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1st Half-year 2011 The same issue has been published: in German French and Italian




Summary page President’s preface 3 Note of the Secretary General 3

ACTIVITIES OF O.I.T.A.F. 4 INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION Meeting of the EU Commission’s Standing Committee for Ropeway Installations designed to carry persons 8 ACTIVITIES OF O.I.T.A.F. WORK COMMITTEES Work Committee 1 : 10 Ropeway engineering and technical recommendations Working Group set up by work committee 1 : non public ropeways 10 Work Committee 2 : 11 Characteristics and Inspection of Ropes Work Committee 3 : 11 Electrical equipment and components of ropeway installations Work Committee 4 : 12 Legal, administrative, economic and statistical matters Work Committee 6 : 13 Optimisation of ropeway and ski-tow operation Work Committee 7 : 14 Environment FUTURE EVENTS 14 O.I.T.A.F. events INTERNATIONAL EVENTS 14 O.I.T.A.F. in INTERNET PROGRAMME OF THE O.I.T.A.F. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS 16



President’s foreword

This has been the last time I have written a preface to O.I.T.A.F. NEWS as President in charge of O.I.T.A.F. At the beginning I admit, overstressed as I was by my normal managerial activities and strained by health problems I found it rather difficult to cope with my new duties as president of O.I.T.A.F., but as time had passed, I guess I had done quite a goo, even though the presidency of an international association is definitely not an easy task. The first thing I wish to do at this point is to express my thanks - To all chairmen of O.I.T.A.F. work committees

who have done excellent work in carrying out the assignment entrusted to them by the O.I.T.A.F. Management Committee, the high quality of their commitment is best shown by the high number of O.I.T.A.F. recommendations which have been published on the O.I.T.A.F. website in the last six years.

- To all members of the secretariat of O.I.T.A.F. in Bolzano and in particular to the O.I.T.A.F. Treasurer Claudio Canessa Parodi and to Markus Pitscheider.

- To our two interpreters who live in Milano, Re-nata Rassini and more than any one else, Ellen Brink, who whenever needed helped to establish and maintain contacts between myself and the secretariat

- To our Secretary General Dr. Heinrich Brugger, the guardian of O.I.T.A.F. traditions, for his inde-fatigable commitment to our organisation. His re-tirement after having served O.I.T.A.F for 27 years will no doubt coincide with a turning point in the life and organisation of O.I.T.A.F.

- To all members of the Management Committee whose unfailing confidence has always support-ed me throughout the six years of my term of of-fice.

A new team will take up responsibilities and its ac-tivities will benefit from favourable starting condi-tions i.e. - Work committees who have learned to appreci-

ate the rules and advantages of team work. This is also true for work committee 2, which has elected a new chairman and agreed a new work programme

- Guidelines for the budget estimate for the three years to come providing appropriate financial coverage for the future development of O.I.T.A.F.

- Renewal of the partnership agreement with the Government of the province Bolzano which is willing to provide the material support which is necessary for the secretariat to continue its sec-retarial activities.

I wish the incoming president of O.I.T.A.F. and the new secretary general full success of their efforts to achieve their assignments and objectives and O.I.T.A.F a long life in many years to come. Jean Charles Faraudo Note of the Secretary General The date of the forthcoming O.I.T.A.F. worldwide international congress on transportation by rope to be held in Rio de Janeiro from October 24 to 27, 2011 is approaching apace which means that in the next issue of O.I.T.A.F-NEWS we ought to be able to submit a report on a hopefully most successful international congress. In conjunction with the forthcoming congress the next General Assembly of O.I.T.A.F. members will also meet in Rio de Janeiro on October 24, 2011. The 2011 General Assembly is required to elect the new Management Committee of O.I.T.A.F. The in-coming Management Committee which will meet after the General Assembly is called upon to elect the new president of O.I.T.A.F., the incoming vice-presidents of O.I.T.A.F. and the members of the incoming Executive Committee. Next to all these elections the meeting is also called to designate a new secretary general of O.I.T.A.F. because I have decided to resign my office as head of the secretar-iat, an assignment I had been entrusted in 1984 and to pass this responsibility on to a younger suc-cessor. That notwithstanding I have taken it upon myself to write the second issue of O.I.T.A.F.-NEWS 2011 and take my leave after having served O.I.T.A.F. as its secretary general for full 27 years. In the first half of the year managing bodies have focused their attention on the organisation of the forthcoming international congress. The Management Committee, the Executive Com-mittee, the General Organisation Committee and the Reading Committee have met in the first half of the year, the predominating item of the agenda of their meetings being the discussion of arrange-ments for the forthcoming congress. As you no doubt have learned from the announce-ments that have been made, the INTERALPINA Tradeshow in Innsbruck has been the first time ever O.I.T.A.F. has organized and staffed an O.I.T.A.F. exhibition stand to spread knowledge about O.I.T.A.F. and its forthcoming international con-gress. This has also been the main purpose of a well-attended press conference which has been orga-nized during the INTERALPINA Tradeshow An O.I.T.A.F. delegation has also attended the Na-tional Convention & Tradeshow of NSAA in La Cos-ta Resort & Spa in Carlsbad, CA, USA and has



availed itself of this opportunity to rouse interest for the international congress in Rio de Janeiro. Besides this promotional activity an O.I.T.A.F. del-egation has visited the ALPITEC/ISPO in Peking last February. Actually it has been the first visit an O.I.T.A.F. delegation has made to this technical tradeshow. Organisation of and arrangements for the forthcom-ing international congress, which is no doubt a very important issue, have not been the only activity O.I.T.A.F has carried out in the first half of the year. Regular administrative activities, such as arrange-ments to be made for the General Assembly of O.I.T.A.F. and the election of members of the Man-agement Committee and of auditors, reconstitution of work committee 2 “Characteristics and Inspec-tion of Ropes”, revision of O.I.T.A.F. recommenda-tions, production of statistical surveys of ropeway installations etc. have been the other issues O.I.T.A.F. has addressed in the fix six months of the year. This shows that in the first half of the year O.I.T.A.F. has tackled quite a demanding pro-gramme of work. For the details of all these activi-ties see the following reports on the activities. You will find also further down reports on the meet-ing of the Standing Committee on Ropeways set up by the EU Commission and the meeting of the ADC0 Group. Readers will also find a report on the meeting of the EU Commission’s Standing Committee on Rope-way installations designed to carry persons, as well as a report on the meeting of the ADCO Group.


