Introduc)on to Large Databases & Data Mining Tips for Assembling Your Data Analysis Toolbox for the 22 nd Century 10/05/12 Jim Heasley, Ins)turte for Astronomy 1

Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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Page 1: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the



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Page 2: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Rela)onalDatabases&BIGDATA– Bigdatavolumesrequireanewdatahandlingparadigm

– Advantagesofarela)onaldatabase•  Organiza)onofdata•  Dataintegrity•  SQL‐‐Structured(andalmoststandard)querylanguageforqueries

– Whatadatabaseisnot.

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Page 3: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Datamining– Whatisit?

– Commondataminingtasks–  (FREE)Toolsavailabletoyoutoperformmanyofthesetasks.

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Page 4: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Examples–Imagined&Real–  Ifweonlyhad)metravel…

– ThingsonemightstarttodowithPAN‐STARRSdata(rightnow).

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Page 5: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


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Page 6: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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BasicDefini8ons•  Database:

–  Acollec)onofrelateddataorganizedtoprovideinforma)on.

•  Data:–  Knownfactsthatcanberecorded

andhaveanimplicitmeaning.–  Obenintegratedfromseveral

sources.–  Storedinastandardformatforuse

bymul)pleapplica)ons.•  DatabaseManagementSystem

(DBMS):–  Asobwarepackage/systemto


•  DatabaseSystem:–  TheDBMSsobwaretogetherwith



Page 7: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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–  Generally,therearetwoapproachestoextractinforma)onfromdata:•  fileprocessingapproach

–  filebasedsobwareprograms

•  databaseapproach–  DBMS


Page 8: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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–  Issues:•  dataredundancy•  redundantprocesses/interfaces•  dataintegrity

–  easeofmaintenance–  consistency

•  Security–  preserva)on–valuablecompanyasset–  accesscontrol

•  Each application program has a specific purpose

•  Each program uses its own data


Application program 1



Application program n




Page 9: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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–  Dataisaveryimportantassetofanorganiza)on

–  Mo)va)onsfordatabases•  tomaintaindataindependentfromapplica)onprograms

•  toavoid:–  redundantdata–  redundantprocesses/interfaces

•  toenable:–  easeofmaintenance

–  sharingofdata–  dataaccesscontrol


Page 10: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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–  DBMS‐a“generalpurpose”sobware•  isself‐describing•  contains

–  data–  metadata(i.e.dataaboutdata)

DBMS Application program 1



Metadata Application program n



Page 11: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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•  Self‐describingnatureofadatabasesystem:

–  ADBMScatalogstoresthedescrip)onofapar)culardatabase(e.g.datastructures,types,andconstraints)

•  Insula8onbetweenprogramsanddata:–  Calledprogram‐dataindependence.

•  DataAbstrac8on:–  Adatamodelisusedtohidestoragedetails


•  Supportofmul8pleviewsofthedata:–  Eachusermayseeadifferentviewofthe


•  ConcurrentExecu8ons


Page 12: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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– Datais:•  integrated,shared,persistent•  self‐describing

– Abstrac)on•  programanddataindependence

– Mul)pleviewsofthedata•  differentusersneeddifferentkindsofinforma)on


Page 13: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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•  Controllingredundancy–  Sharingofdataamongmul)pleusers.

•  Restric)ngunauthorizedaccesstodata.•  Providingpersistentstoragefor

programObjects•  ProvidingStorageStructures(e.g.

indexes)forefficientQueryProcessing•  backupandrecoveryservices.•  mul)pleinterfacestodifferentclasses

ofusers.•  complexrela)onshipsamongdata.•  integrityconstraints.•  Drawinginferencesandac)onsfrom



Page 14: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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– Re‐useofdataacrossmul)pleapplica)ons– Datastructureandaccesscanbechangedwithoutchangingapplica)ons

– Enforcementofstandardsandcomputa)onofsta)s)cs

–  Improvedresponsiveness,produc)vity



Page 15: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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•  Poten)alforenforcingstandards•  Reducedapplica)ondevelopment)me•  Flexibilitytochangedatastructures•  Availabilityofcurrentinforma)on

–  Extremelyimportantforon‐linetransac)onsystemssuchasairline,hotel,carreserva)ons.

•  Economiesofscale


Page 16: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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–  Complexity

–  Size(ofsobwareandapplica)on)–  Cost–  Performance

–  Riskof(spectacular!)failures



Page 17: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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•  Maininhibitors(costs)ofusingaDBMS:–  Highini)alinvestmentandpossibleneedforaddi)onalhardware.–  Overheadforprovidinggenerality,security,concurrencycontrol,


•  WhenaDBMSmaybeunnecessary:–  Ifthedatabaseandapplica)onsaresimple,welldefined,andnot

expectedtochange.–  Ifaccesstodatabymul)pleusersisnotrequired.

