Chapter-1 Introduction 1

Internship Report On Supply Chain Effectiveness of Apparel Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh A Study on Saba Attires Ltd

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Internship Report OnSupply Chain Effectiveness of Apparel Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh A Study on Saba Attires Ltd

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Page 1: Internship Report   On    Supply Chain Effectiveness of Apparel Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh   A Study on Saba Attires Ltd




Page 2: Internship Report   On    Supply Chain Effectiveness of Apparel Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh   A Study on Saba Attires Ltd

1.1 Introduction

In today’s world of globalization many apparel manufacturers are building strong supply

chains to gain advantage over their competitors by offering the best value to their customers.

The supply chain management has become very critical to manage risk, dynamism, and

complexities of global sourcing. A totally integrated supply chain is required for the company

to get gain the maximum benefits. The objectives of the supply chain and the performance

measurements need to be understood in order to build the most effective supply chain.

Performance measurements provide an approach to identify the success and potential of supply

management strategies.

One major aspect of the supply chain management is to select the right sources of supply in the

global business environment that can support corporate strategy. Contrary to the conventional

adversarial relationships, effective supply chain management in the new competition suggests

seeking close relationships in the long term with less number of partners.

Considering the rapidly changing market conditions and customer seeking the best value, long-

term relationships with the supply chain partners became very critical in the apparel industry.

Therefore the apparel manufacturers are looking for the supply chain partners who can provide

the best cost in the fastest way. Such a relationship is regarded as partnership since it includes

activities such as information sharing, joint product design, or sharing storage spaces.

The purpose of this study is to learn about supply chain effectiveness in an apparel

manufacturing company.

1.2 Origin of the Report

As a compulsory part of Internship program, this particular report is being prepared by the

author on the proposed topic “Supply Chain Effectiveness of an Apparel Manufacturing

Company in Bangladesh – A Study on Saba Attires Ltd”. The intention was to give an

opportunity to the students to gain some real world experience by working in a practical

environment. The internship supervisor was Sabrina Sultana, Lecturer in Marketing, Faculty of



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1.3 Objective of the Report

The Broad Objective of this report is:

To measure the effectiveness of supply chain of Saba Attires Ltd in different supply chain area.

Specific objectives are:

1. To identify the factors related to supply chain effectiveness

2. To know about role of merchandiser in an apparel manufacturing company

3. To provide some recommendations on the basis of findings.

1.4 Methodology

1.4.1 Population, Sampling and Sampling Unit

Population size is 135. Among 135 employees and suppliers, 40 persons are randomly chosen

for interview. Sampling unit consists of 2 senior merchandisers, 10 Assistant merchandisers,

13 trainee merchandisers, 3 production executives, 2 commercial executives, 6 quality

controllers and 4 suppliers.

1.4.2 Sample design

This descriptive study covers the sample of 40 respondents. The pool of respondents consists

of Senior Merchandisers, Assistant Merchandisers, Trainee Merchandisers, Quality

Controllers, Commercial Officers and Suppliers of SABA Attires Ltd. Nonprobability

convenience sampling technique is used to select the sample. Personal interviewing method is

used to get response from respondents. To record the responses of sample respondents, a

structured questioner is used.

1.4.3 Data gathering

In order to prepare the report both primary and secondary data are needed. Primary data is

collected by the questionnaires. Here direct communication is essential for gathering required

data. Secondary data is collected from the internet, books and journal.


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1.4.4 Data analysis

Likert’s Summative Rating method of analysis was used in the analysis these research


The Assigned weight to the various alternatives is Strongly Agree =5, Agree =4, Neutral =3,

Disagree =2, strongly Disagree =1

Mean rating was used for the variables .To get the at the mean of each table this formula was


Mean = X

Where f =frequency of respondent

x=weight assigned to each alternatives

Formula for calculation as used in the study is by multiplication of number of respondents

under each option with the weight assigned to the option and summing up to divide by the total

number of respondents in order to give the mean rating.

The decision rule is that the mean ( X ) of the total response falls 4.5 to 5, it means ‘Highly

Effective, 3.5 to below 4.5 means ‘Moderately Effective’, 2.5 to below 3.5 means ‘Marginally

Effective’, 2 to below 2.5 means ‘Ineffective’, 1 to below 2 point means ‘Highly Ineffective’

1.5 Limitations of the Report

The major limitation for this report were

1. Respondents might not give the accurate information.

2. Unfortunately due to the company’s limitations (business secrecy and confidential-

ity), it was not possible to acquire sufficient information.

