List of Irregular Verbs INFINITIVE PAST TENSE PAST PARTICIPLE MEANING Abide Abode Abode Tinggal Arise Arose Arisen Timbul Awake Awoke Awoken Membangunkan Backbite Backbitten Backbitten Memfitnah Backslide Backslid Backslid Berbuat jahat lagi Be Was/were Been Ada Bear Bore Borne/born Menderita Beat Beat Beaten Memukul Become Became Become Menjadi Befall Befell Befallen Menimpa Beget Begot Begotten Melahirkan Begin Began Begun Memulai Behold Beheld Beheld Melihat-lihat Bend Bent Bent Membengkokkan Beseech Besought Besought Memohon Beset Beset Beset Mengelilingi;menyerang Bespeak Bespoke Bespoke/ bespoken Berpesan;menunjukkan Bestride Bestrode Bestridden Mengangkangi Bet Bet Bet/betted Mempertaruhkan Bid Bid Bid/bidden Minta;menawar Bind Bound Bound Mengikat Bite Bit Bitten Menggigit Bleed Bled Bled Berdarah Bless Blessed Blessed/blest Memberkahi Blow Blew Blown Meniup;menghembuskan Break Broke Broken Mematahkan Breed Bred Bred Menternakkan Bring Brought Brought Membawa Broadcast Broatcast Broatcast Memancarkan Browbeat Browbeat Browbeaten Menggertak Build Built Built Mendirikan;membangun Burn Burnt, burnedBurnt, burned Membakar Burst Burst Burst Memecah

irreguler verbs and english for elementary school

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Page 1: irreguler verbs and english for elementary school


Abide Abode Abode TinggalArise Arose Arisen TimbulAwake Awoke Awoken Membangunkan

Backbite Backbitten Backbitten MemfitnahBackslide Backslid Backslid Berbuat jahat lagiBe Was/were Been AdaBear Bore Borne/born MenderitaBeat Beat Beaten MemukulBecome Became Become MenjadiBefall Befell Befallen MenimpaBeget Begot Begotten MelahirkanBegin Began Begun MemulaiBehold Beheld Beheld Melihat-lihatBend Bent Bent MembengkokkanBeseech Besought Besought MemohonBeset Beset Beset Mengelilingi;menyerangBespeak Bespoke Bespoke/bespokenBerpesan;menunjukkanBestride Bestrode Bestridden MengangkangiBet Bet Bet/betted MempertaruhkanBid Bid Bid/bidden Minta;menawarBind Bound Bound MengikatBite Bit Bitten MenggigitBleed Bled Bled BerdarahBless Blessed Blessed/blest MemberkahiBlow Blew Blown Meniup;menghembuskanBreak Broke Broken MematahkanBreed Bred Bred MenternakkanBring Brought Brought MembawaBroadcast Broatcast Broatcast MemancarkanBrowbeat Browbeat Browbeaten MenggertakBuild Built Built Mendirikan;membangunBurn Burnt, burned Burnt, burned MembakarBurst Burst Burst MemecahBust Bust Bust Menghancurkan;merusakBuy Bought Bought Membeli

Cast Cast Cast MelemparkanCatch Caught Caught MenangkapChide Chid Chid/chidden MemarahiChoose Chose Chosen MemilihCleave Clove/cleft Cloven/cleft Membelah

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Cling Clung Clung Berpegang erat-eratClothe Clothed Clothed Memakai pakaianCome Came Come DatangCost Cost Cost BerhargaCreep Crept Crept MerangkakCrow Crowed/crew Crowed Berkokok;bersorakCut Cut Cut Memotong

Dare Durst/dared Durst/dared MenantangDeal Dealt Dealt Memberi;berdagangDig Dug Dug MenggaliDive Dove/dived Dived MenyelamDo Did Done BerbuatDraw Drew Drawn MenggambarDream Dreamt/dreamed Dreamt/dreamed BermimipiDrink Drank Drunk MinumDrive Drove Driven MengendaraiDwell Dwelt Dwelt Merenungkan

