proposals

No notional rent in respect of second self occupied property

• No notional rent in respect of second self occupied property maintained byowner on account of his employment, business or profession carried at anyother place

• An individual earlier was only allowed to claim benefit of single residential houseas self occupied house despite if there two houses as self occupied on accountof employment / business etc.

• The rental income from the other self occupied house was assessed tax onnotional basis.

• The proposed amendment has tried to address the issue to give a relied to theindividual to allow him to take benefit of two residential properties on accountof business / employment and thereby exempting the second self occupiedhouse from motional rent.

Tax Proposals

No notional rent on property held as stock in trade

• No notional rent on property held as stock in trade for two years consequent togrant of completion certificate;

• To give a relief to the real estate sector, the proposed amendment provides anextended period of total two years from the date of grant of completioncertificate to dispose the property held as stock in trade

• Earlier, the unsold stock inventory was subject to tax notional rent and taxthereon if the same was not sold by the builder within a period of 1 year fromthe date of grant of completion certificate.

• The builders shall now have an extra period of one year to dispose of there stockin trade

Tax Proposals

Exemption from capital gains on two residential houses

• Exemption from capital gains to be provided once in life time for construction orpurchase of 2 sale residential houses against sale of one capital asset providedcapital gains does not exceed Rs 2 crore;

• The Finance Act 2014 has provided that to seek exemption from capital gains, anIndividual / HUF was required to construct / purchase “one residential house”

• Consequent to the subject change, tax payer was denied exemptions even if theywere buying two residential houses next to each other or at two separatelocations.

• In order to give a relief to the tax payers, the amendment now allows the taxpayer to purchase two houses once in life time subject to the condition that theoverall capital gains does not exceed Rs 2 crore

Tax Proposals

Extension in time line for project approval

• Deduction to builders from 100% profit on account of providing affordablehousing projects will be available, if project is approved upto March 31, 2020.Earlier the project was required to be approved till March 31,2019;

Increase in threshold limit for withholding tax

• In respect of interest income from banks and post office – from INR 10,000 toINR 40,000

• In respect of rental income – from INR 180,000 to INR 240,000


• Processing of Income Tax Returns to me made within 24 hours of filing;

• All verification and assessment of returns selected for scrutiny to be doneelectronically through anonymized back office;

• Tax assessments to be conducted without any personal interface betweentaxpayers and tax officers


Centralisation of stamp duty on issue and transfer of shares

• It is proposed that stock exchange/depository/clearing corporation will now berequired to collect stamp duty on issue and transfer of shares. The duty socollected would subsequently be disbursed to the respective state.

• The amendment is proposed to apply on issue and transfer of securities coveringshares, debentures, derivatives, government securities and corporate bonds.

• The penal consequences have also been proposed on the failure of the agency tocollect and/or disburse the stamp duty.

• Further, the rates for stamp duty have also been made same for all India doingaway with variable rates currently levied by each state

Stamp duty on issue and transfer of shares

Stamp duty now applicable on transfer of dematerialised securities

• Transfer of securities in dematerialised form is currently exempt from stampduty.

• It is now proposed to levy stamp duty as per the applicable rate on the transferof shares in the dematerialised form as well.

Market value defined

• For listed securities (traded on stock exchange) – the traded price.

• For listed securities (off-market transaction) – the price/considerationmentioned in the instrument.

• For unlisted securities – the price/consideration mentioned in the instrument.


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