press ISOLOMZI 20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | Tsomo Nqamakwe | Willowvale | Confimvaba | Elliot THURSDAY April 3, 2014 |0 047 050 4430 | www.isoexpress.co.za | isoexpress.mobi | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Isolomzi Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE WHERE SMART PEOPLE SHOP 7 Sprigg street Mthatha Tell 047 532 4599 / 081 474 4406 Terms & condition apply BEE Compliant 8 PANEL DOOR WITH FREE HINGES at WITH RHINO BOARDS AT FREE RHINOLITE R100 FREE TYLON NEW RANGE OF PORCELAIN TILES WE WILL BEAT ANY WRITTEN QUOTE R650 MSS30Q-030414-IE-ebmswa-build SIMBONGILE MDLEDLE DESPITE signs at Second Beach, Port St Johns, to warn people about sharks, the car- nage continues. The most recent shark attack victim, an Austrian tourist (72), fell prey to an unidenti- fied shark while bathing here last weekend. The latest incident puts the number of fatal- ities from shark attacks on eight, leaving Sec- ond Beach often referred to as the “deadliest beach in the world.” Express visited the nearby Mthumbane township in an effort to establish why the kill- ings were still continuing even though sig- nage was put up to warn people. The Mthumbane community has lost three of its local boys to shark attacks at Second Beach. Most of the people who spoke to the Express team felt that bathers were just recklessly breaking the rules of the beach by ignoring the warning signs. A local DJ, Jimmy Ndamase, said every- body knows that there are sharks at Second Beach, but they continue swimming there, thinking nothing would happen to them. “Some come to the beach drunk and get into the water, knowing that the beach is danger- ous, while others see bathers swimming and they just follow suit.” Port St Johns Mayor, Mnyamezeli Mangqo, confirmed that after previous incidents, the municipality took the initiative to put warn- ing signs all over Second Beach to make peo- ple aware of the danger. “These signs explain how people should be- have. The sharks are in their natural habitat and we don’t know everything about their be- haviour. Still, we need to continue creating awareness of the imminent danger,” said Mangqo. This month, according to him, they will have a meeting with the department of Eco- nomic and Environmental Affairs and the OR Tambo District Municipality in the hope of coming up with solutions to prevent shark at- tack fatalities. “We want provisions for a permanent res- cue team with a boat and we are also going to appeal to the department of Health to pro- vide a permanent ambulance for Second Beach. We want to have a speedy rescue sys- tem in place,” said Mangqo. He confirmed that after the most recent in- cident, Second Beach was closed and people were not allowed near the water. They had recalled the life savers, since they wanted to employ five full-time life savers as part of preparations for the Easter holidays. He called on visitors to Port St Johns to re- spect and cooperate with the laws and life savers. “Port St Johns remains an attractive tour- ism destination, but as government, we need to ensure that our guests are protected.” He extended his condolences to the family of the Austrian victim and also again to the families of the other seven victims. SECOND BEACH: SHARK ATTACKS CONTINUE DESPITE WARNING SIGNS Plans to curb the carnage Port St Johns Mayor Councillor Mnyamezeli Mangqo. PHOTO: AYANDA MILLISA MADIKIZELA A recent shark attack at Second Beach brought the number of shark attack victims at this popular beach to eight. The municipality has been trying for many years to address the carnage. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Isolomzi express 03 04 2014

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Isolomzi express 03 04 2014

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Page 1: Isolomzi express 03 04 2014


20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | TsomoNqamakwe | Willowvale | Confimvaba | Elliot

THURSDAY April 3, 2014 |0 047 050 4430 | www.isoexpress.co.za | isoexpress.mobi | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Isolomzi Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE


7 Sprigg street Mthatha Tell 047 532 4599 / 081 474 4406 Terms & condition apply BEE Compliant















DESPITE signs at Second Beach, Port StJohns, to warn people about sharks, the car-nage continues.

The most recent shark attack victim, anAustrian tourist (72), fell prey to an unidenti-fied shark while bathing here last weekend.The latest incident puts the number of fatal-

ities from shark attacks on eight, leaving Sec-ond Beach often referred to as the “deadliestbeach in the world.”Express visited the nearby Mthumbane

township in an effort to establishwhy the kill-ings were still continuing even though sig-nage was put up to warn people.The Mthumbane community has lost three

of its local boys to shark attacks at SecondBeach.Most of the peoplewho spoke to theExpress

team felt that bathers were just recklesslybreaking the rules of the beach by ignoringthe warning signs.A local DJ, Jimmy Ndamase, said every-

