INTERVIEW BY RADIO IQ - Lecturesgnosis

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As part of a tour to spread the Gnostic knowledge, Samael visit the northern states of Mexico. This is an interview he did with the radio station with the largest audience of Ciudad Obregon, Sonora Mexico.



1. Curricula of the Gnostic Association.

2. The story of sixty elders

3. La Pistis Sophia

4. Atlantis,

5. Encounter with extraterrestrials,

6. Sleep of consciousness,

7. Karma and Dharma,

8. The age of the pyramids,

9. The existence of the "of the Snows Man",

10. Hercolubus.


Next, by "Radio IQ", the next interview with Master Samael Aun Weor, guide of the International Gnostic Association. Master: Could you tell us in what way and how do the study programs within the Gnostic Association are develo-ped?

With the greatest pleasure I shall answer to that most interes-ting question. The discoveries that we encounter about anthro-pologic issues. Such discoveries are related, precisely, with the programs and upon the basement of those. Obviously, there exists much didactic material sparsed here, and there and in nooks, pyramids, tombs and various archeological pieces. Ob-viously we know how to extract, by precise rules, the knowledge contained in each archeological piece, for the good of contemporary humanity and for love, naturally of our beloved Mexican homeland.

It has been an interesting response, Master. Now, please, we would like to know why the Gnostic teachings affirm the existence of other dimensions, within which certain pre-pared people can enter. The following is our question: How many dimensions exist and how can one obtain the capabi-lity to penetrate in them?

Certainly, I have liked that question very much, it is interesting...

Section 1



The tridimentional geometry of EUCLID is very truly discussed, it has never been accepted in a form of dogma. However there is no doubt that they still exist, around there, certain retarded people, completely bottled in this type of geometry that is now starting to go out of style. Einstein accepted a fourth coordinate; he is demonstrating, precisely, in his theory of the Law of Relati-vity. There is no doubt that the fourth vertical is mathematically demonstrated.

Continuing with these disquisitions, we shall say that our ances-tor of ANAHUAC also knew the fourth dimension. If one carefu-lly reads some codices, one will be astounded when you can co-rroborate this affirmation.

It comes to my mind, in this instant, the chronicle of FATHER DURAN (which is marvelous in itself). It refers to a tale of an epi-sode of the life of the famous Emperor

MOCTEZUMA Wanting to know something about our ances-tors, about the ancestors of the great Tenochtitlan, he summo-ned Tlacaelel, his prime Minister, and he told him: "I want to know something about my elders, about QUETZALCOATL, about Huitzilopochtli, about the mother of Huitzilopochtli and about many other men. I wish to visit them. Do you know about that and where they live?" "Sir! (Answered Tlacaelel), your heart is noble, because I see that you really remember our el-ders! Getting there, where they live (the remote TULE, in the Crystal Isle, in the North Pole), is something more than impossi-

ble. The road is closed by many jungles, there are bottomless lagoons and fierce monsters and nobody could ever get there, I think it is a matter, surely, of charmers, mages or something, I don't know. Only those people could get to that far away place. However, there is a great historian in our kingdom; you could consult him...

The emperor, quite touched, resolved to with Tlacaelel to the place where the kingdom's historian lived. "Worshipful elder (he says to him), I want you to inform him something about our el-ders: Where do they dwell, where do they live? What do you know about Huitzilopochtli and all our ancestors, and about the mother of Huitzilopochtli and about the great Quetzalcoatl?" "Powerful emperor (responded the Worshipful), what you ask of me is very impossible, because then now dwell in the far away Tule and no living being can go there. There are deep and impe-netrable jungles, bottomless lagoons, and oddly, there are tho-se that can ever get there. But you have 60 mages in your court and you can consult with them"... "I see that you have told me the truth then, kind old one, because the same has been affir-med by my prime minister". He gave thanks and left...

He, Montezuma, then summoned the 60 elders of the great Te-nochtitlan, as wise as no one else, and he delivered gifts for Quetzalcoatl and for all of the ancestors of the ancient Nahuas. The event was extraordinary. It is said that the 60 went to a far off place where they carried out certain ceremonies or cults, pro-


per of Anahuac: danced around a fixed place, anointed their bo-dies with certain ointments and based solely on the power of the thought, they entered within the fourth dimension. The le-gend tells of the centuries that they traveled between from the fourth vertical until the land of the elders: the Sacred Isle, loca-ted today under the ices of the North Pole, a place where the remote "Tule" is really located. It is said that this is the geologic layer or "Holy Island" that has remained since the beginning, always firm, although covered in ice on these times.

