Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 1 Wireless Network Security LECTURE 1: Introduction. Wireless communication. Security and privacy goals. Brief overview of security mechanisms.

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  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 1

    Wireless Network Security

    LECTURE 1: Introduction. Wireless communication.

    Security and privacy goals. Brief overview of security



    Slides used in these lectures are based on Lecture slides I used at Purdue (555, 590T, 590W)

    www.cerias.purdue.edu/homes/crisn Slides provided with the book "Security and

    Cooperation in Wireless Networks", J-P. Hubaux and Levente Buttyan, 2008

    http://secowinet.epfl.ch/index.php?page=slideshow.html Research presentations from collaborations with

    former students and colleagues PhD Theses of Jing Dong and Reza Curtmola NIST SP documents wikipedia

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  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 3


    Monday: Wireless communication characteristics; Wireless networks and applications. Security goals and adversarial models

    Tuesday: Attacks on protocols. Cellular networks; WiMAX networks

    Wednesday: 802.11 networks; Data link security; Secure routing in ad hoc networks

    Thursday: Sensor networks, Bluetooth Friday: RFID, VANETs

  • Readings

    Security and cooperation in wireless networks. L Buttyan, J-P Hubaux.

    Slides Research papers NIST SP

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  • Today

    Wireless communication

    Wireless architectures Introduction to crypto

    and attacks

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  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 6

    Security Services (or Goals)

    1) Confidentiality: information is available for reading only to authorized parties.

    Example: Alice sends a message to Bob, only Alice and Bob can understand the content of the message.

    2) Authentication: Data source authentication: the data is coming from

    an authorized party. Example: Alice receives a message from Bob. This

    service ensures that the message is from Bob and not from Carl.

    Entity authentication: the entity is who it says it is. Example: When Alice tries to obtain access to her bank account, an authentication operation is performed to ensure that Alice asks for the information.

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    Security Services (2)

    3) Integrity: detect if data was modified, from the source to the destination.

    Example: Alice sends an email to Bob. Carl intercepts the message and modifies it. Data integrity allows for Bob to detect that the message was modified on the way from Alice to him.

    4) Non-repudiation: neither the sender, nor the receiver of a message are able to deny the transmission.

    Example: Alice sends Bob a contract, signed. The non-repudiation service ensures that Alice can not claim that the signature was produced by somebody else.

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    Security Services (3)

    5) Access control: only authorized parties can use specific resources.

    Example: Alice wants to print a document, she must be authorized to get that document and to use the printer.

    6) Availability: resources available to authorized parties.

    Example: A web site might become unavailable if the server crashes, or is bombarded with requests.

  • Privacy

    1) Anonymity: hiding who performed a given action (k-anonymity)

    2) Untraceability: making difficult for an adversary to identify that a given set of actions were performed by the same subject

    3) Unlinkability: hiding information about the relationships between any item

    4) Unobservability: hiding of the items themselves

    5) Pseudonymity: making use of a pseudonym instead of the real identity

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  • Security and Wireless Communication

    The usual goals: authentication, confidentiality, integrity, access control, non-repudiation, denial of service

    Additionally: privacy is a big concern particularly location privacy

    Is wireless communication more vulnerable?

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    Wireless Specific

    Physical security: an issue for small devices, Protocols have to consider inside attacks (assume the

    device is controlled by the adversary) Eavesdropping: easier than wired Resource constraints: medium is shared, some

    devices have limited power and computation resources Solutions must not have significant overhead

    Privacy: many devices equipped with location services, location privacy a bigger concern

    Denial of service: jamming is an issue for some type of wireless communication

  • Wireless communication characteristics

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  • Wireless Communication

    c (speed of light) = 3x108 m/s f is the frequency is the wavelength

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    THERE IS NO LINK: electromagnetic waves

    cf =

  • Wave Propagation

    Reflection: wave gets reflected when it hits an object very large compared with the wavelength