Meetings of managing bodies of O.I.T.A.F. In the last six months the Management Committee and the Executive Committee have convened but once. Accepting an offer made by the Slovenian Ropeway Association the Management Committee has met in Ljubljana on May 26, 2011, while the Executive Committee has held a meeting at the Zü-rich Airport on February 17, 2011. The meeting of the Executive Committee has fo-cused its attention on the following issues: Organi-sation of the O.I.T.A.F. International Congress: Progress report on the submission of lectures, planning of working sessions and of lectures to be presented in each of them. appointment of modera-tors of the four working sessions, account of lec-tures, promotional activities such as for instance the trip of Ingo Karl, member of the O.I.T.A.T. Man-agement Committee and Markus Pitscheider, sen-ior officer of the O.I.T.A.F. secretariat to the Na-tional Convention & Tradeshow organized by NSAA in La Costa Resort & Spa, Carlsbad, CA, USA and

trip of Markus Pitscheider to IPO CHINA/ALPITEC in Peking in February 2011. At its meeting on May 26, 2011 in Ljubljana the Management Committee approved the general guidelines for the organisation of the international congress, in particular guidelines for the organisa-tion of working sessions and the presentation of lectures which have been selected by the Reading committee. Hence the definitive programme of the international congress may now be regarded as having been finalized. As for the General Assembly of O.I.T.A.F. which has been scheduled to take place on October 25 in Rio de Janeiro the Management Committee has exchanged views on the following issues and has drawn up the following draft agenda for the meeting : • Election of members of the Management Com-

mittee – preliminary discussion of the list of can-didates

• Budget estimate for the period of three years 2012 – 2014

• Balance sheet and annual statement as per 31.12.2010

• Amendment to the O.I.T.A.F. statute, the pur-pose of the amendment being to authorize members of the Management Committee to ap-point as their representative a person of their choice they can trust to be a faithful representa-tive of their views and positions.

The following two additional questions have been addressed by the Management Committee at its last meeting • Reconstitution of work committee 2 : “Character-

istics and Inspection of Ropes”. The Manage-ment Committee finalized its choice of experts who are to serve on the reconstituted work committee and has exchanged views on sub-jects which ought to be addressed by the new committee. The Management Committee felt that the new committee ought to pursue a two-fold objective. i.e. draft new recommendations and update existing recommendations for coun-tries that do not have own regulations without neglecting, on the other side, the research on and the further development of ropes. The first meeting of the reconstituted work committee has been scheduled to take place on July 20, 2011 in Vienna. A report on the outcome of the meet-ing will be published in the next issue of O.I.T.A.F.-NEWS.

The Management Committee also decided to up-date O.I.T.A.F. Recommendations for the construc-tion and operation of non-public ropeways for the transportation of persons and goods – Reversible aerial ropeway installations (edition 1996) Book N° 11.



O.I.T.A.F. delegation attending the National Con-vention & Tradeschow organized by NSAA IN La Costa Resort & Spa, Carsbad, CA, USA Markus Pitscheider and Diego Scofano, repre-sentative of the local organisation committee of the 10th Worldwide International Congress on Trans-portation by Rope in Rio de Janeiro have availed themselves of this opportunity to submit reports on the organisation and arrangements made for the forthcoming international congress. In his opening address of the convention the Presi-dent of NSAA, Michael Berry has urged all partici-pants to avail themselves of this opportunity to at-tend an international congress organized by O.I.T.A.F. and recalled the great success of the 8th international congress O.I.T.A.F. had organized in San Francisco. Some 500 participants have attended the conven-tion and many interested participants have visited the stand O.I.T.A.F. has set up in a very favourable position at the entrance to the convention in order to get additional information.

Diego Scofano, officer of the Cia. Caminho Aèreo Pão de Açùcar and Markus Pitscheider, senior officer of the O.I.T.A.F. Secretariat in front of the O.I.T.A.F. stand

set up at the convention in Carlsbad (USA). O.I.T.A.F. delegation attending the Tradeshow on Mountain and Winter Technologies ALPITEC/ISPO in Peking from February 23 to 25, 2011 Accepting an invitation extended by the manage-ment of the ALPITEC Tradeshow Markus Pitscheider, senior officer of the staff of the O.I.T.A.F. secretariat, and Ingo Karl, member of the O.I.T.A.F. Management Committee have made a trip to Peking and have attended the above men-tioned tradeshow. They have also availed them-selves of this opportunity to establish contacts with Chinese ropeway operators and supervisory au-thorities. This event, i.e. the ASIAN PACIFIC SNOW CON-FERENCE 2011 offered O.I.T.A.F. an opportunity to present two lectures, i.e. one on the ORGANI-SATION OF O.I.T.A.F., and one on the 10th

O.I.T.A.F. worldwide international congress on transportation by rope w in Rio de Janeiro to an audience of some 110 participants. Lectures have been translated into Chinese. Attending participants were handed out a bilingual brochure (Chinese and English) on “What is O.I.T.A.F. ?” and the folder with the definitive programme of the international congress. The Chinese public has shown to have been very much interested by the information they have been given on O.I.T.A.F. and the information on the international congress and hence there is good reason to hope that many Chinese will attend the congress in Rio.

Markus Pitscheider, senior officer of the staff of the O.I.T.A.F. General Secretariat and Ingo Karl. member of the O.I.T.A.F. Management Committee providing information on

O.I.T.A.F. and the forthcoming international congress.

O.I.T.A.F. exhibition stand at the INTERALPIN Tradeshow in Innsbruck. This year’s INTERALPIN Tradeshow from May 4 to 6, has been the first exhibition ever O.I.T.A.F. had been given a chance to present itself to the public by organising a special O.I.T.A.F. exhibition stand. We are very much indebted to H. Höhener, member of the O.I.T.A.F. Management Committee, who has accepted to look after the stand and to the compa-ny Doppelmeyer, which has given a hand and helped to put up the stand. This is why we wish to avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our thanks to the company and H. Höhener. Mrs. Marion Bronz, representative of the local or-ganisation committee of the Rio congress and manager of C&M Congresses and Meetings in Rio de Janeiro who is responsible for promotional ac-tivities which are being undertaken to rouse the in-terest for the international congress also attended



the tradeshow and has always been present on the grounds of the tradeshow and ready to spread in-formation about Rio and the forthcoming interna-tional congress. Last but not least, I wish to express our thanks to the Manager of the Tradeshow, Herr Georg Lamp, and in particular to Stefan Kleinlercher, who has been anytime ready to help wherever he was in the position to help. Thanks to this stand O.I.T.A.F. has been given a chance to spread information, hand out a press release and establish new contacts and win new members.