3. Lack of experience of researcher.

4. Time was also a limitation. Gathering information during working was a tough job.


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Literature Review


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2.1 Supply Chain

'A supply chain is a network of facilities that procure raw materials, transform them into

intermediate goods and then final products, and deliver the products to customers through a

distribution system' (Lee & Billington, 1995). The basic objective of supply chain is to

“optimize performance of the chain to add as much value as possible for the least cost

possible”. In other words, it aims to link all the supply chain agents to jointly cooperate within

the firm as a way to maximize productivity in the supply chain and deliver the most benefits to

all related parties (Finch 2006).

2.2 Supply Chain Effectiveness

Supply chain effectiveness is defined as an external standard “of how well an organization is

meeting the demands of the various groups and organizations that are concerned with

its activities through its supply chain” (Pfeffer and Salancik 1978) which approximately is a

construct “for doing the right things” or having validity of outcome (Hines et al. 2000).

A conceptualization of effectiveness as use value is interesting to highlight that how well as

well as demands in the above definition is vague. Håkansson and Prenkert (2004) seem to

refer use value to evaluation of the network’s utilization of resources. In resource

dependence perspective is effectiveness seen as an independent measure for evaluating

organizations. Meeting demands of various evaluators means that conflicting as well as

compatible demands are prevalent. Pfeffer and Salancik (2003) foresee conflict when one

stakeholder’s demand constraints other stakeholder’s demand, which is the case for the supply

chain actors. Conflict but also co-operation gives “lessons learnt” in one exchange

process that is leveraged in other exchange processes. Suppliers are effective if they deliver

what is asked for, no matter if they are bound to fill their warehouses to manage, i.e. if they

manage the task inefficiently. In supply chain management effectiveness is equalized with

supply chains’ flexibility and agility to customer demand. Ineffective supply chains are

loosely integrated with poor management of existing interdependencies.

Even though different researchers give different categories of the processes involved in a

supply chain, these processes are somewhat functionally independent and quite similar in that

sense. 6

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Strader et al. (1999) referred to the underlying business processes as mechanisms and included

these processes in a complete supply chain which directly and indirectly impact on

effectiveness of supply chain:

(1) Forecasting demand based on information such as market research,

(2) Placing and receiving customer orders,

(3) Managing inventory,

(4) Planning production,

(5) Communicating between supply chain partners and

(6) Managing distribution (shipping),

Forecasting is the basis for all strategic and planning decisions in a supply chain (Chopra and

Meindl, 2003) i.e.: production: scheduling, inventory, aggregate planning, and marketing: sales

force allocation, promotions, new production introduction, and finance: plant/equipment

investment, budgetary planning.

Customer order entry method determines the way and extent to which customer specifications

are converted into information exchanged along the supply chain. The customer order path is

the path that an order traverses is another important measure whereby the time spent in

different channels can be determined. By analyzing the customer order path, non-value adding

activities can be identified so that suitable steps can be taken to eliminate them.

Inventory encompasses all the raw materials, work in process, and finished goods within a

supply chain. Changing inventory policies can dramatically alter the supply chain’s efficiency

& effectiveness (Chopra and Meindl, 2003). If effectiveness is a strategic competitive priority,

a firm can locate larger amounts of inventory closer to customers (Chopra and Meindl, 2003).

There are three basic decisions to make regarding the creation and holding of inventory:

Cycle Inventory is the amount of inventory needed to satisfy demand for the product in the

period between purchases of the product. Safety Inventory is held as a buffer against

uncertainty. If demand forecasting could be done with perfect accuracy, then the only

inventory that would be needed would be cycle inventory. Seasonal Inventory is inventory that

is built up in anticipation of predictable increases in demand that occur at certain times of the

year (Chopra and Meindl, 2003).