Eat Ate Eaten Makan

Fall Fell Fallen JatuhFeed Fed Fed Memberi makanFeel Felt Felt MerasaFind Found Found MenemukanFlee Fled Fled Melarikan diriFling Flung Flung Pergi dengan marahFloodlight Floodlighted Floodlighted/floodlitMenyinari dengan lampu Fly Flew Flown TerbangForbear Forbore Forborne MenyabarkanForbide Forbade/forbad Forbidden MelarangForecast Forecast Forecast/forecastedMeramalkanForesee Foresaw Foreseen Mengetahui lebih duluForetell Foretold Foretold MeramalkanForget Forgot Forgotten MelupakanForgive Forgave Forgiven MemaafkanForsake Forsook Forsaken Melalaikan;meninggalkanForswear Forswore Forsworn Mengingkari Freeze Froze Frozen Membekukan;membeku

Gainsay Gainsaid Gainsaid MenyangkalGet Got Got Mendapat;menjadiGild Gilded/gilt Gilt Menyadur emasGird Girded/girt Girded/girt MengikatGive Gave Given MemberiGo Went Gone PergiGrind Ground Ground MenggilingGrow Grew Grown Tumbuh;berkembang

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Hamstring Hamstrung Hamstrung MenghancurkanHang Hung Hung BergantungHave/has Had Had MempunyaiHear Heard Heard MendengarHeave Hove Hove/heaved Mengangkat Hew Hewed Hewn Memotong;memarangHide Hid Hidden MenyembunyikanHit Hit Hit Mengenai;memukulHold Held Held Memegang;menahan

Inlay Inlaid Inlaid Menaruh;menataInput Input Input MenempatkanInset Inset Inset MenyisipkanInterweave Interwove Interwoven Menjalin;berjalin

Keep Kept Kept Memegang;menyimpanKneel Knelt Knelt BerlututKnit Knitted Knitted MerajutKnow Knew Known Mengetahui;mengenalLay Laid Laid Menaruh;bertelurLead Led Led Memimpin;mendahuluiLean Leant Leant BersandarLeap Leapt Leapt MeloncatLearn Learnt Learnt BelajarLeave Left Left MeninggalkanLend Lent Lent MeminjamkanLet Let Let MembiarkanLie Lay Lain Terletak;berbaringLight Lighted/lit Lighted/lit Menyalakan;menyalaLose Lost Lost Kehilangan

Make Made Made MembuatMean Meant Meant BerartiMeet Met Met Bertemu;menemuiMelt Melted Melted/molten Melarutkan;mencairMiscast Miscast Miscast Salah memilihMisdeal Misdealt Misdealt Salah membagiMishear Misheard Misheard Salah mendengarMishit Mishit Mishit Salah memukulMislay Mislaid Mislaid Salah menyimpanMislead Misled Misled MenyesatkanMisread Misread Misread Salah membacaMisspell Misspelt Misspelt Salah mengejaMisspend Misspent Misspent Salah membelanjakanMistake Mistook Mistaken Membuat kesalahanMisunderstand Misunderstood Misunderstood Salah pahamMow Mowed Mown Menyabit;memotong

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Outbid Outbid Outbid Menawar lebih tinggiOutdo Outdid Outdone MelebihiOutfight Outfought Outfought Berjuang lebih baikOutgrow Outgrew Outgrown Tumbuh lebih cepatOutput Output Output Mengisi;memberiOutrun Outran Outrun Berlari lebih cepatOutsell Outsold Outsold Menjual lebih cepatOutshine Outshone Outshone Bersinar lebih terangOutspread Outspread Outspread Terbuka lebarOutwear Outwore Outworn Menjadi usang;mengatasiOverbear Overbore Overborn Menindih;melebihiOverbid Overbid Overbid Menawar lebih tinggiOvercome Overcame Overcome MengatasiOverdo Overdid Overdone Memasak terlalu matangOverdraw Overdrew Overdrawn Melukiskan berlebihanOvereat Overate Overeaten Makan terlalu banyakOverfeed Overfed Overfed Memberi makan kebanyakanOverfly Overflew Overflown Terbang diatasOverhang Overhung Overhung Tergantung diatasOverhear Overheard Overheard Kebetulan mendengarOverlay Overlaid Overlaid MenutupiOverpay Overpaid Overpaid Membayar terlampau banyakOverride Overrode Overridden Mengesampingkan;menolakOverrun Overran Overrun Membanjiri;melewatiOversee Oversaw Overseen MengawasiOvershoot Overshot Overshot Meleset;melampauiOversleep Overslept Overslept Tidak terlalu lamaOvertake Overtook Overtaken Menyusul;mengejarOverthrow Overthrew Overthrown Menjatuhkan;meruntuhkan

