Internal structure of white dwarf probed with asteroseismology Jianning Fu (付建宁) (Beijing Normal University) KIAA 2016.05.13

Internal structures of white dwarf probed with asteroseismology

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Page 1: Internal structures of white dwarf probed with asteroseismology

Internal structure of white dwarf probed with asteroseismology

Jianning Fu (付建宁)

(Beijing Normal University)

KIAA — 2016.05.13

Page 2: Internal structures of white dwarf probed with asteroseismology


• Introduction about white dwarf stars

• Stellar pulsations and asteroseismology

• Asteroseismology of white dwarf stars

• Case study

– for PG0122+200

– for HS0507+0434B

– for WD0246+326

• Summary and questions

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1. Introduction about white dwarf stars

• Basic information

• Formation

• Scientific importance

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The Sun and the Earth The white dwarf and the Earth

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• White dwarf: a kind of star with low luminosity, high density, high temperature with nuclear reaction stopped

• With the color of Blue/White and small size White dwarf • Composition:

– Carbon-oxygen core – Helium and/or Hydrogen envelope

• Typical size: ~6000 km (the earth size) Typical mass: ~0.6 M⊙ • Characteristics: high gravity, high density

1.1 Basic information

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1.2 Formation

• Medium- or low-mass star evolution (M6M⊙):

– Main Sequence (MS) – Subgiant – Red-Giant (RG) – Horizontal Branch (HB) – Asymptotic Giant Branch

(AGB) – Red Super-Giant (RSG) – Planetary Nebula (PN) – White Dwarf: M1.4M⊙ Chandrasekhar mass limit Li & Xiao (2012)

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• Inside White Dwarf: – Core: Ionized plasma

with degenerate electron pressure

– Atmosphere: He/H

– Element settling due to high gravity

• H-R diagram of WD L=4R2T4; R=constant


Cooling sequence Li & Xiao (2012)

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1.3 Scientific importance

• Physics laboratory under extreme conditions – Plasma neutrino

– Axion

• Clues to the evolution of the medium- and low-mass stars (including the Sun)

• Constraints to the mass loss and angular momentum of the AGB and post-AGB stages

• Limits to the ages of the Galaxy and the Universe

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• Open questions – Stellar mass and He/H envelop mass

– Composition of the core

– Rotation and differential rotation

– Cooling and crystallization

– Gravitational settling and turbulent convection

– Element diffusion

– Neutrino radiation in the stellar evolution

– Gravitational wave radiation in the WD binary

– Fate of the planets


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2. Stellar pulsations and Asteroseismology

• Stellar pulsations

• What is asteroseismology?

• Asteroseismology on H-R diagram

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2.1 Stellar pulsations

• Stellar pulsations: luminosity of the star is changing with the time

periodically caused by the pulsations • Pulsation mode: • p-mode: pressure force provides restoring force e.g. pulsations in the sun • g-mode: gravity is the dominant restoring force e.g. pulsations in white dwarfs

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ξnlm(r,θ,φ,t)= ξnl(r)Ylm(θ,φ)e-iωnlmt

ξ— radial displacement; r — radial coordinate;

θ— colatitude; φ— longtitude;

n— radial order, the number of nodes;

l — angular degree, horizontal wavenumber;

m— azimuthal degree, projection of l onto equator.

(l,m)=(36,24) (l,m)=(2,1)

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(l=2,m=1) (l=5,m=3)

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Light curves of θ2 Tauri

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Fourier transform of SOHO data of the sun

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2.2 What is asteroseismology?

• Definitions:

– the study of normal-mode pulsations of stars that display a large number of simultaneously excited modes (Brown & Gilliland 1994)

– the field probing the internal structure of stars whose pulsations consist of many eigenmodes (Unno et al. 1989)

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• Why we need asteroseismology?

To understand the interiors of the stars

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• Uncertainty at the Stellar Evolution Theory:

nonlinear hydrodynamics

movement of chemical elements

convective zone and overshooting

amount of material burned in the core

entropy distribution


life span

→ Knowledge about stellar interior: poor

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• The stellar structure and evolution theory:

not well tested


A standard stellar model requires:

mass, age, initial chemical composition,

convection process, MLT α=L/HP


Teff and L* (if D known)

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• Asteroseismology is a drilling tool of the stellar interiors

Principle: by studying the eigen modes, to understand the inner structures

Methodology: by detecting and interpreting the frequency spectrum, to scan the internal structure

The only way existing to study the stellar interior

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2.3 Asteroseismology on H-R diagram

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3. Asteroseismology of white dwarf stars

• Pulsations of white dwarf stars

• Seismic diagnostic in white dwarfs

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3.1 Pulsations of white dwarfs

• Classification

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• PNNV (Planetary Nebulae Nuclei Variables) and DOV pulsators

– PNNV: central stars PG1159 spectral type;

He,C,O; PN, ongoing mass-loss

DOV: no PN , ongoing mass-loss

– Teff: 170 kK – 80 kK; log g:[6 -8]

Periods: ~3000 s - ~400 s, g-modes

Instability: κ-mechanism C,O

Pulsators and non-pulsators mixed

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• DBVs: Helium white dwarfs

– Teff: 25kK – 20 kK (depends on H:He)

– Instability: κ-mechanism of He

Diffusion equilibrium not reached

– Layered composition: He/He-C-O in envelope

He-C-O/C-O envelope – core

C/O in the core

– Signature of core chemical composition and profile in the period distribution?