After the order is planned and goods sourced the next step in to make/assemble products. This

is the activity carried out by organizations that own production sites, and their performance has 7

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a major impact on product cost, quality, speed of delivery and delivery reliability, and

flexibility (Mapes et al., 1997; Slack et al., 1995). As it is quite an important part of the supply

chain, production needs to be measured and continuously improved. Suitable metrics for the

production level are as follows. Order lead-time, the total order cycle time, called order to

delivery cycle time, refers to the time elapsed in between the receipt of customer order until the

delivery of finished goods to the customer. The reduction in order cycle time leads to reduction

in supply chain response time, and as such is an important performance measure and source of

competitive advantage (Christopher, 1992)—it directly interacts with customer service in

determining competitiveness. Range of product and services: According to Mapes et al. (1997),

a plant that manufactures a broad product range is likely to introduce new products more

slowly than plants with a narrow product range. Plants that can manufacture a wide range of

products are likely to perform less well in the areas of value added per employee, speed and

delivery reliability. This clearly suggests that product range affects supply chain performance.

Effectiveness of scheduling techniques is another important measure of supply chain

effectiveness. Scheduling refers to the time or date on or by which activities are to be

undertaken. Such fixing determines the manner in which resources will flow in an operating

system, the effectiveness of which has an important impact on production and thus supply

chain performance. For example, scheduling techniques such as JIT, MRP and ERP have

implications on purchasing, throughput time and batch size. In case of the supply chain, since

scheduling depends heavily on customer demands and supplier performance, the scheduling

tools should be viewed in that context (Little et al., 1995).

Communication with the supply link is another important measure of supply chain

effectiveness. Traditionally supplier performance measures were based on price variation

rejects on receipt and on time delivery. For many years, the selection of suppliers and product

choice were mainly based on price competition with less attention afforded to other criteria like

quality, reliability, etc. More recently, the whole approach to evaluating suppliers has

undergone drastic change.

Managing distribution (shipping) directly impacts on effectiveness on supply chain. Measures

for delivery performance evaluation According to Stewart (1995), an increase in delivery

performance is possible through a reduction in lead-time attributes. Another important aspect

of delivery performance is on-time delivery. On-time delivery reflects whether perfect delivery

has taken place or otherwise and is also a measure of customer service level. A similar concept, 8

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on time order fill, was used by Christopher (1992), describing it as a combination of delivery

reliability and order completeness. Another aspect of delivery is the percentage of finished

goods in transit, which if high signifies low inventory turns, leading to unnecessary increases in

tied up capital. Various factors that can influence deli-very speed include vehicle speed, driver

reliability, frequency of delivery, and location of depots. An increase in efficiency in these

areas can lead to a decrease in the inventory levels (Novich, 1990). Number of faultless notes

invoiced: An invoice shows the delivery date, time and condition under which goods were

received. By comparing these with the previously made agreement, it can be determined

whether perfect delivery has taken place or not, and areas of discrepancy can be identified so

that improvements can be made.

2.3 Supply chain practices textile and apparel industries

Adoption of Supply chain practices in textile and garments industries has steadily increased

since the 1980s. A number of definitions are proposed and the concept is discussed from many

perspectives. However Cousins et al. (2006); Sachan and Datta (2005); Storey et al. (2006)

provided excellent review on supply chain management literature on apparel industry. These

papers define the concept, principals, nature, and development of supply chain and indicate

that there is an intense research being conducted around the world in this field they critically

assessed developments in the theory and practice of supply management.

A process is a structured and measured set of activities designed to produce a specific output

for a particular customer or market (Davenport, 1993). It is a group of activities within

sequential or parallel relationships that span over a period of time. Integrating nature of these

processes across functional and organizational barriers that suit the need of supply chain design

and improvement so well that from the very beginning, supply chain study are generally

believed to be process-based (Yang, 2000, p.456).


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Lamber and Cooper (2000) propose a supply chain framework that consists of three closely

interrelated elements: the supply chain network structure, the supply chain business processes

and supply chain management. The supply chain structure element tells who the members of a

particular supply chain are, how many tiers are involved in the chain and how many members

are in each tier. A supply chain looks rather more like an uprooted tree than a pipeline, which

suggests that supply chains are very complicated to manage. Within such complex network

structure, the key to successful supply chain is to identify the key processes, which need the

coordination of all the tiers in one supply chain, and mange these processes in an integrated



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Company Overview


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3.1 Background and History of SABA Attires Ltd

Saba Attires Ltd started its journey in Bangladesh in the year 17 August, 2002. At early years

Saba Attires Ltd had to pass very difficult time. It still exists only for its honesty, integrity,

moral scruples and for its business ethics. And for that reason now this organization is in a suc-

cessful and stable situation in the subsequent years. Saba Attires Ltd never misses to meet fu-

ture challenges. This organization always tries to give its best to achieve professional compe-

tence and reliability. It always tries to give something better than its customer’s expectation.