Partake Partook Partaken Mengambil bagian dalamPay Paid Paid MembayarPlead Pleaded/pled Pleaded/pled Membela;memohonPrepay Prepaid Prepaid Membayar lebih duluProve Proved Proven MembuktikanPut Put Put Meletakkan

Quit Quit Quit Melepaskan;meninggalkan

Read Red Red MembacaRebind Rebound Rebound Menjilid kembaliRebuild Rebuilt Rebuilt Membangun kembaliRecast Recast Recast Menuang lagiRedo Redid Redone Mengulang;memperbaikiRehear Reheard Reheard Mendengar lagiRelay Relaid Relaid Meletakkan lagiRemake Remade Remade Membuat lagi

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Rend Rent Rent Mengoyak;mencabikRepay Repaid Repaid MenebusRerun Reran Rerun Lari kembali;memainkanResell Resold Resold Menjual kembaliReset Reset Reset Memasang lagiResit Resat Resat Duduk kembaliRetake Retook Retaken Mengambil kembaliRetell Retold Retold Menceritakan lagiRewrite Rewrote Rewritten Menulis kembaliRid Rid Rid Membebaskan diriRide Rode Ridden MenunggangRing Rang/rung Rung Membunyikan loncengRise Rose Risen Timbul;terbit;naikRun Ran Run Lari

Saw Sawed Sawn/sawed MenggergajiSay Said Said Mengatakan;berkataSee Saw Seen MelihatSeek Sought Sought Mencari;menuntutSell Sold Sold MenjualSend Sent Sent MengirimSet Set Set Menyetel;terbenamSew Sewed Sewn MenjahitShake Shook Shaken MenggoyangkanShear Sheared Shorn Mencukur;mengguntingShed Shed Shed Mengalirkan;menumpahkanShine Shone Shone Bersinar;bercahayaShit Shitted/shat Shitted/shatShoe Shod Shod Memasangi ladam(kuda)Shoot Shot Shot MenembakShow Showed Shown MempertunjukkanShrink Shrank/shrunk Shrunk MengerutkanShrive Shrove Shriven Mengampuni dosaShut Shut Shut MenutupSing Sang Sung MenyanyiSink Sank Sunk TenggelamSit Sat Sat DudukSlay Slew Slain MembunuhSleep Slept Slept TidurSlide Slid Slid MeluncurkanSling Slung Slung MelemparkanSlink Slunk Slunk Menyelinap;mengendapSlit Slit Slit Mengiris;memebelahSmell Smelt Smelt Mencium bau;berbauSmite Smote Smitten Memukul;mempengaruhiSow Sowed Sown/sowed Menaburkan benihSpeak Spoke Spoken BerbicaraSpeed Sped Sped Mengatur kecepatan mesin

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Spell Spelt Spelt MengejaSpend Spent Spent MenghabiskanSpill Spilt Spilt MenumpahkanSpin Spun/span Spun MemintalSpit Spat Spat Menusuk;meludahSplit Split Split Membelah;tersobek;terpecahSpoil Spoilt Spoilt MerusakSpotlight Spotlit Spotlit Menyoroti;menarik perhatianSpread Spread Spread Memebentangkan;menyebarSpring Sprang Sprung Melompat;meledakkanStand Stood Stood BerdiriStave Stove Stove Menebuk;melubangiSteal Stole Stolen Mencuri;menyelinapStick Stuck Stuck Melekatkan;menikamSting Stung Stung Menyengat;menyakitiStink Stank/stunk Stunk Berbau busukStrew Strewed Strewn Menyebar;menaburkanStride Strode Stridden MelangkahStrike Struck Struck/stricken MemukulString Strung Strung Mengikat dengan taliStrive Strove Striven BerusahaSublet Sublet Sublet MenyewakanSwear Swore Sworn BersumpahSweep Swept Swept MenyapuSwell Swelled Swollen/swelled Bengkak;berlagakSwim Swam Swum BerenangSwing Swung Swung Memutar;membelok

Take Took Taken MengambilTeach Taught Taught MengajarTear Tore Torn MenyobekTell Told Told Menceritakan;menjelaskanThink Thought Thought Memikir;berpikirThrive Throve Thriven Tumbuh dengan suburThrow Threw Thrown Melempar;membantingThrust Thrust Thrust Mendorong;menikamTread Trod Trodden/trod Melangkah;menginjak-injak

