Internet Prosumption in Contemporary Capitalism Christian Fuchs Chair Professor in Media and Communication Studies Uppsala University, Department of Informatics and Media Sweden [email protected] http://fuchs.uti.at http://www.im.uu.se Sociologists, please tweet! #ESA2011

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Page 1: Internet Prosumption in Contemporary Capitalismfuchs.uti.at/wp-content/uploads/prosumer_internet.pdf · Internet Prosumption in Contemporary Capitalism! Christian Fuchs Chair Professor

Internet Prosumption in Contemporary Capitalism  

Christian Fuchs

Chair Professor in Media and Communication Studies Uppsala University, Department of Informatics and Media Sweden

[email protected] http://fuchs.uti.at http://www.im.uu.se

Sociologists, please tweet! #ESA2011

Page 2: Internet Prosumption in Contemporary Capitalismfuchs.uti.at/wp-content/uploads/prosumer_internet.pdf · Internet Prosumption in Contemporary Capitalism! Christian Fuchs Chair Professor

1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

* Fuchs, Christian. 2011. Foundations of critical media and information studies. New York: Routledge.

* Fuchs, Christian. 2008. Internet and society. Social theory in the information age. New York: Routledge. Paperback 2011.

* Fuchs, Christian, Kees Boersma, Anders Albrechtslund and Marisol Sandoval, eds. 2011. Internet and surveillance. The challenges of web 2.0 and social media. New York: Routledge.

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

Karl  Marx:  Introduction  to  the  Critique  of  the  Political  Economy  

dialectic  of  production  –  circulation  –  consumption  of  commodities:  

*  Consumption  –  Production:    Consumption  is  the  production  of  new  needs,  it  creates  production  of  commodities  (MEW  13,  623).  Consumption  is  the  (re)production  of  the  human  mind  and  body.  Consumption  also  involves  the  production  of  meanings  and  ideologies.    

*  Production  –  Consumption:    Production  “supplies  the  material,  the  object  of  consumption  [...]  therefore,  production  creates,  produces  consumption”  (MEW  13,  623).    Production  is  a  consumption  of  means  of  production  and  labour  power.

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

*  Production  –  Circulation:    

Production  is  based  on  the  circulation  of  two  commodities:  labour  force  and  means  of  production.  

Production  creates  commodities  that  circulate  on  markets.  

*  Circulation  –  Production/Consumption:  

Commodities  must  circulate  on  markets  in  order  to  be  consumed  by  end  consumers  and  as  resources  and  labour  force  commodity  in  the  production  of  new  commodities.  

Circulation  involves  the  production  of  meanings  and  ideologies  that  are  inscribed  into  commodities  (advertising,  marketing).  These  meanings  are  decoded  in  certain  ways  by  consumers.

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

Alvin  TofEler  (1980)  –  The  Third  Wave:  

“We  see  a  progressive  blurring  of  the  line  that  separates  producer  from  consumer.  We  see  the  rising  signiMicance  of  the  prosumer“  (267).  

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

Esther  Dyson,  George  Gilder,  George  Keyworth  and  Alvin  TofEler  (1996/2004):  Magna  Carta  for  the  Knowledge  Age  

“DeEining  property  rights  in  cyberspace  is  perhaps  the  single  most  urgent  and  important  task  for  government  information  policy“  (39)  

The  “Magna  Carta  for  the  Knowledge  Age”  contradicts  what  TofMler  wrote  in  1980  about  the  character  of  knowledge  in  “The  Third  Wave”,  where  he  said  that  the  third  wave  advances  a    

“trans-­market  civilization”  that  is  “able  to  move  on  to  a  new  agenda”  and  advance  the  “end  of  marketization”  (TofMler  1980,  287).      

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

George  Ritzer,  Douglas  Goodman  and  Wendy  Wiedenhoft  (2003):  

Sociology  of  consumption  is  Mlourishing,  but  “remains  greatly  subordinated  to  thinking  on  production“  (425)  

Prosumption  as  inherent  feature  of  McDonaldization:  

“Instead  of  having  employees  do  things  for  consumers,  much  of  consumption  now  involves  consumers  doing  many  things  for  themselves,  and  for  no  pay“  (424)    

=  “putting  consumers  to  work“  (Ritzer  and  Jurgenson  2010,  18):  

fast  food  restaurant:  consumer  is  her/his  own  waiter      self-­‐service  gasoline  stations  etc.  

