5p socialist woman special INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY I by Alexandra Kollontai

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socialist womanspecial


I by AlexandraKollontai

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s is its first v )1: 311156 En;;‘is)‘.mow emil ers..ry cl ztoneutsi-s birth. Tne trsnslAlix

-- Alix Haltis the 52nd Internntirlnztl W:~me>,n‘s Dav. But how1 Erlfilartd are aware cf tuis or lcnavv . tt this 41?‘mu.-ly v.-when

stands for?tel‘)-rtl‘onal ‘J.:v\:*en‘* Day was first orrehisea tn draw were wheniutu pol; ical nctl i It -nee esllea "work ng ‘v/amarfls Day"ml ' ed st maldnri .1: elese WCIJ/311 E‘)"C canscicus cf theunden erstie nature or oui sc—c:J1ed damn cirs e d at mzvin them fre eonseiousness there was same my in whichsociety could d.

_n country started callinl: neetirwnrkjm: V en. D) the yeaulsenecs w re held in Stuttgart era

pm:'r,erore'1910 interr lens: ccnfeeh uhe e the crmmon aims eha mthods of at .different Y1 ti nel unvenents could. to w rhea. out. mhescconferences were successful in intefiratlng the fi ht fa‘ th votefor w n, in opposing the midtilewlass suffrage-ttes who s: _efrnnchlse rmd prupcrty rights as the and of the 9151",‘ le em inanal womenmaintaining vac Baclnlist perspective of the i..1:erri:stmuvn-:1:'1‘.t.

tier t‘ e lntenlfitional links 01" the wcr' W:as wn rs evcrywhere, irlitefiul of righting"cvermuants, be _ fjgh —~ £2’ theiLhii eehsnst each ther. T e natiw, she inter\'Iol‘kJ11g women's organisations eellnpsen. ati final

Then in Russia, in 1917, the workers and peasants Jverfhrew theela ruling class. In February the lssr was rsrced to aLL este,and men committed to a constitutional, Iarllnrvlcntary type ofpm/ernsen, trok over the I‘unniug er the country. ut they couldnot cope wi h the economic axmi social alsihteprst en ptoduc mythe WM, by peasant I‘EbElli’)D and urban Imres The pedfile Wémtefhreltd tn eat, land to live by, em and to the rlghting and theythcrcfure weleenea the seeunr; revolution and the estsnlishthe holshevik govemment that promised them these things.sis u-us ‘co he s.

the A 13:1 vmulfl no l'>n'h:\;_rs to pt-.v fer the cesriegper cent, Everyone would no workcollective, for the new society.

cialist Russia, ninety per1- have tn sweet every iwy ICI' lungs and country houses or the Nile tend all Wauld work or theclass were hard. lhe couzltry was in chaos. Tcomunieetions heal broken down, civil war wastrsops from hlnest eve v country in Europe were lghRussian soil m an sttehpt to defeat the new pnvezmllent. but therevolutim had done .~.waywith thc eld system of capitalism.From new on the factories and the land would he uwned by thepeople. And so there was wreat hope about the future, a'hc>u1: thenew society that wauld e mile to orrer all people a Letter lireThe new sccicty had a lot to nffer when. women would he for 1:‘H151. time equal. lhey would c relieved of all the dmnestictasks which h :3 previously ehsihea them to the home. Publiccelnteens, latmdries and other services would he set up. And they\vo1J_'L:i no longer be humehea ty all the cares or b1*iugJ'_ng up

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-2-Gh:Ll(‘.r:."\ since C]‘\2Ch5"S, kinflc V. ‘


were to £2‘ -:1iSh[:d1 1

Every wmnu would have the V,

life‘ S214 wfultl 9 £1 ‘T15 C

.~. ;yz.'.T11c cc‘ 1-.:.~y am she no»maki r and all nci-11 uI"P.n1 . my wjust -2 1‘-,;a1 phrase - it w uld it 5 rlescrlft

