introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop Publisher

introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop PublisherFlexpaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with different style templates, to help you customise your publication. 23. Background image

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Page 1: introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop PublisherFlexpaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with different style templates, to help you customise your publication. 23. Background image

introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop Publisher

Page 2: introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop PublisherFlexpaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with different style templates, to help you customise your publication. 23. Background image

welcome to flexpaper zine desktop publisher

Google Analytics comaptible

Adjust viewing quality Adjust style using templates

Adjust behaviours

Remove and add toolbar buttons

Add links

Add images

Add video

Mac & PC compatible

Page 3: introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop PublisherFlexpaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with different style templates, to help you customise your publication. 23. Background image

Adjust style using templates

Mac & PC compatible

The FlexPaper Zine Desktop Publisher makes it easy for you to publish a PDF document to your website. With simple selections you will be able to edit, add and publish within minutes.

Our Desktop Publisher works on both Mac and PC and it lets you select what default format you want to publish in.

Select between Flash, HTML or HTML5 and you always have a fall back format if for any reason your preferred format isn’t supported by the browser.

The Desktop Publisher will give you multiple style options, such as customized background, select buttons or add an image or video.


Page 4: introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop PublisherFlexpaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with different style templates, to help you customise your publication. 23. Background image

General Settings4

1. Open a PDFTo open a PDF document click the open PDF button and select a document or drag and drop your document into the viewer.

2. Selected ViewerThis option lets you decide on which viewer you want to use when publishing your document. As a commercial license you have the option of selecting a read only viewer and a standard viewer in this drop down menu.

3. PreviewThis mode lets you decide how many pages of your document that will be previewed. Please observe that the FlexPaper Zine Desktop Publisher trial version is fixed to a maximum of 10 pages.


This document has been put together to give you a introduction to how the FlexPaper Zine Desktop Publisher works. It will help you

understand how to open a PDF in the publisher, how to customize it and how to publish your finished document to your website.



Page 5: introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop PublisherFlexpaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with different style templates, to help you customise your publication. 23. Background image

5Publishing Settings

4. Primary FormatSelect which format you want as a default setting for your document. You can choose between Flash, HTML4 and HTML5.

5. Fall back FormatIf for any reason the browser doesn’t support your preferred format, you can select a fall back format insuring that your document will always be displayed. Choose between Flash, HTML4 and HTML5.

6. Text ResolutionSelect between optimized and maximum text resolution. Optimized mode will render the document faster but with lesser sharpness whilst maximum text resolution might slow the experience a little, but will deliver crisp sharp text resolution.

7. Image ResolutionSelect between optimized, maximum or low image resolution. A publication with lots of images can be heavy for the browser to publish and will therefore take longer to load and flip through. The most common image resolution for the web is 72 dpi.

8. Rasterize ModeSelect to have no rasterization or to rasterize vectors. This affects how vector illustrations are rendered when viewing your document. Having no rasterization selected typically results in higher resolution of your document and turning rasterization on will result in a somewhat faster viewing experience.

9. Google Analytics UN NumberFlexPaper Zine Desktop Publisher lets you analyse how your readers are navigating through your document. Just add a Google Analytics UN number and the results will then be displayed in your Google Analytics account.

10. LanguageFlexPaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with a range of languages. This options lets you select which language you want as a default when you publish your document.

11. License KeyShould be populated with your license key which was provided to you when you purchased your Flexpaper product. This field will be prepopulated if you are using the FlexPaper Zine Desktop Publisher trial version.









The Publishing Settings lets you control how your document will be published. Fine tune the settings of your publication to get the best resolution or go for optimized loading time.

Page 6: introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop PublisherFlexpaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with different style templates, to help you customise your publication. 23. Background image

Viewer Behaviour Settings6

12. Start PageSelect what page number you want the viewer to start on when your visitor views your publication.

13. Starting ModeSelect to open the publication in flipbook mode or in portrait mode.

14. Zoom TransitionSelect between ease out, ease in and linear, to change the experience in how the viewer zooms into the document.

15. Zoom TimeThe Zoom Time will affect how long it takes for the viewer to zoom into the document.

16. Zoom IntervalSetting Zoom Interval affects how many “steps” the slider can use when zooming into the document. A higher number will result in more smooth zooming.

17. Auto Adjust PrintIf selected, the viewer will auto adjust the print so that the pages of the document will fit the print.

18. Print As BitmapIf selected, the viewer will print the document as a bitmap as opposed to using vector and bitmap graphics.

19. Full Screen As New WindowThis option will open the document in a new window when the full screen option in selected.

20. Maximum ZoomThis option lets you decide the maximum allowed zoom (in per cent).

21. Zoom DraggingHaving this option selected will allow the user to pan around in the document when zoomed in using a dragging motion as opposed to tracking the cursor when not having this option selected.

The Viewer Behaviour Settings lets you define how you want the viewer to display your PDF once you publish.











Page 7: introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop PublisherFlexpaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with different style templates, to help you customise your publication. 23. Background image

7Style Settings

22. Style TemplateFlexpaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with different style templates, to help you customise your publication.

23. Background imageThe FlexPaper Zine Desktop Publisher lets you choose a background image of choice to use as background for your publication.

24. Background colorUsing the background color, the color picker will allow you to set a fixed background color for your publication

25. Gradient colorThis setting lets you add a gradient to your background color for your publication.

26. Panel colorThis option lets you select a color to use for the navigation panels and toolbar background in the publication.

The Style Settings lets you define the look and interactive functionality of the viewer. Here you can select preferred background, select which buttons that are going to be active on the toolbar menu. It will also let you add links, images or videos to your document.






Page 8: introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop PublisherFlexpaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with different style templates, to help you customise your publication. 23. Background image

Style Settings8

27. Show toolbarThis option lets you select if the toolbar shall be active when readers are viewing your publication in the browser. 28. Print Button29. Flip book button30. Portrait button31. Zoom slider32. Zoom Factor33. Fullscreen button34. Prev page button35. Page number36. Next page button37. Text Select Button38. Hand Button39. Search Field40. Show Thumbnails41. Navigation Panels

42. Add LinkTo add a link to your document, click the Add Link button and select the area where you want to add the link. A pop up window appears where you paste in your link address, click ok after you have typed or pasted in the address. You can as many links as you want to in your document.

43. Add ImageTo add an image to your document, click the Add Image button and select the area where you want to add the image. A pop up window appears where you browse to select what image you want to insert. Click ok once you have selected your image and it will appear on your document. You can add as many images as you want to in your document.

44. Add VideoTo add a video to your document, click the Add Video button and select the area where you want to add the video. A pop up window appears where you insert the video link address. Click ok once you have typed or pasted your video link address and it will appear on your document. You can add as many videos as you want to in your document.

The FlexPaper Zine Desktop Publisher gives you the option of selecting what tool bar buttons you want to use.

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Page 9: introduction to flexpaper zine Desktop PublisherFlexpaper Zine Desktop Publisher comes with different style templates, to help you customise your publication. 23. Background image

Uploading to your web site Use the publish button in the upper right corner when you are ready to publish your publication. After completed, this process will have produced all the files necessary for your web site. You can preview the publication in a browser by clicking the “view in browser” button. To publish the document to your web site, simply click the “view folder” button and copy the files found in this folder to the folder on your web site where you want the publication to be placed.

9Upload to your website

When you are finished with your viewer settings, style seeting and embedding it’s easy to publish your docmument.