ISO9001 ISO14001 - JETRO...ISO9001 ISO14001 SST has certificates of internationally recognized Quality Assurance System (ISO9001) and Environment Management System (ISO14001) In 1994,

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Page 1: ISO9001 ISO14001 - JETRO...ISO9001 ISO14001 SST has certificates of internationally recognized Quality Assurance System (ISO9001) and Environment Management System (ISO14001) In 1994,
Page 2: ISO9001 ISO14001 - JETRO...ISO9001 ISO14001 SST has certificates of internationally recognized Quality Assurance System (ISO9001) and Environment Management System (ISO14001) In 1994,


 Sensors for measuring and control purposes are essential in thedevelopment of any industry. That is why we try to offer truly valuablesensing instruments. Our two main product groups are vibrationsensors for rotating machinery and high precision non-contactdisplacement transducers. We also develop and produce systemproducts, and sensors for rockets and observation satellites.We work closely with the administration, sales, and technologydepartments of SHINKAWA Electric Co., Ltd. to better serve ourcustomers.

 1994年、当社広島工場は「変位・振動計及び回転機械監視システム」に関する品質保証体制として、国際規格であるISO9001の認証を取得、日・米での各審査機関に登録されました。このことは当社の製品開発、受注、製造、サービスなどのトータルな品質保証体制が国際的に認められたことのみならず、現体制の積極的な維持、運営への大きな自信ともなりました。これにより国内外の安全、船級規格、防爆等の各種認証の取得ともあわせ、より充実した品質保証体制を確立。ユーザの皆様に確信をもってご満足いただける製品の提供を目指します。 また、1996年には、地球環境への産業廃棄物の影響を考慮して当社広島工場は、ISO14001環境マネジメントシステムの認証を取得しました。地球の未来に責任を持てる製造方法で製作した製品を提供致します。

世界で認められた品質保証体制とマネジメントシステム ISO9001 ISO14001

SST has certificates of internationally recognizedQuality Assurance System (ISO9001) andEnvironment Management System (ISO14001) In 1994, for the quality assurance system applied to our Displacement /Vibration Transducer System and Rotating Machinery MonitoringSystems SHINKAWA Sensor Technology, Inc. Hiroshima factory waspromptly certified as conforming to the international quality assurancestandard ISO9001 and registered with the respective Japanese and U.S.certification agencies. By bringing our products into line with various standards and havingthem certified under Japanese and international safety, type, andexplosion-proof standards, we perfected a system that enables us tosupply products sure to satisfy our customers. In 1996, SHINKAWA Sensor Technology obtationed ISO14001approval for the Environment Management System at its HiroshimaFactory out of concern over the effect of industrial waste on the globalenvironment. Our company philosophy is to manufacture environment-friendlyproduces to protect the future of our globe.

sensors through creativity and state-of-the-art technology

ISO9001登録認定書JQA Certificate of Registration

米国UL 登録認定書UL Certificate of Registration

ISO14001登録認定書JQA Certificate of Registration

船級規格形式承認証明書"Shipping Standard Type Approval"


防爆構造電気機械器具形式検定合格証Certificates of "Conformity of the

Explosion-proof Construction of ElectricEquipment and Devices"

CE マークCE Mark


Page 3: ISO9001 ISO14001 - JETRO...ISO9001 ISO14001 SST has certificates of internationally recognized Quality Assurance System (ISO9001) and Environment Management System (ISO14001) In 1994,

pectations through high quality products

SST's unique sensor technology assists activities in diverse industrial sectors.


 SST's company-wide QA system, ranging from processcontrol and quality inspection through outgoing inspection,has gained a high reputation and won the trust of ourcustomers in Japan and abroad. Our film is certified ascomplying with internationally respected ISO9001, and hasalso been selected a designated factory for vibrationmonitoring systems.

Quality assurance system


 The development of a new sensor material results in thedramatic advancement of sensor technology.In cooperation with various research institutes, SHINKAWAhas developed not only basic perpetually resistant alloymaterials such as for coil wires but perpetually elasticmaterials and other materials as well. These materials,used for many superior products, are highly valued invarious industrial sectors.

 Under our own brand, RIVERNEW, we develop and manufacture a group of highprecision, high resolution displacement / vibration measuring devices for diverseindustries, mainly for rotating machinery monitoring systems and non-contactdisplacement / vibration transducer systems for the safe operation of all kinds of rotatingmachines, ranging from small motors to large turbine generators in thermal powerplants. Thanks to their superb resistance to harsh environments, such as extremetemperatures and high pressures, these products successfully meet the latestapplication requirements, including use in "Shinkansen" express train systems as wellas in the space industry, thereby contributing to the creation of an affluent future society.

