Postgraduate Coursework Programs 2010 IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING LIFE? Inb ne.edu.au/postgra

IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

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Page 1: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

Postgraduate Coursework Programs 2010


Inb ne.edu.au/postgra

Page 2: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE
Page 3: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE


Should a university share your dreams?

We believe people who genuinely want to

succeed should be given the opportunity to.

We believe education is the pathway to a

more rewarding life. It's why we offer such

a broad range of options for people wanting

to gain postgraduate qualifications. Options

that allow you to live the life you have, while

reaching for the life you want.

The benefits of reaching for a goal

We are driven by achievement. This focus

on results is part of the fabric of Swinburne

- it's seen in what we do and in the attitude

of our students. We've set ourselves the

goal to be one of the world 's leading

research institutions by 2015.

We wi ll get there by focusing our strengths

and continuing to invest in them. We try to

excel in specific areas, not be average in al l.

As a result, we punch above our weight on

almost every performance measure for

education . We will encourage you to adopt

a similar focus on your goals. So you're

more able to turn potential into ability.

Lectures with real-world relevance

Swinburne is home to some of Australia's

most dynamic and innovative academics.

People who can give you the knowledge

and ski lls you need to succeed.

They are academics with a passion for their

industry. Your lecturers either work, or have

worked, in the industry. They combine

practical experience with insight. They

understand what skills you'll need - and they

know the best ways to teach those ski lls.

Swinburne postgraduate programs often

have guest lecturers who come from

industry, giving you first hand advice.

And, while there are many theoretical

aspects to study at Swinburne, we also

balance program content with industry

relevance. We consult with industry - to help

determine what ski lls wil l be needed. We use

this knowledge to constantly evolve our

postgraduate coursework programs.

We question everything

We believe a culture of creativity and

innovation gives you more chances to

succeed. Our programs will challenge you.

But you will find the support you need to

meet those challenges.

Swinburne has been awarded top ratings for:

Graduate Satisfaction

***** Teaching Quality

***** Generic Skills

***** Staff Qualifications

**** (highest ' in Victoria)

• The Good Universities Guide to Postgraduate and Career Upgrade Courses 2010


Page 4: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE


Postgraduate qualifications can open up

all sorts of career opportu.nities. They may

help you get a better job, make a total

career change or attract a higher salary.

Postgraduate students are recognised for

their demonstrated professionalism,

commitment and resourcefulness.

What is the difference between postgraduate coursework and research programs?

Coursework qualifications require the

successful completion of a set number of

core units and electives. These programs

usually involve attendance at lectures,

classes, seminars or labs and the

completion of assignments and exams.

Depending on the level of qualification,

some also require a minor thesis.

Research qualifications are awarded

following the completion of a major thesis,

involving original research, under the

supervision of a senior academic. Learning is undertaken independently

with no lectures or classes.

Postgraduate by coursework


This entry-level postgraduate qualification

is often suitable if you have several years

work experience but no formal academic

qualifications. A graduate certificate generally

takes six months full-time or one year part­

time to complete. A graduate certificate may

allow you to progress to a graduate diploma.


A graduate diploma is generally one year

full-time or two years part-time (incorporating

the graduate certificate units). To apply you

generally need an undergraduate degree,

but not necessarily in the proposed area of study. If you don't have a degree but have

substantial related industry experience you

may also be eligible.


A master degree by coursework usually

takes one to two years of full-time study

- or equivalent part-time (incorporating the

graduate certificate and graduate diploma

units). To apply you'll normally need an

undergraduate degree, or have substantial

industry experience within the field of study.


Master (honours) degrees require, at least,

an additional four units of study. This

equates to an extra six months of full-time

(or equivalent part-time) study after

completion of a master program, with a

distinction average.

Programs by research

Swinburne is recognised as one of Australia's

top research institutions. The university's

major research centres offer programs that

target industry-specific problems and

address the needs and demands of society.

This connection - with local and international

industries, research institutions, government and community services - can be invaluable

for your career.

Our postgraduate research programs give

you access to excellent facilities, ample

resources, ongoing support and committed

academic supervision.

For more information visit www.swinburne.edu.au/research

Professional recognition

Many of Swinburne's postgraduate

programs are recognised by professional

organisations. So, the qualification you receive will be highly regarded in industry

and will enhance your career opportunities.

For more information visit www.swinburne.edu.au/courses



Master 4-8 units


Master (Honours)' 4 units

• If available

What happens if I start ... but can't finish?

Many of our coursework programs have 'nested ' qualification structures. This means

if you have to withdraw from the course

early, to accommodate life's unexpected

events, you can sti ll exit with a formal

qualification that recognises the work done

to date. You might like to start modestly and

build upon each qualification as you go - from graduate certificate, to graduate

diploma, to masters.

