Introduction to HKAGE Student...Introduction to HKAGE 學苑簡介 Mr. Albert Hong Head of Academic Programme Development Division 康仲賢先生 學術課程發展部總監 HKAGE

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Page 1: Introduction to HKAGE Student...Introduction to HKAGE 學苑簡介 Mr. Albert Hong Head of Academic Programme Development Division 康仲賢先生 學術課程發展部總監 HKAGE
Page 2: Introduction to HKAGE Student...Introduction to HKAGE 學苑簡介 Mr. Albert Hong Head of Academic Programme Development Division 康仲賢先生 學術課程發展部總監 HKAGE

Introduction to HKAGE 學苑簡介

Mr. Albert Hong Head of Academic Programme Development Division 康仲賢先生 學術課程發展部總監

Page 3: Introduction to HKAGE Student...Introduction to HKAGE 學苑簡介 Mr. Albert Hong Head of Academic Programme Development Division 康仲賢先生 學術課程發展部總監 HKAGE

HKAGE Mission


Specifically, our mission is to secure appropriate learning and development opportunities for gifted students, aged 10 to 18 years, to enable them to realise their potential in a wide range of learning domains including academic and non-academic areas including leadership, creativity and interpersonal skills, and to cater for their social and emotional needs as well as their sense of commitment to the local community.


Page 4: Introduction to HKAGE Student...Introduction to HKAGE 學苑簡介 Mr. Albert Hong Head of Academic Programme Development Division 康仲賢先生 學術課程發展部總監 HKAGE

Renzulli’s Three-ring Conception of Giftedness 任汝理「資優三環」概念 (1978, 2005)




Source: http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/sem/semart13.html


Page 5: Introduction to HKAGE Student...Introduction to HKAGE 學苑簡介 Mr. Albert Hong Head of Academic Programme Development Division 康仲賢先生 學術課程發展部總監 HKAGE

資優定義 (三)

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences 多元智能 (2006)


語文 空間







Spiritual 靈性智能

Page 6: Introduction to HKAGE Student...Introduction to HKAGE 學苑簡介 Mr. Albert Hong Head of Academic Programme Development Division 康仲賢先生 學術課程發展部總監 HKAGE

Why HKAGE? 為何選擇資優學苑?

• Enrichment and Acceleration 增潤與加速學習

• Other learning experiences 其他學習經歷

• Opportunities to interact and learn with others of similar ability which are more beneficial


• Positive social experiences with gifted peers benefit their interactions with others


• Affective education support 情意教育支援

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Individualised + Personalised Challenging Provisions, Senior Student Club/Platform, Elite International Student Activities

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Learning Opportunities


Mr. Derek Ng Curriculum Manager 吳煒堯先生 課程經理

Page 9: Introduction to HKAGE Student...Introduction to HKAGE 學苑簡介 Mr. Albert Hong Head of Academic Programme Development Division 康仲賢先生 學術課程發展部總監 HKAGE

Key Learning Areas 主要學習領域

Chinese Language and Literature, English Language and Literature 中國語文及文學、英國語文及文學 Humanities 人文學科 Leadership 領導才能 Mathematics 數學 Sciences (Sciences, Technology, Applied Learning)

科學 (科學、科技、應用學習)

Page 10: Introduction to HKAGE Student...Introduction to HKAGE 學苑簡介 Mr. Albert Hong Head of Academic Programme Development Division 康仲賢先生 學術課程發展部總監 HKAGE

Languages and Humanities (Primary) 語文及人文學科 (小學)

Languages 語文 Humanities 人文學科

Chinese Speaking and Debate 思辯訓練入門

Enjoying the History of the Three-Kingdom 玩轉三國

To be a Novelist 小說創作培訓班

Knowing Tree, Knowing

人樹共融 — 與樹交心

Harry Potter Reading Club 哈利波特閱讀工作坊

Movies, Ethics and our Life 電影‧倫理‧人生

I’m a Poet but I Don’t Know it ! 詩人是我!

Love of Wisdom (Online Learning Programme)

愛智慧的四個人生課題 (網上學習課程)

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Languages and Humanities (Secondary) 語文及人文學科(中學)

Languages 語文 Humanities 人文學科

English Creative Writing: Travel Writing 英文創意寫作:從遊歷到遊記

Future Curator Training 未來館長培訓班

Writing Skills: Write Like a Microblogger 寫作技巧班:學「幾米」,寫文章

Historicising Experiences and Living Memories 歷史化經歷與生活記憶

Modern Chinese Literature 中國現代文學

Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Wellbeing 心理學:余樂無窮

From Lin Xi, Su Shi to Zhuangzi: Learn Chinese Literature from Cantopop Lyrics 從林夕、蘇軾到莊子:粵語流行曲歌詞學中國文學

Marriage and the Family 婚姻與家庭

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Mathematics (Primary) 數學(小學)

