Islamic Prayer Book

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  • 8/8/2019 Islamic Prayer Book


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    i The Islamic Prayer Book


    The Islamic Prayer Book

    This book is intended as a concise guide to help you prepare for,

    understand and perform the prescribed Islamic prayers. It providesextensive references to authentic Hadith on the way the Holy ProphetMuhammad (PBUH) prayed.

    Key to Hadith References.

    Buk. - Bukhari;

    Mus. - Muslim;

    A.D. - Abu Dawood;

    I.M. - Ibn Majah;

    Misk. - Mishkaat-Al-Masabih by F. Karim.


    Research and compilations by Aslim Isakh. (718) 479-5617

    Composition and editing by Mahmoud Hussein. ([email protected])

    Book layout and printing by Abid Rasul. ([email protected])

    Cover design by Azeem Hussein.

    Thanks to Allah, our families and all those who help and support this ongoing effort.

    This Book Belongs to:_________________________________________________

    Version 2.2 - 06/24/2002

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    The Islamic Prayer Book ii

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    iii The Islamic Prayer Book

    Table of Contents

    The Islamic Prayer Book .........................................................................................i

    Key to HadithReferences. .........................................................................................i

    Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................i

    The Quranand Hadithon Prayer..........................................................................1

    Purification ...........................................................................................................2

    How to Perform Wudu (Ablution) ..........................................................................2

    Wudu, the Partial Ablution...................................................................................2

    Ghusl, The Full Ablution......................................................................................3

    Tayammum, The Symbolic Ablution .....................................................................3

    Dua After Wudu...................................................................................................3

    Salaah (Prayer) - Times, Number ofRakaahs........................................................4

    Prayer times: ....................................................................................................4

    Forbidden and exempted times of Prayer: .........................................................4

    Prayer Rakaahs:...............................................................................................4Manner of dress and recitation: ........................................................................4

    The Adhan (Public call to prayer) ..........................................................................5

    Adhan .................................................................................................................5

    Dua after Adhan ..................................................................................................6

    Other preparations before Prayer..........................................................................6

    Iqama ..................................................................................................................6

    Notes on Prayer positions......................................................................................7

    Notes on Joining the Prayer late............................................................................7

    How to perform Prayer (Salaah).............................................................................8

    Notes on Al-Faatiha .............................................................................................8

    Al-Faatiha: The Opening ......................................................................................9

    Al-Ikhlaas (Quran Ch. 112)..................................................................................9

    At-Tashahhud (The Salutation to Allah) ..............................................................11

    Salawat or Darud...............................................................................................12

    Suggested Quranic Duas ...................................................................................13

    Tasleem .............................................................................................................13


    Ayat-Ul-Kursi - The Verse of the Throne .............................................................15


    Qunut ...............................................................................................................16

    Another Qunut ..................................................................................................17

    JanazaPrayer (Funeral) ......................................................................................18

    Duato break the fast...........................................................................................18

    Short QuranicSurahs........................................................................................19

    An-Naas - Chapter 114 ......................................................................................19

    Al-Falaq - Chapter 113.......................................................................................19

    Al-Ikhlaas - Chapter 112....................................................................................19

    An-Nasr - Chapter 110.......................................................................................20

    Al-Kafirun - Chapter 109....................................................................................20

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    1 The Islamic Prayer Book

    The Quran and Hadith on Prayer

    Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    Seek help in patience and prayer; and truly it is hard save for the humble-minded.(Quran Ch. 2: v45)

    O ye who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer: for Allah is withthose who patiently persevere. (Quran Ch. 2: v153)

    When my servants ask thee concerning Me I am indeed close (to them); I listen to theprayer of every suppliant when he calls on Me; let them also with a will listen to My calland believe in Me; that they may walk in the right way.(Quran Ch. 2: v186)

    Be ever mindful of prayers, and of praying in the most excellent way;and stand before God in devout obedience. (Quran Ch. 2: v238)

    When ye have performed the act of worship, remember Allah, standing, sitting andreclining. And when ye are in safety, observe proper worship. Worship at fixed hourshath been enjoined on the believers. (Quran Ch. 4: v103)

    Lo! The hypocrites seek to beguile Allah, but it is Allah who beguiles them. When theystand up to worship they perform it languidly and to be seen of men, and are mindful ofAllah but little. (Quran Ch. 4: v142)

