
Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

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Page 1: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world


Page 2: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Read Pages 252-255

• Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: • Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded • On how Muhammad changed the world

Page 3: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

ByzantineEmpire *

Persian Empire

An Arabian dynastyAn Arabian

dynasty *•

Page 4: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

What was the culture and geography of Arabia around AD 600?

In the AD 600s the Arabian Peninsula was sparsely occupied by Arabs.

Some were monotheistic Christians or Jews, but most were polytheistic. The Arabs were divided into often-quarreling tribes. They had never been able to overcome this tribalism and join together. They valued their particular tribe, honor, reputation, image, many sons, and beautiful women.

Page 5: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Birthplace of Muhammad

Mecca, in western Arabia, attracted caravans because of their trade it was the home of the idols of many tribes. These idols were kept in a building called the Kaaba. When the Muhammad was meditating it was revealed that he should be a prophet. He took up the mantle and tried to convert others to worship the one true god. He tried to get those in Mecca to believe, but they rejected him. He fled to Medina.

Page 6: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Forced to flee Mecca

This journey is considered so significant that Muslims, (as followers of Muhammad’s revelations are called), made Muhammad's plight to Medina year one of the Islamic calendar. This migration is known as the Hijra, and Muslims label dates after this event AH = Anno Higira, “The year of the Hijra”.

(Note that you cannot simply subtract 622 from the Western calendar to find the date because the Arabs used a lunar year [12 months of 30 or 29 days], which ends up being 354 or 355 days long).

Page 7: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

• 571 Muhammad born in Mecca. • 610 First revelation in the Harraa cave (27 Ramadan). • 622 “Hijra”or Escape. Muhammad and followers escape prosecution

and go to Almadinah (Yathrib). Year 1 in the Islamic calendar ‘Missionaries’ sent all over Arabia

– building peaceful coalition• 629 Muhammad conquers Mecca

destroys idols in Alqaaba. single-handedly, brings peace to war-torn Arabia

• 632 Muhammad dies in Almadinah. Unmarked grave (his will)

Islam, 610-632

Page 8: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world


• SEAL of the Prophets (last in a line of 28Prophets who all preached the religion of Islam)

• Born in 570 CE• Each succeeding Prophet added or improved upon the

cumulative message of Islam• Through Muhammand , the message of Islam was

completed and is preserved intact in the Quran• In 622 CE, hijrah (migration) where Muhammad moved

from Mecca to Madinah (marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar)

• Islam spread to Arabia, Spain and as far East as China

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Abdshams Hashem

(Amneh+) Abdallah Abutalib Hamzeh Alabbas Abulahab Alhareth

(661-750) (750-1258)

Muhammad Ali


Ummayah Dynasty Abbbassides Dynasty




Page 10: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Islam by the death of Mohammed 632

Page 11: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Islam at 644, the year Omar died

Page 12: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

732, 100 Yrs after Mohammed

Page 13: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

The framework for Muslim life. Essential practices

1. The declaration of faith: • "There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God"

2. Prayer: • Five obligatory prayers each day. • A direct link between the worshiper and God. • No hierarchical authority or priesthood

3. Zakat: • Obligatory charitable giving. • Wealth belong to God and it is held in trust by humans.• Zakat, or, "purification" by setting aside a portion (2.5%) for the needy

4. Fasting: • From sunrise to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan

5. Pilgrimage: • A pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca, Arabia. Only those who can

The 'Five Pillars' of Islam

Page 14: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world
Page 15: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Kaaba• Kaaba- cube shaped

building that was built by Abraham to honor God

• Viewed as Adam’s original place of worship

• Was filled with idols as people in Arabia followed polytheism

• Muhammad- received revelations that led to Islam and monotheism (and removal of idols)

• Site of hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca

Page 16: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world
Page 17: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world
Page 18: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world
Page 19: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world
Page 20: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world
Page 21: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

How did Islam conflict with Christians, Jews, and pagans?

Since Islam is built on the foundation of the Bible and the events described therein, Muhammad was disappointed that the Christians and Jews of the peninsula did not recognize his corrections and completion of the Bible and become Muslims. Nonetheless, he recognized them as “people of the Book” (i.e., the Bible) and treated them more tolerantly than other conquered peoples.

