Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout

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  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Introduction to functional safet

    Marc Van VlimmerenFlanders DRIVE

    April 24 th, 2013

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout



    Introduction to Flanders DRIVE

    Introduction to functional safety

    Overview of functional safety standards and regulations

    ISO 26262 for safety-related automotive E/E development Scope

    Parts of t e standard

    Safety lifecycle

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    !ore sa ety engineering processes #-model System and environment description %a&ard analysis and ris' assessment (unctional safety concept %ardware )evelopment Software )evelopment


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    (landers+ ),I#E

    ,esearc institute for t e ve icle and mo ility industry developing andpresenting tec nological solutions in t e following ,.) domains

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Open innovation approac driven y t e industry

    %ig -tec Infrastructure for ve icle0 system and component testing

    1ide international networ' of 34 partners

    Page 5

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    ocated in an inspiring environment

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved Page 7

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    8road partners ip wit in t e ve icle and mo ility industry

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved Page 9

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Safety related ,.) pro:ects

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved Page 6

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout



    Introduction to (landers; ),I#E

    Introduction to functional safety

    Overview of functional safety standards and regulations

    ISO 26262 for safety-related automotive E/E development Scope

    Parts of t e standard

    Safety lifecycle

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    !ore sa ety engineering processes #-model System and environment description %a&ard analysis and ris' assessment (unctional safety concept %ardware )evelopment Software )evelopment


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    ,ecalls at ig level

    2000: Accidents due to detachment of Bridgestone tyre treadWorldwide 700 injured and 203 dead

    Recall more than 14 million tyres

    Costs 1.3 billion USD

    In addition: actions for damages

    Toyota recently had to recall nine millioncars back to the garage because of problems

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    w e acce era or an ra e. n more o en,this kind of problems have a root cause inmechatronic and software components.

    Break by wire example: 30 million USD(American Auto press, June 1, 2004)

    Possible damage to companies: invaluable!

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Overview of functional safety


    Software error ,andom ardware




    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    )evelopment Production

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    )efinition of functional safety

    Safety is the freedom from unreasonable risk of physical injury or of damage to the healthof people, either directly, or indirectly as a result of hazards caused by damage to propertyor to the environment.

    Functional safety is part of the overall safetythat depends on electric, electronic orprogrammable electronic systems ( E/Esystems ) operating correctly in response to itsinputs.E/E/PE


    E tent of E!E "ystem

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Unreasonable risk: unacceptable adverse effects on humans or to the environment taking into accountits economic, environmental, medical and social benefits and costs.

    Hazard: potential source of harm. The term includes danger to persons arising within ashort time scale (eg. fire, explosion) and also those that have a long term effect(eg. release of toxic substance).

    E/E systems include power supplies, sensorsand other input devices, communicationnetworks, actuators and other output devices.


    devices"e>g> sensors$


    "e>g> actuators$

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    )ifferent types of safety

    #assive "afetyfeatures t at elp reduce t e effects of an accident

    Active "afety

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    systems t at use an understanding oft e state of t e ve icle to ot avoid

    and minimise t$e effects of anaccident >

    Functional "afetyEnsures correct functioning of t e E/E systems

    "including active safety related systems$

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Possi le causes for incorrect functioning of E/E systems

    Incorrect specifications of t e system0 ardware and/or software

    Omissions in t e safety re?uirements specification

    ,andom ardware failure mec anisms "tin w is'er$

    Systematic ardware failure mec anisms

    Software errors

    !ommon cause failures

    Environmental influences

    Failure AElement A

    Fault %

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    temperature mec anical p enomena

    Supply system voltage distur ances loss of supply

    reduced voltages

    re-connection of supply


    cause Failure &Element &

    Fault '

    Common cause failures

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    A fault in an active suspension leading to asafety critical situation.

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    8ut it+s not all a out tec nology@

    (alse assumption

    Safety is a ?uestion of tec nologyB


    C e greater t e comple=ity of a tec nical system0 t e more stringent t ere?uirements to e met y management@

    Prof> %artwi Sa et en ineerin Univ. Wu ertal

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    E=amples of poor safety management

    D 6 e=plosion of t e c allenger0 3 fatalities

    !ause was a sealing ring of a fuel tan'

    Pro lem was 'nown since D years and an engineer ad warned for t e possi ilityof suc a catastrop e

    (ypical causes of accidents Organi&ational deficits 8ad communication Poor ris' management

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Poor management of safetyconcerns

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout



    Introduction to (landers; ),I#E

    Introduction to functional safety

    )verview of functional safety standards and regulations

    ISO 26262 for safety-related automotive E/E development Scope

    Parts of t e standard

    Safety lifecycle

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    !ore sa ety engineering processes #-model System and environment description %a&ard analysis and ris' assessment (unctional safety concept