Well, the truth is that according with the tale (I always refer to the same), that the narrations of Father Duran, catholic priest, they found there (they, the voyagers of the fourth vertical) to a worshipful elder. They approached him and he interrogated them: "Where do you come from?" "We come (they said) from the great Tenochtitlan; we are subjects of the great emperor Montezuma and we bring presents for our ancestors"... "Good, follow me". They followed him and penetrated in some marve-lous compounds. More, on the way their feet would sink into the sand... "What is wrong with you, Mexicans? Why art thou so heavy? What do you eat? They

responded: "We drink pulque and eat all kinds of meats and we get drunk". "Ah, and that is what makes you so heavy, Mexi-cans!"

They received the gifts, the worshipful elders, and it should be stated that within those ancestors of Anahuac, was Quetzal-

coatl and the mother of Huitzilopochtli (with her face covered in soot, and her clothing in rags). Quetzalcoatl said: "If you, Mexi-cans, do not suspend pulque and continue with human sacrifi-ces, you will know that on the other side of the sea, white men with beards (he was referring to the Spaniards, of course) will come and will enslave you and destroy you"...

The tradition tells that the 60 returned to the kingdom of Monte-zuma and communicated to the Prime Minister and the Empe-ror of everything that happened. They cried bitterly. Unfortuna-tely, they did not correct themselves and continued the orgies with pulque and human sacrifices, and alas, with everything that goes down when a civilization decays. Later, we have seen that the prophecy was fulfilled.

So it is, in true reality, in accordance with certain traditions (gi-ven by some catholic priests, written in very serious books), the ancestors of Anahuac managed the "STATES OF JINAS" or "Yi-nas", as those mysticals are called, states in which are preci-sely related with the fourth vertical.

We have procedures or methods that we have learned preci-sely, or we have extracted from some codexis; in by which is possible, educated by the force of thought, penetrate into the fourth vertical. This does not deal with concepts or utopias, no; in true reality now that some of us know how to put our physical bodies within the fourth vertical, we have achieved it.


We consider, then, that the world is multidimensional. So that, we try that people care a little more about getting to know the superior dimensions of nature and of the cosmos...

Master: the Gnostic Association of Anthropologic Studies is imparting free classes to all of those that wish to assist to these. There are many of good things that are taught the-re, this the way to penetrate in the fourth dimension. Moreo-ver, our question, about the same theme, is in the sense of how many years of study, more or less, are needed to enter the fourth dimension.

Well, our concept "time" between us has been eliminated and we have replaced that with the concept "space". Obviously, tho-se who realize great super-efforts in the education of the mental forces, volitives, etc., quickly obtain and realize the phenomena related to the superior dimensions of nature and the cosmos. However, those that do not enforce themselves, those who truly do not dedicate themselves to study and to thinking, linger much in realizing such experiments with good success.

Master: What is the Gnostic Association's opinion of the Bi-ble?

We consider that is, is a sacred book and we respect it pro-foundly. Nevertheless, the Gnostics have, say, our Bible. I want to refer, in emphatic form, to the PISTIS SOPHIA. Such work was found in the soils of Egypt (the shovel of the archeologists

met with the papyrus). The same was translated, correctly, to different languages. Unfortunately it was encoded. We are un-veiling it for the good of humanity.

The Pistis Sophia has the teachings that Jesus of Nazareth ga-ve to his disciples in the Mount of Olives. All of the papyrus is written in Coptic and on the bottom, it is wonderful. In these mo-ments we are, precisely, committed to the labor of unveiling and explaining, clearly, the cited papyrus. I am sure that it will be be-neficial for the whole Christian world, because they will better know the word of the Master.

Here too, in Mexico, we are not left behind. We have here, us, codexis as wise as the "CODEX BORGIA", which pertains to the Anthropology. We propose to ourselves in unveiling it, thanks to the codes that we actually have, for the good of the hurting humanity. This codex contains extraordinary teachings.

As it is known, it was found here in Europe, because the foreig-ners always loot our national treasures (they took that codex to Europe). A child over there, in a very aristocratic house of Euro-pe, was toying with the codex and they even burned a part of it. Fortunately, it was not much that was burned (that way the co-dex got saved). Someone, interested in those studies, saved it in time.

In the name of the truth, we should say that this codex contains extraordinary wisdom that we will unveil shortly, and we will con-


tinue with our work of Gnostic anthropology for the good of all aching humanity.

Master Samael Aun Weor: according to the theory of a Ger-man writer and investigator, there were astronauts in our planet thousands of years ago. We would like to ask you opinion on behalf of the Gnostic Association about this very interesting issue.

Certainly, this question is greatly related with prehistory and even with geology, because it is well known that one and the other have changed throughout the centuries. For example, where the Gulf of Mexico currently lies there existed a precious valley, but because of the submersion of the Atlantean conti-nent, such valley disappeared, the waters flooded it. In other ti-mes, for example, there existed a fringe of land that went from the north of the Gulf of Mexico to Africa, thru Atlantis. Thru this fringe of land came many colored people until our ancient coun-try, Mexico, where there existed different kingdoms (in those ti-mes). Europe, then, had not completely emerged from the bo-ttom of the seas and Atlantis is extended from South to North, in the ocean that has its name.