body knows that there are sharks at SecondBeach, but they continue swimming there,thinking nothing would happen to them.“Some come to the beach drunk and get intothe water, knowing that the beach is danger-ous, while others see bathers swimming andthey just follow suit.”Port St JohnsMayor,MnyamezeliMangqo,

confirmed that after previous incidents, themunicipality took the initiative to put warn-ing signs all over Second Beach to make peo-ple aware of the danger.“These signs explain howpeople should be-

have. The sharks are in their natural habitatandwe don’t know everything about their be-haviour. Still, we need to continue creatingawareness of the imminent danger,” saidMangqo.This month, according to him, they will

have a meeting with the department of Eco-nomic andEnvironmentalAffairs and theORTambo District Municipality in the hope ofcoming upwith solutions to prevent shark at-tack fatalities.“We want provisions for a permanent res-

cue team with a boat and we are also goingto appeal to the department of Health to pro-

vide a permanent ambulance for SecondBeach. We want to have a speedy rescue sys-tem in place,” said Mangqo.He confirmed that after the most recent in-

cident, Second Beach was closed and peoplewere not allowed near the water. They hadrecalled the life savers, since they wanted toemploy five full-time life savers as part ofpreparations for the Easter holidays.He called on visitors to Port St Johns to re-

spect and cooperate with the laws and lifesavers.“Port St Johns remains an attractive tour-

ism destination, but as government, we needto ensure that our guests are protected.”He extended his condolences to the family

of the Austrian victim and also again to thefamilies of the other seven victims.


Plans to curb the carnage

Port St Johns Mayor Councillor MnyamezeliMangqo. PHOTO: AYANDA MILLISA MADIKIZELA

A recent shark attack at Second Beach brought the number of shark attack victims at this popularbeach to eight. The municipality has been trying for many years to address the carnage.


Page 2: Isolomzi express 03 04 2014

2 NewsApril 3, 2014Isolomzi Express






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ANGENE enga bhungisana amagosa aba kwantsasana kumzi wabatshatikazi ababini nebebelima intsangu kwindawo yogobityholoebizwangokuba yiZizamele phantsi kwedolo-phu yaseGcuwa, kule veki igqithileyo.

Ngokwe ngxelo abatshatikazi aba bathe ba-banjelwa kumzi wabo besa pholile ngentseniyangoMvulo weveki egqithileyo. Kulandelaukulunywa indlebe kwamapolisa ukubabalime igadi yezityalo ijike yayigadi yentsan-gu ekholeleka ukuba bebeshishina ngayo.Osisithethi samapolisa, uCaptain Jackson

Manatha uthe bobabini abarhanelwa bathebagcinwa kwizisele zamapolisa aseMsobom-vu.“Bathe batyatyekwa isityholo sokulima

intsangu kwigadi yabo, ukanti amapolisa ayeancothula phantse intsangu engumlinganise-lo oyi-200 noxabisa imali eyi-R1500,” kuchazauCaptain Manatha.UManatha uthe abarhanelwa baza kuthi

bavele kwinkundla yamatyala eGcuwakungekudala, bejamelene nesityholo sokulima

intsangu. Kubanjwa esi sibini nje, ibi ngeka-bi kudala amapolisa aseKei Bridge enqakuleavalela abasetyhini aba bini nabo ekur-haneleka ukuba bebe suka kwiilali ez-ingqonge idolophu yaseLusikisiki.Ingxelo zithi esi sibini siye sabanjwa nge-

lixa abakwa ntsasana benze uvalo mgaqophakathi kwedolophu yaseGcuwa kunyenase Kei Bridge.UCaptainManatha uthe bobabini aba bebe

ngabakhweli kwibhasi ethile emiswe nga-mapolisa ngenjongo zokuyisetsha nalaphoathe azithela kwibhegi zigcwele umthunziweenkukhu.“Bobabini bebesuka kwidolophu yase-

Lusikisiki besingise kwidolophu ezohluke-neyo okuyi dolophu yaseBhayi kunyenaseKapa.”Ulebele ngelithi aba sokuze balu

nyamezele ulwaphulo mthetho loku theng-iswa kwezi yobisi kuba yenye yezinto ezibu-lala isizwe. Kwaye zikhokelela ekubeni aban-tu abazityayayo bagqibele ngokuthi benze iz-into ezinyantisa umzimba ezifananodlwengulo. Amapolisa azimisele ukuwusiphula nengcambu lo mkhwa.