,. Th~ newevery ta _ vipmpmet “Int: notAlex:-.rdr'>

6: Eu L10 ;J*x1iti'Ls;L. V401‘! avwnrst W"!!Aenr T111,

mi '-/LL1(,n‘S Day" was written in 1920 by—r 2 cm-.;~i~n t ttacb w~m;—n :*

11i5t:I',/ ( » m— em and the str 5;equ-s.1ity, :1 t the gains ~r 1917, hm.‘ t.~.cy must ctn est: ish the new society Wh'liherntimla.~‘.lC~X9.nr"ira Krvlluntai was thib kiilxister of Social 'L"elfn_re in (5

first Eolshevik ;-.~vcrmtnt, ma was the anly mm; to be such ‘

_ st. Born in 1a72 into a wuztlthy family and Frnuqht up incomfort am secl\VSiI“.1, K llonmi 1'lB‘lEI“thC1ESS Feceme involved inWe ‘ ‘iticnl questicns of the time. At the are /A 26 Ehfi had‘ switzcriana tn I‘C.GU1V'u the universityis: still ~

. . , Iluss v to St.\

E‘et:1‘s‘:u:rg she trnk 1.:‘.1'C in :'cv.1utiom‘=1‘y act Threatened ‘K

h arrest in 1909. she was farcex‘, to leave for Lurcpe W}].£'1‘E I

she rsxnaim r‘. until March 1917-

Livnlvtrl Lot}: in the in4.t:rnz\‘ci,»nal wnn/;n's I:LUVL.:m)n17 in theargf-1n1s=,tinn of \'IMrIc).n,—? mi in Russia, Ku11artai bar‘ Liwayskeen concerned with analvslng tht prvsitiun »r axwnun XL: e1'catitaiia-2., their reiatimship tn th e revnluti nary 2| vacant= + o struggle for sncialism. int n prez inn of W’IL'k:z1 is 2.(mm 122 and main; side: r: cssinn, and Krill: tai was therefxreinvolved ,n discussing t :2 fannily , the education ~i- chiiaren,maiarnity and .

~ ." r ', 11;): . She srms how theseq1E:s?.in1'\5 are iunwmntaily ccmjnected with t‘ C t tal :21‘:.*miaat'cf society, hm an institu’c'..:n 111:6 theto suit the nceda of GM vty.The rash Hf vw.-mezfa su'b31'.1i'r:z‘.teQ1'ga11is:'.tiJn of Sr isty r.-n'1 thmwomen is an as part nf t1part or this strur

mm in: the libtratinn oi’ht far socialism it in .2

The wurkilr class is far Kulldntii the revnlutinnary class,the D1 as that Will We instrumental in ‘,I‘iD.£'inr about it vcialisf -societ Imfl skim thus devotes her an '

or inisation anon; W:‘I'1C'L ;f '.’»'OmOJ'1. A asant .

the wives E75 vmrkers ar aver urdcnurl ty their househ-31:1c res and looking after their chlldren, tut they only fighttneir csitinn ' the hhmes from :2 positiun cuts the haunt.I1: 15 of \VG1‘!{ that women cone I‘ and elmbe oxganls , a here that the fight for better G4/Dr‘both in the home and in the factory will be fawght for.It is true that Kallontai lzter failed to carry an the fiher ideas, and this a subject fur another Ertlcleg we as netthink that this invalidates the ideas themselves 21‘ the importor her earlier work.

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.. £7 -3-In February 1917 the first 1overthrow of ' Tsar was :sale. r causes the discrepancy in i has) when the Warner. isnmstrsted for the mturn :.r th r men from i ieznsnienbread ,6“ their chlldzon. .nis was the +‘lr.,t of ueny strikesand demons ticns which 1:5 to the 5012 re of power in CCtC/L1917. .“m(1 wss than that e strut cunl he made on Chang _

the es of the working men and wnmen cf the new soviet sts e.And are cc‘.1t"tiuns in 7971 Lritain rs-sic 11y very airicrsnt frnnpre re - utinnery Russia? we have a society where power isvested the hands of 21 few - (whatever the talk a1c\n‘: a V

pluralistic society. Ask the nne or two million unemployed inBritain how much power they have?) The .aJ'e1‘s are still ax-ploitsd, their lshcur pmer is bci ~ used to provide p1‘r:fi*for the few; poverty is still rife, oz-tun‘ is: for men one-when are strsncled from birth; }.-rvusixzr is inn equate; over halfthe population 4 those W113 are when — are still lurvi nsa withthe respaxlsibilities of the hone as well as Lcing supcr exploitcaat work. These c the same Women whose work is usually semi-skillea or unsklllsri, who e paid less than the ten, md whastill shcu er all the T25‘ ‘nsllilities fer the O,,1l(‘Y‘Bn en‘ thecare of her huslnna.


