Irregular Verbs (OMS) to learn – learnt – learnt This reader belongs to: ……………………………………

Irregular Verbs - WordPress.comIn the next two weeks, you’ll be studying the list with irregular verbs below. This list has also been uploaded in WRTS. Good luck! Engels:

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Page 1: Irregular Verbs - WordPress.comIn the next two weeks, you’ll be studying the list with irregular verbs below. This list has also been uploaded in WRTS. Good luck! Engels:

Irregular Verbs (OMS)

to learn – learnt – learnt

This reader belongs to: ……………………………………

Page 2: Irregular Verbs - WordPress.comIn the next two weeks, you’ll be studying the list with irregular verbs below. This list has also been uploaded in WRTS. Good luck! Engels:

In the next two weeks, you’ll be studying the list with irregular verbs below.

This list has also been uploaded in WRTS.

Good luck!

Engels: present simple

(tegenwoordige tijd)

Engels: past simple (verleden tijd)

Engels: present perfect

(voltooide tijd)

Nederlandse vertaling

arise arose arisen opstaan; zich voordoen awake awoke awoken wakker worden

be was/were been zijn; worden bear bore borne dragen; verdragen beat beat beaten slaan; verslaan

become became become worden begin began begun beginnen bend bent bent buigen bet bet bet wedden bind bound bound binden bite bit bitten bijten

bleed bled bled bloeden blow blew blown blazen; waaien break broke broken breken; verbreken bring brought brought brengen

broadcast broadcast broadcast uitzenden (voor radio of televisie)

build built built bouwen burn burnt burnt branden; verbranden buy bought bought kopen

catch caught caught vangen; halen (trein, bus)

choose chose chosen kiezen come came come komen cost cost cost kosten

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Engels: present simple

(tegenwoordige tijd)

Engels: past simple (verleden tijd)

Engels: present perfect

(voltooide tijd)

Nederlandse vertaling

creep crept crept kruipen, sluipen cut cut cut snijden, knippen

deal dealt dealt handelen dig dug dug graven do did done doen

draw drew drawn trekken; tekenen dream dreamt dreamt dromen drink drank drunk drinken drive drove driven rijden; besturen;

drijven eat ate eaten eten fall fell fallen vallen

feed fed fed (zich) voeden feel felt felt voelen; zich voelen fight fought fought vechten; bestrijden find found found vinden flee fled fled vluchten; ontsnappen fly flew flown vliegen

forbid forbade forbidden verbieden forecast forecast forecast voorspellen forget forgot forgotten vergeten forgive forgave forgiven vergeven freeze froze frozen vriezen; bevriezen

get got got krijgen; worden give gave given geven go went gone gaan

grow grew grown groeien, worden hang hung hung hangen, ophangen have had had hebben hear heard heard horen hide hid hidden verbergen

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Engels: present simple

(tegenwoordige tijd)

Engels: past simple (verleden tijd)

Engels: present perfect

(voltooide tijd)

Nederlandse vertaling

hit hit hit treffen; slaan; raken hold held held houden; vasthouden hurt hurt hurt bezeren; pijn doen keep kept kept houden; bewaren kneel knelt knelt knielen know knew known weten; kennen lay laid laid leggen lead led led leiden lean leant leant leunen leap leapt leapt springen learn learnt learnt leren; vernemen leave left left (achter)laten;

vertrekken lend lent lent lenen, uitlenen let let let laten; verhuren lie lay lain liggen

light lit lit aansteken; verlichten lose lost lost verliezen; kwijtraken

make made made maken mean meant meant bedoelen meet met met ontmoeten pay paid paid betalen put put put zetten; leggen quit quit quit stoppen, opgeven read read read lezen ride rode ridden rijden (paard, fiets);

meerijden ring rang rung (op)bellen rise rose risen rijzen; stijgen; opstaan run ran run rennen

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Engels: present simple

(tegenwoordige tijd)

Engels: past simple (verleden tijd)

Engels: present perfect

(voltooide tijd)