So, the geology is modified incessantly. I say and cite this, preci-sely because in Atlantis they had what could be called "cosmo-port": cosmic spacecraft, manned by the famous extraterres-trials, which descended normally on the airport (or "cosmo- port", to be more clear) that was located near one of the great

Atlantic cities. In different cities there where "cosmo-ports", but the most important one was in the City of Samlios; on those ages; it was very similar to the modern Paris of our days; a kind of world capital of the cultural type, super civilized, and the habi-tants of Atlantis where accustomed to the descents of space-craft, manned by people of other planets.

This was not strange; this was not odd; it was as common as the onion or the potato. Unfortunately, the Atlantean civilization decayed: the people used atomic weapons for destruction, the same as in our period. It was seen that humanity was degenera-ting and then the ships where less frequent. And when huma-nity totally degenerated, when it turned in to a civilization similar to ours (because of it's degeneration), the spacecraft then


glowed because of their absence. However, we were not totally abandoned.

Atlantis sunk between the bottoms of the seas (we cannot deny this), thru horrible cataclysms. There came a revolution of the axis of the earth, the seas were displaced, the bedrock was changed, and Atlantis finally came to an end. Remnants of the Atlantis are the Antilles, Canary Islands, etc.

However, I repeat: we are not totally abandoned, the spacecraft always furrow the skies. I have narrated various times, before an audience, a solid fact that happened to me: I had direct, per-sonal contact, with the inhabitants of other planets; I achieved this contact in the "Dessert of the Lions", Mexico City, and it was extraordinary!...

I was there in that forest, when I was surprised by a ship that slowly descended until landing in a clearing of the forest. Mo-ved by curiosity, I approached to see what was happening and my surprise was great when I saw, precisely over a steel tripod, an extraordinary ship, marvelous. A hatch opened and a slim person descended by a ladder, of medium stature, copperish skin, blue eyes, ample forehead, straight nose with slim lips, small and tucked ear, conic hands, elongated like that of Fran-cis of Assisi or Antonio de Padua. He had a strange apparatus, a mechanical instrument that was unknown by me. Behind him, descended a whole team, among them two ladies of unknown age. I extended my hand to salute them and as a curious thing,

he extended his hand and stretched it with mine. I greeted him in our language and he answered in perfect Spanish, so-mething that really surprised me; I did not know that the astro-nauts spoke Spanish. Anyway, it seems that they have the gift of languages. So, I understand, because he spoke with no diffi-culties.

I begged him to take me to another planet (to Mars, I said). So he responded: "To Mars you say?" Yes, to Mars! "Well, it's just there" (was the answer). I was perplexed. "Just there? (I told him) well! I wish the scientists of our planet Earth could travel so easily, as these men do! To him, this is "just there"...

My supplications were useless, in the sense that he would take me. I held the tripod, the steel one, in which the ship was on. I did not wanted to let go; I was

determined that they took me anywhere, but the Captain was silent.

Afterwards the team sat down on some logs that were around, on the ground, and one of the ladies, standing up, spoke in na-me of all the team. She said: "If we put a plant that is not aroma-tic, next to one that is, it is clear that the one that is not aromatic will get impregnated with the aroma of the one that is, right? I answered: "Well of course, that is true!" Then she continued: "The same thing can happen with two worlds. Worlds with hu-manities that were very bad before, now are very good because


they became impregnated, little by little, with the radiations of the neighbourhood worlds. Nevertheless, we have arrived here on Earth, where you live and we see that here, in this planet, it is not the same. What is happening here?

The lady was very amazed, she was bewildered. I understand that she was horrified on the state of perversity in which we are. According to point of view and understandment, she was right...

Well, I responded how I could. I told her: "in this planet Earth what happens is that it's a mistake of the Gods". Then I resol-ved to "round" my concept better, mature it a little, and I conti-nued saying: "It is the karma of the worlds"... "Karma" is an oriental word, better said Sanskrit, which indicates "law of cau-se and effect", or "Law of Action and Consequence", meaning: such action, such consequence. There cannot be effect without cause, nor cause without effect. Any defect can become in cau-se as well, within the "LAW OF STRAIGHT CHAINING".

Therefore, the lady nodded, and making a respectful gesture, the other lady also nodded, and the gentlemen, all nodded with a respectful gesture.

Well, I was satisfied by not being so wrong. I tried to "round" the concept the best I could and it worked.

Everyone got up, to go back to the ship. I saw that the thing was grave, that they were leaving and not taking me (I very

much wanted to go). I resolved, simply, to reiterate my demand to the captain. I told him: "I am a man, with a perfect sense of moral responsibility; I know what I am asking of you, captain. I need to bring information with data of other civilizations; proof that life exists in other worlds. Those earthlings are very diffi-cult, unbelievers by a hundred percent, they do not even belie-ve in their own shadow. I know the earthlings, I am an inhabi-tant of this world, and I know what they are. These, not even crying with tears of blood they believe you; they are unbelie-vers, materialists, rude in a hundred percent"...

