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Welcome to the 2020-21 Regional Events Scheme Application.

Tourism WA’s Regional Events Scheme (RES), supported by Royalties for Regions, is an annual funding round for smaller and emerging events in regional Western Australia (WA).

The 2020-21 RES will include the Regional Aboriginal Events Scheme (RAES), a funding pool of $150,000 that only events delivering Aboriginal activities and experiences through the leadership and participation of Aboriginal people are eligible to apply for. Please continue with this application if you are applying for funding through the RAES or regular RES pool.

Events play an important role in Tourism WA’s strategy to increase the value of tourism in WA. They offer people a time-based reason to visit WA and encourage them to stay longer. Events also add vibrancy, provide a boost to the economy and attract valuable media coverage for WA.

Before commencing your application, please read in full the 2020-21 Regional Events Scheme Guidelines available on the Regional Events Scheme page of the Tourism WA website to ensure you understand what is involved in submitting the application.

Please download the 2020-21 Regional Events Scheme Budget template available on the Regional Events Scheme page of the Tourism WA website prior to starting your application. This will need to be submitted as an attachment with your application.

If you believe that your event meets the criteria outlined in the guidelines document, please continue to complete an Application.

Please note, the application is lengthy and will take some time to complete. We recommend you review the full application by clicking on the "Printable Form" link above to identify the detail of information that is required before you begin.

If you wish to use acronyms, please first explain the acronym when using it within the application.

While completing your application, there is a button on each page for logging out entitled "Save and Continue", which will automatically save your application, move forward to the next section and enable you to log back in at a later time.

Please note, partially completed pages will NOT be saved. Only completed pages are able to be saved. Your application will be saved every time you press the "Save and

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Continue" button (if all mandatory sections are completed) to move onto another page of the application.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5pm WST on Wednesday 11 December 2019.

Please note: due to the volume of submissions, late applications will not be accepted and you will have to wait until the next funding round to open (October 2020 for events held in the financial year 2021/2022).

Should you have any questions while completing your application, please contact the Regional Events Scheme team by emailing [email protected] or phoning 08 9262 1780.

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Applicant Contact Details

Applicant Salutation:

Applicant First Name:

Applicant Last Name:

Applicant Job Title:


Address (PO Box preferred):




Post Code:

Email Address:

Event Website:



Contact Person Please list the first point of contact where all funding correspondence will be directed to if different from applicant details.


First Name:

Last Name:

Job Title:

Email Address:


Key Event Details

Name of Event: Name of Organisation Applying:

Name of Event Holder (if different from above):

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Year 1 Event Dates: Dates must fall between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021.

(if applicable) Year 2: Year 3:

Event Description Please include an overview of the event and the proposed day to day program. Describe in 350 words or less. Are there any new activities or initiatives occurring that have not previously happened at the event before? Describe in 350 words or less. Please note, if your event has previously been supported by Tourism WA and you are requesting an increase in funds, please use this section to justify why you would like the increase. Please list your primary event objectives. Describe in 200 words or less. Describe ways in which the event may be further developed in the future to reach its full potential i.e. future plans and direction of the event. Describe in 350 words or less. Event Location (venue, city, town): Region: See map

Gascoyne Goldfields – Esperance Great Southern


Wheatbelt South West

Pilbara Peel Mid West

Event frequency:



Biennial (every two years)

Biannual (twice a year)

Other: Please specify

Event inauguration year:

Funding Request Are you applying for funding through the Regional Events Scheme or through the Regional Aboriginal Events Scheme? Please note that all RAES applications will be considered against both the RES and RAES criteria and only a single application is required.

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Year 1 Funding Request: $ Funding requests must be between $5,000 - $40,000 per annum. It is recommended that applicants ensure the funding amount requested is proportionate in relation to the total event budget.

(if applicable) Year 2: $ Year 3: $

Proposed Use of Funds Include specific details and where relevant, examples of activities to which the funding will be allocated (eg. marketing/promotions, artist(s) or headline act(s) including specific examples of who you intend to target). Funding requests for permanent infrastructure are considered ineligible. Describe in 200 words or less. Outline how the proposed use of funding will elevate/improve/develop the event. Funding requests tied to activities that elevate the event, improve tourism outcomes and align with funding criteria will be more competitive. Describe in 350 words or less. Has your event previously received Tourism WA funding? If yes, please detail how much and for what years. Answer n/a if not applicable. Have you applied for funding for this event from other Royalties for Regions programs? If yes, please detail what program, how much, for what years and the proposed use of funds. Answer n/a if not applicable.