Unbend Unbent Unbent Melepaskan;merenggangkanUnderbid Underbid Underbid Menawar lebih rendahUndercut Undercut Undercut Menjual lebih rendahUndergo Underwent Undergone MengalamiUnderlie Underlay Underlain Berbaring dibawahUnderpay Underpaid Underpaid Membayar sangat rendahUndersell Undersold Undersold Menjual dibawah hargaUnderstand Understood Understood MengertiUndertake Undertook Undertaken Berusaha;menjaminUnderwrite Underwrote Underwritten Mengasuransikan

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Undo Undid Undone Melepaskan;membatalkanUnfreeze Unfroze Unfrozen Menjadi cairUnsay Unsaid Unsaid Menarik kembali perkataanUnwind Unwound Unwound Membuka gulunganUphold Upheld Upheld Menyokong;membelaUpset Upset Upset Merobohkan

Wake Woke Woken BangunWaylay Waylaid Waylaid MenghadangWear Wore Worn Memakai;berpakaianWeave WoveWed Wed/wedded Wed/wedded Kawin;menikahWeep Wept Wept MenangisWet Wet Wet MembasahiWin Won Won Menang;memenangkanWind Wound Wound Memutar;melilitWithdraw Withdrew Withdrawn MencabutWithhold Withheld Withheld Tidak memberiWithstand Withstood Withstood Melawan;menahanWork Worked/wrought Worked/wroughtBekerjaWring Wrung Wrung Memulas;menjepitWrite Wrote Written Menulis

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A. Recount Text Example 1

An Unlucky Day

One morning, I got up with the feeling that the day was going to be an unlucky one for me. How right it was! I found that it was already 06:15 a.m.I rushed into the bathroom. I did not see a piece of soap lying on the floor. I stepped on it and slipped, almost breaking my back in the process.Then, I went into the dining room for my breakfast. I gulped down the tea without realizing that it was very hot. It burnt my tongue. I spat it out and could not eat anything because my tongue hurt. I got dressed and rushed to the bus stop. Unfortunately, I just missed the bus. My heart sank and I knew that I would be late for school.

When I reached school, my name was taken down by the teacher. The teacher scolded me for being late. To my humiliation, I was made to stand outside the class. I was so upset by the incidents that I could not study properly. But worse was to come. After school, I was on my way home when something hard hit me on the head. Someone had thrown a bag of fish bones out of the window and it landed on me! I was boiling with rage but could do nothing. However, luckily for me, this only raised a small lump on my head.

I managed to reach home safe and sound, and did not dare to go out again for the rest of the day.

Example 2Helped Our Neighbors

Last week-end our neighbors decided to paint their living room. Their living room was large. They wanted to finish it quickly, so they asked us to help them. They wanted to paint the walls and to put up some new curtains.

We wanted to help them. First, we took all the things off the walls and carried the furniture outside. We didn’t want to get paint on the floor. So, we put newspapers on the floor. Then one of us started on each wall. Each of us had a brush and some paints.

We had break at 1 p.m. We ate fried rice and we drank orange juices. We ate together with our neighbors in their garden.

When we finished painting the walls, we painted around the windows. We painted the walls yellow, and we painted around the windows white. We put up some new curtains. The new curtains are pale orange with small red flowers. We finished painting it at 6 p.m. The room looked very nice.

We were very happy because we could help our neighbors. It was fun and interesting.

The texts above are some examples of recount text. The focus is on a sequence of events. A recount generally begins with an orientation. It gives the readers the backgrounds information needed to understand the text such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened. Then, the recount unfolds with a series of events (ordered in a chronological sequence). At various stages, there may be some personal comment on the incident. We call it re-orientation.

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B. Descriptive Text Example 1

The Gembira Loka Zoo

The Gembira Loka Zoo is the only zoo in Yogyakarta. This zoo is located at Jalan Kebun Raya number 2. The wide is 20.4 hectares. The Gembira Loka Zoo of Yogyakarta is built in 1955 by Gembira Loka Foundation and it is planed by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX. The Gembira Loka Zoo is a place to collect many kinds of flora and fauna. In this zoo, flora and fauna are cared well. They are showed for public. With purpose to develop culture in caring environment. This place is used in examination, education, and recreation. Gembira Loka Zoo has more than 500 kinds of plants and 400 kinds of animals. In this zoo, animals are classified in four units. They are mammals, aves, reptiles, and pisces. Since 1992 until 1996, sum of the giant lizarts are succeed to increase about 111 giant lizarts. This result brings the Gembira Loka Zoo get the reward "Wana Lestari Satya Nugraha" on February 27th, 1998. The Gembira Loka Zoo has ever followed The Giant Lizarts Dragon Conference in Thoiry Zoo, France on November 4th until 8th, 1998. The Gembira Loka Zoo is completed with recreation tools that are beautiful. This zoo also rent out some elephants and camels to visitors. Beside the Gembira Loka Zoo, there is Gembira Loka Botanical Garden. This place stores 500 kinds of plants. So, clearly name of this place is The Gembira Loka Botanical Garden and Zoo.