Nederlandse vertaling

say said said zeggen see saw seen zien seek sought sought zoeken sell sold sold verkopen

send sent sent verzenden; sturen set set set zetten; instellen

shake shook shaken schudden shine shone shone schijnen, glimmen shoot shot shot schieten show showed shown laten zien; tonen shrink shrank shrunk krimpen; terugdeinzen shut shut shut dichtdoen, sluiten sing sang sung zingen sink sank sunk zinken; doen zinken sit sat sat zitten

sleep slept slept slapen smell smelt smelt ruiken; stinken speak spoke spoken spreken spell spelt spelt spellen

spend spent spent besteden; uitgeven; doorbrengen

spill spilt spilt verspillen; morsen spit spat spat spugen spoil spoilt spoilt bederven

spread spread spread spreiden; verspreiden stand stood stood staan steal stole stolen stelen stick stuck stuck plakken;

(blijven) steken stink stank stunk stinken

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Engels: present simple

(tegenwoordige tijd)

Engels: past simple (verleden tijd)

Engels: present perfect

(voltooide tijd)

Nederlandse vertaling

strike struck struck slaan; raken; staken sweep swept swept vegen swim swam swum zwemmen take took taken nemen

teach taught taught leren; onderwijzen tear tore torn scheuren; trekken tell told told vertellen

think thought thought denken throw threw thrown gooien

understand understood understood begrijpen wake woke woken wekken;

wakker worden wear wore worn dragen; aanhebben win won won winnen

write wrote written schrijven

Planning Stick, stuck, stuck (rap), multiple choice, crossword - sentences

TASK: highlight the verbs (werkwoorden) in the list above that are also in the song! Homework study: arise – dream (or make and stick to your own planning)

Iggy the Inchworm, Crossword Past Simple, A Sightseeing Holiday

Homework study: drink – lay (or make and stick to your own planning)

Make the sentences, Crossword Present Perfect, The Park, word order Homework study: lead – shoot (or make and stick to your own planning)

Grammar Ninja, The Funny Noise

Homework study: show – write (or make and stick to your own planning) Irregular Verbs Test

Homework review all words! Every time you’ve finished the required exercises, you can also use your time in class to work on studying the irregular verbs online so make sure you’ve downloaded the list on WRTS (of course you can also find other apps or exercises online to help you study)!

Page 7: Irregular Verbs - WordPress.comIn the next two weeks, you’ll be studying the list with irregular verbs below. This list has also been uploaded in WRTS. Good luck! Engels:

Stick, Stuck, Stuck Click on the link below to watch the video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6iYFUogpLw&feature=related

1. Fill in the second and third forms of the verbs!

2. Underline the words from the song that are also

in your irregular verbs list!

The microphone I take


You shake …………………………………

Wake …………………………………

to the style I’m creating.

Think …………………………………

Seek …………………………………

Listen to the lesson

That I teach …………………………………

Don’t sleep …………………………………

I creep …………………………………

I sneak (snuck, snuck up).*

You leap …………………………………

I keep …………………………………

Having fun.

I’m never beat …………………………………

I win …………………………………

Do …………………………………

Begin …………………………………

Shoot …………………………………

No, I don’t own a gun.

I lead …………………………………

so I can feed …………………………………

the knowledge you need,

Straight to your head.

When I bring …………………………………

it,you catch …………………………………it.

Sit back. Relax.

Don’t fight ………………………………… it.

Please don’t freeze …………………………………

when I speak …………………………………

It’s real. You can feel.

I don’t steal …………………………………

I choose …………………………………

the very best rhymes

and write …………………………………

them into my lines

and into your mind.

When we meet …………………………………

I’ll bet …………………………………

I will let you forget …………………………………

I get, got, gotten*

Every head nodding

Don’t think about stopping.

Just come …………………………………

This is hip hop.

I don’t sing …………………………………

I sting …………………………………

I cling …………………………………

On each and every word

You hang …………………………………

It’s not enough to dream ……………………………

You’ve got to spend …………………………………

Time on your goals

Please lend …………………………………

Me your ear

Come near

And I’ll

Lay …………………………………

down this new sound that I

Make …………………………………

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I hope you don’t say that you think it’s junk.