From left to right : Mrs. Marion Bronz, Manager of C&M Congresses and Meeting, Hans Höhener, Ingo Karl, Mrs

Ercilia Leite de Castro (General Manager of the Sugar Loaf Cableway in Rio de Janeiro), Giuseppe Pellegrini (technical

manager of the Sugar Loaf Cableway)

The Secretary General of O.I.T.A.F. Heinrich Brugger and Hans Höhener in front of the of the O.I.T.A.F. exhibition

stand. (Foto : Si/Wieser)

Press conference of O.I.T.A.F. organized during the INTERALPIN Tradeshow on May 5, 2011 O.I.T.A.F. has organized a press conference during the INTERALPIN Tradeshow in Innsbruck and has availed itself of this opportunity to spread infor-mation about O.I.T.A.F. and the O.I.T.A.F. Interna-tional congress. Many representatives of the international press have attended the conference and shown their in-terest for the forthcoming international congress.

The president of O.I.T.A.F. and Mrs. Ercilia Leite de Castro, Chairman of the local organisation commit-tee and president of the Sugar Loaf Cableway in Rio de Janeiro have informed the press about the latest progress of arrangements and organisation of the congress..

From left to right : the Secretary General Heinrich Brugger, the president of O.I.T.A.F. Jean Charles Faraudo, Mrs

Ercilia Leite de Castro, General Manager of the Sugar Loaf Cableway, Giuseppe Pellegrini, technical manager of the

Sugar Loaf Cableway O.I.T.A.F. Worldwide international congress on Transportation by Rope to be held in Rio de Janeiro from October 25 to 27, 2011 Thanks to the satisfactory progress of the organisa-tion and of all arrangements it has been possible to finalize in the meantime the definitive programme of lectures that will be presented during the congress. General Organisation Committee of the O.I.T.A.F. international congress on transportation by Rope in Rio de Janeiro. The General Organisation Committee met twice in the first half of 2011. The first meeting has been convened in Paris on January 20, 2011 and the se-cond meeting on May 7, 2011 in Innsbruck. The main objective the committee had set them-selves has been the finalization of the definitive programme of the congress and the necessary ar-rangements to be taken to spread information on the programme by means of folders and via inter-net. Decisions have also been taken regarding the official opening session and the social programme of the congress. It should be pointed out that in lieu of the welcoming cocktail at the intermediate station of the Sugar Loaf cableway the local organising committee has organized a welcoming reception at the palace of the Lord Mayor of Rio de Janeiro on October 24. The local organisation committee has also taken additional decisions regarding the local organisation of the congress.



Programme of the international congress - Reading Committee Readers have no doubt already seen the provision-al programme of the congress and hence learned that the following four working sessions have been organised as integral part of the congress : Working session 1: Rope driven transportation

in urban settlements Working session 2: Transportation by rope and

tourism Working session 3: Sustainability of transporta-

tion by rope, environmental and social aspects, econom-ic efficiency

Working session 4 : Technology and safety The first working session offers ropeway manufac-tures, i.e. the companies Doppelmayr Garaventa and Leitner / Poma and operators of their ropeway installations a chance to exchange information on problems they had to face while building or operat-ing new ropeway installations in some urban set-tlements, such as for instance San Agustin in Cara-cas, Minimetro in Perugia, the aerial ropeway in Koblenz or the urban ropeway system in Medellin and elsewhere. This type of means of conveyance is meeting an increasing favour because of its excellent perfor-mance and function as urban means of convey-ance. They have a daily capacity of up to 28 000 passengers ( Funicolare Centrale in Naples) For the second, third and fourth session the re-sponse to the “Call for papers” has been highly sat-isfactory. Indeed a total of 74 lectures from lectur-ers of 18 countries and all continents of the world. Out of this total the Reading committee has select-ed 18 lectures that will be presented personally by their author in the working sessions of the con-gress. The time given for the presentation of the lectures ranges from 10 to a maximum of 20 minutes. Six of the selected lectures on the traditional appli-cation of ropeway installations specially designed as a means of conveyance for tourism and hence also lectures that stress the significant role of transportation by rope as means of conveyance for tourism, will be presented in working session 2, i.e. two lectures on the general importance of ropeway installation for the development of the economy and four lectures on the current situation and develop-ment trends in Europe, Latin America, North Ameri-ca and China. Participants will be taken to a visit of the Sugar Loaf Cableway and offered two papers on the im-portance and development of the Sugar Loaf ca-bleway before the beginning of working session 3.

Six lectures are to be presented in working session 3. Their main subject is sustainability of ropeway installations, but they are also expected to address problems of construction of ropeways in urban set-tlements and the architecture of ropeway installa-tions. Working session 4 is to address one of the most important aspects of transportation by rope, i.e. technology and safety of ropeways. In this working session manufacturers will be given once more a chance, almost half of the time scheduled for this working session, to speak about their technical in-novations and development trends. And seen that they are expected to speak about and to describe their latest innovations the chosen title is not specif-ic but very general. For the first half-time of working session the Reading Committee has selected four lectures on safety, safety which has to be given due consideration in design and during operation of a ropeway installation. Participants will be given. a lecture on safety of evacuation, an interesting cal-culation model and two lectures on human aspects which bear their influence on design, construction and operation of ropeway installations and are fun-damental for the safety of ropeway installations. Seen that transportation by rope is not only an im-portant means of conveyance of passengers, but also an important means of conveyance of materi-als organizers felt that due consideration ought to be given to the safety of material handling ropeway installations. It should also be pointed out, as a conclusion to this general information on the congress, that many au-thors have shown to be very interested to be given a chance to present their papers and hence the Reading committee’s task has been all but easy. This is why all papers that have been submitted, i.e. not only the lectures that will be presented during the congress, will be published in a data processed system and made accessible to all interested per-sons. Organizers hope that the congress will attract many participants and their presence might be the best indication that the Reading committee’s choice has been a good one. Enclosed to this issue of O.I.T.A.F.-NEWS you will find an annex with the full programme of the con-gress and the list of all lectures.