Kubanjweabatshatikazi ngenxayentsangu

UConstable Zolani Matyolo noConstable Sikhumbule Hlotywa bafotwe emi phambi kwezihlahlaebezi ncothulwa kwigadi yabatshatikazi. IFOTO:ITHUNYELWE


A MAN from Sdutyini locality in Ngqama-khwe, who was found guilty of murderinga teacher, received two sentences of life im-prisonment in the Tsomo Regional Courtlast week.

Mandisi Lupuwana (22) was found guiltyof raping and murdering Nomabali Mat-shoba (46) at her home.Hewas sentenced to life imprisonment on

both counts.On the day of the incident Mandisi asked

for water to drink from Matshoba who wasalone at her home.According to the Police Spokesperson,

Captain Jackson Manatha, he grabbed andpulled her into one of the rooms where heraped her. He then strangled her to deathand stole a watch, boots and bracelet from

her.Matshoba was a teacher at Magwaza Jun-

ior Secondary School at Gcisininde Villagein Ngqamakhwe.“Through dedicated police investigation

the accusedwas arrested inFreystaat locali-ty in Ngqamakhwe a few days after thecrime was committed.”Captain Manatha said the sentence will

serve as a warning to other criminals thattheywill be punished to the full extent of thelaw.

. In a separate case, Sibulele Magoda (25)was sentenced by the Butterworth RegionalMagistrate Court to 20 years’ imprisonmentfor raping a 21-year-old woman inMagalakangqa Village in Butterworth. Theincident happenedonFreedomDayonApril27, 2012. Sibulele assaulted the victim, stran-gled and raped her.

Life sentence formurderer of Tsomo teacher

Detective Constable Patric Mzamo.PHOTO:SUPPLIED

In accordance with the edi-torial policy of the IsolomziExpress, we invite readers tocomment on mistakes in thenewspaper and shall correctsignificant errors as soon aspossible. Send info to theOmbudsman of Media24’sLocal Press, George Claas-sen, at [email protected] or callhim at 0 021 851 3232.Readers can also contactthe SA Press Ombudsman at0 011 484 3612/8 or e-mail [email protected].


Page 3: Isolomzi express 03 04 2014

3NewsApril 3, 2014

Isolomzi Express


THE Walter Sisulu University has commis-sioned the development of a new Health Sci-ences facility which will be built close to theexisting Nelson Mandela Academic Hospitaland Health Resource Centre.

Last week Monday, the Director Generalfor the Department of Higher Education,Gwebinkundla Qonde, alongside WSU Ad-ministrator, LourensVanStaden, andNelsonMandelaAcademicHospital ChiefExecutive,NomalangaMakwedini, turned the sod at theidentified site.Interim Vice-Chancellor and Principal at

the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. KhayaMfenyana, said the project will improve theWSU’s legacy.“This university is a prestigious institu-

tion with a prominent South African and In-ternational heritage and the new premisesfor Health Sciences aims to promote and up-hold this legacy,” said Mfenyana.He said the success lies in the careful and

considerate planning to create a quality placefor training and education.Qonde said this facility would be one of a

kind in the Eastern Cape, following the clos-ing down of the Fort Hare facility.“Onbehalf of the department,we are aware

of the faculty’s goodworkandwecommit our-selves to creating good conditions for qualitylearning and research,” said Qonde.The facility will cost about R85 million,

with R75m coming from the government andR10m from the clinical fund.Qonde further expressed his discontent

about the maintenance of the university, in

particular that of the Nelson Mandela Drivecampus.“There are subjective factors we need to ad-

dress about WSU. I was not impressed withthe campus’s condition; it is notwell-kept andthe grass is too long for a campus,” he said.

He said he wants to see change in the mainte-nance of the grounds and for the dirtiness tobe addressed.“Next time I come back here, I want to see

value for money and this university has re-ceived funds on numerous occasions so it

should be shown on the university’sgrounds,” urged Qonde.The first phase of the project includes ini-

tial bulk service infrastructure, earthworks,an administration building, a teaching facili-ty for 600 students and a gatehouse.

WSU’sHealthScience facility tobebuilt

From left are Nelson Mandela Academichospital CEO Nomalanga Makwedini, DG forNational Higher Education department Gwe-

binkundla Qonde, Interim Vice-chancellor Prof.Khaya Mfenyana and WSU Administrator

Lourens Van Staden breaking ground where thenew Health Sciences facility will be built, justbelow the existing Nelson Mandela AcademicHospital in Mthatha. PHOTO:AYANDA MILLISA



NANJENGOKO amabandla amaninzi em-vaba ezohlukeneyo elungiselela inkonzoyesikhumbuzo sokubethelelwa kukaYesu,oonyawontle bemvaba ezohlukeneyo bathebadibana kw’Ibandla laseMthini Evangeli-cal Movement (ILEM) eMthatha ngenjongozokuxhobisana kunye nokwabelana ngo-lwazi ngezakwa lizwi. Nabahlali be-bephumengobuninzi baboukuzakulenkon-zo.