Well, nothing that I said was worth anything to them. Finally the Captain responded (and it was like a wonderful bounty), saying: "We shall see on the way"... He said this at the time he raised his index finger, the index finger of the right hand.

It was a comfort for me, even that phrase, even if it was only that. I know they

are not earthlings; earthlings make fun of you. These do not, these people do not, and that phrase, I am sure that they will ful-fill it.

However, what "way" did the captain refer to? I understand that it was the way of wisdom.

Well, there we are: advancing a little more, there we go with our investigations. We try to correct out psychological defects, to


see if one day we ever get the captain to remember us and take us to know other habited worlds.

After, those words said, that extraordinary man, followed by his people, returned to the ship. He got on thru the stairs, opened the hatch, and entered within it. I conveniently withdrawed and without them asking for it. I understood, simply, that the radia-tion could end my life so I got away to a certain distance to ob-serve what was happening. That ship spinned over its axis and rose to a great velocity, until it was lost in the infinity.

Well, so, I have this data and I have communicated them here, to you, very gladly. It is clear that the issue was surprising. For me, these days, the issue of the flying saucers is not a cause of curiosity. I understand that in order for one to be taken to other inhabited worlds, one needs to be cleaner, more responsible, eliminate many psychological defects, etc.

I am waiting, to see if it’s possible to correct my defects, I could one day be visited again by that team. I will be hopeful, and, simply, I am sure that they will fulfill their word because they are not earthlings.

I hope that will be so, Master!

Now our question is the following: What is the Gnostic Association's opinion about the Yoga doctrines, such as Hata-Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, etc.?

With the greatest pleasure, I will answer this most interesting question.

Certainly, there exist diverse Yoga schools: Kundalini-Yoga, Ra-ja Yoga, Bakti-Yoga, Gnana-Yoga, Karma Yoga, etc. In a way we will never pronounce against any of these branches of Yoga, we are sure that as we continue with our defects of the psycho-logical type, by even as much yoga type feats that we accom-plish, we will indubitably continue with our dormant conscience.

Psychology offers extraordinary surprises. It is true that we, the Gnostics, have a psychology of a revolutionary type and before thinking about much Hata-yoga, we are more interested in the revolution of the conscience. I am sure that if people could com-prehend what the "Me" is, the "Myself" is, they could be comple-tely and profoundly dismayed. If anyone could look in the mirror and look at him or herself

completely (full bodied), such as it is, they would flee horrified. In addition, it is because the "Me", in true reality, exists in a plu-ralized form. Indubitably, every one of the elements of "Me" is undesirable. In every one of ourselves there is hate, envy, lazi-ness, gluttony, fornication, violence, etc., what good is that we become more skillful, in Hata Yoga for example, if we continue with all of our undesired elements within our psyche? That is why it is better, before doing asanas in Hata Yoga, dedicate our-selves to correct ourselves, to eliminate (from ourselves) our own psychological defects.


The conscience of the human being is dormant, deeply dor-mant; it's tucked in, we could say, within each of our psychologi-cal "elements" that we possess, it is bottled between the ego: the "me", the "myself". It could be said, with other terms, that we are submerged in a stated of collective hypnosis.

The people are dormant. However, they ignore that they are dor-mant. People are in a hypnotic trance, but they ignore that they are in a hypnotic trance; they dream that they are awake, but they are not awake. Only by truly disintegrating the "undesired elements" that we carry within ourselves, we could achieve the complete awakening of the conscience and that is fundamental.

When one awakens, one can see, hear, touch or feel all of the dimensions of nature and the cosmos, because we very well know that our world is multi- dimensional.

Master: previously we heard you mention the word "kar-ma", but with the studies that we have realized and what we have read, we know that the word "Dharma" also exists, that is tied to the first. I beg that with your kindness you gi-ve us a more ample explanation of these two very interes-ting words, tied very much to the studies that the students of the Gnostic Association realize.

With the greatest pleasure I give answer to that interesting ques-tion.

"Karma" means "law of cause and effect": such cause, such effect. "Dharma" means, "reward". It is said that bad actions weigh against us, that sooner or later they fall on ourselves like a bolt of vengeance, and this is true: a bad cause can create a bad effect, a bad action must bring a terrible consequence.

The word "Dharma" is different (it is also a Sanskrit term) and it means "reward". If we do good, we shall gather good; if we sow good earth, we collect what we sow, it is obvious.

So, then, "karma" and "dharma" are very interesting Sanskrit words.

In how much time where the pyramids of Egypt built and who were these extraordinary builders?

With the greatest pleasure I shall give answer to that question.