    O ye who believe! When ye rise up for prayer, wash your face, and your hands up to theelbows, and lightly rub your heads and (wash) your feet up to the ankles. And if ye areunclean, purify yourselves. And if ye are sick or on a journey, or one of you comethfrom the closet, or ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to

    clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it. Allah would notplace a burden on you, but He would purify you and would perfect His grace upon you,that ye may give thanks.(Quran Ch. 5: v6)

    Surely, my worship, and my sacrifice, and my living, and my dying are for Allah, Lord ofthe Worlds. (Quran Ch. 6: v162)

    Truly, to a happy state shall attain the believers:those who humble themselves in their prayer,and who turn away from all that is frivolous,and who are intent on inner purity. (Quran Ch. 23: vs.1-4)

    Extol, then, God's limitless glory

    when you enter upon the evening hours, and when you rise at morn;and seeing that unto Him is due all praise in the heavens and earth,glorify Him in the afternoon as well, and when you enter upon the hour of noon.(Quran Ch. 30: vs.17-18)

    The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, Pray as you have seen me praying(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 604).

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    The Islamic Prayer Book 2


    O ye who believe! When ye rise up for prayer, wash your face, and your hands up to theelbows, and lightly rub your heads and (wash) your feet up to the ankles. And if ye areunclean, purify yourselves. And if ye are sick or on a journey, or one of you comethfrom the closet, or ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to

    clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it. Allah would notplace a burden on you, but He would purify you and would perfect His grace upon you,that ye may give thanks.(Quran Ch. 5: v6)

    The key to prayer is purification; its beginning is takbeer, its end is tasleem. (A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 61)

    How to Perform Wudu (Ablution)

    There are two forms of ablution: the partial ablution (Wudu) and the complete ablution (Ghusl).

    The following actions or conditions nullify the state of purity and require a partial ablution (Wudu).Discharges from the body (stools, urine, gas) (Quran Ch. 4: v43); (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 176-177)Flow of blood other than menses from the body. (A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 286)Falling sleep (A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 203)Disobeying The Holy Quran Ch. 5: v90; which prohibits intoxicants and becoming intoxicated.One cannot perform prayer unless completely sober. (Quran Ch. 4: v43)

    To begin Wuduone recites:

    Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.(I.M. Vol. 1; Num. 399)

    Wudu, the Partial Ablution

    1. Wash the hands up to the wrist three times, starting with the right, then the left hand.

    2. Rinse the mouth with water three times.

    3. Cleanse the nostrils of the nose by sniffing water into them three times.

    4. Wash the face three times - from the forehead to the bottom of the chin, from ear to ear.

    5. Wash the right arm three times up to the top of the elbow, then wash the left arm.

    6. With wet hands, wipe the whole head from the forehead to the back of the neck, once.

    7. Wipe the back of both ears with the thumbs and the inside of the ears with the index fingers.

    8. Wipe both feet up to the ankles, three times, beginning with the right foot, and ensuring thatthe heels and between the toes are wiped.

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    3 The Islamic Prayer Book

    Ghusl, The Full Ablution

    O you who believe, go not near prayer when you are intoxicated till you know what yousay,nor after sexual intercourse -except you are merely passing by -until you havebathed (Ghusl). .(Quran Ch. 4: v43)

    The following actions or conditions require the full ablution (Ghusl) before performing prayer.Sexual intercourse. (Quran Ch. 4: v43)Wet dream. (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 280); (Buk. Vol. 3; Num. 609)The expiration of a woman's menstrual period. (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 303, Num. 317)

    Maimuna reported that the Holy Prophet performed Ghuslas follows. (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 265)

    1. Washed the hands and the private parts.2. Washed the parts of the body in the same way as in Wuduexcept the feet.3. Washed the entire body.4. Washed his feet.

    Tayammum, The Symbolic Ablution

    .And if you are sick, or on a journey, or one of you come from the privy, or you havetouched the womenand you cannot find water, betake yourselves to pure earth,(Tayammum)then wipe your faces and your hands. Surely Allah is ever Pardoning,Forgiving.(Quran Ch. 4: v43)

    The symbolic ablution (tayammum), is used when no water is available or a person cannot usewater because of reasons of health.