Standing Committee on Ropeway Installations designed to carry persons set up by the EU commission The 10th meeting of the EU Commission’s Stand-ing Committee on Ropeway installations designed to carry person chaired by Mrs. Sveva Barbagallo, member of the EU Commission, has taken place in Brussels on March 24, 2011. The meeting has addressed the following subjects : - Definition of inclined lifts and funicular railways - Report submitted by the Standing Committee

to the EU Commission - Application of the Directive relating to ropeway

installations designed to carry person to the Wie-Li System

- Application of RFU n° 011 by notified bodies

Borderline between inclined lifts and funiculars In order to start the discussion going the Commis-sion submitted a summarized report on the out-come of the meeting of experts which has taken place on December 7, 2010 in Brussels. Unfortu-nately no agreement on a common solution for the above problem seemed to be possible. That not-withstanding the majority of members approved the proposal to submit this issue to the EU Commis-sion’s Standing Committee. In their proposal the experts’ committee suggests an amendment to the wording of the guidelines for the application of the EU Directive relating the ropeway installations de-signed to carry persons. The proposal has given birth to a long discussion in which more than once reference has been made to the approach given to this issue in many countries with an important na-tional industry, i.e. the fact that the decision on the type or system (inclined lift or funicular railway) to be built is left to the client and the manufacturer, may be after having heard the views of the compe-tent supervisory authority. But in the end, the deci-sion is after all taken by the client, and hence also the decision whether the project is subject to the directive on lifts or the directive on ropeway installa-tions. In the discussion reference has also been made to a definition specified in the directive relat-ing to lifts, i.e. the definition which says that the lift is intended as a means of non-interrupted convey-ance within buildings or other structures. A possible solution to this issue would be possible if it were possible to delete the term “Bedienung” = service, non interrupted service. Reference has also been made to the standard prEN 81-22 “Electric lifts for the carriage of persons and materials with inclined track” which is being referred to for instance in Italy as reference standard for the construction of in-clined lifts and has so far brought about very satis-factory results. Yet the meeting could not reach an agreement on the definitions which could be used

to draw a clear line between the two systems, not even after having heard many arguments and ex-planations. This is why it has been decided not to amend for the time being the enforced wording of the guideline for the application of the Directive re-lating to ropeway installations designed to carry persons but to postpone the solution and to make an attempt to find a clear border line or clear defini-tion for the concerned systems if the Directive relat-ing to ropeways has to be amended so as to meet requirements of the New Legal Framework of the New Approach. Standing Committee’s report to the EU Com-mission Under article 21 of the EU Directive relating to ropeway installations designed to carry persons a report on the application of the Directive has to be submitted to the European Parliament. The report has been finalized in the meantime The introduction to this report includes the following statement : The Directive has been enforced on May 3, 2000 and is applicable in all member states of the Euro-pean Economic Area, which means also applicable in all member states of the European Union, as well as in Island, Liechtenstein and Norway. The submitted report describes important facts which the transposition of the directive has brought to light. Due consideration is given in this report to the out-come of consultations of the Commission’s services with the competent national authorities and all ac-tors involved by the transposition of the directive. A questionnaire listing facts and problems which have been brought about by the transposition of the di-rective has been used by the services of the EU commission to carry out this consultation in 2010. The report terminates with the following conclusion : The enforcement and transposition of the Directive permitted to achieve the set objective i.e. the crea-tion of an internal market for the free trade of safety components and subsystems of ropeway installa-tions encompassing all member states and to pre-serve a uniform high level of safety in all member states. It also appeared from this survey that the applica-tion of the directive gives rise to some specific prob-lems. The EU Commission is determined to ad-dress all these aspects and to seek possible solu-tions to be taken into consideration in a potential future revision of the directive. If this revision were to be taken it could also be used to bring the di-rective in line with the decision n° 768/2008/EC17 which has been adopted with a view to providing a guideline for the adjustment of legal provisions of the New Approach to the requirement of the New Legal Frame.



This means that some parts of the directive would have to be brought in line with the principles of the new approach, a procedure which could be used to define and draw the border line between inclined lifts and funicular railways. However for such an amendment or adjustment to the new approach to be possible it is necessary to make first an analysis of the likely effects and its implementation is unlike before the end of 2012. Application of the Directive on Ropeway Instal-lations designed to carry persons to the Wie-Li System The Commission informed the meeting that the company Wiegand has been invited to present and illustrate its Wie-Li system and its technology (car-riers running uphill or downhill on rails or other guides) for the Commission to have a possibility to assess the applicability of the Directive relating to ropeway installations to this system. Dipl.Ing. Hellmut Weiss has been assigned the task to ex-plain this system’s technical details. H. Weiss ex-plained that Wie-Li is an original system of its own which is never or hardly ever used in ropeway con-struction and that hence it cannot be regarded as being subject to the same essential requirements which have to be met by current ropeway installa-tions. The system is a closed circle (the carriers with passengers never stop along their way along the circle till they return to the point of departure). A hauling rope is only used for the uphill travel of the carrier. The Commission further recalled that the Standing Committee has already discussed this problem in 2006 but has taken no decision because it has not been authorized to take decisions. The majority of members believe that the EU Directive relating to ropeway installation is applicable if passengers travel uphill and if there is on the top a possibility to disembark. Seen that the committee had been au-thorized to discuss this issue once more, many members, representatives of all involved categories of the ropeway industry have asked for the floor, but could not reach an agreement. Hence the chair stressed once more the fact, that no decision can be taken and member countries are free to decide whether the directive relating to ropeway installa-tions is applicable or not in their country. The Commission has in mind to draft a position paper on the classification of this product.