    Diffraction: wave bends at the edges and propagates in different directions when it hits an impenetrable object

    Scattering: wave scatters when it travels through a medium containing objects smaller than the wavelength (e.g. trees)

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  • Characteristics

    Interaction with the environment: path loss, interference, blockage

    Transmission constraints: constrain the ability to transmit information at different data rates

    Noise: Quality of communication is affected by noise

    Error rate: Higher than in wired communication

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  • Wave Components

    Direct path component: Path loss: attenuation of an electromagnetic wave in

    transit from a transmitter to a receiver Fading: time variation of the received signal power

    caused by changes in the transmission medium or path

    Doppler shift: the apparent change in frequency and wavelength of a wave that is perceived by an observer moving relative to the source of the waves

    Multi-path components: Result from reflection, refraction, scattering Wave arrives at receiver shifted in amplitude, phase

    and frequency

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  • Path Loss

    Power of transmission reduces: terrain contours different environments (urban or rural, vegetation

    and foliage) propagation medium (dry or moist air) distance between the transmitter and the receiver height and location of the antennas

    Wavelength/frequency: Long wavelength (low frequency), less loss Short wavelength (high frequency), more loss

    Different models to estimate path loss Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 17

  • Fading

    Fast fading: rapid fluctuations in amplitude, phase Due to multi-path propagation resulting in

    interference of multiple copies of the same transmitted signal arriving at the receiver

    Slow fading: the duration of the fading may last for multiple seconds or minutes Due to absorption of the transmission by

    objects, for example in buildings

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  • Interference

    Adjacent channel interference: interference caused by extraneous power from a signal in an adjacent channel

    Co-channel interference: due to weather conditions, wireless communications systems (radio, TV, etc.) in different locations that share common channels can experience co-channel interference

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  • Thermal Noise

    Noise generated by the thermal agitation of the charge carriers (the electrons) inside an electrical conductor in equilibrium, which happens regardless of any applied voltage

    Causes errors in reception (digital) or degradation of quality (analog)

    Effectively limits transmission range when transmitting signal strength falls below noise floor

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  • Noise Limits Transmitting Distance

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    Short range transmission (low path loss)

    Long range transmission (high path loss)

    Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)



  • Transmission Rate Constraints

    Nyquists Theorem: specifies the maximum data rate possible on a channel

    C = 2 * B * log2 L (bits/sec)

    B = bandwidth of the channel C = maximum channel capacity L = number of discrete signal levels/voltage

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  • Transmission Rate Constraints

    Shannons Theorem: specifies the maximum data rate possible in a noisy channel

    C = B * log2 (1+ S/N) (bits/sec)

    B = bandwidth of the channel C = maximum channel capacity S = signal power N = noise power SNR = 10 log10 (S/N)

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  • Multiple Access Techniques

    Transmission medium is broadcast If everybody sends, then communication is not

    meaningful, garbage Multiple access such that:

    maximize message throughput minimize mean waiting time

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    Multiple access techniques: methods that determine how the medium is accessed such the channel is shared between multiple participants

  • Multiple Access Methods

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    Three domains in which users can be separated: frequency, time, and space

    Frequency division multiple access (FDMA) Time division multiple access (TDMA) Code division multiple access (CDMA) Space division multiple access (SDMA)

  • FDMA

    Each station has its own frequency band, separated by guard bands to eliminate inter-channel interference

    Receivers tune to the right frequency Number of frequencies is limited Best suited for analog links Main drawback is under-utilization of the

    frequency spectrum

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    Users are separated in frequency domain

  • TDMA

    Relies on time synchronization Users can be given different amounts of

    bandwidth Users can use idle times to determine best

    base station Synchronization overhead Problems with multipath interference on

    wireless links

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    Users transmit data on same frequency, but at different times (separated in time)

  • CDMA

    Send at a different frequency at each time slot (frequency hopping)

    Convert a single bit to a code (direct sequence), receiver can decipher bit by inverse process

