Ten Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started! Tip # 10 That’s right, I’m going to share with you 10 things I wish someone would have told me before I started! We are working backwards and starting with tip #10 all the way through to my top tip! Easy Beginnings… Now for those of you that don’t know the story, I started waaaay back in 2006 with a program called The Thirty Day Challenge. Essentially it was a program that taught the basics of internet marketing over 30 days, with the aim of earning you your first $1 Online. The program was an eye opener! I quickly registered my first domain and followed the program religiously… Rich Pickings! I struck gold! I made my $1 on around day 20… That was it! I was hooked! I set my brain in motion… quickly registered 3 more domains and was already dreaming about my luxury villa on some remote desert Island! Shattered dreams… Thump! I came to earth with an almighty bang… From then on I was nosediving like a 747 without wings… So what went horribly wrong? Everything! My whole approach was wrong and all because of that first $1 coming in so soon… So lets get started! #10- It isn’t easy! My early success made me think it was easy! I got complacent, I missed steps, took short cuts and had a “Build it and they will come” mentality…I did so little to earn that initial $1 that I thought every dollar that would follow would be as easy! http://www.workfromhomeblueprints.net Work Less And Make MORE! FREE REPORT CLICK HERE

Internet Marketing for Newbies: 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started

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A guide for internet marketing newbies, highlighting some important aspects of the industry which they should know before getting started!

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Page 1: Internet Marketing for Newbies: 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started

Ten Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started! Tip # 10

That’s right, I’m going to share with you 10 things I wish someone would have told me before I started! We are working backwards and starting with tip #10 all the way through to my top tip!

Easy Beginnings…

Now for those of you that don’t know the story, I started waaaay back in 2006 with a program called The Thirty Day Challenge. Essentially it was a program that taught the basics of internet marketing over 30 days, with the aim of earning you your first $1 Online.

The program was an eye opener! I quickly registered my first domain and followed the program religiously…

Rich Pickings!

I struck gold! I made my $1 on around day 20…

That was it! I was hooked! I set my brain in motion… quickly registered 3 more domains and was already dreaming about my luxury villa on some remote desert Island!

Shattered dreams…

Thump! I came to earth with an almighty bang…

From then on I was nosediving like a 747 without wings…

So what went horribly wrong?

Everything! My whole approach was wrong and all because of that first $1 coming in so soon…

So lets get started!

#10- It isn’t easy!

My early success made me think it was easy! I got complacent, I missed steps, took short cuts and had a “Build it and they will come” mentality…I did so little to earn that initial $1 that I thought every dollar that would follow would be as easy!



Page 2: Internet Marketing for Newbies: 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started

I was horribly wrong!

The steps and processes may be easy, but they need to be executed in other words you need to take action…

I didn’t and I suffered the consequences…

So what should you take from this?

1) There are no shortcuts!

You can speed things up, you can outsource you can even automate some of the stuff. But do not take any shortcuts…they will come back to haunt you. I missed out vital steps in the process and It ended up costing me hours of wasted time. Don’t skimp on the basics…dig deep into your niche and find out it it’s profitable otherwise you could be dead in the water before you even start.

Here are two previous posts that can help you.

Digging Deeper Into Your Niche

Finding out if your niche is profitable


2) There are no magical loopholes or push button miracles that will get you endless traffic and $$$

No matter what guru is attempting to convince you there are no loopholes or magical bits of software that bring in $$$ instantly. Loopholes get closed and those bits of software are nothing more than an illusion. Don’t waste your chasing these fantasies…they will end up costing you hard earned cash and time!3) If you are not prepared to work…be prepared to fail!

If you don’t treat this as a business and invest time and effort into it, do not expect it to bring you an endless stream of cash. It simply won’t happen.

If organize yourself, treat this seriously and determined to do whatever it takes to succeed you are already winning half the battle!

And my final point…

Don’t go looking for that silver bullet…You are looking for the wrong thing…

You need to understand that you ARE the silver bullet, if you work, work and then work some more.