Obviously for us 136 change this society, W -men as W011 as menn 2 play a part in the chan ; they host participate in tra eunions and political ;r,,~,<inisatians.

Kollcrtsi, in 1920, would pra‘ “ly have thrmght that by nzwlife would he rrgsmiscd ir such a way that s. "wwrking wnznonrsDay" wcul: have no point.But working women have yet to win this Wew life. T‘ y haveyet to win a wrrld where society rsnevse tho w.rhin,~ women01‘ Lacerial cares amt‘. leaves her tine enm. strs th 1:0 takeunrt in the life of the cemunity.\T<.~rk1.\" women must fiiht at their place of Work for hettconch lcns in the factory '11‘ office and for ‘Letter crniin the home .The 6 million un—uniouiscd wtmcn workers must jwin \m:'LJns.The 2 million wonen ‘lrerfy in unions rust ~r miss. ‘H rkiw 'en must ormnise ‘tr; fight for equal ; y,

1“ equal workfor we rs‘ control over w [95 :.m’ c vwitions. W; ‘

Bust 01‘, misc tu fi ht frz‘ the Set? up of crecnesputlic facilities.V/Vzvrb'1:,'; wcnen nust t.:.hs an active pm in thu atl'u;'.:1e cf theworking class against rent increases aid :15 ,_ prices.If we read ahout "1ntsi~nati:.na1 Women's Day" in 1929 and cans;nur situation today we s ncre clearly what wnrkingg w'v1cn havet ‘E0 fight for me. how they must get to the-r to startflghting.

A Socialist Woman special prcriuced by North Land-Jn socialistWoman, 1a2 lcntunville Raad, Londm 11.1

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s Day or working women’;\ nay is a day of internationalsol darity and a deg,’ for revi ing the strength and the

_.ation cf proletarian women,

out this is not a special day for women alone. The ath ofMarch is a historic a nanorahlc day for the w hers andpeasants, for all the lussian workers and for t e workers oithe wh is world. In 1917, on this day the great February revo.lution broke out, It was the working women or Peterslmrg whohegan this revolution; it was they who first decided to raisothe bannc cf opposi ion against the tsar and his associates,And so won ing Women‘-'3 hay is a double celebration Z0: us,t if 17315 is a general holiday for all of the proletariat,~..-h» do we call it "Women’s Day"? Why then do we hold specialcelebrations and meetings iincd ahove all at the womcr workers

and the peasant women? noosnn. this jeopardise the nity andsolidarity of the working class? To answer these questionswe have to loo: back and see how women-s Day came about andfor what purpaao it was organised,,

w AND ‘JHY ‘ms worm ‘S D ' ORGANISED?

Not Var-yelor ago, in fact about ten years ago, the questionof women-s equality, and the ouestion of whether women couldtake part in government alongside men was being hotly debated.The working class i all capit:-_‘List countries Htrugg ed forthe rights of working women: the bourgeoisie did not want toaccept these rights. It was not in the interest of thebourgeoisie to strengthen the voice of the working class inparliament, and in every country they hindered the passing oflaws that gave the vote to working women, socialists inNorth America insisted on their de ends for the vote for womenwith particular persistence, ion the 28th of February 1907,tin women socialists of the L',s.A. organised huge dsmonstra-tions and meetings :21 over the country, denandng politicalr’ hts for working vmmen, This was the first "women's bay",e initiative in organ g a womerfls day thus belongs to

t e working women of Amellca, ln 1910 at the secondInternational conference of socialist Working women, clzetkin brought forward the question of organising an Interanational working wone. s Day. The conference decided thatevery year, in exuzry country, they should celebrate on thesame day a Women's Day under the slogan "The vote for womenwill uzlite our strength in the struggle for socialism".Luring those years the question of making parlisnent moredemocratic, i.e. of widening the franchise and or extendingthe vote to women mm a vital issue. Even before the Firstworld war, the workms had the ght to vote in all bourgeoiscountries except Russia. only women, - ng with the insane,remained without these rig" ts. Yet, at -the same time, theharsh reality of capitalism demanded the participation ofwomen in the country's econoisv, Every year there was an in-crease in the number of women who had to work in the factoriesand workshops, or as servants or oharwonen. women workedalongside men and the wealth of the country was created bytheir hands, But women remained without the vote, But in thelast years before the war the rise in prices forced even thenest peaceful housewife to take an interest in questions of

