Introduct ion This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this PowerPoint mainly contains about eyesight. In this book, there are mainly 4 chapters which are; 1. Structure of eyes 2. What hurts your eyes 3. Eye diseases 4. How we can keep our eye sights good What is written in each chapter is almost exactly what the title says. Even though the title of this PowerPoint is how we can keep our eyesight good, I found out after I wrote that others things take place more than how we can keep our eyesight good. And although I took so long to finish this, please don’t expect too much to this PowerPoint, because it is only done by the investigation of G9 students. They might be wrong, so when you decided to do something after you see this PowerPoint, I encourage you to research about it further, since this book is created with information only from Internet, and internet can be wrong in someway. So please enjoy this book. http://cat.opqo.info/images/pic25.jpg

Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

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Page 1: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

Introduction    This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project,

and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this PowerPoint mainly contains about eyesight. In this book, there are mainly 4 chapters which are;

1. Structure of eyes2. What hurts your eyes3. Eye diseases4. How we can keep our eye sights good

    What is written in each chapter is almost exactly what the title says. Even though the title of this PowerPoint is how we can keep   our eyesight good, I found out after I wrote that others things take place more than how we can keep our eyesight good.

    And although I took so long to finish this, please don’t expect too much to this PowerPoint, because it is only done by the investigation of G9 students. They might be wrong, so when you decided to do something after you see this PowerPoint, I encourage you to research about it further, since this book is created with information only from Internet, and internet can be wrong in someway.

    So please enjoy this book. http://cat.opqo.info/images/pic25.jpg

Page 2: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

Eye StructureFirstly, I want to explain about structure of eyes.

1. The light goes through a cornea and pupil. Iris changes size of pupil to control the amount of light coming from outside.

2. To put light on retina, lens refracts light to retina. 3. The retina recognizes the light, and send image to brain.

CorneaCornea helps to catch light into eye, and it also has function to control focus of eye with lens. It is alwayscovered with tears to avoid viruses to come into the eye.

Pupil Pupil is a hole in iris, and changes its size by muscle of iris. It is to control amount of light coming in to the eyefrom outside. It expands in dark place to get more amount of light, and it shrinks in bright place. IrisIris is the part which has the color on the surface of the eye. It has the function to change the size of the pupilto control the amount of the light coming into the eye. Humans have different color of the eyes and lately thetechnology to recognize people by the color of the eye is improving.

RetinaRetina is at the back of the eye ball, and catches the light came from outside. It changes the information of theimage to the electronic information and sends it to the brain. In the brain, it adjusts the information so thatpeople can see properly.

LensLens control the focus of the eye by being thicker or thinner. It will be difficult to changes its thickness if theperson kept watching 1 place continuously, It also starts to be harder as the person gets older, so it becomesdifficult to change its focus as people get older. You need to keep these parts good, to keep your eyesight high.

Page 3: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

What hurts your eyeMalnutritionFirst factor is malnutrition. Eye is also a part of human body; therefore lack of nutrition often causes decline of the eyesight. It sometimes becomes a serious problem to keep eating MacDonald everyday. These are nutrition which you should have daily to keep your eyesight good.

Malnutrition Eye Disease

Lack ofVitamin A

Lack of vitamin A causes “Nyctalopia” which is eye disease, and to be not able to see in the dark place. Lack of vitamin A also affects cornea, and often cause diseases of cornea.

Lack ofVitamin B1

Lack of vitamin B1 causes your eyes to be extremely tired, and often cause disorder with optic nerve.

Lack of Vitamin B2

Lack of vitamin B2 causes your cornea to have irritation. It causes by not eating egg, fish, etc…

Lack of Anthocyanin

Lack of anthocyanin causes your eyes to be tired easier. It affects retina of the eye.

Lack of Lutein Lack of lutein causes your retina to be weak to the ultratiolet rays from the sun.

Lack of DHA DHA is the main nutrition which is making human’s retina and optic nerves. Lack of DHA affects both of them.