    Difficult to spy No need for all stations to synchronize All cells can use all frequencies Increased complexity

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    Users separated both by time and frequency

  • Spread Spectrum

    Enables a signal to be transmitted across a frequency band, much wider than the minimum bandwidth required by the information signal

    Transmitter spreads the energy across a number of frequencies

    Benefits: privacy, decreased narrowband interference, increased signal capacity

    In North America FCC waveband is divided into 75 hopping channels, power transmission limited to 1 watt on each channel

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  • Frequency Hoping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)

    Transmitter hops between available frequencies according to a predefined algorithm, which can be either random or preplanned

    Transmitter operates in synchronization with the receiver

    Large number of frequencies used Results in a system that is quite resistant to


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  • FHSS: Details

    Signal hops from frequency to frequency at fixed intervals

    Transmitter operates in one channel at a time Bits are transmitted using some encoding

    scheme At each successive interval, a new carrier

    frequency is selected Receiver, hopping between frequencies in

    synchronization with transmitter, picks up message

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  • FHSS Example

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  • Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)

    Each bit in original signal is represented by multiple bits in the transmitted signal

    Data is chopped in small pieces and spread across the frequency domain

    Performance of DSSS is usually better and more reliable

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  • DSSS Example

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  • DSSS vs FHSS

    FHSS transmits data, using smaller blocks of data, that are spread out over many switching channels.

    If two WLANs exist in the same area, one of the two networks using FHSS, FHSS will take precedence over the DSSS-based network, which will only be able to transport data correctly when the FHSS-nodes are in idle mode.

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  • Space Division Multiple Access

    Several users use the same frequency & time slot (in TDMA)

    Each user is separated by the smart antenna by using its unique spatial location

    Different areas can be served using the same frequency

    Increased co-channel interference from adjacent co-channel cells

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    Users are separated in space domain

  • OSI/ISO Model

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  • Summary : Wireless Characteristics:


    Higher error rate Higher signaling overhead

    Constrained information transmission Distance vs data rates

    Shared channel Coordination

    Open environment Eavesdropping

    Limited coverage Cooperation

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  • Wireless Networks: Architectures and


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  • Spectrum Allocation

    Name 900 Mhz 2.4 Ghz 5 Ghz

    Range 902 - 928 2.4 - 2.4835 5.15 - 5.35

    Bandwidth 26 Mhz 83.5 Mhz 200 Mhz

    Wavelength .33m / 13.1 .125m / 4.9 .06 m / 2.4

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    Licensed: frequencies auctioned to the highest bidder

    Unlicensed: frequencies not allocated at all, for example ISM (industrial, scientific and medical)

    Public bands

  • Spectrum Regulators

    Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in US Established by the Communications Act of 1934

    and operates as an independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress.

    Europe, on a country basis Romania: National Regulatory Authority for

    Communications and Information Technology Italia: Ministro delle comunicazioni and

    Autorit per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni.

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  • IEEE Standards R


    ZigBee 802.15.4

    15.4c 802.15.3 802.15.3c WPAN




    WiFi 802.11

    0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

    Bluetooth 802.15.1

    IEEE 802.22

    WiMax IEEE 802.16

    IEEE 802.20

    Data Rate (Mbps)

    [Heile06] Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 42

    Slide by Omid Fatemieh (From Spring 2010 cs463 at UIUC)

  • Wireless Networks

    Cellular Networks WMAN WiMAX MANETs WMNs Sensor Networks WPAN - Bluetooth RFID VANETs

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  • Cellular Networks

    Architecture: Wireless phones communicate with an infrastructure consisting of base stations Uses licensed spectrum Communication between base stations is wired Frequency reused by dividing the area covered

    by a cellular network in cells Wide coverage Large number of users

    Applications: voice, text, data, video, internet, payment

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  • Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs)

    Provides increased bandwidth (up to 11Mb for 802.11b and up to 54Mb for 802.11g)