    1. Touch earth, sand, or stone lightly with both hands and then wipe the face with them once asdone in the partial ablution.

    2. Touch earth, sand, or stone lightly with both hands and then wipe the right arm to the elbowwith the left hand and the left arm with the right hand.

    Dua AfterWudu

    When one is finished with Wudu, one recites:

    Ashhadu al laa ilaaha illal laahu wahdahu laa shareekalahu wa ash hadu annaMuhammadan abduhu wa rasuuluh.

    I bear witness that there is no God except Allah and He is one and has no partner, and I alsobear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.(I.M. Vol. 1; Num. 419); (Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 451)

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    The Islamic Prayer Book 4

    Salaah (Prayer) - Times, Number ofRakaahs

    Prayer times:

    Fajr: From dawn to just before sunrise.Zuhr: Just after noon (when the sun has passed the median point in the sky).

    Asr: Halfway between noon and sunset.Maghrib: Just after sunset.Ish: Dark night (approximately an hour and a half after sunset up to midnight).(Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 1273-1280)

    Forbidden and exempted times of Prayer:The Holy Prophet forbade us to pray at these three times of day. (Mus. Vol. 2; Num. 1811)

    When the sun begins to rise until it is fully up.When the sun draws near to setting until it has set.When the sun is at its height at midday until it passes the meridian.

    Women are exempted from prayers during their menstrual period. (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 228)After childbirth, women are exempted from prayers up to forty days, then they resume prayers,except if they heal before that duration of time. (A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 311);(I.M. Vol. 1; Num. 648-649)


    The Fardrakaahs are the compulsory or prescribed prayer.

    The first two rakaahs of the FardofFajr, Maghrib and the Ishprayers are read aloud.

    Additional rakaahs are often said (Sunnah) after the example of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)and are said individually - that is, not in congregation.

    The following is a table of the order and number ofrakaahs for each time of prayer:



    Fajr 2 2

    Zuhr 4 4 2

    Asr 4Maghrib 3 2

    Ish 4 2

    The Holy Prophet prayed a total of 12 rakaahs before and after the prescribed prayers.(A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 1246); (Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 1581)

    Manner of dress and recitation:Body, clothes and place of prayer must be clean.Women are required to cover their hair in addition to their body.Men must cover at least from the navel to the knees.Prescribed prayers should be made in Arabic.Pronounce individual prayers so that only you can hear yourself. (Misk. Vol. 3; Num. 543)

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    5 The Islamic Prayer Book

    TheAdhan (Public call to prayer)

    TheAdhan or public call to prayer is given and to begin the Salaah, the Iqama is given.

    The person giving theAdhan should give the Iqama.(I.M. Vol. 1; Num. 717)

    The first person to give theAdhan was Bilaal. He used to put his two fingers to his ears andwould turn right and left at Hayya alas Salaah and Hayya alal Falaahrespectively.(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 607); (A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 520).

    However, Hazrat Umardid not put his fingers to his ears. (Buk. Vol. 1; Ch. 19; Pg. 346)


    Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar(2x) - God is the Greatest.

    Ashhadu al laa ilaaha illal laah(2x) - I bear witness that there is no God but Allah.

    Ashhadu anna Muhamadar rasuulul laah(2x) - I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messengerof God.

    Hayya alas Salaah(2x) - Come to prayer.

    Hayya alal Falaah(2x) - Come to Success.

    [Fajronly:Assalaatu khayrum minan nawm(2x) - Prayer is better than sleep]

    Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar(1x) - God is the Greatest.

    Laa ilaaha illal laah(1x) - There is no deity save God.

    Notes on Adhan.The words of theAdhan are twice and that of the Iqama are once, except forQad Qaamatis Salaah(Prayer is now ready);(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 579)

    The words of theAdhan are pronounced in double pairs and the Iqama in single.(A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 499; Num. 508-510)

    The listeners who are present repeat the words of theAdhan. (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 585, 586, 587)

    After, Hayya alas SalaahandHayya alal Falaah,the listeners reciteLa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah. (There is neither might nor power except with Allah)(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 587)

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    The Islamic Prayer Book 6

    Dua afterAdhan

    Allaahumma Rabba haazihid dawatit taammati, wassalaatil qaaimati, aati Muhammada nilwa seelata walfadeelata waddarajatar rafeeata wabashu maqaamam mahmooda nil lazeewaattahoo war zuqnaa shafaa-atahoo yawmal qiyaamati, innaka laa tukhliful meeaad.(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 588)

    Allah, the Lord of living prayer, grant to Muhammad nearness and excellence and raise him to theposition of glory which Thou hast promised him, and grant us his intercession on the day of

    Requital; surely Thou never fail in (Thy) promise.