Attendance Numbers Please complete the table below.

Please note: the total attendance figure must include the local residents attending the event as well as those people travelling to the area for the event. Repeat attendees can be included in the stated number (i.e. if the event is a two day event and you estimate 2,000 attendees per day, the total estimated attendance is 4,000 people).

Estimated total number of attendees across the event program

Year 1 Year 2 (if applicable)

Year 3 (if applicable)

Volunteers (where relevant)

Competitors (where relevant)

Artists (where relevant)

Spectators (where relevant)

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Do the total figures above include individual attendees over multiple days?



How were these figures obtained? I.e. research, previous event numbers, ticket sales, gate counts, event holder estimate etc. If your attendance figures have increased since previous years please explain the reason for the increase. If not please state n/a. I.e. further promotion of the event, celebrity attendance, increased capacity etc. Please outline any previous attendance figures by year, and state whether they are approximate or actual E.g. 2016 - 2,550 approximate. Answer n/a if the event has not occurred before.

Economic Impact

This refers to the anticipated number of visitors (spectators/support crew/artists/others) travelling specifically for the event, their total length of stay and their estimated daily spend. Please do not include those visitors who are already in town on vacation who attend the event or repeat visitors. Please ensure there is no double counting of visitors across days in these figures.

Events that attract overnight visitors and visitors from outside the local area travelling specifically to attend the event will be more competitive.

Applicants requesting multi-year funding must provide projected visitor numbers for each year.

Please complete the tables below.

Note: Total Visitors = Intrastate + Interstate + International visitors. Please do NOT include local residents attending the event in table below. Estimated total number of visitors across the event program

Year 1 Year 2 (if applicable)

Year 3 (if applicable)

Intrastate (visitors from outside the region)

Interstate (visitors from outside of WA)


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Year 1 Year 2 (if applicable)

Year 3 (if applicable)

Estimated average length of stay

Estimated average daily spend $ $ $

How were the economic impact figures obtained? I.e. formal research, previous visitor numbers, post code surveys, event holder estimate etc. Please provide an explanation on the visitor estimates above. I.e. where the visitors are coming from and why?

Financial Management

Please refer to the Microsoft Excel template available via the Regional Events Scheme page on the Tourism WA website to complete the budget. Please note, applications without budgets (in the required format) will be considered incomplete and won’t be considered for funding. You can download the budget template from the Tourism WA website here.

I can confirm I have completed the 2020-21 Regional Events Scheme Budget template and have provided this with my application.

Marketing Activities

Please answer the questions below relevant to the marketing activities that you plan on undertaking for the event in which you are applying for funding.

Please note this is all PAID or donated advertising that will be included in your Marketing Plan.

Target audience Check all that apply


Sport enthusiasts

Nature lovers

Age group specific (please specify i.e. children 2-12 years old):

Music enthusiasts

Food & wine enthusiasts


If relevant, please specify age group and/or other target audience

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Magazines Check all that apply

Local/ Regional List all publications and describe:

State/ Metro List all publications and describe:

National List all publications and describe:

International List all publications and describe:

Not applicable Newspapers Check all that apply

Local/ Regional List all publications and describe:

State/ Metro List all publications and describe:

National List all publications and describe:

International List all publications and describe:

Not applicable

Radio advertising Check all that apply

Local/ Regional List all stations and describe:

State/ Metro List all stations and describe:

National List all stations and describe:

Not applicable Television advertising Check all that apply

Local/ Regional List all stations and describe:

State/ Metro List all stations and describe:

National List all stations and describe:

Not applicable Online Check all that apply

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Event website

Paid online advertising

Online event listings

Search engine optimisation and marketing

E-newsletters (If checked, please describe: )

Not applicable Social media Check all that apply





Not applicable Will social media promotions or activities be paid or unpaid? Please state paid or unpaid. If paid, please state the budget allocated and describe the activities in 200 words or less. Miscellaneous Marketing Activities Check all that apply

Brochures/Flyers Approximate quantity and distribution:

Mail out Approximate quantity and distribution:

Posters Approximate quantity and distribution:

Outdoor signage billboards, street banners etc.:

Not applicable Please provide details of any other marketing/communications activities not listed above. For example, will you employ a specialised marketing, PR or social media consultant? Public Relations (PR) Activities Check all that apply

Media releases

Inviting and/or host journalist(s), celebrity ambassadors or bloggers

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Event launch

Radio interviews


Not applicable

Please provide specific details of the proposed PR activities I.e. which journalists will you invite/host, when and where will the event launch be held etc.