This 6 nutrition are the main nutrition which is affecting our eyes. Lack of these nutrition affects humans eyes to bad way. To have healthy eyes, you need to have a healthy diet, so that you can have those nutrition daily.

Page 4: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

What hurts your eyeNearsightedness/MyopiaNowadays, most of decline of eyesight is mostly nearsightedness. These days, there are computers, TV, PS2, PSP, etc… These are not good for your eyes. Bad thing about them are that you keep watching one place continuously. That is not good for your eyes, because lens becomes hard if you keep watching one place every times, especially near places. Your lens becomes thicker or thinner, as you change your focus of your eyes. However, your lens starts to be hard if you keep looking 1 place continuously.

That causes your eyes to be difficult to change your focus of the eye. Nowadays, people always stare at 1 place for things like PSP, computer, etc, so people are likely to become nearsightedness. If you left your nearsightedness, your eye will be serious nearsightedness, and often need some

medical help to heal it.

Page 5: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

What hurts your eye

Physical Damage    As everybody knows, if you cut or push your eyes hardly, it will   affect your eyes and cause decline of eyesight. Sometimes people get blind because of the damage from outside of body. If parts of eyes get wound by any physical way, it might cause you decline of eyesight. Lack of blinking and sleep    Lack of blinking often causes your eyesight to be bad. In the tears which appear by blinking, there is some nutrition which is necessary to your eye. Therefore, if you kept not blinking, it might cause malnutrition at your eye and decline of eyesight.     Lack of sleeping simply causes the lack of resting time for your eyes. You need to sleep at least 6 hours for adult to keep your eye not tired. However, these days’ people stay up so late to do their design folder, and that causes their eyes to be really tired. Moreover, some homework requires computer which is also a factor of your eyes to be tired. Therefore sleeping is quite important for your eyes to have time to rest.

Page 6: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

Eye diseasesGlaucoma Glaucoma is 1 of eye diseases which may cause you blind. It starts when the thin nerve   of your eye is pressure by some reasons. If nerves and other things are pressured in the eye, eye will be not able to get nutrition from body. The pressure often causes difficulty with your eye to emit used nutrition from your eye. That is enough reason why your eyes get sick. The reason why the eye gets pressure is still unclear. However it is said to be because of the blood flow of the back of the head, or it is inheritance from the person’s family. Many people have this disease and older people are more likely to have this disease.

Normal Person’s view Glaucoma

As shown above, the optic nerves die because it can’t have nutrition from body. That causes

decrease of area which you can see. It also causes decline of eyesight.

Page 7: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

Nearsightedness/MyopiaNearsighted is one of eye disease, and the person who is nearsightedness can see clearly the placenear them but can see very   unclearly the place far from them. For example;

The normal eye              Nearsightedness

Eye diseases

Causes The causes are still unclear, but it is said to be environment problem or inheritance problem. Environment problem means that we are getting nearsightedness because of the way we live. Ifyou see near place, the muscle of the eye moves and make lens thicker. If we kept them thick,the muscle and lens gets harder and become difficult to see far place.These days, people often keep watching near place because of computer, PSP etc... Therefore itis said to be that nowadays people are more likely to be nearsightedness. Inheritance problem means that people who will have nearsightedness is decided by the genes.Actually, some country’s people are more likely to be nearsightedness, so we can say that genesmay affect people to be nearsightedness. Genes which might affect about nearsightedness isalso found. However, people who read in a dark place, or use computer so much are more likelyto be nearsightedness. Therefore we can’t say genes are only factor to be nearsightedness.

Page 8: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

How to keep your eyesight good

General IdeasTo keep your eyesight good, you firstly need to keep your eye safely and do not let your eyesight to decline. If we didn’t hurt them, we won’t have our eyesight to decline so fast. In chapter 2, I wrote how we hurt eyes and cause decline of our eyesight. I wrote that chapter because they help us to keep our eyesight good. In this chapter, I’m going to talk about solutions to the causes of decline of eyesight which I talked in chapter 2.