Page 22: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Treated Like lost Brothers

While others were usually forced to convert to Islam, Christians and Jews were allowed to keep their religious beliefs, as long as they paid a heavy tax for the privilege, plus they had to pay property taxes that Muslims were exempt from.

Page 23: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Quiz On Islam

1. What does Islam mean? 2. How did Muhammad become the prophet? 3. What was the shrine of Abraham turned

into? 4. Name all 5 pillars of Islam?

Page 24: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world


• Hand out 8 page packet on Islam

Page 25: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Mosque• Muslim place of worship Muslims come

together in a mosque for prayers at midday on Friday (Muslim Holy Day)

• MINARET= high tower or dome from which a muezzin calls the faithful to prayer

• WUDU= cleansing process before prayer (water)

• IMAM= chief officer in the mosque who leads prayers

Page 26: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Islam Terms

• Islam: an Arabic word that means “submitting to God” and “peace”

• Muslim: a person who follows the teachings of Islam and “submits to God and finds peace in Him”. All creation is Muslim.

• Allah: Arabic name for God. It is preferred over other names because it has no gender affiliation and does not have plurality

Page 27: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Muhammad’s Death

Just two years after Muhammad and his followers conquered Mecca, Muhammad died, in 632. He left behind no sons, but a daughter, Fatima.

Page 28: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

After the death of Muhammad

At Muhammad’s death, the big question was who would succeed Muhammad?

This became a long-lasting source of controversy. The first four caliphs were related to Muhammad by marriage (e.g., his father-in-law). The fourth caliph, Ali, was the husband of Muhammad’s daughter Fatima.

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2 Types of Muslims Then a civil war split Muslims into two groups. One

group, the Shi’a (or Shiites), held that only the Prophet’s descendants should lead the Muslims. That would mean Ali’s son Husayn.

Those favoring the most qualified leader at any time became Sunni Muslims. Today, these form the two major groups of Muslims. When Husayn was murdered, he became a martyr to the Shi’a, and is honored to this day.

Today about 85% of the world’s Muslims are Sunni, while about 14% follow the Shiite path.

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What other major political developments took place as Islamic Civilization rose?

A number of other Islamic groups came into being, such as the Sufi mystics.

This was a group that tries to turn their whole will towards God. That is the whole goal to completely devote their lives to God.

Page 31: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Spread of Islam through conquest

Between 632 (the death of Muhammad) and 750, Muslims conquered lands from India to the AtlanticOcean.

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Some of the Conquered regions

After quickly conquering the Arabian Peninsula, the Muslims attacked outward. To the East they conquered the Sassanian Empire of Persia and Mesopotamia. Continuing further, Muslims conquered the northern portion of India. Today’s Islamic Pakistan and Bangladesh are a heritage of this conquest.

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Muslims push into Spain

From Africa opposite Gibraltar, the Arabs crossed over into the Iberian Peninsula, where Visigoth kings ruled over a Christian populace. The Arabs conquered Iberia (Spain) and entered France.

There they were stopped in 732, when Western knights halted the Arab advance at the Battle of Tours.

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Empire by 750

In summary, by 750 the emerging Islamic Civilization ruled from the Pyrenees to India.


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IV. How did early Islam Expand

Slowly the conquered populations were converted to Islam, except for Jews and many of the Christians of the Iberian Peninsula. (Spain)

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Major events That Change Islam

During the next 700 years, several major events relating to the new civilization occurred:

There are 5 main events: 1. Arabs lost exclusive control of Islamic

governments while new non-Arab converts rose to power.

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Major Events that Changed Islam

2. The single government across the civilization broke into several governments and new power centers arose.

3. Western nobles attacked Islamic power in Palestine after 1095, with bad results for both sides (the Crusades).

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Major Events That Changed Islam

4. Western nobles began slowly to reclaim Spain, resulting, by 1492, in the total expulsion of Islamic rulers and the creation of two Western countries, Spain and Portugal.