Single unit of study

If a particular unit of study grabs your

interest, you can enrol in just this unit. If you

decide later on that you would like to do additional units or undertake the complete

program, you may receive credit for any single units completed.

Please note, single units are subject to

availability and convenor approval.


Page 5: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

\-JILL/AM L,.y E Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

"The MEl program is definitely a very unique

course as it stretches the boundaries of teaching

entrepreneurship and innovation to a group of

highly successful people.

SWinburne ho f ,Wever. has h

.0 apPI~ed learning. This h ada long tradition Innovations. Th M . as given birth to

e EI IS one su ' many SWinburne i. ch InnOVation.

When one thinks of undertaking a business

degree, the traditional universities often come to

mind. This was certainly the case for me when

s a unique . very strong applied I u~'versity as it has a Th t earning'

e eaching staff enVironment h are very 'h .

ave deep industry . ands on ' and m I thought about an MBA degree. expenence. any

At SWinbur th . ne, stUdents '11 . elr prOjects to bring th WI be Challenged with Intellectually and . e best out in them is definitely not anexpenentiaily. Taking a bacbk


oPtion at SWI'nb seat Urne!"

It's been a long time since I studied

We're here to assist

Returning to student life can be cllallenging .

Swinburne's Academic Success Program

eases the transition into study. The program

provides a range of support services -

including counselling, workshops and online

resources - to give you the ski lls you need

to succeed. You' ll discover:

• the benefits of meeting and sharing

expectations w ith staff

• hints to effectively manage the transition

into a postgraduate learning community

• how we do things around here

• the potential of diversity in our community

Orientation and transition

If you've been out of study for a number of

years - and are feeling a little apprehensive

- our postgraduate orientation programs

can help you prepare.

They provide information on:

• administration systems

• timetabling

• library information

• student services

• academic success

• program overviews

• networking

The programs are generally held in the week

preceding class commencement.

Recognition of previous studies or experience

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can help

shorten your studies by giving you credit for

ski lls and knowledge gained through formal

training, work and life experience.

With RPL, you can get the qualification

you're after, faster.

For more information visit


Advice on career planning

Swinburne has an extensive array of careers

and employment support services including:

• help and advice w ith career planning

• access to seminars, resume checking

and an online job service

• a range of specially developed online

resources , including research and reports

• tips on how to self-market , both

in person and in writing

• information on pursuing an academic career

For more information visit


Free counselling support for postgraduate students

Our highly trained student counsellors

understand the extra pressure that

postgraduate study can add to our already

hectic lives . It can be a balancing act ,

so our counsellors are here to help.

For more information visit


International exchange

Returning to study also opens up

opportunities for international exchange.

We have a range of options for

postgraduates wanting to combine an

overseas experience with their study.

For more information visit



Page 6: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE


AfH'wit/t 'JI(J~ MasterofC I (Internat;o ommerce Leadershi.rpnal Business)

stream "I am a CO-found th er and

at has reCentl . co-owner of m . Phase. Th I Y expenenced an int Yawn bUSiness

e nlernational 8 ernatlonal growth perfectly to my OWn busi uSlne~s program ties in L.eaderShip stream was o~ess Objectives, and the given my baCkgrOUnd a particular interest to m

san ent e The calibre of repreneur.

o prOfessor . education backg s IS unparalleled Th I rounds . elr vy League-edu are outstandin

to be hand cated. I have found th .g as most are . s-on, COllaborative a elr teaching style

nd engaging. "

How do you fit an education into an already full life?

By the time you get around to postgraduate

study - you may already have a full life.

That's why we offer a number of study

options created to help you study at your

pace - and around your individual needs.


Why should your life stop when you enrol?

Most of our postgraduate coursework

programs can be taken on a full-time or

part-time basis. Classes may be offered

in the day, in the evening or on weekends.


You don't have to go to university to get postgraduate qualifications

Our distance education option means little

or no time on-campus. You receive a range

of comprehensive learning materials. These

may include study guides, readings, set

exercises, references and online learning.



Can a virtual education get you a real qualification?

Some Swinburne programs are available

entirely online. Others have selected online

units. Students can study via virtual lectures

and eTutors, and stay in touch through

email and group chat rooms. Some online

units will be complemented with on-campus



Compress your study

A limited number of programs offer 'block

release' - an intensive block of classes that

allow students to attend classes for several

full day sessions, rather than regular weekly

classes. Regional or interstate students and

people who need to travel to attend campus find these releases particularly beneficial.