For this reason it’s not only treated as a trusted supplier of readymade garments but also as a

caring partner toward all its buyers and customers. Now meeting the extraordinary requirement

of the customer become a custom for this organization and also a matter of pride for this orga-

nization. This organization is also adapting some important policies like getting official ap-

proval of ISO Quality Standard practices, ensuring total compliance of various Code of Con-

duct requirements of prestigious buyers across the world, prioritizing the need for creation of

ideal work conditions for the workers and ensuring proper health care & safety for them. This

thing has awarded Saba Attires Ltd a respectable position in the top of the RMG manufacturers

in Bangladesh.

3.2 Mission

“To maximize profit while creating an environment in which we can provide the best value and

the best services to our customers, while developing ourselves to our maximum potential in a

pleasant, clean and professional atmosphere”


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3.3 Organization Profile

Name SABA Attires Ltd

Year of Establishment 17 August, 2002

Activities Readymade garments manufacturer

Location SABA ATTIRES LTD B-468,469BSCIC I/A Enayetnagar, Fatullah,Narayangonj.Corporate Office16, S.M Maleh Road, TanbazarNarayanganj.

Area Total Flore Area 25000 square feet

Products Basic T-shirt, Polo shirt, Pajama set, Nightgown, Bermuda shorts, Tank Top, Vest etc.

Production Capacity 35000 dozens (per month)

Main Buyers Euroski , S.Coop(Spain) , Coop Denmark A/S (Denmark), Cotton On Clothing Pty Ltd(Australia), Cedrox KB (Sweden), Rap SRL (Italy), Roamer ( U.K), Etc.


Managing Director Mr. ShamimAhmed


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3.4 Quality Policy of Saba Attires Ltd

Saba Attires Ltd dedicated to meet and fulfill customer requirement in garments making and

also try to satisfy their employees. This group increasingly reducing its rejection and rework

rate in-process and final garments in order to ensure product quality and delivery time as per

buyer requirement and increase profitability. Saba Attires Ltd will ensure sufficient training

and suitable work to increase productivity and skills of the employee. This group always

measures its performance in all areas from time to time and takes measure to continually

improve quality, work environment and employee satisfaction.

Picture: 3.1 Sample Section

Corporate office controls all the units of Saba Attires Ltd which is located in the Narayanganj.

To perform well each unit has its factory management setup from sampling to finishing of the

product. Both environment and occupational health and safety were considered during

designing the buildings. Medical facilities are available in the production facilities. The two

units of Saba Attires Ltd are credited on ISO 9001. These are Saba Attires Ltd garments and

Aboni textiles. Saba Attires Ltd garments are also WRAP certified. An Aboni textile limited of

Saba Attires Ltd is attributed on environmental management system ISO 14001. Saba Attires

Ltd applies ethical principles to all facilities that produce readymade garments for exporting to


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foreign countries. Its factory operates in a legal and cultural environment. These ethical

principals express the basic requirement of Saba Attires Ltd factories in order to do business

with its foreign customers.

Saba Attires Ltd makes constant efforts to promote best practices and continuous improvement

of ethical issues in all its manufacturing units. For easy understanding of the issues the Saba

Attires Ltd management has posted its contents on both Bangla and English to their notice

board. In addition to all normal machines and equipment, woven division uses the following

machines and equipment to provide various special requirements of customers:-

Arm Hole & Side Seam Fusing Machine

Eyelet Sewing Machine

Pintack Machine

Blind Stitch Machine

Saddle Stitching Machine

CAD (Investronica)

Cintex Needle Search Machine

Picture3.2 Cutting Section


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The woven division has the capacity of producing about 50,000 pcs of shirts / dresses (Men’s

and Ladies) per month.

The knit division in its composite structure has Knitting, Dyeing, Finishing and Sewing facility

located near Narayanganj. The division is still in its first phase, running with a capacity of:

4 tons per day for Knitting, 7 tons per day for Dyeing & 10 tons per day for Finishing

About 100,000 pcs of 'T' shirts / Tank tops per month

About 200,000 pcs of Polo shirts per month

Knitting, Dyeing, Finishing units are equipped with European best brand machines like Sclavos for Dyeing, Mayer & CIE for Knitting and Santex for Finishing.

Knit division knits dyes and finishes 100% Cotton, CVC, T/C, 100% Polyester, lycra fabrics.