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

Ritzer  and  Jurgenson  (2010):  web  2.0  facilitates  the  emergence  of  “prosumer  capitalism“,  capitalist  economy  “has  always  been  dominated  by  prosumption“  (14)  


overestimation  of  the  role  of  prosumption  in  capitalism  

prosumption  is  one  of  several  tendencies  in  capitalism,  but  not  the  only  quality  of  capitalism:    

Minance  capitalism,  imperialistic  capitalism,  informational  capitalism,  hyperindustrial  capitalism  (oil),  crisis  capitalism,  etc.  

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

Castells,  Manuel  (2009)  Communication  power  

mass  communication  =>  mass  self-­communication  

“It  is  mass  communication  because  it  can  potentially  reach  a  global  audience,  as  in  the  posting  of  a  video  on  YouTube,  a  blog  with  RSS  links  to  a  number  of  web  sources,  or  a  message  to  a  massive  e-­‐mail  list.  At  the  same  time,  it  is  self-­‐communication  because  the  production  of  the  message  is  self-­generated,  the  deMinition  of  the  potential  receiver(s)  is  self-­directed,  and  the  retrieval  of  speciMic  messages  or  content  from  the  World  Wide  Web  and  electronic  networks  is  self-­selected”  (55).  

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

Network-­making  power  is  the  “paramount  form  of  power  in  the  network  society”  (Castells  2009,  47).  

“power  in  the  network  society  is  communication  power”  (p.  53)    

“communication  networks  are  the  fundamental  networks  of  power-­‐making  in  society”  (p.  426).    

Claims  about  “communication  power”  can  also  be  found  in  contemporary  politics.      

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

Revolution  in  Egypt,  25.1.-­‐11.2011  

Wael  Ghonim:  “revolution  2.0“  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWvJxasiSZ8  

“if you want to liberate a society, just give them the Internet“ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/11/egypt-facebook-revolution-wael-ghonim_n_822078.html

Iran,  June  2009:  blogger  Andrew  Sullivan  –  “The  Revolution  Will  Be  Twittered” http://www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2009/06/the-revolution-will-be-twittered/200478/

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

UK  riots,  August  2011  

“Twitter  mobs“,  “Blackberry  mobs“  

“Thugs  used  social  network  Twitter  to  orchestrate  the  Tottenham  violence“  (The  Sun,  Aug  8,  2011)  

“Gang  members  used  Blackberry  smartphones  [...]    to  organise  the  mayhem“  (The  Telegraph,  Aug  8,  2011)  

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

Technological  determinism  that  ignores  the  political  economy  of  events  

Vincent  Mosco  (2004):    

digital  sublime  =  “eruption  of  feeling  that  brieMly  overwhelms  reason“  (22)  

“Today,  cyberspace  has  become  the  latest  icon  of  the  technological  and  electronic  sublime,  praised  for  its  epochal  and  transcendent  characteristics  and  demonized  for  the  depth  of  the  evil  it  can  conjure“  (24)  

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

Fuchs,  Christian.  2009.  Some  reMlections  on  Manuel  Castells‘  book  “Communication  Power“.  tripleC:  Journal  for  a  Global  Sustainable  Information  Society  7  (1):  94-­‐108.    

*  Castells‘  approach  is  not  a  social  theory  

*  The  Weberian  concept  of  power  as  asymmetric  power  that  beneMits  one  at  the  expense  of  others  is  for  Castells  “the  most  fundamental  process  in  society”  (10)  =>  uncritical  naturalization  of  coercive  power,  power  fetishism  

Isn’t  the  phenomenon  of  altruism  in  love  the  practical  falsiMication  of  the  claim  that  coercive  power  is  the  most  fundamental  process  in  society?      

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

*  Fetishism  of  computing:  

Technocratic  language,  expression  from  computer  science  used  for  describing  social  relations:  

program,  meta-­‐programmers,  switches,  switchers,  conMiguration,  inter-­‐operability,  protocols,  network  standards,  network  components,  kernel,  program  code,  etc.  as  aspects  of  power  in  society  

the  differentia  speciEica  of  society  in  comparison  to  computers  and  computer  networks  –  that  society  is  based  on  humans,  reMlexive  and  self-­‐conscious  beings  that  have  cultural  norms,  anticipative  thinking,  and  a  certain  freedom  of  action  that  computers  do  not  have  –  gets  lost.    

