Photon physics: ATOM Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 1 / 55 Introduction Lorentz model of the atom Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 2 / 55

Introduction Lorentz model of the atom Photon physics: ATOM

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Photon physics - Photon Physics, Februari 2005Photon physics: ATOM
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 1 / 55
Lorentz model of the atom
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 2 / 55
2 One-electron atoms
3 Angular momentum
4 Radial equation
6 Many-electron atoms
7 Selection rules
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 3 / 55
Bohr model of the atom
2 One-electron atoms
3 Angular momentum
4 Radial equation
6 Many-electron atoms
7 Selection rules
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 4 / 55
Bohr model of the atom
Spectroscopy of hydrogen
Table of transitions in hydrogen
Balmer series Hα 656.279 nm Hβ 486.133 nm Hγ 434.047 nm Hδ 410.174 nm
Balmer (1885):
νab = R
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 5 / 55
Bohr model of the atom
Bohr’s postulate
Postulate I: That an atomic system can, and can only, exist permanently in a certain series of states corresponding to a discontinuous series of values for its energy, and that consequently any change of the energy of the system, including emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation, must take place a complete transition between two such states. These states will be denoted as the stationary states of the system. Postulate II: That the radiation absorbed or emitted during a transition between two stationary states is ‘unifrequentic’ and possesses a frequency ν, given by the relation
E ′ − E ′′ = hν,
where h is Planck’s constant and where E ′ and E ′′ are the values of the energy in the two states under consideration.
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 6 / 55
Bohr model of the atom
Bohr’s hydrogen model (1913)
r +
- Additional approximation: the motion of the electron around the nucleus is circular!
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 7 / 55
Bohr model of the atom
Correspondence principle (1913)
νorbit = vn
νrad = 1
a0 =
m = 0.529× 10−10m.
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 8 / 55
Bohr model of the atom
Balmer revisited (1913)
rn = n2a0 with a0 = 0.529× 10−10m
Velocity of the electron:
Fine structure constant α and Rydberg constant:
α = 1
n n2a0 = n~
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 9 / 55
Bohr model of the atom
Spectrum of atomic hydrogen (H)
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 10 / 55
Bohr model of the atom
How quantum-mechanical is the atom?
Atomic units (in the remainder of this presentation!):
a0 ≡ e ≡ ~ ≡ 1/4πε0 ≡ 1.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation: p ·r ≥ ~ = 1 in a.u. (atomic units)
r +
⟩)1/2 = n2
n = n ≥ 1
The Bohr atom just obeys (for n ≈ 1) to the Heisenberg’s uncertainty rel.
Conclusion: qm is very important for the ATOM!
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 11 / 55
One-electron atoms
2 One-electron atoms
3 Angular momentum
4 Radial equation
6 Many-electron atoms
7 Selection rules
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 12 / 55
One-electron atoms
The one-electron problem is spherical symmetric: V (~r) = V (r) !
We have to solve the differential equation in spherical coordinates (r , θ, ) instead of Cartesian coordinates (x , y , z): ψ (~r) → ψ (r , θ, ) ”Central Forces” (see BJ §2.6)
ψE ,`,m(r , θ, ) = RE`(r) radial
Y`m(θ, ) spherical harmonics
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 13 / 55
One-electron atoms
z = r cos θ
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 14 / 55
One-electron atoms
H = T + V = −~2
2m ∇2 + V (r) =
} + V (r)
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 15 / 55
Angular momentum
2 One-electron atoms
3 Angular momentum
4 Radial equation
6 Many-electron atoms
7 Selection rules
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 16 / 55
Angular momentum
y = r sin θ sinφ θ ∈ [0, π]
z = r cos θ φ ∈ [0, 2π]
Lz and L2 are the operators for quantizing the eigenfunctions
x , y , z rep. r , θ, φ rep.
Lz −i~ (
] Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 17 / 55
Angular momentum
Y`m(θ, φ) = (−)m [ (2`+ 1)(`−m)
4π(`+ m)!
