INTERIOR SEAT SUPPORTS For more information visit www.pbclinear.com or call 1-800-962-8979 6402 E. Rockton Road Roscoe, IL 61073 USA GUN RECOIL ASSEMBLY SAFETY SEATING RESTRAINT SYSTEM MILITARY & DEFENSE LINEAR MOTION SOLUTIONS

interior seat supports MiLitarY & deFense

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interior seat supports

For more information visit www.pbclinear.com or call 1-800-962-8979

6402 E. Rockton Road Roscoe, IL 61073 USA

Gun reCoiL asseMBLY

saFetY seatinGrestraint sYsteM

MiLitarY & deFenseLinear Motion soLutions


Cage Code: 79879


6402 E. Rockton Road Roscoe, IL 61073 USA

•SmallBusinessAssociation•120,000ft²manufacturingfloor running24/7•Highvolumeproductionof: – Linear motion components – Single-axissubassemblies –Multi-axissystems•Customintegratedsolutions•Collaborativeengineeringpartner•Rapidprototyping


MiLitarY & deFenseLinear Motion soLutions

PBC Linear

•37CNCLathes–7includeLive ToolingCapabilities, Upto14"dia.x25"long•14CNCVerticalMills–Upto 64"x32"x30"workarea•11CNCHorizontalMills–Upto 33.5"x31.5"x31.5"workarea•35-axisMillingCNCMachines– Upto31.5"x27.56"x23.62" work area•10IDGrinders–.125"to7.00"dia.•11ODGrinders –Steel:.125"to8.00" –SS:.312"to1.00" –Alum:.374"to3.00"•Othermachiningcapabilities: water-jetcutting,saws,hones, surfacegrindersandtumblers•ProprietarySIMO®machining

speCiaLtY MaChininG

•332710 – MachineShops•332721 – PrecisionTurnedProductManufacturing•332991 – FlangeUnits/PillowBlocks,withBall,Roller orLinearBearingManufacturing•332992 – SmallArmsAmmunitionManufacturing•332993 – Ammunition(exceptSmallArms)Manufacturing•332999 – AllOtherMiscellaneousFabricatedMetalProductManufacturing•333613 – MechanicalPowerTransmissionEquipmentManufacturing•333999 – AllOtherMiscellaneousGeneralPurpose MachineryManufacturing•336413 – OtherAircraftPartsandAuxiliaryEquipmentManufacturing•336419 – OtherGuidedMissileandSpaceVehicleParts andAuxiliaryEquipmentManufacturing


about pBC Linear: PBCLinearisafullyfunctional150,000ft²manufacturingfacilityprovidingtimeandcostsavingdesignsolutions to the toughestapplicationproblems.Equippedwithawideselectionofmachiningsystemsandleanmanufacturingprocesses, PBC ensures quality products that simplify assemblies, removeweightandreducecost.

registrations: • ITAR(Part122)Registered:M28038• AS9100Rev.C:2009+ISO9001:2008


Gun Mount support sYsteM

teLesCopinG arMaMentraCKinG sYsteM



•Wideoperatingtemperaturesforfullrangeofbattleconditions (-400°F–+400°F/-240°C–+204°C)




•Providessophisticatedorganizationandeasy-accesstoweapon racks



•SIMO machinedforcustomandcut-to-lengthextrusionsensureprecise fit and simple installation


• Idealforlongtravellengthsrequiringaccuracy andstraightness


Cage Code: 79879


6402 E. Rockton Road Roscoe, IL 61073 USA

Current MiLitarYappLiCations

© 2012 PBC Linear®, A Pacific Bearing Company — “PBC Linear” and “PBC Lineartechnik GmbH” are subsidiaries of Pacific Bearing Company (“PBC”). The data and specifications in this publication have been carefully compiled and are believed to be accurate and correct. Specifications are subject to change without notice. It is the responsibility of the user to determine and ensure the suitability of PBC’s products for a specific application. PBC’s only obligation will be to repair or replace, without charge, any defective components if returned promptly. No liability is assumed beyond such replacement. Other corporate and product names, images, text and logos may be trademarks or copyrights of other companies and are used only for explanation and to the owners benefit; without intent to infringe. This document may not be reproduced, in part or whole, without the prior written authorization of PBC. LIT TM 005_Military 6.13

Worldwide headquarterspBC Linear, a pacific Bearing Co.

6402 E. Rockton RoadRoscoe, IL 61073 USAToll-Free:1.800.962.8979Fax: 1.815.389.5790
