Introduction to Applus+ for Investors Aston Swift, IR November 2021

Introduction to Applus+ for Investors

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Page 1: Introduction to Applus+ for Investors

Introduction to Applus+ for Investors

Aston Swift, IR

November 2021

Page 2: Introduction to Applus+ for Investors

Applus+ at a glance


A world leading Testing, Inspection & Certification company

Solutions for customers in all industries to ensure that theirassets and products meet quality, health & safety andenvironmental standards and regulations

A Leading Global Provider of Testing, Inspection and Certification Services

Investment case

Financial Performance in 2020

A “TIC” company benefiting from Quality, Safety & Environmental structural growth drivers:

Increasing regulations

Risk reduction and sustainability

Increased product variety and complexity

Ageing assets

Outsourcing of in-house testing

Environmental growth drivers include Energy Transition, Electric/Hybrid vehicles, energy efficiency and lighter materials

High ESG scoring (AA from MSCI / B from CDP)

Leading market positions in key markets

High entry barriers: accreditations, reputation, relationships, network, innovation

Strong cash flow & balance sheet; low capex

Fragmented industry / good acquisition synergies

Financial Performance in 2019

23,000+people in 2020

Revenue of €1,778 millionUp 6% on 2018

Adj. Op. Profit of €197mUp 10% from 2018

Margin 11.1%

EPS €0.76 up 12% on 2018

Net debt/EBITDA at 2.0x

Revenue of €1,558 millionDown 12% on 2019

Adj. Op. Profit of €118 millionDown 40% on 2019

Margin 7.6%

EPS €0.33 down 57% on 2019

Net debt/EBITDA at 3.0x and liquidity €546m

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Financial Institutions and

other shareholders


1996 - 2003 2004 - 2007 2008 - 2013 2014 - 2015





30% 1 0 %

Acquisition of VELOSI (est 1982)

20 more companies acquired

Acquisition of RTD (est 1937)

Acquisition of Norcontrol(est 1981)

TheIPO of

Automotive established in 1996

IDIADA contractawarded (est 1971)

Labs contractawarded (est 1907)

Free Float

Financial Institutions and

other shareholders

7 5 %


Energy & Industrydivisionformed

Four more companies acquired

1 5 %


History of the Group


100% Free Float:River Mercantile 5%Southeastern 3%Norges 3%DWS 3%Harris 3%Threadneedle 3%

2016 - 2020

Acqn of Inversiones Finisterre plus 18more companies acquired for total €250m revenue

ABO of 10% at €10.55 in September 2017


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O&G Opex 25%

Statutory Vehicle Inspection 23%

Automotive OEM 13%

Power 9%

O&G Capex 7%

Construction 6%

Aerospace 2%

Others 15%

Spain 24%

Rest of Europe


North America



Asia Pacific11%

Middle East & Africa 10%

Energy & Industry 28%

Auto 57%

Idiada 8%

Labs 7%

Energy & Industry 58%

Auto 23%

Idiada 13%

Labs 6%

FY 2020. Splits by Division, End Market and Geography

* FY 2019

Revenue by Division

Revenue By End Market

Revenue By Geography










Adj. Op. Profit by Division












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Energy & Industry Division


In 2020 58% Revenue and 28% of Adj Op Profit

Non-destructive testing, industrial and environmentalinspection, quality assurance/control, engineering/consultancy,vendor surveillance, technical assistance, certification and assetintegrity services

In 2015 integrated 3 separate divisions realising cost savingsand optimising growth opportunities through complementarygeographic footprint and cross selling

c.14,000 employees 58% of Revenue

28% Adj. Op. Profit

Growth Drivers and Performance

2019: Revenue up 4% and AOP up 9%. Margin 8.4%

2020: Revenue down 14% and AOP down 53%

Energy Transition: Oil & Gas to Renewables, Hydrogen, Nuclear

Capex and Opex in Construction and other infrastructure

Long term O&G Opex growth (Global leader)

Cyclical upturn in O&G Capex (Global leader)

Advance technology and exclusive proprietary solutions

Geographical Footprint

60 countries €907m€41m

Margin 4.6%

Oil & Gas Opex infrastructure (43% division revenue in 2020)

Oil & Gas Capex infrastructure (13% division revenue in 2020)

Power Generation and Distribution (includes Renewables)


Mining infrastructure

Telecom infrastructure


Acquisitions in last 3 years

2021: Inecosa and Adícora in Spain. Power (76 employees)

2020: SAFCO in KSA. Construction, €29 million revenue

2019: LEM in Chile. Mining infrastructure, €8m revenue

2018: TIS in UK. Nuclear, €1m revenue

2018: Talon Test in USA. Aerospace, €4m revenue

ESG Services (7% of division revenue)

Renewables (On/Offshore; Wind/Solar; Capex/Opex), EnergyEfficiency, Environmental Inspection, Waste Mngt

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Automotive Division (Statutory Vehicle Inspection)


In 2020 23% Revenue and 57% of Adj Op Profit

Statutory vehicle inspection services for Safety and/or Emissions

16 million inspections across 33 programmes in 12 countriesplus a further 10 million programme managed inspections

74% Regulated and 26% Liberalised

c.5,600 employees

12 countries

57% Adj. Op. Profit

Growth Drivers and Performance

Regulations (emissions, safety)

Increasing car inspection frequency (volume, age, compliancerates)

Emerging markets implementing legislation


€82mMargin 23.2%

Spain (Catalonia, Galicia, Alicante, Basque Region, Aragon,Castilla la Mancha, Canary Islands, Madrid)

USA (Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Texas, SaltLake City, Idaho, Utah-Weber)






Costa Rica


Argentina (3 contracts)

Chile (3 contracts)