Mathematics 數學

Fold Up Paper Brush Up My Math 「摺」通數學

Shape Up Your Math 3-D幾何、「圓」妙無窮

Board Game Design Experience 桌遊設計體驗班

Math Magic and Algebra Enrichment 1 數學魔術與代數增潤(一)

Creative Geometry with GeoGebra GeoGebra 幾何創作室

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Mathematics (Secondary) 數學(中學)

Mathematics 數學

Maths Ignition 數學燃動課程

Probability in Action 概率面面觀

Speaking of Statistics 統計學漫談

Graphing without Calculus 繪製圖像 (不涉微積分)

Numbers Around Our Life 數說生活

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Sciences (Primary) 科學 (小學)

Natural Science 自然科學 Technology 科技

Crime Scene Investigation 破解案發現場 Tug of War Robot 拔河機械人

On the Same Coast 同一海岸上 Marine Robot 深潛機械人

Journey to the Edge of Universe 前往宇宙邊緣之旅

LED Torch DIY 電腦輔助設計與生產 - LED小電筒

Welcome to the Cell World 細胞世界歡迎你 Blockly & Digital Game Design Blockly與遊戲開發

Acid-Base Chemistry, Crystal World 酸鹼化學,晶體世界

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Sciences (Secondary) 科學 (中學)

Natural Science 自然科學 Technology 科技

The Inquisitive Analytical Chemist 好奇的分析化學家

Instant Biotechnology 速食生物科技

Green Pioneers 環保先鋒

Create your Own Digital Games! 創造你自己的數碼遊戲!

Manned Mission To Mars 2025 登陸火星 2025

3D Model Design and 3D Printing 立體模型設計及立體打印

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Leadership 領導才能

Adaptive Leadership 領袖適應力訓練

Social Innovative Projects 社會創新計劃

Globalization and Leadership 全球化與領導

Negotiation Skills 談判技巧

Delegation and Resources Allocation 授權技能及資源管理

Secondary Programme


Primary Programme


Distinguished Leaders in History 卓越的歷史領導者

Questioning, Listening & Speaking Workshop 答問溝通工作坊

Hong Kong Government Study and Leadership Training 香港管治與領袖培訓

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Multi-disciplinary Courses 跨學科課程

Big History and Collective Learning Public Lectures

Human Culture I: Agriculture, City and State

Human Culture II: Science and a rational world

Human Culture III: Industrial Revolution and Capitalism

Human Culture IV: Globalization and the Modern World

Hong Kong History

*All secondary school students and parents are welcome to join. Parents do not need to apply online. Walk-in registration will be done.

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Other Learning Experiences 其他學習經歷


Conferences 學生會議

Competitions 各項比賽

International Competitions


International Junior Science Olympiad



International Mathematical Olympiad

(IMO) 國際數學奧林匹克

International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) 國際物理奧林匹克

Local Competitions 本地比賽

Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award 香港傑出學生詩人(英文)獎

Gifted Angels – Service Learning Competition 資優天使服務學習比賽

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Overseas Programme 海外活動

Overseas Programme 海外活動

Math Safari in Singapore, Raffles Institution, Singapore

新加坡數學遊踪 - 新加坡萊佛士書院

Global Robot and Science Camp 國際機械人及科學營

Wu Chien-Shiung Science Camp


Taipei Municipal BaiLing Elementary School


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Programme Result Announcement 活動申請結果公佈 https://hkage.org.hk/b5/student/Registration/


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Token System 代幣系統

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Learning Opportunities and Services


Ms Tiffany Sin Deputy Head of Affective Education Division 冼可琳女士 情意教育部署理總監

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Advanced Learning Experience Division

Competition, metoring, programmes with specific purposes

Academic Programme Development Division

Programmes, workshops, talks, study tours,

Online courses

Affective Education Division

Workshops, Counselling


Advanced Learning


Affective Education

Research Division

Sciences Leadership


Languages and Humanities

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Affection Education

Framework 情意教育架構 (adapted from Silverman,

1993; Reis & Moon, 2002)

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Let Us Shine!