Knitting unit knits all the basic structures including the following:-

Feeder Stripes

Lycra Single Jersey

Lycra Rib


Herring Bone etc.

Picture 3.3: Swing Section


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Saba Attires Ltd has its own embroidery units.

Saba Attires Ltd becomes more competitive by including printing and packaging unit in the

year 2007. This establishment causes cost reduction and smooth execution of the orders.

Saba Attires Ltd washing was established in September 2008 and has started showing its

positive impact on Group's overall business. RMG units of Saba Attires Ltd are no more

dependent on out sourcing of washing of Garments.

Picture: 3.4 Finishing Section


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3.5 Organizational Organogram


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Chapter 4

Jobs Performed During Internship


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4.1 Responsibilities of a merchandiser

Merchandiser need to work in a systematic way to ensure proper delivery of products at due

date. They had to do their work into daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. The activities


4.1.1 Daily activities of a merchandiser

Checking mails and faxes. They need to give the reply within the day based on priority.

Checking port status and convey to concern department.

Checking the shipments documents and inform concern department.

Checking daily production status to understand shipment status

Checking shipment schedule and raw materials production status

Follow-up with sample section for different buyers sample

Follow-up with store for fabric and accessories received

Follow-up with the production manager for the production plan

Follow-up with the commercial people L/C,BTB L/C and L/C amendment

Price quotation and delivery confirmation to the buyer

Reporting to marketing and merchandising chief on the daily activities.

Reporting to executive director on the important issue like various meeting, customer

visits compliances and code of conduct

4.1.2Weekly activities of merchandiser

Meeting with the fabrics and accessories supplier

Meeting with the buyer and buying houses

Prepare fabric and accessories requirement list, checking with concern and passing it to

supplier with proper specification.

Prepare purchase order with approval and sign of proper authority.

Issuing pro-forma invoice with the approval and sign of the proper authority.

Providing cost break-down to commercial department during L/C opening

4.1.3 Monthly activities of a merchandiser

Meeting with the production people

Meeting with the quality people and pattern master


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4.1.4 Yearly activities of a merchandiser

Yearly self-assessment on the performance based on number of buyers handled, shipment

quantity, CM charge negotiated, debit note settled with the supplier

4.2 My activities

As I am working as an assistant merchandiser in Saba Attires Ltd so I am getting the

opportunity to learn lots of things. In this time I have done different merchandising related task

in the company.

4.2.1 Daily activities

Preparing and maintaining fabric swatch card

Scanning documents

Proper filling the documents

Sample follow-up

Taking the photos of samples

Mail communication

Collecting production information

Reporting to concern supervisor

Picture 4.1 Merchandising Section


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4.2.2 Weekly activities

Meeting with the fabrics and accessories supplier

Making accessories list

Meeting with the buyer and buying houses

4.2.3 Monthly activities

Meeting with the production people

Meeting with the quality people and pattern master

4.3 Problems faced during internship

During my working period one of the major problems faced by me was that sometimes sample

persons were not flexible to work with interns. Another problem was that as Saba Attires Ltd

didn’t provide me any formal briefing or any kind of workshop so it’s become really difficult

for me to understand the work.


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Chapter 5

Analysis and Findings


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5.1 Mathematical Interpretation

In analyzing the data collected for this study, Likert’s Summative Rating scale used in section

for easy construction of table analysis and reliability of data. Mean rating will be used to rate

the variables.

Likert’s Summative Rating method of analysis was used in the analysis these research


The assigned weight to the various alternatives is

Strongly Agree =5

Agree =4

Neutral =3

Disagree =2

Strongly Disagree =1

Mean rating was used for the variables .To get the at the mean of each table this formula was


Mean = X

Where f =frequency of respondent

x=weight assigned to each alternatives

Formula for calculation as used in the study is by multiplication of number of respondents

under each option with the weight assigned to the option and summing up to divide by the total

number of respondents in order to give the mean rating.

The decision rule is that the mean ( X ) of the total response falls -

4.5 to 5.0, it means Supply Chain is - ‘Highly Effective’

3.5 to below 4.5, it means Supply Chain is - ‘Moderately Effective’

2.5 to below 3.5, it means Supply Chain is - ‘Marginally Effective’

2 to below 2.5, it means Supply Chain is - ‘Ineffective’

1 to below 2.0, it means Supply Chain is - ‘Highly Ineffective’

Standard Deviation is also calculated in order to verify the reliability of data. Standard

Deviation less than 1 (SD < 1) is considered as reliability of data as difference between

responses is low.


