NEW FRONTIERS OF BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 8:30 - Registration of participants Opening of the conference 9:00-9:30 - Speech by Sen. dr. Vincenzo D’Anna President of the National Order of Biologists First session 9:30-10:15 - Critical issues in the production and control of biological drugs: technological innovation at the service of quality Dr.ssa Loretta Bolgan Pharmaceutical chemical 10:15-11:00 - Mitochondrial deupletion (Deuterium Depletion) restrains prokaryote proliferation and virus hosting cellular events thus alleviates the use of biologics Prof. Laszlo G. Boros, M.D. Professor of Pediatrics (Endocrinology & Metabolism) - The Lundquist Institute of Biomedical Innovation at the Harbor - UCLA Medical Center - University of California Los Angeles - UCLA School of Medicine 11:00-11:20 - Coffee break 11:20-12:05 - Precision vaccination: the new challenge of vaccinology Prof. Paolo Palma Academic Department of Pediatrics, Research Unit of Congenital and Perinatal Infection, Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù, Rome, Italy 12:05-12:50 - Potential and risks of biotechnology applied to drugs: the role of the biotechnologist in risk assessment Dr.ssa Sara Buresti Biotechnologist 12:50-14:00 - Lunch break Second session 14:00-14:45 - The impact of the microbiota on the immune system Prof. Fabio Piccini Università Politecnica delle Marche di Ancona 14:45-15:30 - From Genetics to Epigenetics/Hologenomics Prof. Ernesto Burgio European Cancer and Environment Research Institute 15:30-15:50 - Coffee break 15:50-16:35 - Microbiota, health and aging Prof. Andrés Moya Integrative Systems Biology Instititute, University of Valencia and CSIC), FISABIO and CIBEResp 16:35-17:20 - Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics in the treatment of degenerative diseases Prof.ssa Laura Di Renzo Professore Associato Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione, Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata 17:20-17:40 - Fertility: the key role of the environment and lifestyles Dr.ssa Gemma Fabozzi Ricercatrice embriologa del Centro Genera e responsabile del Centro Salute Donna B-Woman di Roma 17:40-18:00 - Discussion 18:00 - Closing of the conference ROMA - 18 APRILE 2020 SALA CONGRESSI GRAND HOTEL PARCO DEI PRINCIPI VIA FRESCOBALDI, 5 Biological drugs, precision medicine and omic sciences: the role of biologists 3 EDITION PROGRAM www.onb.it rd

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NEW FRONTIERS OF BIOLOGY...NEW FRONTIERS OF BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 8:30 - Registration of participants Opening of the conference 9:00-9:30 - Speech

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Page 1: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NEW FRONTIERS OF BIOLOGY...NEW FRONTIERS OF BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 8:30 - Registration of participants Opening of the conference 9:00-9:30 - Speech



8:30 - Registration of participants

Opening of the conference

9:00-9:30 - Speech bySen. dr. Vincenzo D’AnnaPresident of the National Order of Biologists

First session

9:30-10:15 - Critical issues in the production and controlof biological drugs: technological innovationat the service of qualityDr.ssa Loretta BolganPharmaceutical chemical

10:15-11:00 - Mitochondrial deupletion (DeuteriumDepletion) restrains prokaryote proliferation and virus hosting cellular events thus alleviates the use of biologicsProf. Laszlo G. Boros, M.D. Professor of Pediatrics (Endocrinology & Metabolism) - The Lundquist Instituteof Biomedical Innovation at the Harbor - UCLA Medical Center - Universityof California Los Angeles - UCLA School of Medicine

11:00-11:20 - Co�ee break

11:20-12:05 - Precision vaccination:the new challenge of vaccinology Prof. Paolo PalmaAcademic Department of Pediatrics, Research Unit of Congenital and Perinatal Infection, Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù, Rome, Italy

12:05-12:50 - Potential and risks of biotechnologyapplied to drugs: the role of the biotechnologistin risk assessmentDr.ssa Sara BurestiBiotechnologist

12:50-14:00 - Lunch break

Second session

14:00-14:45 - The impact of the microbiotaon the immune systemProf. Fabio PicciniUniversità Politecnica delle Marche di Ancona

14:45-15:30 - From Geneticsto Epigenetics/HologenomicsProf. Ernesto BurgioEuropean Cancer and Environment Research Institute

15:30-15:50 - Co�ee break

15:50-16:35 - Microbiota, health and aging Prof. Andrés MoyaIntegrative Systems Biology Instititute, University of Valenciaand CSIC), FISABIO and CIBEResp

16:35-17:20 - Nutrigenomics and nutrigeneticsin the treatment of degenerative diseasesProf.ssa Laura Di RenzoProfessore Associato Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione,Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata

17:20-17:40 - Fertility: the key roleof the environment and lifestylesDr.ssa Gemma FabozziRicercatrice embriologa del Centro Genera e responsabile del Centro Salute Donna B-Woman di Roma

17:40-18:00 - Discussion

18:00 - Closing of the conference


Biological drugs, precision medicine and omic sciences: the role of biologists