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• DAVs (ZZ Ceti): Discovery in 1968 by A.U. Landolt – H envelope, 143 pulsators (>70 from SLOAN)

– Periods: 70 s – 1500 s

– Diffusion equilibrium almost achieved:

C/O core, He layer, H envelope

– Instability: κ-mechanism H in hot DAV +

convective driving in cool DAV

– Teff: ~12500 K ~11000 K; pure?

– Core composition, M, H mass fraction, rotation

– DA models, cosmochronology

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3.2 Seismic diagnostic in white dwarfs

• If a star is rotating, rotation will lead to the frequency splitting

• In the asymptotic approximation, the frequency splitting due to rotation is (Brickhill 1975)

where l,n,m is the frequency with indices l, n, m

is the rotation frequency of white dwarf

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• A frequency with l = 1 will be splitted as 3 ones and called a triplet

• A frequency with l = 2 will be splitted as 5 ones and called a quintuplet

• According to the asymptotic theory of g-mode, an expression of periods of a mode with l and n (Unno et al. 1979; Tassoul 1980) is,

in which N is the Brunt-Väisälä frequency, and R is the stellar radius

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• For a white dwarf, the right integral is approximately invariable in the restricted temperature range covered by the ZZ Ceti instability strip

• Pulsation periods of different modes with the same l and two adjacent n should have an uniform period spacing

• △P(1)/ △P(2) ∼ √3 between the period spacing of different modes with l = 1 and with l = 2

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• Stratification: deviation from uniform period

spacing, mode trapping

reflexion of waves with nodes at transition zones → fractional mass above transition zones

For the PG1159 star RXJ 2117+3412 (Vauclair et al. 2002)

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4. Case study

4.1 For PG0122+2000

• Introduction:

—A pulsating star between the central star of planetary nebulae and white dwarfs

—Teff=80 000±4000K, logg=7.5±0.5

—Lneutrino/Lphoton=2.5, if M=0.66M⊙;

Lneutrino/Lphoton=0.1, if M=0.586M⊙ (PG1159-035)

—Scattering processes: plasmaneutrino, Bremsstrahlung neutrino, photonneutrino emission

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(I) Asteroseismology

• Mass determination: period spacing;

Mode identification l (non-radial g-mode)

• Observation history:

—Discovery in 1986;

—reobserved in 1986;

—single-site, in 1990;

—WET, in 1996;

—campaign, in 1999

• Problem: ΔP=16/21 s ? → M=0.75/0.68 M⊙

Reason: too few modes detected

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• China-France-USA-Korea network for WD

• Born: in 1994

• Telescopes: 2-meter class

• Photometry: CCD camera;

4-channel photoelectric photometer

• Frequency: ~once a year

• Objects: >10

• PG0122+200: 2001, 2002 target

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• Observations in 2001

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• Observations in October of 2002

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• Light curves in October of 2001

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• Light curves in December of 2001

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• Light curves in 2002

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• FT in 2001, 2002

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7 triplets + 2 single modes

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Frequency triplets

—Rotation rate: P=1.55 days

—Magnetic field:

≤a few 103 G

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—ΔP=22.9 s

→ M=0.59 ± 0.02 M⊙

As Teff=80 000±4000 K

log g=7.5±0.5

→ log(L/L⊙)=1.3±0.5;

→ D≈0.7 (+1.0,-0.4) kpc

→ Lneutrino/Lphoton=1.6 ± 0.2

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Mode trapping → Helium mass:-6.0 ≤ log(qy) ≤ -5.3

(Fu et al.2007,A&A,467,237-248)

Cited by “Pulsating white dwarfs and precision asteroseismology” (2008, Annual review A&A)


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(II) Numerical models

• Paper: Córsico et al. 2007,A&A,475,619

• New generation evolutionary models:

M=1-3.75M⊙ at ZAMS

post-AGB phase followed through the very late thermal pulse and the resulting born-again episode

Remnant mass: 0.530-0.741 M⊙

• Compute l=1 g-mode adiabatic pulsation periods

• 3000 models calculated

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Best-fit model:


Teff [kK]

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• Comparison with the observed periods: δ∏=0.88 s

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(III) Period and Amplitude Changes

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Light curves in 2005

Light curves in 2008

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FT of light curves in 2005

FT of light curves in 2008: a new f= 938.767 µHz

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Period changes:

the triplets of 2224 µHz

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Amplitude changes:

the triplets of 2224 µHz

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Period changes:

the triplets of 2493 µHz

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Amplitude changes:

the triplets of 2493 µHz

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Period and amplitude changes: 2973 µHz,m=+1