    Other preparations before PrayerMen and women are allowed to pray together in the mosques, as this was the practice during thelifetime of our Holy Prophet. (PBUH). (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 821-832)

    The rows are formed in straight lines with the adult males in the first one and the small boysbehind, then the small girls with the adult females at the last. (Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 881)

    Stand erect, head down, hands at sides, feet evenly spaced, face the Qibla, (Mecca).

    There is no record that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) ever recited any formula for intention such asNeeyat Karta or Na Waitu etc.


    Give the Iqama(prayer is ready) to announce prayer is ready.

    Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar(1x)

    Ashhadu al laa ilaaha illal laah (1x)

    Ashhadu anna Muhamadar rasuulul laah (1x)

    Hayya alas Salaah (1x)

    Hayya alal Falaah (1x)

    Qad Qaamatis Salaah (2x)

    Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar(1x)

    Laa ilaaha illal laah(1x)

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    7 The Islamic Prayer Book

    Notes on Prayer positions

    A rakaah is a unit of prayer comprising a complete cycle of actions and recitations.From the position ofQiyam(Standing) to Ruku (Stooping or Bowing), followed by the First Sujood

    (Sajdah or Prostration) then Jalsa(Sitting between Sujoods) to the end of the Second Sujood.

    Salaah starts with Takbeer Tahrima -Allaahu Akbar.(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 612, 705, 706, 755); (Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 1005)

    After the Takbeer-Allaahu Akbar, raise hands up to the shoulders or ears.(Buk. Vol 1. Num. 702); (A.D. Vol. 1 Num. 736)

    Place right hand on left forearm.(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 707)

    Hands can be folded and placed above or below the navel.(A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 755-757)

    Hands can be folded and placed on the chest.(A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 758)

    The Holy Prophet (PBUH) sometimes raised his hands to his shoulders at the pronouncement ofthe othertakbeers.(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 706)

    He also did not do so but kept them folded until he went to ruku.(A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 747-749; Misk. Vol. 3; Num. 211)

    Both forms are correct and to choose one for the other is a matter of ones opinion.

    Salaah ends with Tasleem.

    (Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatul laah)(Buk. Vol. 1; Ch. 70; Pg. 443); (I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 914)

    Notes on Joining the Prayer late

    Whoever joins a congregational prayer after it has started but joins before the rukuof a rakaah,he is considered present for that entire rakaah.

    and if anyone is present while bowing (ruku), he has been present at the prayer.(A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 892)

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    The Islamic Prayer Book 8

    How to perform Prayer(Salaah)

    Salaah consists of the recitation of glorifications and supplications while the worshipper performsactions in certain defined physical positions. The manner of the recitations - (Transliteration inBold Italics) - can vary, depending on the prescribed time of the prayer.

    1. Quama (Stand, hands at the sides, facing Qiblah)

    Allaahu Akbar- (Takbeer Tahrima)

    God is the Greatest.

    Raise hands up to the shoulders or ears. (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 702); (A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 736)Place right hand on left forearm. (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 707)

    2. Qiyam (Stand, right hand on left forearm, facing Qiblah)

    AfterTakbeer Tahrima, the Holy Prophet recited a number of short prayers.(Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 1696); (A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 759, 774); (Misk. Vol. 3; Num. 214, 219)

    Some of these are:

    Inni wajjahtu wajhiya lil-lazeefataras-samaawaati wal ardahaneefaw wa maa anaa minalmushrikeen, Inna salaatee wanusukee wa mahiyaaya wamamaatee lil-laahi rabbil-aalameen, laa shareeka lahuwa bizalika umirtu wa anaaminal-muslimeen.

    Surely I have turned myself, being upright wholly to Him Who originated the heavens and the

    earth and I am not of the polytheists. Surely my prayer and my sacrifice and my life and mydeath are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds, no associate has He; and this I am commandedand I am one of those who submit.