` (≥ 0): angular momentum quantum number
m (−`,−`+ 1, . . . , `): magnetic quantum number
Summary: LzY`m(θ, φ) = ~mY`m(θ, φ)
L2Y`m(θ, φ) = ~2l(l + 1)Y`m(θ, φ)
Y`m(θ, φ)|Y`′m′(θ, φ) = δ``′δmm′
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 18 / 55
Angular momentum
Y00 = q
1 4π
Y20 = q
5 16π
Y1 ±1 = q
sin2 θ e±2iφ
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 19 / 55
Angular momentum
Y30 = q
7 16π
Y3 ±2 = q
Y3 ±1 = q
Y3 ±3 = q
pz = q
3 4π
cos θ
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 20 / 55
Radial equation
2 One-electron atoms
3 Angular momentum
4 Radial equation
6 Many-electron atoms
7 Selection rules
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 21 / 55
Radial equation
} + V (r)
Since L2 (and Lz ) only depend on (θ, φ), we look for solutions:
ψE`m(r , θ, ) = RE`(r)Y`m(θ, )

] RE`(r) = ERE`(r)
i.e. now only a differential equation in ”r”! Note, that E is independent of m (degenerate).
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 22 / 55
Radial equation
Radial equation
Veff(r) ≡ −1
r + `(`+ 1)
E > 0; d2uE`(r)
√ 2mE
and ∫ Ψ∗ΨdV ∝
0 | uE`(r) |2 dr →∞
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 23 / 55
Radial equation
E < 0; d2uE`(r)
√ −2mE
~2 uE`(r) ∝ e±kr
Choose the solution with (−) sign
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 24 / 55
Radial equation
We have d2uE`(ρ)
] uE`(ρ) = 0
Boundary conditions: limρ→0 uE`(ρ) = 0 and limρ→∞ uE`(ρ) = e−ρ/2
Step 1: uE`(ρ) = e−ρ/2f (ρ), du(ρ)/dρ = . . . d2u(ρ)/dρ2 = . . .[ d2
dρ2 − d
dρ − `(`+ 1)
ρ2 + λ
d dρ
+ (λ− `− 1)
] g(ρ) = 0
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 25 / 55
Radial equation
Radial equation (IV)
Boundary conditions: limρ→0 uE`(ρ) = 0 and limρ→∞ uE`(ρ) = e−ρ/2
Step 3: g(ρ) = ∑∞
k k 1
⇒ Divergent !
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 26 / 55
Radial equation
λ ≡ n = nr + `+ 1 n = 1, 2, 3, . . . n =
( −1
Hydrogen 1H
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 27 / 55
Radial equation
0 1 2 3 4 Radius (a0)
0.0 0.1
P ro
ba bi
lit y
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 28 / 55
Radial equation
0.00 0.02
-0.04 -0.02
0.00 0.02
0.00 0.02
P ro
ba bi
lit y
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 29 / 55
Radial equation
The eigenfunctions of the angular dependent differential equation The ”usual” spherical harmonics Y`m(θ, ) with
` 0 1 2 3
notation s=sharp p=principal d=diffuse f=fundamental and |m| ≤ `. The number of angular nodes: ` Degeneracy of the total wavefunctions: ψn`m(r , θ, ) = Rn`(r)Y`m(θ, )
E = − 1
2n2 depends only on n!
ψn`m has n − 1 degeneracy due to ` and (2`+ 1) degeneracy due to m
total degeneracy ∑n−1
`=0 (2`+ 1) = n2
degeneracy 4s 4p 4d 4f 1 3 5 7
total 16 = 42 = n2
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 30 / 55
Radial equation
Orbitals of electrons in the hydrogen atom
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 31 / 55
2 One-electron atoms
3 Angular momentum
4 Radial equation
6 Many-electron atoms
7 Selection rules
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 32 / 55
qm theory predicts that 2`+ 1 must be an integer.
` = 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, . . .
