International HRM- Lecture 11

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  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11



    International HRM- Lecture 11

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Managing Across Borders

    International corporation Domestic firm that

    uses its existingcapabilities to move

    into overseas markets. Multinational corporation


    Firm with independent

    business unitsoperating in multiplecountries.

    Global corporation

    Firm that hasintegrated worldwideoperations through acentralized

    home office.

    Transnational corporation

    Firm that attempts tobalance local

    responsiveness andglobal scale via anetwork of specializedoperating units.

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Types of Organizations

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    Increasing Importance of UnderstandingGlobal Human Resources Management

    InternationalMergers andAcquisitions

    Global HumanResources


    Foreign HumanResources


    Market AccessOpportunities

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    How International Companies Affect

    the World Economy

    Their production and distribution extend beyondnational boundaries, making it easier to transfertechnology.

    They have direct investments in many countries,affecting the balance of payments.

    They have a political impact that leads to

    cooperation among countries and to thebreaking down of barriers of nationalism.

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    How Does the Global EnvironmentInfluence Management?

    Unified Economies

    Closely partnered nations such as the European

    Union (EU) have developed into strong competitors. Promotes job growth in trading nations.

    Cultural Environment

    The communication patterns, religion, values and

    ideologies, education, and social structure of a hostcountry influence how HR is conducted in thatcountry.

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    Domestic versus InternationalHRM

    Issues in international HRM in helpingemployees adapt to a new and differentenvironment outside their own country:



    Translation services

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Why is international HRM morechallenging than domestic HRM Dealing with a more diversified external environment (


    Geographical distances makes control by HQ moredifficult

    Dealing with an international staff of managers andworkforce who come from diverse cultures, religion,customs and educational backgrounds

    Having to operate with different currency levels in paythat are subject to fluctuation

    Dealing with the complexity of expatriate management

    Training and development initiatives must be adapted tosuit local conditions and it is not possible to implementuniform standadized programs

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    International Staffing

    Expatriates, or Home-country Nationals

    Employees from the home country who are oninternational assignment. for ethnocentricorientation

    Host-country Nationals

    Employees who are natives of the host country.More for polycentric orientation

    Third-country Nationals Employees who are natives of a country other than

    the home country or the host country.- more forgeocentric and regio-centric orientation

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Hiring Host-Country Nationals


    1. Hiring local citizens is generally less costly thanrelocating expatriates.

    2. Since local governments usually want good jobs fortheir citizens, foreign employers may be required tohire locally.

    3. Most customers want to do business with companiesthey perceive to be local versus foreign.

    4. Local employees will be more supportive of localmanagers

    5. Facilitates technology transfer where local managersare trained to use sophisticated technology fromdeveloped nations

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Hiring parent country nationals

    Support ethnocentric orientation with centralised HQcontrol

    Protect sensitive information and confidential technologyand knowledge

    Business venture is only short term and there is no needto train locals

    Provide career development opportunities for theirmanagers

    Where the host country managers are too nationalisticand loyalty to their own country comes before loyalty totheir employers at the parent country

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    Recruiting Internationally

    Work Permit, or Visa

    Government document granting a foreign individualthe right to seek employment.

    Guest Workers

    Foreign workers invited to perform needed labor. Apprenticeships

    Vocational training programs in skilled trades.

    Transnational Teams

    Teams composed of members of multiplenationalities working on projects that span multiplecountries.

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Selecting Global Managers

    Global Manager

    A manager equipped to run an international business( PCN & HCN)

    Skills Categories for Global Managers Ability to seize strategic opportunities in the global


    Ability to manage highly decentralized organizations

    Awareness of global issues Sensitivity to issues of diversity

    Competence in interpersonal relations

    Community-building skills

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    Comparison of Advantages in Sources of Overseas Managers

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Selecting Global Managers

    1. Begin with self-selection.

    2. Create a candidate pool.

    3. Assess core skills.

    Skills considered critical

    to an employees successabroad.

    4. Assess augmented skills andattributes.

    Skills helpful in facilitating theefforts of expatriate managers

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    Skills of Expatriate Managers




    ResourcefulnessStrategic thinking


    Cultural sensitivity

    Change management

    Team building



    Technical skills

    Negotiation skills

    Strategic thinking

    Delegation skills

    Change management

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Expatriate Selection Criteria

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Issues in International ExpatriateSelection- Reasons for assignment


    Expatriate failurethe inability of the expatriate to

    complete the overseas assignment or the inability to meet

    expected levels of performance

    Common reasons

    Family adjustment wife & children experience problems

    Lifestyle issues unable to accept changes in style of living

    Work adjustment cannot adapt to new work culture, loneliness

    Bad selection expatriate who does not hold the right credentials

    Poor performance business difficulties that are unexpected Other opportunities arise more attractive job offers

    Business reasons Expatriate cannot accept the nature of businesspractices overseas that conflicts with home country practices

    Repatriation issues Expatriate is disappointed with arrangements

    made for homecoming

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Training and Development

    Essential training program content to prepare employeesfor working internationally:

    Language training

    Cultural training

    Assessing and tracking career development

    Managing personal and family life


    Culture shock Perpetual stress experienced by people who settle


  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Preparing for an International Assignment

    To prepare for an international assignment, one should becomeacquainted with the following aspects of the host country:

    1. Social and business etiquette

    2. History and folklore

    3. Current affairs, including relations between the host country andthe United States

    4. Cultural values and priorities

    5. Geography, especially its major cities

    6. Sources of pride and great achievements of the culture

    7. Religion and the role of religion in daily life

    8. Political structure and current players

    9. Practical matters such as currency, transportation, time zones, andhours of business

    10.The language

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Nonverbal Communications in Different Cultures

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Training Methods

    Reviewing available information about thehost company: books, magazines, videotapes.