Material Development



Page 4: ISO9001 ISO14001 - JETRO...ISO9001 ISO14001 SST has certificates of internationally recognized Quality Assurance System (ISO9001) and Environment Management System (ISO14001) In 1994,

 生産の仕組みが誰にでもすぐ判る新しい生産体制SPS [SST Production System]の導入により、生産効率を高めコストダウンを実現。一貫した品質管理と生産設備により、センサや変換器、モニタ、振動解析機器、厚さ測定システムなど、数多くの製品を提供しています。

 The introduction of a new production system calledSHiPS [Super High Productivity System], which emphasizesthe importance of simplifying the operator leaning process,has helped us increase productivity and cut down on cost.We manufacture sensors, converters, monitors, vibrationanalyzers, thickness measuring systems and many otherproducts manufactured in sophisticated facilities withstringent quality control.

Production system


 Needs related to sensors have become increasinglydiversified and sophisticated. To meet these needs,SHINKAWA is promoting research into measurementsystems based on various principles. Furthermore, ourcompany is actively participating in the development ofhighly efficient sensors for space development.SHINKAWA will continue to take the initiative in bold newprojects to pioneer the unknown domain of technology.

Technologies Realizing Wide Rangeof Concepts Research and Development

echnology ushers the industry into a new age


Page 5: ISO9001 ISO14001 - JETRO...ISO9001 ISO14001 SST has certificates of internationally recognized Quality Assurance System (ISO9001) and Environment Management System (ISO14001) In 1994,

Company NameSHINKAWA Sensor Technology, Inc.

AddressTokyo Head Office3rd Fl, Shin-kojimachi Bldg., 3-3Kojimachi 4-chome, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-0083, JapanTEL03-3263-4517 FAX03-3262-2171

Hiroshima Factory4-22 Yoshikawa kogyodanchi,Higashi-Hiroshima,Hiroshima 739-0153, JapanTEL082-429-1118 FAX082-429-0804

EstablishmentFebruary 16, 1994

Board of DirectorsPresident & Representive Director

Fumito ShinkawaManaging Director Hiroshi ImaikeDirector Toshiyuki KomoriDirector Yoshio TakanoDirector Toshiaki TakedaAuditor Yoshihiro Hamamoto

Capital¥50 million

Activity1. Development, Design and Manufactureof the Rotating Machinery Monitors.

2. Development, Design and Manufactureof the Displacement/Vibration Sensors,Transducers and the Monitors.

3. Field Service and Repair

商 号


設 立

役 員




東京本社〒102-0083東京都千代田区麹町4丁目3-3新麹町ビル3FTEL03-3263-4517 FAX03-3262-2171

広島工場〒739-0153広島県東広島市吉川工業団地4番22号TEL082-429-1118 FAX082-429-0804


代表取締役社長  新川文登常務取締役    今池 宏取締役      小森敏幸取締役      高野義生取締役      武田敏明監査役      浜本芳裕


(1)回転機械監視装置の開発・設計・製作(2)変位・振動センサ、トランスデューサ、  モニタの開発・設計・製作(3)当社製品の修理、フィールドサービス


Outline of Company

いま新世紀へのステップ 当社は1994年、新川電機の生産本部を分社、独立した、計測・制御におけるセンシングの研究開発、製造メーカです。新川電機で長年培ってきたセンシング技術にさらに磨きをかけ、また、メーカという新たなスタンスに立って、加速度を増す技術革新に柔軟かつ大胆に対応。物づくりに対する情熱とたゆみない努力を原動力に、社員の英知を結集しました。日本、そして世界に認められ、社会に貢献できる製品開発に意欲的に取り組んでまいります。"センシング技術で世界へ羽ばたく"を新世紀のビジョンにさらなる躍進をめざします。お客様にご満足を提供する新川センサテクノロジ[SST]にご期待ください。

Entering a new century

 SHINKAWA Sensor Technology, Inc. wasincorporated in 1994, when the formerproduction division of SHINKAWA Electric Co.,Ltd. was separated from the rest of thecompany. We research, develop andmanufacture sensors for measuring and controlpurposes. While building on our accumulatedsensor technology, we take advantage of ourindependence, which permits flexibility andboldness in accommodating the acceleratinginnovation of technology.On the strength of our collective zeal and ourunflagging efforts in product development, weare determined to contribute to society byproviding domestically and internationallyrecognized products. We will continue to strivefor technological enhancement and customersatisfaction, so that we may realize our vision forthe new century : "to become an internationalpresence through our sensor expertise."

新川センサテクノロジSHINKAWA Sensor Technology

研究開発・製造R&D and manufacture

新川電機SHINKAWA Electric計測・制御機器の輸出入Export and import of measurement andcontrol equipment

新川電機SHINKAWA Electric

フィールドエンジニアリング Field engineering

新川電機SHINKAWA Electric

セールスエンジニアリング Sales engineering

新川電機SHINKAWA Electric

システムエンジニアリング System engineering

P O S I T I O N & N E T W O R K


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1995-2009Printed in Japan 19514J1.7-09301