    Subhaanaka laahumma wa bihamdika, wa tabaara kasmuka, wa taaalaa jadduka, walaa ilaaha ghayruka.

    Glory to Thee, O Allah, and Thine is the praise, and blessed is Thy name, and exalted is ThyMajesty, and there is none to be served besides Thee.

    Notes on Al-Faatiha3. Al-Faatiha must be read in every rakaah. No prayer is valid without the Faatiha.

    (I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 837)The worshipper only recites the Faatiha when the Imam is leading the Salaah.(A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 823)

    The worshipper recites Faatiha inwardly when the Imam is leading the Salaah.(A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 820); (I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 838)

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    The Islamic Prayer Book 10

    4. Allaahu AkbarGod is the Greatest.

    Bend from Qiyam to Ruku.(Bowing or Stooping)Hands drop to sides; bend from waist, place palms on knees, back parallel to ground.

    5. Ruku(Bowing or Stooping)

    Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem (While stooping)Holy is my Lord, the Magnificent.(I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 890)

    Three times are minimum. (A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 885)

    6. Samial laahu Liman HamidaRise from Rukuto Quama (Stand, hands at the sides)Allah accepts him who gives praise to Him.

    Samial laahu Liman Hamidais recited. (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 701)

    7. Rabbanaa Lakal Hamd(Congregation responds in Quama)Our Lord! Thine is the praise.

    Rabanaa lakal-hamd(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 689) ORRabanaa wa lakal-hamd(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 699)

    8. Allaahu Akbar (Lower yourself to the first Sujudor prostration)God is the Greatest.

    9. First Sujood(Sajdahor prostration); (I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 890)Lower slowly to kneeling posture, then touch forehead, nose and palms to ground.

    Only seven parts touch the ground - forehead, two hands, two knees and the toes of both

    feet. The elbows do not touch the ground. (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 773).

    Subhaana Rabbiyal AlaaGlory to my Lord, the Most High.

    Recite three times minimum.(A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 885)

    10. Allaahu Akbar- (Rise to sit in Jalsa or reverential posture)God is the Greatest.

    11. Jalsa (Sitting between the two Sujoods)The worshipper sits in the reverential posture with the two hands on both knees.

    The following prayer is said in Jalsa:

    Al-laahummaghfirlee war hamnee wahdineewa aafinee war zuqnee war fanee wajburnee.

    O Allah! Grant me protection and have mercy on me and guide me and grant me security andgrant me sustenance and exalt me and set right my affairs.(A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 849); (I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 898)

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    12. Allaahu Akbar- (Lower yourself to the second Sujud)God is the Greatest.

    13. Second Sujud (Sajdah orprostration)Prostrate - hands on knees, lower slowly to kneeling position; touch forehead, nose andpalms to ground, but not the elbows.

    Subhaana Rabbiyal Alaa (Recite three times minimum)Glory to my Lord, the Most High.

    14. Allaahu Akbar- (See Note below)God is the Greatest.

    Note: This ends the firstrakaah. Rise to Qiyam and repeat steps 3 - 14 for the secondrakaah.At the end of every secondorlastrakaah, rise to Quudand continue as in Step 15.

    15. QuudorQada (Sitting in the reverential posture)At the end of every secondrakaahand the lastrakaah of each prayer, remain seatedin thereverential posture and reciteAt-Tashahhud.

    (Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 1005); (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 794); (A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 782)

    At-Tashahhud(The Salutation to Allah)At-Tahiyyat

    At Tahiyyaatu lillaahi wa Salawaatu wa tayibaatuAssalaamu alaika ayyuhannabiyyu wa Rahmatullaahi wa BarakaatuhuAssalaamu 'alainaa wa alaa 'Ibaadillaahis Saaliheen. Ash-hadu al-laa ilaaha illal laahuwa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuuluh

    The right forefinger is pointed at Ash-hadu al-laa ilaaha (Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 1202-1204)

    All reverence, worship and sanctity are due to Allah. Peace be upon you, O Prophet! And themercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace be on us and on the righteous servants of Allah;and I bear witness that there is no deity (worthy of worship) but Allah; and I bear witness thatMuhammad is His chosen servant and His Messenger.