Media Impact Please answer the questions below relevant to the media impact you anticipate for the event in which you are applying for funding. Please note this is UNPAID editorial/ news coverage. This impact includes all news/ editorial coverage of your event; the media coverage that results from your event and public relations activities listed.

Magazine Check all that apply

Local/ Regional List all publications and describe:

State/ Metro List all publications and describe:

National List all publications and describe:

International List all publications and describe:

Not applicable Newspaper Check all that apply

Local/ Regional List all publications and describe:

State/ Metro List all publications and describe:

National List all publications and describe:

International List all publications and describe:

Not applicable Radio Check all that apply

Local/ Regional List all stations and describe:

State/ Metro List all stations and describe:

National List all stations and describe:

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International List all stations and describe:

Not applicable

Television This refers to dedicated TV broadcast (dedicated programming) as well as TV news. Check all that apply

Local/ Regional List all stations and describe:

State/ Metro List all stations and describe:

National List all stations and describe:

International List all stations and describe:

Not applicable Please outline the TV details including channel, program, network, distribution (country), live/delayed, confirmed/intended, approximate duration (e.g. news story, story within current affairs program, segment of 30 minute program, 30 minute event dedicated program etc.): Other media impact if applicable Describe in 200 words or less.

Prestige, Uniqueness & Image

Please provide comments on the prestigious and unique elements of your event. Describe in 500 words or less. Events that have a major drawcard such as a national celebrity, sporting personality, prize winning artist or events part of a state, national or international championships will be more competitive. Events that have a unique aspect that cannot be experienced anywhere else in Western Australia/ Australia/ internationally will be more competitive. Additionally, an event that showcases the unique characteristics of the town and/or region will be looked upon favourably. How will your event make a positive contribution to the image, appearance and reputation of the local region? Describe in 200 words or less.

Regional Aboriginal Events Scheme (RAES) This section is only relevant to those applying for funding through the RAES. If you are only applying for funding through the general RES, please state ‘n/a’ to all questions below.

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Does more than 50% of your event program offer Aboriginal activities and experiences?



Describe the Aboriginal activities and experiences people will experience during your event. Note that at least 50% of the event’s experience MUST have an Aboriginal focus. Describe in 500 words or less. Is your event partially or fully Aboriginal owned or operated? Please state yes or no. If yes, please describe in 350 words or less. Does your event involve Aboriginal people in the leadership or coordination and in the delivery of the event program?



Outline the involvement of and roles for Aboriginal people in your event, for example, event management, delivery of activities, food, entertainment, merchandising etc. Please describe in 350 words or less. Is your event providing direct interaction with the local Aboriginal people? Please state yes or no. If yes, please describe in 350 words or less including the name of the traditional custodians of where the event will be held. Outline the anticipated benefits from the participation/ leadership of traditional custodians in the event. Please describe in 250 words or less.

Community Support

Is the event supported by:

Local businesses or organisations

Local community groups

Local government authorities

Regional Tourism Organisations and Visitor Centres

Regional Development Commissions


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If checked, please list the specific establishments and how the support is demonstrated. Please note: this is specific to the event year you are applying for and not what was previously achieved. Events which can demonstrate support from the local shire, Regional Development Commission, visitor centre, key local businesses and any relevant stakeholders involved in the event will be more competitive. Describe in 200 words or less. Do you have relevant, current, signed letters of support provided? The letters must be signed by the author and specifically written for the event year you are applying for or will not be accepted. Please attach letters at the end of this application.



Regional Impact

How will your event contribute to local job creation? Include here information on the number and types of expected paid employment and volunteer contributions associated with this event. Describe in 150 words or less.

How will your event contribute to local economic growth? What sections of the economy and/or community will directly or indirectly benefit from this event? Describe in 150 words or less.