If you want to speed up your' studies, some ro . our summer or winter term study periods li p h grakms offer extra units of study in mode, visit www swinburne edu /t" a c ec which units are available in this

. . .au Imetable


Swinburne is wireless. Wireless network coverage is available across

the whole Hawthorn campus, and in

most locations at Lilydale and Prahran. This gives you easy access

to email, internet and library resources. For more information visit www.swinburne.edu.au/wireless

Why wait to get your career on track?

There are usually two key intakes per year

(one in late February/early March and

another in late July/early August). However a

number of programs also have additional

commencement dates throughout the year.

Please see the next page for key dates.

Central locations

Swinburne has campuses at Croydon, Hawthorn, Lilydale, Prahran and Wantirna.

All are well served by public transport.

You can confirm the location of your course

by referring to the course listing at the back

of this guide.

Page 7: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

Key dates

Important semester dates for 2010

These dates are subject to change but should provide an indication of your study commitments.

If you want to get an idea of class timetables in advance, visit www.swinburne.edu.au/timetable

Applications Now Friday 5 February

Enrolment Refer to offer letter Orientation

Monday 22 February Friday 26 February Classes

Monday 1 March Friday 28 May Mid semester break Thursday 1 April Wednesday 7 April Examinations Monday 31 May Friday 18 June Winter term Monday 21 June Friday 30 July

Applications Now Friday 16 July

Enrolment Refer to offer letter Orientation Monday 2 August Friday 6 August Classes Monday 9 August Friday 5 November Mid semester break Monday 20 September Friday 24 September Examinations Monday 8 November Friday 26 November Summer term Tuesday 4 January 201 1 Friday 11 February 2011

Additional intak~s .' - .- Co'mmencing Ending

May intake*

Applications Now Friday 14 May

Classes Monday 31 May Friday 27 August August intake*

Applications Now Friday 13 August

Classes Monday 30 August Friday 26 November

September intake **

Applications Now Friday 10 September

Classes Monday 27 September Friday 5 November

November intake'

Applications Now Friday 19 November

Classes Monday 29 November Friday 25 February 2011

. May and August intake programs include: Business Systems Design & Management, Commerce and Writing. " September intake programs include: Master of

Business Administration (MBA) . • November intake programs include: Business Systems Design & Management and Commerce. Please note. these dates are correct

at the time of printing, but are subject to change. Please refer to www.swinburne.edu.au/studentoperations/calendar for current semester dates.


Page 8: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

I \lmf!']fW'W"E' iit,Wi"iltMfJmi.t.tlW P' . iJjffi'iiii"'+Mi,.i1


Tuition fees for all postgraduate programs

can be found on pages S to 13 of this

publication. Depending on the program,

you may need to allow for the purchase

of books or equipmen~.

What if I just want to study a single unit?

If you just want to study a single unit, then

you can pay per unit. The fees for each unit

are listed under individual course outlines at

Swinburne 's fees website.

For more information visit

www.swinburne.edu.au/postgrad/ fees-faq

When are fees payable?

You have three options:

• pay the full tuition fee up-front

• pay some of the tuition fee up-front

and request a FEE-HELP loan for the

remainder of the tuition fee

• request a FEE-HELP loan for the full tuition fee

What is FEE-HELP and am I eligible?

FEE-HELP is essentially a loan to help cover the cost of your tuition, It is given to eligible

fee-paying students to help pay part or all of

their tuition fees , It allows you to defer al l or

part of the cost of the fee-paying course -

and pay your debt after graduation, through

the taxation system,

You are entitled to FEE-HELP assistance if:

• you are undertaking study at an approved higher education provider or Open

Universities Australia

• you meet the citizenship or residency requirements

• you are enrolled in eligible unit(s) on or before the census date and remain

registered at the end of the census date

• you are not Commonwealth-supported in relation to that unit(s)

• you meet the tax fi le number (TFN) requirements

• you have completed, signed and submitted a valid Request for FEE-HELP Assistance

form on or before the census date

• you have not exceeded the FEE-HELP limit

How much can I borrow?

The Commonwealth Government has set a

FEE-HELP limit of $S1 ,600 for most courses,

This amount is indexed each year.

When do I start repaying my FEE-HELP loan?

Once you start earning a pre-determined

amount, you start making payments via your

taxed salary. Payments continue until the

loan is repaid. For further information visit

the Government's Going to Uni website,

www.goingtouni.gov.au or call the enquiry

line on 1S00 020 10S.

Employer sponsorship

At Swinburne, we encourage employers

to sponsor their employees in further study,

Your employer will benefit from your

enllanced skil ls and up-to-date knowledge .