C. Narrative text Example 1

Jack and the Beanstalk

There was once upon a time a poor widow who had an only son named Jack. They were so poor that they didn’t have anything except a cow. When the cow had grown too old, his mother sent Jack to sell it. On the way to the market, Jack met a butcher who had some beautiful beans in his hand. The butcher told beans were of great value and the boy that the persuaded the silly lad to sell the cow for the beans. Jack brought them home happily. When he told his

The text above is a desriptive text. The text classifies or describes something based on systematic observation or describe something detailly. It begins with a ganeral statement which introduces the topic. Then it is followed by series of descriptions. In the description, facts (parts, qualities, and behaviorss of the subject) may be described.

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mother about this, his mother became so angry that she threw the beans out of the window. When Jack woke up in the morning, he felt the sun shining into a part of his room, but all the rest was quite dark and shady. So he jumped to the window. What did he see? The beanstalk grew up quite close past Jack’s window. He opened the window and jumped onto the beanstalk which ran up just like a big ladder. He climbed and climbed till at last he reached the sky. While looking around, he saw a very huge castle. He was very amazed. Suddenly a handsome young man came to him and said. ”Jack, see this castle. In the castle, lives a couple of cruel giants. God has planned to end their life through you, because their wickedness can’t be tolerated anymore. Now, your task is to take from them a hen that lays golden eggs, and a harp that talks. Use them to help the needy and the poor. Use them also to make your mother happy.” Before Jack couldn’t say anything, the young man disappeared.

Then Jack walked along the path leading to the castle. There was a big tall woman on the doorstep. Jack greeted her and asked for the giantees’ mercy to give him breakfast, because he felt very hungry. Although the giantees grumbled at first, finally she gave Jack a hunk of bread and cheese and a jug of milk. But Jack hadn’t finished when the whole house began to tremble with the noise of someone coming. “Oh! It’s my husband!” cried the giantees. “What on earth shall I do?”

Hastily the giantees opened a very big cupboard and hid Jack there. At that time he heard a heavy tramp on the stairs, like the lumbering along of great cannon, and then a voice like thunder cried out.

“Darling,” cried the giant, “I smelt the breath of a human. Let me have him for breakfast. Hmmm, it will be a good one.” Jack was so frightened that he began trembling. “You have grown old, my dear,” replied the woman. “It is only the smell of a nice fresh elephant steak that I have cooked for you.” And she placed the huge dish before him, which greatly pleased him and made him forget his idea of a human being in the castle. After eating, the giant opened a big chest and took out a couple of bags and gold, sat down to count. Then he asked his wife to bring him the hen that laid the golden eggs. The wife brought it, and the giant said, “Lay,” and it laid eggs all of gold. Then the giant became tired of counting the gold the hen had laid. He nodded his head, and snored till the house shook.

Carefully Jack opened the cupboard that it wouldn’t make any noise and crept out. As he was passing the giant, he took one of the bags of gold under his arm. He also caught hold of the golden hen. But this time the hen gave a cackle which woke the giant, and just as Jack got out of the house he heard him calling. “Wife, what have you done with my golden hen?”

And the wife said, “Why, my dear?”But that was all Jack heard, for he rushed off to the beanstalk he threw down the

bag of gold, which, of course, fell into his mother’s garden, and climbed down like there was a house on fire. They lived happily with the bag of gold and the golden hen.

Not long after that, Jack’s mother was sick. Many doctors had been called, but none of them could cure her. The woman was sad, ate less and showed no interest in life although she and her son were wealthy. Jack was so confused what to do. He loved his mother very much.

Suddenly, he remembered the harp. “Maybe it can cure my mom,” he thought.