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Polynomial fit to 2497 µHz:τ=[(1/f)(df/dt)]-1=5.4×104 yr Sine function fit to the residuals:195 days, 0.14 µHz

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• Theoretical prediction:(Córsico et al. 2007)

Time scale of period changes:

τ=8.0×106 yr

• From observations:

τ=5.4×104 yr

• Conclusion:

can not be caused by the cooling due to the neutrino loss

• Possible mechanism:

resonant coupling induced by the rotation

(Vauclair, G., Fu, J.N., et al. 2011, A&A, 528, A5)

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(IV) Differential rotation of PG 0122+200

• Paper: Corsico et al. 2011, MNRAS, 418, 2519

• Subject: Probing the internal rotation of

PG 0122+200 with asteroseismology

• Employing a state-of-the-art model and assessing the expected frequency splittings induced by rotation

• Comparing the theoretical frequency separations with the observed ones assuming different types of internal rotation profiles

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• Conclusion: the frequency splittings of the rotational

multiplets are compatible with a rotation profile

the central regions are spinning about 2.4 times faster than the stellar surface

• The first detection of differential rotation of white dwarf stars

• Providing hints of the angular-momentum loss problem during stellar evolution to the white dwarf stage!

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4.2 For HS 0507+0434B

Paper: Fu et al. 2013, MNRAS, 429, 1585-1595 Introduction: —HS 0507+0434B: Teff=12 290±186 K, logg=8.24±0.05 in the middle of the DAV Instability Strip —HS 0507+0434A: a 21 550 ±318 K DA white dwarf —Both members of the pair must have been

formed at the same time. One additional constraint is provided on the modeling of

their evolution

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Observation history:

—discovered to be a DAV in 1996

(Jordan et al. 1998)

—single-site observations in 1997 (Kotak et al. 2002)

—single-site observations in 2000

(Handler et al. 2002)

—bi-site (XL+BOAO) in 2007

(Fu et al. 2013)

—observations in Dec. 2009-Jan. 2010

(Fu et al. 2013)

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Fourier spectra of the 5 seasons 1996→





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• Observations in 2009-2010:

– Single site (XL), Dec. 13-18, 2009;

– Single site (LJ), Dec. 25-31, 2009;

– Bi-site (XL+SPM), Jan. 12-17, 2010;

– Single site (LJ), Jan. 24-31, 2010.

• FT in 2009-2010

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From the triplets: —Rotation rate: P=1.61±0.26 days Then: —ΔP=49.63 s —M=0.675 M⊙, L/L⊙=3.5×10-3

—MH=10-8.5 M*

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— The amplitudes of the

modes vary on week

time scale

— The “Pulsation power”

is time dependent

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4.3 For WD0246+326

—WD 0246+326: a ZZ Ceti Star —Teff: 11940 ±180 K Log g: 8.21±0.05 (Gianninas et al. 2011)

—Teff: 11290 ±200 K Log g: 8.08±0.05 (Bergeron et al. 1995b)

—locates close to the red edge of the instability strip —Discovered by Fontaine et al. 2001

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Fourier Spectrum

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• 11 periods extracted • 2 triplets and 1 doublelet were found • mode identification: l=1,2 • triplets: average δf=1.54 ±0.19 μHz →rotational period: 3.75 ±0.42 days • Average period spacing: ΔP=30.28 s

Linear least-square fit of l=1 modes with ΔP=30.28s

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825,794, 767s of l=1 mode 887.2, 847.8 of l=2 mode 953.0,618.8 of l=? mode were used in fitting

Using the standard deviation to indentify the best modes

Constraints from the Theoretical Models

WDEC program

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Parameters of the Large Grid

Parameters of the Detailed Grid

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The Best fit model

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Mode identification from the best fit mode

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• Time-series light curves in 2014

11 independent pulsation modes

• Triplets: ℓ=1 & 2 g-modes split by rotation with an

average period spacing of 30.28 s

• An average rotational splitting of δf=1.54±0.19 μHz

an average rotation rate of 3.75 ±0.42 days.

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• Theoretical periods vs observed periods: standard deviation

One best fit model with 0.95 M⊙ & 11700 K

An ultramassive DAV

• Paper: submitted to MNRAS

• BPM 37093: a white dwarf with core crystallization


(Kanaan, et al, 2005, A&A, 432, 219)

A diamond star

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5. Summary

• Asteroseismology : a powerful tool to probe the interior of the stars • White dwarfs: simple structure • Pulsating white dwarfs: ideal laboratories with asteroseismology

– Derive stellar parameters precisely – Study the stellar evolution of late stages – Study the Period/Amplitude changes – Rotation & Angular momentum evolution – Magnetic field of white dwarfs – Constrain mass loss during stellar evolution……

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1. How to make good enough observations for asteroseismology of White dwarfs?

2. What can multiplets of frequency tell us? How to get the multiplets well observed?