During the course you wil l undertake project

work in authentic conditions and, where

appropriate, may work on projects with

your own employer,

For more information visit

www.swinburne.edu.au/postgrad/ employers

Page 9: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

CQro/y~ Be.a.S!t Master of Arts (W .t. e.y

n 'ng) "With a de ' .

. gree In Journalis . relations on the wall m and International I and lots f 'd

Was attracted to the a I eas for stories let m fi . master's pr '

e in/sh off all thos ogram because it me work on my novel a~~~:-~ff stories but also let I got to Write range of Subjects. . a navel durin th ' Industry quality. g IS time and ~e .

feedback . celVed sUpeNisor made th on It. In fact, my Publishers and ag e sa,:,e suggestions that I · ents did ab

Was IntrOduced t out my workl And b Oa new I I .

,a out my Writing genre th teve

of critical reading created pract' I a really changed h

Ica aspects like h OW

Entry requirements

In most instances you will need a tertiary qualification, usually an undergraduate degree. But there are a number of pathways to a postgraduate program. If you have enough work, or life experience, you may be granted admission to a postgraduate program. This can be either a graduate certificate or graduate diploma.

Once completed, you can then progress to a higher-level postgraduate qualification, like a master degree. In exceptional circumstances, relevant work experience can gain you entry to a master degree.

How to apply

To apply for a postgraduate program simply follow this step-by-step process:


Choose your postgraduate program (you can list up to three preferences)


Download the appropriate form from www.swinburne.edu.au/postgrad/apply

c aracter and plot. "


Gather your supporting documentation. This includes:

• certified copy of your passport or birth certificate for proof of citizenship/residency

• certified copy of your academic award/s

• certified copy of academic transcripts or results

• current curriculum vitae

Note you may also need to include a cover letter explaining what you hope to achieve from your studies.


Complete and submit the application form. Applications can be submitted in person, by email or post.


Once your application has been received you wi ll receive email notification from us. Once your application has been assessed you will be notified of the outcome.


If you have been offered a place you will need to notify us if you intend to accept your offer via email [email protected]


You will receive enrolment details from your faculty or school with instructions on what steps you need to take to enrol in your program.

What is an offer?

If your application is successful you will be made an offer of a place. To accept the offer,

you will need to confirm your acceptance by following the process outlined in your offer letter. Just prior to the commencement

of your study program you may be asked to formally enrol in your chosen subjects.

International students

We have a specific publication for international students. It contains an application form, admission advice and information on tuition fees. To obtain a copy please contact:

Swinburne International

Phone: +61 386767002 (outside Australia) or 1800 897 973 (within Australia) Email: [email protected] Visit: www.international.swinburne.edu.au

7 I u

Page 10: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

Study AreaJDlscipline


Commercial Radio

Graduate Diploma of Arts (Commercial Radio) N061

Media and Communications

Graduate Certificate of Arts (Media and Communications) N0717

Graduate Diploma of Arts (Media and Communications) N0817

Master of Arts (Media and Communications) N0917

Technical Communication

Graduate Certificate of Social Science (Technical Communication) N0750

Graduate Diploma of Social Science (Technical Communication) N0850


Graduate Certificate of Arts (Writing)t L071

Graduate Diploma of Arts (Writing)t L079

Master of Arts (Writing)t L084


Aviation (Human Factors)

Graduate Certificate of Aviation (Human Factors) M094N

Graduate Diploma of Aviation (Human Factors) M095N

Master of Aviation (Human Factors) M096N

Aviation (Management)

Graduate Certificate of Aviation (Management) MF94N

Graduate Diploma of Aviation (Management) MF95N

Master of Aviation (Management) MF96N



Graduate Certificate of Professional Accounting CMPA440

Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting CMPA540

Master of Professional Accounting CMPA640

Master of Practising Accounting CMPA740

Master of Professional Accounting - Leadership stream" CMPA640U

Business Administration

Graduate Certificate of Business Administration BMBA480

Graduate Diploma of Business Administration BMBA580

Master of Business Administration (MBA) BMBA680

Business Excellence

Graduate Certificate of Business Management (Business Excellence) L5801BE

Business Management

Graduate Certificate of Business Management L5801

Graduate Diploma of Business Management L6801

Master of Business Management L7801



New programs are being developed all the time. Keep your eye on our website for any new programs: www.swinburne.edu.au/postgrad