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France and aernanv The w rking wencn understood twash‘? enough tn break up the sells at the market or threatenthe odd ._erch:In*.' t ev unrlerstocd that such actinn cce:m=t hringdovm the M t or living. You have to ch n5e_ths nslitics ofthe government. And to achieve 1:’ is, r o worhingjcls‘Westo see that the ire. chiso is widened. It was decided to haveo Wo::Aen's Day in ov ry country as e for: of struggle in gettiworking wane to vote. Th s day was ta he s any uf inter-na _nnal sol darity in the fight for numlvn objectives and edny for revlewing the crgmiscd strength :1 wor mg vwzlrm unflcrthe homer of sccialism.

politics end to protest lo dly against 1, e b"\.rgeconomy :1‘ pl-ndcr ’Pi ewives’


The decision taken at the second International Conference :21‘

socialist woncn was not left on paper. It was cecided to holdthe first International Womerfls Day on the 19511 of March I911.This date was not chosen at random. 0.11‘ Gerucm camrades pick-35this day hcocuse or its historic inpcrtence for the semenproletariat. on the 19th of March in the year the 1845 re-volution the Prusaian king recognlsed for the first time thestrength 31" the erned people snd gave way herire the threator a prcletsrien uprising. Among the many proniees he made,which he later failed to keep, was the intrcduerian :f the vatrefor wemen_ After January of 1911 efforts were node in Germanyand Austria to prepare for Women's Day. lhsy node known theplans fur a denonstrat hoth hv word of mouth end in the p?.‘eS5_During the week before V

. en's Day we journals appeared:"The vote for wonen» in Germany and "Women's Day" in Austria.The various articles devoted to Women's hey - "woneh andParliament", "The working women dc M\1niDi1i¢fl_ Affairs", "what hase housewife got to do with politLc“”" etc — anaysedthoruughlythe question of the equa1l"y :1‘ women in the govern»sent and in society. 5.1 the articles enphesised the samepoint: that it was ehsolutely necessary to make parlianentnore democratic hy extending the franchlse to wncen The flrstlntemationel Women's day took place in 1914, Its s. ceesexceeded all expectation. Gei-nony amd Austria on war ingWomen's day was one seething trenhling see or women. meetingswere organised everywhere _ in the smell tmms end even inVillages. Hells were packed so full that they had to askworkers to give up their places to the women. whiz was ce\"tail:L‘.7the rirst show of nilitency hy the working wone .

Men stag, edat hone with the children for a change, and their wives, thecaptive huusevives, went to neeti . In Austria there wasconflict with the police. Dur, g .e largest street demon»stration in which 30,000 were taking the police decidedto remove the denonstrntorsv banners e women workers madea stand. In the scuffle that fallowed, olood ' was avertedonly with the help of the sociallst deputies of pullamentiIn 1913 International Wumexfls Day was crazlsferred to the 5thof March, _ie date has remained the working wcnenxs day ofnilitency.IS WOMEN'S DAY NECESSARY?

wonenvs Day in Europe and in America had amazing results. It'strue that not a single bourgeois parliament thought or makingconcessions to the workers or of responding to the women'sdenands_ For at that tine the hourgeoisie was not threatened

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1‘;.L»r¢r*rC1\1‘~'iOfi. jut ‘»lnmmJs Day did ach. .vc sous.-tnrned out abov U. to be an excellent LP had ofagltatian amongst the less p. itical or cur pZ’Q}.e'l2D1‘l..ns ste ‘§, They could not help but turn th 1‘ attention to thenag , aensnstrations, posters, pmphlets and newspapers

were dc-vuted to Wsrkln; Women's day. Evan the politicallyLrd working watch thought to ‘nersei . ""I~i'ls is our day,estival far warking when", and she hurrleri to thegs aha Gunonstraticms. .-Lfter each \‘lar1r_'i_1n_g‘ Wnue‘n’5 Day