    Uses unlicensed spectrum to provide access to a local network

    Infrastructure mode: Fixed access point connected to the wired infrastructure, mobile stations communicating wireless with the access point

    Ad hoc mode: mobile stations communicate with each other via wireless

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  • Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs)

    Architecture: Mobile nodes communicate via multi-hop with each other Requires cooperation Network is self-configuring

    Characteristics: Easy to deploy, do not require fixed

    infrastructure Network topology may change rapidly and


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  • Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs)

    Architecture: Set of fixed wireless routers that form a wireless backbone and a set of wireless clients. A WMN can be integrated with other types of networks such as wired (Internet), cellular or sensors networks via a gateway

    Applications: community and neighborhood networking, broadband home networking, enterprise networking, health and medical systems, surveillance systems

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  • WiMAX Networks

    Architecture: Long range system, licensed (2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz and

    3.5 GHz) or unlicensed spectrum Uses a QoS mechanism based on connections

    between the base station and the user device

    Applications: Mobile broadband connectivity across cities and

    countries through a variety of devices. Wireless alternative to cable and DSL for "last mile"

    broadband access

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  • Sensor Networks

    Architecture: Low cost small devices, able to sense the

    environment (temperature, light, humidity), report sensed data using wireless communication

    A large number of sensors (static or mobile), distributed in an ad hoc manner over an area

    Nodes cooperate: communicate via multi-hop wireless communication, some nodes aggregate data

    Unlicensed spectrum Applications: battlefield surveillance, medical

    monitoring, biological detection, habitant monitoring, home security, disaster recovery

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    Architecture: (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Type of Industrial Control System) Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Remote Terminal Units (RTUs): many are

    wireless today Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) Devices hardened with respect to environmental

    and physical threats Applications: industrial control systems: computer

    systems that monitor and control industrial, infrastructure, or facility-based processes

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  • Wireless Personal Area Networks: Bluetooth

    Architecture: Connect and exchange information in short

    communication range of 1, 10 and 100 meters Uses unlicensed spectrum

    Applications: PDAs, mobile phones, laptops, PCs, printers, digital

    cameras and video game consoles Cell phone and a hands free headset or car kit PC input and output devices (mouse, keyboard and

    printer) Test equipment, GPS receivers and medical

    equipment. Remote controls where infrared was traditionally used

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  • Vehicular Networks (VANETs)

    Architecture: Cars have onboard equipment equipped with GPS Integrated with the safety belts, steering to prevent

    skidding, and warning alerts Can communicate with the roadside infrastructure

    Applications: Congestion detection, collision alert, toll collection, deceleration warning, road hazard warning, electronic payments, monitor traffic, send updates, and switch traffic signals

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  • VANETs Status

    US: Spectrum allocated by FCC in 1999, existent standard: Radio standard for Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC), based on an extension of 802.11, 802.11p

    US Department of Transportation Initiative VII: Vehicle Infrastructure Integration initiative will work toward deployment of advanced vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure communications that could keep vehicles from leaving the road and enhance their safe movement through intersections.

    Europe in August 2008 the European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI has allocated 30 MHz of spectrum in the 5.9GHz band

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  • Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID)

    Architecture: Wireless communication between a reader and

    an electronic tag attached to an object RFID tag: microchip + RF antenna, can be active

    or passive, stores few hundred bits Applications: identification and tracking,

    electronic tickets for public transport systems, access control to building, automated toll-payment transponders, anti-theft systems for cars, passports

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  • Next Generation of Air Traffic Control

    IP VPN






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  • Global Positioning System (GPS)

    Architecture: 24 satellites that orbit the

    Earth in very precise orbits twice a day and emit signals

    Applications: Position and coordinates Travel progress reports Accurate time


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  • Galileo

    Global navigation satellite system currently being built by the European Union.

    Should become operational in 2013-2014.