Hawthorn DIE 1 year nla

Hawthorn DIE 0.5 year 1 year

Hawthorn DIE 1 year 2 years

Hawthorn DIE 1.5 years 3 years

Off-campus OL 0.5 year 1 year

Hawthorn E n/a 2 years

Off-campus OL 0.5 year 1 year

Off-campus OL 1 year 2 years

Off-campus OL 1.5 years 3 years

Off-campus DIS 0.5 year 1 year

Off-campus DIS 1 year 2 years

Off-campus DIS 1.5 years 3 years

Off-campus DIS 0.5 year 1 year

Off-campus DIS 1 year 2 years

Off-campus DIS 1.5 years 3 years

Hawthorn DtN 0.5 year 1 year

Hawthorn DtN 1 year 2 years

Hawthorn DtN 1.5 years 3 years

Hawthorn DtN 2 years 4 years

Hawthorn DtN/E 2 years 4 years

Hawthorn ErN 0.5 year 1 year

Hawthorn ErN 1 year 2 years

Hawthorn ErN 2 years 4 years

Hawthorn ElOL 0.5 year 1 year

Hawthornl ErN/OL 0.5 year 1 year Off-campus

Prahran ErN 1 year 2 years

Prahran ErN 1.5 years 3 years

11 ,800



























Page 11: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

PROGRAM CONTENT For detailed program and unit information visit: www.swinburne.edu.au/courses

Study Area/Oiscipline


Business Systems Design and Management

Graduate Certificate of Technology (Business Systems Design and Management)t

Graduate Diploma of Technology (Business Systems Design and Management)t

Master of Technology (Business Systems Design and Management)t


Graduate Certificate of Commercet

Graduate Diploma of Commercet

Master of Commercet

Corporate Governance

Graduate Certi ficate of Business Management (Corporate Governance)

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Graduate Certificate of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Graduate Diploma of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MEl)

Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Honours)

Executive Administration

Graduate Certificate of Business Management (Executive Adrninistration)

Financial Services

Graduate Certificate of Business Management (Financial Services)

Human Resource Management

Graduate Certificate of Commerce (Human Resource Management)

Graduate Diploma of Commerce (Human Resource Management)

Master of Commerce (Human Resource Management)

Master of Commerce (Human Resource Management) (Honours)

International Business

Graduate Certificate of Commerce (International Business)

Graduate Diploma of Commerce (International Business)

Master of Commerce (International Business)

Master of Commerce (International Business) - Leadership stream**


Graduate Certificate of Commerce (Marketing)

Graduate Diploma of Commerce (Marketing)

Master of Commerce (Marketing)

Master of Commerce (Marketing) (Honours)

Master of Commerce (Marketing) - Leadership stream**

Project Management

Graduate Certificate of Business Management (Project Management)

Public Relations

Graduate Certificate of Business Management (Public Relations)

Retail Management

Graduate Certificate of Business Management (Retai l Management)