, women jwined thr. saclalist parties and the trade. unionsgluw, organisation invprxavea and political consciousnessdcvelopoli.w nenvs Day served yet another function, it strengthened thetemntisnal Enllfiurity or the workers. The parties of dif-Brent eountrios usually exchange spcakers for this ccctzsiorCozjraflcs go to England, English eonranos go to aollena,etc, 'l‘h° izlierzlatloncl cahesion of the wcrkim; wunori has

mi and firm — a thls means that the fighting.h cf the p1‘«)lI:'5:r1£'.t as a whole has grown. These arecsult: hi‘ the working women's am of rilitzmcy_ Theseres ts snow that those wha talk as .1" rtvs not wart‘. hcldir/'n s gar ts Siljtant Women's Day are mistaken, The cxperiencu;oi’ these new years teaches something sizrerent. The dw ofw vking women's litancy helps increase the cansciausnessand srgmxlsation of prola 261$ wo::u:n_ And this nexus that1175 ccntributi n is cssent 1 to the success of thase flgh ,


far a ' ttsr future fa): the wark vs; elass,"TEN WOHKHVS D ' IN RUSSIA

The nu sian working wmen first task part in "Walking home.1915, This was a ti e of reactlon when tsorlsz‘. heldkors am pemants in its Vice—1ike gr.-.p. T are c

be «. t hug t Cf c «hrntmg "'v'Ja1‘k1'.u_, w news newt the irganis a wcrl Q when were 2t /1131 day. oth flu legal nsmpapers ~

the 'E:1shovi' - Pravda and the Mensholclcs chant Int: "Faio—n;l wononvs Ba}cl azticles, po -rm-.s 01’ so 2 or thusut [5 and taking part in the we kJ_n;‘. we-nen=s

_1 g; .ings rrow fareign comrades such :15 Beta

r those bleak ye a neetings were forbidden.P rogzai, cat the Knlcshrlikovslqr Exchongu, those wczirkers wha belonged 1:: the Party organissa a "rzoz-sing 'h.:c':\~en the minor, Question", 1-ntrnnce was 5 kfipaeks.

illegal meeting an: the hfll w.15 Etaalurely yaCkud_luenb s of the Party spoke, But tnis animated "closed"nee-ti: had hardly finished when the palics,al~_rnea at suchpron uaings, intervened ana ml‘;-stud nany cf the spoxers, Itwas ' great significance for the \-rwkc-rs of the world thatthe nihsn or Russia, who lived under tsarist repra sion, sh:,al'j ‘H: mi sanehaw manage to ix; 1 ~d{;e ith ant us I:xtur—national xi ears Day, This was a welcome 5 that Russiawas waking up and that the tsarist n sons and gallsws werepnwerless to kill the workers’ spirit at strmggle and protest.h 1914, "we-..en Mark‘ 2- Day m Russia was better or tmiscd,Bath the workcrs' newspapers concerned thelgsalves v.'1‘:h thecelebrtttion. Our commas put .2 lot of effort into the \7I'C-pnratian 21‘ Russia's "Wager; Workers’ Day", Because of p CCintervention, they riiflrfit manage to urgmisi: :1 rlenunstratlou.

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Thane irulvmi in the pierni hi the "V/.':>;J:2]1 mrkers! nay"ream therneives in ‘crmrist pri ans, me many were ietertu the and North. For the slogan «J1"'Bt1‘|A e the the warwonnn-e votz.-" baa naturally ’uecoi_e in Ruse e SI‘. up , eeiifar the overtlzrnw of the tsarist nhtoerecy.WOPEII WORKED DAY DURING THE If/EEEECIAI

The first world war broke cut. The we king class ‘in avervcountry was covered with the blood 03? war. In 1975 mi 19H:"Wc:‘kj.n W/:Een‘s Dagf" abroad was a feeble affair - left VL21soc flli 17 women who s,,:\red the views of the Russian Bolshevpa.‘ V tried to mm Much 8th into a demnstmt 11 cf %I“’ingwe >\ agakxst the war. But those socialist pZL‘\,y traitsrs J:G any and in ..‘T.ne.l‘ can tr‘es would not allow the socialistWELSH to organise gather gs; eta : e sccinlist ween were r .i\v.:ed passpurtfi to gm te neutrti countries where the var ,when wantea to hold international n =ting5 and to shew ‘Ina?

pite of the desires of the bwui‘ euisie, the spirit atmrnerev solidarity lived on...h 1915 it was finly in Nnrwzty that they unwed ts organiseQ1 internetienai deuonstratinn 911 women 5 my, reiron Eu ’a and neutral countries actenflei. iheihe than : er ergmieing a women‘: neg; in ussizt,the pnwer er the tsariax; ens the zilitery hinc was meridiec,But then LJLZE the grant yea: cf W17. Hunr_;er, eem ans. thetr" ‘ls tvf war hrahe the patience ./f the women wnrkers me thernixlt women of Ruasia. In 1917. an the ath of "Arch < arfiEebruaxy) mi Working Woman's Day, they can he dl_ em, .1. :the streets or Patrsgrafi. The wonen . s .e we

the WIVES «Di soldiers _ Elmamled "]3rec/1 fur nu eh,ieren" 1!}'”’‘he return of our husbands from the tram: es", At this acisive tine the pretest oi the working W0: it pages me: e.