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  • Wireless Networks: Summary so Far

    Wireless communication is omnipresent today operating in licensed and unlicensed spectrum

    Architectures: Centralized Peer to peer

    Communication: One-hop Multi-hop

    Devices: different computational power and physical accessibility

    Mobility: Fixed node Mobile nodes

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    Security Goals, Attacks, Adversarial Models

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    Information Security

    Security attacks: Any action that compromises the security of information.

    Security mechanism: A mechanism that is designed to detect, prevent, or recover from a security attack.

    Security service: A service that enhances the security of data processing systems and information transfers. A security service makes use of one or more security mechanisms.

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    Security Services (or Goals)

    1) Confidentiality: information is available for reading only to authorized parties.

    Example: Alice sends a message to Bob, only Alice and Bob can understand the content of the message.

    2) Authentication: Data source authentication: the data is coming from an

    authorized party. Example: Alice receives a message from Bob. This

    service ensures that the message is from Bob and not from Carl.

    Entity authentication: the entity is who it says it is. Example: When Alice tries to obtain access to her bank account, an authentication operation is performed to ensure that Alice asks for the information.

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    Security Services (2)

    3) Integrity: detect if data was modified, from the source to the destination.

    Example: Alice sends an email to Bob. Carl intercepts the message and modifies it. Data integrity allows for Bob to detect that the message was modified on the way from Alice to him.

    4) Non-repudiation: neither the sender, nor the receiver of a message are able to deny the transmission.

    Example: Alice sends Bob a contract, signed. The non-repudiation service ensures that Alice can not claim that the signature was produced by somebody else.

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    Security Services (3)

    5) Access control: only authorized parties can use specific resources.

    Example: Alice wants to print a document, she must be authorized to get that document and to use the printer.

    6) Availability: resources available to authorized parties.

    Example: A web site might become unavailable if the server crashes, or is bombarded with requests.

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    Security Attacks

    Passive: the attacker does not modify the data, only monitors the communication. It threatens confidentiality. Example: listen to the communication between Alice and Bob, and if its encrypted try to decrypt it.

    Active: the attacker is actively involved in deleting, adding or modifying data. It threatens all security services.

    Example: Alice sends Bob a message: meet me today at 5, Carl intercepts the message and modifies it meet me tomorrow at 5, and then sends it to Bob.

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    Security Attacks: Examples



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    Security Attacks: Examples


    Fabrication (injection)

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    Security Mechanisms

    Cryptography: protect data by performing operations on the data (for example encrypt data).

    Software: access limitations to in a database, in operating system protect each user from other users, networking: firewall.

    Hardware: use smartcards and trusted computing for authentication.

    Policies: define who has access to what resources. Physical security: control who has physical access to devices storing data.

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    What is Cryptography About?

    Constructing and analyzing protocols which enable parties to achieve security objectives, overcoming the influence of adversaries. Note: a protocol (or a scheme) is a suite of

    algorithms that tell each party what to do Attack model: assumptions about the resources and

    actions available to the adversary

    How to devise and analyze protocols understand the threats posed by the adversaries

    and the secueity objectives (goals) think as an adversary

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    Cryptography: the study of mathematical techniques related to aspects of providing information security services (construct).

    Cryptanalysis: the study of mathematical techniques for attempting to defeat information security services (break).

    Cryptology: the study of cryptography and cryptanalysis (both).

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    Basic Terminology in Cryptography

    cryptography cryptanalysis cryptology plaintexts ciphertexts keys encryption decryption

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    Secret-key vs. Public-key Cryptography

    Secret-key cryptography (a.k.a. symmetric cryptography) encryption & decryption use the same key key must be kept secret key distribution is very difficult

    Public-key cryptography (a.k.a. asymmetric cryptography) encryption key different from decryption key cannot derive decryption key from encryption key higher cost than symmetric cryptography

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    How Do You Know a Cipher is Secure?