L5601 Off-campus

L6601 Off-campus

L7601 Off-campus

L5201 Off-campus

L6201 Off-campus

L7201 Off-campus

L5801 CG Hawthorn

CMEI440 Hawthorn

CMEI540 Hawthorn

CMEI640 Hawthorn

CMEI640H Hawthorn

L5801 EA Prahran

L5801FS Hawthorn

BHR440 Hawthorn

CMHR540 Hawthorn

CMHR640 Hawthorn

CMHR640H Hawthorn

CMIB440 Hawthorn

CMIB540 Hawthorn

CMIB640 Hawthorn

CMIB640U Hawthorn

CMMK440 Hawthorn

CMMK540 Hawthorn

CMMK640 Hawthorn

CMMK640H Hawthorn

CMMK640U Hawthorn

L5801PM Hawthorn

L5801PR Prahran

L5801RM Prall ran


BR Block Release EV External venue

D Weekday classes OL Online delivery

DIS Distance education W Weekend classes

E Evening classes

OL 0.5 year 1 year 7,000

OL 1 year 2 years 14,000

OL 1.5 years 3 years 21,000

OL 0.5 year 1 year 7,000

OL 1 year 2 years 14,000

OL 1.5 years 3 years 21,000

EfIN 0.5 year 1 year 7,000

D/ElBR 0.5 year 1 year 9,600

D/ElBR 1 year 2 years 19,200

D/ElBR 1.5 years 3 years 28,800

D/ElBR 2 years 4 years 38,400

EflNIOL 0.5 year 1 year 7,000

EfIN 0.5 year 1 year 7,000

ElOL 0.5 year 1 year 7,900

DIE 1 year 2 years 15,800

DIE 1.5 years 3 years 23,700

DIE 2 years 4 years 31,600

OlEfIN 0.5 year 1 year 7,900

OlEfIN 1 year 2 years 15,800

OlEfIN 1.5 years 3 years 23,700

OlEfIN 2 years 4 years 31,600

OlEfIN 0.5 year 1 year 7,900

OlEfIN 1 year 2 years 15,800

Ol EfIN 1.5 years 3 years 23,700

OlEfIN 2 years 4 years 31,600

OlEfIN 2 years 4 years 31,600

EflNIOL 0.5 year 1 year 7,000

EfIN 0.5 year 1 year 7,000

EfIN 0.5 year 1 year 7,000 9

Page 12: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

postgraduate coursework Programs 2010

Study Area/Discipline


Social Impact

Graduate Certificate in Social Impact CMS1440 Hawthorn D/BR nla 1 year TBA

Social Investment and Philanthropy

Graduate Certificate of Commerce (Social Investment and Philanthropy) CMPS440 Hawthorn D/BR nla 1 year 8,400

Graduate Diploma of Commerce (Social Investment and Philanthropy) CMPS540 Hawthorn D/BR nla 2 years 16,800

Master of Commerce (Social Investment and Philanthropy) CMPS640 Hawthorn D/BR nla 3 years 25,200

Strategic Foresight

Graduate Certificate of Management (Strategic Foresight) BMSF440 Hawthorn D/BR 0.5 year 1 year 8,800

Graduate Diploma of Management (StrategiC Foresight) BMSF540 Hawthorn D/BR 1 year 2 years 17,600

Master of Management (Strategic ForeSight) BMSF640 Hawthorn D/BR 1.5 years 3 years 26,400

Supply Chain Management

Graduate Certificate of Business Management (Supply Chain L5801SCM Hawthorn E/OL 0.5 year 1 year 7,000 Management)


Graduate Certificate in Sustainabilityt H21545VIC Hawthornl OL nla 1 year 6,700 Off-campus


Communication Design

Graduate Diploma of Design (Communication Design) DMCD31 Prahran DIE 0.5 year 1 year 8,000

Master of Design (Communication Design) DMCD30 Prahran DIE 1.5 years 3 years 24,000

Industrial Design

Graduate Diploma of Design (Industrial Design) DMID31 Prahran DIE 0.5 year 1 year 8,000

Master of Design (Industrial Design) DMID30 Prahran DIE 1.5 years 3 years 24,000

Interior Design

Graduate Diploma of Design (Interior Design) DMINTD31 Prahran DIE 0.5 year 1 year 8,000

Master of Design (Interior Design) DMINTD30 Prahran DIE 1.5 years 3 years 24,000

Multimedia Design

Graduate Diploma of Design (Multimedia Design) DMMD31 Prahran DIE 0.5 year 1 year 8,000

Master of Design (Multimedia Design) DMMD30 Prahran DIE 1,5 years 3 years 24,000


Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Graduate Certificate of Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing IRAMT1 Hawthorn 0 0.5 year 1 year 7,800 Technology)

Master ofTechnology (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) IRAMT2A Hawthorn 0 1 year 2 years 15,600

Master of Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) IRAMT3 Hawthorn 0 1.5 years 3 years 23,400

Master of Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) (Honours) IRAMT4 Hawthorn 0 2 years 4 years 31,200

Civil Engineering

Graduate Certificate of Engineering (Civil) C101 Hawthorn DIE/DIS 0.5 year 1 year 7,800

Master ofTechnology (Civi l) C102 Hawthorn DIE/DIS 1 year 2 years 15,600

Master of Engineering (Civil) C103 Hawthorn DIE/DIS 1.5 years 3 years 23,400

Master of Engineering (Civil) (Honours) C104 Hawthorn DIE/DIS 2 years 4 years 31,200


Page 13: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

I --

Study Area/Discipline


Construction Management

Graduate Certificate of Technology (Construction Management) C062Y Hawthorn


Graduate Diploma of Technology (Construction Management) C082Y Hawthorn


Master of Technology Management (Construction Management) C092Y Hawthorn


Global Manufacturing

Vocational Graduate Certificate in Global Manufacturing 121974VIC Hawthorn

Microelectronic Engineering

Graduate Certificate of Engineering (Microelectronic Engineering) A102 Hawthorn

Graduate Diploma of Engineering (Microelectronic Engineering) A101 Hawthorn

Master of Engineering (Microelectronic Engineering) A100 Hawthorn

Master of Engineering (Microelectronic Engineering) (Honours) A103 Hawthorn

Risk Management

Graduate Certificate of Technology (Risk Management) M077Y Off-campus

Graduate Diploma of Technology (Risk Management) M087Y Off-campus

Master of Technology Management (Risk Management) M097Y Off-campus


Information Systems Management

Graduate Certificate of Information Systems Management 1078 Hawthorn

Graduate Diploma of Information Systems Management 1088 Hawthorn

Master of Information Systems Management 1098 Hawthorn

Master of Information Systems Management/Master of Accounting 1099 Hawthorn

Master of Information Systems Management/Master of Business A098 Hawthorn Administration