Application of RfU n° 011 by notified bodies This “Recommendation for Use” (RfU) is concerned with the problem of rope splice designations. At their last meeting the notified bodies have prepared a draft proposal for the identification of rope splices which has now been submitted to the Standing Committee. Seen that CEN has raised some objec-

tions the Standing Committee has decided to refer the proposal back to the group of notified bodies. But the question which really matters is the ques-tion whether it is possible to identify or designate rope splices and whether it is really necessary to carry on discussions on this issue because anyway the accompanying splice documentation permits to trace back the real origin or provides information on the designation. Report submitted by the president of the Group of Notified Bodies The chairman of the group, Hans Ulrich Zbil, TÜV Süd, recalled that the group has held 11 plenary meetings and that the last meeting before this meeting of the Standing Committee has been con-vened on July 16, 2010 in Brussels. In addition to the plenary meetings of the group a working group has met on May 5, 2010 and February 17, 2011 in Munich to draw up proposals to be submitted to the plenary meeting. Proposals were essentially con-cerned with the possibility to agree on a common position on combined conformity assessments en-compassing more than one subsystem (a CE test certificate for several subsystems) as well as on a common position on the fact that a subsystem may be regarded as a safety component, i.e. if this view were to be adopted, manufacturers would have the possibility to decide to combine several subsystems and carry out the conformity assessment procedure for the assembly of several subsystems or decide that a subsystem ought to be regarded as a safety component and assessed accordingly. The pro-posal seems to be justified by the fact that the ob-servance of specific requirements of all six subsys-tems may be regarded as being too exacting or ex-aggerated in the case of a surface lift with high or low rope but would, if it were adopted, offer the possibility to consider a subsystem as a single safe-ty component even in the case of bigger ropeway installations. This is why it is felt that the require-ments for subsystems specified in the Directive ought to be given a more flexible interpretation and application and a simplified approach adopted to solve interface problems. This position paper of the group of notified bodies has been submitted to the EU Commission (CNB-CSG-20111-110-R01 Com-mon position of NB-CSG – 16 June 2010 but has not yet been given the status of a RfU and has not yet been submitted to the Standing Committee. Report of the President of the ADCO Group (Market Surveillance) On the eve of the meeting of the Standing Commit-tee, i.e. on March 23, 2011 the ADCO group con-vened for a meeting behind closed doors, that is one to which no stakeholder (IARM, O.I.T.A.F. and FIANET) has been invited and could not attend.



The chairman of the ADCO Group, Monsieur Pfeiffer, STRMTG, has submitted a summarized report on the outcome of the meeting in which most of the members’ attention has been focused on problems of market surveillance. In the meeting on March 22, Germany has present-ed the fundamental aspects of the market surveil-lance system which has been enforced in Germa-ny. Report of the President of CEN TC 242 Monsieur Jacques Laravoire, president of CEN TC 242 has submitted a progress report on the revision of harmonized standards which has to be made every 5 years and has informed the meeting that several working groups of TC 242 have been acti-vated and have already started to revise standards and to discuss amendments which they propose to submit to the approval of the technical committee CEN 242 and to the formal vote.


WORK COMMITTEE 1 Ropeway Engineering and technical Recommenda-tions Convenor of the work committee : Dipl. Ing. Dr. Pe-ter Sedivy, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology) P. Sedivy has sent the following report : Accepting an invitation extended by Dipl. Ing Pierpaolo Siazzu the last meeting of Work committee 1 has been or-ganised in Orvieto and has taken place from April 5 to 7, 2011. Dr. Ing. Pierpaolo Siazzu has looked after the organisation and thanks to the well known and proverbial hospitality of Italy this meeting has turned out to be a great success. To start with all 11 participants attending the meet-ing exchanged information on significant incidents and disorders. After this exchange of information the committee focused their attention on the draft recommendation for the planning and design of ropeway installations. The committee have in mind to produce a document which is to include useful information and guidelines for all persons involved by or concerned with the drafting and execution of a ropeway project and in particular to stress the im-portance of some specific circumstances and as-pects. The planning and design of ropeway installa-tions are rather complex procedures which cannot be carried out without a special and accurate pre-liminary preparation. The recommendation is to in-clude several chapters, the most important of which being the following ones : - Survey of all external factors of influence which

have to be given due consideration in the pro-

ject, i.e. protection of the nature, loads of snow, weather conditions, access roads and means of conveyance, falling rocks, servi-tudes, hazardous situations etc

- Survey of all other factors of influence, connec-tion to other transportation facilities, technical feasibility, possibilities to evacuate passengers and carriers.

- Factors of influence resulting from the opera-tion of an installation, such as noise emissions, environmental pollution

Planning - Fundamental design - Choice of the system, feasibility Execution - Content of the building project and itemized

planning - Documents for the operation On April 7 a full day visit of several urban rope driv-en means of conveyance to the historic old centres of typical Umbrian towns, most of which have been built on top of hills has been organized. Participants have been taken to the towns of Orvieto, Todi, As-sisi and Spoleto where they were not only shown the magnificent buildings and sights of these towns but also, and in particular funicular railways, in-clined lifts and chains of interconnected escalators. For lack of time in the coming fall the work commit-tee 1 has decided not to convene the statutory se-cond meeting of the year in the coming autumn. The O.I.T.A.F. congress in Rio de Janeiro and the revision of European standards keep the experts fully occupied and leave no time for meetings of the work committee. But experts are determined to de-velop an intense activity in 2012 and focus their ef-forts on the solution of problems arising in connec-tion with the new draft recommendation.

WORKING GROUP set up by Work Committee 1 : Non public ropeway installations Material handling ropeways and cable cranes Convener of the working group : Dr. OIng. Achille Bonini, Rome Markus Pitscheider, member of the working group has submitted the following report On April 18, 2011 the working group on material handling ropeways and cable cranes has met for its annual meeting in Porto at the headquarter of CETIM.

The meeting has addressed the following issues : Exchange of information on the application of the Machinery Directive, exchange of information on



significant events and disorders, amendments to the Book n° 8 imposed by the latest developments of the technology and the desire to keep that rec-ommendation abreast of the latest developments. Referring to the announcement he had already made in the last meeting of the working group A. Bonini has officially declared that he is determined to resign his office as convenor of the working group. The working group has thereupon unani-mously elected Pier Giorgio Graziano as new con-venor of the working group and hence as A. Bonin’s successor. The working group thanked A. Bonini for his com-mitment to his task and the activity he has carried on for so many years. Under his guidance the working group hasproduced after many years of work the revised edition of O.I.T.A.F. Book n° 8 which is actually the only doc -ument on material handling ropeways and cable cranes existing in the world and is often referred to as fundamental document for international tenders. Bonini has always endeavoured to maintain an ex-cellent working climate within his working group and conciliate the diverging characters of its mem-bers. Senor Fonseca, a knowledgeable expert of issues and matters related to the enforcement of the Ma-chinery Directive and member of the CEN TC 242, has submitted a report on the application of the Di-rective on Machinery to material handling ropeway installations and referring to the guidelines for the application of the Machinery Directive he has ex-plained that ropeway installations cannot be re-garded as “dangerous machines” listed in annex IV of the directive. In this context the conformity declaration of Agudio has been referred to as an excellent example be-cause this declaration has been accepted as a valid declaration and has at the same time confirmed the validity of recommendations specified in Book n° 8. On the second day of their meeting in Porto partici-pants have been taken to the Baixo Sabor building site and given a chance to visit two parallel cable cranes built by Agudio to handle the material need-ed for the construction of a storage dam of a pump fed power station.