    Note: If there is a thirdorfourthrakaah, afterAt-Tahiyyat, recite Takbeerand rise to Qiyam.Proceed as in previous rakaahs but only reciteAlFaatiha.

    Allaahu Akbar- (See Preceding Note)God is the Greatest.

    Otherwise, if this is the finalrakaah, then after recitingAt-Tahiyyat, remain in Quud(reverential posture) and continue with the rest ofAt-Tashahhudas described next.

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    SalawatorDarud16. The SalawatorDarudis recited afterAt-Tahiyyatin the final rakaah of the prayer.

    Al-laahumma salli a-laa Muhammadin wa a-laa a-li Muhammadin kamaa sallaita a-laaIbraaheema wa a-laa a-li Ibraaheema innaka Hameedum Majeed.

    Al-laahummabarika-laa Muhammadin wa a-laa a-li Muhammadin kamaa barakta a-

    laa Ibraaheema wa a-laa a-li Ibraaheema innaka Hameedum Majeed.(I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 904)

    O Allah! Exalt Muhammad and the followers of Muhammad as Thou didst exalt Abraham and

    the followers of Abraham, for surely Thou art Praised and Magnified.O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the followers of Muhammad, as Thou didst bless Abrahamand the followers of Abraham, for surely Thou art Praised and Magnified.

    Note: Any supplication can be made after this. (Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 793-6); (A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 963)One can recite as the Holy Prophet (PBUH) did;

    17. Allaahumma innee a-ouzu bika min azaabil qabri, wa ouzu bika min fitnatil maseehiddajjali, wa ouzu bika min fitnatil mahyaa wal mamaati, allaahumma innee a`ouzu bikaminal mathami wal maghrami.(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 795)

    O Allah, I seek refuge in Thee from the torment of the grave and I seek refuge in Thee fromthe perfidy of al-Masih al-Dajjal and I seek refuge in Thee from the trial of life and the trial ofdeath. O Allah, I seek refuge in Thee from the sins and from the debt.

    18. Allaahumma innee zalamtu nafsee zulman katheerau, wa laa yaghfiruz-zunooba illaaanta, faghfirlee maghfiratam min indika, warhamnee, innaka antal ghafurur-raheem.[As he taught Abu Bakr; (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 796)]

    O Allah! I did a gravewrong to myself. Andnone except Theeforgive the sins. Sogrant me forgivenessfrom Thyself. And take pity upon me; Thou art the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

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    13 The Islamic Prayer Book

    Suggested QuranicDuas

    The worshipper can recite the following Quranic Duas while seated (Quud) before the Tasleem.

    Rabij-Alni19. Rabij-Alni(Quran Ch. 14: vs.40 - 41)

    Rabbij-alnee muqeemas salaati wa min zurreyyate rabbanaa wataqabbal duaa,Rabbanaaghfirlee waliwaalidaiyya wa lil mumineena yawma yaquumul hisaab.

    My Lord! Make me regular in prayer, and my offspring too. Our Lord accept my prayer. OurLord grant protection to me and my parents and to all the faithful on the day of Judgement.

    Rabanaa Atinaa20. Rabanaa Atinaa(Quran Ch. 2: v201)

    Rabbanaa atinaa fid-dunyaa hasana-tau wa fil aakhirati hasanatauwa qinaa azaban-nar.

    O our Creator and Sustainer! Give us goodness in this world and in the world Hereafter, and

    save us from the torment of Hell-Fire.


    21. End Salaah by reciting Tasleem. (Buk. Vol. 1; Ch. 70; Pg. 443); (I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 914)

    Turn your head to the right and recite -:

    Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatul laah.May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be with you.

    Then turn your head to the left and recite -:

    Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatul laahMay the Peace and Blessings of Allah be with you.

    This brings the prayer to a close.

    The worshipper can then perform Zikr, as was the practice of the Holy Prophet PBUH.

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    AfterTasleem the Holy Prophet (PBUH) made zikrin a loud voice.(Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 1211)

    22. Astaghfirul laah - Three times. (I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 928)

    Astaghfirul laaha rabbee min kulli zam-bewwa atubo i-layh.

    I seek the protection of Allah from every fault and Ido turn to Him.

    23. Allaahumma antas salaam - (I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 924)

    Allaahumma antas salaam wa minkas salaam wailayka yarjius salaam hayyinaa rabbanaabissalaam wa adkhilnaa daa rassalaamtabaarakta rabbanaa wa ta-aa layta yaa

    zaljalaali walikraam.