Certainly, the pyramids of Egypt were built by the Atlantean, ma-ny thousands of years before Jesus Christ. We consider that the great pyramid dates some 27,000 years before Christ. And other has, more or less, similar ages. However, and even if it seems incredible, the pyramids of Mexico are the most ancient; those were not built, as they say in the year 1325.

Absolutely not: they are much older than the Egyptians and they were built directly by the Atlantean. Whoever says that the great Tenochtitlan was founded on the year 1325, well they are completely wrong. And if there are those that affirm that it was


on the year 1400 or on the year 1500, they are even more mis-taken (it would coincide, then, with the arrival of the Spaniards).

So then, really, it is not possible to bring up a powerful civiliza-tion, like the one that the Nahuas had, an extraordinary civiliza-tion like the one of the great Tenochtitlan, in the space of one or two centuries. This results in something more than impossible.

So then, the truth is that the pyramids are much older that the ones of Egypt and that the great Tenochtitlan was not founded one or two centuries before the arrival of the Spaniards. No!, the great Tenochtitlan is older than one could believe, more an-

cient, if you wish, than the pyramids of Egypt. Who affirm the contrary, are affirming absurd things, because no one can rise a civilization so powerful, that the one of the great Tenochtitlan, in the space of one or two centuries. Much more time is needed to found a civilization of that magnitude.

Many times we ask ourselves what happens outside of our planet, but we forget to ask about what happens in our world Earth. In this order of ideas, could you give us an ex-planation about if there exists or not the famous "Yeti", this "abominable snow man" as some writers call it?

The "Abominable Snow Man", as it has been dubbed, really exists and has been photographed, not only in the Himalayas, but also in America. It exists in some deep jungles of South America, it also exists, in some places within California. Not very long ago, a certain magazine of the United States pu-blished, precisely the photograph of the "snow man" seen in a deep forest of California.

So, the "Yeti" exists in all the countries of our world the Earth. It is a man, but it is seen as a beast; it has never done anything wrong to anyone, but it is hated and persecuted by the "felony" of not wanting to come into our "super civilization" (that, as a si-de comment, it has nothing of civilization). But we are selfish: we would like to see the "Yeti" dressed with slacks, necktie and pretty shirt, fixed up to the twentieth century stile, etc., etc., etc., but since the "Yeti" manages to stay isolated, it is pursued with


dogs, with shotguns, it is wanted dead. That is the sad reality of the "Yeti"!

Master: in the World Congress of Gnostic Anthropology, ce-lebrated in Guadalajara in the year 1976, we had the oppor-tunity of hearing one of your interesting discourses, where you talk about the planet "Hercolubus" that will pass near the earth within a few years. Could you be so kind as to tell us at what distance, more or less, this planet is actually at and at what time will it pass near the Earth?

Certainly, it is the planet that the astronomers have baptized with the name of "Barnard I". I understand that the name "Bar-nard" is due to an astronomer that qualified himself as the disco-verer of that planet. However, before "Barnard I" appeared in the skies, we already talked broadly about the same, about the planet that we refer to. And let us remember, precisely, Nostra-damus: he also cited; then; the planet that comes; he baptized it with the name "HERCOLUBUS" (Nostradamus had his rea-sons to name it that).

The crude reality of the facts is that it deals of a world of the "Tylar" Solar System. All of the "Tylar" System is getting dange-rously close to the Ors Solar System, which is the name of this, our system.

"Hercolubus" has a giant orbit and every time that world has go-tten near out system, it has produced a catastrophe. At the end

of the Lemuric period, "Hercolubus" got dangerously near to our world Earth and then the fire of the volcanoes finished with the Lemuria.

Terrible earthquakes, as a consequence or corollary of the appa-rition of so many volcanoes, made that the old continent, that would be located in the Pacific, would sink through 10,000 years, little by little, between the wild waves of the Pacific.

When "Hercolubus" arrived at the end of the Atlantean period, it produced a revolution of the axis of the Earth: the seas chan-ged its bedrock and the infuriated waves engulfed Atlantis. This is the famous "Universal Deluge", cited in oh so many religious legends.


In this very instant, "Hercolubus" comes again: it travels, at ex-traordinary velocities, thru space, following its orbit. Obviously, as it comes near to a certain distance it will be visible to the whole world, with the naked eye and in broad daylight.

"Hercolubus" is six times bigger than Jupiter, the titan of our so-lar system, and thousands of times bigger than the Earth (it is a monster of space).

When Hercolubus gets near, the first thing that will jump to the surface, attracted by the magnetic force of the same, will precisely be the liquid fire of the interior of the Earth. This will burn the shell of the whole planet Earth. The geo-logic shell will burn,

everything that contains life will be incinerated, and when the

maximum closeness of "Hercolubus" happens a revolution of the axis of the Earth will be produced, the seas will change be-drocks and the actual lands will be submerged in the bottom of the oceans. So then, in true reality, a great catastrophe approa-ches.

