Ionian Deep-Sea Biology NESTOR & NEMO Sites. WPE. Field operations and analysis: Thomas Linley and Alan Jamieson (baited lander), Jessica Craig (bioluminescence),

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Deployments Depths 532m 737m 943m 1351m 1823m 3396 m 4203m 5105m Locations Nemo Nestor Ionian Sea Vessels - Lydia, Phylia,Pelagia, Meteor

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Ionian Deep-Sea Biology NESTOR & NEMO Sites. WPE. Field operations and analysis: Thomas Linley and Alan Jamieson (baited lander), Jessica Craig (bioluminescence), Tomasz Niedzielski (GIS), Professor Imants (Monty) Priede non-permanent instrumented platform ROBIO II and BRIL landers Initial shallow work was performed with ROBIO II