Ecuador (4 contracts)

2019: Revenue up 4% and AOP up 7%. Margin 23.9%

2020: Revenue down 8% and AOP down 10%

Acquisitions in last 3 years

2020: Besikta in Sweden. Statutory vehicle inspection, €62 million revenue

2020: ITV Canarias in Spain. Statutory vehicle inspection €4m revenue

ESG Services (21% of division revenue)

Auto emissions inspection to reduce air pollution

23% of Revenue


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IDIADA Division (Auto Industry OEM Testing)


In 2020 13% Revenue and 8% of Adj Op Profit Growth Drivers and Performance

Testing, engineering, homologation and R&D services providerto the leading vehicle manufacturers (OEMs)

Specialised facilities, people and proving ground with knowledgeof global technical requirements

IDIADA A.T. (80% owned by Applus+ and 20% by theGovernment of Catalonia) has been operating under anexclusive contract since 1999. The contract to operate thebusiness and use the assets runs until September 2024 forwhich there will be a tender for a new 20 or 25 year concession.

c. 2,400 employees

22 countries

13% of Revenue

8% Adj. Op. Profit

€12mMargin 5.7%


Quality & Safety (Regulations and own brand requirements)

Increasing car models (Electric and Autonomous Vehicles)

Technology (eg Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)

Emerging Markets


Passive Safety

Chassis & Power Train

Proving Ground

Homologation (Type Approval)


Germany, UK, Czechia

France, Italy, Belgium, Korea



2019: Revenue up 12% and AOP up 8%. Margin 12.7%

2020: Revenue down 16% and AOP down 62%

Acquisitions in last 3 years

2018: Karco in USA. Crash testing, €4 million revenue

ESG Services (25% of division revenue)

Electric and Hybrid vehicles testing and homologation, Tyrelabelling, Emissions inspection (WLTP)

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Laboratories Division


In 2020 6% Revenue and 7% of Adj Op Profit Growth Drivers and Performance

Multi-technology state-of-the-art testing laboratories forproduct development serving the Aerospace, Auto,Construction, Energy, IT & Cybersecurity industries

Testing, evaluation and certification services

Main facilities in Europe, USA and China

c. 1,500 employees

12 countries

Industry (incl Aerospace, Auto)

Construction (Fire and structuralmaterials testing)


Information Technology


System certification

Quality, Safety and Security


Technology development and increasing product complexity


Rest of Europe

North America


Asia Pacific

6% of Revenue


7% Adj. Op. Profit

€10mMargin 10.5%

2019: Revenue up 21% and AOP up 32%. Margin 14.5%

2020: Revenue flat and AOP down 28%

Acquisitions in last 3 years

2021: IMA in Dresden. Materials testing, €25 million revenue

2020: QPS in Canada. Certification, €16 million revenue

2020: Reliable Analysis China/US. EV testing, €24m revenue

2020: ZYX in Spain. Metrology, €2 million revenue

2019: A2M in France. Aerospace, €3 million revenue

2019: LEM in Spain. Metrology, €3 million revenue

2018: DataPoint USA. Materials testing, €4 million revenue

2018: 3C in UK. EMC testing for vehicles, €3 million revenue

ESG Services (13% division revenue)

Electric/Hybrid vehicles electrical components testing, lightermaterials for aerospace, energy efficient building products

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At the forefront of ESG practices in the last few years

▪ ESG formally introduced practice in 2014 with the creation ofthe ESG Committee of the Board

▪ First Corporate Social Responsibility Report published 2015following the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

▪ UN Global Compact

▪ Signatory since 2017 and Advanced Level from 2018

▪ Follow the 10 Principles

▪ UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Adopted since2017 as a framework for ESG goals

▪ Targets set for Environmental, Social and Governance metricsto be achieved by end of 2021

An ESG leader according to rating agencies


Group wide focus on reducing impact with improvements in key

parameters in 2020 and 2019

SocialDevelopment and inclusion

programmes in place

Low voluntary turnover rate (2020: 7% and 2019: 12%)

23% decrease in accident rate


High adherence to CNMV recommendations (87%)

Strong culture of compliance Annual Corp. Governance road show by Non Executive Director

B Rating

above average (B-) and inthe “Management”category

AA Rating

Top quintile of peers

Environmental, Social and Governance

72Based on 2019 data and above average (53) and increase of 10 points from 2018

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Circa €200 million revenues with a substantialsustainability contribution - directly related to protecting / reducing environmental impact, from a range of services:

▪ Renewables

▪ Automotive Emissions

▪ Environmental Surveys

▪ Energy Audits

▪ Waste Management Surveys

▪ Innovation projects for Automotive eco-engines and lightweight Aerospace materials

Green Services: Those which make a substantial contribution to one environmental objective and do not cause significant harm to the other environmental objectives.

Sustainability is an integral part of our services And a fundamental pillar of the strong macro drivers creating incremental opportunities for Applus+

The TIC industry should continue to benefit from structural growth trends: an acceleration of outsourcing, tightening regulation, as well as increasing product innovation and complexity of supply chains, all underpinned by increased focus on ESG

▪ Stricter standards (quality, performance, safety) set by governments/regulatory bodies and/or corporates are being implemented

▪ As stakeholders across industries pay closer attention to the ESG impact, they will increasingly demand third party controls and assessments. It should also improve client penetration and create cross-selling opportunities

External Green Services supported by strong macro drivers

These are services which help customers reduce their environmental impact, and have a significant positive effect


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Calendar and Contact

2021 FY Results Announcement 28 February 2022

Start of Close Period 7 February 2022

Ticker: APPS-MC

Aston Swift, Vice President Investor Relations

Barcelona +34 935 533 111

[email protected]

[email protected]