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So one fine morning he rose up early, and got onto the beanstalk, climbed and climbed till he got to the top. But his time, he hid himself in a bush in the castle’s garden. He heard the giant asking his wife to prepare him a good breakfast. Then Jack came approaching and heard the giant call out, “Darling, bring me my golden harp.” So she brought it and put it on the table before him. Then he said, “Sing!” and the golden harp sang most beautifully. And it went on singing till the giant fell asleep, snoring like thunder.

Then Jack entered the giant’s room and seized the harp and ran away with it, but as he jumped over the threshold the harp called out, “Master! Master!” The giant woke up suddenly, didn’t know what had just happened. But then he realized it and began chasing jack. The boy fled like lightning with the harp. However, still the giant came on so fast that he was quite close to poor Jack, and had stretched out his great hands to catch him.

But luckily, just as the moment he stepped upon a lose stone, stumbled, and fell on the ground, where he laid at his full length. This accident gave Jack time to get on the beanstalk and hasten down it as he reached their own garden he called his mother, “Look what I’ve brought to you!” The harp began to play an enchanting melody and his mother smiled happily. But up there in the clouds, the giant who lost Jack’s track heard the harp’s song. Jack soon realized with terror that the thick beanstalk was shaking under a very heavy weight. The giant was coming down to earth!

Without waiting Jack took an axe and chopped the beanstalk many times. As a result, the giant and the plant crashed to the ground with a very loud noise. The crash instantly killed the giant. Jack and his mother embraced each other, felt happy because of what had happened. Since then, they lived happily and wealthily. They were also kindand generous toward other people.

STRUCTURE FUNCTIONOrientation It sets the scene and introduces the participants (it answers the

questions= who, when, what, and where).Evaluation A stepping back to evaluate the plight (the information about the

narrator’s point of view) and it is optional.Complication A crisis or a problem arises. It usually involves the main

characters.Resolution A solution to the problem (for better or for worse). Main

characters find ways to solve the problem.

Example 2


The text above is an example of narrative text. The purposes of the text are to entertain, create, stimulate emotions, motivate, guide, and teach.

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Once upon a time, there were 40 thieves who put their stolen money and treasures in a cave saying to the cave entrance. A poor person called Ali Baba saw them while they were doing that, so he heard the opening word. After they left, he went towards the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large quantity of money and golden treasures. He took some of it and went back home. After that he became a rich man. His brother wanted to know how he became rich. One day his brother followed him to solve this mystery. Next day the brother went back to the cave. He found a lot of money but when he tried to get out he couldn’t. After a few minutes, the thieves came in and saw the brother. “Hey! What are you doing here?’’ asked the boss. “I took your money,” said the brother. The boss asked him how he knew about the came, so he told the story. They killed the brother. He was dead. Next morning the thieves hid in big jars and went to Ali Baba’s house. The boss and two of his men pretended that they were merchants. Ali Baba invited them to lunch. After lunch, they took a rest. The house maid went out and found 40 thieves in the big jars, so she boiled hot oil and poured it on their heads to kill them. After that Ali Baba lived happily forever.

D. Anecdote Text Example 1

No Smoking

Mrs. Green was the manager of a large company, and she frequently had to have meetings with other business people in a room in her building. She didn’t smoke at all, but many of the other people at the meetings did it, so she often found the air during the meetings terrible. One day, after an hour, her throat and eyes were sore and she was coughing a lot, so she called a big air-conditioning company and asked them to work out how much it would cost to keep the air of the meeting room in her building really clean.

After a few days the air-conditioning company sent in two estimates for Mrs. Green to choose from. One estimate was for $5,000 to put in new air-conditioning, and the other was for $ 5.00 for a sign which said, NO SMOKING.

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E. Procedure Text

Example 1

Hi guys! You like eating snack, right? What’s tour favorite snack? Have you ever eaten a sandwich? You know the sandwich with peanut butter, honey, and a banana, it’s really delicious. Do you want to know how to make it? Right! It’s very easy. Well, you need about two slices of bread, peanut butter, a banana, and honey. And then, what should to do? First, take two slices of bread and spread peanut butter on them. Then cut up a banana into a small slice and put them on one of the slices of bread. After that, pour some honey over the banana slices. Finally, don’t forget to put the other slices of bread on top. Congratulations! Your delicious sandwich is ready to be served.

Example 2

Goal :How to make a sandwich

Materials :You need :

2 slices of bread Peanut butter A banana Honey

Steps :1. Take two slices of bread2. Spread peanut butter3. Cut up a banana into a small slice and put them on one of the slices of

bread.4. Pour some honey over the bananas.