    Show that under the considered attack model, security goals are NOT achieved (break it)

    Show that under the considered attack model, security goals ARE achieved (evaluate/prove)

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    Breaking Ciphers

    There are different methods of breaking a cipher, depending on: the type of information available to

    the attacker the interaction with the cipher

    machine the computational power available to

    the attacker

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    Breaking Ciphers

    Ciphertext-only attack: The cryptanalyst knows only the

    ciphertext. Sometimes the language of the plaintext and the cipher are also known.

    The goal is to find the plaintext and the key. NOTE: any encryption scheme

    vulnerable to this type of attack is considered to be completely insecure.

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    Breaking Ciphers (2)

    Known-plaintext attack: The cryptanalyst knows one or

    several pairs of ciphertext and the corresponding plaintext.

    The goal is to find the key used to encrypt these messages or a way to decrypt any new messages that use that key.

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    Breaking Ciphers (3)

    Chosen-plaintext attack The cryptanalyst can choose a number of

    messages and obtain the ciphertexts for them

    The goal is to deduce the key used in the other encrypted messages or decrypt any new messages using that key.

    It can be adaptive, the choice of plaintext depends on the ciphertext received from previous requests.

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    Breaking Ciphers (4)

    Chosen-ciphertext attack Similar to the chosen-plaintext attack, but the cryptanalyst can choose a number of ciphertexts and obtain the plaintexts.

    It can also be adaptive The choice of ciphertext may depend on the plaintext received from previous requests.

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    How Do You Know a Cipher is Secure?

    Show that under the considered attack model, security goals are NOT achieved (break it)

    Show that under the considered attack model, security goals ARE achieved (evaluate/prove)

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    Models for Evaluating Security

    Unconditional security The adversary has unlimited computational

    resources. Analysis is made by using probability theory. Perfect secrecy: observation of the ciphertext provides no information to an adversary.

    Complexity-theoretic security The adversary is assumed to have polynomial

    computational power. The analysis uses complexity theory; Polynomial attacks although feasible, in practice can be computationally infeasible.

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    Models for Evaluating Security (2)

    Provable security Proof of security relies on the difficulty of solving a

    well-known and supposedly difficult problem (example: computation of discrete logarithms).

    Computational security (practical security) Measures the amount of computational effort required to defeat a system. Sometimes related to the hard problems, but no proof of equivalence is known.

    Ad hoc security (heuristic security) Variety of convincing arguments that every

    successful attack requires more resources than the ones available to an attacker. Unforeseen attacks remain a threat.

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    One-Time Pad

    Key is chosen randomly Plaintext X = (x1 x2 xn) Key K = (k1 k2 kn) Ciphertext Y = (y1 y2 yn)

    ek(X) = (x1+k1 x2+k2 xn+kn) mod m dk(Y) = (y1- k1 y2-k2 yn-kn) mod m

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    Shannon (Information-Theoretic) Security

    Basic Idea: Ciphertext should provide no information about Plaintext

    Such a scheme has perfect secrecy One-time pad has perfect secrecy if

    Key-length msg-length Key is random Key is used only once

    Result due to Shannon, 1949. C. E. Shannon, Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems,

    Bell System Technical Journal, vol.28-4, pp 656--715, 1949.

  • Summary so Far

    Cryptographic protocols are an important tool in ensuring security

    Security goals: confidentiality integrity, authentication

    There are very few protocols for which we can prove security

    OTP has perfect secrecy under some conditions

    Ciphers that are vulnerable to ciphertext-only attacks are completely insecure

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    Stream Ciphers and Block Ciphers

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    Stream Ciphers

    OTP not practical for most applications, key needs to be random, used only once and as long as the message

    OPT: a key is a random bit string of length n Stream ciphers:

    Idea: replace rand by pseudo rand Use Pseudo Random Number Generator PRNG: {0,1}s {0,1}n

    expand a short (e.g., 128-bit) random seed into a long (e.g., 106 bit) string that looks random

    Secret key is the seed Eseed[M] = M PRNG(seed)

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    Properties of Stream Ciphers

    Do not have perfect secrecy security depends on PRNG

    PRNG must be unpredictable given consecutive sequence of bits output

    (but not seed), next bit must be hard to predict

    Typical stream ciphers are very fast Used in many places, often incorrectly

    SSL( RC4), DVD (LFSR), WEP (RC4), etc.

