Introduction to PHP and Server Side Technology

Introduction to PHP and Server Side Technology

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Introduction to PHP and Server Side Technology. PHP History. Created in 1995 PHP 5.0 is the current version It’s been around since 2004. General PHP Characteristics. PHP is made up of a PHP scripting block PHP scripting blocks can appear anywhere in a Web page - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to PHP and Server Side


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PHP History Created in 1995 PHP 5.0 is the current version

It’s been around since 2004

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General PHP Characteristics (1) PHP is made up of a PHP scripting block

PHP scripting blocks can appear anywhere in a Web page

In addition to PHP scripting blocks, PHP documents typically contain HTML

A page having embedded PHP script must have a file suffix of .php

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General PHP Characteristics (2) Like ASP.NET PHP is server-side

technology It runs on nearly all Web servers There is an IIS version

It’s open source It talks to databases

MySQL and others Facebook is a PHP application

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General PHP Characteristics (2) PHP works with XML PHP supports AJAX PHP supports cookies

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The Basics of PHP Syntax PHP scripts always appears between <?php and ?> PHP statements always end in a semi-

colon Comments have the same format as



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A First PHP Program As in <html> <body><?phpecho "Hello";?> </body></html>

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PHP Variables Like JavaScript, variables are ‘loosely

typed’ Variables can be declared anywhere in a

PHP script Variable names

Must begin with a letter or underscore ‘_’ character

The remaining characters can be letters, numbers or the underscore

Variables cannot contain spaces

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PHP Variables (Declaring) Variable declarations begin with the

dollar sign ‘$’, followed by the variable name

An equals sign and value follow the declaration

Examples:$userName = “joe”;

$pi = 3.14;

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PHP Variables (Scope) Global variables are declared outside of a

function Use the global keyword to access variables

from a function

Local variables are declared within a function

Works the same way as JavaScript

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Using Numeric Variables (1) Arithmetic operations work similarly in PHP

and JavaScript Use print or echo to write output

print returns 1 while echo returns nothing Use the $ to reference all variable names

$x = 10;

$y = 100;

print $x + $y; /* 110 */

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Using Numeric Variables (2) The following prints 10 + 100 because

the value is quoted

$x = 10;

$y = 100;

print "$x + $y";

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PHP Strings (Introduction) Strings work in PHP the same way they

work in other languages There are several string functions:


The dot (.) is the concatenation operator

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PHP Data Types Similar to JavaScript

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A First Server Round Trip Using Forms (1) Remember form widgets from

JavaScript <input type=“text”> and so on Remember widgets are contained in a

form Widgets are visible from PHP script so

we can process their contents on the server

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A First Server Round Trip Using Forms (2) The following form posts to the page

named Welcome.php (action attribute)

<form action="welcome.php" method="post">

Name: <input type="text" name="fname" />

Age: <input type="text" name="age" />

<input type="submit" />


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A First Server Round Trip Using Forms (3) Welcome.php contains the script to

process the posted data<html>


Welcome <?php echo $_POST["fname"]; ?>!<br />

You are <?php echo $_POST["age"]; ?> years old.



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A First Server Round Trip Using Forms (4)

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GET and POST (Introduction) There are two basic ways to send data

back to a Web server We call these HTTP verbs

In all there are about 30 verbs http://annevankesteren.nl/2007/10/http-me

thods Both GET and POST send data to Web


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HTTP GET GET sends is data through the URL itself

as a query string The URL looks something like this


<input> values appear after the ? Data appears as key=value pairs A & separates each key=value pair You don’t write the URL – HTTP does!

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HTTP POST The request data does not appear inside

the query string Data is sent in the HTTP header itself

It’s possible to pull this data out of the header

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HTTP GET and POST (Comparison) GET

Query strings are small (100 characters) Posted data is visible It’s possible to bookmark the page

PUT Large data blocks can be posted Posted data is hidden Page cannot be bookmarked

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Reading Posted Data $_GET and $_POST retrieve data send to

the server via a GET or POST, respectively

They are built-in functions Pass the ID of the input control as an


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Welcome <?php echo $_GET["fname"]; ?>!<br />

You are <?php echo $_GET["age"]; ?> years old.



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PHP Functions (Introduction) PHP has built-in functions just like any

language In all, there are about 700 so we will not

get to all of them Refer to

http://w3schools.com/php/default.asp for a categorized list

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PHP Functions (Syntax) It all looks just about like JavaScript

(except the $ notation for variables) Functions and accept 0, 1 or many

arguments Functions and return a value

Again, the arguments are loosely typed

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Declaring a PHP Function (Example) Declare a function named ShowFooter<?php

function ShowFooter()


print("<br />");

print(“Rendered " . date("y-m-d"));

print("<br />");



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Calling a Function (Example) Call the ShowFooter function shown


<?php ShowFooter(); ?>