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5.2 Data Analysis


Table 01: Current forecasting system can predict future demand for apparels accurately.

Number of








Strongly Agree 14 35 35

4.13 0.82

Agree 19 47.5 82.5

Neutral 5 12.5 95

Disagree 2 5 100

Strongly Disagree 0 0 100

From table 01, it is seen that almost 83% of the respondents strongly agree & agree that current

forecasting system can predict future demand for accurately. Analysis of the above table shows

that the mean rate 4.13 that fells into range 3.5 to below 4.5 which indicates that in term of

demand forecasting system the supply chain of Saba Attires Ltd is moderately effective.


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Table 02: Current forecasting system can accurately predicts price of raw materials.

Number of








Strongly Agree 0 0 0

2.47 0.87

Agree 4 10 10

Neutral 17 42.5 52.5

Disagree 13 32.5 85

Strongly Disagree 6 15 100

From table 02, it is found that 10% of the respondents strongly agree and agree that current

forecasting system can accurately predicts price of raw materials. The mean rate is 2.47 which

fells into range between 1 to below 2.5. So in terms of price forecasting supply chain is



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Order Placement

Table 03: The customer order path is simple

Number of








Strongly Agree 11 27.5 27.5

3.93 0.88

Agree 18 45 72.5

Neutral 8 20 92.5

Disagree 3 7.5 100

Strongly Disagree 0 0 100

From above table, it is seen that that over 72% of the respondents strongly agree & agree that

the customer order path is simple and effective. Analysis of the above table shows that the

mean rate is 3.93, which fells into range 3.5 to below 4.5. It indicates the order placing process

is simple which satisfies its customers. Supply chain is moderately effective in terms of order



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Order Placement

Table 04: Current Supply Chain System allows the reduction of response time within the

supply chain which makes order placement faster.

Number of








Strongly Agree 18 45 45

4.28 0.75

Agree 15 37.5 82.5

Neutral 7 17.5 100

Disagree 0 0 100

Strongly Disagree 0 0 100

From the analysis of the above table it is seen that almost 83% of respondents agree or strongly

agree that current supply chain system allows the reduction of response time. In this variable

the mean rate is 4.28 which indicate that the supply chain of SABA Attires Ltd is moderately

effective in terms of order placement.


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Inventory management

Table 05: Inventory Management Department maintains enough inventories that allow

uninterrupted production.

Number of








Strongly Agree 14 35 35

4.07 0.85

Agree 17 42.5 77.5

Neutral 7 17.5 95

Disagree 2 5 100

Strongly Disagree 0 0 100

Table 05 implies that almost 78% of respondents agree or strongly agree that Inventory

Management Department maintains enough inventory that allows uninterrupted production..

The mean rate which is 4.07 ensures that in terms Inventory Management supply chain of

SABA Attires Ltd is moderately effective.


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Inventory management

Table 06: Inventory management department maintains frequent communication with

production department.

Number of








Strongly Agree 17 42.5 42.5

4.30 0.68

Agree 18 45 87.5

Neutral 5 12.5 100

Disagree 0 0 100

Strongly Disagree 0 0 100

Table 06 shows that almost 88% of respondents agree or strongly agree Inventory management

department maintains frequent communication with production department which makes

supply chain effective. The mean rate which is 4.30 indicates that in term of inventory

management supply chain is moderately effective.


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Table 07: Order Lead Time of SABA Attires Ltd is good enough compare with the

industry’s Order Lead Time.

Number of








Strongly Agree 13 32.5 32.5

4.02 0.89

Agree 18 45 77.5

Neutral 6 15 92.5

Disagree 3 7.5 100

Strongly Disagree 0 0 100

From the analysis of the above table it is seen almost 78% of respondents agree or strongly

agree that the company’s Order Lead Time is good enough compare with the industry’s Order

Lead Time.. In this variable the mean rate is 4.02 which indicate that in term of order lead time

the supply chain is moderately effective.


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Table 08: Company has production facility which ensures sufficient production during

the time of excessive demand.

Number of








Strongly Agree 22 52.5 52.5

4.50 0.59

Agree 16 42.5 95

Neutral 2 5 100

Disagree 0 0 100

Strongly Disagree 0 0 100

From table, it is seen that that 95% of the respondents strongly agree & agree that Company

has production facility that ensures sufficient production during the time of excessive demand.