Nearsightedness/MyopiaIn chapter 2, I wrote that nearsightedness causes by looking near place for very long time, such as TV, computer, book, PSP, etc… Therefore to prevent being nearsightedness, you should not see things near you very long. That means you should not use computer or play computer games too long. What you can do is to take a break when you are using your computer very long. 5 minutes per hour is suitable for your eyes.

When you are taking break, what you can do is to change your focus. Nearsightedness causes by not changing your focus so long. Therefore you should look at things which have different distance from you. It should be distant things, as you were looking place which is too near you. If possible, you should not use things like computer, PSP, or TV too long. However I know we can’t stop using. Therefore you should at least relax for 5 to 10 minutes per hour to rest your eyes.

Page 9: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

Physical DamageI think everybody know what to do with this problem. Do not damage your eyes. If you are careful, you don’t get damaged easily. It can be damaged when you are playing sport or when somebody tried to hurt you. So what you can do is just to be careful.

Lack of Sleep and blinkingThese are same as physical damage. I think most of people how they can solve the problem caused by lack of sleep. What you can do is to have at least 6 to 7 hours sleep per day. It will be helpful for your eyes especially when they are tired. Less than 4 hours sleep or more than 10 hours sleep cause destruction of your brain cells, so you should have at least 6 and half hours sleep. For the lack of blinking, it doesn’t happen so often. But some people have less blinking by too concentrating on computer. Therefore you need to make sure you are having suitable numbers of blinking. Eating healthy foods also

help to produce tears.

How to keep your eyesight good

Page 10: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

FoodAlthough eyes look different from our body, it still needs nutrition to work properly. Actually, nutrition we take often affects the condition of our eyes. As I wrote in different chapter, lack of some nutrition cause some disorders to our eyes. This is the table I put in chapter 3.

How to keep your eyesight good

Malnutrition Eye Disease Foods you should eat Effect

Lack of Vitamin A Lack of vitamin A causes “Nyctalopia” which is eye disease, and to be not able to see in the dark place. Lack of vitamin A also affects cornea, and often cause diseases of cornea.

Carrots, liver, eel, spinach, fish, cheese, milk

Stop eyesight to go down. Helps to prevent eye disease.

Lack of Vitamin B1 Lack of vitamin B1 causes your eyes to be extremely tired, and often cause disorder with optic nerve.

Pork, liver, pumpkin Protect surface of eyes, and heal the tiredness of eyes

Lack of Vitamin B2 Lack of vitamin B2 causes your cornea to have irritation. It causes by not eating egg, fish, etc…

Pork, liver, pumpkin Protect surface of eyes, and heal the tiredness of eyes

Lack of Anthocyanin Lack of anthocyanin causes your eyes to be tired easier. It affects retina of the eye.

Blue berries, sweet potatoes Improve eyesight

Lack of Lutein Lack of lutein causes your retina to be weak to the ultratiolet rays from the sun.

Spinach, Broccoli Protect retina from being sick

Lack of DHA DHA is the main nutrition which is making human’s retina and optic nerves. Lack of DHA affects both of them.

Fish, Fish and fish Improve eyesightTake away tiredness of


These are nutrition you should take to improve the eyesight of your eye. However these are not all which you should take for your eyes. More importantly, what you should do is to have a healthy diet. Usually, by having a healthy diet, you don’t really need to worry about nutrition you take. Therefore, try to have a healthy diet.

Page 11: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

How to keep your eyesight goodOperationThere is an operation called LASIK which is to improve the eyesight. In the operation, doctors remodel cornea of eye, and fix nearsightedness. They use laser beam to remodel cornea of an eye. Advantage of this operation is that it can incline eyesight quite easily. People just need to have operation and they don’t need glasses or contact lens anymore. However, there is a problem. Some people who had RESIK operation get another different eye injure by the operation. According to wikipedia;

“A 2003 study, reported in the medical journal Ophthalmology, found that nearly 18 percent of treated patients and 12 percent of treated eyes needed retreatment.”