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1. Remarks on Some Conceptual Approaches on Prosumption

*  Network  society  =  new  society  (Castells,  2000a,  p.  371)  

“power  in  the  network  society  is  communication  power”  (p.  53)  

Has  the  Internet  brought  about  a  new  society?    

Continuity  of  capitalism,    But:  new  qualities  of  capital  accumulation    

Capitalism  is  a  complex  Eield  that  is  shaped  by  multiple  interacting  tendencies  such  as  communication  power,  Minance  power,  imperial  power,  hyperindustrial  power,  etc.    

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1. Theories


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2. Participatory web as ideology

Alan  Warde  (2002):  

sceptical  view  on  “cultural  economy”  approach:  

Cultural  goods  “comprise  a  small  proportion  of  household  expenditures,  sectoral  employment  and  capital  investment.  […]  the  vast  bulk  of  household  expenditure  remains  devoted  to  other  categories  of  item”  (Warde  2002,  198)  

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2. Participatory web as ideology

Henry  Jenkins  argues  that  increasingly  “the  Web  has  become  a  site  of  consumer  participation”  (Jenkins  2008:  137)  and  sees  blogging  as  “potentially  increasing  cultural  diversity  and  lowering  barriers  in  cultural  participation”,  “expanding  the  range  of  perspectives”,  as  “grassroots  intermediaries”  that  ensure  “that  everyone  has  a  chance  to  be  heard”  (Jenkins  2006:  180f).    

Axel  Bruns  says  that  “open  participation”  (Bruns  2008:  24,  240)  is  a  key  principle  of  produsage.  

Clay  Shirky  (2008:  107)  says  that  on  web  2.0  there  is  a  “linking  of  symmetrical  participation  and  amateur  production”.  

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2. Participatory web as ideology

Tapscott  and  Williams  argue  that  “the  new  web”  has  resulted  in  “a  new  economic  democracy  […]  in  which  we  all  have  a  lead  role”  (Tapscott  and  Williams  2007:  15).    

Yochai  Benkler  (2006)  says  that  due  to  the  emergence  of  commons-­based  peer  production  on  the  Internet,  “we  can  say  that  culture  is  becoming  more  democratic:  self-­‐reflective  and  participatory“  (Benkler  2006:  15).  

Is  the  web  participatory?    

Answering  this  question  requires  an  understanding  of  the  notion  of  participation.  

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2. Participatory web as ideology

Participatory  democracy  theory  

A  participatory  economy  requires  a  “change  in  the  terms  of  access  to  capital  in  the  direction  of  more  nearly  equal  access”  (Macpherson  1973:  71)  and  “a  change  to  more  nearly  equal  access  to  the  means  of  labour”  (Macpherson  1973:  73).  

“Genuine  democracy,  and  genuine  liberty,  both  require  the  absence  of  extractive  powers”  (Macpherson  1973:  121).    

A  participatory  economy  furthermore  involves  “the  democratising  of  industrial  authority  structures”  (Pateman  1970:  43).    

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2. Participatory web as ideology

Claim  that  social  media  are  participatory  is  also  the  claim  that  the  Internet  is  a  public  sphere.  Habermas:  limits  of  the  bourgeois  public  sphere  (=public  sphere  in  capitalist  society):  

*  limitation  of  freedom  of  speech  and  public  opinion:    

persons  do  not  have  same  formal  education  and  material  resources  for  participating  in  public  sphere    (Habermas  1991,  227)  

*  limitation  of  freedom  of  association  and  assembly:    

big  political  and  economic  organizations  “enjoy  an  oligopoly  of  the  publicistically  effective  and  politically  relevant  formation  of  assemblies  and  associations”  (Habermas  1991,  228),    

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet


*  Google    

*  Facebook  

*  YouTube  

*  Twitter  

*  Wikipedia  

*  WikiLeaks  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet


Video  –  The  Google  Toilet:  


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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

Google  has  900  million  users  and  20  000  employees  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