Echaza uSiyakudumisa Msindo on-guSekela Mququzeleli wale nkonzo ka-Zwelonke uthe injongo yabo yokuba nalenkonzo kukuba baxhobisane ngamazwiasixhenxe ukulungiselela abo bakhethi-weyo ukuba bashumayele kwinkonzoyamazwi asixhenxe kwiinkonzo zabo.Ibi ngumbono omhle ukubona abaza-

lwane bevathe izivatho zabo zamabandlaawohlukeneyo bonke bezimase le nkonzo.“Phakathi kwabo bebezimase le nkonzo

singabalula ubukho boMfundisi obesukakwiCouncil of Churches eQueenstown. Sele

sineminyaka siyiqalile le nkonzo kuba si-yiqale ngo-2005 sikwisekethe yase-Buntingville Methodist Church ngelo xeshandandikhokhele amadodana,” kubeka u-Msindo.“Kulapho ndaye ndaba nombono khona

ukuba ndicele abazalwane bezinye iimvabasabelane ngolwazi ukuze izimvu zikaThixozinga soloko zibona umalusi omnye kodwakhe kutshintshwane.”Lo kaMsindo ulebele ngelithi baza kuthi

baqhubeke nokubamba le nkonzo ka-zwelonke minyaka yonke.

Kwelinye icala, uMfundisi KanyisaMtshazi we-ILEM uthe iNkonzo ka-

zwelonke ibanceda kakhulu bengamaban-dla kuba ibaxhobisa ngolwazi.“Iyakhulisa futhi ngokwasemoyeni

iphinde kwakhona isincede ekubeni siman-yane luphele nocalu calulo. Kuba injongoyalo kukudibanisa amabandla,” kubekauMfu Mtshazi.Woleke ngelithi, yena kuninzi asele eku-

fundile kule nkonzo kusukela oko yathiyasungulwa ngonyaka ka-2005 ukuza kuthiga kulo nyaka ka-2014.

Ibe yimpumelelo inkonzo kaZwelonke


THE department of Rural development andAgrarian Reforms, Libode sub-district, to-gether withWomen in Agriculture and Ruraldevelopment (WAARD) hosted Farmers’ Dayon poultry production last Wednesday atRainy location.

The eventwas held at the household ofNon-yaniso Kutwana who runs a poultry projectwith more than 600 chickens, from home.Extension Officer, Nombulelo Nako, said

they chose Rainy because of the very success-ful poultry project run by Kutwana.Nako said the department assisted Kutwa-

na through its Siyazondla campaign and thesole member of the project got the necessarytraining from the Tsolo Agricultural and Ru-ral Development Institute (TARDI).“This project is unique, because even

though the assistance from the department isnot consistent, Kutwana was never discour-aged; instead she just grew stronger,” saidNako.Nozakhe Gemkile from TARDI, encour-

aged Kutwana and the rest of the women

farmers who attended the event to stick tofarming so that they could feed their familiesand to be financially stable.“As farmers for different commodities, you

must try to add value to your produce suchas processing fruit into jam to sell to the com-munity,” said Gemkile.She further promoted healthy eating and

gave the women ideas on healthy food thatwas not expensive.“To eat healthily is not expensive at all. Go

to your garden, take out spinach and chop itinto pieces, mix it with yoghurt and you havea healthy snack,” she said.Kutwanawas sohappy that the department

chose her project to host such a big event.“The information and ideas we got from theofficials was very helpful and it will help usgrow our projects.”

Libodehosts Farmers’Day

Farmer Nonyaniso Kutwana with her twochildren who are helping her with her poultryproject. Yolisa and Gcobisa Kutwana picturedwith some of the chickens they are farming.


Page 4: Isolomzi express 03 04 2014

4 NewsApril 3, 2014Isolomzi Express

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THE Amathole District Municipality (ADM)hosted a Community Imbizo in QamnyanaVillage in Ngqushwa Ngqushwa Local Mu-nicipality in conjunctionwithKhulaCommu-nity Development Centre, various stakehold-ers and the Eastern Cape Aids Council.