Information Technology

Graduate Certificate in Information Technology 1071 Hawthorn

Graduate Diploma in Information Technology 1080 Hawthorn

Master of Technology (Information Technology) 1061 Hawthorn

Master of Information Technology 1091 Hawthorn

Network Systems

Graduate Certificate of Science (Network Systems) S049 Hawthorn

Graduate Diploma of Science (Network Systems) S059 Hawthorn

Master of Science (Network Systems) S069 Hawthorn

Professional Certificates in ICT

Professional Certificate in Software Testing 1020 Hawthorn

Professional Certificate in Web Applications 1020 Hawthorn

Professional Certificate in Networking Concepts 1020 Hawthorn

Professional Certificate in Network Security 1020 Hawthorn






















Block Relp.ase EV

Weekday classes OL

Distance education W

Evening classes

0.5 year 1 year

0.5 year 1 year

1 year 2 years

1 year 2 years

1.5 years 3 years

1.5 years 3 years

0.5 year 1 year

0.5 year 1 year

1 year 2 years

1.5 years 3 years

2 years 4 years

nla 1 year

1 year 2 years

1.5 years 3 years

0.5 year 1 year

1 year 2 years

1.5 years 3 years

2.5 years 5 years

2.5 years 5 years

0.5 year 1 year

1 year 2 years

1.5 years 3 years

2 years 4 years

0.5 year 1 year

1 year 2 years

1.5 years 3 years

0.5 year 1 year

0.5 year 1 year

0.5 year 1 year

0.5 year 1 year

External venue

Online delivery

Weekend classes


















41 ,075














Page 14: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

postgraduate Coursework Programs 2010

Study Area/Discipline


Professional Certificate in Business Process Analysis 1020 Hawthorn DIE 0.5 year 1 year 3,950

Professional Certificate in Business Intelligence and Knowledge 1020 Hawthorn DIE 0.5 year 1 year 3,950 Management

Professional Certificate in Information Systems Governance and 1020 Hawthorn DIE 0.5 year 1 year 3,950 Management



Graduate Certificate of Multimedia J076 Hawthorn E 0.5 year 1 year 7,000

Graduate Diploma of Multimedia J086 Hawthorn E 1 year 2 years 14,000

Master of Multimedia J096 Hawthorn E 1.5 years 3 years 21,000

Master of Multimedia (Honours) J100 Hawthorn E 2 years 4 years 28,000

Master of Multimedia Technology J106 Hawthorn E 2 years 4 years 28,000

Multimedia Design

Graduate Diploma of Design (Multimedia Design) DMMD31 Prahran DIE 0.5 year 1 year 8,000

Master of Design (Multimedia Design) DMMD30 Prahran DIE 1.5 years 3 years 24,000


Career Development

Graduate Certificate in Career Development N0718 Off-campus OL 0.5 year 1 year 4,800

Graduate Diploma in Career Development N0818 Off-campus OL 1 year 2 years 9,600

Clinical Psychology

Graduate Diploma of Science (Clinical Psychology) N0816 Hawthorn E n/a 2 years 15,600

Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology)" N0912 Hawthorn E n/a 4 years 31,200

Community Engagement

Graduate Certificate of Social Science (Community Engagement) D0046CE Prahran/EV E n/a 0.5 year 5,000

Counselling Psychology

Master of Psychology (Counselling Psychology) N0904 Hawthorn E n/a 4 years 31,200

Family Therapy

Graduate Certificate of Social Science (Family Therapy) N0711 EV D/EfW n/a 1 year 6,000

Graduate Diploma of Social Science (Family Therapy) N0811 EV D/EfW n/a 2 years 12,000

Master of Social Science (Family Therapy) N0911 EVlHawthorn D/EfW n/a 3 years 1 s.oOO

Housing Management and Policy

Graduate Certificate of Social Science (Housing Management and Policy) N079 Off-campus DIS n/a 2 years 6,800

Graduate Diploma of Social Science (Housing Management and Policy) N0807 Off-campus DIS n/a 3 years 13,600

Master of Social Science (Housing Management and Policy) N0903 Off-campus DIS n/a 4 years 20,400

Human Services - Counselling

Graduate Certificate of Social Science (Human Services - Counselling) N0705 Hawthorn DIE n/a 1 year 6,000

Graduate Diploma of Social Science (Human Services - Counselling) N0805 Hawthorn DIE n/a 2 years 12,000