Table.  Google’s  ranking  in  the  list  of  the  largest  public  companies  in  the  world  (data  source:  Forbes  Global  2000,  various  years;  the  ranking  is  based  on  a  composite  index  of  proMits,  sales,  assets  and  market  value)  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

Table.  Stock  ownership  shares  and  voting  power  shares  at  Google,  2010,  data  sources:  Google  Minancial  data:  Google  Proxy  Statement  2010    

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

*  page  rank  algorithm  is  secret  

*  Google  searches  privilege  well-­known  economic  and  political  actors  because  they  have  high  reputation  

*  Google  exploits  and  monitors  users  by  selling  user  data  to  advertising  clients  that  target  users  with  ads  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

“political  news“  (google.com,  Aug  19,  2011)  

1.  politico.com  (corporate,  Allbritton  Communications)  2.  cnn.com  (corporate,  Time  Warner)  3.  foxnews.com  (corporate,  News  Corporation)  4.  msnbc.com  (corporate,  NBC  Universal)  5.  realclearpolitics.com  (corporate,  RealClear  Holdings  (51%  share  owned  by  Forbes)  )  6.  nytimes.com  (corporate,  New  York  Times  Company)    7.  www.reuters.com  (corporate,  Thompson  Reuters)  8.  www.bbc.co.uk  (public  service)  9.  politics.co.uk  (corporate,  Adfero)  10.  abcnews.go.com  (corporate,  Walt  Disney)  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet


ProMit:  2009:  $US  million  800  2010:  $US  billion  1.86  



-­‐  Complex  and  long  privacy  policy  

-­‐  Intransparent  data  collection  and  usage  

-­‐  Lack  of  user  involvement  in  decisions  

-­‐  Surveillance  and  selling  of  user  data  for  advertising  purposes  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

Most  popular  Facebook  groups?  Source:  http://statistics.allfacebook.com/  Aug  19,  2011  1.  Facebook,  50.7  million  fans  2.  Texas  Hold‘em  Poker,  48.6  million  fans  3.  Eminem  45.4M  4.  YouTube  43.6M  5.  Rihanna  43.4M  6.  Lady  Gaga  42.4M  7.  Michael  Jackson  39.7M  8.  Shakira  39.0M  9.  Family  Guy  36.4M  10.  Justin  Bieber  34.8M  ...  41.  Barack  Obama  22.4M  Michael  Moore:  495    866,  Noam  Chomsky:  325  325,  Karl  Marx.  186  722  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

Facebook  is:  

-­‐  dominated  by  entertainment,    

-­‐  politics  on  Facebook  are  dominated  by  established  actors,    

-­‐  alternative  political  views  are  marginalized    

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet


owned  by  Google  most  accessed  websites:  #3  (alexa.com;  Aug  19,  2011)  

YouTube  can  use  all  uploaded  videos  for  its  business  activities  

some  political  uses  in  civil  society  and  protests:    

protests  in  Iran:  Neda  Soltani  YouTube  video  (2009);    

YouTube  video  about  the  death  of  Ian  Tomlinson  at  the  London  anti-­‐G20  protests  (2009)  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

Most  viewed  videos  of  all  time  on  YouTube  (August  19,  2011)  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet


Politics?  News  &  Politics  is  one  of  15  browsing  video  categories,    News  &  Politics:  most  viewed  video  ever:  “If  you  are  happy”,  68  026  353  views  (Aug  19,  2011)  


children  song:  “If  you  happy,  and  you  know  it,  clap  your  hands”.  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet


Can  meaningful  political  debates  be  based  on  140  character  long  short  messages?    Short  text  invites  simplistic  arguments  and  is  an  expression  of  the  commodiMication  and  speed-­‐up  of  culture  

Most  accessed  websites:  #9  (alexa.com;  Aug  19,  2011)  

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Most  popular  Twitter  topic  in  June  2011,  Data  source:    http://mashable.com/2011/06/30/top-­‐twitter-­‐trends-­‐june/  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

A   http://mashable.com/2010/12/22/top-­‐twitter-­‐trends-­‐2010-­‐charts/  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet


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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

Twitter  and  other  social  media  have  a  certain  potential  to  support  political  mobilizations  

role  in  protests  and  revolutions  in  countries  like  Algeria,  Bahrain,  Egypt,  Iran,  Jordan,  Libya,  Morocco,  Tunisia,  Yemen  

These  potentials  should  not  be  overestimated.    