The aim of the Imbizo was to raise aware-

ness about human rights violations in the ar-ea of HIV/Aids, with particular focus on chil-dren. Among the key issues was to eliminatethe stigmatization of children with familiesaffected and infected by HIV/Aids.Eastern Cape Aids Council Project Manag-

er, Nomonde Hlatshaneni, said throughoutthe years commemorations had mainly beenfocusing on other groups, but not on children.“Due to the fact that children rarely have

a voice, it is our aim to ensure that children’srights are observed primarily in their fami-lies’ households and secondarily by society atlarge,” said Hlatshaneni.This imbizo is part of the campaign of the

National Action Committee for Children af-fected by HIV/Aids (NACCA). Established bythe Department of Social Development, NAC-CA seeks to promote coordination between allstakeholders at all levels, government, non-

governmental, civil society, private sectorand labour to effect action to realize the rightsof orphans and other children made vulnera-ble by HIV and Aids.Their objective is to also mobilise and dis-

burse resources for the implementation of thePolicyFramework for orphans and other chil-dren made vulnerable by HIV/Aids.

[email protected]

ADMandstakeholdershost Imbizo


THE mother of a young boy from Nyanis-weni locality in Cofimvaba who is helpingpeople who are suffering from illnesses bydoing research with his cellphone, is ap-pealing to anyGoodSamaritanwho canas-sist her son with airtime.

While most young people use their cellphones to chatwith friends, SphathiseNta-lo (15) is using his cellphone to change thelives of the sick people by searching for theright doctorswho canhelp themwith theirdiseases.This bright young boy is in Grade 9 at

Cofimvaba Village Junior SecondarySchool. Talking to the Express, Sphathisesaidmost of the time heGoogles for the rel-evant doctorswho can help peoplewho aresuffering from cancer and other diseases.“I am trying by allmeans to assist people

who are sick. One person I assisted wasfrom Xolobe locality in Cofimvaba by re-ferring him to a special doctor in Johan-

nesburg,” he said.He said his teachers are proud of what

he is doing since he doesn’t neglect hisschool work and he has doing well in hisclass. Currently this boy has helped twopeople from Cofimvaba who were affectedby different illnesses.Sphathisewould like to study in the field

of Information Technology (IT) after pass-ing his Grade 12 and he wants to be an ITspecialist.His mom, Nomaxa Ntalo, said she is

proud ofwhat her son is doing but she doesnot have money to buy him airtime sinceshe is unemployed.“He tells me touching stories about the

people he is trying to assist. I have realizedthat this is his gift and I am trying by allmeans to support him.”According to her, some ill people even

go to his school to look for him. At the mo-ment he is trying to assist a man who issuffering from asthma.

[email protected]

Boy needs help to put hiscellphone to good use


THE Eastern Cape Department of Social De-velopment and Special Programmes is look-ing for the relatives of an elderly woman whowas unable to state her exact identity and ad-dress of origin exept that she was born andbrought up in Vosloorus.

She was found on September 03, 2014,stranded at the Queenstown train station andshe reported that she came from Vorsloorusin Gauteng to visit her cousin VatiswaSobopa who lives in Queenstown at Ezibele-ni.The police took her to the address but the

person there said she did not know her. Thepolice referred her to the social workers whoupon assessing her mentioned that her nameis Cikizwa Kambule.“What was strange is that she had no

clothes except for those shewaswearing. Shehas been kept at one of our shelters. Therewas no information regarding her familywhereabouts (husband or children). Her ac-cent is purelyXhosa aswewouldhave expect-ed her to have a Zulu or Sotho accent as a per-son who grew up in Vosloorus.”“Our Social Workers took her to the De-

partment of Home Affairs to trace her identi-ty. A very unfortunate situation is that she

could not be traced at Home affairs.She has a tendency of isolating herself from

other people at the shelter and also like talk-ing to imaginary people that are not seen,”said Nande Fayo a communication officer forthe Department of Social Development andSpecial Programmes at Chris Hani.Theyurge anyonewith information regard-

ing the identity of the woman to contactNande Fayo at 0 074 6075388, 0 045 808 3773or Ms Poswa at 0 071 588 4882.

Elderlywoman’s relatives sought

The Departmentof SocialDevelopmentand SpecialProgrammesneed your helpto find relativesof this elderlywoman.PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Page 5: Isolomzi express 03 04 2014

5NewsApril 3, 2014

Isolomzi Express


AN East London-based cooperative is in direneed of extra funds to proceed with helpingthe youth throughout the province with nec-essary skills needed to work in the transportindustry.