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Overview of functional safety standards and regulations


    IE! 6 94 )n+,ig$wayISO 26262

    AgricultureISO 29 D

    Functional safety standards Quality standardsISO D44 244

    ISO CS 6D7D

    Basis forQuality



    Systems engineering

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Mac$ineryIE! 6246

    Mac$ineryISO 5 7D

    Eart$ movingmac$inesISO 9DD

    Process improvement& assessment models

    ++SAFE v1.2

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    ,e?uired standards to follow y manufacturer


    SSC I n c r e a s i n g d e g

    State of Scienceand Cec nology

    State of Practice

    enerally Accepted


    I") '-'-'

    State of t e Art

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved



    aws / directives

    e e o f o - l i g a t i o n

    ,ules of Cec nology

    e>g> E!E , 5


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout



    Introduction to (landers; ),I#E

    Introduction to functional safety

    Overview of functional safety standards and regulations

    I") '-'-' for safety+related automotive E!E development Scope

    Parts of t e standard

    Safety lifecycle

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    !ore sa ety engineering processes #-model System and environment description %a&ard analysis and ris' assessment (unctional safety concept %ardware )evelopment Software )evelopment


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Scope of ISO 26262

    This International Standard is applicable to safety-related systems that include one ormore E/E systems and that are installed in series production passenger cars with amaximum gross weight up to 3500 kg.

    ISO 26262 does not address unique E/E systems in special purpose vehiclessuch as vehicles designed for drivers with disabilities;

    It does not address hazards related to electric shock, fire, smoke, heat,radiation, toxicity, flammability, reactivity, corrosion, release of energy, andsimilar hazards unless directly caused by malfunctioning behaviour of E/Esafety-related systems.

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Parts of t e ISO 26262 standard

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Source: ISO 26262 standard

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    E=planation of t e #-model

    Fser re?uirements

    System re?uirements

    Arc itectural design


    Fser acceptancetesting

    System integration andtesting

    %1/S1 integration andtesting

    Fnit and integrationtestin

    #alidationtracea ility

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    )evelopment andcoding

    tracea ility

    The purpose of Verification is toensure that selected work products

    meet their specified requirements.

    The purpose of Validation is to demonstrate that aproduct or product component fulfills its intended use

    when placed in its intended environment.

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Safety lifecycle according to ISO 26262

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    1ays of ac ieving ris' reduction

    E/E facilities

    Ot er tec nologies "eg> safety valves$

    According to ISO 26262

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    E=ternal measures "eg> p ysical containment$

    Out of scope ISO 26262

    Out of scope ISO 26262

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    #-model from ve icle to component perspective

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    ,esponsi ilities of t e OE

    AgPL a

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    SIL 1SIL 2SIL 3SIL 3


    PL aPL bPL cPL d

    AgPL bAgPL cAgPL dAgPL e

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Safety integrity level "2/7$

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Safety integrity level "5/7$

    C e ASI level defines t e re?uirements0 met ods0 tec ni?ues and measures tomanage systematic failures "system0 %1 and S1$ and random failures "%1$

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Source for tables: ISO 26262 standardparts 4 and 5

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    (irst steps in t e process

    Organi&ational processes

    Closer look

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    !ore systems and safetyengineering processes

    Supporting processes

    Safety-oriented analysesSource: Flanders DRIVE FLAME methodology

    F l i i

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Fse-case electric powertrain

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    ! t t d i t d i ti "Jit d fi iti $

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    !reate system and environment description "Jitem definition$

    Fnderstanding of t e system0 its environment and actors to facilitatet e a&ard analysis and ris' assessment

    The boundaries of the system

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    The elements of the system

    The systems interfaces Requirements received from other

    systems and the environment

    Requirements on other systemsand the environment

    The allocation and distribution offunctions among the systems

    E t & d l i d i ' t " /2$

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    E=ecute a&ard analysis and ris' assessment " /2$

    !onte=t for t e a&ard analysis and ris' assessment

    Definition of safetygoals to prevent

    $azardous eventsleading to $arm2

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    E=ecute a&ard analysis and ris' assessment "2/2$

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    E=ecute a&ard analysis and ris assessment "2/2$

    System and environment description Functional behaviour of the system at vehicle level

    Operating modes, operational situations, vehicle states Already known hazards

    Systematic determination of system hazardsBrainstorming, checklists, quality history, FMEA,

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    )perating modes %ill descent control mode

    Agility control mode Craction !ontrol mode


    )perational situations !ity driving

    Snow and ice

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    !lassification of Severity S$

    The risk assessment of

    hazardous eventsfocuses on the harm to

    each endangered person including the

    driver or the

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    passengers of the

    vehicle causing thehazardous event, andother endangeredpersons such as

    cyclists ,pedestrians or

    occupants of othervehicles .