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 87

    Fundamental Weaknesses of Stream Ciphers

    If the same keystream is used twice ever, then easy to break

    Highly malleable easy to change ciphertext so that

    plaintext changes in predictable, e.g., flip bits

    Weaknesses exist even if the PRNG is strong

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 88

    Block Ciphers

    Map n-bit plaintext blocks to n-bit ciphertext blocks (n: block length).

    For n-bit plaintext and ciphertext blocks and a fixed key, the encryption function is a bijection; E : Pn X K Cn s.t. for all key k K, E(x, k) is an invertible mapping written Ek(x).

    The inverse mapping is the decryption function, y = Dk(x) denotes the decryption of plaintext x under k.

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 89

    Block Ciphers Features

    Block size: in general larger block sizes mean greater security.

    Key size: larger key size means greater security (larger key space).

    Number of rounds: multiple rounds offer increasing security.

    Encryption modes: define how messages larger than the block size are encrypted, very important for the security of the encrypted message.

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 90

    History of Data Encryption Standard (DES)

    1967: Feistel at IBM Lucifer: block size 128; key size 128 bit

    1972: NBS asks for an encryption standard 1975: IBM developed DES (modification of Lucifer)

    block size 64 bits; key size 56 bits 1975: NSA suggests modifications 1977: NBS adopts DES as encryption standard in

    (FIPS 46-1, 46-2). 2001: NIST adopts Rijndael as replacement to DES.

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 91

    DES Features

    Features: Block size = 64 bits Key size = 56 bits Number of rounds = 16 16 intermediary keys, each 48


  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 92

    Cryptanalysis of DES

    Brute Force: Known-Plaintext Attack Try all 256 possible keys Requires constant memory Time-consuming DES challenges: (RSA)

    msg=the unknown message is :xxxxxxxx CT= C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 1997 Internet search: 3 months 1998 EFF machine (costs $250K): 3 days 1999 Combined: 22 hours

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 93

    Triple DES

    Use three different keys

    Encrypt: C = EK3 [ DK2 [ EK1 [P] ] ] Decrypt: P = DK3 [ EK2 [ DK1 [C] ] ]

    Key space is 56 x 3 = 168 bits No known practical attack against it.

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 94

    AES - Rijndael Features

    Designed to be efficient in both hardware and software across a variety of platforms.

    Uses a variable block size, 128,192, 256-bits, key size of 128-, 192-, or 256-bits.

    128-bit round key used for each round (Can be pre-computed and cached for future encryptions).

    Note: AES uses a 128-bit block size. Variable number of rounds (10, 12, 14):

    10 if B = K = 128 bits 12 if either B or K is 192 and the other is 192 14 if either B or K is 256 bits

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 95

    Rijandel Cryptanalysis

    Academic break on weaker version of the cipher, 9 rounds

    Requires 2224 work and 285 chosen related-key plaintexts.

    Attack not practical.

    Resistant to linear and differential cryptanalysis

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 96

    Encryption Modes: ECB

    Message is broken into independent blocks of block_size bits;

    Electronic Code Book (ECB): each block encrypted separately.

    Encryption: ci = Ek(xi) Decryption: xi = Dk(ci)

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 97

    Properties of ECB

    Deterministic: the same data block gets encrypted the same way, reveals patterns of data when a data block repeats.

    Malleable: reordering ciphertext results in reordered plaintext.

    Errors in one ciphertext block do not propagate.

    Usage: not recommended to encrypt more than one block of data.