Members of the Working group during the visit on the material handling ropeway in Porto

WORK COMMITTEE 2 Characteristics and Inspection of Ropes Following to the decision taken by the Management Committee at its meeting in Ljubljana on May 26, 2011 to reconstitute work committee 2 the constitu-ent meeting of the work committee has been scheduled to take place on July 20, 2011 in Vienna.

WORK COMMITTEE 3 Electrical equipment and components of ropeway installations Convener of the work committee: Dipl. Ing. Fredy Lang, IWM, Glattbrugg, Switzerland F. Lang has sent us the following report : The work committee has met in Koblenz from April 11 to 13, 2011. Even though many members had been prevented in the last minute from attending, 13 members have attended the meeting. The meeting has addressed the following issues : EN standards - Progress report on the revision of the CEN standard for electrical devices. General statement Some international working groups which had been assigned the task to revise standards have been activated quite a time ago and have since then met several times to carry on the revision of the stand-ard they have been asked to revise. On the other side there are other working groups which have not even started to revise the standard they ought to revise. This is why they have no chance to abide by the time schedule which has been drawn up by the technical committee 242 for the revision of stand-ards for electrical devices. O.I.T.A.F. – Hazardous scenarios O.I.T.A.F. Book 27 recommends a list of hazardous scenarios which ought to be given due considera-tion in the safety analysis of components of a ropeway installation. Work committee 3 has re-viewed the list of hazardous scenarios. Yet while



discussing the foreword to the recommendation members asked wondered whether hazardous sce-scenarios of subsystem 5 components ought to be dealt with in one and the same recommendation as the hazardous scenarios of other components of ropeway installations. In the end members have decided to submit this question to the views of the General Secretariat of O.I.T.A.F. Exchange of information on incidents and disorders caused by the electrical equipment of ropeway in-stallation and exchange of information about other technical problems - Remote maintenance, remote diagnostics

Remote diagnostics are nowadays possible thanks to the availability of a variety of different diagnostic methods and diagnostic equipment. Some manufacturers tend to use some diagnos-tic methods and some of the suggested diagnos-tic equipment after having assessed their relia-bility and the arising implication for the safety of persons and materials.

- Incidents and disorders caused by the electrical equipment of ropeways During the last meeting members have ex-changed information on several accidents and have discussed the cause of these accidents.

Two days before the opening of the BUGA Flower and Plant Exhibition members of the work commit-tee have been given a chance to visit the impres-sive 3S BUGA aerial ropeway with a carrier capaci-ty of 35 passengers. Next meeting Members of the work committee had decided to meet again on September 26 to 28 2011 in Austria. Seen however that many members of the work committee are also experts of the CEN working groups, they agreed to postpone the meeting to be held in Austria and convene in Austria from April 16 to 18 2012.

WORK COMMITTEE 4 Legal, administrative, economical and statistical matters Convener of the work committee : Dr. Peter Vollmer, Manager of the Ropeway Association SBS. P. Vollmer has sent us the following report : During its last meeting held in Vienna on April 4 and 5, 2011 the working group has focused its attention on some subjects of its working programme which have currently a topic importance. All discussed issues have been minuted in a detailed document of the proceeding of the committee.

Members of the committee Sonia Melotto and Werner Laimgruber have decid-ed to serve on the committee till the end of 2011. The work committee has also taken note of the in-formation that Ueli Stückberger is to take over from Dr. Vollmer’s the managerial function of the Swiss Ropeway Association and will hence also serve on this committee.

EU consultation on concessions The EU Commission has decided to amend the en-forced directive on allocation of tenders. It is not probable that the initiated procedure can be final-ized before the end of 2012. The O.I.T.A.F. work committee 4 will of course continue to observe de-velopment trends and the outcome of discussions. France and the new members of the European Un-ion support this initiative, because the suggested regulations are more stringent than their own regu-lations. The O.I.T.A.F. work committee has already submitted a position paper in past years and the views expressed in the paper have not changed in the meantime. Should the committee become aware of any deviations, the necessary steps will have to be taken. International exchange of information An intense in depth exchange of information on facts and views is an integral part of this commit-tee’s meetings. The exchange includes information on the trends of the last winter season, i.e. season 2010 / 2011, as well as an information on specific problems of member countries, and in particular those related to the general interests of the profes-sion. Statistical surveys of incidents and accidents are also part of this exchange of information, as well as the discussion of deplorable circumstances which have been the real cause of incidents and accidents and ought to be regarded a valuable les-son for the future.. Recommendation to be submitted to the joint work-ing group of work committees 4 and 6 Transportation of passenger suffering from a re-stricted mobility is an issue which O.I.T.A.F. has addressed more than once. Mag. J. Schröttner has accepted to summarize in a letter to be submitted to the joint working group of work committees 4 and 6 the objectives and proposal of work committee 4 in the light of the discussions that have taken place so far and the working documents that had submitted so far. Chairmanship of O.I.T.A.F Work committee 4 After eleven years of activity as manager of the Swiss Ropeway Association Peter Vollmer has tak-en a well merited retirement. At the same time he also resigned his office as chairman of the O.I.T.A.F. work committee 4. Appreciation and



thanks are expressed for his activity and commit-ment to his function. Jörg Schröttner has been unanimously elected as P. Vollmers successor and future chairman of work committee 4.