    Source: ISO 26262 standard

    !lasses of pro a ility of e=posure "E$

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    !lasses of pro a ility of e=posure E$

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Source: ISO 26262 standard

    )efining t e controlla ility "!$

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    )efining t e controlla ility !$

    Vehicle no longer controllable 10

    System reaction dangerous




    System reaction disturbing



    S stem reaction noticeable



    Neukum andKrger method

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Analysis of dynamic driving data.Determination of error limits: via statistical analysis of subjective

    scores of malfunctions

    Analysis of dynamic driving data.Determination of error limits: via statistical analysis of subjective

    scores of malfunctions

    Safety CriteriaSafety Criteria

    Creation of error functions withdifferent error amplitudes and

    error durations in different drivingmanoeuvres

    Creation of error functions withdifferent error amplitudes and

    error durations in different drivingmanoeuvres


    #othing noticed 0

    )etermine safety goals and ASI levels

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    )etermine safety goals and ASI levels

    Risk graph from ISO 26262

    A safety goal is a top-level safety requirementfor the system. Failure of the safety goal will

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Severity (S)Exposure (E)

    Controllability (C)

    resu n an mme a e ncrease o e r s .

    ASIL D = highest safety requirementsASIL A = lowest safety requirementsQM = Quality Management (no safety requirements)

    Source: ISO 26262 standard

    et+s Practice

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    et s Practice

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    8uild t e %A,A for an electric ve iclewit one electric motor providingtor?ue to t e front w eel via an

    automatic transmission o=>

    Page 75

    E=ample functional safety goals

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    a p e u ct o a sa ety goa s

    The magnitude and sign of the torque delivered to each front wheel shallnot destabilize the vehicle in all driving situations. The sign shall be correct.

    The magnitude shall be within +/-5% of the required value.

    No torque shall be delivered by the system when the vehicle is connectedto a charging spot.

    Functional Safety Goal = toplevel functional safety requirement

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    The time and phase lag of the torque transfer shall not destabilize thevehicle in all driving situations. Time lag shall be less than 100 ms. Phaselag shall be less than 20 ms.

    )erive functional safety re?uirements

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    ) y

    Derive the functional safety requirements (FSR),

    from the safety goals, and allocate them topreliminary architectural elements of the system inorder to ensure the required functional safety.,esults of a&ardanalysis and ris'


    Safety goal AASI !

    (unctional safety (unctional safety

    Safety goal 8ASI )

    (unctional safety

    Safety goal K

    Criteria for FSRs:

    Techniques to define FSRs:FMEA, FTA,

    brainstorming, HAZOP,

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved


    ASI !


    ASI !


    ASI )

    At least onefunctional safetyrequirement shallbe specified for

    each safety goal.

    - Unique label.- Unambiguous

    - Comprehensible- Atomic

    - Consistent

    - Feasible- Verifiable

    System arc itecture for Electric Powertrain

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout



    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    E=ample functional safety re?uirements

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout



    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    (CA "(ault Cree Analysis$

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Deductive a roach

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Main Question: what is the reason?Can also be called TOP-DOWN

    What led to the top event?

    Sherlock Holmesian approach

    Deductive system analysis:Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)

    (urt er system design0 integration . testing and validation

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    The technical safety conceptis a statement of how the safety

    functions are implemented inhardware or software. This isstated in the technical safety


    Hardware and software safetyrequirements state the specificsafety requirements that will be

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    mp emen e as par o e

    software and hardware design


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Introduction to (landers; ),I#E Introduction to functional safety

    Overview of functional safety standards and regulations

    ISO 26262 for safety-related automotive E/E development Scope

    Parts of t e standard

    Safety lifecycle

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    !ore sa ety engineering processes #-model

    System and environment description %a&ard analysis and ris' assessment (unctional safety concept ,ardware Development Software )evelopment


    %ardware development

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    %ardware implementation of t e tec nical safety concept

    Analysis of potential ardware faults and t eir effects

    !oordination wit Software development

    Re3uired activities and processes

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved Page 92

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    %ardware development

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    )etected (ault fault w ose presence is detected wit in a prescri ed time y a safety mec anism

    t at prevents t e fault from eing latent>

    Perceived (ault (ault w ose presence is deduced y t e driver wit in a prescri ed time interval>

    atent (ault

    ,ardware faults 4continued5

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    mu t p e-po nt au t w ose presence s not etecte y a sa ety mec an sm nor

    perceived y t e driver wit in t e multiple-point fault detection interval>

    Page 97

    %ardware development

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    C e single point faults metric reflects t e ro ustness of t e item to singlepoint faults>