(4-hour workshop,

compulsory, Primary,


Affective Education Programmes 情意教育課程

Common Core 共同核心 AE programmes 情意教育課程

Parent-child Group


Seminars/Sharing Sessions


Courses 課程

Workshops 工作坊

AE in academic programmes


AE sessions/elements in

academic programmes


Class observation &

follow up 觀課及跟進

Student/parent case follow up


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Introduction to Gifted Education 資優教育簡介 Affective Development for the Gifted Learners 資優生的情意發展

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Outreach Seminars for Parents 到校家長講座

Introduction to Gifted Education


Affective Development of Gifted Students


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Consultation & Assessment Centre 諮詢及評估中心

Hotline 熱線 Phone call, email, F2F consultation 電話、電郵、面談

Assessment 評估 WISC-IV (Hong Kong)

韋氏兒童智力量表―第四版(香港版) SpLD Assessment for 2e children


Consultation 諮詢

Counselling service 輔導服務

> 2000 parents p.a. 每年服務逾2000名家長

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Introduction to HKAGE Learning Opportunities and Services


Ms Shirley Kwok Head of Advanced Learning Experience Division 郭滿玲女士 進階學習體驗部總監

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Mission of ALE 進階學習體驗部的宗旨

• Aims to provide individualised and personalised challenging learning opportunities for high ability gifted students who are well prepared to meet these challenges


• Engage the selected students with prestigious learning experiences for their further advancement and development


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Academic Programme

Development Division


Affective Education Division 情意教育部

Advanced Learning Experiences Division 進階學習體驗部

Personalised & Individualised Programmes 個別化課程

Student-organised Events


Elite International Student Activities


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HKAGE’s Signature Event – Student-organised Event Series 1: “How a Gifted Mind Starts”

香港資優教育學苑重點活動——「學生主導」系列(一): 資優種子萌芽時

•此計劃讓資優學生有機會藉著分享兒時作品,展現原創性及創意 • offer gifted students an opportunity to show the traits of originality and creativity by sharing your work during childhood.

一名學員於4歲時創作的兒時作品 A childhood work created by a student member at the age of 4

論壇暨頒獎禮 學生作品展覽 Forum cum Award Presentation Ceremony Students’ Childhood Works Exhibition 日期: 2017年3月18日 (星期六) 地點: 瑪利諾神父教會學校 Date: 18 March 2017 (Sat) Venue: Maryknoll Father's School

Student Organising Committee 學生籌委

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Student-organised Event Series II – The Voice of Gifted Learners: “You say you know me, but do you?”

「學生主導活動」系列(二)—— 資優生的心聲:你真的懂我嗎?

活動片段和幕後花絮 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HK8sy8CfGk 宣傳短片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxK30IviBnM

於2016年12月2日舉行 Held on 2 Dec, 2016 at the HKAGE

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JA Company Programme 16/17 JA學生營商體驗計劃16/17

該計劃是為二十位對創業營商有興趣的學員,在八個月的時間裡,與兩位義務商界顧問,一同經歷公司組成、籌集資金、業務發展規劃、生產及營銷以至清盤的商業週期,並於展銷會公開展示並售賣他們的產品 The Junior Achievement (JA) Company Programme is organized for student members who are interested in starting up their own business. Students and 2 Volunteer Business Advisors will experienced together the entire business cycle of company formation, fundraising, business development, manufacturing, sales and liquidation. Participants of this programme would showcase and sell their products at the trade fair

參與JA 學生營商體驗計劃16/17的學員所設計的Couple Scarf. Couple Scarf designed by student members who participated in JA Company Programme 16/17

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國際學習機會:MaD 年會 International Learning Opportunities: MaD Forum

由創不同協作主辦的MaD年會為1,300位來自 100多個亞洲城市的參加者,帶來全面的創意體驗。這個歷時兩天半的年會是以香港為大本營的國際學習機會,亦是讓參加者互相收集和分享有關社會創新和實現改變的靈感平台,讓參加者共同創造一個更美好的社會。 The MaD Forum organised by Make a Difference Institute (MaD) is a holistic creative experience for 1,300 participants from over 100 Asian cities. The Forum is an international learning opportunity which is stationed in Hong Kong and lasts about 2.5 days. It is also renowned as a platform for attendees getting and sharing inspirations on social innovations and change making for a better society.

活動連 簡報會、檢討會議 日期: 5月下旬至8月上旬

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Student Services 學生服務

Ms Joanne Lee Student Services Manager Student Services Team 李婉霞女士 學生服務經理 學生服務组

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Student Learning Profile 學生學習紀錄

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Preliminary to Full Membership 初步學員資格至正式學員資格

Complete the designated online



Complete 1 face-to-face programme in the domain

on or before 31 Aug 2018

Except talks, sharing sessions, online programmes (& the

related enhancement workshops)



Mathematics and Sciences


Languages and Humanities


Full Membership

正式 學員資格

On or before 31 Aug 2018 於2018年8月31日前

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Preliminary to Full Membership 初步學員資格至正式學員資格

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Preliminary to Full Membership – Designated Online Programmes 初步至正式學員資格 - 指定網上課程

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Preliminary to Full Membership – Designated Online Programmes 初步至正式學員資格 - 指定網上課程

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Preliminary to Full Membership – Designated Online Programmes 初步至正式學員資格 - 指定網上課程

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Preliminary to Full Membership – Designated Online Programmes 初步至正式學員資格 - 指定網上課程

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Programme Application 報讀課程

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Renewal of Full Student Membership 延續正式學員資格

Complete at least ONE programme/activity each year to sustain membership


Any programmes (in the Humanities, Leadership, Mathematics , Sciences domain and the category of Personal Growth and Social Development) / activities shown on Student Learning Profile (SLP) will be counted


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Confirmation of secondary student membership 確認中學學員資格

• 獲取錄時為小四及小五之學員,須於升讀中一前完成共同核心課程「Let

us shine!」

• 獲取錄時為小六之學員,須於升讀中二前完成共同核心課程「Let us shine!」

• For student member who are studying primary four and primary five at the

time of admission, they are required to complete the "Let us shine!" programme before their promotion to secondary one.