5. An Islamic upstart power, the Turkish Ottomans, built an empire centered in Asia Minor by taking land from the Byzantine Empire (the former Eastern Roman Empire), capturing the Byzantines’ capital, Constantinople, in 1453.

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The first Islamic dynasty, the Umayyad Caliphate, ruled from 661 to749.

A new dynasty, the Abassid Caliphate, ruled from 749. In the 900s the Abassid Caliphate lost some areas to other Islamic leaders, marking the end of one government for the entire civilization and the end of exclusively Arabic leadership.

But cultural and religious unity still existed.

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Islam under the Umayyad

• the Umayyads transformed the caliphate from a religious institution to a dynastic one.

• During the period of the Umayyads, Arabic became the administrative language. State documents and currency were issued in the language. The Umayyads also constructed famous buildings such as the Dome of the Rock at Jerusalem, and the Umayyad Mosque at Damascus.

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Page 42: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world
Page 43: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world
Page 44: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world


• They built their capital in Baghdad after overthrowing the Umayyad caliphate. They came from one of the youngest uncles of Muhammad, because of which they considered themselves the true successor of Muhammad as opposed to the Umayyads.

• Abbasids appealed to non-Arab Muslims, known as mawali, who remained outside the kinship-based society of the Arabs and were perceived as a lower class within the Umayyad empire.

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• During this period the Muslim world became an intellectual center for science, philosophy, medicine and education as the Abbasids championed the cause of knowledge and established the House of Wisdom in Baghdad; where both Muslim and non-Muslim scholars sought to translate and gather all the world's knowledge into Arabic

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What other major political developments took place as Islamic Civilization rose?

Asian Turkish nomads, including the Seljuk Turks, moved into Islamic controlled areas in the 11th century (1000s), looking for pastoral land and wealth, and converted to Islam and joined Islamic Civilization.

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Between 1220 and 1258 Mongol invaders conquered Iran, Iraq, and Anatolia. But many eventually converted to Islam.

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Ottoman Empire

One group of Turks, the Ottomans, began a rise to power in the 1300s that would result in dominating the Islamic world and end when they chose to take part in World War One on the losing side.

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Tamurlane (Timur)

Tamurlane, a Mongolian prince converted to Islam, built an empire from 1370 until his death in1405. It ranged from India to Asia minor, but like the Empires of Charlemagne and Alexander the Great, did not outlive him. His method of conquering was so brutal (he killed uncounted thousands unnecessarily) that he essentially destroyed Muslim wealth and culture in a wide area.

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Movie on Timur

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KqR0aZ1N_w&feature=relmfu

• Start at 1:35

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What was Islamic culture like?

A. The Muslims of the early period (600s-700s) faced great challenges, such as how to rule ever larger areas, how to convert the inhabitants, and how to answer religious questions that came with the developing culture. Out of this came two responses.

1. First, the Islamic religion developed its theology and practices, its laws (sharia), and its customs more completely.

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What was Islamic culture like?

2. This response to the challenges resulted in a new civilization, Islamic to its core. Islam was now a religion and a civilization, Islamic Civilization.

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Language Spreads

Everywhere the Muslims conquered, the Arabic language took hold, gradually driving other languages out, that is, until the Arabs ran into peoples of very different languages, such as Spanish and Farsi (in Persia).

Farsi vocabulary was, however, heavily influenced by Arabic.

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What was Islamic culture like?

C. Because Muslim leaders feared that simple followers might lapse into idolatry, images were frowned upon, especially in mosques, especially of Muhammad. Thus, Islamic art emphasized geometric forms and calligraphy.


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What was Islamic culture like?

D. Islam developed a distinctive architecture, which featured Persian arches and domes prominently. Each mosque had one to four minarets, or prayer towers, from which the reader could proclaim the salah (daily prayers).

Saragossa *

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Page 57: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world
Page 58: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world


Page 59: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

Bubonic Plague

G. The Middle East and North Africa were devastated by the bubonic plague which entered from the Black Sea area in 1347-1348. The death rate was similar to that in Europe—about 1/3 of all inhabitants.

Interestingly, Islamic authorities decided that the best response was to do nothing, feeling that fleeing or quarantining the victims would disrupt life too much.