The astronomers of all the observatories of the world Earth, ha-ve already done the maps of what the great catastrophe will

cause. In our institution we have a map that has been done, not by us, but by the observatories; a highly mathematic, scientific map, about what the great catastrophe will cause. It is a marve-lous cosmogonic map. By this map we see of what Hercolubus will affect, in first place our planet Earth, and in second place Mars, Uranus and Jupiter, but the main impact will be felt by our own world Earth. So that, this civilization is being called to pe-rish within very little time... The Mayans are not that ignorant as many illustrated people suppose. There are those that suppose that the people of the Mayab knew nothing about Astronomy, or about mathematics, etc. Y would put a Mayan, with mathematic calculations, to rival with the best mathematician of the world, or any computer, and I am sure that they, with just a few grains of coffee and some of maize, would make operations what would astound the whole world, faster than any other computer.

The Mayans affirm, according with their mathematic calcula-tions, that what we are talking about Hercolubus and the great catastrophe, would be the "Katum-13" to them, the 13 katuns is something very sacred. Until now, the 12 katuns will have been completed step by step and they await the great catastrophe, to the Katum-13... the Katum-13, according to the Mayans, will be on the year 2043.

NOTE:In this part of the compilation of Samael Aun Weor’s conferences we included those ones which were gi-ven to people who did not have prior knowledge of the Gnostic studies. (EIKASIA). Since the spread of the Gnostic knowledge is an al-truistic and nonprofit work, the open reproduction of written content is allowed, provided it is done under the same conditions of altruism and non-profit bene-fits. If the complete work is used, you must cite the source.The images that accompany these texts were obtai-ned from many sources; therefore, if someone holds the copy rights of them and wants us to stop using them, please let us know to take them out of this work.


The definitions contained in the "GLOSSARY" were taken from different unrestricted Internet pages and then summarized only for the purpose of using them as general reference.

The terms "death", "revolution", "extermination” and others are part of the context of personal psychological development alluding to Gnostic knowledge and have nothing to do with politics.

The translations were made by several people, so any doubt about the contents and interpretations should be clarified at the original in Spanish, at this same internet page.


The topics in this collection will be published in several languages, so if you are interested in helping to translate these texts into the language of your choice, please contact us at this email address: [email protected]



•EIKASIA: Lectures to the general public.•PISTIS: Talks given to students Second Chamber.•DIANOIA: Lectures imparted to students of third chamber.•NOUS: Congressional conferences, special recordings and informal talks

ANAHUACAncient name of Mexico.

Anahuac (Nahuatl ā [tl] 'water', and nahuac 'near', 'beside', so it means "near water" or "wa-ters located between what" can refer to "Cem Anahuac" name given by the Mexica civilization to the world known for it even before the inva-sion and conquest of Mexico by Hernán Cortés hands and the arrival of Europeans in America.

the term "cem" (fully) attached to the word "Anahuac" can be literally translated as "land completely surrounded by water", or more formally: "[the] whole [of what is] besi-de the waters."

This term refers to the continental consciousness that already had the Azteca on Ameri-can territory, corresponding to his empire, which is surrounded by two major water masses of the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific.

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CODEX BORGIACodex Borgia is a Mesoamerican ritual manus-cript content and divination. It is among the few preserved codices which was written before the conquest of Mexico.

The codex is written on deerskin folded in 39 lea-ves. Each sheet is a square of 27 cm by 27 cm (11 x 11 inches), with a total length of about 11

meters (35 feet). All pages except the last are written and illustrated by both sides, which is 76 pages with content. The codex is read from right to left.

It is a religious book without any European influence. It starts with the "tonalamatl" or ritual calendar of 260 days, followed by a long succession of deities that culminates with the cardinal points. Other sheets refer to the solar year of 365 days.

The longest while, most enigmatic, of the Codex Borgia and represents a mythological narrative of historical events that took place in Tula and Teotihuacan, both in Mexico. Temples, ball games, etc. is., Have been identified evidence that it is the journey of Quetzalcoatl in his invocation of Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli (Lord of the dawn) by the under-world and its ultimate victory over evil.

The Codex Borgia was taken to Europe in the colonial era, was rediscovered in 1805 by A. von Humboldt among properties of Cardinal Borgia. The original is kept in the Apostolic Library in the Vatican.

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EUCLIDESIt was a Greek mathematician (ca. 325 - ca 265 BC..). It is known as the "Father of Geometry".

His work "The Elements" is one of the world's most famous scientific works and was given a collection of knowledge in the academic center. It is presented in a formal way, based only on five postulates, the study of the properties of lines and planes, circles and spheres, triangles and cones, etc..; ie regular shapes.

Inspired by the harmony of the presentation of Euclid, in the second century the Ptole-maic theory of the universe, according to which the Earth is the center of the universe was made.

