Intro Objective 11/21/11 Explain the importance of minerals in our society. List three things we use mineral for

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Uses of Minerals  Aluminum  One of the most widely used metals  Foil  Bats  Cars  Mixed with other metals

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Intro Objective 11/21/11 Explain the importance of minerals in our society. List three things we use mineral for. Uses of Minerals Aluminum One of the most widely used metals Foil Bats Cars Mixed with other metals Mineral Uses Calcium Builds strong bones and teeth Mineral Uses Chromium Helps keep blood sugar level steady Mineral Uses Copper Electrical wiring Plumbing fixtures Helps red blood cells utilize iron Electrical conduction Thermal conduction Uses of Minerals Fluorite Telescopes Camera lenses Toothpaste Mineral Uses Gold Jewelry Dental work Currency Medicine Food Uses of Minerals Gypsum Fertilizer Drywall Tofu Plaster Mineral Uses Halite Table salt De-icer Mineral Uses Iron Essential for manufacturing red blood cells Steel Screws Rain gutters Buildings Transporting oxygen Mineral Uses Lead Batteries X-ray shields Ammunition Mineral Uses Magnesium Maintains nervous system Release stored energy Mineral Uses Phosphate Fertilizer Mineral Uses Potassium Maintain fluid and mineral balance Helps nerves and muscles Mineral Uses Selenium Helps proteins in hair and nails Uses of Minerals Silicon Second most abundant element Electronics Explosives Possible replacement for coal Mineral Uses Silver Jewelry Photography Utensils Cloud seeding Film Transition lenses Currency Mineral Uses Sodium Helps regulate flow of water in and out of blood and tissue cells Mineral Uses Zinc Helps body repair wounds Brass fixtures Nails Rain gutters Uses of Minerals Summary List five minerals and their uses. Objective 11/21/11 Outro Explain the importance of minerals in our society. List three things we use minerals for that you didnt know about before.