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During the Crusades

(Saladin (1138-1193) was the greatest Muslim ruler of the Crusader period.)


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How did the tide turn against Islam after the European Age of Exploration?

A. Even before the Age of Exploration was well underway, the last Muslims had been driven from Iberia (now Spain). In the late 1400s European countries began a period of growth in wealth and power. Their ambition was matched by new sailing technology. Their strong ships could fire cannon without falling apart.

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How did the tide turn against Islam after the European Age of Exploration?

Western imperialism steadily ate away at Muslim independence from India westward.

When the Ottoman Empire, already declining, joined the losing side of World War One, its defeat meant the final breakup of the Empire, with control of the Middle East parceled out to European countries.

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What is modern Islam like?

Internal conflicts1. The conflict between the Sunni majority and the Shiite minority continues today.

a. Shiites, the vast majority in Iran, have ruled Iran since 1979.

b. Iraq, the other country with a Shiite majority, faces conflict between Sunnis and Shiites.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

Page 65: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

What is modern Islam like?

Internal conflicts

2. What we think of as Islamic terrorism stems from the activities of those who advocate Wahhabism. This movement, considered a part of Sunni Islam, dates to the 1700s, when an Arabian “reformer” sought to remove all changes from “pure”, early Islam.

Their watchword is “restore Islam”.

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What is modern Islam like?

Internal conflicts

When the Saudis managed to take over rule of Arabia in 1924 (thus forming the modern state of Saudi Arabia), Wahhabism was boosted. Especially after oil began to enrich the kingdom after 1938, Wahhabis began to attract new followers by financing religious schools, madrassas.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

A. Internal conflicts2. Wahhabism, continued (4 of 6)

But the Saudis soon found that the Wahhabism conflicted with Saudi secular values and some Wahhabis turned against the Saudi government. Osama bin Laden is an example of such an enemy.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

A. Internal conflicts2. Wahhabism, continued (5 of 6)

Thus, Wahhabis such as al Qaeda are enemies not only of Western nations. The USA looms so large in their eyes because of its power. Even Muslim-friendly governments such as France and Britain are targets of Wahhabi hatred. They hate all forms of Islam that deviate from their beliefs.


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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

B. External conflicts1. Islamic enmity toward Israel is more

complicated.A small 1800s movement, Zionism, began seeking a

Jewish-controlled state. After rejecting the island of Madagascar they settled on Palestine, the historic homeland of Jews until they were chased away by the Roman government in AD 70. At the time, Palestine was in the (Islamic Turkish) Ottoman Empire.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

Zionism was not popular among European Jews, who had in the 1800s found more acceptance among Europeans. Since the end of World War One Palestine had been under the control of Great Britain, who at first welcomed the hardworking Jewish settlers.

Many settled in Palestine. Jews were successful businessmen in the area.

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Movement of the Jews

But as the number of Jewish settlers increased and their economic success contrasted sharply with the economic backwardness of the Palestinian Arabs, the Arab attitude began to change.

The Holocaust convinced the survivors that non-Jews of Europe couldn’t be trusted and Jewish refugees began to flow into Palestine. The Arabs became alarmed (the arrival of many newcomers often upsets oldtimers).

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

B. External conflicts1. Islamic enmity toward Israel (6 of 8)

The British tried to block the new immigrants, but gave up in 1948. At that point Jewish leaders declared the creation of the state of Israel, a democratic state (in a region without democratic states). It was also a Western society in an Islamic region. Jewish citizens formed the majority, with a large minority of Muslims.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

B. External conflicts1. Islamic enmity toward Israel (7 of 8)

Immediately, all its Arab neighbors declared war on Israel. As a result of this war, the territory of Israel expanded somewhat, and many Arab citizens of Israel fled to a small corner of Israel called the Gaza Strip.

The Arab states refused to admit these refugees, preferring them to stay there as a testimony to the evil of the Jewish state.

The refugees are still there.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

B. External conflicts1. Islamic enmity toward Israel (8 of 8)

A later war gave Israel the part of Jordan between it and the Jordan River (the West Bank), including East Jerusalem (which Israel had originally left outside its borders).