    O Allah! Thou art the Author of peace, and fromThee comes peace, and peace is inclined towardsThee. O Allah! Keep us alive in peace and admit usto the abode of peace (Heavens) blessed art Thou,the most High, O Lord of Glory and Honor.

    24. Laa ilaaha illal laahu wahdahu -(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 805); (Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 1235)

    Laa ilaaha illal laahu wahdahu la shareekalahu, lahul mulku, wa lahul hamdu, wahuwa alaa

    kulli shayin qadeer.

    There is no god but God (Allah); He is the One and Only;for Him there is no partner; for Him is the Sovereignty (ofthe entire universe) and for Him is the Praise, He gives life and He causes death. He is Ever-Living. Undying and in His Hands is all goodness; and He is Omnipotent over all things.

    25. Tahleel: La ilaaha illal laah (There is no God but Allah).(Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 1236)

    Tasbeeh: Subhaanal laah (Glory be to Allah) - 33 times.

    Tahmeed: Alhamdu lil-laah (All Praise be to Allah) - 33 times.

    Takbeer: Allaahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) - 34 times.

    (Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 804); (Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 1242)

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    Ayat-Ul-Kursi-The Verse of the Throne

    The worshipper can also reciteAyat-Ul-Kursi(Quran Ch. 2:v255) in Zikr.

    Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

    Allaahu laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qayyum;laa takhuzuhus sinahtowe wa laa nawmlahu maa fis samaawaate wa maa fil ard; Man za allaze yashfaindahu illaa bi iznihi; ya lamu maa bayna aydehim wa maa khalfahumwa laa yuhetuuna bishay'im-min ilmihi illaa bi maa shaaa wasia kurseyuhussamaawaati wal ard.wa laa yauduhu hifzuhumaa wa huwal aleyul azeem

    Saddaqal-lah hul Azeem

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

    There is none worthy of worship save Allah, Who is Everlasting and Immortal.Neither drowsiness nor sleep can touch Him.

    He is the sole Possessor and Ruler of Everything in heaven and earth.No one dares to recommend anybody in His Court of Justice but with His permission.Whatever is happening to the living people, and whatever will happen after their death, iscompletely, known to Allah.People cannot know anything of His knowledge but whatever He wishes them to know.His Throne is so vast that it encompasses the heaven and earth and He is never tired tocontrol and protect both of them. He is Sublime and Great.

    Allah, the Most High, speaks the truth.

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    The Witrprayer is performed anytime after the Ishbut before the Fajrprayer.(Buk. Vol. 2; Num. 110)

    Witrends prayer for the night. (Mus. Vol. 1; Num. 1638)

    The Holy Prophet used to perform the Witrprayer in the latter part of the night.(Buk. Vol. 1; Num. 183)

    In the odd rakaah of the Witrprayer, (read at the end of IshorTahajjud), the Faatiha is followedby recitation of a portion of the Quran and then the Qunutis said in silence.(I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 1178); (A.D. Vol. 1; Num. 1420)


    Allaahummah dinee feeman hadaita

    wa aafenee feeman aafaita

    wa tawallanee feeman tawallaita,

    wa baarik lee feemaa aataita,

    waqinee sharra maa qadaita,

    Innaka taqdee walaayuqdaaalaika,

    Inna-huu laa yadhillu man waa laita,

    tabaarakta Rabbanaa wa ta-alaita,

    O Allah! Guide me among those whom You have guided; and pardon me among those who Youhave pardoned; and turn on me in friendship among those on whom You have turned infriendship; and bless me in what You have bestowed; and save me from the evil of what Youhave decreed; [for] indeed You decree, and none can influence You; [and] he is not humiliatedwhom You have befriended; Blessed are You, O Lord, and Exalted.

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    The following is another form of the Qunut. However, we found no record of it in the Sunnah.

    Allahu-mma inna nastainuka wa nastaghfiruka wa numinu bika;

    wa natawakkalu alaika wa nuthni alaikal-khaira;

    wa nashkuruka wala nakfuruka wa nakhla'u wa nat ruku man-yaf 'juruka.