Given that point, according to Euclid, has no size, is assigned a null or zero dimen-sion. A line has only long so that acquires a dimension of one. One surface has no thickness, no height, so it has two dimensions: width and length. Finally, a solid body, such as a cube has three dimensions: length, width and height. Conclusion The world is three-dimensional.

Euclidean geometry was a work that lasted unchanged for nearly two thousand years.

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FRAY DIEGO DURANDiego Durán (1537 - 1588) was a historian and Dominican Spanish also known as Fray Diego Durán, author of one of the first works on various aspects of Aztec society, for which studied Nahuatl and consulted a significant number of original testimonies, both oral and written.

His most important work is the "History of the Indies of New Spain mainland and is-lands," also known as "Codex Durán", the original manuscript is in the National Library of Spain, dated in 1587.

Duran wrote that history after conducting a thorough research on oral sources, manus-cripts and various testimonies, which collated and confronted to give a more accurate version of the information about the Aztecs and their contemporaries.

A likeness of Bernardino de Sahagún, the anthropological study was to order directly knowing the customs and traditions of the peoples of Mesoamerica, ranging from dra-wings, to studies of language, myths and legends, gods, funerary rites, culture, gastro-nomy and social and political organization.

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HERCOLUBUSis a gigantic planet that belongs to a solar sys-tem whose orbit takes it closer to our own solar system, gravitational stresses generated each time this happens.

Hercolubus with its large size (about six times larger than Jupiter) and its orbital parameters often cause huge disasters on Earth. He has never tried a physical collision with our planet but it approached its path back to the vicinity of Earth's orbit and will be the action of its huge gravitational field on which our world unleash destruction and adjustments in the crust.

Hercolubus will be the Apocalypse for us all.

The effects of previous visits there Hercolubus geological record (investment of the magnetic axes of the planet) and mythological: The Sumerians called "Nibiru" Babylo-nians "Marduk" the Egyptians called "neteru" in the Bible is called "wormwood."

Some modern names are "Thycho," Barnard I "," planet x ", etc..

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MOCTEZUMAXocoyotzin "Moctezuma young" or Moctezuma II (1466-1520) was "huey tlatoani" (emperor) of the Aztecs.

Some researchers claim that his real name was "Moctheuzomat-zin" meaning "serious, serious man who is feared and respected."

        The number II is used today to distinguish it from its namesa-ke, also "huey tlatoani" Ilhuicamina Moctezuma (Montezuma I), who also called indigenous chroniclers Huecúe Motecuhzoma or 'Moctezuma old'.

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PISTIS SOPHIAPistis Sophia (“fe y sabiduría”)es un importante texto gnóstico descubierto en 1773, escrito posiblemente en el siglo II. En el se relatan las enseñanzas gnósticas de Jesús después de la resurrección proporcionadas a los discípulos reunidos en torno a el. Asegura abarcar un período de once años que él paso hablando con los apóstoles y las mujeres mas cercanas a su circulo de discípulos.

En los libros de Pistis Sophia son reveladas las complejas estructuras y las jerarquías del cielo, familiares en las enseñanzas gnósticas cristianas.

En los distintos relatos hay una vertiente gnóstica que habla del exilio del alma, caída en el error, y su ferviente deseo de ascender a los Cielos o “Aeones” de los gnósticos.

De entre todos los textos gnósticos que han sido conocidos con el paso del tiempo, sin lugar a dudas es la Pistis Sophía la que sobrepasa en relevancia a todos los otros conocidos en el mundo de la teología cristiana, por esa misma razón la Pistis Sophía se constituyó en la Biblia por excelencia de los gnósticos, y con justa razón se ha argu-mentado por ello que no existe otra obra que describa con tanta nitidez el pensamien-to de Jesús el Cristo y los fines de su doctrina.

Dicho compendio de libros fue develado por Samael Aun Weor en su mayor parte por lo que desde entonces existe una versión titulada: “ Pistis Sophia devalada”.

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PROFECIAS DEL KATUN 13 Tomado del Chilam Balam de Chumayel, “Chilam Ba-lam” es el nombre de varios libros que relatan hechos y circunstancias históricas y mitológicas de la civilización maya.)

…En tres partes bajará la justicia de Nuestro Padre el Dios sobre todo el mundo:

( para cuando termine el Katun 13):Vendrá una gran gue-rra sobre los gavilanes blancos ( los gobernantes) de los pueblos. Y se sabrá si es verdaderamente fuerte su fe

(por las pruebas a las que serán sometidos).... ...Y llegará entonces "el dios que no tiene fin" ( la maldad , el materialismo dominando) y cortará la atadura de la carga de nuestra miseria ( se desataran las calamidades), Xotom Ahau. Y bajará del cielo el cas-tigo de todos, el castigo de todo el mundo. Seguidamente vendrá tiempo de grandes sequías en todas las naciones del mundo....