Master of Social Science (Human Services - Counselling) N0915 Hawthorn DIE n/a 3 years 18,000

Male Family Violence

Graduate Certificate in Social Science (Male Family Violence) G0046FAMV2 Prahran/EV 0 n/a 1 year 3,400


Page 15: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

Study Area/Discipline


Prenatal and Postnatal Family Support

Graduate Certificate of Social Science in Prenatal and D0046PNFS Croydonl Postnatal Family Support Prahran


Graduate Dip'loma of Social Science (Psychological Studies) L083 Lilydale

Graduate Diploma of Psychology N0815 Hawthorn

Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology N0812 Hawthorn

Social and Community Circus

Graduate Certificate of Arts (Social and Community Circus) CA1 1 Prahran


Graduate Certificate of Science (Applied Statistics) Z191 Off-campus

Graduate Diploma of Science (Applied Statistics) Z192 Hawthorn


Master of Science (Applied Statistics) Z193 Hawthorn



Graduate Certificate of Science (Astronomy) S048 Off-campus

Graduate Diploma of Science (Astronomy) S058 Off-campus

Master of Science (Astronomy) S068 Off-campus


Graduate Diploma of Science (Biotechnology) Z011 Hawthorn

Master of Science (Biotechnology) Z012 Hawthorn

Master of Science (Biotechnology) - Leadership stream** Z012L Hawthorn

Cardiovascular Science

Graduate Diploma of Science (Cardiac Technology) Z015 Off-campus

Graduate Diploma of Science (Cardiovascular Perfusion) Z013 Off-campus

Master of Science (Cardiovascular Perfusion) Z014 Off-campus

Good Manufacturing Practices

Graduate Certificate of Science (Good Manufacturing Practices) Z0851 Hawthorn/EV

Graduate Diploma of Science (Good Manufacturing Practices) Z0852 Hawthorn/EV

Master of Science (Good Manufacturing Practices) Z0853 Hawthorn/EV

Master of Science (Good Manufacturing Practices) (Honours) Z0854 Hawthorn/EV


Graduate Certificate in Sustainabi lityt H21545VIC Hawthornl Off-campus

























Block Release EV

Weekday classes OL

Distance education W

Evening classes

n/a 1 year

n/a 3 years

n/a 3 years

1 year 2 years

0.5 year 1 year

0.5 year 1 year

1 year 2 years

1 year 2 years

1.5 years 3 years

0.5 year 1 year

1 year 2 years

1.5 years 3 years

1 year 2 years

2 years 4 years

2 years 4 years

1 year 2 years

1 year 2 years

1.5 years 3 years

0.5 year 1 year

1 year 2 years

1.5 years 3 years

2 years 4 years

n/a 1 year

External venue

Online delivery

Weekend classes
























'These are indicative program fees for 2010. All fees are reviewed each year and may increase without notice. In the event that a unit of study is derived from another program. the applicable fee will be Ihat

of the other program. They apply to Australian and New Zealand citizens and holders of a permanent humanitarian visa. International students should refer to the Postgraduate Course Guide for International

Students. or visit the Swinbume International website at www.swinburne.edu.auJinternational. "These programs are offered in conjunction vvith Northeastern University (Boston. USA). t These programs have

multiple intakes per year - see page 5 for further details. - There are also Commonwealth supported places available for this program. t Students are expected to attend three full days of face to face sessions for

each unit of study at the Hawthorn campus.


Page 16: IS STUDY YOUR PATH TOAMORE REWARDING · takes six months full-time or one year part time to complete. A graduate certificate may allow you to progress to a graduate diploma. GRADUATE

INFORMATION SESSIONS Information sessions are held regularly throughout the year. They are a great opportunity to meet and talk to staff about your postgraduate study options.

The sessions help you understand what your chosen postgraduate program entails - what you can learn and what your study options are and where your qualification may take you.

For session dates visit www.swinburne.edu.au/postgrad or call us on 1300 ASK SWIN

Application closing dates

Semester 1

Applications c lose

5 February 2010 14 May 2010 4 June 2010

Please note the fo llowing programs have early c losing dates

Clinical Psychology

Counselling Psychology

Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology

Human Services - Counsell ing

Family Therapy

Commercial Radio

Community Engagement

Prenatal & Postnatal Family Support


August intake** September intake** November intake**

30 October 2009

30 October 2009

6 November 2009

6 November 2009

6 November 2009

6 November 2009

29 January 2010

29 January 2010

29 January 2010

Applications c lose

16 July 2010 13 August 2010

10 September 2010 19 November 2010

'Some programs may have different closing dates . .. Selecteo number of programs offereo dunng these intakes. refer to page 5 or visit the website for more information.