    Allahumma iyyaka nabudu wa laka nusalli wa nasjudu wa ilaika nasa wa nahfidu wa narju

    rahmataka wa nakhsha azabaka inna azabaka bilkuffari mulhiq.

    0 Allah! We beseech Thy help and seek Thy forgiveness. We strongly believe in Thee and solelydepend upon Thee; we praise Thee and are thankful to Thee and we are not ungrateful to Theeand we also abandon and reject everyone who has been disobedient to you. 0 Allah! We worshipThee only, and we perform prayer and do obeisance only for the sake of Thy pleasure; to Theewe turn to in haste, we desire Thy mercy and fear Thy punishment; Verily, Your chastisementovertakes the infidels.

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    Janaza Prayer (Funeral)

    Faatiha must be read in the Janaza prayer.

    (I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 1495,1496); (Buk. Vol. 2; Num. 419)

    Dua recited in Janazaprayer. (I.M. Vol. 2; Num. 1498)

    Allaahummagh-fir li-hayyinaa wa may-yitinaa wa shaahidinaa wa ghaaibinaawa sagheerinaa wa kabeerinaa wa zakarinaa wa unsaanaa;

    Allaahumma man ah-yay-tahu min-naa fa-ah-yi-hee alal islaam,Wa man tawaf-faitahu min-naa fa-tawaf-fahu alal eemaan,

    Allaahumma laa tahrimnaa ajrahu, wa laa taftinaa badahu.

    O Allah! Grant forgiveness to our living and our dead, present and absent, and our young onesand old ones, our males and females. O Allah! Whosoever among us you keep alive, keep themalive in Islam and whosoever Thou cause to die, make him die in the Islamic faith. O Allah! Donot deprive us of his reward and do not make us fall into a trial after him.

    Dua to break the fast

    While breaking the fast, one may read the following prayer. (A.D. Vol. 2; Num. 2351)

    Al-laa-humma innee laka sumtuwa bika aamantu wa alayka tawakkaltuwa a-laa rizqika aftartu.

    O Allah, I keep fast (to seek) Your (pleasure) and believe in You and trust in You and break thefast with what You have provided.

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    Short QuranicSurahs

    An-Naas -Chapter 114

    Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

    Qul auzu birabbin-naasMalikin-naas. Ilaahin-naas.Min sharril waswasil khan-naas

    Al-lazi yuwaswisu feesudu rin-naas.Minal jinnati wan-naas

    Say: I seek refuge in the Lord ofmankind,The King of mankind,The God of mankind,From the evil of the sneaking Devil,

    Who whispers into the hearts of mankind,From among the Jinn and mankind.

    Al-Falaq -Chapter 113

    Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

    Qul auzu birabbil falaq.Min sharri maa khalaq.Wamin sharri ghaasiqinizaa waqab. Wamin sharrinaffaasaati fil uqadWamin sharri haasidin izaa hasad

    Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the DaybreakFrom the evil of that which He created,From the evil of the darkness when it is intense,And from the evil of malignant witchcraft,And from the evil of the envier when he envies.

    Al-Ikhlaas -Chapter 112

    Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

    Qul huwal laahu ahad.Allaahus samad. Lam yalid.Wa lam yuulad.Wa lam yakul lahu kufuwan ahad.

    Say: He Allah is One!Allah is He on whom all depends!He begets not. Nor is He begotten.And there is none comparable unto Him.

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    An-Nasr -Chapter 110

    Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

    Izaa jaa-a nasrul laahi waalfath.Wa ra aytan naasa yad

    khuloona fee deenil laahiafwaajaa. Fasabbih bihamdirabbika wastaghfir.Innahu kaana tawwaabaa.

    When Allah's help and victory comesAnd thou seest mankind entering the religion of Allah in large numbers,Then celebrate the praises of thy Lord, and seek forgiveness of Him.Lo! He is ever ready to show mercy.

    Al-Kafirun -Chapter 109

    Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

    Qul yaa ayyuhaal kaafiroon.Laa abudu maa tabudoon.Wa laa antum aabidoona maaabud. Wa laa anaa aabidummaa abadtum. Wa laa antumaabidoona maa abud. Lakumdeenukum waliya deen.

    Say: O disbelievers!I worship not that which you worship,Nor do you worship that which I worship.And I shall not worship that which you worship.Nor will you worship that which I worship.Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.

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