Therefore it might be not reliable enough to do. I’m not sure whether those retreatments were easy or really complicated. However it still does increase people’s eyesight, and many people succeeded. If you can believe the doctor, and if you have money, maybe you can try this LASIK operation.

This is the rough process of LASIC operation.

When you want to have LASIK operation, please research further before you try, and please don’t believe too much what

is on the writing which G9 students wrote.

Page 12: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

Stereogram Stereogram is a kind of an art which pops up by moving your focus of your eyes to the behind of the picture. It is firstly made to exchange information secretly. It was being used as an entertainment. However, the fact that it helps your eyes to relax is found. Therefore these days it is used to improve your eyesight.

It is a picture like this.

How to keep your eyesight good

In this picture, actually there is a tea cup. It is a big one in the middle of the picture. Can you see it? There is a special way to see things in these kinds of pictures.


Page 13: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

How to keep your eyesight goodMethod to see secret image in stereogram1. Look at the place which is far from you.2. Keep looking the place and slowly place the picture between you and the place WITHOUT looking

at the picture. It means you need to look at the picture WITHOUT changing your focus to the picture. Not changing your focus is the most important things.

That is all you need to do.

If there is a boat and finger, it is like this. When you are looking finger, the boat seems like there are two. When you see the boat, it looks like there are two fingers.

What you need to do is to see far place as the boat and make the picture doubly. It should make you able to see the secret image in the picture.

It is difficult to do this with computer screen, so I encourage you to print the picture out first.

Page 14: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

How to keep your eyesight goodAnother way to do is using dots.

Look at far place and see this without changing your focus. There should be 4 points.

Like this.You should try to make those 4 points into 3 points by changing your focus to different distant place. So you move middle two and make them three.

And then

When you could see 3 points, without messing it, look at the picture, and you should be able to see the image popping up. Although you were not able to see the secret image, it doesn’t mean your eyes got some kinds ofproblem. It just means you are not good at these kinds of picture.

This kind of picture said to be good for your eyesight. When you see the secret image in the picture, you are using two kinds of muscle together. That helps your eye to relax and take away tiredness of eyes.

Therefore it helps to improve eyesight, if you were able to see.

Page 15: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

How to keep your eyesight goodHere are other examples of picture

Page 16: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

How to keep your eyesight good

Page 17: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

How to keep your eyesight goodEye MassageAcupuncture pointThere are some acupuncture points around human eyes. Acupuncture point is the point which is connected to organs and affects organ if it is pushed or irritated in anyway. For the acupuncture point for eyes, they help people to refresh, and to take away tiredness of the eyes. By pushing some points around the eyes, it irritates the part of body and that causes smooth blood flow or something like that. These are the 6 acupuncture points around the eyes

Page 18: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

How to keep your eyesight goodEye Massage


Page 19: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

How to keep your eyesight goodOther acupuncture points

Page 20: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

ConclusionThis is the end of this Power Point. Lastly, I want to remind you that this PowerPoint is written by G9 students, which means it can be unreliable in some places. So when you do something according to this PowerPoint, please be careful, although I don’t believe that it may cause a serious problem. And also, I am not responsible to any problem caused by these information.

My project’s creation was a book. However, teacher rejected to give him in the form of book, so I made PowerPoint quickly. Therefore there may be some strange points but please forget about it.Also design folder is written for a book, not for PowerPoint. Therefore it may sounds strange to you.


Page 21: Introduction This PowerPoint is written by Kota Ogasawara. This is for help project, and my topic is how we can keep our eyesight good. Therefore this

Bibliography• Bibliography• http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/COLUMN/20071029/285771/?ST=health• About acupuncture point• http://mudainodqnment.blog35.fc2.com/blog-entry-329.html• About stereogram • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearsightedness• Nearsightedness• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farsightedness • Farsightedness• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye • About Eye sight• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glucoma • Glaucoma• http://iyi.yi.org/junoi/grafix/stereograms/index-j.html• Stereogram• http://eyerecovery.ifdef.jp/food/ • About foods