•  WhennoDBMSmaysuffice:–  Ifthedatabasesystemisnotabletohandlethecomplexityofdata

becauseofmodelinglimita)ons–  Ifthedatabaseusersneedspecialopera)onsnotsupportedbythe



Page 18: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Opera)onswithinthedatabasearegovernedbystandardsettheoryandlogic.Newtypesofdatabasesthatarebuiltuponfuzzysets,fuzzylogic,andfuzzymeasurearecurrentlythesubjectofac)veresearch,butarenot(asyet)widelyavailable.

•  Thetwokeysetopera)onsofinterestindatabasesareINTERSECTION(theJOIN)andUNION(calledthesameintheDBworld).

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Page 19: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Theuserusuallyinteractswiththedatabasebyexpressingwhatshe/hewantstoaccomplishbyexpressingtherequestinSQL.NoteSQLtellsthedatabasewhatyouwanttodo,butnothowtodoit.

•  TherearemanyhelpfultutorialsaboutSQLavailableontheweb.Anexcellentintroduc)onisavailableat


•  Thisintroduc)onissufficientlyvanillaitwillgetyoustarteddespitetheminorvaria)onsbetweendifferentflavorsofSQL

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Page 20: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Thelogicalschemadefineshowaoributesareassignedtovarioustablesandthedefini)onofkeys(indexes)thathelpto)etablestogether.Ausermusthaveunderstandingofthelogicalschema.

•  Thephysicalschemadefineshowthedatatablesarestoredonthephysicalstoragemedia(e.g.,disks).Generally,usersdonotneedtoknowthephysicalschemaalthoughthesystemdevelopersmustleveragethistomaximizetheperformanceoftheirsystem.

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Page 21: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Usersdevelopqueriestothedatabaseinaprocedurallanguage,usuallysomeformofSQL,thatbuildsrequestsforinforma)onstoredinthedatabasestables,obenmakinguseofinternalrela)onshipsinherentinthedata(e.g.,intersec)onsbetweendifferenttables).

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Page 22: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  ThemostfrequentlyusedSQLcommand(bythetypicalusers)istheSELECTcommand.Thisisusedtoget(i.e.select)datafromthedatabasetables.

•  ThebasicsyntaxoftheSELECTcommandis




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Page 23: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the



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Page 24: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


Data Mining

Database Technology


Other Disciplines

Information Science

Machine Learning Visualization

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Page 25: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the



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Page 26: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Finding(meaningful)paoernsindata–  Classifica)on–  Associa)onRules–  ClusterAnalysis–  AnomalyDetec)on–  Regression

•  Dataminingtoolshavebeenusedextensivelyin–  Biology,gene)cs,medicalresearch(Bioinforma)cs)–  BusinessandEconomics–  Ecologyandresourcemanagement–  Engineering–  Literature–  Music–  Voiceandfacialrecogni)on

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Page 27: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


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Page 28: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Databasesareobenakeycomponentindatamining.Oneobenfindsdatawarehousesprovidingtheinforma)onneededbytheminingtools.

•  However,oneusuallyfindsthattheactualdataminingopera)onsareexecutedoutsidethedatabaseitself.Databasesareexcellentinforma)onseversbutarenotgoodcomputeengines!

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Page 29: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Givenacollec)onofrecords(trainingset)–  Eachrecordcontainsasetofa<ributes,oneoftheaoributesistheclass.

•  Findamodelforclassaoributeasafunc)onofthevaluesofotheraoributes.

•  Goal:previouslyunseenrecordsshouldbeassignedaclassasaccuratelyaspossible.–  Atestsetisusedtodeterminetheaccuracyofthemodel.Usually,thegivendatasetisdividedintotrainingandtestsets,withtrainingsetusedtobuildthemodelandtestsetusedtovalidateit.