The East London District Taxi AssociationCoop engaged with Transport Seta in 2011 toclose the skills gap by training youths fromthe surrounding areas.Coordinator FernandoRoss said they start-

ed with the motor mechanic trade, when thefirst 15 learners who completed the trainingwere all placed in different workplaces in-cluding Ronnie’s motors, Buffalo Toyota andHyundai.“The level 2 learners are about to finish

their 4-year term and we need funds to makeanother intake possible,” said Ross.He said funding is their main challenge.“We always need to take from our office

funds tomakea success of theseprogrammes.We need assistance from all companies whocan possibly assist, including government,”he said.ELDISTA recently went into agreement

with MAASA to have all their programmesdo their 2nd and 3rd year at their college untiltheybecomeartisans andall programmesarefunded till the last year.“The workplace that has been approved by

Skills developer inneedof funds

Leaners at ELDISTA aretaught skills rangingfrom electrical engineer-ing to motor mechanicsand welding.PHOTO: SUPPLIED


A GROUP of 85 confident, inspiring youngpeople from the Eastern Cape converged onSt Matthew’s School in Keiskammahoek re-cently (27March 2014) to receive either theirBronze or Silver Award of The President’sAward for Youth Empowerment Pro-gramme.

These young people travelled, along withtheir Award Leaders, from Mthatha, Cath-cart, Port Elizabeth, Queenstown, Port Al-fred and Grahamstown.The Award Ceremony was attended by

over 250 people andwas addressed by Pame-la Sanqela, a representative from the IEC’soutreach programme in the Eastern Cape.She encouraged young people present, aspart of their commitment, to active citizen-ship through the Award Programme, to en-sure that theywere ready to vote by the timethey turn 18. “It is critical that you apply foryour ID document as soon as you turn 16, sothat youwill be prepared to register as a vot-er when you are 18,” she said.The theme of the event was: In our 20th

year of democracy, how can Award partici-

pants be involved in realising the NationalDevelopment Plan through active citizen-ship?Award recipients reflected on the impact

of the Award Programme on them as youngpeople. Siyamthanda Mabizela, a Grade 12student from Cathcart High School, said:“The President’s Award is like a mother tous… it has not only encouraged us to consid-er the happiness of our fellow citizens buthas also groomed us into being active citi-zens.” Butsha Ngani, from the same schoolsaid, “We have been encouraged by theAward to take initiative. It is not up to gov-ernment … it is entirely up to us.”The event, which was sponsored by the

IEC, was also attended by Petrus Mudau,Acting Chief Education Specialist in theKing Williamstown District, of the EasternCape Education Department. He wasthrilled that ThePresident’sAwardhad cho-sen that district for this important eventwhich recognises the aspirational youngpeople. “It is wonderful to see a programmethat instils discipline in young people in thisregion. We need more schools to be in-volved,” he said. The President’s Award forYouth Empowerment is part of The Duke of

EC youth prove their worth

Bronze Award recipients from Erica House in PE with Mrs Sanqela (IEC), MrGquma (St Matthews Headmaster), Mr Petrus Mudau (Department of EducationKWT), Mr Martin Scholtz (CEO of The President’s Award) and Mr Brato Malgas(Award Leader at Erica House). PHOTO:SUPPLIED

merSETA is equipped with machinery butmost of it is not in a working condition.Hencewe ask anyone who could donate machineryfor whatever trade to offer their assistance.We further call on companies and on the gov-

ernment to assist and help us to place theselearners,” explained Ross.They are currently running workshops at

Alphendale Technical high school on motormechanics and welding, while the electrical

engineering group is doing their first year atMaster Artisan Academy at Chiselhurst.Anyone who would like to offer assistance

can call 0 043 733 2655 or Ross on 0 082 4900034.

Edinburgh’s International Award which op-erates in over 140 countries around theworld.There are currently over 15,000 active partici-pants nationally with more young people inthe more rural parts of South Africa takingpart.The following Awards were presented:Bosasa Mthatha 9 BronzeCathcart High School 13 Bronze 1 SilverErica House, PE 4 Bronze

Gali Thembani, Queenstown 10 Bronze3 SilverKwakomani, Queenstown 5 BronzeNemato Change a Life, PA 7 BronzeSt Andrews College, Grahams. 6 BronzeRaphael Centre, Grahams. 1 BronzeUpstart Youth Group, Grahams. 16

BronzeSt Mary’s Day Care Centre, Gra. 8

Bronze 1 Silver

Page 6: Isolomzi express 03 04 2014

6 EntertainmentApril 3, 2014Isolomzi Express

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Any objections to the issuing of a licence in respect of this ap-plication, which