I hope you don’t think that I stink ………………………………… If you’re thirsty for English,

Come drink …………………………………

‘Cuz I sink …………………………………

All competition when they hear ………………………………… That I give …………………………………


When I spit …………………………………

Never quit (…………………………………

Don’t sit …………………………………

Yeah, I like it like that.

I’ll even kneel …………………………………

And beg you to express

What you feel …………………………………

I rise …………………………………

When I drive, …………………………………

To the beat,

Tap your feet.

As you ride …………………………………

‘Cuz they hide …………………………………

I find …………………………………

If you flee …………………………………

Then I’ll track you down.

Now you see …………………………………

That I mean …………………………………

Every word of the message that I

Send …………………………………

I show …………………………………

I can fly …………………………………

Now you know …………………………………

I shine …………………………………

I throw …………………………………

you the ball.

It’s your turn

Grow …………………………………

with the verbs

That you learn

Grammar through lyrics

I draw …………………………………

Peace to ELLs

Now I go …………………………………

• Note that “sneak, snuck, snuck” is non-

standard English. The most correct way


• It is actually: get, got, got*

Page 9: Irregular Verbs - WordPress.comIn the next two weeks, you’ll be studying the list with irregular verbs below. This list has also been uploaded in WRTS. Good luck! Engels:

Multiple Choice Circle the correct word!

Page 10: Irregular Verbs - WordPress.comIn the next two weeks, you’ll be studying the list with irregular verbs below. This list has also been uploaded in WRTS. Good luck! Engels:

Crossword - sentences Fill in the past simple.


1. The lake (freeze) overnight.

2. He (write) a letter to his cousin in Arizona.

4. Christina (buy) a new bicycle.

5. Adam (give) me a slice of pizza.

6. We (drink) root beer floats.

7. The dog (sleep) on the sofa.


1. I (find) a quarter on the ground.

3. Will (teach) his cat to use the litter box.

4. Tiffany (blow) out the candle.

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Iggy the Inchworm A lot of the verbs in the story are incorrect, please underline the wrong words and write down the correct form at the bottom!

Iggy, the inchworm, haved a horrible time remembering irregular verbs. He knowed there were right

ways to say things, but he always sayed them wrong. One day, his mom gived him a book all about

irregular verbs. He thinked this would really help him! His friend, Verby, was very smart and he

comed over one day to help Iggy. Iggy sawed his very smart friend, Verby, remembering all the

irregular verbs and he just wished he could do as well as Verby! So, Iggy sitted all day and learned all

the verbs that the book teached him. Verby was impressed by Iggy’s hard work and sayed, “Wow

Iggy! You taked a lot of time to remember all those crazy verbs!” Iggy was proud of his hard work.

Iggy rided his bike around the neighborhood with his trusty verb book in his basket. Iggy flyed past

the park where his friends played every day. Iggy walked up to them and sayed, “Hey guys! This book

really helped. It teached me all the irregular verbs!”

No one maked fun of Iggy anymore because he was the smartest inchworm around.

He knowed what he had to do. He goed home and thanked his mom for his wonderful verb book.

From then on, Iggy always remembered all the irregular verbs and he never leaved the house without

that trusty book!

1. …………………………………… 11. ……………………………………

2. …………………………………… 12. ……………………………………

3. …………………………………… 13. ……………………………………

4. …………………………………… 14. ……………………………………

5. …………………………………… 15. ……………………………………

6. …………………………………… 16. ……………………………………

7. …………………………………… 17. ……………………………………

8. …………………………………… 18. ……………………………………

9. …………………………………… 19. ……………………………………

10. …………………………………… 20. ……………………………………

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Crossword Past Simple

Use the past tense of these irregular verbs!

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Each of the sentences below has a missing word. Choose the correct word (present simple or past simple) from the box to complete the sentences.

• When did you ______ on holiday last year? • Every year I ______ on holiday in June or July,

but last year I ______ on holiday in May.