P. Vollmer hands over his function to his successor Mag. Jörg Schröttner

Group portrait of committee members

O.I.T.A.F. WORK COMMITTEE 6 Optimisation of ropeway and surface lift operation Convener of the work committee : Dr. Ing. Mauro Joyeusaz, Technical Manager of Cervino AG (Ao-sta) M. Joyeusaz has sent us the following report : In the first half of 2011 the committee has met twice. - The first meeting has taken place in Barcelona

(Spain) on 27 and 28 January. The meeting has been perfectly organized by Senor Salsas, on behalf of the Catalan Association of ski resort operators and the Catalan Government

- The second meeting has taken place in Dresden (D) on June 6 and 7, 2011 and has also been perfectly organized by Herr Lidl, officer of TÜV, and Herr Däuber on behalf of the Berchtes-gadener Bergbahnen.

“Operation in specific circumstances” has been the main subject which has been addressed in both meetings. The recommendation is to address specific situa-tions in which the operation of a ropeway installa-tion is perturbed by external events (wind, snow, thunderstorm, …..) changing site conditions (a building site close to the ropeway installation, ….) or dammage suffered by safety components or oth-er disturbing events and suggest measures which ought to be taken to guarantee, despite these events, the safe operation of the ropeway. The intention is to specify for each of the consid-ered specific situations - The cause of the event - Events which could have a perturbing effect for

the operation of the ropeway - The resulting hazardous scenarios - Examples of measures which ought to be taken

to minimize the resulting risks The decision whether it is acceptable to continue to operate a ropeway installation depends on the spe-cific nature of the specific circumstance which has to be coped with and hence depends on an ex-tremely high number of different variables, seen that the number of variables to be taken into con-sideration is extremely high and varies from one specific situation to another. It might be possible to continue to operate an installation if external events to not affect the safety level of the ropeway or re-medial measures guarantee a safety level which is equivalent to the safety level in normal operating conditions. In some circumstances it might be even necessary to continue to operate the ropeway, for instance in circumstances in which the whole site or village might be brought in a hazardous situation (i.e. when it is necessary to evacuate passengers and carriers or no remedial measure which guaran-ties an equivalent safety level can be taken). In these circumstance continued operation has to be discontinued as soon as all carriers have been evacuated or whenever it is necessary to evacuate passengers. Far from us the intention to address all possible specific situations that might arise. There is rather the desire to make the best possible use of the ex-perience made by members of the work committee in some specific circumstances and provide useful guidelines for for operators, for them to have a bet-ter understanding of facts and have a chance to make an accurate analysis of the situation and last but not least to have a chance to daecide the best remedial measures. Members of this work committee intend to analyse, either individually or in groups, the most frequent causes of perturbations and use their conclusions as elements of reference to be given due consider-ation in the future recommendation.



To this end at their meeting in Dresden the work committee discussed details which ought to be giv-en due consideration in the case of an approaching thunderstorm. Seen that the O.I.T.A.F. Management Committee has urged work committees to hold no more than two meetings in a year, and also considering that O.I.T.A.F. is organizing its 10th International Con-gress on transportation by Rope next October the work committee has decided to have no autumn meeting and to meet next in January 2012 in Lyon, France.

WORK COMMMITTEE 7 : Environment Convenor of the work committee : Julien Noël, MONTAGNE & MANAGEMENT SAS J. Noël has submitted the following report. Work committee 7 has met on March 28, 2011 in Lech and has decided to convene its next meeting on September 19, 2011 in Switzerland.

As for the year 2011, the work committee 7 has de-cided to focus all its activities on one issue, i.e. the energy balance of ropeway installations, seen that energy consumption, the price of energy and prob-lems of the resulting environmental pollution are factors which will seriously affect the future activi-ties of our profession. Taking as their starting point the results of scientific research and the data which are already available for several European compa-nies the work committee suggests to develop a common system with the help of experts, authori-ties and operators known for the objectivity of their judgement of the results and of the communication with third parties.

Having reviewed the results of the work done so far and the results of the exchange of information the work committee has drawn up the following work programme :

1. French, Swiss and Austrian experts who al-

ready possess the results of the research work which has been done so far on this issue are to submit to the approval of the work committee by the end of the year a proposal for a joint scientific research project to be carried out by O.I.T.A.F. members.

2. Draft an ”Energy balance” which ought to have

the following content A. In-house level

a. Definition of the operational extent of the ropeway company

b. Determination of observation points in-side the company (list)

c. Drawing up of a comparison grid for comparisons between companies and industrial branches

d. Assessment of projects the implementa-tion of which might contribute to an im-proved, more economic and better use of the available energy and increased production of renewable energy

B. Global level of winter sports resorts

a. Selection of partners which have to be regarded as an integral part of the ener-gy balance

b. Determination of surveyed points of partners of the winter sports resort

Work on the development of a system is in pro-gress and hence it is hoped that the work commit-tee will be able to identify all necessary elements which will permit the committee to submit a paper containing summarized information on the proce-dure which is being thought of as the best solution to draw up an energy balance and a testing pro-gramme which European ski resorts would be free to apply. In parallel to this work it is of course nec-essary to develop appropriate measures of com-munication.


Meetings of O.I.T.A.F. bodies (to the extent the date has been already decided)

General Asssembly October 25 to 27, 2011 Management Committee October 24, 2011, Rio de Janeiro Executive Committee Not decided so far Work Committee 1 April 5 to 7, 2011, Orvieto (I) Work Committee 2 July 20, 2011, Vienna Work Committee 3 April 16 to 18, 2012, Austria Work Committee 4 September 22 and 23, 2011 Courmayeur (I) Work Committee 6 January 26 and 27, 2012 in France Work Committee 7 September 19, 2011, Switzerland



Trade Show for moun-tain and winter tech-nologies in Bolzano, 18. – 20. April 2012



O.I.T.A.F. IN INTERNET The access to the Chinese, English, French, Ger-man, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish website version may be obtained by enter-ing the address http://www.oitaf . Org. The webside provides the following information : • What is O.I.T.A.F. all about ? • Structure of O.I.T.A.F. • O.I.T.A.F. statute • Activities of O.I.T.A.F. • NEWS and other information about O.I.T.A.F. • O.I.T.A.F.-NEWS • O.I.T.A.F. bodies and their members • O.I.T.A.F. study committees • Technical recommendations, papers and statis-

tical surveys produced by O.I.T.A.F.