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SIYE sithi xa sithetha izinto ezi-seriouskubengathi siyanqala ebantwini or sithethaizinto zemiqala yethu siyi-gossip team, kantisiringa iwaarheid and ezi zinto zenzekayophambi kwabo. Kwasanina futhi niphinde ni-mana ukuzibuza ukuba wawunyanisile kantiumgosi? Seyisenzeka njalo into ow-awuyithethile. Kudala sinixelela nina basety-hini ukuba khanime ngokuzigcingca ngobhe-lu lomsele kuba lunilahlisa i-side, umntu an-gasazibona kwaba se-wrong, kwaba ke sikhesibabone. Sathi ke xa sihlala sikhuza oko,kwangathi simonela oosisi etywaleni. Bukangoku sibona omnye e-York Road eUTA, uzi-chamele umanzi TOXO, uhamba phambikwezihlwele zabantu, kwema idolophu ngxibecause wonke umntu ebesethe ntsho kwelinyala alibonayo. Akaphelelelanga apho was-uka walala flat endleleni ngomqolo in frontof the oncoming cars. Mind ke iYork Roadukuba ibusy kangakanani. Kwenze njani sis-ter, because siqale sacinga ukuba uqalwakukugula (uyaqhawukelwa), kanti hayingumphanda. Bhassop, kudala sinixelelaukuba hlukanani notywala, buka ngoku ihla-zo elingaka elihlaza kwayi-Mamaland leyo,kuba nendlela ebenxibe ngayo ibisele in-

gonwabisi. Shame, kazi kuyiwaphi neli jikilithathelwe phezulu kangaka. Masike sithulesibukele as long thina sisenento yokubhalabecause yiyo into esa i-plate etafileni kuma-khaya ethu.

Rotten potato must be rooted out at WSUAs you know we are not politicians and we

will never be, but what is important for us isto convey goodnews to the people, so that theycan know what is happening around them.Even if they can be bitter or touch someone’sconscience akudokwe ligayelwe thina elo, ourwork is to inform people on the Express land.And to us, spade is a spade not a garden tool.This taboo of Walter Sisulu University (WSU)needs strong measures to be taken or all theold students there should be taken out be-cause it seems as if the future of our childrenwill be bleak because of them. Wawukewayivaphi institution yearly is on strike.Take note of this, new comers will never goon strike but strikers are those who spentyears in that university without succeedingin their studies. You know what, once some-one spends many years in one place he/sheends up taking that particular place or insti-

tution as his/her own home. I remember thetime uGesh reached the high school. Therewere chaps there who were there for almostnine years whereas in high school you justneed three years. They were the ones who de-manded R1 and sent you to the shop to buywith a 5c and don’t forget in that 5c you needto come back with change. Those were the sil-ly deeds by the old students in school. Sostrong measures in WSU, must be implement-ed or those who are talking about academicexclusion of which they have eight years inthe university should be expelled or else wewill see strikes each and every year. “This isa honest veracity, gossip.” Bakhona abat-shoyo ngelixa abanye besinukunezangokuthetha inyani. Bayakusixolela kuba kethina into asiyigwegwelezi koko siyiqondangqo. Blade mfana kaNdzimande open youreyes we are giving you a tip-off or else uyaku-qaphela sekophulwe.

The problem with men they don’t want toreveal their sexual problems

Dear readers, recently we heard about theLimpopo man who came forward and divulgethe problem of his sleeping 4-5 since his birth.

Fortunately the guy was helped by pastorthrough prayers but after that we heard abouta number of men who were queuing to see thispastor. Ja, we know the men don’t like toshare these kinds of problems until one ofthem come clean and get helped. Even on thisExpress land there are many men who arefaced with this problem but they don’t spillthe beans instead they accuse their partnersof cheating or trap set (ukucupha) by theirmakhwaphenis (secret boyfriends). If you dohave a problem or you flopped accept it ung-abe ukhomba ebantwini. Like recently therewas a guy who is close to us who told us thathis first girlfriend had failed him in bed butthina we heard that he was a flop even in thepresent relationship. Kona ke shame bothiniukunga-floppy ebantwnini babobesolokobaz-ingxala ngotywala ntsuku zonke, soze wazinokuba it is your 4-5 or alcohol seized yourpower? And aba babafana abasayazi nale ntoekwakuthiwa zimbiza or ukuchatha if notukuspader. Ningeza ke na la kumgosi siyak-wazi ukuwanceda amadoda ngokuthi siwax-elela inyaniso then you will go home and testby practising what we’ve told you. And surelyyou will never fail.

Sasinixeleleukuba lidala ijiki emntwini



BASS Entertainment hosted a dance com-petition at Jerico Community Hall (Zikhu-ba Village) in Bizana on March 21 aimed atgiving young people something new to doand use their talents constructively whilestaying active.

Mahlubandile Thole (26) and YonwabaSomi (25), who started Bass Entertainmentcompany, said the competition was aimedat getting the young people of Bizana totake pride in showing everybody their abil-ities.