• So, did you ______ a nice t ime in London? • Oh, I ______ a lovely t ime in London, but that was two years ago.

Last year I _______ a great t ime in Paris.

have had

• Did you ______ any sightseeing? • Yes, I ______ a lot of sightseeing that t ime.

I always ______ some sightseeing when in Paris.

do did

• Did you ______ Louvre Museum in Paris? • Unfortunately, I didn’t ______ Louvre Museum,

but I ______ Eif fel Tower and Notre Dame.

see saw

• Did you ______ any pictures there? • I ’ve got a professional camera and always ______ pictures.

I ______ hundreds of pictures in Paris.

take took

• Paris is a huge city. Didn’t you ______ lost there? • I ’m very good at directions so I never ______ lost,

but somehow I ______ lost on my way to the hotel in Paris.

get got

• Did you ______ any nice shops in Paris? • You can always ______ a number of great shops there.

Last t ime I also ______ a real ly good market.



• So, did you ______ any souvenirs? • Of course I did! I ______ many lovely souvenirs in Paris.

I always ______ some souvenirs when on holiday.



• I bet you ______ a lot of money, didn’t you? • Well, I probably ______ too much that t ime.

I can’t help it – I always ______ a fortune on souvenirs.

spend spent

• Did you _____ upset with the high budget of your holiday? • Not at al l! Nothing could make me ______ upset.

I ______ very happy about my holiday in Paris.

feel felt

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Make the sentences Use the past simple.

1. She _________________ (bring) some chocolates to the party.

2. I _________________ (hear) a new song on the radio.

3. I _________________ (read) three books last week.

4. They _________________ (speak) French to the waitress.

5. He _________________ (understand) during the class, but now he doesn't understand.

6. I _________________ (forget) to buy some milk.

7. She _________________ (have) a baby in June.

8. You _________________ (lose) your keys last week.

9. They _________________ (swim) 500m.

10. I _________________ (give) my mother a CD for Christmas.

11. Billy _________________ (run) after the bus.

12. She _________________ (say) that she would come later.

13. I _________________ (buy) some books this morning.

14. We _________________ (make) a cake, it was delicious.

15. He _________________ (sit) on the old chair, and it broke.

Now use the past participle of the verb:

1. Julie wasn’t at home, she had _____________________ (go) to the shops.

2. We’ve already _____________________ (have) lunch.

3. This was the first time she had _____________________ (do) her homework

4. They have _____________________ (begin) painting the living room.

5. We have _____________________ (keep) this secret for three years.

6. He has never _____________________ (drive) a motorbike before.

7. I have _____________________ (be) sick all week.

8. By the time we arrived, the children had _____________________ (eat) all the chocolate.

9. The books had _____________________ (fall) off the table, and were all over the floor.

10. “Are you okay?” “ I’ve _____________________ (feel) better.”

11. David jumped into the air. He had _____________________ (sit) on a drawing pin.

12. The weatherman had _____________________ (tell) us it would be sunny, but it rained all day.

13. I'm sorry I'm so tired. I haven't _____________________ (sleep).

14. Have you _____________________ (think) about changing jobs?

15. He’d thought he had _____________________ (understand) the problem, but now he realised

he had made a mistake.

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Crossword Present Perfect

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The Park

Complete the gaps with an irregular verb in the past simple tense.

Nancy __________ (take) her daughter Donna to the park. There __________ (be) lots trees in the

park with many squirrels and birds. The squirrels __________ (run) up and down the trees, chasing

one another. And many birds __________ (fly) around, down to the ground and up into the trees.

Nancy __________ (sit) down on a bench and__________ (take) a magazine out of her bag while

Donna __________ (try) to catch a squirrel. She chased after them but never __________ (catch)

one squirrel. Still, she __________ (have) a lot of fun!

Word order Form correct sentences, put the verb in the past simple.

