MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING DOCUMENTATION Merline Hidayat LSG Manuf. Operation Div. 6000 James Watson Dr. Hercules, CA 94547 capitalinsider.blogspot.com

Internship at Bio-Rad

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Page 1: Internship at Bio-Rad



Merline HidayatLSG Manuf. Operation Div.

6000 James Watson Dr.Hercules, CA 94547


Page 2: Internship at Bio-Rad


Name : Merline Hidayat

Major : Bioengineering

School : UC Berkeley, 5th year

Grad : Dec 2008

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Internship at Bio-Rad 1/2

• Position – Manufacturing engineer– LSG manufacturing documentation


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• Responsibilities

– Provider database project– Change request (CR)– Assembly procedure (AP)– etc.

Internship at Bio-Rad 2/2

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Entire company


Provider Database 1/4

• Bio-Rad provider database



Product Data



That’s my work!

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• Before using the database, ordering parts is like …

Provider Database 2/4

Got confused?

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Provider Database 3/4

• PLM database lists all important things.

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• Each item has specifications.

Provider Database 4/4


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Change Request 1/3

7225 ?

• Mistake or change is inevitable.

• Changes have to be traceable.

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Change Request 2/3

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Change Request 3/3

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Assembly Procedure (AP) 1/8

• Manual instruction for any assembly

• Case example : Tetrad 2– Transferred from a smaller company in

Waltham, Massachusetts

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Assembly Procedure (AP) 2/8

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Assembly Procedure (AP) 3/8

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Assembly Procedure (AP) 4/8

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Assembly Procedure (AP) 5/8

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Assembly Procedure (AP) 6/8

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Final product

Assembly Procedure (AP) 7/8

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• My training was to create an AP for an easy assembly.

Assembly Procedure (AP) 8/8

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My Workplace(Why you should envy the 6000 Bldg)

1) Hawaiian shirt day

2) I can stare at the sea as long as I want

3) Social ice cream event

4) Ice cream vending machine

5) T.G.I Fridays

Things Learned

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People Behind the Science

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The Coffee/ Tea Machine Behind the People

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Scenery From Around 6000 Building

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Thank you, Bio-Rad!

• Special thanks to– My supervisors : Anthony Limjoco & Francis

Hwang– My mentor : Amy Schwartz– All friendly co-workers: Rosalinda, Frank,

Randy, Asif, Leslie, Wendell, Kelly, etc.