….Su cielo estará cargado de rayos (dificultades). Sin lluvias chorreará el pan del Ka-tún, ( se generalizaran sus efectos) del Trece Ahau Katún. Multitud de lunares (enfer-medades)son la carga del Katún. Se perderán los hombres y se perderán los dioses( el mal abarcara a todos). Cinco días será mordido el Sol (se eclipsará), y será visto. Ésta es la carga del Trece Ahau Katún.

…. Ésta es la palabra de Nuestro Padre: Arderá la tierra. Aparecerán círculos blancos en el cielo ( las señales serán vistas por todos), en el día que ha de llegar….

El Trece Ahau Katún se lee en Kinchil-Cobá que es el asiento del Katún decimotercero.....Todos estarán igualados por dentro (por la maldad), los Reyes de la tierra oirán el juicio de Dios Nuestro Padre.

Correrá la sangre de los árboles y de las piedras ( la lava volcánica expuesta). Arde-rán el cielo y la tierra.…

Les faltarán las fuerzas al cielo y a la tierra. Entrarán al cristianismo grandes ciudades y sus moradores. Una muy grande ciudad…grandísima, se tragará ésta nuestra tierra maya de Cuzamil y Mayapán, ( esa ciudad es )la de nuestros hombres del Segundo Tiempo ( los cristianos), la que está bajo el peso de la rabia (implantada a la fuerza), y donde los hijos nacen siervos( esclavos); donde al fin se perdió la fuerza y la vergüen-za ( el pudor, la degeneración sexual), ¡el alma viva de nuestros hijos en flor! ( lo más preciado que tenemos)

(Así será) el fin de la palabra de Dios ( el final de los tiempos)….

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PYRAMID OF MEXICOPyramid of the Sun is the largest building in Teotihuacán and one of the largest in Mesoamerica.

It was built between the first Century B.C. and the eighth or ninth centuries A. C. (900 years of construction) And like all Mesoamerican pyramids was done in stages so that the oldest pyramid was used as a foundation for ano-ther on it. Some researchers claim that the Pyramid of the

Sun was begun on sacred caves in a much older age than is currently recognized, as offerings found hidden in the interior of the Great Pyramid of the Sun and tunnels were discovered inside.

It has also been suggested that the name "Pyramid of the Sun" was given when it was in ruins since the heyday of the Aztecs and the occupation of Teotihuacan are separa-ted by more than 600 years. It could have been really dedicated to Tlaloc, however the name was given by the Aztecs is an enigmatic "closure of the sun".

Finally, it is worth remembering that the name "Teotihuacan" is translated by its etymo-logical roots and the Nahua creation myths as "the place where men become gods" and by extension "city of the gods."

This pyramid is emblematic of the age of the buildings of ancient Mexico.

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QUETZALCOATL(Nahuatl: Quetzalcoatl, 'the feathered serpent' ("QUETZALLI" plumage; COATL snake ') represents the duality inherent in the human condition: the "snake" is the physical body with its limita-tions, and "feathers" are the spiritual principles .

Among the Mayas is KUKULKAN whose symbolic and literal meaning is the same, which is also a way of referring to the Cos-mic Christ

Another name applied to this deity was: NAHALPILTZINTLI, "prince of Nahuales". Quetzalcoatl is also the name of the Meso-

american NAHUATL Messiah and the title of the high priests of the Toltec religion. Manifested in various historical prophets, the last of which was CE ACATL TOPILTZIN king of Tula who lived between the years 947 and 999 AD.

Summarizes his doctrine in the Madrid Codex, "God is one, Quetzalcoatl is His name. Nothing asks only snakes and butterflies you will offer him. "Independent of any other interpretation actually is a typical metaphor of the Mesoamerican people offer God which means the body (snake) and soul (butterfly).

The Nahuatl religion was based on the myth of Quetzalcoatl, one of whose highlights parts says walking towards the sun disappeared from the world because it came down to Mictlan ("the place of the House of the Dead") and refers to the underworld. The chronicles say that after burning himself, the god disappeared for 8 days (just long that lasts Venus between last appearance as the morning star and reappear on the horizon as evening star). In that aspect is Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli Quetzalcoatl "the morning star".

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STATES JINASThe existence of parallel universes is a fact and proven by science, but they continue to deny their practical implications. However, the related series of mysterious disappea-rances, mythological beings, levitation, etc. phenomena., Recorded throughout history due to the Jinas phenomena.

When a yogi achieves float in the air is said to be in that achievement put your body in Jinn State.

Naguals as part of popular culture in Mexico are possible by the ability of some people to pass his physical body into the fourth dimension.

In the book "the book that kills the death" of the Spanish writer Mario Roso de Luna gi-ves a comprehensive explanation of the widely spread among every ancient culture phenomenon.

He is also a frequent topic in the books of Samael Aun Weor

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