threat that even the tsarist security forces did not Ear:take the \1S‘AaI‘. ueeehres against the "ra'nel.s" hut locker] or. incoafusian at the starry sea. cf the pecplc-‘S anger.’I‘Y= 1917 Working we:-.en's Day has hoe H Lei‘. mule in histon "nis my the Rueetan wmen raised the torch pxolutarre 'Lut ;n and set the worm en fire. The Fr. rnery newnerks its beginnings frnn th

CILL TO B ""“ EI vorking wenerus 1224;" was first srganised t ~« yea:-s £kjJ in the’?npEi5n as gent of the eezpeign for 1- tieai equalityof women and the strnggls for reeieiiee, am has been« hievee by the working class women , Russia _ the Sovietepublic e working when and peasants aonrt nee. + ightfor the franchise and for their civil rignts, They ave.J_r.«.aay won these rights, The Russian kers end the —,.ee;rluucl are equal citizens — in their harms is e jmwcr :21 wain make the struggle for e hetter life easier . t e r ,t ttote, to take gas: in the Soviets aha in all collective ..,,e .isaciene.Bu‘ rights nione are not enough, we heve to lersn to hem1159 of then. The right te vote is a weapon which we h— e Eulearn to meter for our own hnheiit, and fur the good as th ,

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In the two years of Soviet puWO1', life. abszlutely changed, we are Lnlyct‘ smug 1 g for caununisn ~15 we are surroundwe have inherited £22; the dark and repressivee :1]:.ack1es of the family, of hcmseworii, of p1‘a3t1t—utioh, etiii wm'5h hnavy uyon the »~ '

wrmtn 31.41 Pemsk n can only )3e tvwrio and achieve equality in life itself, and nut justin i

w, 5 they put (‘.11 + eii- eriorg as into making SovietRu: Q2 3. tmiy cunuuniet society,


c a;u:chsm this Go ing, we have first to put righta'.<: Shfilvx/EI".d eec any, we met cansidcr the SDIV_ ifou. ‘hr? ir:|:1eJi:L'cc tasks _ the creatlcn af .2-. W811 zrgan sedmi‘ pelitieuzy conscious labrmz‘ force unfl the 1» estah1.s1~.~_e»,«_t

o‘ truspurt. If cur an: Cf labcur works wcl‘ ~ > shawl‘s.m have sung: englnes once more; the raiiways win 1::"’.na1.'i3n, Tfxls 1:85:15 that me wcrking E2111 and women w 11t the bread, firewond an emteiy~a:1.

Gett 5 transport b ', ,

- ctory:1‘ c Jim» , And M112‘: the victory of commie: V. 11 carthe cocpl e am in entai equality of 1.410 ~11.the esazzge "Work:‘nL: h3l'1’S Day" must i

., pe:‘.Sc.nt women. but ers, in es m sisters,./rtg to helping the wowers ..nd cmmaes in cvcrco in;cc of the railways ~ re—ostab1ishmg; frazispbrfi.meinyuhew‘

tr; the struggle for breai and firewood and raw:Lateria_‘Ls."

Last ycar th slogan. 3: the my :f women Workers was: N11to the vine. v of “r~ 'ed 1" nt". Now we call wzrking, woaar.

h on :t new bloodless i'1‘ont _ theatca the extsrnd aret was organise .