Analysis of the above table shows that the mean rate is 4.50, which fells into range 4.5 to

below 5.0. It indicates that the supply chain is highly effective in terms of production facility.


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Table 09: Production Management Department maintains frequent communication with

Marketing and Distribution Department.

Number of








( )




Strongly Agree 12 30 30

4.02 0.83

Agree 19 47.5 77.5

Neutral 7 17.5 95

Disagree 2 5 100

Strongly Disagree 0 0 100

From table 09, it is seen that almost 78% of the respondents strongly agree & agree that

Production Management Department maintains frequent communication with Marketing and

Distribution Department which impacts positively on supply chain. Analysis of the above table

shows that the mean rate is 4.02 which fells into range 3.5 to below 4.5. It indicates that supply

chain is moderately effective in terms of production management.


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Table 10: Current supply chain management makes communication among supply chain

members frequently.

Number of








Strongly Agree 0 0 0

3.18 0.71

Agree 14 35 35

Neutral 19 47.5 82.5

Disagree 7 17.5 100

Strongly Disagree 0 0 100

Table 10 shows that almost 35% of respondents agree and strongly agree that current supply

chain allows to makes communication among supply chain members faster, easier and more

frequently. The mean rate which is 3.18 indicates that supply chain is marginally effective in

this particular measure.


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Table 11: Current supply chain helps in obtaining useful feedback from the suppliers.

Number of








Strongly Agree 0 0 0

2.18 0.89

Agree 4 10 10

Neutral 8 20 30

Disagree 19 48 78

Strongly Disagree 9 22 100

From table 11, it is found that 10% of the respondents strongly agree & agree that Current

supply chain helps in obtaining useful feedback from the suppliers. The mean rate is 2.18 fells

into ineffective indicator range which is 1 to below 2.5. So in terms of obtaining feedback from

suppliers supply chain is ineffective.


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Managing distribution

Table 12: Shipments are delivered as per the dateline.

Number of








Strongly Agree 27 67.5 67.5

4.63 0.58

Agree 11 27.5 95

Neutral 2 5 100

Disagree 0 0 100

Strongly Disagree 0 0 100

From table 12, it is found that 95% of the respondents strongly agree & agree that shipments

are delivered as per the dateline. The mean rate is 4.63 fells into highly effective indicator

range which is 4.5 to below 5. So in terms of delivery the supply chain is highly effective.


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Managing distribution

Table 13: Distribution system is flexible enough to meet particular customer demands.

Number of








Strongly Agree 8 10 10

3.73 0.89

Agree 17 32.5 42.5

Neutral 11 40 82.5

Disagree 4 17.5 100

Strongly Disagree 0 0 100

From table 13, it is found that almost 43% of the respondents strongly agree & agree that

distribution system is flexible enough to meet particular customer demands. The mean rate is

3.82 fells into effective indicator range which is 3.5 to below 4.5. So in terms of flexibility in

the supply chain is moderately effective.


Page 38: Internship Report   On    Supply Chain Effectiveness of Apparel Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh   A Study on Saba Attires Ltd

5.3 Findings:

1. In term of demand forecasting system the supply chain of Saba Attires Ltd is

moderately effective.

2. In term of price forecasting system for raw material, the supply chain of Saba Attires

Ltd is ineffective.

3. Order placement system of Saba Attires Ltd is moderately effective

4. Supply chain is moderately effective in case inventory management.

5. In term of order lead time the supply chain of Saba Attires Ltd is moderately effective.

6. Supply chain is highly effective in term of production facility.

7. Supply chain is moderately effective in terms of production management.

8. In term of communication with supply chain partners supply chain is marginally


9. Supply chain of Saba Attires Ltd is ineffective in term of communication with


10. Supply chain is highly effective in term of shipment delivery (Distribution


11. In term of distribution flexibility supply chain is moderately effective.


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Recommendations and Conclusion


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6.1 Recommendations

Saba Attires Ltd should improve their supply chain practice in those areas in which are current

ineffective or marginally effective.

Price forecasting system of Saba Attires Ltd is ineffective. If future price of raw materials

are not accurately predicted, the production cost will be increased as consequence. So,

price forecasting system raw material should be improved.