As discovered in the Stern-Gerlach experiment, the electron has an internal degree of freedom (spin):
` = 1/2 or s = 1/2
[Si ,Sj ] = i~Sk i , j , k cycl. α ≡ χ1/2,1/2 spin− up ↑ S2χs,ms = s(s + 1)~2χs,ms = 3/4~2χs,ms β ≡ χ1/2,−1/2 spin− down ↓ Szχs,ms = ms~χs,ms = ±1/2~χs,ms
Fermion/Boson: All spin-1/2 particles are fermions, or only one particle in each state (Pauli principle). All particles with integer spin are bosons.
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 33 / 55
Usual examples: electrons, protons, neutron (fermions), photon (boson) Example: 3He (I=1/2) and 4He (I=0), or 6Li (F=1/2,3/2) and 7Li (F=1,2)
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 34 / 55
Pauli exclusion principle
The Pauli exclusion principle is a quantum mechanical principle formulated by Wolfgang Pauli in 1925. It states that no two identical fermions may occupy the same quantum state simultaneously.
A more rigorous statement of this principle is that, for two identical fermions, the total wave function is anti-symmetric. For electrons in a single atom, it states that no two electrons can have the same four quantum numbers, that is, if n, `, and m` are the same, ms must be different such that the electrons have opposite spins. In relativistic quantum field theory, the Pauli principle follows from applying a rotation operator in imaginary time to particles of half-integer spin. It does not follow from any spin relation in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics.
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 35 / 55
Application of Pauli principle
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 36 / 55
Many-electron atoms
2 One-electron atoms
3 Angular momentum
4 Radial equation
6 Many-electron atoms
7 Selection rules
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 37 / 55
Many-electron atoms
The “Aufbau” principle and the periodic system
In the central field approximation E only depends on n and `: E = En` with
En` < En′` for n < n′
En` < En′`′ for n + ` < n′ + `′
En` < En′`′ for n + ` = n′ + `′ and n < n′
Aufbau principle, or
E1s < E2s < E2p < E3s < E3p < E4s < E3d < E4p < E5s < . . . n + ` 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5
Degeneracy: 2 spin
× (2`+ 1) m
= 4`+ 2
s : ` = 0 4`+ 2 = 2; p : ` = 1 4`+ 2 = 6 d : ` = 2 4`+ 2 = 10; f : ` = 3 4`+ 2 = 14
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 38 / 55
Many-electron atoms
1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p6 Xe
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 39 / 55
Many-electron atoms
Lr lawrencium
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 40 / 55
Many-electron atoms
Z Element El. conf. Term M IP (eV) r (A)
1 H hydrogen 1s 2S1/2 1.008 13.598 0.53
2 He helium 1s2 1S0 4.003 24.587 0.93
3 Li lithium [He]2s 2S1/2 6.939 5.392 1.52
4 Be beryllium 2s2 1S0 9.012 9.322 1.12
5 B boron 2s22p 2P1/2 10.811 8.299 0.80
6 C carbon 2s22p2 3P0 12.011 11.260 0.77
7 N nitrogen 2s22p3 4S3/2 14.007 14.534 0.74
8 O oxygen 2s22p4 3P2 15.999 13.618 0.74
9 F fluorine 2s22p5 2P3/2 18.998 17.422 0.72
10 Ne neon 2s22p6 1S0 20.183 21.564 1.12
11 Na sodium [Ne]3s 2S1/2 22.990 5.139 1.86
12 Mg magnesium 3s2 1S0 24.312 7.646 1.60
13 Al aluminium 3s23p 2P1/2 26.982 5.986 1.43
14 Si silicon 3s23p2 3P0 28.086 8.151 1.17
15 P phosphorus 3s23p3 4S3/2 30.974 10.486 1.10
16 S sulphur 3s23p4 3P2 32.604 10.360 1.06
17 Cl chlorine 3s23p5 2P3/2 35.453 12.967 0.97
18 Ar argon 3s23p6 1S0 39.948 15.759 1.54
19 K potassium [Ar]4s 2S1/2 39.102 4.341 2.31
20 Ca calcium 4s2 1S0 40.08 6.113 1.97
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 41 / 55
Many-electron atoms
Chemical binding
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 42 / 55
Many-electron atoms
Atomic radii
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 43 / 55
Many-electron atoms
Russell-Saunders coupling
Russell-Saunders coupling or L− S coupling: First couple all ~ of the individual electron to ~L and all ~s to ~S , and then couple ~J = ~L + ~S .