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 98

    Encryption Modes: CBC

    Cipher Block Chaining (CBC): next input depends upon previous output

    Encryption: Ci= Ek (MiCi-1), with C0=IV Decryption: Mi= Ci-1Dk(Ci), with C0=IV

    M1 M2 M3

    IV Ek





    C3 C0

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 99

    Properties of CBC

    Randomized encryption: repeated text gets mapped to different encrypted data. can be proven to be secure assuming that the block cipher has

    desirable properties and that random IVs are used A ciphertext block depends on all preceding plaintext blocks;

    reorder affects decryption Self-correcting: errors in one block propagate to two blocks Sequential encryption: cannot use parallel hardware Usage: chooses random IV and protects the integrity of IV Observation: if Ci=Cj then Ek (MiCi-1) = Ek (MjCj-1); thus MiCi-1

    = MjCj-1; thus Mi Mj = Ci-1 Cj-1

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 100

    Use Block Ciphers to Construct Stream Ciphers

    Cipher Feedback (CFB) Output Feedback (OFB) Counter Mode (CTR) Common properties:

    uses only the encryption function of the cipher both for encryption and for decryption

    malleable: possible to make predictable bit changes

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 101

    Encryption Modes: CFB

    Cipher Feedback (CFB): the message is XORed with the feedback of encrypting the previous block










    r-bit shift r-bit shift I1=IV


    Encryption Decryption



  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 102

    Properties of CFB

    Randomized encryption A ciphertext block depends on all preceding

    plaintext blocks; reorder affects decryption Errors propagate for several blocks after

    the error, but the mode is self-synchronizing (like CBC).

    Decreased throughput. Can vary the number of bits feed back, trading off

    throughput for ease of use Sequential encryption

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 103

    Encryption Modes: OFB

    Output feedback (OFB): construct a PRNG using DES y0=IV yi = Ek[yi-1]








    k k





    Encryption Decryption

    cj cj


  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 104

    Properties of OFB

    Randomized encryption Sequential encryption, but pre-

    processing possible Error propagation limited Subject to limitation of stream cipher

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 105

    Counter Mode (CTR): Another way to construct PRNG using DES yi = Ek[counter+i] Sender and receiver share: counter

    (does not need to be secret) and the secret key.

    Encryption Modes:CTR

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 106

    Properties of CTR

    Software and hardware efficiency: different blocks can be encrypted in parallel.

    Preprocessing: the encryption part can be done offline and when the message is known, just do the XOR.

    Random access: decryption of a block can be done in random order, very useful for hard-disk encryption.

    Messages of arbitrary length: ciphertext is the same length with the plaintext (i.e., no IV).

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 107

    Ideal Block Cipher

    An ideal block cipher is a substitution cipher from {0,1}n to {0,1}n Also known as a random permutation Each key determines one permutation on the

    plaintext space A random key is chosen

    Why is this an ideal block cipher? Known-plaintext, chosen plaintext, and

    chosen ciphertext attacks are totally ineffective

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 108

    Security Goal of Block Cipher

    Indistinguishable from an ideal block cipher (i.e., a random permutation)

    The best block cipher should be a pseudo-random permutation (PRP)

    For all existing block ciphers, if there is no known attack, they are assumed to be PRP for some suitable parameters.

  • Cristina Nita-Rotaru Lecture 1/ WS Milano Summer 2011 109

    Block Cipher Modes Revisited

    Suppose that the adversary knows that a ciphertext results from one of two possible plaintexts, the adversary should not be able to tell that which one plaintext is more likely to be the actual one.

    If a block cipher is a PRP, then using this cipher under the CBC, CTR modes has semantic security.

  • Summary so Far

    Stream ciphers are faster than block ciphers

    Keystream reuse for stream ciphers makes them insecure

    Current standard is AES, no known practical attacks against it

    Security of block ciphers depends on the encryption mode

    Recommended encryption modes CBC and CTR

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