Communication with supply chain partners, especially with suppliers should be improved

as the study finds that this function is currently in marginally ineffective level. Although

currently distribution schedule is not hampering with this lack of communication but it can

seriously impacts on production and increase production cost.

Communication with suppliers should be more frequent and feedback should take in order

to get production materials timely and in right price.

Supply chain areas which are currently moderately effective level (demand forecasting, order

placement, inventory management and production management, distribution flexibility) should

bring in to highly effective level.


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6.2 Conclusion

Supply chains are effective when the exchange value of the system fulfills expectations of the

supply chain members. Today’s business environment is more global and competitive than it

has been in the past. The modern business is characterized with shorter product life cycles,

rapid new product introductions, increasingly knowledgeable, well informed, and sophisticated

customers. This forces supply chains to be more effective. The modern supply chains are thus

expected to respond rapidly, effectively, and efficiently to changes in the market place so as to

sustain, and further more create competitive advantage. It is therefore very important to study

the effectiveness of supply chains.


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7.0 References

Chopra, S.; & Meindl, P. (2003). Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operations, pp. 060-081 Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Christopher, M., 1992. Logistics and Supply Chain Manage-ment. Pitman Publishing, London pp 241 - 244

Cousins, P.D., Lawson, B., Squire, B., 2006. Supply chain management: theory and practice – the emergence of an academic discipline. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 26 (7), pp.697 – 702.

Davenport, T. H. (1993), Process innovation-Reengineering work through information technology, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts.

Finch, BJ 2006, ‘Operations Now: Profitability, Processes, Performance’, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill/ Irwin, United States. pp 147-151

Håkansson, Håkan and Frans Prenkert (2004), "Exploring the Exchange Concept in Marketing," in Rethinking Marketing - developing a new understanding of markets, Håkan Håkansson and Alexandra Walnuszewski, Eds. 2004: Wiley.

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Pfeffer, Jeffrey and Gerald R. Salancik (2003), The external control of organizations: a resource dependence perspective. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Business Books. pp. 11-12

Sachan, A., Datta, S., 2005.Review of supply chain management and logistics research International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 35 (9), pp. 664 – 705.


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Stewart, G., 1995. Supply chain performance benchmarking study reveals keys to supply chain excellence. Logistics Information Management 8 (2), 38–44.

Strader, T. J., Lin, F. and Shaw, M. J. (1998), "Information infrastructure for electronic virtual organization management", Decision Support Systems, Vol.23, pp. 75-94.

Yang, B. R. (2000), "Supply chain management" in Shaw, M., Blanning, R., Strader, T. and Whinston, A. (Eds.), Handbook on electronic commerce (pp. 446-456), Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.


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8.0 Appendix


Supply chain Effectiveness of Apparel Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh.

A Study on Saba Attires Ltd.

Respondent Name:




Work place:

Respondents Signature:

On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the following (circle the response that best applies)

Strongly Disagree 1

Disagree 2

Neutral 3

Agree 4

Strongly Agree 5

Forecasting related questions:

Serial Statements 1 2 3 4 5

01. Current forecasting system can predict future

demand for apparels accurately.

02. Current forecasting system can accurately predicts

price of raw materials.


Page 45: Internship Report   On    Supply Chain Effectiveness of Apparel Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh   A Study on Saba Attires Ltd

Order Placement related questions:

Serial Statements 1 2 3 4 5

03. The customer order path is simple.

04. Current supply chain management allows the

reduction of response time within the supply chain

which makes order placement faster.

Inventory Management related questions



Statements 1 2 3 4 5

05. Inventory management department maintains

enough inventories that allow uninterrupted


06. Inventory management department maintains

frequent communication with production


Production related questions:



Statements 1 2 3 4 5

07. Order Lead Time of SABA Attires Ltd is good

enough compare with the industry’s Order Lead


08. Company has production facility which ensures

sufficient production during the time of excessive


09 Production Management Department maintains

frequent communication with Marketing and


Page 46: Internship Report   On    Supply Chain Effectiveness of Apparel Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh   A Study on Saba Attires Ltd

Distribution Department.

Communication related questions:



Statements 1 2 3 4 5

10. Current supply chain management makes

communication among supply chain members


11. Current supply chain helps in obtaining useful

feedback from the suppliers.

Distribution Management related questions:

Serial Statements 1 2 3 4 5

12. Shipments are delivered as per the dateline.

13. Distribution system is flexible enough to meet

particular customer demands.