,nod and ready far selwith CrV'a.b sation, liazdwnrk, 551*" discipline=1”—.:G.A.‘I‘1flK3C, the w; ke1‘S' republic will avercana the4:1 foe — th J; am part mavl the ecanMid and :LseCLSC. " 18 to the viaices lcfbcur rrant! Eve: e t:- this Victary

NEW T3 1'45‘ OF " 0511110 ho PS D

oetoher re.:1u im [gave women equctllty with . as far1 rights are carnemea, The w ~32. of the Rus inn prolet-at, who "am not S4 Very 1911;’; R the most urmortunate manow in the Scviet *epuh1ie hue ta en:Lie to c LL fies in other c.m.::t1‘ics t e path t~ pulitice,ua._ ty.t e c ‘\pl<.-ts,

r-.I‘at1"1’A of wa..en thzwnurh the c»~.t;.‘e_1LSh; 11": 0. we d.c“t::fox*sh1p ,r thr: proletariat 311:1 sovietgawnr, .,ituatin.—i is ver 'f‘E1‘C!J‘s. 5:) the capitalistcountries where women are S‘: 1 ave —worke ma unJE.:priV imIn thee countries the v ‘es the war 4 WGFCF is weaklif-lees, It is true that v:v.1‘i.:ue eauntrits _Aus 51 a, land and in it e ti the Stat); of )1women hai K31‘/‘ll rlgizts even before the wet,

V be-

I:n Germany, after the KEJLSOZ‘ hai been thrown end :3 hnu1‘;ur~i.«srepuhl C established, headed by the "CO1Tp1‘OE|J.5 ts", thirtys’ rouen entered parliament — but mt a single c0uL‘\:.n1s‘:£



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In 1919, in m land a «mm: wTAB,’i'IT1‘ t‘ e first tlhe elected .21 mber of Parlle. ht. But who she? A "l.'_vdy". lhet ‘leans‘Hide her, C1) :Lri:ztccl':J.‘.:.

In Frame, o, ‘J1; question has ‘seen com - LL11 lcreljy hr extehalhrthe rrhhchlee to women.

But what use are these rm ta ta w. h- when in‘

.of bun1‘;eov.:2 pailiarlcrlts. While *:hL power 15capitalists md ploperty cwlers, no peliti ‘the lvmlkill woncn fr); the traditional p sit n of s1n:.'(-Icy :

th, ‘lone aml in suciety. 2‘ e F1‘EflI‘h ';)our,eoisie e !i135Y to ‘

throw another sop to the wmmt class, in the face :f wegrcxwing influence of Eolshevik A ens Ix’ nget the proletatia“they are preparer‘. to gise women the vote.

liter the experience cf the ithsslm newto ev‘

wer 3f the s.equl lty, on y e .1

the renvury-uld ch:.l_ r reyreseluh and lack sf .. hts.task of International why‘fac r t heurgcoia ;:'_':1i2mm‘,a, ta right my

, Che workin class new has a new taskto a.gCu Se wurlung WDFJQ armmrl the figntimj 31.73215 :11‘ the H-__Internal. anal. Instead of demanfllng’ tr. take part 5n the warkm-of the bourgeois parllmeht, listen tn the call from Russia -"Workl.'r ‘ wcvuon Cf fill c(vun$1'ie5! Urgtmisu a united p1'G1etar1fJ.'1

the strugg e atgaulst those who are plunderin’; the wanh the pH; a:\e1'l1:£l1“iC‘.niS1.‘A of the bent eoisiel Wewelcome suviet pawn:-5 Away with the inequailtles sufferer} bythf‘ w:wr‘ri_v\.g men and ‘#0391! We will fiitht w ‘th the wurkers forthe trlu ph of mrla ehmz_n:e:.:«This call was first heard amulet the trials at e new cheer, :1the battles of the cull war lt will be heam by me it w‘11stri ,e a chord in ‘Ere hearts of warkm: women of Jffirler atThe wa ’ mg wax; n m‘ listen and believe the call to ' e 1‘Unt;1 recently t ey thsuaht it was worth 5 tttlg the Vote am;they ‘.;‘*~ught that l t ey ,..’.\nC,_ ta send ; I‘°-w 1‘cgz'I-Er;\':t"1;w‘«2Sto par lament, their 1 we would be easler arm the31" our ,u1ls:\ EDIE baLz':1?:ls. Now they ‘Elm-7 nT.‘.1e1'wise,

Only ‘ overthrcw of capitalism and the establ ent cf ScviztPower ' 11 save them frcn the world uf sufferin , n“‘aili:Itions01:54 ecuality that 5:.-Lites the life cfthe wo lung woman :3capi" let countries ee hard. The warkm Wane '5 D:\,y"' t m\sfrom a day of struggle for the fx‘2:7r:hi:n2 int: nttrantday I etm, le far the full zmj absolute liberation of Wwh means a stmlggle far the Victory Of the Suviets Lmfl<1

. ,mis:15 '




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