A total of 10 groups entered the dance cat-egory for boys between the ages of 10 and17. The group Ben 10 won the first prize ofa two-nights’ stay at the Wild Coast CasinoB&B and R1 500. In second place were thePantsula Kings which won tickets to a buf-fet dinner at Wild Coast Sun plus prizemoney of R1 000. The group 2 Options werethird, winning free tickets to the WaterPark at Wild Coast Sun and R500 prize mon-ey.

The competition was sponsored by theWild Coast Sun Casino and the BizanaTrust which shares the vision of showcas-ing the talents of the young people of this

small town.Thole said they were very pleased with

how the day turned out as motivationalspeakers were also present on the day toteach the youth about the importance ofHuman Rights Day.

Anga Ndimakude from Bhiniza localitysaid he enjoyed watching the competitionashehadnever seenanything like it before.“I think after the dance competition I alsohave an interest in dancing.”

One of the judges, Revanea Coetzee, saidthe standard was very high and with everygroup having its own uniqueness it was dif-ficult for them to choose the winner.

Dancers sizzle in Bizana competition


ALWAYS wondered what itwould be like to work in a news-room? Or, are you a school pupilwanting to find out if journalismcould be the career for you?

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Wearelookingforvolunteercit-izen journalists to tell us aboutevents happening in your area.Wealsowant toknowabout the is-

sues facing your community. Anddon’t forget about the good newsstories – we are always interestedin those.

You may have a story to share;you may want to write reviews forour website or offer traffic reportson your way to work. You could beakeengardenerwith lots of top tipsto offer or simply have a fascinat-ing, local story to tell. As long as itis local, we are interested!

This is how itwill work:

All the storiesor events mustbe submittedthrough ourwebsite, atwww.iso-ex-press.co.za.

On the homepage you will seea section on theright “Become aCitizen Journal-ist”.

You will needto login/register,but this is now

also a quicker and easier process,because you can log in with yourFacebook account, if you have one.Then, simply upload your story,photo or event and click on submit.And you’re done . . . it’s that easy.

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8 SportApril 3, 2014Isolomzi Express

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DUTYWA District Athletes, who representedthe province at a national event in Cape Townrecently, did the region proud.

“Before we went to Cape Town we hosteda prayer meeting in Dutywa appealing to Godto be with us and our pupils on this journey.

It’s because we invited God on our journeythat we perfomed very well,” said SingathwaMagida, secretary for athletics inDutywa dis-trict.She said there were 16 under-13 pupils from

various schools in the Dutywa district whoparticipated.They were from Lingelihle Junior Second-

ary School (JSS), Morrison JSS, Ngubethole

Dutywaathletes excel at nationals

Ludondolo JSS cricketers show their mettle

The young cricketers of Ludondolo Junior Secondary School (JSS) are dedicated to their sport and determined to make waves in the Dutywaregion. PHOTO:BABALWA NDLANYA


EXTREMELY hot conditions did not stopteams playing in the SAB League from show-ing their mettle in the second round of thecompetition.

After Week 2 Dangerous Darkies FC was atthe top of the log in Stream A with 22 pointsafter playing eight games. Komga LiverpoolFC is second with 20 points after playing ninegames and Chicco Pirates FC third with 15

points after playing seven games.In Stream B, after playing six games, Fort

Hare University FC is still leading with 16points. Max X1 FC is second after playing sixgames with 12 points and Blackpool FC is inthe third place with 11 points.In Stream C, Young Aces FC tops the log

with 16 points after playing nine games, FCNantez is in second with 16 points after play-ing nine games, and Excell Boys is in thirdplace, with 14 points, after playing ninegames.FC Montego is still leading Stream D with

23 points after playing nine games. AcematesFC is second with 13 points after nine games,and FCRelatives is third, with 13 points, afterplaying nine games.Teams are playing for participation of the

Provincial Play Offs that will be held in June.

[email protected]

SABLeagueexcitementmountsafter second round

JSS, Hermanus JSS, Thompson JSS and fromNgonyama JSS.They returned home boasting with four

gold medals, three silver medals and twobronze.Magida said they would like to see these

boys being members and participating forathletic clubs one day so that they could keeptheir talent shining.

“We have a problem with demarcation aswe do not knowwhere we belong. In addition,it is hard to get funds so thatwe can take themto Athletics Transkei because we do not havemoney.”She said their intention was to see the

young boys becoming champions one day be-cause there is a lot of talent in the Dutywa dis-trict.

In Stream C, Young AcesFC tops the logwith 16points after playing ninegames