Term symbol: 2S+1LJ σ, multiplicity 2S + 1, total orbital angular
momentum L, total angular momentum J and parity σ. Convention: L = 0 (S), 1 (P), 2 (D), 3 (F), 4 (G)
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 44 / 55
Many-electron atoms
since ∑
The “valence shell” contains the electrons “outside” the filled orbitals.
One value of L and S will be split up in a “multiplet” with different values of J:
J = |L− S |, · · · , L + S
Term symbol: 2S+1LJ σ, multiplicity 2S + 1, orbital angular momentum L
and total angular momentum J
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 45 / 55
Many-electron atoms
L = 1,S = 1 3P
J = 3 3D3
J = 2 3D2
J = 1 3D1
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 46 / 55
Many-electron atoms
Hund’s rules
In order to determine the energies of the terms, we need Hund’s rules (empirically determined)
1 The term with the largest multiplicity (S) for a given value of L has the lowest energy, and the energy increases with decreasing S .
2 For a given value of S , the term with the highest L has the lowest energy.
np n′p
These rules does not determine, that E (3P) < E (1D)
But this is normally the case:
np n′p
Hc Hc + H1
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 47 / 55
Selection rules
2 One-electron atoms
3 Angular momentum
4 Radial equation
6 Many-electron atoms
7 Selection rules
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 48 / 55
Selection rules
Selection rules (in the dipole approx.)
If the wavelength of the radiation is much larger than the distance of the electron(s) from the nucleus,
|~ri | λ,
the interaction between the electro-magnetic field and the atom is the electric dipole interaction:
Hint = −~µ · ~E ,
with ~µ = −e~r the dipole moment of the atom (electrons vs. nucleus). Rewrite ε and ~r from Cartesian (x , y , z) repr. to spherical (r , θ, ) repr.
r0 = z = r
√ 4π
3 Y1±1(θ, )
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 49 / 55
Selection rules
Selection rules (in the dipole approx.)
The polarization of the light is determined by ε (~E = E0ε):
ε = ε0 (ε perp. to z-axis) lin. pol. light ε = ε± (~k perp. to z-axis) cir. pol. light
ψb|ε ·~r |ψa =
b (θ, φ)Ya(θ, φ)Y1q(θ, φ) selection rules
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 50 / 55
Selection rules
Selection rules (in the dipole approx.)
Selection rules derive from the angular part of the overlap integral. Linear polarized light:
ε = ε0
no n selection rule
s = 0 ` = ±1 m = ±1
no n selection rule Example of linear polarized light: 1s ↔ 2p0 but 1s /↔2p±1
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 51 / 55
Selection rules
ψa = 1s, ψb = 2p0
1 (θ)P0 1 (θ).
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 52 / 55
Selection rules
Polar part:∫ π
0 ∗(θ)P0
33 .
3 ×
√ 3
35 a.u. ' 0.74
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 53 / 55
Selection rules
ωba = (Eb − Ea)/~
3 and W s ba ∝ |ψb|r |ψa|2
2p → 1s
λ3 ab
λab in nm (=10−9m)
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 54 / 55
Selection rules
|ψb|r |ψa|2 = (0.74)2a.u. λab = 121.67nm
W s ba(2p → 1s) = 2.026× 1015 × (121.67)−3 × (0.74)2 = 6.15× 10+8s−1
Lifetime: τ2p = 1/W s
ba = 1.63ns
state 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4f
τ(ns) ∞ “∞” 1.6 16 5.4 15.6 230 12.4 36.5 73 Metastable (τ ' 0.15 s)
Peter van der Straten (Atom Optics) Photon physics February 18, 2010 55 / 55
One-electron atoms
Angular momentum
Radial equation