• For student member who are studying in primary six at the time of admission, they are required to complete the "Let us shine!" programme before their promotion to secondary two.

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HKAGE Newsletter 資優教育學苑通訊

To be issued quarterly


Highlight of Academy’s events 資優學苑活動簡介

Update of research findings


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HKAGE Newsletter 資優教育學苑通訊

E-newsletter 刊物

為學員、家長、教師以至對資優教育感興趣的人士提供豐富資訊,並讓學員充分了解資優 學苑的活動,從而選報合適的課程

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E-newsletter 刊物

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Other Learning Experiences 其他學習經歷


Conferences 學生會議 Winter 2017 2017年冬季

Peer Support Scheme -Gifted in Touch (To facilitate the planning and Implementation of learning Journey) 朋輩支援計劃 - 資己 (促成學習歷程的策劃及實踐)

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Fee Remission and Subsidy 學費豁免及資助

Fee Remission Policy: the HKAGE aim to operate on an inclusiveness basis to provide programmes and services for all student members, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds, learning difficulties or disabilities. 學費豁免政策 : 旨在為所有合資格的學員 提供課程及服務,而不論 其社會經濟背景、所面對 的學習困難或障礙

• The HKAGE also sponsor students to participate in overseas programmes 資優學苑亦資助 學員參與海外活動

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Introduction of Research Division and Sharing on Research Findings


Dr Fung Tze-ho, Eric Head of Research Division 馮子豪博士 研究部總監

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HKAGE Research Division 資優學苑研究部

• In 2012, Research Division was set up 研究部於2012年成立 • Missions 使命

– To provide high quality information and research results in gifted education

提供優質的資優教育資訊並分享研究成果 – To collaborate with stakeholders in gifted education 與資優教育持份者協作 – To promote the awareness and better understanding of

gifted education in Hong Kong 增進公眾對香港資優教育的意識和了解

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Some Key Tasks of Research Division 研究部主要工作

• Ongoing needs survey of stakeholders 持續進行的持份者需求調查 • Programme evaluation 課程評鑑

– Review of programme evaluation process 檢討課程評鑑過程 – Evaluation of special events and services 特別活動及服務評鑑

• Learning impact studies 學習影響研究

– Pre/post student performance 學員前後表現 – Difference between high and low engagement students 活躍與非活躍學員的差別

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Some Key Tasks of Research Division 研究部主要工作

• Collaboration with other institutions and organisations


– Study public exam performance of GE members with HKEAA


– Explore appropriate selection tools with CTY


– Collaborate with/ facilitate researchers from tertiary institutes to conduct studies on GE


• Special topics


– Early admission study


– Growing pains of the gifted


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Research Findings on HKAGE Student

Performance in STEM Related Subjects/

Modules in HKDSE Exam

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Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

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HKAGE Student Performance in 2012/ 2013/ 2014 HKDSE Exam

• HKAGE provided personal identifications of our student members aged from 19-21 to HKEAA for retrieving their exam results with all their personal information removed

• In 2012, 850 candidates were found; in 2013, 1064 candidates and in 2014, 1145 candidates

• HKEAA has provided us the public exam results of a control group of students with same numbers, who were sampled from the same schools with same genders of our student members

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Comparison Results

The Level 5** Percentage – HKAGE members:

• Chemistry and Biology: 15.4% • Physics and M2 (Algebra and Calculus) : 17.5%

– Overall day school students: • 2.0% for Chemistry and Biology • 2.7% for Physics and M2

– Control group students:

• 2.9% for Chemistry and Biology • 3.1% for Physics and M2

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Active vs. Non-active Members • Active members: completed at least one programme/ workshop

or joined at least one competitions

• Non-active members: : never completed one programme/ workshop and never joined at least one competitions

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Amongst Active Members…

• HKEAA public exam outcomes (2012, 2013, 2014): Average grade point of Chemistry and Biology, Physics and M2

• HKAGE performance scores: His records of course and programme participations, competitions

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Relationship between HKAGE Performance and HKDSE Results

After controlling

school effect and student ‘entry’ ability, gender difference, it is still found that those at high performance group in HKAGE would obtain better results in STEM subjects of HKDSE Exam

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