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Page 30: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

Associa8onRuleMining•  Givenasetoftransac)ons,findrulesthatwillpredictthe





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Page 31: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

WhatisClusterAnalysis?•  Findinggroupsofobjectssuchthattheobjectsinagroupwill


Inter-cluster distances are maximized

Intra-cluster distances are


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Page 32: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Whatareanomalies/outliers?–  Thesetofdatapointsthatareconsiderablydifferentthantheremainder


•  VariantsofAnomaly/OutlierDetec)onProblems–  GivenadatabaseD,findallthedatapointsx∈Dwithanomalyscores

greaterthansomethresholdt–  GivenadatabaseD,findallthedatapointsx∈Dhavingthetop‐nlargest


–  GivenadatabaseD,containingmostlynormal(butunlabeled)datapoints,andatestpointx,computetheanomalyscoreofxwithrespecttoD

•  Applica)ons:–  Creditcardfrauddetec)on,telecommunica)onfrauddetec)on,network


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Page 33: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the




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Page 34: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


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Page 35: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the



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Page 36: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

•  TheRProjectforSta8s8calCompu8ngwww.r‐project.org/

•  R,alsocalledGNUS,isastronglyfunc)onallanguageandenvironmenttosta)s)callyexploredatasets,makemanygraphicaldisplaysofdata.Verystrongsta)sicaltools.

•  Thebasicsystemhasbeengreatlyexpandedbytheaddi)onofpackagesdevelopedbyitsusercommunity

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Page 37: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  MATLAB,acommercialproductfromMathWorks,isahigh‐leveltechnicalcompu)nglanguageandinterac)veenvironmentforalgorithmdevelopment,datavisualiza)on,dataanalysis,andnumericalmodeling.

hop://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/•  GNUOctaveisahigh‐levelinterpretedlanguage,primarilyintendedfornumericalcomputa)ons.Itisianopensourcework‐alikeversionofMATLAB.hop://www.gnu.org/sobware/octave/

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Page 38: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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Page 39: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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Page 40: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the



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Page 41: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


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Page 42: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


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Page 43: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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Page 44: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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Page 45: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


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Page 46: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

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Page 47: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


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Page 48: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the

Pan‐STARRSOpportuni8es•  ThePS1SmallAreaSurvey(SAS),coveringanareaof81deg2,overlaps


•  Star‐Galaxyclassifica)on(ormoreprecisely,Star‐Galaxy‐QSOclassifica)on)isanon‐goingchallengeforthePS1scienceteams.Whilethisworkhasbeenreasonablysuccessful,theeffortsthusfarseemtohaveaoemptedtogetbywiththesimplestpossibleclassifica)onapproach.Whatmighthappenifweperformedaclassifica)onexercisewhereinweuseawiderangeofIPPmeasurements(e.g.,psf,Kron,Petrosianmagnitude,Petrosianradii,variousmomentsmeasuredinindividualframesandstack)withSDSSandGalaxyZoodataprovidingclassifica)on“truth?”

•  Asimilaranalysis,usingvisualinspec)onoftheimagestoiden)fyar)factsinthePS1imagesand/orstacks,mightprovidearobustgarbagerejec)onprocess.Notnecessarilyglamorousbutdefinitelyimportant.

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Page 49: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Ar)ficialNeuralNetworks•  SupportVectorMachines•  Self‐OrganizingMaps•  GaussianProcessRegression•  KernelRegression•  Linear/Nonlinearpolynomialfixng•  InstanceBasedLearning&NearestNeighbors•  BoostedDecisionTrees•  RegressionTrees


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Page 50: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Weallknowthebestwaytoiden)fyclustersofgalaxiesisfromtheirx‐rayemission.Unfortunately,currentx‐raysurveysdon’tprovidesufficientsky&depthcoveragetodothis.

•  Op)calsurveyshavesufficientdepthbutsufferfrombackgroundissues,overlappingforeground&backgroundclusters,etc.

•  Ithaslongbeenhopedthatinlargescaleop)calsurveyssuchasPan‐STARRSandLSST,wewillbeabletousePhoto‐Zvaluestosortoutrealclustersfromaccidentalclusteringofgalaxies,andoverlappingclustersatdifferentdistances.(SomeofthePS1partnersinTaiwanareworkingonthisproblem.)

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Page 51: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


•  Whilethereisaplethoraofdataminingtechniquesforfindingclusterswithindata,mostareprobablynotwellsuitedforfindinggalaxyclusters.Manymethodsstartoffbyassumingthatinagivenregionthatoneknowshowmanyclustersarepresent.Clearlythisisnotthecasewithourproblem.Further,weneedtodealwiththefactthatinthe3‐Drepresenta)on,wehavemuchlargeruncertaintyalongthelineofsightduetotheaccuracyofthePhoto‐Zmeasures.

•  Someinteres)ngworkinthisareahasmadeuseofafriend‐of‐friendsapproach.Ithinkthiscouldbegeneralizedtoincludebeoerbackgrounddiscrimina)onincludingthePhoto‐Zdistribu)on.

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Page 52: Introducon to Large Databases & Data Mining · Data Mining • Databases are oen a key component in data mining. One oen finds data warehouses providing the informaon needed by the


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