Rebellions  and  revolutions  are  made  by  people  living  under  certain  social  conditions  and  power  relations,  not  by  technology.  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet


*  knowledge  commons  *  co-­‐operative  knowledge  production  *  non-­‐proMit  oganization  *  funded  by  donations  

Most  edited  articles:  http://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/TableRankArticleHistoryByTotalEdits.html  

most  frequently  edited  articles  are  pages  about  Wikipedia  policies  and  guidelines,  but  also  political  pages  (Barack  Obama,  George  W.  Bush)  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

December  2010  –  most  edited  articles:  

1)  WikiLeaks  2)  Julian  Assange  3)  Deaths  in  2010  4)  United  States  Diplomatic  Cables  Leak  5)  Tron:  Legacy  6)  Richard  Holbrooke  7)  Harty  Potter  and  the  Deathly  Hallows  (Milm)  8)  GFAJ-­‐1  9)  Bradley  Manning  10)  2022  FIFA  World  Cup  

Source:    http://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/TablesWikipediaEN.htm  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet


*  non-­‐commercial  Internet  whistle-­‐blowing  platform  that  is  online  since  2006  *  founded  by  Julian  Assange    *  Non-­‐proMit,  funded  by  online  donations  *  Alternative  online  medium:  provides  critical  knowledge  to  the  public  

Submission  by  all  users  possible:  http://wikileaks.ch/Submissions.html    

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

WikiLeaks  Most  accessed  web  sites:    #867  (alexa.com;  Dec  26,  2010),    #28  016  (alexa.com;  August  19,  2011)  

=>  depends  on  corporate  mass  media  for  news  distribution  (NY  Times,  Guardian,  Spiegel,  etc),  which  are  prone  to  manipulation  and  (political  and  economic)  censorship.    Mainstream  news  media  (alexa.com,  Aug  19,  2011):  #39  BBC  Online  #53  CNN  Interactive  #84  HufMington  Post  #88  New  York  Times  #115  Daily  Mail  #148  Spiegel  Online  #150  The  Guardian  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet

WikiLeaks  self-­deEinition:  

mainly  government  watchdog,  making  government  power  transparent  =>  “good  governance“  

lack  of  focus  on  corporate  crime  and  corporate  irresponsibility  

Potential  for  acting  as  critical  online  medium  

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3. Limits of Prosumption on the Internet


The  web  is  dominated  by  corporations  that  exploit  users  and  the  logic  of  consumption,  advertising  and  entertainment.  

Political  uses  are  observable,  but  not  dominant.  

Wikipedia  and  WikiLeaks  are  two  exceptions  from  the  rule  of  the  corporate  domination  of  the  Internet  

 =>  “Participatory  social  media/web  2.0“  =  ideology  

=>  “Digital  public  sphere“  =  ideology  

=>  alternative  theorization  of  the  Internet  is  needed  

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4. Class and the web

Dallas  W.  Smythe  (1994,  258):  

called  for  a  “Marxist  theory  of  communication”  (Smythe  1994,  258)  

Graham  Murdock  and  Peter  Golding  (2005,  61):  

“Critical  Political  Economy  of  Communications”  is  critical  in  the  sense  of  being  “broadly  marxisant“  

Marx’s  analysis  of  capitalism:    The  expanded  reproduction  process  of  capital,  capital  accumulation  

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4. Class and the web

Karl  Marx  said  that  as  a  consequence  of  the  globalization  of  capitalism  

“institutions  emerge  whereby  each  individual  can  acquire  information  about  the  activity  of  all  others  and  attempt  to  adjust  his  own  accordingly”  and  that  these  “interconnections”  are  enabled  by  “mails,  telegraphs  etc”  (Marx  1857/58:161).    

Isn’t  this  a  good  description  of  the  Internet?  

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4. Class and the web


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4. Class and the web

Marx’s  theory:    “The  theory  of  surplus  value  is  in  consequence  immediately  the  theory  of  exploitation”  (Negri  1991:  74)  

Rosa  Luxemburg  (1913:  363)  argued  that  capital  accumulation  feeds  on  the  exploitation  of  milieus  that  are  drawn  into  the  capitalist  system.  