    C e latent faults metric reflects t e ro ustness of t e item to latent faults>

    #ro6a6ilistic Metric for random ,ardware Failures "P

    ,ardware metrics

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved Page 99

    %ardware development

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    "ingle point faults metric

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved Page 96

    %ardware development

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    7atent faults metric

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved Page 93

    %ardware development

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    E ample

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved Page 9

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    %ardware development

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    E ample 4continued58 demo (9V :or;6enc$

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved Page 6


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Introduction to (landers; ),I#E Introduction to functional safety

    Overview of functional safety standards and regulations

    ISO 26262 for safety-related automotive E/E development Scope Parts of t e standard

    Safety lifecycle

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    !ore sa ety engineering processes #-model

    System and environment description %a&ard analysis and ris' assessment (unctional safety concept %ardware )evelopment "oftware Development


    Software development

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Reference #$ase Model

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved Page 65

    Software development

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    S1 as neit er potential to wear out nor produce random failures> S1?uality is determined y its development process> C e more rigorous andsystematic t e development process0 t e ig er t e ASI rating can e

    ac ieved> Programming language selection


    Is a6out

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    > >

    Cool selection and ?ualification S1 !onfiguration

    Integration in ardware

    And muc more H>

    Page 67

    Software development

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    C e safety state s all e activated y a switc off of driver 5>

    C e ogic Solver "!PF$ s all run self tests of t e internal registers>

    C e input cloc' s all e tested to detect faults> )uring t en operating p ase0 plausi ility c ec's of specific varia les

    according to t e appropriate range s all e performed>

    "oftware "afety Re3uirements< some e amples

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    C e ma=imum start-up tome is 2 seconds>

    C e reaction time to a normal input c ange is ma=imum millisecond>


    Page 69

    Software development

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    E=ample CI+s %erculesC< A,>


    Page 66

    C an's for your attendance@

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    For more information, please contact

    Marc Van VlimmerenFunctional safety engineer

    tel. +32 11 790 [email protected]

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Bert DextersProject leader Automotive Safety Integrity Leveltel. +32 11 790 545

    [email protected]

    lossary " /5$

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Active safetySystems assisting in the prevention of a crash

    Error(1) Mistake in engineering, requirement specification, or design.(2) Mistake in design, implementation or operation which could cause a failure.

    FailureThe inability of a system or component to perform its required functions within specifiedperformance requirements.

    FaultAny change in state of an item that is considered to be anomalous and may warrant some type of

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    corrective action. Examples of faults included device errors reported by Built-In Test (BIT)/Built-In

    Test Equipment (BITE), out-of-limits conditions on sensor values, loss of communication withdevices, loss of power to a device, communication error on bus transaction, software exceptions(e.g., divide by zero, file not found), rejected commands, measured performance values outside ofcommanded or expected values, an incorrect step, process, or data definition in a computerprogram, etc. Faults are preliminary indications that a failure may have occurred.

    Fault Injection Process

    The process of deliberately inserting faults into a system (by manual or automatic methods) to testthe ability of the system to safely handle the fault or to fail to a safe state. Usually, fault injectioncriteria is defined by system safety and is implemented by the software test engineeringgroup to measure the systems ability to mitigate potential mishaps to anacceptable level of risk.

    Page 6D

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    lossary "5/5$

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    Safety Freedom from those conditions that can cause death, injury, occupational illness, damage to orloss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment.

    Safety AnalysisA systematic examination to determine system functionality, to identify potential hazards, andanalyze the adequacy of measures taken to eliminate, control, or mitigate identified hazards; and

    analyze and evaluate potential accidents and their associated risksSafety Critical Function

    A function whose failure to operate, or incorrect operation, will directly result in a high risk mishap(i.e., death, serious injury, system loss, environmental damage).

    2012 Flanders DRIVE all rights reserved

    Safety IntegrityThe ability of a control system to work safely (this includes shutting down safely if a fault occurs),which depends on the entire system, not just the computer

    Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL)

    One of four levels to specify the item's or element's necessary requirements of ISO 26262 andsafety measures to apply for avoiding an unreasonable residual risk , with D representing the most

    stringent and A the least stringent level .

    Page 3

    A reviations " /2$

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    ASI Automotive Safety Integrity evel


  • 8/12/2019 Introduction to Functional Safety KdG Seminar 20130424 Handout


    OE< Original E?uipment