How will your event contribute towards the development of capable people in the host region? Include here any activities that deliver formal or informal training, skills development or broadening experience of people or groups in the region. Describe in 150 words or less. How will your event contribute towards the social amenity and the wellbeing of the region? Include here benefits to the community wellbeing. Describe in 150 words or less.

Event Management Structure Check which best outlines the organisation type of the event holder.

Australian private company

Government entity

Non-profit organisation


Describe the organisation type of the event holder.

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I.e. Proprietary Limited, Incorporated, Association etc. Describe in 200 words or less. Are you a local organisation based within the region the event is held?



Describe the event management structure in place, the type of staff involved in the event and the roles they undertake. I.e. Structure - committee, board, executive staff, work groups, event staff, volunteers etc. Staff - permanent, part-time, contract, volunteers Roles - administration, marketing, operations, etc. Describe in 350 words or less. Are there any events within your program that are not managed by the applicant?



If yes: please describe the structure and governance if you are not the primary event holder. If the applicant is not the primary event holder of the event (i.e. performs a marketing/promotion type role for the event or does not directly manage all event activities) you will need to ensure all events that are being marketed/promoted have the appropriate risk management procedures and insurance in place if successful for funding. Please provide letters of support from the participating event holders. Describe in 350 words or less. In relation to the event and any key personnel, have there been any criminal proceedings, regulatory violations or significant litigation issues?



If yes, please describe.

Risk Management Do you have a risk management plan currently in place for your event?



Please note: if successful for funding a comprehensive risk management plan consistent with the Australian standard on risk management will need to be provided. Has there been any significant incidents, safety issues and/or financial losses associated with the prior conduct of this event?



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If yes, please describe. Please list 3-5 risks associated with your event (financial, operational, safety or other) and how you plan to mitigate these risks. Please note: risk management plans provided as attachments will NOT be reviewed. Does the event have volunteers working on the event?



If relevant, please state the approximate number of volunteers. Answer n/a if not applicable. Does the event have paid workers working on the event?



If relevant, please state the approximate number of paid workers. Answer n/a if not applicable. If successful for funding current Certificates of Currency will need to be provided for;

• Public Liability- $20m • Worker’s Compensation- $50m (required if paid workers work on the event) • Personal Accident Insurance for Volunteers (required if volunteers work on

the event) I understand this is a requirement for successful applicants

Has a representative from your organisation previously attended a risk management workshop facilitated by Tourism WA?



Check which location/s a representative from your organisation would prefer to attend a risk management workshop. Please note: successful applicants are invited to attend a free risk management workshop held in June 2020 to assist applicants with their risk management plan.

Perth Busselton Albany Broome Karratha Exmouth Geraldton Kalgoorlie

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How do you intend to measure the success of the event and the achievement of the event objectives?

Surveys Ticket sales Turnstile counts Participant feedback Visitor satisfaction Media coverage Other

If checked other, please describe below. If there is any other information regarding event evaluation, please also describe below. Describe in 100 words or less.

Three-year Strategic Outline

You will need to address this section if: • You are requesting $20,000 or more per annum in funding; or • You are requesting multi-year funding.

If the event is a one-off (i.e. a rotating national event) you do NOT need to complete this section. A strategic outline details the long term objectives and targets for the future growth of the event and describes how you aim to achieve the objectives. Please ensure you detail how the Tourism WA funding will be used to maximise the event’s development and tourism outcomes. Please complete this section of the application if it applies to you. Do NOT attach a copy of your own strategic outline as it will not be reviewed. Failure to complete this section if required will result in your application being deemed ineligible for funding. If you are unsure if you need to complete this section, please contact Tourism WA on 08 9262 1780. Year 1 Describe your strategic objective/s, actions and specific target/measure/s in 500 words or less. Year 2 Describe your strategic objective/s, actions and specific target/measure/s in 500 words or less. Year 3 Describe your strategic objective/s, actions and specific target/measure/s in 500 words or less.

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Your Notes and Final Comments

If you have any other pertinent information you wish to include in your application, please state it here. Answer n/a if not applicable. Please make sure you have attached your signed letters of support and your completed event budget using Tourism WA’s Microsoft Excel budget template. Please print and sign this page to submit with your application. Disclaimer: I confirm that I have carefully reviewed and considered the responses. The information provided is true and correct in all material respects. Signed: ______________________________ Date: ___________________