Marxist  Feminism:  unpaid  reproductive  labour  can  be  considered  as  an  inner  colony  and  milieu  of  primitive  accumulation  of  capitalism.  (Bennholdt-­‐Thomsen,  Mies  &  Werlhof  1992,  Mies  1996,  Werlhof  1991)  

Antonio  Negri  uses  the  term  “social  worker”  for  arguing  that  there  is  a  broadening  of  the  proletariat  that  is  “now  extended  throughout  the  entire  span  of  production  and  reproduction”  (Negri  1982:  209).    

=>  Hardt  and  Negri  (2000,  2004):  multitude    

Erik  Olin  Wright’s  class  model  as  foundation  

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4. Class and the web

Over-­exploitation  means  that  goods  are  produced  in  a  way  that  the  “individual  value  of  these  articles  is  now  below  their  social  value”  (Marx  1867:  434).  

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c (technologies, infrastructure) M - C . . P1 . . P2 . . C‘ - M‘

(social media services) v1 (paid) v2 (unpaid work:

1) WWW content production, 2) service use)

C‘ = Internet prosumer commodity (user-generated content, transaction data, virtual advertising space and time) most social media services are free to use, they are no commodities. User data and the users are the social media commodity.

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4. Class and the web

proEit  rate  p  =  s  /  (c  +  v)  =  surplus  value  /  (constant  capital  +  variable  capital)  

Exploitation  of  labour  by  Internet  Mirms:  

p  =  s  /  (c  +  v1  +  v2),    

s  …  surplus  value,    c  …  constant  capital,    v1  …  value  of  work  by  waged  employees  (wages),    v2  …    value  of  the  work  by  users  

v2  =>  0,  v1  =>  v2  (v2  substitutes  v1)  outsourcing  of  labour  

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4. Class and the web

Produsage  in  a  capitalist  society  can  be  interpreted  as  the  outsourcing  of  productive  labour  from  wage  labour  to  users  who  work  completely  for  free  and  help  maximizing    

the  rate  of  exploitation:  

e  =  s  /  v,  =  surplus  value  /  variable  capital    

proMits  can  be  raised  and  new  media  capital  can  be  accumulated.  

e  =  s  /v:  v=>0  =>  exploitation=>inEinity      

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4. Class and the web

Dallas  Smythe  (1981/2006)  suggests  that  in  the  case  of  media  advertisement  models,  the  audience  is  sold  as  a  commodity  to  advertisers  (audience  commodity):    

“Because  audience  power  is  produced,  sold,  purchased  and  consumed,  it  commands  a  price  and  is  a  commodity.    (….)  You  audience  members  contribute  your  unpaid  work  time  and  in  exchange  you  receive  the  program  material  and  the  explicit  advertisements”  (Smythe  1981/2006:  233,  238).    

=>  Internet  prosumer  commodity  

active,  creative  prosumption  activity  is  the  heart  and  source  of  exploitation  on  the  Internet  

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5. Alternatives?

“renaissance  of  Marxist  political  economy”  (Callinicos  2007,  342)    

Göran  Therborn:  the  “new  constellations  of  power  and  new  possibilities  of  resistance”  in  the  21st  century  require  retaining  the  “Marxian  idea  that  human  emancipation  from  exploitation,  oppression,  discrimination”  (Therborn  2008,  61).    

“Once  again  the  time  has  come  to  take  Marx  seriously”  (Hobsbawm  2011,  419)  

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5. Alternatives?

Žižek  (2010,  x):  crisis  of  capitalism  =>  capitalism  “is  approaching  an  apocalyptic  zero-­point”.    

Development  paths:  

1)  it  could  be  the  emergence  of  a  qualitatively  new  form  of  neoliberal  capitalism  (hyper-­neoliberalism),    2)  the  emergence  of  a  more  regulated,  neo-­Keynesian  form  of  capitalism,    3)  the  rise  of  fascist  forms  of  capitalism,    4)  a  long  time  of  conElict  and  global  wars,    or  5)  the  emergence  of  a  participatory  society  and  economy.    

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5. Alternatives?