A procedure text is a text that tells us about how to make or operate something step by step. It can be a set of instructures or directions to show steps or stages. The procedure begins with an aim or goal. Then, it is followed by a list of materials or equipment needed. Then, the steps are listed in order. A procedural text is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses the simple present tense, often imperative sentences. It also usually uses the temporal conjunctions, such as first, second, then, next finally, etc. The structure of this text consists of three parts:

1. Goal (or title)2. Materials (not required for all procedural texts)3. StepsHowever, there is a procedural text that only consists of goal and followed by some


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5. Put the other slices of bread on top.

G. News Item Text

Example 1Large Python Saves Riza and Twins

A few survivors of Sunday’s calamity have a snake to thank for being alive. Riza, a 26 years old said that at about 08:00 a.m. she was enjoying the holiday in bed when suddenly she saw walls of water, mud, rocks and branches rushing into the neighborhood. People were screaming and running. Riza, who was living in a rented house near the coast in Banda Aceh with three friends, ashed up to the second floor of a neighbor’s home and stood on top of a cupboard,. But as she told Antara from a makeshift shelter on Wednesday, the current swept her and her friends off their perch. As Riza was drifting, she saw her neighbors, two girls-twins-and their mother. Riza, who can swim, managed to help the girls. She saw their mother was badly injured. The mother shouted, “Please help save my children. Let me be, but please save my children,” Riza recounted, in tears. As she struggled for her own life and that of the twins, she said a large snake as long as a telephone pole approached her. She and the 9 years old rested on the reptile, which wa sdrifting along with the current. “Thank God, we landed on higher ground where the water level was only about a meter deep. The twins, who were badly injured, were safe.” Riza then slapped her face to make sure she was not dreaming. Riza who is currently taking refuge in the Banda Blang Bintang area, plants to go to her relative’s house in Medan, North Sumatra. “God still loves me,” she said, adding that she would never forget the tragedy.

A. Simple Present Tense This tense is usually not used to indicate present time. However, it is used to indicate present time (now) with the following stative verbs. It is used to indicate a habitual action or general truth. Or

A news item text is a factual text which informs readers of daily newspapers about events of the day which are regarded as newsworthy or important. The purpose of it is to inform the readers or listeners about the events of the day. The generic structure of the text consists of three parts:

1. Newsworthy events : recounts the events in summary form.2. Background events : elaborate what happened, to whom, and in what

circumstances. 3. Source : comments by participants in, witnesses to, and authorities

expert on the event.

S + V1 +s/es + O S + To be (am, is, are) + O

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a. Habitual ActionExamples : I always go to school every morning. He often speaks english with his friends. They sometimes play the football. She takes an english course twice a week.

b. General Truth. Examples :

The sun rises in the east. Fire is hot The earth revolves around the sun. The dogs are animal.

c. To express near future action but the action is a habitual action. Examples :

I leave Bandung next month. They take examination the day after tomorrow. He goes to Surabaya next week.

B. Simple Future Tensea. To express near future action.

Examples : I will telephone you tomorrow. I shall leave Surabaya next year. He will move to Jakarta next month.

b. To express near future action (certainly than will or shall).

Examples : I am going to meet you tomorrow. He is going to visit his friend tonight. They are going to spend the vacation next Sunday.

C. Simple Past TenseSimple past tense is used for a completed action that happened at one specific time

in the past.a. With verb.

Examples : They went to Surabaya last week.

S + Will/Shall + V1+ O

S + To be + Going to + V1 + O

S + V2 + O

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I saw her two days ago. He came here yesterday.

b. Without verb.

Examples : I was a student. They were mechanics.

D. Present Continuous Tense. This tense is used to indicate present time (now) with all but the stative verbs listed previously.

Examples : I am studying english now. Marry is wtching television at present. They are playing badminton.

E. Present Perfect Tense Or

a.b. An action that happened at an indefinite time in the past.

Examples : Jeanny has traveled around the world. (We don’t know when). Yuli has come to the school. (We don’t know when).

c. An action that happened more than once in the past. Examples :

She has seen this movie three times. Ami has eaten the breads ten times.

d. An action that began in the past and is still occurring in the present. Examples :

Yuli has lived in the same house for twenty years. (She still lives there). I have been a student since 1997.

S + Was/Were + O

S + To be (am, is, are) + V1 + ing + O

S + Has/Have + V3 + O S + Has/Have + Been + O

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