1. easy / test / the / be ____________________________________________________________________________

2. home / 11 o’clock / at / they / come ____________________________________________________________________________

3. cinema / the / go / last night / we ____________________________________________________________________________

4. book / of the / they / know / the story ____________________________________________________________________________

5. washing up / do / my mother / the ____________________________________________________________________________

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Grammar Ninja

Choose the correct tense of the irregular verb in the sentence.

Example: The ninja has COME (come / came) earlier than anyone expected.

1. The castle gates were __________ (drew / drawn) when soldiers needed to chase after the


2. The ninja’s opponent has never __________ (beat / beaten) him.

3. They have __________ (stole / stolen) that treasure from another kingdom.

4. The collapsible canoe must have __________ (sank / sunk) during the invasion.

5. The ninja may have __________ (did / done) the trickery ineffectively.

6. The ninja __________ (sprang / sprung) to his feet out of the shrubbery.

7. Every day, ninjas __________ (go / went) on their secret mission.

8. The empress was __________ (froze / frozen) in her fancy gown.

9. We __________ (make / made) a nasty trap of spike yesterday.

10. The ninja assassin __________ (ran / run) to catch the general, but he missed him!

11. Wind may have __________ (blew / blown) the castle’s banner into the upstairs window.

12. The emperor’s son __________ (come / came) home late to avoid being followed.

13. My nunchucks have __________ (bloke / broken), and it’s impossible to get new ones.

14. A stone was __________ (threw / thrown) through the large window.

15. The ninja has __________ (swam / swum) across hundreds of castle moats.

16. The ninja’s inflatable rail has __________ (burst / bursted).

17. Has the victim __________ (laid / lain) there long?

18. When the tower bell had __________ (rang / rung) the ninja froze in place for another hour.

19. Has the man __________ (shook / shaken) your hand?

20. No ninja has ever __________ (began / begun) to feel ill.

21. By the time the castle citizens had __________ (arisen / arose) the ninja had escaped unseen.

22. The guard must have __________ (saw / seen) the ninja before.

23. Even though castle walls were __________ (build / built) very high, ninjas still climbed them.

24. Ninja’s don’t want you to __________ (push / pushed) them.

25. The trap of ropes had been __________ (hanged / hung) from the tree.

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The Funny Noise Complete the gaps with an irregular verb in the past simple tense. Choose from:

be, break, buy, come, drive, eat, feel, find, get, give, go, have, hear, hold,

know, let, lose, make, put, read, ring, run, say, sleep, take, think, tell, write

Note: you will need to use some verbs more than once!

There are more options possible!

Dear Ethel

I’m writing to tell you about something that happened yesterday. I __________ up at the usual time

– about 10 am – __________ a shower and __________ breakfast. I __________ a big bowl of

cereal and some toast and watched TV for a while. Then I __________ into the kitchen where I

__________ a funny noise. I __________ it __________ from behind the cooker. I __________ my

tool box and moved the cooker out of the way.

The noise __________ louder but I couldn’t see anything. I __________ my uncle to ask his advice.

He __________ that he __________ it could be a gas leak. When I __________ this I just panicked!

I __________ the phone down, __________ outside, __________ in my car and __________ to the

local police station. I __________ them about my gas leak but the constable __________ his

patience with me. He __________ that I should have phoned the gas company. He __________ his

report, then __________ the gas company for me.

Then I remembered that my house doesn’t have gas – only electricity! I __________ really stupid

and __________ that the constable would be angry with me for wasting his time, so I __________

out of the police station while he __________ still on the phone. I __________ home to try to find

out what the noise __________. On the way I __________ a newspaper and I __________ about

an escaped llama that __________ out of the city safari park last Wednesday.

When I __________ home I __________ my key in the door, turned it, __________ inside and

straight away __________ that funny noise again. I __________ my breath and opened the door

slowly. Guess what? I __________ the llama hiding in my cupboard! I __________ him stay and he

__________ in my garden last night. The snoring __________ so loud! This morning I __________

him back to the safari park. They __________ really pleased to see him again and __________ me

a reward of £50!

Hope you are well. Write soon and let me know how you are.

Your friend,