• Lectures delivered to O.I.T.A.F. seminars • O.I.T.A.F. seminars

For additional information send an e-mail to [email protected] It is now possible to load down all lectures that have been delivered to O.I.T.A.F. seminars and all issues of O.I.T.A.F.-NEWS, as well as all papers so far produced by O.I.T.A.F. study committees. O.I.T.A.F. members can now load down all pub-lished Technical Recommendations of O.I.T.A.F. by entering the password which has been posted to them. Impressum O.I.T.A.F. Secretariat I – 39100 BOLZANO, via Crispi, 10 Tel. ++39 -0471-414600, Fax. ++39-0471-414616 e-mail : [email protected] or [email protected] If not otherwise specified text, photographs and layout by the Secretary General of O.I.T.A.F.




O. I. T. A. F.





October, 2011, 24 – 27




Monday, October 24, 2011 Afternoon: Registration of participants and distribution of relevant documents and papers to

participants ( O.I.T.A.F. members only: O.I.T.A.F. General Assembly) Evening: Welcome cocktail ___________________________________________________________

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Morning: Registration of participants and distribu tion of documents

9:30 a.m. Official Opening Session of the Congress

1st working session


Morning: 10:30 a.m.: Presentation of papers after the opening session MODERATOR: Josef Nejez Papers: “Future prospects of rope driven urban transportation” Michael Potier – chargé d'études aménagement transport – Centre d'Etudes Techniques de l'Equipement de Lyon – Lyon – France “New concepts of urban transportation, as shown by the example of the 8-MGD San Agustín in Ca-racas, Venezuela” Co. Doppelmayr / Garaventa – Rudolph Andreas and Operator “Mini Metro, Perugia, Italy - Increasing acceptance of the cableway installations for urban transport” Co. Leitner / Poma – Ermenegildo Zordan and operator of the cableway installation “2 million passengers in 6 months: The 3S BUGA ropeway in Koblenz - A story of success” Co. Doppelmayr / Garaventa – Reinhard Fritz “3S Renon, Bolzano, Italy – A success story” Co. Leitner / Poma – Erharter Klaus 00:30 - 02:00 p.m. Break for lunch Afternoon: 02:00 p.m. Presentation of papers



“Cable Liner Shuttle: The intelligent solution for urban traffic as shown by using the example of the People Mover in Venice and other successful projects” Co. Doppelmayr / Garaventa – Thomas Pichler Medellin, Colombia - Report about the social effects of cableway installations for urban transport Co. Leitner / Poma – Bouvier Christian and operator of the cableway installation “Algeria: Four ropeways, are already in service in urban areas” Co. Doppelmayr / Garaventa – Peter Baumann and Operator Break 2nd working session


04:00 p.m.: Presentation of papers MODERATOR: Jörg Schröttner Papers: „The significant support given by ropeways to secure a positive and lasting regional development of mountainous regions.“ Christian Bumann, Raphael Schönbächler – Association public traffic – Swiss ropeway – Bern – Switzerland Lecturer: Christian Bumann “World overview of ski resorts” Laurent Vanat – Laurent Vanat Consulting SARL – Geneva – Switzerland „Multifunctionality and potential for Cable Transport in South America“ Francisco Sotomayor – Pro Andes Institute – Santiago – Chile “The present situation of ropeway construction and key assessment indicators in China” Zhang Qiang – Executive Vice director, National Centre of Passenger Aerial Ropeway Safety Supervision and Inspection – Peking – China Break “Ropeways in North America – Impacts, Benefits and Outlook” Jim Fletcher, P.E. – Engineering Specialties Group – Boulder CO – USA „The European ski resorts: the challenge of the future“ Laurent Reynaud – Domaines skiables de France – Francin – France End of the session: approximately at 06:00 p.m. Evening: Folklore entertainment

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Morning: Technical visit of ropeway to “Morro do A lemão” Afternoon: City Tour



Evening: Free

Thursday, October 27, 2011 Morning 08:30 a.m.: Presentation of papers and visit of the ropeway MODERATOR: Ercilia Leite de Castro Papers: “ The Sugar Loaf panoramic cable cars” Achille Bonini – ropeways consulting engineer – Roma – Italy “Aerial transportation system for water conduits and sewage drains” Diego Scofano / Giuseppe Pellegrini – Cia. Caminho Aéro Pão de Açúcar – Rio de Janeiro – Brasil 09:00 – 10:15 a.m.: Visit of the „Pão de Açùcar“ cableway ______________________________________________________



10:30 a.m.: Presentation of papers MODERATOR: Julien Noël Papers: “Sustainability of ropeway engineering“ Andreas Brandner – Chartered Consulting Engineer – Innsbruck – Austria „Sustainability of ski resorts“ Kurt Ramskogler – Co. Lieco – Kalwang – Austria „Energy Management“ Erich Megert – SISAG – Altdorf – Switzerland Break “Integration of a ropeway in a Town” Denis Creissels – Creissels Technologies – Meylan – France “Urban Gondolas, Aerial Ropeways and Public Transportation: Past Mistakes & Future Strategies” Ryan O’Connor & Steven Dale - Planning consultants – Wellington - New Zealand Lecturer: Ryan O’Connor



„Aerial tramway : architecture on design and sustainability“ Laura Kienbach – Leibniz Universität Hannover – Hannover – Germany 01:00 – 02:30 p.m. Break for lunch Afternoon 4th working session

“TECHNOLOGY AND SAFETY” 02:30 p.m.: Presentation of papers MODERATOR: Peter SEDIVY Papers: “Analysis of the live of track ropes life of a bicable continuous material handling ropeway” Giorgio Graziano – ropeways consulting engineer – Torino – Italy

“New calculation methods for rope lines” David Pataraia – Professor of Georgian Technical University – Tblissi – Georgia

“Taking advantage of possibilities offered by Excel to assess rescue plans for the recovery of rope-way passengers” Philippe Balzer – ingénieur Conseil en risk-management – Toulouse – France

„Human Error: The cause of incidents“ Gàbor Oplatka – Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. ETH – Zürich – Switzerland Break “The latest technological developments for ropeway installations in urban areas and innovative concepts for ski resorts” Leitner – Poma “Ropeway engineering and safety in the urban context and for winter applications” Doppelmayr – Garaventa 05:50 p.m. Closure and leave-taking Evening: GALADINNER Conference languages English, German, French, Italian, Spanish und Portuguese Additional and last information For additional information (registration, visitation, tours etc.) see congress homepage http://www.oitaf2011.com.br and the homepage of the O.I.T.A.F. www.oitaf.org