Islam of Prophet M.051125

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  • 8/6/2019 Islam of Prophet M.051125



    The Islam of the Holy Prophet (part 1):

    Islam does not believe in the compartmentalization or separation of lifestyles into the spiritual and thetemporal (worldly or secular). It demands the Believers to enter into the fold of Islam as a unified

    whole: " " 208 O ye who believe! Enter into Islam wholeheartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the Evil One; forhe is to you an avowed enemy.(S.II, Al-Baqarah, 208).

    According to Islam, to look exclusively for the worldly gains and to seek the bliss of both the Worldsare two distinct philosophies of life, having different objectives, temperaments and consequences.Secularism aims exclusively at the worldly gains, while Islam stands for success in this world andsalvation in the Hereafter. The Holy Quran has succinctly explained the difference between these twodistinct philosophies of life as follows:" ) 200 :(

    ) 201) (202 "(200-202

    There are people who say: Our Lord! Give us (Thy bounties) in this world! But they will have noportion in the Hereafter. And there are people who say: Our Lord! Give us good in this World andgood in the Hereafter; and defend us from the torment of the Fire! To these will be allotted what theyhave earned; And Allah is quick in account.(S.II: Al-Baqarah, 200-202).

    Islam in fact means the Way of Life that seeks to bring the human life as a whole under the orbit oftotal submission to Allah in order to gain the benefits in this life and in the Hereafter. This is the courseHe has been pleased to approve for mankind! :

    " " 19The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will).(S.III: Al-i-Imran, 19).

    " " 85

    And If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted ofhim; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good).(S.III: Al-i-Imran, 85).According to Islam, the Sole Arbiter and Legislator for all the matters concerning human life are AllahSubhanahu wa Taala and His Holy Prophet (PBUH). They are the ultimate Criterion and the Judge todecide in anything concerning the Muslim society, it may relate to the religious tenets, the socialinteraction, the family relationships, the economic issues, the politics, the judiciary, the domesticmatters, or the international relations. Allah and His Apostle alone have the authority to decide inmatters concerning the Halal and Haram (the Permissible and the Forbidden) in all spheres of humanlife. Iman, or Faith means to surrender and give back this option about dos and donts to the Lord.He who does not comprehend this point, has no real understanding of Islam.

    :() " "The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said: A Believer is he, who subordinates his personal whims anddesires to the Guidance revealed unto me.

    When one does that, his life mirrors the following verse of the Holy Quran:" ) 163) (164 "(163-164Say: Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death are (all) for Allah, theCherisher of the Worlds: No partner hath He: This am I commanded, and I am the first of those whobow to His Will.(S.VI: Al-Anam,163-164).

    Good character, behaviour, humbleness, generosity, forgiving, tolerance and compassion reflect thedepth of the believe.

  • 8/6/2019 Islam of Prophet M.051125


    A good Moslem represents Islam in this part of the world. Keep in mind that there is someone who ismore faithful than you: Respect everybody by helping those who need your wisdom and learn fromthose who are wiser.

    Avoid looking down to people you may perceive to be less faithful than you, because you do not knowwhat is in their hearts, neither would you know the good deeds they performed to please Allah and help


    Search the Wisdom and knowledge wherever you can find it: At the school, the mosque, the experienceof others, the best on TV, radio and other media organs.

    This way you will feel peace in your heart, serve Allah and your fellow human being. In addition, youwill be a good role model. Your reward will be multiplied if you do these for Allahs sake. Teach yourfamily members and others who need the knowledge and learn from those who are available to provideyou with knowledge and wisdom.

    Say: My Lord! Increase my knowledgeWas-salaam

    M.A. Mubareka