    Conversations with host country natives.

    Sensitivity training to become familiar with

    the customs and overcome prejudices.

    Temporary assignments to encourageshared learning.

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    Assessing and Tracking CareerDevelopment

    Developmental and Career Advantages of anInternational Assignment:

    Increases the expatriates responsibilities and

    influence within the corporation Provides a set of unique experiences beneficial to

    both the individual and the firm

    Enhances understanding of the global marketplace

    Offers the opportunity to work on a project importantto the organization

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    Repatriation Checklist

    Before they go:

    Make sure there is a clear need for the internationalassignment. Dont send someone abroad unnecessarily.

    Develop a clear set of objectives and expectations and timeframes in which they should be met.

    Make sure that your selection procedures are valid. Select the

    employee and also look at and involve the employees family.

    Provide (or fund) language and cultural training for theemployee and the employees family.

    Offer counseling and career assistance for the spouse.

    Establish career planning systems that reward internationalassignments and lead to promotion and knowledge sharing.

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    Repatriation Checklist (contd)

    While they are away:

    Jointly establish a developmental plan that focuseson the goal to be achieved.

    Tie performance objectives to the achievement of

    the goal. Identify mentors who can be a liaison and support

    person from home.

    Keep communications open so that the expatriate is

    aware of job openings and opportunities.

    Arrange for frequent visits back home (for theemployee and the family). Make certain they do notlose touch with friends and relatives.

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    Repatriation Checklist (contd)

    When they come back home:

    Throw a welcome home party and arrange for ameeting with other former expatriates.

    Offer counseling to ease the transition.

    Arrange conferences and presentations to makecertain that knowledge and skills acquired awayfrom home are identified and disseminated.

    Set up an expatriate database to help other

    employees who go abroad later.

    Get feedback from the employee and the familyabout how well the organization handled therepatriation process..

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Global CompensationChallenges

    Different countries have different norms for employeecompensation:

    Financial (money) incentives versus nonfinancialincentives (prestige, independence, and influence)

    Individual rewards versus collectivist concerns forinternal equity and personal needs

    General rule: Match the rewards to the values of the

    local culturecreate a pay plan that supports theoverall strategic intent of the organization butprovides enough flexibility to customize particularpolicies and programs to meet the needs ofemployees in specific locations.

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    Compensation of Host-CountryEmployees

    Hourly wages can vary dramatically fromcountry to country.

    Pay periods are different.

    Seniority may be an important factor.

    High pay rates can upset localcompensation practices.

    Bonuses, profit-sharing, benefits and paidleave may be more extensive and legallyrequired.

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    Compensation of Host-CountryManagers

    Global CompensationSystem

    A centralized pay system

    whereby host-countryemployees are offered a fullrange of training programs,benefits, and pay comparablewith a firms domestic

    employees but adjusted forlocal differences

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Compensation of ExpatriateManagers

    An effective international compensation program must:

    1. Provide an incentive to leave the United States

    2. Allow for maintaining an American standard of living

    3. Provide for security in countries that are politically unstable orpresent personal dangers

    4. Include provisions for good health care

    5. Reimburse the foreign taxes the employee is likely to have to pay(in addition to having to pay domestic taxes) and help him or herwith tax forms and filing

    6. Provide for the education of the employees children abroad, if


    7. Allow for maintaining relationships with family, friends, andbusiness associates via trips home and other communicationtechnologies

    8. Facilitate the expatriates reentry home

    9. Be in writing

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  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Expatriate Compensation System

    Split Pay

    A system whereby expatriates are given a portion oftheir pay in the local currency to cover their day-to-day expenses and a portion of their pay in their home

    currency to safeguard their earnings from changes ininflation or foreign exchange rates

    Host-Based Pay

    Expatriate pay is comparable to that earned by

    employees in a host country to which the expatriate isassigned.

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    Expatriate Compensation Systems


    Adapting pay and other compensationbenefits to match that of a particular country

    Reduces resentment among local staffmembers if they are earning significantly less.

    Other Issues

    Adequacy of medical care Personal security

    Compensation policies of competitors

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    Performance Appraisal

    of International Managers

    Who Should Appraise Performance?

    Home-country evaluations

    Host-country evaluations

    Adjusting Performance Criteria Augmenting job duties

    Individual learning

    Organizational learning

    Providing Feedback

    Debriefing interview

  • 8/2/2019 International HRM- Lecture 11


    The Labor EnvironmentWorldwide

    International Differences in Unions:

    The level at which bargaining takes place(national, industry, or workplace)

    The degree of centralization of union-management relations

    The scope of bargaining (parties and issues)

    The degree to which government intervenes The degree of unionization and union strength

    The political affiliations of unions

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    Identify the types of organizational forms usedfor competing internationally.

    Explain the economic, political-legal, and culturalfactors in different countries that HR managers

    need to consider. Explain how domestic and international HRM

    differ. Discuss the staffing process for individuals

    working internationally. Identify the unique training needs for

    international assignees and their employees

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    Identify the characteristics of a goodinternational compensation plan.

    Reconcile the difficulties of home- andhost-country performance appraisals.

    Explain how labor relations differ aroundthe world.