Widespread Arab hatred of Jews is fueled by outrageous lies spread by Arab media. An example is the belief that 9/11 was caused by Jews, who warned fellow Jews working in the twin towers not to go to work that day.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

B. External conflicts2. Hezbollah (Arabic: ‘party of God’) was

founded in Lebanon in 1982, when Israel, for security purposes, occupied southern Lebanon. It wanted Israel out of Lebanon, a goal accomplished. It became powerful in the government of Lebanon. One of its goals is the destruction of Israel.

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Growth of Jewish Settlement in Palestine before the State of Israel

West BankGaza



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Israel today

West Bank

Gaza Strip


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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

B. External conflicts4. Fatah is a Palestinian Sunni secular political

movement that lost control of the Gaza Strip due to its corruption. Its major enemy is Israel. It currently controls the West Bank.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

B. External conflicts5. Hamas is a radical Palestinian Sunni religious

terrorist movement, opposed to the corruption within Fatah. Its major enemy is Israel. It currently controls the Gaza Strip.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

B. External conflicts6. Al-Qaeda represents both an internal and

an external danger. Under the leadership of Osama bin Laden, it seeks to change the government of Saudi Arabia to a more conservative one and engage in violent activities against the United States and other countries.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

B. External conflicts 7. The Taliban, is a conservative Sunni

movement in Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan. In 1996 the Taliban overthrew the Afghanistan government.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

B. External conflicts

Al-Qaeda became a close ally of the Taliban. Therefore, Al-Qaeda now trained its members in safety in Afghanistan. In 2001, after the World Trade Center destruction, the Afghanistan government refused demands of the US and NATO to turn over Osama Bin Laden. In October of 2001 the US overthrew the Taliban government.

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VIII. What is modern Islam like?


WahhabismNext slide

C. Radical Islam review


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VIII. What is modern Islam like?

HamasGaza Strip

FatahW Bank


C. Radical Islam review


Page 85: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

VIII. What is modern Islam like?

A. Internal conflicts

(Iraq is not only split religiously, but also ethnically, between Arabs and Kurds. Like the Arabs, some Kurds are Shiites and some Sunnis.)

c. Shiites aim not only to remove Western influences in Islamic countries, but to overthrow Sunni governments (especially those that are Western in orientation).


Page 86: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

VIII. What is modern Islam like?

D. The Challenge of Western CivilizationSince the age of Imperialism, the incredible growth of

power and wealth of countries of Western Civilization has challenged Islamic cultural independence. Additionally, the lure of Western technology, wealth, and values have weakened traditional Islamic values.

Page 87: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

VIII. What is modern Islam like?

D. The Challenge of Western Civilization (2 of 3)

Most Muslims have welcomed many of these changes. The minority who reject it have called for actions to rid Islamic lands of these influences (not the technology and wealth, but the values). These include some Shiite leaders, most of the Wahhabi movement, and of course, Al-Qaeda.

Page 88: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

VIII. What is modern Islam like?

D. The Challenge of Western Civilization (3 of 3)

It is Wahhabi influence that fires terrorist acts against the United States and Europe. It is Shiite-controlled Iran that finances and enervates many actions against Israel, including Hezbollah.

Please note: the enemy to a conservative Muslim is any change to traditional Islam. Western Civilization is a target of the extreme activists because it has had so much influence on Islamic culture.


Page 89: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

IX. How do Islam & Christianity compare?

Islam ChristianityScripture The Quran is the

definitive and authoritative source. It was dictated and is completely accurate only in its original language.The Hadith, records of the Prophet’s life, are invaluable in under-standing how to live.The Bible is filled with errors.

The Bible is the definitive and authoritative source. Some Christians believe it was dictated word for word.

Page 90: Islam. Read Pages 252-255 Do a 1 page paper. Write on these 2 topics: Foundations of Islam. How Islam was founded On how Muhammad changed the world

VIII. What is modern Islam like?

E. Demographics3. 18% of Muslims are Arabs.4. The Muslim country with the largest Muslim

population is Indonesia.5. France has the largest Muslim population in

Western Europe (10%, 6 million).