Luc  Boltanski  (2011)  –  On  critique.  A  sociology  of  emancipation:  

critique  in  the  era  of  neoliberalism:  “the  absence  of  a  ‘project’  or  an  ‘alternative’  to  the  present  situation”  (41).    

Today:  time  for  critique  to  discuss  capitalism’s    “replacement  by  less  violent  forms  of  utilization  of  the  earth’s  resources  and  ways  of  organizing  the  relations  between  human  beings  that  would  no  longer  be  of  the  order  of  exploitation.  It  could  perhaps  then  restore  the  word  communism”    (159).    

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V = c + v + s


produces surplus value,

commons (knowledge, language, affects,

communication, education, care, technology, digital

knowledge, user-generated Internet content, Internet-

mediated communication, etc)

Marx: knowledge = part of the commons = “universal labour” that is “brought about partly by the cooperation of men now living, but partly also by building on earlier work” (Marx 1894: 199).



capital exploits surplus value and the commons

the multitude resists against capital


= actuality: necessary for capitalism = potentiality


The Hegelian Dialectical Triad of Multitude, Capital (Empire), and Commonwealth

“a world of common wealth, focusing on and expanding our capacities for collective production and self-government“ (Hardt and Negri 2009, Commonwealth: xiii), comunism ≠ “centralized state control“, “proper meaning“ of communism=“what the private is to capitalism, what the public is to [state] socialism, the common is to communism“ (Hardt and Negri 2009: 273) => FOR A COMMUNIST INTERNET IN A COMMUNIST SOCIETY POLITICAL ORGANIZATION

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5. Alternatives?

Raymond  Williams  (1983):  

commons  –  communism  –  communication:    

to  communicate  means  to  make  something  “common  to  many”  (Williams  1983,  72).    

Communication  is  part  of  the  commons  of  society.  

Denying  humans  to  communicate  is  like  denying  them  to  breathe  fresh  air;  it  undermines  the  conditions  of  their  survival.    

Therefore  the  communicative  commons  of  society  should  be  available  for  free  (without  payment  or  other  access  requirements)  for  all  and  should  not  be  privately  owned  or  controlled  by  a  class.    

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5. Alternatives?

Commons of society:

* are needed for all humans to exist * communication, nature, welfare, health care, education, knowledge, arts and culture, food, housing * basing the commons on the logic of markets, commodities, competition, exchange and profit results in fundamental inequalities of access to the commons

=> the commons should be no commodities, but freely available (without payment)

=> Strengthening the communication commons => Advancing commons-based media and a commons-based Internet in a commons-based participatory society

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5. Alternatives?

Commons-based media:

* Common access for all * Common ownership * Common space of communication * Common capacity to produce and share knowledge * Common space for the co-creation of shared meanings (co-operation) * Common space for political debate * Common space for co-forming collective values and identities * Common space for struggles against the colonization of the commons

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5. Alternatives?

How  to  start?  

1)  State  support  and  funding  for  non-­commercial  Internet  projects  

2)  Individual  Einancial  and  academic  support  of  non-­commercial  Internet  projects  

3)  Watching  the  watchers  and  documenting  their  strategies  of  exploitation  and  domination:  Internet  watch  platforms  

4)  Legalization  of  Eile  sharing  +  basic  income  for  cultural  producers    

5)  Support  of  political  struggles  against  neoliberalism  and  capitalism  and  for  a  revitalization  of  the  commons  

6)  Public  control  of  corporate  Internet  platforms  (e.g.  public  search  engines  run  by  public  organizations  like  public  universities)  

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*  Europe  and  the  world  have  experienced  a  neoliberal  accumulation  of    dispossession  of  the  commons  of  society  

*  The  ongoing  crisis  is  a  crisis  of  capitalism  

*  We  need  to  think  about  alternatives  to  the  logic  of  capital  and  commodities  

*  Political  struggles  against  neoliberalism  as  struggles  for  the  strengthening  of  the  commons  

*  Internet  prosumption  is  shaped  by  an  antagonism  between  commodiMication  and  commons-­‐based  prosumption  

*  Wikipedia  and  WikiLeaks  are  the  shining  forth  of  a  commons-­‐based  Internet  

*  Struggles  for  the  strengthening  the  public  sphere  and  commons-­based  media